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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 5:36 pm
by wahoomurf
tech37 wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 3:43 pm
a fan wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 3:35 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 12:26 pm Or, you could just point out what Jared and Ivanka have done that is illegal. I am unaware.
Hold the phone: does this mean you're ok with corruption and unethical behavior, so long as it's legal?

This is a total 180 for you.

So to be clear: so long as what a politician does is legal, you're fine with it? I want to make sure I have your position correct.
good a fan!...asking for clarification rather than doing the straw man shuffle :D
Of course. Jeff Session's favorite son/pupil/successor/translator, Matthew " just 1 T" Whitaker explained the "abuse of power is not a crime".He was obviously preaching to the choir. The receiver of such wonderful news was a human named Laura or Lola Ingraham. She, rather stoically nodded. Maybe she heard that pithy phrase before.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 6:46 pm
by MDlaxfan76
LandM wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 3:56 pm
TLD if anything I have been consistent - not happy with the situation but he still has not been convicted and he is still the President - yes, the duly elected President - he has been accused of allot of stuff and I will accept that and have listened BUT to use the excuse he is a sitting President and he cannot be indicted/convicted of a crime in office then break some china and change the rules - it is like a bunch of sheep - well, we hit the cliff so the first one went over - guess I am going to. BTW, name a politician who is a saint - just one. I am NOT standing up for his actions just you guys are holding him to a standard that is unbelievable - I like the cartoons better - it fits my simple brain.

sea- thanks for the WSJ article - but you still have a "he said she said" - personally the texts, emails, and conversation should clear it up - so release them - if the story is there release them. The text of the conversation was released by all things that White House - so release the rest. When has a reporter gotten all the facts correct?;

So all these wonderful talking heads keep saying what a jerk he is - really - well cry me a river.
Help me out with the "break some china and change the rules".

Exactly how do you imagine that happening?
The DOJ, under Barr, deciding to tear up the former OLC opinions that constrain the DOJ from indicting the POTUS?
I'm all for that, but how do you imagine doing that with Barr as AG?

You do understand how our Constitution works, the separation of powers, right?

Or are you calling for armed insurrection, the heck with the Constitution?

Here's what is eventually coming: Because the Trump crew is making these maximalist arguments in court in order to obstruct ALL oversight and investigation of wrongdoing, the courts are being called to actually weigh in (which wouldn't be the case if Trump only selectively claimed certain privileges that previously have stood up). And they're weighing in, as predicted, against Trump, and in the process against those OLC opinions.

But that's not going to change who is AG.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:07 pm
by LandM
My wife spent 34 years working for the government - I did 6 active and was recalled for Gulf 1 - I got out as I hate the rules and I hated the acronyms - how many people do you know roll, yep roll and destroy a snowplow at $150,000 and get a memo in their file for 90 days - yep. Your tax dollars. So instead of having us all get offended how about taking some action.

Here is another one, great friend and still is, one of the largest ranchers in NV, happens to be politically well connected and both R's and D's love to kiss the ring. In HS, he had the Farrah Fawcett swimsuit ni$$ple piercing tat'd on his crouch - are all these self important people gonna give him his money back?

Never met a choir boy and I am too old to meet one now. You guys wring your hands, use big words and some of you could not find your way out of a wet paper bag. Honestly, where does it state in the Constitution that you cannot have a states vote and change the laws? If you are that adamant the guy is a clown show start the process and make another Amendment - unfortunately most of you would rather whine then take the fortitude to do it - been done I think 27 times - make it 28 and feel better about yourself.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:11 pm
by seacoaster
"You do understand how our Constitution works, the separation of powers, right?"

Sounds like a "no."

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:15 pm
by LandM
Said this once before - say it again - my BCT classmate is the Chief of Staff of the US Air Force - my two year classmate is scheduled to be the next. All I worry about is the next person who takes office - other then that - I sleep good at night.

DO you honestly think I believe in an armed insurrection? You and others need to calm down and answer what has been asked of you but you do not you just claim the guy is a jerk........tell me something I do not know. Maybe you, Murph and a few others should start taking your meds - my meds are for arthritis and nerve damage - so again, swing and a miss :D Hopefully the Astro's do that tonight :lol:

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:15 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
LandM wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:07 pm MD/TLD,
My wife spent 34 years working for the government - I did 6 active and was recalled for Gulf 1 - I got out as I hate the rules and I hated the acronyms - how many people do you know roll, yep roll and destroy a snowplow at $150,000 and get a memo in their file for 90 days - yep. Your tax dollars. So instead of having us all get offended how about taking some action.

Here is another one, great friend and still is, one of the largest ranchers in NV, happens to be politically well connected and both R's and D's love to kiss the ring. In HS, he had the Farrah Fawcett swimsuit ni$$ple piercing tat'd on his crouch - are all these self important people gonna give him his money back?

Never met a choir boy and I am too old to meet one now. You guys wring your hands, use big words and some of you could not find your way out of a wet paper bag. Honestly, where does it state in the Constitution that you cannot have a states vote and change the laws? If you are that adamant the guy is a clown show start the process and make another Amendment - unfortunately most of you would rather whine then take the fortitude to do it - been done I think 27 times - make it 28 and feel better about yourself.
Hand wringing? You confuse pointing out facts with hand wringing.....Good night Rambo.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:18 pm
by LandM
yes, very informed about the separation.......BUT change the rules if you do not like them - nothing prohibiting you from doing it - so change them.....grow a set and change them - make it the 28th Amendment - heck keep going - I say we get up to 30 if that makes you feel better. The Constitution can be changed so do the work but whining is easier

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:20 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
LandM wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:07 pm MD/TLD,
My wife spent 34 years working for the government - I did 6 active and was recalled for Gulf 1 - I got out as I hate the rules and I hated the acronyms - how many people do you know roll, yep roll and destroy a snowplow at $150,000 and get a memo in their file for 90 days - yep. Your tax dollars. So instead of having us all get offended how about taking some action.

Here is another one, great friend and still is, one of the largest ranchers in NV, happens to be politically well connected and both R's and D's love to kiss the ring. In HS, he had the Farrah Fawcett swimsuit ni$$ple piercing tat'd on his crouch - are all these self important people gonna give him his money back?

Never met a choir boy and I am too old to meet one now. You guys wring your hands, use big words and some of you could not find your way out of a wet paper bag. Honestly, where does it state in the Constitution that you cannot have a states vote and change the laws? If you are that adamant the guy is a clown show start the process and make another Amendment - unfortunately most of you would rather whine then take the fortitude to do it - been done I think 27 times - make it 28 and feel better about yourself.
Ummm the DOJ directive is ummm policy.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:21 pm
by LandM
Thanks for the compliment - change the Constitution - you add no substance just silly stupid remarks - instead of teaching kids about lax - teach them about the Constitution - we will all be better served for that. And you have a great night to.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:25 pm
by LandM
I will admit to beingthick BUT CHANGE THE POLICY - what is prohibiting that - if folks had a nickel for everytime they could not do something I am sure Neil Armstrong would have been a nice young boy in Indiana. What is wrong and why can no one tell me to change the policy. I can start it - yes i am stupid enough to it - so is with me when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor - you all need to lighten up - we will get through this - what I do worry about is this next person.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 8:09 pm
by MDlaxfan76
LandM wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:21 pm TLD,
Thanks for the compliment - change the Constitution - you add no substance just silly stupid remarks - instead of teaching kids about lax - teach them about the Constitution - we will all be better served for that. And you have a great night to.

I've just read through this next series of ramblings of yours.

Sorry, but you obviously have a darn poor understanding of how the Constitution works, the court system, the separation of powers, DOJ, etc.

That's fine, you're in large company. A whole lot of our population has little understanding as well. And that even includes college grads, much less service academy grads, and those who have actually taken an oath to defend the Constitution...

In no way is this suggesting you don't love your country, aren't patriotic, etc.
Just that it's obviously not your area of prior study or apparent interest.

I'm sure there are topics where you are way more expert than many or most of us on here. But this clearly isn't one.

But what's more disconcerting is that you seem unwilling to read and acknowledge what has already been explained, repeatedly in detail.

That's just insulting to those who bother to share their actual knowledge in this arena, are willing to explain it.

For instance, there are a couple of posters on here who are lawyers and have clearly demonstrated a deep understanding of Constitutional law and government processes. I'd defer to their expertise. For my part, this was my area of study in college, one of my best professors was Starzinger in Constitutional Law, and it has been an ongoing sideline interest throughout my life. But I'm not actually an expert, so I'd defer to those who actually are.

On this, yes, as several of us have rather patiently explained, the OLC opinions are DOJ policy setters, not laws. They can and should be changed by DOJ. But asking folks to 'grow a pair' ignores that Barr runs DOJ. If you suggest Congress "should pass a law", sure, that would be great too...but who controls what gets brought to the floor in the Senate? Tell McConnell to "grow a pair" if you'd like, but aim your fire there, please.

No, (unless the Supreme Court rules otherwise) we would not need a Constitutional Amendment to be able to indict a President, there's only a DOJ policy to overturn. The Constitution itself does not say that a POTUS can't be indicted (much less as Trump's folks argue, not even investigated).

So, as I've also explained, this issue is now getting adjudicated in the courts due to the extreme positions being taken by Trump and the DOJ to obstruct ALL oversight. Rulings are rolling in, including a day or so ago ripping the Trump team for their argument and indicating that the OLC opinion is wrong...but Trump and the DOJ under Barr will continue to appeal, delaying, obstructing as long as they can. Ultimately, we'll have a Supreme Court decision and the OLC opinions will be made moot.

Meanwhile, the Constitution clearly provides for an impeachment process. We're going through that process because there is no other ready remedy for egregious behaviors (not policy, abuses of power).

This is my last swing at the ball.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 8:20 pm
by MDlaxfan76
LandM wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:15 pm MD,
Said this once before - say it again - my BCT classmate is the Chief of Staff of the US Air Force - my two year classmate is scheduled to be the next. All I worry about is the next person who takes office - other then that - I sleep good at night.

DO you honestly think I believe in an armed insurrection? You and others need to calm down and answer what has been asked of you but you do not you just claim the guy is a jerk........tell me something I do not know. Maybe you, Murph and a few others should start taking your meds - my meds are for arthritis and nerve damage - so again, swing and a miss :D Hopefully the Astro's do that tonight :lol:
no, my comment about armed insurrection was obviously facetious. It's amazing to me that I even need to say that to you.
I really don't care who your classmates were back 35 years ago or so, nor what their jobs might be today, it's not relevant to whether you can assume I wasn't actually suggesting you were in favor of armed insurrection. Just to play with that for a moment, though, seems to me that General Lee and a whole bunch of other Confederates were in pretty darn senior positions in the US Army before they joined an 'armed insurrection'...but, please, please take the wink on that ;)

You keep suggesting that we "grow a pair" and other nonsensical challenges as if we can wave a magic wand and solve the dilemma we're in. "Magic wand" being facetious as well.

No, other than our resident troll, we pretty much all agree that Trump is a "jerk". That's not in dispute.

But that he's committed crimes, no matter how many times these are detailed for you, you resort to the silly statement "he hasn't been convicted".

And we start running around in circles again.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 9:32 pm
by wahoomurf
Ligget and Meyers and Rutledge: Woomurph I hit SBU every year for the Ron Lavalle Memorial Scholarship usually it is in late Feb and then got to the Murphy Memorial at the Post Office - I have asked to meet you before and you rudely declined - so we are making progress. I will PM you when I am down there.
You are worse off than I originally thought. RUDELY DECLINED? You chickened out the last time you claimed you were traveling to SBU. Told me your mommy and your nurse wouldn't let you go to SBU or to Calverton. I visit Murphy's grave every June 28th. Forty-four of us pounded our Tridents into the top of Mike's coffin. Many of the guys make it back.

Listen and listen well. You're getting a bit feisty. Be careful what you wish for. And don't you ever mention his name to me again. I haven't been in a fight in 48 years. My wife insisted I give up my brawling ways once we got married. And the NYS Bar Association wouldn't be too chuffed with such behavior.

That written I retired 17 years ago. If you still want to "meet", OK by me. ;) I admit---"I ain't as good as I once was, my how the years have flown, but there was a time, back in my prime, when I could really hold my own, but if you want a fight tonight, you don't look all that tough, I ain't as good once was, but I'm as good once, as I ever was".

I find Toby Keith's song quite inspirational. I look forward to your reply.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 6:19 am
by LandM
Woomeruff or whoever you are,
You got the wrong dude - you did the exact same thing with a friend called Sore and Old in the old forum. Stated he was a Marine and you beat him up - he told you multiple, multiple times that he was never in the military nor at Camp Pendleton. You started this whole tough guy attitude and a few people have called you out on it. If you want, give me a few hours and I will repeat your post if I can find it on the old thread and I have also said you may have served with people I know....that was it. I will be there in February - break some China. You talk about meds and drinking - maybe you should look in a mirror and be honest with yourself. I volunteer at my local VA - meds and alcohol are the issues.

BTW my mom has dementia, lives in a nursing home and has no clue who I am and you can think of me as you will but momma's boy is not one anyone has accused me of;

Further I was at SBU last Feb, and shook the hand of the receipt award winner. I asked to meet with you and you rudely declined. It is in the history books of laxpwer/fanlax, your false claims are not - stop lying - if you did what you say, live by the Honor Code.

MD, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution, I know I have read it. It has lost humor when daily you hear what a jerk the guy is. I suppose now he should have KIA the guy a few years ago. I really do not get why everyone has to be investigated, accused of something and then be called a jerk and a liar...and FTR, I am including HRC in that. The average person could care less what a smart, enlightened, intellectual believes - get over it man.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 6:23 am
by LandM
Never had a nurse - if you are talking about my wife - I would take her on the point spread with you. She is not my nurse and never had one - as stated you got the wrong guy but happy to throw a few back and have a good time. It is always in mid Feb.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 7:00 am
by tech37

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 8:00 am
by LandM
That is too damn funny - I will bring the Jamo :lol:

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 8:56 am
by MDlaxfan76
[quote=LandM post_id=86420 time=1572257959 user_id=1620

MD, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution, I know I have read it. It has lost humor when daily you hear what a jerk the guy is. I suppose now he should have KIA the guy a few years ago. I really do not get why everyone has to be investigated, accused of something and then be called a jerk and a liar...and FTR, I am including HRC in that. The average person could care less what a smart, enlightened, intellectual believes - get over it man.

Yes, I assumed that you had taken that oath, just like I assumed that you are a graduate of a service academy, have served, are patriotic, etc.

However, you daily provide evidence of not understanding the Constitution or how our laws and governance actually work, indeed the 'genius' our founders' construction, its modifications over time, and the decisions of the courts interpreting this all.

Again, that's not really a surprise as so many in our country have a really poor understanding, though many profess reverence for it. But it's not too late, nor is it that difficult to just follow along on these threads when folks explain these matters.

Not sure what you mean with the "KIA" comment. Are you referring to someone suggesting that Baghdadi should have been killed years ago, a (stupid) criticism of Trump? Haven't heard that one myself. But you do understand that Trump leveled that criticism at Obama re Bin Laden, right? It was a ridiculous critique. No one should be leveling that criticism in this case either.

But, yeah, Trump was pretty awful in his comments post the prepared text.

You keep saying "get over it man", you need to "get over it" that Presidents get criticized.

When they're "jerks", that's the criticism.
When they're corrupt, that's the criticism.
When they lie, that's the criticism.
When they hire folks who self-deal, lie to Congress or the FBI, or commit other unethical or illegal acts, that will be the criticism.
When they abuse their powers, obstruct justice, or commit other corrupt acts, that will be the criticism...and should lead to impeachment.

You seem to just not understand that Trump is the issue, not those who criticize.

Of course, if you prefer to live in a country in which dissent and critique of those in power is retrained...

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:06 am
by Typical Lax Dad
LandM wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:25 pm TLD,
I will admit to beingthick BUT CHANGE THE POLICY - what is prohibiting that - if folks had a nickel for everytime they could not do something I am sure Neil Armstrong would have been a nice young boy in Indiana. What is wrong and why can no one tell me to change the policy. I can start it - yes i am stupid enough to it - so is with me when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor - you all need to lighten up - we will get through this - what I do worry about is this next person.
Those German 0’s were a b*tch

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:31 am
by runrussellrun
a fan wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 3:35 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 12:26 pm Or, you could just point out what Jared and Ivanka have done that is illegal. I am unaware.
Hold the phone: does this mean you're ok with corruption and unethical behavior, so long as it's legal?

This is a total 180 for you.

So to be clear: so long as what a politician does is legal, you're fine with it? I want to make sure I have your position correct.
Corruption usually ='s illegal activity, yes? (It does in my world ) Unethical behavior (says WHO? ) Again, unethical behavior and violations of such are usually enforced by some body or agency. So, your question probably needs to be rephrased. Can it be legal AND corrupt?

Wanna break protocol of the Yale doctors (conflict of interest ) procedure of treating lyme disease? You loose your license to practice law (side note, are medical boards overseen by any government agencies? )

Wanna give your recent surgery patient oxy pain pills, even though your patient has a history of Hunter Biden type of drug use, no problem ?

You are being a know how I feel about politicians, hypocrites, big and overseas money. Corruption.

Have Jared and Ivanka been brought up on corruption charges? I am unaware, and if true, apologize.