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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by Farfromgeneva »

dislaxxic wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 11:52 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 10:34 am
dislaxxic wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 10:00 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:44 am That's part of why Jon Stewart got stale and Noah has just run the same path like David Shaw having taken over for Harbaugh and losing all momentum. It's not funny and it's easy to kick wretched mules but doesn't shine a positive light on anyone or add any value to the dialogue.
...except that these people are wholly driving the political life of the country at this point, or at least one of its two major political parties. These "wretched mules" are the primary voters McConnell and McCarthy and the rest of the current GOP establishment have 1) been cultivating for so long and, 2) the ones they are now so terrorized by - that they take positions like they do today.

They have, in effect, FORCED us all to 'add them to the dialogue' because of the way the establishment GOP has brought us to this point, right??

Not sure that's true. You do have to give them a microphone, how's Parler doing?

And not to make it relativistic, but there's a cohort in the D party that would behave the same way, it's just the middle of the Ds doing a better job holding on (for now).

It's like when I get sucked into responding here. Sometime ignoring, and I don't mean the function, but just letting some clownshoe have the last word, is the most effective way to get them to disappear. Think tennis, especially against a power serve/player, often it's better to let them run themselves out of the game with unforced errors.
Curious what part (or all??) of "that" you aren't sure is true...?

Some would perhaps feel that this uncertainty would lead to the belief that Trumpism is where the GOP wants to be today...because...why? "Wanting" to be led by the things the Trump Base believes thus becomes legitimized somehow, no? Maybe to help keep them in power? But don't let me put words in your mouth FFG...maybe, could it be perhaps that you don't feel like the GOP establishment, by itself, has "brought us to this point" by themselves? Discontent with the status quo and the idea of "being forgotten" are not conditions CREATED by the establishment GOP, but can we agree that they have, for some time now, sought to exploit the idea that they ostensibly care about these things and thus cultivate the Trump Base for pure electoral purposes? What, exactly, have they done to alleviate said conditions??

I've been pretty clear I'm in the camp of a MD or George Will with a broader understanding of self interest individually with collective checks and balances and appropriate safety nets as the best path which is the alternate view to what I see as a more parochial top down view of the left but that it's simply a debate about lines and levels not bianry either or which is a collective political problem that I don't see a solution too - certainly not parliametary as...Boris Johnson, and let's not ignore global populist ruling dictatorial instinctive folks being handed the reigns like Bolsinaro so it's far from "one side is right and the other is wrong" philosophically. Consequently I don't let the individual citizens off the hook like the republican, or democratic, politicians are their mommies and daddies. And the politicians can't get elected and behave this way if there isn't a meaningful cohort that allows themselves to be governed this way. I view the way you framed the question, combined with what I see your general philosophy, as implying that it's the politicians that "made" the people behave this way, which I disagree with but would understand if its consistent with your view of citizen/politician relationship. This is meant in a "positive" observation, not "normative" and value judging on your position, I don't view you as good or bad, don't know enough about you even if you represented that your existence here mirrors your real world person to think otherwise. I reserve those views for others.

(though Will flat out left the party with Trump's election, but he's at an age where quitting is an acceptable option, I'm not at that point in my life).

Exploiting and being stuck is the same, IMO, as unintended consequences. By this measure every failed policy of the left is their fault as well no? So sure, the party IN GENERAL has let this happen and I'm disappointed by those that walked away even though I understand. I think the middle is close to walking away from all of this and it's on ongoing condition that dates back to at least the financial crisis, if not the Bush election/internet bubble explosion that was as much the fault of corporate Rubin/Corzine/Clinton dynasty people as the Newts.

This all is why I object to saying people are "Forced" to provide a platform and respond to this. I think some people enjoy it and some are inherently fighters, to the benefit and detriment of their causes at various points in time. So I do think the people are ultimately responsible for the politicians we have and their issues are the root cause and yes the GOP in general or a majority today has fed and exploited that, but I don't think that's a condition precedent historically to being a republican as some like to paint a brush upon us all which is as bad, IMO, as the idiocy of the MAGA "new" GOP in advancing the betterment of the country as a whole. I.e. democrats should embrace folks like myself and MD rather than sh*t on them if they were behaving like responsible adults themselves. Unless....they are susceptible to the same behavior you are accusing the GOP politicians off as a collective unit.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by RedFromMI »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 12:12 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 11:43 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 10:35 am
RedFromMI wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 10:15 am
dislaxxic wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 10:00 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:44 am That's part of why Jon Stewart got stale and Noah has just run the same path like David Shaw having taken over for Harbaugh and losing all momentum. It's not funny and it's easy to kick wretched mules but doesn't shine a positive light on anyone or add any value to the dialogue.
...except that these people are wholly driving the political life of the country at this point, or at least one of its two major political parties. These "wretched mules" are the primary voters McConnell and McCarthy and the rest of the current GOP establishment have 1) been cultivating for so long and, 2) the ones they are now so terrorized by - that they take positions like they do today.

They have, in effect, FORCED us all to 'add them to the dialogue' because of the way the establishment GOP has brought us to this point, right??

Essentially, by listening to the many lies of the RW media, the R voting bloc is believing enough nonsense that the tail is effectively now wagging the dog. An R politician is forced to at least downplay any disagreement with junk beliefs like Q, etc., to avoid losing their positions.
Did you steal that form Sunday's The Circus episode? :) (emoji used to make clear I'm having fun with this rhetorical-esque question - see appropriate use by some by not by many)
No - that is a program I don't generally watch, as I am busy with other things. But that it might appear elsewhere does not surprise me...
Basically described it as a closed feedback loop where the pols feed the constituents the lies who then demand action from their pols who throw their hands up and say "my people want it so I have to do it".

BTW, you are familiar with DVR and Roku right??? Sleep is optional, or so I've been led to believe, the last 25yrs.
I am familiar - but I see enough politics during the day on my Twitter feed to get my fill. I am at an age now where sleep is an essential luxury...not optional for me!
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by Farfromgeneva »

RedFromMI wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 1:19 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 12:12 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 11:43 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 10:35 am
RedFromMI wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 10:15 am
dislaxxic wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 10:00 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:44 am That's part of why Jon Stewart got stale and Noah has just run the same path like David Shaw having taken over for Harbaugh and losing all momentum. It's not funny and it's easy to kick wretched mules but doesn't shine a positive light on anyone or add any value to the dialogue.
...except that these people are wholly driving the political life of the country at this point, or at least one of its two major political parties. These "wretched mules" are the primary voters McConnell and McCarthy and the rest of the current GOP establishment have 1) been cultivating for so long and, 2) the ones they are now so terrorized by - that they take positions like they do today.

They have, in effect, FORCED us all to 'add them to the dialogue' because of the way the establishment GOP has brought us to this point, right??

Essentially, by listening to the many lies of the RW media, the R voting bloc is believing enough nonsense that the tail is effectively now wagging the dog. An R politician is forced to at least downplay any disagreement with junk beliefs like Q, etc., to avoid losing their positions.
Did you steal that form Sunday's The Circus episode? :) (emoji used to make clear I'm having fun with this rhetorical-esque question - see appropriate use by some by not by many)
No - that is a program I don't generally watch, as I am busy with other things. But that it might appear elsewhere does not surprise me...
Basically described it as a closed feedback loop where the pols feed the constituents the lies who then demand action from their pols who throw their hands up and say "my people want it so I have to do it".

BTW, you are familiar with DVR and Roku right??? Sleep is optional, or so I've been led to believe, the last 25yrs.
I am familiar - but I see enough politics during the day on my Twitter feed to get my fill. I am at an age now where sleep is an essential luxury...not optional for me!
I’ve only been on Twitter a couple of times don’t even have an account. I hear sliding into DMs is a thing.

I like John heliemann and Mark McKinnon, can do without Jennifer Palmieri, assume she was added bc she’s friends w JH and can’t get a job after blowing the 2016 election to a fat bag of garbage.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by runrussellrun »

youthathletics wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 4:07 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 3:34 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 2:28 pm So a cabinet secretary that is "absent" for long stretches because of his job is not the same as the caricature of the "absent black father"...that's what you object to in the post...ok, i see...

...nothing about what Tucker said or what his overall "message" is on this topic strikes you as off a bit, huh? :lol:

Sexual assault under a transgender pretext is not the same as sexual assault against a female by a male. The transgender is worse.
Trollers gonna troll. Speaks volumes that you can not see the difference with sending young boys into a young girls bathrooms, then thinking its okay to send that same person back to a different school to try and make the problem go away. You should run for LCPS school board...probably get elected. :lol:
or....tld can join the "priesthood".....with the eventual "reward" of sleeping behind the walls of the Vatican. Them Katholicks were reel good at shuffling bodies for fresh parishorners..........stay awesome unprincipled.
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by runrussellrun »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 9:19 am

RRR, if you actually have some info that refutes my "declaratory statements" go ahead and provide it.
But you don't. Don't have what? info? Umm.....ok, just more proof that you can't help yourself with making declaratory statements. I can provide plenty of info......


Yes, my understanding is that Mass, like MD, uses gerrymandering to create safe seats for Dems and to squeeze R's to fewer seats than they might have otherwise won...but nationally this is far more used to benefit R's...they know it, and thus don't want to ban gerrymandering nationally.

Hillaryous JUST provided "info" saying gerrymandering benefits DEMS in two states........but can't provide WHICH state benefits R's . amazing
But worse than the simple un-democratic aspects, which are indeed important, gerrymandering greatly exacerbates the influence of the most extreme elements in each party in our duopoly political system. If a Rep needn't be concerned with a challenge from the other side of aisle, they only need to be concerned by a challenge from their flank, they have to move that direction and away from the middle, away from moderation and cooperation.

We should all want to get rid of gerrymandering.
But one party disproportionately benefits at present.
You see, how it works in the real world, is you have to provide some evidence/information PROVING that what you just declared, is accurate. Clearly, with YOUR own examples of DEMS benefitting....... :lol: :lol:

What LAW sayz we have to have TWO parties.........? We all know that the R's and D's didn't exist for , what, 4 score and 4 years in fact before the R's were a thing? geez.

Nothing wrong with adding more members of Congress, and districts. based on PEOPLE instead of politics.

You just want someone to blame.....makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Non responsive...back to ignore.
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by runrussellrun »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 8:54 am Non responsive...back to ignore.
Feel good, logging in to write this ?

Like got nothing, but statements
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

runrussellrun wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 9:01 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 8:54 am Non responsive...back to ignore.
Feel good, logging in to write this ?

Like got nothing, but statements
Feel good always being on attack?
But not actually responsive, straight up?
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by seacoaster »

The Former Guy announced last night the upcoming rollout of a social media platform called "TRUTH." Like Pravda.
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by youthathletics »

seacoaster wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:10 am The Former Guy announced last night the upcoming rollout of a social media platform called "TRUTH." Like Pravda.
Posted it on facegram instabook thread.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by seacoaster »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 1:13 pm
seacoaster wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:10 am The Former Guy announced last night the upcoming rollout of a social media platform called "TRUTH." Like Pravda.
Posted it on facegram instabook thread.
Thank god; we need to get the word out because "conservatives" (cultists, and alternative fact-manufacturers ("AFMs")) need to know there is a safe place for them to complain about, you know, being a white minority and stuff!!!
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by youthathletics »

seacoaster wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:57 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 1:13 pm
seacoaster wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:10 am The Former Guy announced last night the upcoming rollout of a social media platform called "TRUTH." Like Pravda.
Posted it on facegram instabook thread.
Thank god; we need to get the word out because "conservatives" (cultists, and alternative fact-manufacturers ("AFMs")) need to know there is a safe place for them to complain about, you know, being a white minority and stuff!!!
You mean you missed out on all the cash flow.... ... -deal.html
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 3:34 pm
seacoaster wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:57 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 1:13 pm
seacoaster wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:10 am The Former Guy announced last night the upcoming rollout of a social media platform called "TRUTH." Like Pravda.
Posted it on facegram instabook thread.
Thank god; we need to get the word out because "conservatives" (cultists, and alternative fact-manufacturers ("AFMs")) need to know there is a safe place for them to complain about, you know, being a white minority and stuff!!!
You mean you missed out on all the cash flow.... ... -deal.html
whole bunch of grifting going on with this one.

I earlier asked for the over and under on how long before they run afoul of the SEC and/or are sued for fraud?

Are we talking weeks, months, years...?
I'm in the two year zone, but only because it typically takes that long before action gets taken to shut down a con game.

And this one feels like it has some legs before they blow it up.

Watch the institutional investors take to the exit....that could happen sooner. Cash their chips.
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 4:14 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 3:34 pm
seacoaster wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:57 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 1:13 pm
seacoaster wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:10 am The Former Guy announced last night the upcoming rollout of a social media platform called "TRUTH." Like Pravda.
Posted it on facegram instabook thread.
Thank god; we need to get the word out because "conservatives" (cultists, and alternative fact-manufacturers ("AFMs")) need to know there is a safe place for them to complain about, you know, being a white minority and stuff!!!
You mean you missed out on all the cash flow.... ... -deal.html
whole bunch of grifting going on with this one.

I earlier asked for the over and under on how long before they run afoul of the SEC and/or are sued for fraud?

Are we talking weeks, months, years...?
I'm in the two year zone, but only because it typically takes that long before action gets taken to shut down a con game.

And this one feels like it has some legs before they blow it up.

Watch the institutional investors take to the exit....that could happen sooner. Cash their chips.
Same promoter, Patrick Orlando, as this SPAC. And the underwriter, I sh*t you not, EF Hutton (whom I thought disappeared 30yrs ago) ... WFU2OUJqRA..

This is an initial public offering of our securities. Each unit has an offering price of $10.00 and consists of one share of our Class A common stock and one-half of one redeemable warrant as described in more detail in this prospectus. Only whole warrants are exercisable. Each whole warrant entitles the holder thereof to purchase one share of our Class A common stock at a price of $11.50 per share, subject to adjustment as described herein. No fractional warrants will be issued upon separation of the units and only whole warrants will trade. The underwriters have a 45-day option from the date of this prospectus to purchase up to an additional 4,500,000 units to cover over-allotments, if any.

Eleven qualified institutional buyers or institutional accredited investors, namely (i) accounts or funds managed by Radcliffe Capital Management, L.P., (ii) Meteora Capital Partners, LP (an affiliate of Glazer Capital LLC), (iii) Castle Creek Strategies (and sub-funds associated with Castle Creek), (iv) The K2 Principal Fund L.P., (v) Context Partners Master Fund LP, (vi) Boothbay Absolute Return Strategies, LP (or its affiliate Boothbay Diversified Alpha Master Fund LP, commonly controlled by Boothbay Fund Management LLC), (vii) investment funds and accounts managed by Shaolin Capital Management, LLC, (viii) Hudson Bay Master Fund Ltd. and/or its affiliates, (ix) Saba Capital Master Fund, Ltd., Saba Capital Master Fund II, Ltd., Saba Capital Master Fund III, LP and Saba Capital SPAC Opportunities, Ltd., (x) D. E. Shaw Valence Portfolios, L.L.C. and (xi) Yakira Capital Management, Inc. (none of which are affiliated with any member of our management, our sponsor or any other anchor investor), which we refer to as the “anchor investors”, have entered into investment agreements with our sponsor and us pursuant to which they each expressed an interest to purchase up to 8.3% of the units sold in this offering (excluding any units sold upon exercise of the underwriters’ over-allotment option), or 2,490,000 units (which would aggregate to 91.3% of the units subject to this offering if all such indications of interest become confirmed orders in full following effectiveness of the registration statement of which this prospectus forms a part
). We do not expect that all of the anchor investors will be allocated the full 8.3% of the units to be sold, and such allocations will be determined by the underwriters, subject to satisfying Nasdaq initial listing requirements, including the minimum number of round lot holders. There can be no assurance that the anchor investors will acquire any units in this offering, or as to the amount of such units the anchor investors will retain, if any, prior to or upon the consummation of our initial business combination. In addition, none of the anchor investors has any obligation to vote any of their public shares in favor of our initial business combination. Subject to each anchor investor purchasing 100% of the units allocated to it, in connection with the closing of this offering, our sponsor will sell 150,000 founder shares to each anchor investor, or an aggregate of 1,650,000 founder shares to all 11 anchor investors, at a purchase price of approximately $0.0029 per share. For a discussion of certain additional arrangements with our anchor investors, see “Summary — The Offering — Expressions of Interest.”

We will provide our public stockholders with the opportunity to redeem all or a portion of their shares of our Class A common stock upon the completion of our initial business combination, subject to the limitations described herein. If we are unable to complete our initial business combination within 12 months from the closing of this offering (or up to 18 months, if we extend the time to complete a business combination as described in this prospectus), we will redeem 100% of the public shares for cash, subject to applicable law and certain conditions as further described herein.

Our sponsor, ARC Global Investments II LLC, has agreed to purchase an aggregate of 1,174,109 placement units (or 1,320,359 placement units if the underwriter’s over-allotment option is exercised in full) at a price of $10.00 per unit, for an aggregate purchase price of $11,741,090 ($13,203,590 if the over-allotment option is exercised in full). Each placement unit will be identical to the units sold in this offering, except as described in this prospectus. The placement units will be sold in a private placement that will close simultaneously with the closing of this offering.

Our initial stockholders own an aggregate of 8,625,000 shares of our Class B common stock (up to 1,125,000 shares of which are subject to forfeiture depending on the extent to which the underwriters’ over-allotment option is exercised), which will automatically convert into shares of Class A common stock at the time of the consummation of our initial business combination, on a one-for-one basis, subject to adjustment as described herein.

Currently, there is no public market for our units, Class A common stock or warrants. We have applied to list our units on The Nasdaq Global Market, or Nasdaq, under the symbol "DWACU". We expect the Class A common stock and warrants comprising the units will begin separate trading on the 90th business day following the date of this prospectus unless EF Hutton, division of Benchmark Investments, LLC (the “representative”) informs us of its decision to allow earlier separate trading, subject to our satisfaction of certain conditions. Once the securities comprising the units begin separate trading, we expect that the Class A common stock and warrants will be listed on Nasdaq under the symbols "DWAC" and “DWACW,” respectively.

Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Celebration

Benessere Capital Acquisition (NYSE:BENE) raised $100M targeting middle market technology businesses in the Americas. The team managed to raise a half of a warrant per unit, and fairly sponsor-favorable terms given the context. Typically, Latin American (and broader foreign) SPACs raise on much more investor-favorable terms, including rights and other provisions to ensure that the IPO process goes through. Latin America has become a hot SPAC niche due to the cheap valuations and lack of venture capital funding in the area.

The company is led by CEO and Chairman Patrick Orlando, who is currently the CEO of Benessere Capital. Patrick Orlando is also involved with the Chinese SPAC based in Wuhan, China that went public in February of 2020 – SPAC Yunhong International (ZGYH). Given the weak performance in this SPAC, and that half the deadline has already elapsed, he may opt to place his best deal in Yuhhong rather than Benessere.

To make the window tighter, Benessere only has half of the typical deadline to get a deal done – a mere 12 months. Orlando (the CEO) may either do a deal very quickly, or he may face a time crunch near February 2022.

CFO Francisco Flores, leads Trebol Capital, Industrias Tecnologicas de Aguascalientes, and Younicorn Apps, and is also a General Partner at Klee Real Estate. These two figures are the only management members worth mentioning, so we will do a deep dive onto them and the companies that they are involved with.


Upon closer inspection into Benessere Capital (Orlando’s firm) based out of Miami, the fund seems very small on the surface. According to ZoomInfo, they only had $2M in revenues in 2021 – which may have been just tied to their SPAC raises. However, the domain name has been registered for over 6 years now, so perhaps Orlando was involved with small-time deals and consulting.

In a nutshell, Benessere was made to leverage Orlando’s investment banking and advisory network and experience. Their focus is real asset sectors including mining, oil & gas, real estate, and infrastructure. This may be important to put in context with the SPAC – which was aimed at a technology business in the Americas. Based on our findings, Benessere has limited experience or deal flow in technology assets.

Upon closer inspection of Trebol Capital, the firm behind the CFO Francisco Flores – we could not find much information at all. We did manage to find a squarespace website without a registered domain – and gathered some information we compiled. The portfolio does seem compelling, though.

Trebol Capital is a private equity (PE) fund for startups projects in early stages with an innovative model based on information technology (IT). They are based in Mexico, but only have done VERY small micro VC deals. Their most recent deal on Crunchbase was only a 300k round with Qapla Gaming.

Their portfolio does look very interesting – and would jive very well with the current SPAC environment. The Micro VC fund has done some interesting deals across Mexico and Latin America – but none to the tone of over $100M. It may be tricky for the team to find something of this size in the technology space in Latin America.



Most of the information about Patrick was derived from his LinkedIn, given that this is a relatively small SPAC. Orlando has most of his experience tied to finance and emerging markets, working various jobs at firms like JP Morgan and Deustche Bank. That being said, none of his previous jobs lined up with the caliber we have typically seen SPAC management teams bring to the table. That being said, it was nice to see his involvement in emerging markets – given that he will likely think about acquiring a Latin American emerging technology business.


At Benessere, Bradford Going leads the originating and funding activities. The firm is evidently quite small, as these are the only two team members listed on the website. He has significant experience in structured credit derivatives, but none otherwise. You can see his LinkedIn page here.


All in all, Francisco does have a fairly impressive background at Trebol Capital. He is involved with several firms, and has the backing and funding of several national institutions in Mexico. We found it fairly surprising that he was not the CEO of the SPAC given his background in the Latin American emerging tech industries. That being said, the fund seems tiny, and like we mentioned earlier, the deal size is much smaller than would be necessary for a $100M raise for BENE SPAC.


Based on our observations, the bulk of Benessere Capital’s background seems in credit derivatives – nothing to do with tech in Latin America. There is some concern that the team may be stock promoters, given that they managed to raise $100M with a half-warrant with only a small, two-person sponsor. However, there were some promising signs at Trebol Capital and with the CEO’s involvement with Latin American institutions throughout his career. Trebol had some interesting tech deals and a pipeline to connect with the local governments and startups in Mexico. Whether this may be up to $100M, we are not sure. However, if they do get a deal done it may be at a very attractive valuation given the lack of competition in the Mexican VC / PE industry compared to the United States.


All in all, we were surprised that the main sponsor Benessere Capital managed to raise $100M at half of a warrant. We think that it may be difficult for them to get a deal done in 12 months. This is further exacerbated by the CEO’s involvement with Yunhong SPAC. We could find no connections or affiliations of the CEO with Chinese companies or the Chinese PE / VC sectors. That being said, Trebol Capital has a history micro-investments in the right industries to create value in the long term.

Further, the time is closing in on Yunhong so the team may prioritize a deal there first. SPAC sponsors typically will do a deal in the SPAC with the least amount of time remaining to avoid running out of time. Investors should weigh the risks and rewards with purchasing BENE SPAC carefully. The team’s expertise seems to be more of raising capital then anything to do with operating experience or private equity history. We think that they may be stock promoters, which may be intriguing for SPAC speculators but not so much for investors. Our main findings lead us to the Latin proverb – caveat emptor.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Yeah, they had scandals and went under, then were 'revived' then went under...this was merely the very recent purchase of the name in order to "re-brand" Kingswood Holdings... ... 1623917203

caveat emptor indeed.
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by seacoaster »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 3:34 pm
seacoaster wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:57 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 1:13 pm
seacoaster wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:10 am The Former Guy announced last night the upcoming rollout of a social media platform called "TRUTH." Like Pravda.
Posted it on facegram instabook thread.
Thank god; we need to get the word out because "conservatives" (cultists, and alternative fact-manufacturers ("AFMs")) need to know there is a safe place for them to complain about, you know, being a white minority and stuff!!!
You mean you missed out on all the cash flow.... ... -deal.html
Funny. That’s not cash flow.
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 6:07 pm

Yeah, they had scandals and went under, then were 'revived' then went under...this was merely the very recent purchase of the name in order to "re-brand" Kingswood Holdings... ... 1623917203

caveat emptor indeed.
I always like to check finra on these small shops
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 6:56 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 6:07 pm

Yeah, they had scandals and went under, then were 'revived' then went under...this was merely the very recent purchase of the name in order to "re-brand" Kingswood Holdings... ... 1623917203

caveat emptor indeed.
I always like to check finra on these small shops
CEO has been at 12 firms in 26 years, I'm not familiar with any of them...I guess except forJosepthal very briefly back in 1996...longest stint was at Newbridge which had 29 regulatory events and 4 arbitrations...ouch?
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by seacoaster »

Cancel culture, anyone? The GOP is stuck in a cult of personality. ... arthy.html

"A prominent Washington lobbyist close to Kevin McCarthy, the House minority leader, is warning Republican political consultants that they must choose between working for Representative Liz Cheney or Mr. McCarthy, an ultimatum that marks the full rupture between the two House Republicans.

Jeff Miller, the lobbyist and a confidant of Mr. McCarthy’s dating to their youthful days in California politics, has conveyed this us-or-her message to Republican strategists in recent weeks, prompting one fund-raising firm to disassociate itself from Ms. Cheney, a Republican from Wyoming.

In response, The Morning Group, a fund-raising firm she hired to help prepare for a primary next year against a challenger endorsed by former President Donald J. Trump, informed her last month they could no longer work on her campaign, according to Republicans familiar with the matter.

Mr. Miller’s warnings illustrate the disintegration of the relationship between the two lawmakers, who began this year serving together in the House Republican leadership. They also underline Mr. McCarthy’s willingness to wield his leadership position to undercut Ms. Cheney’s re-election and head off an impediment to his claiming the speakership, should Republicans win a House majority next year. Were Ms. Cheney to return to Congress, she would loom as a potential instigator of any effort to block Mr. McCarthy from leading their party in the House.

After initially defending Ms. Cheney to House Republicans angry at her for voting to impeach Mr. Trump earlier this year, Mr. McCarthy abandoned her after she continued to speak out against the former president. In May, with Mr. McCarthy’s blessing, party lawmakers ousted Ms. Cheney from her role as the third-ranking House Republican.

Since then, Ms. Cheney has sharply criticized Mr. McCarthy and has made clear she will not support him as leader or, if Republicans take the House next year, as speaker. After she joined the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack, organized by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Mr. McCarthy called Ms. Cheney and another dissident on the panel “Pelosi Republicans.”

The Republican leader’s allies believe Ms. Cheney, by continuing to lament Mr. Trump’s grip on the party, is threatening their prospects in the midterm elections at a moment when President Biden’s declining approval ratings have otherwise left the G.O.P. well positioned.

In an interview, Mr. Miller, who became close to Mr. Trump during his administration and raised more than $100 million for his re-election efforts, said Republican consultants were on notice.

“She’s not just undermining Kevin but the whole G.O.P. conference,” Mr. Miller said of Ms. Cheney. “You’re either with Kevin, and the conference, or the person undermining them. You can’t serve two masters.”

The lobbyist declined to discuss his communications with party strategists or to say if Mr. McCarthy had prompted him to issue the ultimatum. Mr. Miller, whose clients include Amazon and the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, does not work for the leader and is not paid by him. However, they are the closest of friends, and have been since they worked together for former Representative Bill Thomas, the powerful Bakersfield Republican whom Mr. McCarthy succeeded in Congress.

A spokesman for Mr. McCarthy declined to comment.

In Washington’s Republican circles, the relationship between lobbyist and leader is well known and Mr. Miller’s word is authoritative, as made clear by the fund-raising firm’s cutting ties with Ms. Cheney.

The National Republican Congressional Committee, the House G.O.P.’s campaign arm, does not get involved in primaries.

But the Congressional Leadership Fund, the main House Republican “super PAC,” which Mr. McCarthy effectively controls, is not supporting Ms. Cheney, though it is supporting some of the other House Republicans who voted to impeach Mr. Trump, according to a Republican official familiar with the group’s strategy.

To Ms. Cheney, the behind-the-scenes campaign against her only highlights how beholden to Mr. Trump Mr. McCarthy is — and the lengths to which he will go as he grasps for the speakership.

A spokesman for Ms. Cheney, Jeremy Adler, blistered Mr. McCarthy for working against her candidacy while supporting some of the most extreme members of the House Republican conference.

“It’s sad but not surprising that Kevin McCarthy is continuing down the morally bankrupt path of embracing House Republicans who are white supremacists and conspiracy theorists, but attacking Liz Cheney for telling the truth and standing for the Constitution,” Mr. Adler said.

A principal at The Morning Group, Mackenzie Jortner Dolan, declined to comment on the firm’s decision to drop Ms. Cheney. As of mid-September, Ms. Dolan was still working for the congresswoman, emailing Republican donors to promote a fund-raiser Ms. Cheney held in Dallas on Monday with former President George W. Bush.

She raised nearly $400,000 at the Bush event, for which tickets began at $1,000.

Ms. Cheney has not suffered financially for her outspoken criticism of Mr. Trump and Mr. McCarthy. Through the end of September, she had raised over $5 million and had more than $3.6 million on hand.

She has retained support from an array of leading Republicans, including Mr. Bush; Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader; and the former House Speakers John Boehner and Paul Ryan.

She has, however, emerged as perhaps Mr. Trump’s top priority to defeat. After meeting with a series of would-be challengers, Mr. Trump in September endorsed Harriet Hageman, a Cheyenne attorney who had taken part in a failed, last-ditch effort to strip him of the 2016 Republican presidential nomination two months after he had clinched it.

Ms. Hageman, who was once a Cheney family friend and served as an adviser to Ms. Cheney’s short-lived 2014 Senate campaign, raised just over $300,000 for the quarter, but she only filed her candidacy on Sept. 9.

Mr. Trump has endorsed a handful of other Republicans challenging the lawmakers who voted to impeach him and was exultant last month when Representative Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, who cast one of the 10 Republican votes to impeach, said he would retire from Congress rather than run against a former Trump White House official.

“1 Down, 9 To Go!” the former president said in a statement at the time."
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