Fantasy Lacrosse > Fantasy Lacrosse 2022

Draft ResultsFantasy RostersFantasy ScheduleNCAA Games that CountLeading ScorersRegular Season Standings

The schedule was based on 2021’s regular season final standings. The teams that finished with an odd number (Champion, Third, Fifth, etc.) were put in Hat A. The teams that finished with an even number (Runner-up, Fourth, Sixth, etc.) were put in Hat B. Teams from Hat A were randomly selected to play teams from Hat B that were also randomly selected. This way every team will play teams that were at the top, middle, and bottom of the Standings last season. With all this said, this is the 2022 Fantasy Schedule.

Week 1
18 ohmilax34 vs. GCCLax 11
2 dfaganlax916 vs. Lax1 5
3 Keoni007 vs. NC Lax 12
8 NJLaxx11 vs. Maddog -2
16 GenghiskhanBluejay vs. ChopSticks 10
20 PA Talk vs. GreenieLax 4
13 UK Lax vs. FCALax 19
15 Matnum PI vs. OCanada 4
11 CalLaxDad vs. Typical Lax Dad 21
14 DU-Fan vs. HipandKneeDoc 8
Week 2
11 ohmilax34 vs. HipandKneeDoc 5
2 dfaganlax916 vs. GCCLax 17
3 Keoni007 vs. Lax1 (* – OT Win) 4*
6 NJLaxx11 vs. NC Lax 17
15 GenghiskhanBluejay vs. Maddog 2
14 PA Talk vs. ChopSticks 5
16 UK Lax vs. GreenieLax 9
11 Matnum PI vs. FCALax 19
11 CalLaxDad vs. OCanada 21
18 DU-Fan vs. Typical Lax Dad 14
Week 3
18 ohmilax34 vs. Typical Lax Dad 12
7 dfaganlax916 vs. HipandKneeDoc 14
5 Keoni007 vs. GCCLax 3
11 NJLaxx11 vs. Lax1 3
9 GenghiskhanBluejay vs. NC Lax 14
28 PA Talk vs. Maddog 12
22 UK Lax vs. ChopSticks 12
7* Matnum PI (*-OT Win) vs. GreenieLax 6
15 CalLaxDad vs. FCALax 18
22* DU-Fan (*-OT Win) vs. OCanada 21
Week 4
13 ohmilax34 vs. Ocanada 0
11 dfaganlax916 vs. Typical Lax Dad 10
9 Keoni007 vs. HipandKneeDoc 26
21 NJLaxx11 vs. GCCLax 15
4 GenghiskhanBluejay vs. Lax1 16
16 PA Talk vs. NC Lax 18
10 UK Lax vs. Maddog 14
8 Matnum PI vs. ChopSticks 1
10 CalLaxDad vs. GreenieLax 19
27 DU-Fan vs. FCALax 19
Week 5
14 ohmilax34 vs. FCALax 12
7 dfaganlax916 vs. Ocanada 9
0 Keoni007 vs. Typical Lax Dad 9
9 NJLaxx11 vs. HipandKneeDoc 16
14 GenghiskhanBluejay vs. GCCLax 15
31 PA Talk vs. Lax1 10
24 UK Lax vs. NC Lax 11
12 Matnum PI vs. Maddog 15
14 CalLaxDad vs. ChopSticks 6
12 DU-Fan vs. GreenieLax 9
Week 6
18 ohmilax34 vs. GreenieLax 10
0 dfaganlax916 vs. FCALax 22
6 Keoni007 vs. Ocanada 8
17 NJLaxx11 vs. Typical Lax Dad 19
7 GenghiskhanBluejay vs. HipandKneeDoc 17
12 PA Talk vs. GCCLax 9
8 UK Lax vs. Lax1 14
10 Matnum PI vs. NC Lax 11
12 CalLaxDad vs. Maddog 4
21 DU-Fan vs. ChopSticks 7
Week 7
23 ohmilax34 vs. ChopSticks 12
0 dfaganlax916 vs. GreenieLax 10
0 Keoni007 vs. FCALax 14
13* NJLaxx11 vs. Ocanada 12
19 GenghiskhanBluejay vs. Typical Lax Dad 15
17 PA Talk vs. HipandKneeDoc 20
13 UK Lax vs. GCCLax 16
21 Matnum PI vs. Lax1 3
9 CalLaxDad vs. NC Lax 13
15 DU-Fan vs. Maddog 1
Week 8
17 ohmilax34 vs. Maddog 11
10 dfaganlax916 vs. ChopSticks 14
8 Keoni007 vs. GreenieLax 7
11 NJLaxx11 vs. FCALax 26
5 GenghiskhanBluejay vs. Ocanada 10
10 PA Talk vs. Typical Lax Dad 7
24 UK Lax vs. HipandKneeDoc 16
18 Matnum PI vs. GCCLax 11
10 CalLaxDad vs. Lax1 5
25 DU-Fan vs. NC Lax 5
23 DU-Fan vs. UK Lax 16
22 ohmilax34 vs. Matnum PI 16
30 FCALax vs. HipandKneeDoc 18
23 PA Talk vs. NC Lax 13
15 DU-Fan vs. PA Talk 30
25 ohmilax34 vs. FCALax 13
16 ohmilax34 vs. PA Talk 7