Fantasy Lacrosse: Quarterfinals – 2024

Fantasy Lacrosse > Fantasy Lacrosse 2024 Draft Results • Fantasy Rosters • Fantasy Schedule • NCAA Games that Count • Leading Scorers • Regular Season Standings Farfromgeneva 22 vs. FCALax 11 CalLaxDad 14 vs. harrisoncoburn 19 UK Lax 17 vs. NC Lax 21 GenghiskhanBluejay 18 vs. OCanada 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Farfromgeneva - FCALax - Matt Licata SR A Villanova 3 Alex Slusher SR A Duke - Chris Kavanagh JR A Notre Dame 5 T.J. Haley...

Fantasy Lacrosse: Week Eight – 2024

Fantasy Lacrosse > Fantasy Lacrosse 2024 Draft Results • Fantasy Rosters • Fantasy Schedule • NCAA Games that Count • Leading Scorers • Regular Season Standings Typical Lax Dad 5 vs. OCanada 20 Lax1 9 vs. ohmilax34 23 NJLaxx11 12 vs. Matnum PI 10 FCALax 13 vs. Maddog 9 GenghiskhanBluejay 19 vs. DU-Fan 9 GreenieLax 16 vs. PA Talk 4 harrisoncoburn 14 vs. NC Lax 16 CalLaxDad 18 vs. girlsdoitbetter 9 ChopSticks 3 vs. Farfromgeneva 27 Keoni007 11 vs. UK Lax 21 - - - - - - - - Typical Lax Dad - vs. OCanada - Jacob Todd FR M Princeton - - Marek Seaman FR M Loyola - Logan...

Fantasy Lacrosse: Week Seven – 2024

Fantasy Lacrosse > Fantasy Lacrosse 2024 Draft Results • Fantasy Rosters • Fantasy Schedule • NCAA Games that Count • Leading Scorers • Regular Season Standings Typical Lax Dad 17 vs. UK Lax 12 Lax1 19 vs. OCanada 7 NJLaxx11 25 vs. ohmilax34 8 FCALax 10 vs. Matnum PI 7 GenghiskhanBluejay 22 vs. Maddog 4 GreenieLax 16 vs. DU-Fan 8 harrisoncoburn 9 vs. PA Talk 7 CalLaxDad 16 vs. NC Lax 13 ChopSticks 16 vs. girlsdoitbetter 8 Keoni007 8 vs. Farfromgeneva 14 - - - - - - - - Typical Lax Dad - vs. UK Lax - Jacob Todd FR M Princeton - - Gabe Furey SR A/M...

Fantasy Lacrosse: Week Six – 2024

Fantasy Lacrosse > Fantasy Lacrosse 2024 Draft Results • Fantasy Rosters • Fantasy Schedule • NCAA Games that Count • Leading Scorers • Regular Season Standings Typical Lax Dad 19 vs. Farfromgeneva 21 Lax1 18 vs. UK Lax 17 NJLaxx11 5 vs. OCanada 11 FCALax 13 vs. ohmilax34 6 GenghiskhanBluejay 10 vs. Matnum PI 14 GreenieLax 19 vs. Maddog 7 harrisoncoburn 12 vs. DU-Fan 10 CalLaxDad 15 vs. PA Talk 1 ChopSticks 4 vs. NC Lax 17 Keoni007 11 vs. girlsdoitbetter 15 - - - - - - - - Typical Lax Dad - vs. Farfromgeneva - Jacob Todd FR M Princeton - - Matt Licata SR A Villanova - Logan...

Fantasy Lacrosse: Week Five – 2024

Fantasy Lacrosse > Fantasy Lacrosse 2024 Draft Results • Fantasy Rosters • Fantasy Schedule • NCAA Games that Count • Leading Scorers • Regular Season Standings Typical Lax Dad 11 vs. girlsdoitbetter 15 Lax1 9 vs. Farfromgeneva 34 NJLaxx11 11 vs. UK Lax 17 FCALax 15 vs. OCanada 16 GenghiskhanBluejay 14 vs. ohmilax34 13 GreenieLax 11 vs. Matnum PI 22 harrisoncoburn 10*-OT vs. Maddog 9 CalLaxDad 15*-OT vs. DU-Fan 14 ChopSticks 13 vs. PA Talk 9 Keoni007 5 vs. NC Lax 10 - - - - - - - - Typical Lax Dad - vs. girlsdoitbetter - Jacob Todd FR M Princeton - - Race Ripley SO A Navy - Logan...

Fantasy Lacrosse: Week Four – 2024

Fantasy Lacrosse > Fantasy Lacrosse 2024 Draft Results • Fantasy Rosters • Fantasy Schedule • NCAA Games that Count • Leading Scorers • Regular Season Standings Typical Lax Dad 9 vs. NC Lax 10 Lax1 12 vs. girlsdoitbetter 3 NJLaxx11 9 vs. Farfromgeneva 33 FCALax 9 vs. UK Lax 20 GenghiskhanBluejay 14 vs. OCanada 8 GreenieLax 18 vs. ohmilax34 28 harrisoncoburn 15 vs. Matnum PI 8 CalLaxDad 18 vs. Maddog 13 ChopSticks 8 vs. DU-Fan 10 Keoni007 13 vs. PA Talk 10 - - - - - - - - Typical Lax Dad - vs. NC Lax - Jacob Todd FR M Princeton - - Griffin Schutz JR M...

Fantasy Lacrosse: Week Three – 2024

Fantasy Lacrosse > Fantasy Lacrosse 2024 Draft Results • Fantasy Rosters • Fantasy Schedule • NCAA Games that Count • Leading Scorers • Regular Season Standings Typical Lax Dad 19 vs. PA Talk 16 Lax1 8 vs. NC Lax -3 NJLaxx11 4 vs. girlsdoitbetter 15 FCALax 6 vs. Farfromgeneva 22 GenghiskhanBluejay 17 vs. UK Lax 23 GreenieLax 4 vs. OCanada 15 harrisoncoburn 7 vs. ohmilax34 11 CalLaxDad 17 vs. Matnum PI 16 ChopSticks 6 vs. Maddog 9 Keoni007 8 vs. DU-Fan 13 - - - - - - - - Typical Lax Dad - vs. PA Talk - Jacob Todd FR M Princeton - - Ross Scott SR A...

Fantasy Lacrosse: Week Two – 2024

Fantasy Lacrosse > Fantasy Lacrosse 2024 Draft Results • Fantasy Rosters • Fantasy Schedule • NCAA Games that Count • Leading Scorers • Regular Season Standings Typical Lax Dad 14 vs. DU-Fan 21 Lax1 19 vs. PA Talk 20-OT NJLaxx11 15 vs. NC Lax 22 FCALax 6 vs. girlsdoitbetter 1 GenghiskhanBluejay 15 vs. Farfromgeneva 16 GreenieLax 11 vs. UK Lax 18 harrisoncoburn 20-OT vs. OCanada 19 CalLaxDad 18 vs. ohmilax34 10 ChopSticks 8 vs. Matnum PI 16 Keoni007 10 vs. Maddog 9 - - - - - - - - - Typical Lax Dad - vs. DU-Fan - Jacob Todd FR M Princeton - - Antonio DeMarco JR M North...

Fantasy Lacrosse: Week One – 2024

Fantasy Lacrosse > Fantasy Lacrosse 2024 Draft Results • Fantasy Rosters • Fantasy Schedule • NCAA Games that Count • Leading Scorers • Regular Season Standings Typical Lax Dad 18 vs. Maddog 8 Lax1 12 vs. DU-Fan 14 NJLaxx11 17 vs. PA Talk 16 FCALax 15 vs. NC Lax 11 GenghiskhanBluejay 13 vs. girlsdoitbetter 10 GreenieLax 1 vs. Farfromgeneva 12 harrisoncoburn 9 vs. UK Lax 24 CalLaxDad 14 vs. OCanada 19 ChopSticks 10 vs. ohmilax34 8 Keoni007 7 vs. Matnum PI 14 - - - - - - - - - Typical Lax Dad - vs. Maddog - Jacob Todd FR M Princeton - - Jake Taylor SR A Notre...

2024 Fantasy Regular Season Standings

Fantasy Lacrosse > Fantasy Lacrosse 2024 Draft Results • Fantasy Rosters • Fantasy Schedule • NCAA Games that Count • Leading Scorers • Regular Season Standings (Updated April 14, 2024 -...