media matters

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Re: media matters

Post by Farfromgeneva »

RedFromMI wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:08 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 10:09 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:36 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:26 pm :lol: ...if Trump had pressured the FBI before the election to do something about Hunter's laptop, Nicolle Wallace would have been "breaking" that blockbuster news with her sleep-in NYT boyfriend the same day.
Stop whining.
I love the teen girl gossip thrown in. It’s not even quality misogyny, just petty.

Sleep in boyfriend. Who cares. I hope she hops from stick to stick and kicks them out so she can get quality sleep afterwards.
Never mind that the sleep in boyfriend is now her husband...
Well then hopefully she isn’t hopping around as mentioned and as one who’s not been able to sleep in his own bed much I hope she doesn’t boot him out then.

Why am I not surprised by the misinformation, dishonesty and opacity that was provided by OS under the veneer of authority?
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Re: media matters

Post by Kismet »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:15 am
RedFromMI wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:08 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 10:09 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:36 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:26 pm :lol: ...if Trump had pressured the FBI before the election to do something about Hunter's laptop, Nicolle Wallace would have been "breaking" that blockbuster news with her sleep-in NYT boyfriend the same day.
Stop whining.
I love the teen girl gossip thrown in. It’s not even quality misogyny, just petty.

Sleep in boyfriend. Who cares. I hope she hops from stick to stick and kicks them out so she can get quality sleep afterwards.
Never mind that the sleep in boyfriend is now her husband...
Well then hopefully she isn’t hopping around as mentioned and as one who’s not been able to sleep in his own bed much I hope she doesn’t boot him out then.

Why am I not surprised by the misinformation, dishonesty and opacity that was provided by OS under the veneer of authority?
He lives in DC and she lives in NYC/CT. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: media matters

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Kismet wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:34 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:15 am
RedFromMI wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:08 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 10:09 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:36 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:26 pm :lol: ...if Trump had pressured the FBI before the election to do something about Hunter's laptop, Nicolle Wallace would have been "breaking" that blockbuster news with her sleep-in NYT boyfriend the same day.
Stop whining.
I love the teen girl gossip thrown in. It’s not even quality misogyny, just petty.

Sleep in boyfriend. Who cares. I hope she hops from stick to stick and kicks them out so she can get quality sleep afterwards.
Never mind that the sleep in boyfriend is now her husband...
Well then hopefully she isn’t hopping around as mentioned and as one who’s not been able to sleep in his own bed much I hope she doesn’t boot him out then.

Why am I not surprised by the misinformation, dishonesty and opacity that was provided by OS under the veneer of authority?
He lives in DC and she lives in NYC/CT. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
What a wonderful sounding arrangement!
Harvard University, out
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I am going to get a 4.0 in damage.

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Re: media matters

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

Remember when we thought the media was instrumental in educating the electorate? Really good article: ... on/673128/

Right-wing political and media figures regularly level the accusation of “elitism” at other Americans. But new revelations from Dominion Voting Systems’ defamation lawsuit against Fox News and the Fox Corporation over claims of election fraud are reminders that the most cynical elites in America are the Republicans and their media valets.

Patronizing for Profit

Elected Republicans and their courtiers in the right-wing-media ecosystem deploy the word elite as an accusation, a calumny, almost a crime. To be one of the elite is to be a snooty, educated city dweller, a highbrow pretend-patriot who looks down upon the Real Americans who hunt and fish and drive pickup trucks to church. (It does not mean “rich people”; Donald Trump has gleefully referred to himself and his supporters as the “super-elite.”) The elites also support the production of “fake news” by liars who intend to hoodwink ordinary people into doing the bidding of wealthy globalists. They buy books and listen to National Public Radio and they probably read things like The Atlantic.

This shtick has been a remarkable success. Republicans have used it to convince millions of working people that super-educated gasbags such as Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Ron DeSantis are just ordinary folks who care deeply about kitchen-table issues that matter to their family and a secure future for their children, such as Hunter Biden’s sex life and whether public schools are letting kids pee in litter boxes.

In the entertainment hothouse, Fox News is the most prominent offender. The Fox all-star lineup, especially in prime time with Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham, is a parade of millionaires who work for Rupert Murdoch, one of the richest and most powerful men in this corner of the Milky Way galaxy. Every day they warn their viewers that democracy is in peril because of people who majored in gender studies. All of this nuttery is delivered with a straight face—or in Carlson’s case, the weird mien of a dog watching a magic trick.

It’s one thing, however, to suspect that Fox personalities see their viewers as mere rubes who must be riled up in the name of corporate profit. It’s another entirely to have it all documented in black and white. Dominion might not win its lawsuit against Fox, but for the rest of America, the process has produced something more important than money: an admission, by Fox’s on-air personalities, of how much they disrespect and disdain their own viewers.

According to documents from Dominion’s legal filing, Fox News hosts repeatedly exchanged private doubts about Republicans’ 2020 election-fraud claims. Hannity, in the weeks after the 2020 election, said that the regular Fox guest and top conspiracy-pusher, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, was “acting like an insane person.” Ingraham had a similar evaluation: “Such an idiot.” And it’s not like Murdoch didn’t share that sentiment: In one message, he said Giuliani and the Trump lawyer Sidney Powell were pushing “really crazy stuff” and he told Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott that their behavior was “damaging everybody.” (Fox reportedly banned Giuliani in 2021, putting up with him for weeks after January 6 and then shutting him down as the Dominion lawsuit gained momentum.)

There are few hours on Fox that manage to pack in more gibberish and nonsense than Carlson’s show, and yet—to give him one zeptosecond of credit—he took Powell apart in a segment on his show. In later months, of course, Carlson would continue to inject the information stream with various strains of conspiratorial pathogens, but when even Tucker Carlson is worried, perhaps it’s a sign that things are out of hand.

Of course, Carlson wasn’t worried about the truth; he was worried about the profitability of the Fox brand. When the Fox reporter Jacqui Heinrich did a real-time fact-check on Twitter of a Trump tweet about voter fraud, Carlson tried to ruin her career. “Please get her fired,” he wrote in a text chain that included Hannity and Ingraham. He continued:

Seriously…What the heck? I’m actually shocked…It needs to stop immediately, like tonight. It’s measurably hurting the company. The stock price is down. Not a joke.

After the election, Carlson warned that angering Trump could have catastrophic consequences: “He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.” Murdoch, too, said that he did not want to “antagonize Trump further.”

Meanwhile, the Fox producer Abby Grossberg was more worried about the torch-and-pitchfork Fox demographic. After the election, she reminded Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo that Fox’s faithful should be served the toxic gunk they craved: “To be honest, our audience doesn’t want to hear about a peaceful transition,” Grossberg texted. “Yes, agree,” Bartiromo answered in a heroic display of high-minded journalistic principle.

In other words: Our audience of American citizens wants to be encouraged in its desire to thwart the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in our history as a nation. And Bartiromo answered: Yes, let’s keep doing that.

As Vox’s Sean Illing tweeted today, Bartiromo’s thirsty pursuit of ratings is a reminder that “no one has a lower opinion of conservative voters than conservative media.” More important, Fox’s cynical fleecing of its viewers is an expression of titanic elitism, the sort that destroys reality in the minds of ordinary people for the sake of fame and money. Not only does such behavior reveal contempt for Fox’s viewers; it encourages the destruction of our system of government purely for ratings and a limo to and from the Fox mothership in Times Square. (New York City might be full of coastal “elitists,” but that’s where the Fox crew lives and works; we’ll know the real populist millennium has arrived when Fox packs off Hannity and Greg Gutfeld and Jeanine Pirro to its new offices in Kansas or Oklahoma.)

Although it’s amusing to bash the Fox celebrities who have been caught in this kind of grubby hypocrisy, the elitism of the American right is a much bigger problem because it drives so much of the unhinged populism that threatens our democracy. Fox News and the highly educated Republican officeholders who use its support to stay in office know exactly what they’re doing. But they are all now riding a tiger of their own creation: As the conservative writer George Will has noted, for the first time in American history, a major political party is terrified by its own voters.

Fox, of course, has said that the Dominion filing “mischaracterized the record,” and “cherry-picked quotes stripped of key context,” and the network insisted in a legal brief it was merely observing its “commitment to inform fully and comment fairly.” Sadly, Fox will likely survive this disaster whether it wins or loses in court. Like the GOP base it serves, the network and its viewers have immense reserves of denial and rationalization they can bring to bear against the incursions of reality. “We can fix this,” Scott, the Fox CEO, wrote in the midst of this mess, “but we cannot smirk at our viewers any longer.”

But why not? It’s been working like a charm so far."
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Re: media matters

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:57 am
a fan wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 10:57 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 10:16 pm
a fan wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:45 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:26 pm :lol: ...if Trump had pressured the FBI before the election to do something about Hunter's laptop, Nicolle Wallace would have been "breaking" that blockbuster news with her sleep-in NYT boyfriend the same day.
You don't know that he didn't. Did anyone ask that question?

But that still doesn't let Trump off the hook for sitting on the laptop for weeks, OS. Or for ONLY giving it to the NYPost, instead of 'everyone' all at the same time.

Are you going to hold him responsible for his part of the conspiracy, or not?
:lol: ... ... joe-biden/
So we're back to you not wanting a conversation, and walking away when you can't answer simple questions. I'm not taking any blame for this one.

All this tells me is that it never occurred to you that Trump played you...until now.

If this was about honest journalism, and making sure that this "information" was out before the election for voters to digest?

Trump would have released it immediately, and not sat on it until just 3 weeks before the election, and would have given it to all media for vetting.

Trump did it the way he did because he knew how guys like you would react. You took the bait, and you're embarrassed that you did.

How would you feel if the instant the Steele Dossier was published, the WaPo picked it up and published it, no vetting, as you are DEMANDING here. You would have lost your mind had they done that.

Remember who leaked Steele, and when? And do you remember what the WaPo's response to this leak and the Steele Dossier was?

They took the high ground. Pity you can't claim the same.
OK. Since you established the premise, (if you're serious about it & not just trolling for effect)', you need to answer some simple questions to support your premise.

So you think that it's ok for a serving POTUS, be it Trump, Biden, Obama or predecessors, to directly intervene in DoJ/FBI active investigations to the extent necessary to do what you're claiming Trump could/should have done ? Get Real ! AG Barr would not allow Trump to do that, even if he tried. Barr proved that by the way he responded to Trump's election fraud claims -- he called " bullsh!t ".

What date did MacIssac give the hard drive to Rudy ? Trump would not have known about it until Rudy had it analyzed. Do you think Trump knew the FBI had it & knew what was on it before Rudy told him about it ?

What did the President know & when did he know it ? ...who told him what ? when ?
You need to know the timeline before jumping to conclusions & making accusations.

Everything in the Steele Dossier was fed to the media & discussed on cable news shows & in publications like Mother Jones, months before Buzzfeed actually published it. I recall David Corn making the accusations on MSNBC. When did you first hear rumors about the "pee tapes" ?
I believe that Trump knew everything Rudy knew within hours of Rudy knowing anything. Meaning that there was a purported Hunter laptop.

I doubt he'd have known through the FBI or DOJ, though I don't agree that Barr's response to election fraud claims proves that he'd have not told Trump about the Hunter laptop...I just doubt that info came that way to Trump. Rudy, however, was in constant communication with Donald...

So, the decision as to when to release it to the NY Post very, very likely was Trump's.
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Re: media matters

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 10:26 am Remember when we thought the media was instrumental in educating the electorate? Really good article: ... on/673128/

Right-wing political and media figures regularly level the accusation of “elitism” at other Americans. But new revelations from Dominion Voting Systems’ defamation lawsuit against Fox News and the Fox Corporation over claims of election fraud are reminders that the most cynical elites in America are the Republicans and their media valets.

Patronizing for Profit

Elected Republicans and their courtiers in the right-wing-media ecosystem deploy the word elite as an accusation, a calumny, almost a crime. To be one of the elite is to be a snooty, educated city dweller, a highbrow pretend-patriot who looks down upon the Real Americans who hunt and fish and drive pickup trucks to church. (It does not mean “rich people”; Donald Trump has gleefully referred to himself and his supporters as the “super-elite.”) The elites also support the production of “fake news” by liars who intend to hoodwink ordinary people into doing the bidding of wealthy globalists. They buy books and listen to National Public Radio and they probably read things like The Atlantic.

This shtick has been a remarkable success. Republicans have used it to convince millions of working people that super-educated gasbags such as Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Ron DeSantis are just ordinary folks who care deeply about kitchen-table issues that matter to their family and a secure future for their children, such as Hunter Biden’s sex life and whether public schools are letting kids pee in litter boxes.

In the entertainment hothouse, Fox News is the most prominent offender. The Fox all-star lineup, especially in prime time with Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham, is a parade of millionaires who work for Rupert Murdoch, one of the richest and most powerful men in this corner of the Milky Way galaxy. Every day they warn their viewers that democracy is in peril because of people who majored in gender studies. All of this nuttery is delivered with a straight face—or in Carlson’s case, the weird mien of a dog watching a magic trick.

It’s one thing, however, to suspect that Fox personalities see their viewers as mere rubes who must be riled up in the name of corporate profit. It’s another entirely to have it all documented in black and white. Dominion might not win its lawsuit against Fox, but for the rest of America, the process has produced something more important than money: an admission, by Fox’s on-air personalities, of how much they disrespect and disdain their own viewers.

According to documents from Dominion’s legal filing, Fox News hosts repeatedly exchanged private doubts about Republicans’ 2020 election-fraud claims. Hannity, in the weeks after the 2020 election, said that the regular Fox guest and top conspiracy-pusher, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, was “acting like an insane person.” Ingraham had a similar evaluation: “Such an idiot.” And it’s not like Murdoch didn’t share that sentiment: In one message, he said Giuliani and the Trump lawyer Sidney Powell were pushing “really crazy stuff” and he told Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott that their behavior was “damaging everybody.” (Fox reportedly banned Giuliani in 2021, putting up with him for weeks after January 6 and then shutting him down as the Dominion lawsuit gained momentum.)

There are few hours on Fox that manage to pack in more gibberish and nonsense than Carlson’s show, and yet—to give him one zeptosecond of credit—he took Powell apart in a segment on his show. In later months, of course, Carlson would continue to inject the information stream with various strains of conspiratorial pathogens, but when even Tucker Carlson is worried, perhaps it’s a sign that things are out of hand.

Of course, Carlson wasn’t worried about the truth; he was worried about the profitability of the Fox brand. When the Fox reporter Jacqui Heinrich did a real-time fact-check on Twitter of a Trump tweet about voter fraud, Carlson tried to ruin her career. “Please get her fired,” he wrote in a text chain that included Hannity and Ingraham. He continued:

Seriously…What the heck? I’m actually shocked…It needs to stop immediately, like tonight. It’s measurably hurting the company. The stock price is down. Not a joke.

After the election, Carlson warned that angering Trump could have catastrophic consequences: “He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.” Murdoch, too, said that he did not want to “antagonize Trump further.”

Meanwhile, the Fox producer Abby Grossberg was more worried about the torch-and-pitchfork Fox demographic. After the election, she reminded Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo that Fox’s faithful should be served the toxic gunk they craved: “To be honest, our audience doesn’t want to hear about a peaceful transition,” Grossberg texted. “Yes, agree,” Bartiromo answered in a heroic display of high-minded journalistic principle.

In other words: Our audience of American citizens wants to be encouraged in its desire to thwart the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in our history as a nation. And Bartiromo answered: Yes, let’s keep doing that.

As Vox’s Sean Illing tweeted today, Bartiromo’s thirsty pursuit of ratings is a reminder that “no one has a lower opinion of conservative voters than conservative media.” More important, Fox’s cynical fleecing of its viewers is an expression of titanic elitism, the sort that destroys reality in the minds of ordinary people for the sake of fame and money. Not only does such behavior reveal contempt for Fox’s viewers; it encourages the destruction of our system of government purely for ratings and a limo to and from the Fox mothership in Times Square. (New York City might be full of coastal “elitists,” but that’s where the Fox crew lives and works; we’ll know the real populist millennium has arrived when Fox packs off Hannity and Greg Gutfeld and Jeanine Pirro to its new offices in Kansas or Oklahoma.)

Although it’s amusing to bash the Fox celebrities who have been caught in this kind of grubby hypocrisy, the elitism of the American right is a much bigger problem because it drives so much of the unhinged populism that threatens our democracy. Fox News and the highly educated Republican officeholders who use its support to stay in office know exactly what they’re doing. But they are all now riding a tiger of their own creation: As the conservative writer George Will has noted, for the first time in American history, a major political party is terrified by its own voters.

Fox, of course, has said that the Dominion filing “mischaracterized the record,” and “cherry-picked quotes stripped of key context,” and the network insisted in a legal brief it was merely observing its “commitment to inform fully and comment fairly.” Sadly, Fox will likely survive this disaster whether it wins or loses in court. Like the GOP base it serves, the network and its viewers have immense reserves of denial and rationalization they can bring to bear against the incursions of reality. “We can fix this,” Scott, the Fox CEO, wrote in the midst of this mess, “but we cannot smirk at our viewers any longer.”

But why not? It’s been working like a charm so far."
We may have been wrong on the media serving in a educational/informational role agnostic to other considerations previously. Not to say it isn't worse now, but is our view of media in the past just a mirage? I think so. A myth that was funneled to us by a concentrated media industry. I used Steve Rattner as a reference recently but the guy was a journalist in the 70s and early 80s then said "f it" I'm going to wall street and minted dough for himself. Do we believe he's the only one who thought like that among even the best journalists of the 60s and 70s. I grew up in the 80s and 90s. All these professions were revered back in the day - cop, journalist, banker, lawyer, doctor, etc. Now they're just jobs.
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Re: media matters

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:57 am OK. Since you established the premise, (if you're serious about it & not just trolling for effect)'I'm not. As I told long as you're civil to me? I'll be civil right back. No trolling here. I'm asking simple questions that you still haven't answered, you need to answer some simple questions to support your premise.

So you think that it's ok for a serving POTUS, be it Trump, Biden, Obama or predecessors, to directly intervene in DoJ/FBI active investigations to the extent necessary to do what you're claiming Trump could/should have done ? Get Real ! AG Barr would not allow Trump to do that, even if he triedWhat I said was: how do you know that Trump didn't try? You don't. And given his previous behavior? I'd say it's highly likely that he tried.. Barr proved that by the way he responded to Trump's election fraud claims -- he called " bullsh!t ".That's fine. But we never investigated. I made this point to you years ago: if Biden behaved the way that Trump did? The D's would have appointed an IP, and launched an investigation into the FBI, Barr, and get to the bottom of why the Deep State was "attacking Joe Biden" through his son, Hunter. And we'd have all the answers to your questions right now, today. It's why Trump did that....because Trump is smart enough to understand that no investigation is perfect, and he'd find minor dirt that would be blown out of all proportion by his fans. And that's exactly what happened. This isn't Trump's first rodeo....except this time, Trump had the power of an IP to go after his enemies, instead of civilian lawyers.

What date did MacIssac give the hard drive to Rudy ?Glad you asked. We don't know. We know the FBI took possession of it in Dec 2019. The NYPost claims Giuliani gave it to them on Oct. 14th, 2020. Giuliani's lawyer, Costello, claims Giuliani got it from Mac Issac in September of 2020, and didn't specify a day. So we're going on the memories and the words of the Post and Costello, with no verification those dates are correct. Trump would not have known about it until Rudy had it analyzed.Pure speculation. The odds that Trump didn't know that Giuliani had Hunter's laptop within hours of Giuliani getting are tiny. Come on....Giuliani is gonna hold off before telling Trump that he had that thing? You're not being honest if you think Giuliani held off on that. Do you think Trump knew the FBI had it & knew what was on it before Rudy told him about it ?No, I don't. I think the FBI did their job, kept it away from politicians, and was already investigating Hunter before the laptop was in their possession.

What did the President know & when did he know it ? ...who told him what ? when ?
You need to know the timeline before jumping to conclusions & making accusations.No, you just need to use basic logic. What you're saying here is that Giuliani got a hold of the copy of Hunter's laptop and hard drive, and the shop owner told him there was dirt on Hunter there, and likely showed the dirt to him. What you're claiming here is that at no point did he share this with Trump, and Giuliani gave it the Post weeks later, all without telling Trump. I'd say that that's highly, highly, highly unlikely. But yep, you're right, we don't have concrete proof, because we never put them under oath about it.

Everything in the Steele Dossier was fed to the media & discussed on cable news shows & in publications like Mother Jones, months before Buzzfeed actually published it. I recall David Corn making the accusations on MSNBC. When did you first hear rumors about the "pee tapes" ?
That's great. But you're removing the context of my question, and I think you're doing it intentionally. I was relating the Steel Dossier to your demand that the WaPo publish the contents of Hunter's laptop (which they didn't have when the NYPost piece came out), or they were somehow covering for Biden. Your reaction tells me that you DO remember how the WaPo reacted to the Buzzfeed publication of the Steele Dossier.
Thats right; they called bullsh(t on Buzzfeed for recklessly publishing that without bothering to vet it....and pointed out that it could be "fan-fiction". In short, they did their job, and held the high ground. You should be CHEERING them for how they handled that.

And the WaPo had the same reaction to Giuliani's stunt of not giving anyone access to Hunter's laptop in time to verify it's contents. So the WaPo was simply following SOP, and you are factually wrong when you claim that the MSM covered for Biden. That's not what happened, and the WaPo reaction Buzzfeed is proof of that: they're not going to run something without checking its veracity first.

Now that we're done with this, and I've responded to your questions: are you, or are you not going to hold Trump (or Giuliani, if you want to keep pretending that Trump didn't know about the laptop) accountable for INTENTIONALLY holding on to the copies of the laptop and harddrive until three weeks before the election, and even then..... ONLY giving it a tabloid who didn't care that it wasn't vetted?

It's a simple question. And if we're having an honest conversation, we both know what your answer is. But I still want to hear it.

Giuliani INTENTIONALLY kept the Times and the WaPo from being able to vet the thing. And naturally, FoxNation acted like the WaPo was in the wrong when it took YEARS to confirm the contents of the laptop. :lol: As if doing their job was wrong, and the correct way to handle the laptop would be to just give the thing thumbs up without bothering to read a single file. :roll:

Link to WaPo reaction to Buzzfeed releasing the Steele Dossier.. ... formation/
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Re: media matters

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

ardilla secreta
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Re: media matters

Post by ardilla secreta »

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old salt
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Re: media matters

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 12:03 pm We know the FBI took possession of it in Dec 2019. The NYPost claims Giuliani gave it to them on Oct. 14th, 2020. Giuliani's lawyer, Costello, claims Giuliani got it from Mac Issac in September of 2020, and didn't specify a day.
So Rudy didn't get the hard drive until some time in Sept, 2 mos or less until the Nov 8 election.
Trump mentioned the laptop on Oct 22, in his campaign, shortly after the NY Post ran their story.

When was Trump sitting on the investigation, as you claim ? False premise.
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Re: media matters

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 12:03 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:57 am Everything in the Steele Dossier was fed to the media & discussed on cable news shows & in publications like Mother Jones, months before Buzzfeed actually published it. I recall David Corn making the accusations on MSNBC. When did you first hear rumors about the "pee tapes" ?
Your reaction tells me that you DO remember how the WaPo reacted to the Buzzfeed publication of the Steele Dossier.
Thats right; they called bullsh(t on Buzzfeed for recklessly publishing that without bothering to vet it....and pointed out that it could be "fan-fiction". In short, they did their job, and held the high ground.

Link to WaPo reaction to Buzzfeed releasing the Steele Dossier.. ... formation/
That's a diversion. I didn't cite the WP. I cited MSNBC & Mother Jones.
Stop dodging the question -- did you hear about the "pee tapes" during the campaign ?
How about Cohen's trip to Prague ? (did you skip those pages on LP ? :lol: )
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Re: media matters

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 8:47 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 12:03 pm We know the FBI took possession of it in Dec 2019. The NYPost claims Giuliani gave it to them on Oct. 14th, 2020. Giuliani's lawyer, Costello, claims Giuliani got it from Mac Issac in September of 2020, and didn't specify a day.
So Rudy didn't get the hard drive until some time in Sept, 2 mos or less until the Nov 8 election. We have no proof of when he got it. We only have his lawyer's claim. That's it.
Trump mentioned the laptop on Oct 22, in his campaign, shortly after the NY Post ran their story.

When was Trump sitting on the investigation, as you claim ? False premise.
You think Giuliani didn't tell Trump? Ok. Fine. Then it's on Giuliani.

You should be livid he sat on it for weeks. And you should be livid that he didn't give it to EVERYONE, giving them some time to vet the piece. Comment?

And you should also concede that WaPo, at the very least, is golden here, and wouldn't have run Hunter's laptop any more than they did with the Steel Dossier. There wasn't a cover up from WaPo. They have a track record you can point to, my man.
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old salt
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Re: media matters

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:01 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 8:47 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 12:03 pm We know the FBI took possession of it in Dec 2019. The NYPost claims Giuliani gave it to them on Oct. 14th, 2020. Giuliani's lawyer, Costello, claims Giuliani got it from Mac Issac in September of 2020, and didn't specify a day.
So Rudy didn't get the hard drive until some time in Sept, 2 mos or less until the Nov 8 election. We have no proof of when he got it. We only have his lawyer's claim. That's it.
Trump mentioned the laptop on Oct 22, in his campaign, shortly after the NY Post ran their story.

When was Trump sitting on the investigation, as you claim ? False premise.
You think Giuliani didn't tell Trump? Ok. Fine. Then it's on Giuliani.

You should be livid he sat on it for weeks. And you should be livid that he didn't give it to EVERYONE, giving them some time to vet the piece. Comment?

And you should also concede that WaPo, at the very least, is golden here, and wouldn't have run Hunter's laptop any more than they did with the Steel Dossier. There wasn't a cover up from WaPo. They have a track record you can point to, my man.
:lol: ...why do you keep bringing up the WP re, the Steele dossier ? I didn't.

Do you know if Trump sat on it for weeks ? You don't know when in Sept Rudy got the hard drive. The NY Post broke the story on 10/14, Trump mentioned it in his campaign just 8 days later on 10/22.
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Re: media matters

Post by get it to x »

Surprised nobody is talking about James O'Keefe's ouster from Project Veritas. Maybe you don't consider his brand of investigative reporting to be journalism. I do know they've lost about 20% of their Twitter followers in the last two days. They are a donor driven organization, so I believe he will cool his heels for a bit and then reach out to his donor base and re-emerge. He just copied the ambush tactics of the early "60 Minutes".
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Re: media matters

Post by njbill »

O’Keefe seems to have copied the playbook of Wayne LaPierre.
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Re: media matters

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:08 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:01 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 8:47 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 12:03 pm We know the FBI took possession of it in Dec 2019. The NYPost claims Giuliani gave it to them on Oct. 14th, 2020. Giuliani's lawyer, Costello, claims Giuliani got it from Mac Issac in September of 2020, and didn't specify a day.
So Rudy didn't get the hard drive until some time in Sept, 2 mos or less until the Nov 8 election. We have no proof of when he got it. We only have his lawyer's claim. That's it.
Trump mentioned the laptop on Oct 22, in his campaign, shortly after the NY Post ran their story.

When was Trump sitting on the investigation, as you claim ? False premise.
You think Giuliani didn't tell Trump? Ok. Fine. Then it's on Giuliani.

You should be livid he sat on it for weeks. And you should be livid that he didn't give it to EVERYONE, giving them some time to vet the piece. Comment?

And you should also concede that WaPo, at the very least, is golden here, and wouldn't have run Hunter's laptop any more than they did with the Steel Dossier. There wasn't a cover up from WaPo. They have a track record you can point to, my man.
:lol: ...why do you keep bringing up the WP re, the Steele dossier ? I didn't. Simple logic. It refutes your claim that the media refused to run the laptop story because they're "protecting the Dems" and other stupid claims.

Not only did the WaPo not run the Steele Dossier after the BuzzFeed published it lit them up for being reckless by running it without checking to see if even one word was true. The Times ran similar pieces. So did outlets like Wired, FFS. This 100% explains why folks called BS on Giuliani's story, and also explains why NYPost's own writers refused to put their name on the piece.

You just don't want to hear this stuff, because these facts refute the TinFoilHat nation nonsense about covering for Hunte

Do you know if Trump sat on it for weeks ? I already told you that I don' have proof. Unlike you, I am willing to concede that I don't have proof of something. You have no proof of your Deep State----but that doesn't stop you from insisting there is one.You don't know when in Sept Rudy got the hard drive.That's right. I don't know. The NY Post broke the story on 10/14, Trump mentioned it in his campaign just 8 days later on 10/22.Also true. If you want to play dumb and pretend that Giuliani went rogue, and did this all on his own, go right ahead. Just know you're going to be held to this same standard when you're making your unsubstantiated claims...and you don't get to get bent out of shape when I do that.
You still haven't answered my question. Don't think I didn't notice------Giuliani kept the copies from getting vetted. Using your own rules of logic, Giuliani played a role in protecting Hunter by not allowing access to it in time to vet the thing. Result? Folks called bullsh(t, and rightfully so. We were left to take Giuliani's and the (snicker) NYPost's word for it. And you seriously wonder why the media was skeptical about their claims?

And you already saw how the media was out-of-the-box of the Steele Dossier.

So this mess, as usual, was created in large part by TeamTrump's bad decisions. You need to acknowledge their role. Please.
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Re: media matters

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Tue Feb 21, 2023 12:27 pm You still haven't answered my question. Don't think I didn't notice------Giuliani kept the copies from getting vetted. Using your own rules of logic, Giuliani played a role in protecting Hunter by not allowing access to it in time to vet the thing. Result? Folks called bullsh(t, and rightfully so. We were left to take Giuliani's and the (snicker) NYPost's word for it. And you seriously wonder why the media was skeptical about their claims?

And you already saw how the media was out-of-the-box of the Steele Dossier.

So this mess, as usual, was created in large part by TeamTrump's bad decisions. You need to acknowledge their role. Please.
You still haven't answered my question -- did you hear about the pee tapes, Cohen's trip to Prague, or the Alfa Bank server before the election ?

Rudy didn't have the hard drive that far in advance. The NY Post broke the story, but the rest of the msm did not follow up repeating what the NY Post had published, like they followed up on Buzzfeed's reporting when they published the Steele dossier. That's how the msm plays the game when they want to get their agenda driven story to their audience when they can't verify it & don't want to get their hands dirty.

The WSJ did publish the Bobolinski emails from the hard drive because they verified them as authentic from Bobolinski's end.
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Re: media matters

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

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Re: media matters

Post by Farfromgeneva »

This whole Hunter Biden and related stuff is flat out dumb. People who get balls deep in it, well….
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Re: media matters

Post by youthathletics »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Wed Feb 22, 2023 7:13 am This whole Hunter Biden and related stuff is flat out dumb. People who get balls deep in it, well….
Is that b/c what is going with Hunter or Kushner is reminiscent of what goes on in Wall Street?
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