Limbaugh passed away

The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by Farfromgeneva »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:54 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:33 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 11:42 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:42 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:10 pm
a fan wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 11:37 am
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 11:22 am Limbaugh did not invent modern conservatism, but he hatched the dominant way of selling it: by harnessing operatic illogic and cruelty into a tribal bonding mechanism. From 1988 to 2021, on radio stations everywhere, Limbaugh spewed paleoconservative cant and nonsense, unfalsifiable antediluvian theories rooted in a relentless mockery and vilification of the other. He was forever warning his listeners of the homegrown pinko threat posed by liberals, intellectuals, journalists, environmentalists, feminists, and the sorts of suspicious souls who got their news from credible sources rather than shows like his.[/i]
Been saying it for years. Imagine how glorious the American Conservative movement would be if Limbaugh had chosen a different format for his show

Instead of spending all his time on "the libs are bad"? He could have banned the word "Dem" or "Lib" from his airwaves, and spent his entire time discussing the positives of Conservative theories of Governance, and touting Conservative laws and Conservative candidates. Picture that.

He would have left America in a better place than he arrived. What did he do instead? He peddled fear, xenophobia, and hate of "the other". He's the center of the destruction of the Republican party. Tin foil hats over reasonable spending, and paying America's bills on time.

I first started listening to Limbaugh when I spent many hours driving to service calls in the 90s. I was not as much enamored with Rush as I was with the parodys of Democrat leaders of the 1990s that he lambasted with no mercy. I always looked at his show as humor and opinion and nothing else. He was the only person telling America as to what a despicable, disgusting, revolting human being Ted Kennedy was. In the 1990s that degenerate scumbag was the undeniable poppa bear of the Democrat party. Without Rush would any of us even know what a " waitress sandwich " was. Where do you draw draw your line for people you would trust. If you have an 18 year old daughter a Fan and you had to choose between Limbaugh and Bill Clinton to be her chaperone to the senior prom.. who would you choose?
Seems to me you like him a lot more than you are letting on and might’ve even hoped their would’ve been more love for him on this thread when you created it.
I liked him quite a bit 20 years ago. I said earlier I use to listen to his show while driving around for work. IMO any body that could tick off the mainstream FLP folks back then was alright with me. His show changed and he became something different. He became someone who i no longer enjoyed listening to. I never thought he was a mean person. He could disagree with people who did not share his political point of view and not cuss them out and cut them off. I give him credit where credit is due. He saved AM radio back in the late 80s. He perfected the format that so many radio personalities of all political stripes use today. He was not unlike many of his FLP counterparts, he was arrogant and obnoxious and certain his political perspective was right. The FLP folks spent many years trying to find an answer for him on the radio and never came close to doing so. They had Al Franken on Air America and he bombed out big time. You are correct FFG, i did not hate the guy, I did respect what he achieved having been the first person to do what he did. Am I suppose to hate him? I understand he always said controversial stuff to tick people off. That is how you always stay popular when it comes to publicity. You say chit you know will will always pizz off the other side. I would never have expected the FLP to ever like him. They understood him enough to spend 30 years trying to copy his format. They failed for 30 years trying to do so. That says everything you need to know about him. The far left hated him but respected what he accomplished to try desperately for many years to try and duplicate what he did. Imitation is always the sincerest form of flattery.
Didn’t say hate, said like more than letting on (and consequently not expecting the feedback on this thread). More like you’re trying to split the baby with someone who doesn’t deserve that type of analysis. That’s not hate, it’s just indifference, if anything a small exhale that another human succubus who will no longer pollute society in order to like his own pockets.

Hate is a big word. There’s a lot of people I’d like to mushroom stamp on the forehead but don’t hate.
There are a lot of people on this forum who hate the guy. If you ever admit like I did that you like him and use to listen to him you get the vitriol, anger and hatred about him when I first posted this. Hate is a big word. It ain't that big when it comes to many of the people here who clearly stated their venom and hatred towards the man. They spent 30 years trying to find the FLP answer to Rush and they never came close. That speaks to the flaws and dislike of FLP ideology among mainstream America. If their ideology could stand in its own two feet it would have done so a long time ago. If their ideology could stand in its own two feet, Rush would have been a flash in the pan that would have disappeared from the airwaves overnight. What Rush was able to define was what a miserable failure FLP ideology was. IMO he did not define the FRC movement to be any less flawed in their ideology. Four years of that pile of excrement trump was proof of that. I still wonder if there are any fiscal conservatives such as myself still wandering around in the wilderness?
I don’t know about all of that analysis of motivation of liberals and whatnot. I see pushback on his net value to our society here more than hatred but it’s in the perspective I guess.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by Farfromgeneva »

You must really love Lance Armstrong then. Listen to bit below. ... 76?lang=en
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:06 pm yeah, we get it that he was your kind of commentator, a verbal bomb thrower, flaming anything and anyone he defined as the 'enemy'...gave you and millions of others a thrill to get all stoked up with anger and vitriol at 'the enemy'.

But an enormous amount of it was total, hypocritical, toxic BS.
He was really all about lining his pockets on the backs of suckers.
Well duuuuuh hector. He was an entertainer. How many other entertainers can you mention that did the same thing? His shtick was always about making money. He made his money by mocking and ridiculing the Democrat party. Who you until that point in time had always been given a pass. You remember back in the late 60s how much flak the Smothers Brothers laid on your boy Nixon and your friends in the Republican party? Tom and Dick Smothers eviscerated your party on Laugh In every week. They were no more polite than Limbaugh was. That is the game of politics. You think your going to be treated fairly by the other side? That ain't how elections are won. You know that as well as I do. You don't need to play coy that your buddy Mittens is how your typical republican should identify. You remember the ass whooping he received from all your FLP friends in this forum? They gutted him like a trout and left his entrails on the riverbank to dry in the sun. They made Limbaugh look like Mr Rogers by comparison. I betting you don't remember that.. do you?
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by SCLaxAttack »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:07 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:42 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:33 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 11:42 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:42 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:10 pm
a fan wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 11:37 am
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 11:22 am Limbaugh did not invent modern conservatism, but he hatched the dominant way of selling it: by harnessing operatic illogic and cruelty into a tribal bonding mechanism. From 1988 to 2021, on radio stations everywhere, Limbaugh spewed paleoconservative cant and nonsense, unfalsifiable antediluvian theories rooted in a relentless mockery and vilification of the other. He was forever warning his listeners of the homegrown pinko threat posed by liberals, intellectuals, journalists, environmentalists, feminists, and the sorts of suspicious souls who got their news from credible sources rather than shows like his.[/i]
Been saying it for years. Imagine how glorious the American Conservative movement would be if Limbaugh had chosen a different format for his show

Instead of spending all his time on "the libs are bad"? He could have banned the word "Dem" or "Lib" from his airwaves, and spent his entire time discussing the positives of Conservative theories of Governance, and touting Conservative laws and Conservative candidates. Picture that.

He would have left America in a better place than he arrived. What did he do instead? He peddled fear, xenophobia, and hate of "the other". He's the center of the destruction of the Republican party. Tin foil hats over reasonable spending, and paying America's bills on time.

I first started listening to Limbaugh when I spent many hours driving to service calls in the 90s. I was not as much enamored with Rush as I was with the parodys of Democrat leaders of the 1990s that he lambasted with no mercy. I always looked at his show as humor and opinion and nothing else. He was the only person telling America as to what a despicable, disgusting, revolting human being Ted Kennedy was. In the 1990s that degenerate scumbag was the undeniable poppa bear of the Democrat party. Without Rush would any of us even know what a " waitress sandwich " was. Where do you draw draw your line for people you would trust. If you have an 18 year old daughter a Fan and you had to choose between Limbaugh and Bill Clinton to be her chaperone to the senior prom.. who would you choose?
Seems to me you like him a lot more than you are letting on and might’ve even hoped their would’ve been more love for him on this thread when you created it.
I liked him quite a bit 20 years ago. I said earlier I use to listen to his show while driving around for work. IMO any body that could tick off the mainstream FLP folks back then was alright with me. His show changed and he became something different. He became someone who i no longer enjoyed listening to. I never thought he was a mean person. He could disagree with people who did not share his political point of view and not cuss them out and cut them off. I give him credit where credit is due. He saved AM radio back in the late 80s. He perfected the format that so many radio personalities of all political stripes use today. He was not unlike many of his FLP counterparts, he was arrogant and obnoxious and certain his political perspective was right. The FLP folks spent many years trying to find an answer for him on the radio and never came close to doing so. They had Al Franken on Air America and he bombed out big time. You are correct FFG, i did not hate the guy, I did respect what he achieved having been the first person to do what he did. Am I suppose to hate him? I understand he always said controversial stuff to tick people off. That is how you always stay popular when it comes to publicity. You say chit you know will will always pizz off the other side. I would never have expected the FLP to ever like him. They understood him enough to spend 30 years trying to copy his format. They failed for 30 years trying to do so. That says everything you need to know about him. The far left hated him but respected what he accomplished to try desperately for many years to try and duplicate what he did. Imitation is always the sincerest form of flattery.
Didn’t say hate, said like more than letting on (and consequently not expecting the feedback on this thread). More like you’re trying to split the baby with someone who doesn’t deserve that type of analysis. That’s not hate, it’s just indifference, if anything a small exhale that another human succubus who will no longer pollute society in order to like his own pockets.

Hate is a big word. There’s a lot of people I’d like to mushroom stamp on the forehead but don’t hate.
BTW, you didn't need to be "FLP" to dislike Rush, to find him an immensely toxic force in America.
I hear you. That is why I disliked the tone of his show for quite awhile. He pretended to be a conservative and he was way too far to the right for me. I use to look at him as an entertainer who prided himself in busting the balls of the Democrat leadership. That he accomplished in spades. I enjoyed him roasting that pile of chit Ted Kennedy for being the drunken pile of dung that he was. I never believed he was mean to people, I never heard him ever cuss our a caller and hang up on them. He was an entertainer who had many flaws and defects if character. He was who he was and never tried to lie to anyone that he was someone that he was not. I am grateful he had a big enough heart to raise so money to help kids stricken with cancer. I am guessing his generosity will continue on for many years. I guess that even the people we don't like personally have a caring and good side to them. It is fair to say that most of us never see it.
The “tell” of your admiration is your continued use of Democrat and Democrat Party epithets instead of the proper Democratic.
Of all those using it, Limbaugh was king.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by cradleandshoot »

SCLaxAttack wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:25 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:07 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:42 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:33 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 11:42 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:42 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:10 pm
a fan wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 11:37 am
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 11:22 am Limbaugh did not invent modern conservatism, but he hatched the dominant way of selling it: by harnessing operatic illogic and cruelty into a tribal bonding mechanism. From 1988 to 2021, on radio stations everywhere, Limbaugh spewed paleoconservative cant and nonsense, unfalsifiable antediluvian theories rooted in a relentless mockery and vilification of the other. He was forever warning his listeners of the homegrown pinko threat posed by liberals, intellectuals, journalists, environmentalists, feminists, and the sorts of suspicious souls who got their news from credible sources rather than shows like his.[/i]
Been saying it for years. Imagine how glorious the American Conservative movement would be if Limbaugh had chosen a different format for his show

Instead of spending all his time on "the libs are bad"? He could have banned the word "Dem" or "Lib" from his airwaves, and spent his entire time discussing the positives of Conservative theories of Governance, and touting Conservative laws and Conservative candidates. Picture that.

He would have left America in a better place than he arrived. What did he do instead? He peddled fear, xenophobia, and hate of "the other". He's the center of the destruction of the Republican party. Tin foil hats over reasonable spending, and paying America's bills on time.

I first started listening to Limbaugh when I spent many hours driving to service calls in the 90s. I was not as much enamored with Rush as I was with the parodys of Democrat leaders of the 1990s that he lambasted with no mercy. I always looked at his show as humor and opinion and nothing else. He was the only person telling America as to what a despicable, disgusting, revolting human being Ted Kennedy was. In the 1990s that degenerate scumbag was the undeniable poppa bear of the Democrat party. Without Rush would any of us even know what a " waitress sandwich " was. Where do you draw draw your line for people you would trust. If you have an 18 year old daughter a Fan and you had to choose between Limbaugh and Bill Clinton to be her chaperone to the senior prom.. who would you choose?
Seems to me you like him a lot more than you are letting on and might’ve even hoped their would’ve been more love for him on this thread when you created it.
I liked him quite a bit 20 years ago. I said earlier I use to listen to his show while driving around for work. IMO any body that could tick off the mainstream FLP folks back then was alright with me. His show changed and he became something different. He became someone who i no longer enjoyed listening to. I never thought he was a mean person. He could disagree with people who did not share his political point of view and not cuss them out and cut them off. I give him credit where credit is due. He saved AM radio back in the late 80s. He perfected the format that so many radio personalities of all political stripes use today. He was not unlike many of his FLP counterparts, he was arrogant and obnoxious and certain his political perspective was right. The FLP folks spent many years trying to find an answer for him on the radio and never came close to doing so. They had Al Franken on Air America and he bombed out big time. You are correct FFG, i did not hate the guy, I did respect what he achieved having been the first person to do what he did. Am I suppose to hate him? I understand he always said controversial stuff to tick people off. That is how you always stay popular when it comes to publicity. You say chit you know will will always pizz off the other side. I would never have expected the FLP to ever like him. They understood him enough to spend 30 years trying to copy his format. They failed for 30 years trying to do so. That says everything you need to know about him. The far left hated him but respected what he accomplished to try desperately for many years to try and duplicate what he did. Imitation is always the sincerest form of flattery.
Didn’t say hate, said like more than letting on (and consequently not expecting the feedback on this thread). More like you’re trying to split the baby with someone who doesn’t deserve that type of analysis. That’s not hate, it’s just indifference, if anything a small exhale that another human succubus who will no longer pollute society in order to like his own pockets.

Hate is a big word. There’s a lot of people I’d like to mushroom stamp on the forehead but don’t hate.
BTW, you didn't need to be "FLP" to dislike Rush, to find him an immensely toxic force in America.
I hear you. That is why I disliked the tone of his show for quite awhile. He pretended to be a conservative and he was way too far to the right for me. I use to look at him as an entertainer who prided himself in busting the balls of the Democrat leadership. That he accomplished in spades. I enjoyed him roasting that pile of chit Ted Kennedy for being the drunken pile of dung that he was. I never believed he was mean to people, I never heard him ever cuss our a caller and hang up on them. He was an entertainer who had many flaws and defects if character. He was who he was and never tried to lie to anyone that he was someone that he was not. I am grateful he had a big enough heart to raise so money to help kids stricken with cancer. I am guessing his generosity will continue on for many years. I guess that even the people we don't like personally have a caring and good side to them. It is fair to say that most of us never see it.
The “tell” of your admiration is your continued use of Democrat and Democrat Party epithets instead of the proper Democratic.
Of all those using it, Limbaugh was king.
No real "tell" I don't like FLP Democrats all that much. Limbaugh was a king in the sense of how he dominated talk radio. He made talk radio what it is today. He also dealt a huge ration of chit to a large number of Democrats that had never had their feet held to the fire before. Who would you trust chapperoning your daughter at her prom, Limbaugh or Ted Kennedy? Think about it..
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by Farfromgeneva »

My daughter (6) has agreed that I’m going to be her prom date so I don’t have to answer that question!
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
Posts: 1717
Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2018 10:24 pm

Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by SCLaxAttack »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:36 pm
SCLaxAttack wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:25 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:07 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:42 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:33 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 11:42 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:42 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:10 pm
a fan wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 11:37 am
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 11:22 am Limbaugh did not invent modern conservatism, but he hatched the dominant way of selling it: by harnessing operatic illogic and cruelty into a tribal bonding mechanism. From 1988 to 2021, on radio stations everywhere, Limbaugh spewed paleoconservative cant and nonsense, unfalsifiable antediluvian theories rooted in a relentless mockery and vilification of the other. He was forever warning his listeners of the homegrown pinko threat posed by liberals, intellectuals, journalists, environmentalists, feminists, and the sorts of suspicious souls who got their news from credible sources rather than shows like his.[/i]
Been saying it for years. Imagine how glorious the American Conservative movement would be if Limbaugh had chosen a different format for his show

Instead of spending all his time on "the libs are bad"? He could have banned the word "Dem" or "Lib" from his airwaves, and spent his entire time discussing the positives of Conservative theories of Governance, and touting Conservative laws and Conservative candidates. Picture that.

He would have left America in a better place than he arrived. What did he do instead? He peddled fear, xenophobia, and hate of "the other". He's the center of the destruction of the Republican party. Tin foil hats over reasonable spending, and paying America's bills on time.

I first started listening to Limbaugh when I spent many hours driving to service calls in the 90s. I was not as much enamored with Rush as I was with the parodys of Democrat leaders of the 1990s that he lambasted with no mercy. I always looked at his show as humor and opinion and nothing else. He was the only person telling America as to what a despicable, disgusting, revolting human being Ted Kennedy was. In the 1990s that degenerate scumbag was the undeniable poppa bear of the Democrat party. Without Rush would any of us even know what a " waitress sandwich " was. Where do you draw draw your line for people you would trust. If you have an 18 year old daughter a Fan and you had to choose between Limbaugh and Bill Clinton to be her chaperone to the senior prom.. who would you choose?
Seems to me you like him a lot more than you are letting on and might’ve even hoped their would’ve been more love for him on this thread when you created it.
I liked him quite a bit 20 years ago. I said earlier I use to listen to his show while driving around for work. IMO any body that could tick off the mainstream FLP folks back then was alright with me. His show changed and he became something different. He became someone who i no longer enjoyed listening to. I never thought he was a mean person. He could disagree with people who did not share his political point of view and not cuss them out and cut them off. I give him credit where credit is due. He saved AM radio back in the late 80s. He perfected the format that so many radio personalities of all political stripes use today. He was not unlike many of his FLP counterparts, he was arrogant and obnoxious and certain his political perspective was right. The FLP folks spent many years trying to find an answer for him on the radio and never came close to doing so. They had Al Franken on Air America and he bombed out big time. You are correct FFG, i did not hate the guy, I did respect what he achieved having been the first person to do what he did. Am I suppose to hate him? I understand he always said controversial stuff to tick people off. That is how you always stay popular when it comes to publicity. You say chit you know will will always pizz off the other side. I would never have expected the FLP to ever like him. They understood him enough to spend 30 years trying to copy his format. They failed for 30 years trying to do so. That says everything you need to know about him. The far left hated him but respected what he accomplished to try desperately for many years to try and duplicate what he did. Imitation is always the sincerest form of flattery.
Didn’t say hate, said like more than letting on (and consequently not expecting the feedback on this thread). More like you’re trying to split the baby with someone who doesn’t deserve that type of analysis. That’s not hate, it’s just indifference, if anything a small exhale that another human succubus who will no longer pollute society in order to like his own pockets.

Hate is a big word. There’s a lot of people I’d like to mushroom stamp on the forehead but don’t hate.
BTW, you didn't need to be "FLP" to dislike Rush, to find him an immensely toxic force in America.
I hear you. That is why I disliked the tone of his show for quite awhile. He pretended to be a conservative and he was way too far to the right for me. I use to look at him as an entertainer who prided himself in busting the balls of the Democrat leadership. That he accomplished in spades. I enjoyed him roasting that pile of chit Ted Kennedy for being the drunken pile of dung that he was. I never believed he was mean to people, I never heard him ever cuss our a caller and hang up on them. He was an entertainer who had many flaws and defects if character. He was who he was and never tried to lie to anyone that he was someone that he was not. I am grateful he had a big enough heart to raise so money to help kids stricken with cancer. I am guessing his generosity will continue on for many years. I guess that even the people we don't like personally have a caring and good side to them. It is fair to say that most of us never see it.
The “tell” of your admiration is your continued use of Democrat and Democrat Party epithets instead of the proper Democratic.
Of all those using it, Limbaugh was king.
No real "tell" I don't like FLP Democrats all that much. Limbaugh was a king in the sense of how he dominated talk radio. He made talk radio what it is today. He also dealt a huge ration of chit to a large number of Democrats that had never had their feet held to the fire before. Who would you trust chapperoning your daughter at her prom, Limbaugh or Ted Kennedy? Think about it..
Neither. Just as I wouldn’t want Limbaugh or Gym Jordan coaching my son.

Which has nothing to do with your continued use of Democrat Party; learned and mimicked no doubt from your time listening and admiring.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by Kismet »

Who would you trust chapperoning your daughter at her prom, Limbaugh or Ted Kennedy? Think about it..
Nothing to worry about currently as they are both DEAD. :oops: :oops: :oops:

Way too much bandwidth being used for this belligerent and generally distasteful person IMHO.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by cradleandshoot »

SCLaxAttack wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:51 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:36 pm
SCLaxAttack wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:25 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:07 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:42 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:33 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 11:42 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:42 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:10 pm
a fan wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 11:37 am
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 11:22 am Limbaugh did not invent modern conservatism, but he hatched the dominant way of selling it: by harnessing operatic illogic and cruelty into a tribal bonding mechanism. From 1988 to 2021, on radio stations everywhere, Limbaugh spewed paleoconservative cant and nonsense, unfalsifiable antediluvian theories rooted in a relentless mockery and vilification of the other. He was forever warning his listeners of the homegrown pinko threat posed by liberals, intellectuals, journalists, environmentalists, feminists, and the sorts of suspicious souls who got their news from credible sources rather than shows like his.[/i]
Been saying it for years. Imagine how glorious the American Conservative movement would be if Limbaugh had chosen a different format for his show

Instead of spending all his time on "the libs are bad"? He could have banned the word "Dem" or "Lib" from his airwaves, and spent his entire time discussing the positives of Conservative theories of Governance, and touting Conservative laws and Conservative candidates. Picture that.

He would have left America in a better place than he arrived. What did he do instead? He peddled fear, xenophobia, and hate of "the other". He's the center of the destruction of the Republican party. Tin foil hats over reasonable spending, and paying America's bills on time.

I first started listening to Limbaugh when I spent many hours driving to service calls in the 90s. I was not as much enamored with Rush as I was with the parodys of Democrat leaders of the 1990s that he lambasted with no mercy. I always looked at his show as humor and opinion and nothing else. He was the only person telling America as to what a despicable, disgusting, revolting human being Ted Kennedy was. In the 1990s that degenerate scumbag was the undeniable poppa bear of the Democrat party. Without Rush would any of us even know what a " waitress sandwich " was. Where do you draw draw your line for people you would trust. If you have an 18 year old daughter a Fan and you had to choose between Limbaugh and Bill Clinton to be her chaperone to the senior prom.. who would you choose?
Seems to me you like him a lot more than you are letting on and might’ve even hoped their would’ve been more love for him on this thread when you created it.
I liked him quite a bit 20 years ago. I said earlier I use to listen to his show while driving around for work. IMO any body that could tick off the mainstream FLP folks back then was alright with me. His show changed and he became something different. He became someone who i no longer enjoyed listening to. I never thought he was a mean person. He could disagree with people who did not share his political point of view and not cuss them out and cut them off. I give him credit where credit is due. He saved AM radio back in the late 80s. He perfected the format that so many radio personalities of all political stripes use today. He was not unlike many of his FLP counterparts, he was arrogant and obnoxious and certain his political perspective was right. The FLP folks spent many years trying to find an answer for him on the radio and never came close to doing so. They had Al Franken on Air America and he bombed out big time. You are correct FFG, i did not hate the guy, I did respect what he achieved having been the first person to do what he did. Am I suppose to hate him? I understand he always said controversial stuff to tick people off. That is how you always stay popular when it comes to publicity. You say chit you know will will always pizz off the other side. I would never have expected the FLP to ever like him. They understood him enough to spend 30 years trying to copy his format. They failed for 30 years trying to do so. That says everything you need to know about him. The far left hated him but respected what he accomplished to try desperately for many years to try and duplicate what he did. Imitation is always the sincerest form of flattery.
Didn’t say hate, said like more than letting on (and consequently not expecting the feedback on this thread). More like you’re trying to split the baby with someone who doesn’t deserve that type of analysis. That’s not hate, it’s just indifference, if anything a small exhale that another human succubus who will no longer pollute society in order to like his own pockets.

Hate is a big word. There’s a lot of people I’d like to mushroom stamp on the forehead but don’t hate.
BTW, you didn't need to be "FLP" to dislike Rush, to find him an immensely toxic force in America.
I hear you. That is why I disliked the tone of his show for quite awhile. He pretended to be a conservative and he was way too far to the right for me. I use to look at him as an entertainer who prided himself in busting the balls of the Democrat leadership. That he accomplished in spades. I enjoyed him roasting that pile of chit Ted Kennedy for being the drunken pile of dung that he was. I never believed he was mean to people, I never heard him ever cuss our a caller and hang up on them. He was an entertainer who had many flaws and defects if character. He was who he was and never tried to lie to anyone that he was someone that he was not. I am grateful he had a big enough heart to raise so money to help kids stricken with cancer. I am guessing his generosity will continue on for many years. I guess that even the people we don't like personally have a caring and good side to them. It is fair to say that most of us never see it.
The “tell” of your admiration is your continued use of Democrat and Democrat Party epithets instead of the proper Democratic.
Of all those using it, Limbaugh was king.
No real "tell" I don't like FLP Democrats all that much. Limbaugh was a king in the sense of how he dominated talk radio. He made talk radio what it is today. He also dealt a huge ration of chit to a large number of Democrats that had never had their feet held to the fire before. Who would you trust chapperoning your daughter at her prom, Limbaugh or Ted Kennedy? Think about it..
Neither. Just as I wouldn’t want Limbaugh or Gym Jordan coaching my son.

Which has nothing to do with your continued use of Democrat Party; learned and mimicked no doubt from your time listening and admiring.
You clearly have never heard me opine about my contempt for the republican party. I was a Democrat in 1976 when my first vote was for Jimmy Carter. I suppose the day the Democrats find their way back to the values of the Democrat party I was raised in, my attitude about them will change drastically. The Democrats are run by their FLP extremist ideologues. The Republicans are run by their FRC ideologues. You tell me how to find a happy medium looking at this sheep dip show being offered up by both parties? My more recent contempt for the Democrats comes from living in NYS. This state is Nirvana for Democrats in general. For as long as Democrats have been running the show this state should be Shangri La by now. It has not worked out that way. What has happened has been a massive exodus of New Yorkers out of this state. Tell me exactly why I should have any confidence in this party? I rip them a new one because their incompetence having complete political control of the state has made us all a laughing stock. I will gladly give either party respect when they have earned it. I don't expect that to happen anytime soon.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by Brooklyn »

Lots of talk about hate above. Of course, nobody engaged in more public display of hate and bigotry than did Limpy. He certainly had plenty of time to take back all the racist trash he said about blacks after the contrived Central Park Five incident was exposed. But he refused to do so. Naturally his fellow reich wing delusionals never compelled him to take back those days as well. No surprise since his evil sentiments represents many of their viewpoint as well.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Wait till CS comes back with “where’s al sharptons apology for what he did regarding Tawana Bradley?”
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by ardilla secreta »

Kismet wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 2:02 pm
Who would you trust chapperoning your daughter at her prom, Limbaugh or Ted Kennedy? Think about it..
Nothing to worry about currently as they are both DEAD. :oops: :oops: :oops:

Way too much bandwidth being used for this belligerent and generally distasteful person IMHO.
Good point. In that case make it the Dead Kennedys as the appropriate choice.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 2:35 am
old salt wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:51 am ...right. We need to bring back the neocon one world order globalists who enabled China's emergence, the USSR's devolution into a dangerous kleptocracy & allowed the decline of the US, while Japan/EU fortified the walls around their economies, as our industrial base & jobs fled offshore in pursuit of slave labor costs.
I find it beyond hilarious that after 15+ years of banter with me, you've become a full on liberal when it comes to economics.

All l have to say in return is that you voted for the wrong team the past 40 years, and every word of the above happened by your vote.
old salt wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:51 am Meanwhile, Biden's trying to give away the energy independence we managed to claw back
Yeah, didn't happen. Energy independence means we get zero energy from anyone but ourselves. We're nowhere---nowhere--close to that.

But again? If that's what you want, vote liberal. They'll get that for you if you get enough of them in power.
old salt wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:51 am we can bankroll polluting countries, while China builds new coal fired power plants because they're a "developing" country. ....& we continue paying to be the global police force.
:lol: for liberals. This is their wheelhouse, my man. The problem, of course, is that no one votes for them. So instead? We get Joe Biden. Or Trump. Or Obama. Or Bush. Or Clinton.

On a totally unrelated note, Dis would like to buy you a beer!
You can stop with the "your team" bs. I've been saying the same things on this issue since day 1. You just don't listen, you insist on pigen holing people. Pat Buchanan & Ross Perot were my original GOP team captains. Even when the Bushie neocom globalists lead the GOP, I still preferred them to the alternative because they were all conservative on defense, foreign policy, national security & cultural issues. Also, the economic disparity was not so severe. Since the '90's it has just continued to get worse, as the jobs left to slave labor countries, China stole more of our tech & IP, & the EU became more of a protectionist market. It didn't just happen all of a sudden.

We have become a net energy exporter. We still import some foreign crude on the global market because of distribution limitations & refinery capabilities. We also can export crude since that restriction was lifted. The only thing keeping us from attaining total self-sufficiency is arbitrary restrictions on pipelines, ships, & exports. There is a conscious effort to undo our progress in this area to drive up the costs of fossil fuel based energy to subsidize green energy.

n September 2019, the United States became a net petroleum exporter for the first time since monthly records began in 1973. The United States is a net importer of crude oil. In November 2019, the latest monthly data, it imported 5.8 million b/d of crude oil and exported 3.0 million b/d of crude oil.Feb 6, 2020

With U.S. crude oil production nearly doubling from 2009 to 2015, Congress repealed the crude oil export ban in December 2015—allowing the free export of U.S. crude oil worldwide.

Our refining capacity exceeds our supply of domestic crude. We export more refined products than we comsume, making us a net petroleum exporter.
Pipelines like DAPL & KXL will allow us to refine even more domestic & cheaper, secure Canadian crude.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by Brooklyn »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 4:50 pm Wait till CS comes back with “where’s al sharptons apology for what he did regarding Tawana Bradley?”

For every Sharpton there's been a dozen Susan Smiths. ;)
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by Brooklyn »

Central Park Five case: ... +park+five

Flush Limpballs said this case was proof that black men were all out to rape every last white woman they could find. His apologists all defend him as if he was the closest thing to Jesus Christ or to the Holiest of all Holy Angels. Limpy belongs in Hell along with Eichmann and Hitler as does anyone who defends any of them.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by Farfromgeneva »

ardilla secreta wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 5:21 pm
Kismet wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 2:02 pm
Who would you trust chapperoning your daughter at her prom, Limbaugh or Ted Kennedy? Think about it..
Nothing to worry about currently as they are both DEAD. :oops: :oops: :oops:

Way too much bandwidth being used for this belligerent and generally distasteful person IMHO.
Good point. In that case make it the Dead Kennedys as the appropriate choice.
Their lead singer eventually sold out over money too...
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 7:45 pm You can stop with the "your team" bs. I've been saying the same things on this issue since day 1. You just don't listen, you insist on pigen holing people. Pat Buchanan & Ross Perot were my original GOP team captains. Even when the Bushie neocom globalists lead the GOP, I still preferred them to the alternative because they were all conservative on defense, foreign policy, national security & cultural issues.
I find it hilarious that you think this isn't your team. You literally just laid out the path that Republican voters just took for the last 40 years, and you're realizing just now that it was a really bad mistake.

You chose war and playing global cop over taking care of the American working class. That's what you did---and you regret it. Your party rejected Buchanan, as I have told you multiple times. You didn't enough to leave the team.

Republican voters thought nothing of blowing trillions of dollars fighting pointless wars in countries that these same voters can't find on a map....while at the same time, just the idea of spending on penny on higher education or training for workers sounds completely and utterly insane to this team of yours. Result? Trump's forgotten voters are still....completely forgotten.

You should have chose Bernie. You chose Bush (twice) and endless wars instead. So when libs ask "why do Republicans constantly vote contrary to their interest?" just spelled out why perfectly. War makes sense to Republicans. Fighting the "bad guy" speaks to them. And the cultural think it can be won or lost in Washington DC, when it can't....not long term, anyway.

Remember how many posters said they'd vote for Trump because they're sick of PC culture (when the Dems do it...when the R's do it, it's awesome)?

I pointed out at the time that that was just about the dumbest thing I'd ever heard. And was I right? Did electing Trump do a thing about PC culture? Nope. But you're 1000% right---Republican voters will continue to vote like this, thinking it will slow changes to our culture. ( won't work)
old salt wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 7:45 pm Also, the economic disparity was not so severe. Since the '90's it has just continued to get worse, as the jobs left to slave labor countries, China stole more of our tech & IP, & the EU became more of a protectionist market. It didn't just happen all of a sudden.
No, it didn't. But you left out that Republicans chose trickle down instead of trickle up, as so many of our 1st world competitors did. We're seeing the horrible effects of this choice as opportunity is slipping away---unless you can code. And we're learning that demographically? Republicans can't code.

And yes, the Dems joined in on the trickle down game, starting with Bill C. It's why the libs hate Biden and Kamala...they know they're full of *hit, and will continue the trickle down party.
old salt wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 7:45 pm We have become a net energy exporter.
That's great. But also misleading. We're still importing's a regional game. We are NOT energy independent. ... 20products.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:36 am
old salt wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 7:45 pm You can stop with the "your team" bs. I've been saying the same things on this issue since day 1. You just don't listen, you insist on pigen holing people. Pat Buchanan & Ross Perot were my original GOP team captains. Even when the Bushie neocom globalists lead the GOP, I still preferred them to the alternative because they were all conservative on defense, foreign policy, national security & cultural issues.
I find it hilarious that you think this isn't your team. You literally just laid out the path that Republican voters just took for the last 40 years, and you're realizing just now that it was a really bad mistake.Blah blah, your team, blah blah

You chose war and playing global cop over taking care of the American working class. False choice. e.g. Cold War That's what you did---and you regret it. Your party rejected Buchanan, as I have told you multiple times. You didn't enough to leave the team. False choice. Perot & Buchanan prevented a 2nd Bush45 term & germinated the tea party.

Republican voters thought nothing of blowing trillions of dollars fighting pointless wars in countries that these same voters can't find on a map....while at the same time, just the idea of spending on penny on higher education or training for workers sounds completely and utterly insane to this team of yours. Result? Trump's forgotten voters are still....completely forgotten. Different issues. Not an either or choice. We spent much more during the Cold War, yet took care of workers & built the biggest middle class in history, under both "teams". False choice.

You should have chose Bernie. Trump was better. You chose Bush (twice) and endless wars instead. False choice. They were enthusiastically supported by both "teams" (except Buchanan & Webb) & the msm.So when libs ask "why do Republicans constantly vote contrary to their interest?" just spelled out why perfectly. War makes sense to Republicans. All our wars have been bipartisan. They can't be conducted without support from both parties. Fighting the "bad guy" speaks to them. Bosnia, Libya. We came, he died. And the cultural think it can be won or lost in Washington DC, when it can't....not long term, anyway.
You're projecting again. Big push for "equity" in red state politics :roll: :roll:
Remember how many posters said they'd vote for Trump because they're sick of PC culture (when the Dems do it...when the R's do it, it's awesome)?
:lol: ...the Dems are rejecting PC culture.

I pointed out at the time that that was just about the dumbest thing I'd ever heard. And was I right? Did electing Trump do a thing about PC culture? Nope. You must have slept through Jan 6th. But you're 1000% right---Republican voters will continue to vote like this, thinking it will slow changes to our culture. ( won't work)
old salt wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 7:45 pm Also, the economic disparity was not so severe. Since the '90's it has just continued to get worse, as the jobs left to slave labor countries, China stole more of our tech & IP, & the EU became more of a protectionist market. It didn't just happen all of a sudden.
No, it didn't. But you left out that Republicans chose trickle down instead of trickle up except those of us who supported Perot & Buchanan, as so many of our 1st world competitors did. We're seeing the horrible effects of this choice as opportunity is slipping away---unless you can code. And we're learning that demographically? Republicans can't code. Dems can't change their own oil.

And yes, the Dems joined in on the trickle down game, starting with Bill C. It's why the libs hate Biden and Kamala...they know they're full of *hit, and will continue the trickle down party.Bernie & Warren got rich too. The Big Guy got his 10% too.
old salt wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 7:45 pm We have become a net energy exporter.
That's great. But also misleading. We're still importing's a regional game. We are NOT energy independent.
Your all or nothing "logic" misses the big picture. We are a net petroleum exporter. Our supply is no longer threatened by global bad actors. Thanks to fracking, we top off our strategic reserve when prices are down, giving us security & allowing us to import foreign crude when it's cheaper. We were on the path to 100% total independence until Biden started shutting down pipelines , restricted new permits & returned to regulatory disincentives in pursuit of the Green New Deal con job.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by Kismet »

were on the path to 100% total independence until Biden started shutting down pipelines
Biden shut down construction on ONE unfinished pipeline that has NEVER delivered a drop of Canadian oil to Gulf Coast refineries.

His fracking permit restrictions are only paused on Federally-owned land.

As for your love of fracking, what percentage of it was shut down by abnormally cold weather this month alone?

After complaining endlessly for the past four years about TDS, you have not given Biden even a month before starting complaining about just about every decision he makes.
Last edited by Kismet on Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by old salt »

Kismet wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:40 pm
were on the path to 100% total independence until Biden started shutting down pipelines
Biden shut down construction on ONE unfinished pipeline that has NEVER delivered a drop of Canadian oil to Gulf Coast refineries.

His fracking permit restrictions are only paused on Federally-owned land.

As for your love of fracking, what percentage of it was shut down by abnormally cold weather this month alone?
DAPL is under threat (again). A high % of out oil & gas come from beneath Fed land. Checked the pump price lately ?
Last edited by old salt on Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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