All things CoronaVirus

The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.

How many of your friends and family members have died of the Chinese Corona Virus?

0 people
1 person.
2 people.
3 people.
Total votes: 70

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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by a fan »

tech37 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:29 pm
You shouldn't be lecturing about anyone being dismissive or discourteous with your methods of so-called discussion. You know very well what I'm referring to.
You just can't stop with this trap of yours.

If I read into your posts, and guess wrong, you jump on me for putting words in your mouth.

So, nope, I 100% don't know what you're "referring to". If I don't take you literally, you get mad.

You made zero mention of " repugnant language/names when referring to Obama like a lot of the anti-Trump clique does here"

What you wrote was "I've been calling BS/nonsense on these characters for years now whose hate for the POTUS rules their very existence... no objectivity, no logic, and their instincts suck, despite being considered intelligent people."

This implies that you think you didn't suffer from this same problem when you were criticizing Obama.

Furthermore, at what point did other posters say you suffered from the Obama equivalent of TDS?

(psst: they didn't do that. So maybe learn from them, and stop telling posters they have TDS)
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by tech37 »

a fan wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:39 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:29 pm
You shouldn't be lecturing about anyone being dismissive or discourteous with your methods of so-called discussion. You know very well what I'm referring to.
You just can't stop with this trap of yours.

If I read into your posts, and guess wrong, you jump on me for putting words in your mouth.

So, nope, I 100% don't know what you're "referring to". If I don't take you literally, you get mad.

You made zero mention of " repugnant language/names when referring to Obama like a lot of the anti-Trump clique does here"

What you wrote was "I've been calling BS/nonsense on these characters for years now whose hate for the POTUS rules their very existence... no objectivity, no logic, and their instincts suck, despite being considered intelligent people."

This implies that you think you didn't suffer from this same problem when you were criticizing Obama.

Furthermore, at what point did other posters say you suffered from the Obama equivalent of TDS?

(psst: they didn't do that. So maybe learn from them, and stop telling posters they have TDS)
OK whatever a have the last word...congrats...let's stop hijacking the thread
Last edited by tech37 on Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:08 pm
jhu72 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:40 pm wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:31 pm
jhu72 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:16 pm wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:04 pm There's zero chance that China's death numbers are 100% accurate. They are significantly light and highly inaccurate.

Watched videos of Chinese citizens being pulled from the streets by soldiers in level A and put into metal boxes in the back of trucks. Saw high-rise buildings being quarantined by bulldozers dropping loads of dirt/gravel in front of doors. Doors of full residential buildings being chained from the outside. Saw "temporary hospitals" being built that looked awfully like mass trench graves.

People have been mysteriously disappearing in China for years. Their numbers are not to be trusted. At all.

So who should we believe?

You ask like either can be trusted!
Good answer. :D
Yet, hard to imagine that our President would be remotely on the same end of the scale of trustworthiness as China's.
Horrifying really, but reality.

Kram, you're 100% correct that China's #'s were likely very light, just as ours are now, given the lack of testing. They eventually changed the definition to include all those exhibiting symptoms in Wuhan as assumed cases of CV-19 regardless of whether they had a chance to be tested or not. Big spike based on that change in estimation. But still likely understating.

My son suggests that the current #'s are much more likely to be accurate or at least in the ballpark as there's such hyper-vigilance going on within the populace and social media is not being totally silenced. Even more importantly, they clearly don't have an out of control outbreak any more as they're dismantling all the temporary hospitals.

Here in the US we're not testing all with symptoms, not even here in Maryland where we don't seem to overwhelmed yet. So, we're undoubtedly missing an awful lot of actual cases, and that's not including asymptomatic.

Yet, we're about to move past China in total.
Note that a huge portion of the deaths (that they did report) in China were in the areas where it blew past any capacity to respond with good care. They were overwhelmed in Wuhan...if that happens here, we'll see deaths skyrocket as well. Looks like mere days from that happening in NYC. Already beginning.
For what it is worth my wife has been re-deployed from the elective surgical center where she works over to Rochester General Hospital. She is scared out of her mind. She has not worked in a hospital environment for more than twenty years. She is not convinced that her present day skill set makes her of any use in the present environment. I told her you are a registered nurse with almost 40 years experience. They will not expect you to become an ICU nurse over night. I am trying to convince her that she should be honored to have the opportunity to help save lives. She is not buying it because she is scared. There are many doctors and nurses serving us out there right now that are just like my wife. They have been put out of their element and asked to do medical work they are not trained to do.

They are going to do their best because saving lives is what they have dedicated their lives to doing. I am so over all of the political blaming going on here. If all of us were the adults in the room we would stop pointing fingers and help to beat this bad gamboo we are facing. i admit forthright that i can be a huge jerk and sort of enjoy poking fun at people, especially my FLP friends. I'm over that for now, all i hope for is that our dedicated medical professionals and scientists can put this virus to bed. I hope none of you out there have to face this. If you do, at least you know there are many people out there in our health care system that are on your side.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by old salt »

runrussellrun wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:04 am
jhu72 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:01 am
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:49 am
jhu72 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:38 am They are in the counties immediately surrounding DC.
You getting this from the Hopkins webpage?

Is there a website where you can find the demographics of the deceased?

It reads like you are happy that the numbers are increasing.......strange.
More like resigned.

You can get the same information from any site that tracks state health departments. Hopkins, Manchester University, etc. They each have a different presentation of the raw data. I don't follow Worldmeter, but I assume they do the same thing.
Why are PRIVATE universities running our PUBLIC health data ? What is the CDC for?
MD's mapped by county on the JHU & MD state web pages.
Montgomery & PG -- the 2 MD counties bordering DC have had the most cases from the start.
B'more city & county next highest. Just a reflection of population density.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by seacoaster »

[/quote] C&S wrote: For what it is worth my wife has been re-deployed from the elective surgical center where she works over to Rochester General Hospital. She is scared out of her mind. She has not worked in a hospital environment for more than twenty years. She is not convinced that her present day skill set makes her of any use in the present environment. I told her you are a registered nurse with almost 40 years experience. They will not expect you to become an ICU nurse over night. I am trying to convince her that she should be honored to have the opportunity to help save lives. She is not buying it because she is scared. There are many doctors and nurses serving us out there right now that are just like my wife. They have been put out of their element and asked to do medical work they are not trained to do.

They are going to do their best because saving lives is what they have dedicated their lives to doing. I am so over all of the political blaming going on here. If all of us were the adults in the room we would stop pointing fingers and help to beat this bad gamboo we are facing. i admit forthright that i can be a huge jerk and sort of enjoy poking fun at people, especially my FLP friends. I'm over that for now, all i hope for is that our dedicated medical professionals and scientists can put this virus to bed. I hope none of you out there have to face this. If you do, at least you know there are many people out there in our health care system that are on your side.

C&S, it's worth more than I can say; please thank her for all of us. She's going to do well, make a difference, come out the other side and shoo you out to the vegetable patch. Thanks for letting us know. Hang in there, both of you.
Last edited by seacoaster on Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:16 am
jhu72 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:06 am
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:36 am Done. The 69 page "playbook" offers no, to little value.

Very early on it mentioned working with the World Health Organization (WHO )

They didn't make the world wide pandemic call until 15 days ago.

Be specific matnum, what part of this valuable "playbook" should be implemented. Name just one example.
The WHO has been in this fight since the beginning. It met their criteria for being considered a pandemic in mid-late January (about the time the first cases where reported in a dozen countries, including the US). Everyone familiar with the criteria knew what the world was facing. The CDC knew, NIH knew, FDA knew, healthcare / medically literate individuals all over the world knew. Even the "spies" knew. To begin taking action didn't require a formal declaration of the WHO. The Chinese and WHO announced the discovery and isolation of the virus on January 9, a Thursday. That weekend the Chinese made available samples and the genome available to any nation that wanted them (distributed by the WHO). The world cannot claim they did not know after January 9. 2020.
To be fair, it was about the last week of January that there was full recognition that that community spread was not only after symptoms, but also by asymptomatic carriers. That was a huge extra complication.

But totally agree that once that was known, there's been NO EXCUSE for the pooh poohing of the severity, the notion that travel bans were sufficient, or that the virus was just another flu...and NO EXCUSE for the foot dragging to prepare for the inevitable, the need to surveillance test, trace and isolate/quarantine and to vastly expand PPE's and ventilator capacities. It was coming and it would come fast. We could slow it, manage through it, but instead we were led by a guy who wished it wasn't happening and said all the wrong things to both the American public and his direct reports.
The WHO's tweet of Jan14, quoting Chinese "experts" claims minimizing the degree of human to human contagious was a huge speed bump.

You greatly oversimplify the time lag in global supply channels when global demand outstrips supply & the normal just in time inventory process fails.
Are you cheering for the CDC/FDA Deep Staters who designed & implemented our testing ?
Did Trump's footdragging force their "technical glitches" ?

If you want to 2nd guess, step back a bit further -- what % of the shortages (in components & finished product) require supply from offshored industries once produced domestically & subject to the War Powers Act. Buchanan & Perot warned us.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by Trinity »

She’s a hero. Tell her thank you.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by DocBarrister »

seacoaster wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:02 pm C&S wrote:
For what it is worth my wife has been re-deployed from the elective surgical center where she works over to Rochester General Hospital. She is scared out of her mind. She has not worked in a hospital environment for more than twenty years. She is not convinced that her present day skill set makes her of any use in the present environment. I told her you are a registered nurse with almost 40 years experience. They will not expect you to become an ICU nurse over night. I am trying to convince her that she should be honored to have the opportunity to help save lives. She is not buying it because she is scared. There are many doctors and nurses serving us out there right now that are just like my wife. They have been put out of their element and asked to do medical work they are not trained to do.

They are going to do their best because saving lives is what they have dedicated their lives to doing. I am so over all of the political blaming going on here. If all of us were the adults in the room we would stop pointing fingers and help to beat this bad gamboo we are facing. i admit forthright that i can be a huge jerk and sort of enjoy poking fun at people, especially my FLP friends. I'm over that for now, all i hope for is that our dedicated medical professionals and scientists can put this virus to bed. I hope none of you out there have to face this. If you do, at least you know there are many people out there in our health care system that are on your side.

C&S, it's worth more than I can say; please thank her for all of us. She's going to do well, make a difference, come out the other side and shoo you out to the vegetable patch. Thanks for letting us know. Hang in there, both of you.

Yes, thank you and thank her.

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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by Cooter »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:53 am
Yes, cooter, the fight is longer if the curve is flattened, but avoidance of system being overwhelmed and the benefit of time to develop and test viral remedies and vaccines will save an awful lot of suffering.
Will it.

There could be a whole lot of other types of suffering going on. People losing jobs, having no income, businesses failing.
Just the general loss of freedom and the pursuit of happiness.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by jhu72 »

old salt wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:35 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:43 am I've posted a couple times now that Maryland is not yet testing all people with serious symptoms. Have to either be a health care worker or first responder or actually need admission to hospital. Just being sick as heck is not enough.

No isolation of sick and no quarantine of families.

so, we likely have lots of cases spending the disease and will have our own bloom in due course...unless we get the testing fast.

I was surprised to learn this as my impression was that MD had its act together well.

Can you imagine what will eventually happen in Mississippi?
Was at nearby Annapolis Safeway at 5am opening today. Me + 1 other shopper in the store.
Streets empty. Seems like we locals are taking it seriously.
I believe Marylanders are taking it pretty seriously in urban areas. We will know in a few weeks.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by cradleandshoot »

seacoaster wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:02 pm
C&S wrote: For what it is worth my wife has been re-deployed from the elective surgical center where she works over to Rochester General Hospital. She is scared out of her mind. She has not worked in a hospital environment for more than twenty years. She is not convinced that her present day skill set makes her of any use in the present environment. I told her you are a registered nurse with almost 40 years experience. They will not expect you to become an ICU nurse over night. I am trying to convince her that she should be honored to have the opportunity to help save lives. She is not buying it because she is scared. There are many doctors and nurses serving us out there right now that are just like my wife. They have been put out of their element and asked to do medical work they are not trained to do.

They are going to do their best because saving lives is what they have dedicated their lives to doing. I am so over all of the political blaming going on here. If all of us were the adults in the room we would stop pointing fingers and help to beat this bad gamboo we are facing. i admit forthright that i can be a huge jerk and sort of enjoy poking fun at people, especially my FLP friends. I'm over that for now, all i hope for is that our dedicated medical professionals and scientists can put this virus to bed. I hope none of you out there have to face this. If you do, at least you know there are many people out there in our health care system that are on your side.

C&S, it's worth more than I can say; please thank her for all of us. She's going to do well, make a difference, come out the other side and shoo you out to the vegetable patch. Thanks for letting us know. Hang in there, both of you.

Thank you for those kind words coaster, they mean more to me than you know. i am chomping at the bit to get out and start work in the vegetable garden. My wife is biting her nails waiting for a phone call telling her where and when to report. i am biased but she is a damn good nurse. The fact she is scared out of her mind will only make her that much better at her craft. I told her that what she knows as a nurse is just like riding a bike. the technology mat have advanced 100 fold but nursing is still nursing. The basic fundamentals will never change.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by cradleandshoot »

DocBarrister wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:11 pm
seacoaster wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:02 pm C&S wrote:
For what it is worth my wife has been re-deployed from the elective surgical center where she works over to Rochester General Hospital. She is scared out of her mind. She has not worked in a hospital environment for more than twenty years. She is not convinced that her present day skill set makes her of any use in the present environment. I told her you are a registered nurse with almost 40 years experience. They will not expect you to become an ICU nurse over night. I am trying to convince her that she should be honored to have the opportunity to help save lives. She is not buying it because she is scared. There are many doctors and nurses serving us out there right now that are just like my wife. They have been put out of their element and asked to do medical work they are not trained to do.

They are going to do their best because saving lives is what they have dedicated their lives to doing. I am so over all of the political blaming going on here. If all of us were the adults in the room we would stop pointing fingers and help to beat this bad gamboo we are facing. i admit forthright that i can be a huge jerk and sort of enjoy poking fun at people, especially my FLP friends. I'm over that for now, all i hope for is that our dedicated medical professionals and scientists can put this virus to bed. I hope none of you out there have to face this. If you do, at least you know there are many people out there in our health care system that are on your side.
C&S, it's worth more than I can say; please thank her for all of us. She's going to do well, make a difference, come out the other side and shoo you out to the vegetable patch. Thanks for letting us know. Hang in there, both of you.

Yes, thank you and thank her.


Thank you doc, my wife will do what she has been trained to do. I tell her this every day she goes to work in the morning. I always tell her to go and save lives.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by a fan »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:43 pm
They are going to do their best because saving lives is what they have dedicated their lives to doing. I am so over all of the political blaming going on here. If all of us were the adults in the room we would stop pointing fingers and help to beat this bad gamboo we are facing. i admit forthright that i can be a huge jerk and sort of enjoy poking fun at people, especially my FLP friends. I'm over that for now, all i hope for is that our dedicated medical professionals and scientists can put this virus to bed. I hope none of you out there have to face this. If you do, at least you know there are many people out there in our health care system that are on your side.
Your wife is exactly why I said earlier that what we're doing in making sanitizer is a nothing sandwich, by way of comparison. Thanks you to you and your wife for her selfless work!

Tell your wife that our peers at Rochester's Black Button Distilling (owned by Pernod Ricard) are making hand sanitizer for her and her fellow workers.

For us, New Belgium Brewing is donating thousand of gallons of beer that we will distill into 95% alcohol for the next month and a half. We'll be running the stills seven days a week to get as much out as we can.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by cradleandshoot »

Trinity wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:09 pm She’s a hero. Tell her thank you.
Thank you, she is my hero. She is scared silly, but she will do her job and do it very well.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by jhu72 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:43 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:08 pm
jhu72 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:40 pm wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:31 pm
jhu72 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:16 pm wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:04 pm There's zero chance that China's death numbers are 100% accurate. They are significantly light and highly inaccurate.

Watched videos of Chinese citizens being pulled from the streets by soldiers in level A and put into metal boxes in the back of trucks. Saw high-rise buildings being quarantined by bulldozers dropping loads of dirt/gravel in front of doors. Doors of full residential buildings being chained from the outside. Saw "temporary hospitals" being built that looked awfully like mass trench graves.

People have been mysteriously disappearing in China for years. Their numbers are not to be trusted. At all.

So who should we believe?

You ask like either can be trusted!
Good answer. :D
Yet, hard to imagine that our President would be remotely on the same end of the scale of trustworthiness as China's.
Horrifying really, but reality.

Kram, you're 100% correct that China's #'s were likely very light, just as ours are now, given the lack of testing. They eventually changed the definition to include all those exhibiting symptoms in Wuhan as assumed cases of CV-19 regardless of whether they had a chance to be tested or not. Big spike based on that change in estimation. But still likely understating.

My son suggests that the current #'s are much more likely to be accurate or at least in the ballpark as there's such hyper-vigilance going on within the populace and social media is not being totally silenced. Even more importantly, they clearly don't have an out of control outbreak any more as they're dismantling all the temporary hospitals.

Here in the US we're not testing all with symptoms, not even here in Maryland where we don't seem to overwhelmed yet. So, we're undoubtedly missing an awful lot of actual cases, and that's not including asymptomatic.

Yet, we're about to move past China in total.
Note that a huge portion of the deaths (that they did report) in China were in the areas where it blew past any capacity to respond with good care. They were overwhelmed in Wuhan...if that happens here, we'll see deaths skyrocket as well. Looks like mere days from that happening in NYC. Already beginning.
For what it is worth my wife has been re-deployed from the elective surgical center where she works over to Rochester General Hospital. She is scared out of her mind. She has not worked in a hospital environment for more than twenty years. She is not convinced that her present day skill set makes her of any use in the present environment. I told her you are a registered nurse with almost 40 years experience. They will not expect you to become an ICU nurse over night. I am trying to convince her that she should be honored to have the opportunity to help save lives. She is not buying it because she is scared. There are many doctors and nurses serving us out there right now that are just like my wife. They have been put out of their element and asked to do medical work they are not trained to do.

They are going to do their best because saving lives is what they have dedicated their lives to doing. I am so over all of the political blaming going on here. If all of us were the adults in the room we would stop pointing fingers and help to beat this bad gamboo we are facing. i admit forthright that i can be a huge jerk and sort of enjoy poking fun at people, especially my FLP friends. I'm over that for now, all i hope for is that our dedicated medical professionals and scientists can put this virus to bed. I hope none of you out there have to face this. If you do, at least you know there are many people out there in our health care system that are on your side.
There is a lot of that going around - fear in medical staffs. 100 nurses tested positive at Mass General today. 200 NYC COPs the same. Some of these folks won't be with us in 2 weeks.

Give your wife my best. Stay safe.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by tech37 »

I went to Curtis Lumber this morning and was a bit shocked that I had to call in my order and card number, stand behind a line about ten feet from the door and wait there for someone to bring out the merchandize. I live in a tourist area and when I mentioned how surprised I was at the tight security, the employee asked if I was from NYC or NJ. It all made sense then... People are heading to their summer homes to get away. I have seen quite a few NJ plates for this time of year.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by foreverlax »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:43 pm
For what it is worth my wife has been re-deployed from the elective surgical center where she works over to Rochester General Hospital. She is scared out of her mind. She has not worked in a hospital environment for more than twenty years. She is not convinced that her present day skill set makes her of any use in the present environment. I told her you are a registered nurse with almost 40 years experience. They will not expect you to become an ICU nurse over night. I am trying to convince her that she should be honored to have the opportunity to help save lives. She is not buying it because she is scared. There are many doctors and nurses serving us out there right now that are just like my wife. They have been put out of their element and asked to do medical work they are not trained to do.

They are going to do their best because saving lives is what they have dedicated their lives to doing. I am so over all of the political blaming going on here. If all of us were the adults in the room we would stop pointing fingers and help to beat this bad gamboo we are facing. i admit forthright that i can be a huge jerk and sort of enjoy poking fun at people, especially my FLP friends. I'm over that for now, all i hope for is that our dedicated medical professionals and scientists can put this virus to bed. I hope none of you out there have to face this. If you do, at least you know there are many people out there in our health care system that are on your side.
I was pondering the bravery of the medical community, in this type of environment...I'd have to say these folks are about as brave as you least operators can shoot back.

Truly fighting this war on the front line.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by cradleandshoot »

a fan wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:32 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:43 pm
They are going to do their best because saving lives is what they have dedicated their lives to doing. I am so over all of the political blaming going on here. If all of us were the adults in the room we would stop pointing fingers and help to beat this bad gamboo we are facing. i admit forthright that i can be a huge jerk and sort of enjoy poking fun at people, especially my FLP friends. I'm over that for now, all i hope for is that our dedicated medical professionals and scientists can put this virus to bed. I hope none of you out there have to face this. If you do, at least you know there are many people out there in our health care system that are on your side.
Your wife is exactly why I said earlier that what we're doing in making sanitizer is a nothing sandwich, by way of comparison. Thanks you to you and your wife for her selfless work!

Tell your wife that our peers at Rochester's Black Button Distilling (owned by Pernod Ricard) are making hand sanitizer for her and her fellow workers.

For us, New Belgium Brewing is donating thousand of gallons of beer that we will distill into 95% alcohol for the next month and a half. We'll be running the stills seven days a week to get as much out as we can.
The folks at Hickey Freeman have brought back their talented sewing masters to make surgical masks for the folks at Rochester General. When the going gets tough i love how ALL Americans will always come together. From making world class suits to making surgical masks, only in America do we put our differences aside and come together. Thank you for what you are doing a Fan. No one person or group can beat this virus without everybody pitching in. There is no i in team to quote my sons lax team motto. ... s/5679900/ The folks at HF are working on a unique innovation, masks and gowns that are washable and re-usable... brilliant or what.
Last edited by cradleandshoot on Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by CU77 »

The Coronavirus Is the Worst Intelligence Failure in U.S. History ... -covid-19/
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by foreverlax »

tech37 wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:41 pm I went to Curtis Lumber this morning and was a bit shocked that I had to call in my order and card number, stand behind a line about ten feet from the door and wait there for someone to bring out the merchandize. I live in a tourist area and when I mentioned how surprised I was at the tight security, the employee asked if I was from NYC or NJ. It all made sense then... People are heading to their summer homes to get away. I have seen quite a few NJ plates for this time of year.
My buddy has a place on DE shore...small town mayor doesn't want anyone who isn't 365 to come down, fear of blowing up the system. Lot's of kids are hanging out at mid-Atlantic summer homes, while parents are in MD.
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