2020 Elections - Trump FIRED

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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:38 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 11:17 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 10:05 am
ggait wrote: Tue Mar 03, 2020 5:09 pm
If Sanders wins... what does that tell you? The Democrats will have to work overtime to find a way to F**K Bernie out of being their nominee. You can't make this sheep dip up.
Like Trump and Putin, C&S is pulling soooo hard for Bernie to win. :lol: :lol:

No overtime will be needed if, as projected, Bernie finishes with fewer delegates than Biden. And if (also as projected) Joe + Bloom = a majority, while Bernie + Liz = minority.

https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/ou ... certainty/

As I keep saying, the center left is doing just fine. The problem is that the center right, in contrast, is dying or already dead.
We're in dormant mode, will vote for Biden in November, ala Bill Kristol's tweet.

cradle, not sure why you don't understand that it's actually the bulk of Dem voters, not simply an "establishment', who want a more moderate, less angry candidate. They want positive change, sure, but not 'revolution', and what they want most is to be sure that Trump is out. And they don't want to risk losing the House as well, because a Trump totally unrestrained is indeed very, very scary.

Winning matters.
Jim Clyburn understood, and so obviously did the Dem voters, who showed up in record #'s, not for Bernie but rather the record turnout was for Biden.
Shut the front door my friend. I know the Dems are looking for a more moderate candidate. This is anecdotal but my youngest son and his cabal of left wing friends are all rabid Bernie fans. They do not give a flying fig about being moderate, they want what Bernie is selling. What I have been saying, which it seems like nobody here understands, is the D establishment can not allow Bernie to win the nomination. That is not because they disagree with him. They understand 100% that Bernie can not beat Trump. Uncle Joe is the best of a group of substandard candidates. Joe runs so hot and cold the D establishment must be pulling their hair out. Joe is sharp as a tack one minute and the next minute he seems almost clueless. He is clearly moderate enough for the D establishment. They have to be concerned that Joes mental clarity is slowly declining.
Sounds like your son had a reaction to your own views...pretty typical reaction to parents. :D

You seem to think that the "D establishment" actually agrees with Bernie's views. They most definitely don't.
Of course, there's a big (but far from majority) wing who do, but like other younger voters, they don't show up in as high proportion as do their elders.

Now, relative to your views, apparently, I can see why you might confuse a common desire for affordable health care for all (which all the Dems want) and Bernie and Liz's conception of single payor, Medicare for all. But it most definitely ain't the same thing. Likewise, all the Dems believe that climate change is an existential threat and want to move away quickly from fossil fuels to renewables, but they differ dramatically on how to accomplish their varyingly ambitious goals. In each policy arena, there are indeed substantial differences between the moderate wing and the most progressive wing, much less the "democratic socialists".

Yes, of course, Biden wasn't impressive early on, whether at the podium, on the debate stage, in fundraising, or in organization, and certainly it would be logical for the political pros to be worried whether he had what it will take to defeat Trump. That's why Bloomberg stepped in. And it's why Pete shined so brightly. It's why Liz's policy intensity and comprehensiveness was attractive to some. And Amy's actual policy chops in getting stuff done to others.

But the pros are going to rally around Joe, his staffing will be dramatically upgraded, his money challenges will be eliminated, and he'll get plenty of speech and debate prep for the general. They'll be smart about putting him into town hall type situations where he best shines as an empathetic guy who actually does care about people. He'll make gaffes, laugh at himself, and move on. Big rallies, Trump and Obama style, won't be his forte, but he'll be good enough. In fact, he should avoid the yelling and hyperbole of a Sanders and Trump. Keep the messages simple, let his empathy soak in. And that'll do fine on the debate stage. Trump is truly a stupid, mean jerk, and that'll come across just fine in contrast. Biden's best play would be to shake his head at Trump and get back to the 'soul of America' refrain every time Trump goes hyperbolic. Dunno whether Joe can do that, but he'll be ok as well if he goes toe to toe.

We're going to get a ton of ugly from Trump and his allies about Hunter and Burisma, but it's just not going to stick hard the way it did with Clinton. In contrast, expect the Bloomberg machine to pour money into very effective negative ads about Trump, both about competence and about corruption. It'll be relentless, and have the benefit of being actually true.

A Bernie head to head would have been a harder play for Bloomberg, as the Trump machine would be all over the 'socialist' label and Bloomberg actually agrees! Moreover, I think Bernie would have risen to the bait and tacked even more left rather than reached out to moderates...losing proposition. Bloomberg would have still poured on the negative campaign vs Trump, but it would have been a much harder battle.
My son has no idea what my views are. I never lecture him about what I believe or what he believes. He came to his own political views all by himself. Outside of this forum I rarely discuss politics with anyone. I am guessing that you think I am bs ing you here. My former neighbor and his wife now live in South Carolina. They are at opposite sides if the political spectrum and have observed the carnage of their political back and forth. Maybe I'm lucky that the conversations on this forum are good enough for me. I use to have some knock down drag out debates with my radical socialist sister but we dont even have those anymore. My love for my garden is what gets me through all this non sense.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:51 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:38 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 11:17 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 10:05 am
ggait wrote: Tue Mar 03, 2020 5:09 pm
If Sanders wins... what does that tell you? The Democrats will have to work overtime to find a way to F**K Bernie out of being their nominee. You can't make this sheep dip up.
Like Trump and Putin, C&S is pulling soooo hard for Bernie to win. :lol: :lol:

No overtime will be needed if, as projected, Bernie finishes with fewer delegates than Biden. And if (also as projected) Joe + Bloom = a majority, while Bernie + Liz = minority.

https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/ou ... certainty/

As I keep saying, the center left is doing just fine. The problem is that the center right, in contrast, is dying or already dead.
We're in dormant mode, will vote for Biden in November, ala Bill Kristol's tweet.

cradle, not sure why you don't understand that it's actually the bulk of Dem voters, not simply an "establishment', who want a more moderate, less angry candidate. They want positive change, sure, but not 'revolution', and what they want most is to be sure that Trump is out. And they don't want to risk losing the House as well, because a Trump totally unrestrained is indeed very, very scary.

Winning matters.
Jim Clyburn understood, and so obviously did the Dem voters, who showed up in record #'s, not for Bernie but rather the record turnout was for Biden.
Shut the front door my friend. I know the Dems are looking for a more moderate candidate. This is anecdotal but my youngest son and his cabal of left wing friends are all rabid Bernie fans. They do not give a flying fig about being moderate, they want what Bernie is selling. What I have been saying, which it seems like nobody here understands, is the D establishment can not allow Bernie to win the nomination. That is not because they disagree with him. They understand 100% that Bernie can not beat Trump. Uncle Joe is the best of a group of substandard candidates. Joe runs so hot and cold the D establishment must be pulling their hair out. Joe is sharp as a tack one minute and the next minute he seems almost clueless. He is clearly moderate enough for the D establishment. They have to be concerned that Joes mental clarity is slowly declining.
Sounds like your son had a reaction to your own views...pretty typical reaction to parents. :D

You seem to think that the "D establishment" actually agrees with Bernie's views. They most definitely don't.
Of course, there's a big (but far from majority) wing who do, but like other younger voters, they don't show up in as high proportion as do their elders.

Now, relative to your views, apparently, I can see why you might confuse a common desire for affordable health care for all (which all the Dems want) and Bernie and Liz's conception of single payor, Medicare for all. But it most definitely ain't the same thing. Likewise, all the Dems believe that climate change is an existential threat and want to move away quickly from fossil fuels to renewables, but they differ dramatically on how to accomplish their varyingly ambitious goals. In each policy arena, there are indeed substantial differences between the moderate wing and the most progressive wing, much less the "democratic socialists".

Yes, of course, Biden wasn't impressive early on, whether at the podium, on the debate stage, in fundraising, or in organization, and certainly it would be logical for the political pros to be worried whether he had what it will take to defeat Trump. That's why Bloomberg stepped in. And it's why Pete shined so brightly. It's why Liz's policy intensity and comprehensiveness was attractive to some. And Amy's actual policy chops in getting stuff done to others.

But the pros are going to rally around Joe, his staffing will be dramatically upgraded, his money challenges will be eliminated, and he'll get plenty of speech and debate prep for the general. They'll be smart about putting him into town hall type situations where he best shines as an empathetic guy who actually does care about people. He'll make gaffes, laugh at himself, and move on. Big rallies, Trump and Obama style, won't be his forte, but he'll be good enough. In fact, he should avoid the yelling and hyperbole of a Sanders and Trump. Keep the messages simple, let his empathy soak in. And that'll do fine on the debate stage. Trump is truly a stupid, mean jerk, and that'll come across just fine in contrast. Biden's best play would be to shake his head at Trump and get back to the 'soul of America' refrain every time Trump goes hyperbolic. Dunno whether Joe can do that, but he'll be ok as well if he goes toe to toe.

We're going to get a ton of ugly from Trump and his allies about Hunter and Burisma, but it's just not going to stick hard the way it did with Clinton. In contrast, expect the Bloomberg machine to pour money into very effective negative ads about Trump, both about competence and about corruption. It'll be relentless, and have the benefit of being actually true.

A Bernie head to head would have been a harder play for Bloomberg, as the Trump machine would be all over the 'socialist' label and Bloomberg actually agrees! Moreover, I think Bernie would have risen to the bait and tacked even more left rather than reached out to moderates...losing proposition. Bloomberg would have still poured on the negative campaign vs Trump, but it would have been a much harder battle.
My son has no idea what my views are. I never lecture him about what I believe or what he believes. He came to his own political views all by himself. Outside of this forum I rarely discuss politics with anyone. I am guessing that you think I am bs ing you here. My former neighbor and his wife now live in South Carolina. They are at opposite sides if the political spectrum and have observed the carnage of their political back and forth. Maybe I'm lucky that the conversations on this forum are good enough for me. I use to have some knock down drag out debates with my radical socialist sister but we dont even have those anymore. My love for my garden is what gets me through all this non sense.
Glad we can provide an outlet for you; family amity is way more important.
And gardening is indeed another good outlet.

I was, of course, joking about your son. My pop always accused me of being a liberal, despite my being a staunch Republican...I was just more socially liberal, a product of my generation and experiences relative to his own.
My son is 26 and tacked leftward for the first time in 2016, though certainly not Bernie Bro or AOC style.
Still very much a believer in capitalism, personal accountability, fiscal restraint, international leadership etc.
His lax and school buddies are mostly on Wall Street, or working in high tech or in a start-up, one is a Navy Seal.
They too aren't Bernie Bros.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by old salt »

dislaxxic wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:19 am After Jim Clyburn's boost, it should be pretty obvious that Biden would pick Kamala Harris or Stacey Abrams as a running mate.
Deval Patrick (Obama's BFF) ? ...or Michelle for VP.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by Kismet »

Michelle Obama is NOT going to be on the Dem ticket in 2020. That said, if Biden ends up being the nominee they need a younger person preferably female or minority or both who would be ready to be at the top of the ticket as soon as 2024.

Deval Patrick might be an option.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by old salt »

Friendly advice -- Team Biden will be smart if they start floating names of likely Cabinet members, national security & IC leaders, to reassure those of us concerned about Uncle Joe's mental acuity. He'd be wise to steer clear of Obama Admin shadow govt returnees, like Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes & John Brennan.

It would be very reassuring to see Jeh Johnson named a campaign adviser & tv show spokesman on homeland, national security & defense issues.

Uncle Joe needs to stay wishy washy, noncommittal on fracking.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by Kismet »

Latest masterpiece from Lincoln Project Never Trumpers - these guys are very good!!!

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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by CU88 »

Kismet wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:35 pm Latest masterpiece from Lincoln Project Never Trumpers - these guys are very good!!!

The r's watch that and just don't understand...

by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
You have heck this forum up to making it nothing more than a joke. I hope you are happy.
This is cradle and shoot signing out.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by jhu72 »

Kismet wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:35 pm Latest masterpiece from Lincoln Project Never Trumpers - these guys are very good!!!

They are very good! Trump is going to die from agita.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:32 pm Friendly advice -- Team Biden will be smart if they start floating names of likely Cabinet members, national security & IC leaders, to reassure those of us concerned about Uncle Joe's mental acuity. He'd be wise to steer clear of Obama Admin shadow govt returnees, like Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes & John Brennan.

It would be very reassuring to see Jeh Johnson named a campaign adviser & tv show spokesman on homeland, national security & defense issues.

Uncle Joe needs to stay wishy washy, noncommittal on fracking.
Why the rush, you ain't voting in the Dem primaries are you?
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by dislaxxic »

old salt wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:32 pm...to reassure those of us concerned about Uncle Joe's mental acuity.

Sez the guy that's NOT worried one wit about the Very Stable Genius now stalking the residence area of the White House scarfing cheeseburglers and hate tweeting at all hours of the night...that's SOO rich!! :lol: :lol:

"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by ggait »

"Friendly advice -- Team Biden will be smart if they start floating names of likely Cabinet members, national security & IC leaders, to reassure those of us concerned about Uncle Joe's mental acuity."
How re-assured are you by Trump, Pence, Javanka, and Grenell/Ratcliffe?
Boycott stupid. Country over party.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by Kismet »

Dixie Chicks first album/single in 14 years lowers the boom on DOPUS with their new single "Gaslighter" - some stunning cultural references

https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertai ... 952998002/

Have to give the three ladies some credit after the hits (both personal and professional) they took when they criticized Bush 43.

DOPUS' bad week continues. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:01 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:51 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:38 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 11:17 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 10:05 am
ggait wrote: Tue Mar 03, 2020 5:09 pm
If Sanders wins... what does that tell you? The Democrats will have to work overtime to find a way to F**K Bernie out of being their nominee. You can't make this sheep dip up.
Like Trump and Putin, C&S is pulling soooo hard for Bernie to win. :lol: :lol:

No overtime will be needed if, as projected, Bernie finishes with fewer delegates than Biden. And if (also as projected) Joe + Bloom = a majority, while Bernie + Liz = minority.

https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/ou ... certainty/

As I keep saying, the center left is doing just fine. The problem is that the center right, in contrast, is dying or already dead.
We're in dormant mode, will vote for Biden in November, ala Bill Kristol's tweet.

cradle, not sure why you don't understand that it's actually the bulk of Dem voters, not simply an "establishment', who want a more moderate, less angry candidate. They want positive change, sure, but not 'revolution', and what they want most is to be sure that Trump is out. And they don't want to risk losing the House as well, because a Trump totally unrestrained is indeed very, very scary.

Winning matters.
Jim Clyburn understood, and so obviously did the Dem voters, who showed up in record #'s, not for Bernie but rather the record turnout was for Biden.
Shut the front door my friend. I know the Dems are looking for a more moderate candidate. This is anecdotal but my youngest son and his cabal of left wing friends are all rabid Bernie fans. They do not give a flying fig about being moderate, they want what Bernie is selling. What I have been saying, which it seems like nobody here understands, is the D establishment can not allow Bernie to win the nomination. That is not because they disagree with him. They understand 100% that Bernie can not beat Trump. Uncle Joe is the best of a group of substandard candidates. Joe runs so hot and cold the D establishment must be pulling their hair out. Joe is sharp as a tack one minute and the next minute he seems almost clueless. He is clearly moderate enough for the D establishment. They have to be concerned that Joes mental clarity is slowly declining.
Sounds like your son had a reaction to your own views...pretty typical reaction to parents. :D

You seem to think that the "D establishment" actually agrees with Bernie's views. They most definitely don't.
Of course, there's a big (but far from majority) wing who do, but like other younger voters, they don't show up in as high proportion as do their elders.

Now, relative to your views, apparently, I can see why you might confuse a common desire for affordable health care for all (which all the Dems want) and Bernie and Liz's conception of single payor, Medicare for all. But it most definitely ain't the same thing. Likewise, all the Dems believe that climate change is an existential threat and want to move away quickly from fossil fuels to renewables, but they differ dramatically on how to accomplish their varyingly ambitious goals. In each policy arena, there are indeed substantial differences between the moderate wing and the most progressive wing, much less the "democratic socialists".

Yes, of course, Biden wasn't impressive early on, whether at the podium, on the debate stage, in fundraising, or in organization, and certainly it would be logical for the political pros to be worried whether he had what it will take to defeat Trump. That's why Bloomberg stepped in. And it's why Pete shined so brightly. It's why Liz's policy intensity and comprehensiveness was attractive to some. And Amy's actual policy chops in getting stuff done to others.

But the pros are going to rally around Joe, his staffing will be dramatically upgraded, his money challenges will be eliminated, and he'll get plenty of speech and debate prep for the general. They'll be smart about putting him into town hall type situations where he best shines as an empathetic guy who actually does care about people. He'll make gaffes, laugh at himself, and move on. Big rallies, Trump and Obama style, won't be his forte, but he'll be good enough. In fact, he should avoid the yelling and hyperbole of a Sanders and Trump. Keep the messages simple, let his empathy soak in. And that'll do fine on the debate stage. Trump is truly a stupid, mean jerk, and that'll come across just fine in contrast. Biden's best play would be to shake his head at Trump and get back to the 'soul of America' refrain every time Trump goes hyperbolic. Dunno whether Joe can do that, but he'll be ok as well if he goes toe to toe.

We're going to get a ton of ugly from Trump and his allies about Hunter and Burisma, but it's just not going to stick hard the way it did with Clinton. In contrast, expect the Bloomberg machine to pour money into very effective negative ads about Trump, both about competence and about corruption. It'll be relentless, and have the benefit of being actually true.

A Bernie head to head would have been a harder play for Bloomberg, as the Trump machine would be all over the 'socialist' label and Bloomberg actually agrees! Moreover, I think Bernie would have risen to the bait and tacked even more left rather than reached out to moderates...losing proposition. Bloomberg would have still poured on the negative campaign vs Trump, but it would have been a much harder battle.

My son has no idea what my views are. I never lecture him about what I believe or what he believes. He came to his own political views all by himself. Outside of this forum I rarely discuss politics with anyone. I am guessing that you think I am bs ing you here. My former neighbor and his wife now live in South Carolina. They are at opposite sides if the political spectrum and have observed the carnage of their political back and forth. Maybe I'm lucky that the conversations on this forum are good enough for me. I use to have some knock down drag out debates with my radical socialist sister but we dont even have those anymore. My love for my garden is what gets me through all this non sense.
Glad we can provide an outlet for you; family amity is way more important.
And gardening is indeed another good outlet.

I was, of course, joking about your son. My pop always accused me of being a liberal, despite my being a staunch Republican...I was just more socially liberal, a product of my generation and experiences relative to his own.
My son is 26 and tacked leftward for the first time in 2016, though certainly not Bernie Bro or AOC style.
Still very much a believer in capitalism, personal accountability, fiscal restraint, international leadership etc.
His lax and school buddies are mostly on Wall Street, or working in high tech or in a start-up, one is a Navy Seal.
They too aren't Bernie Bros.

"You seem to think that the "D establishment" actually agrees with Bernie's views. They most definitely don't."

I could not disagree with you more. They are realistic to know that what Bernie is selling, most of America is not buying. I can go back to my debates with my own sister. She is a huge Bernie fan. She came from an era in the early 70s that was lockstep with everything Bernie believes. There are still a huge bunch of "flower children" from that era that love Bernies message. They will vote for him IMO.

"We're going to get a ton of ugly from Trump and his allies about Hunter and Burisma"

You are damn right, this is big league nasty, nasty down and dirty politics. It is not about what Uncle Joe and Hunter did or did not do. It is a vehicle that the Trump people will use to discredit Joe however they can. Biden people will certainly be armed to the teeth with Trump dirt to club him with. Joes problem is the optics at this time do not look good.

"But the pros are going to rally around Joe, his staffing will be dramatically upgraded, his money challenges will be eliminated, and he'll get plenty of speech and debate prep for the general. They'll be smart about putting him into town hall type situations where he best shines as an empathetic guy who actually does care about people. He'll make gaffes, laugh at himself, and move on. Big rallies, Trump and Obama style, won't be his forte, but he'll be good enough. In fact, he should avoid the yelling and hyperbole of a Sanders and Trump. Keep the messages simple, let his empathy soak in. And that'll do fine on the debate stage. Trump is truly a stupid, mean jerk, and that'll come across just fine in contrast. Biden's best play would be to shake his head at Trump and get back to the 'soul of America' refrain every time Trump goes hyperbolic. Dunno whether Joe can do that, but he'll be ok as well if he goes toe to toe."

You sound like you are lobbying for the job of Joes campaign manager. ;) Good advice but i doubt it works out that way.

"I was, of course, joking about your son. "
My baby boy just turned 30 today. I could not be more proud of him and what he has become. You guide them along their path, give them advice when they need it, watch them make their mistakes. It sounds like you did the same with your boy. We will always love them unconditionally and never forget the joy they bring into our lives. My only beef with my son turning 30 I feel very very old.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by njbill »

old salt wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:32 pm Friendly advice -- Team Biden will be smart if they start floating names of likely Cabinet members, national security & IC leaders, to reassure those of us concerned about Uncle Joe's mental acuity. He'd be wise to steer clear of Obama Admin shadow govt returnees, like Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes & John Brennan.

It would be very reassuring to see Jeh Johnson named a campaign adviser & tv show spokesman on homeland, national security & defense issues.

Uncle Joe needs to stay wishy washy, noncommittal on fracking.
Adam Schiff attorney general.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by cradleandshoot »

njbill wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 5:22 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:32 pm Friendly advice -- Team Biden will be smart if they start floating names of likely Cabinet members, national security & IC leaders, to reassure those of us concerned about Uncle Joe's mental acuity. He'd be wise to steer clear of Obama Admin shadow govt returnees, like Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes & John Brennan.

It would be very reassuring to see Jeh Johnson named a campaign adviser & tv show spokesman on homeland, national security & defense issues.

Uncle Joe needs to stay wishy washy, noncommittal on fracking.
Adam Schiff attorney general.
Shiffty... :lol: I would love to watch those confirmation hearings...
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

njbill wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 5:22 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:32 pm Friendly advice -- Team Biden will be smart if they start floating names of likely Cabinet members, national security & IC leaders, to reassure those of us concerned about Uncle Joe's mental acuity. He'd be wise to steer clear of Obama Admin shadow govt returnees, like Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes & John Brennan.

It would be very reassuring to see Jeh Johnson named a campaign adviser & tv show spokesman on homeland, national security & defense issues.

Uncle Joe needs to stay wishy washy, noncommittal on fracking.
Adam Schiff attorney general.
“I wish you would!”
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by old salt »

ggait wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 3:16 pm
"Friendly advice -- Team Biden will be smart if they start floating names of likely Cabinet members, national security & IC leaders, to reassure those of us concerned about Uncle Joe's mental acuity."
How re-assured are you by Trump, Pence, Javanka, and Grenell/Ratcliffe?
Very much so by Ratcliffe.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 2:08 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:32 pm Friendly advice -- Team Biden will be smart if they start floating names of likely Cabinet members, national security & IC leaders, to reassure those of us concerned about Uncle Joe's mental acuity. He'd be wise to steer clear of Obama Admin shadow govt returnees, like Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes & John Brennan.

It would be very reassuring to see Jeh Johnson named a campaign adviser & tv show spokesman on homeland, national security & defense issues.

Uncle Joe needs to stay wishy washy, noncommittal on fracking.
Why the rush, you ain't voting in the Dem primaries are you?
I may. I registered (D). It's the only way to have a choice in MD.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by old salt »

dislaxxic wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 2:55 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:32 pm...to reassure those of us concerned about Uncle Joe's mental acuity.

Sez the guy that's NOT worried one wit about the Very Stable Genius now stalking the residence area of the White House scarfing cheeseburglers and hate tweeting at all hours of the night...that's SOO rich!! :lol: :lol:
How do you know what I'm worried about ?
Not everyone's a bilnded hater like you, dis.

I look for the positive & have come to accept what I am powerless to change.
I feel a tremendous sense of relief with the prospect of Uncle Joe as the alternative to Trump, rather than Bernie.
If that's the choice, I'm content to let my fellow voters decide.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump gets fired?

Post by dislaxxic »

How do i know what you're worried about? Seriously? We get hectored by it daily, sometimes several times daily... :shock:

"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
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