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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 7:00 am
by cradleandshoot
CU77 wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 12:31 pm wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 11:39 am Imagine that. "Catholic" Biden with invocation by another Catholic sellout - Fr Leo J O'Donovan.
As a lifelong Catholic, one who goes to Mass every Sunday and every Holy Day, one who raised his kid in the Church, one who has been married to the same Catholic woman for 38 years, to you I say: f*** off.
I can only imagine how you try to squeeze in this vernacular while your at church on Sunday. Peace be with you... peace be with you... peace be with you... peace be with you... peace be with you... F*** OFF. It sure sounds like you need to spend some time in confession? So YOU are the modern day standard bearer for what a good Catlick is today? No wonder there are so many recovering Catlicks in this country... Peace be with you, now go tell me to go F*** OFF in between Your Hail Mary's and your Our Fathers... :roll: :roll: :roll: I bet you do not even understand your own failure here to practice what you go to church every Sunday to learn. F***ing hypocrite. With Catlicks like you it is no wonder your church, pardon the expression, is going to hell in a handbasket... Peace be with you. FTR is your vernacular the same words you would want YOUR own kids to use. If you dragged your kids to church every Sunday and they have learned as much about God's love as you, i feel sorry for them. It becomes even more clearer to me why i left the Catlick church all of those years ago. I'm sure every Sunday for one hour you practice your faith, i'm guessing that is the extent of how far your faith goes, a one hour Catlick... got it.

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 7:01 am
by old salt
Kismet wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:55 am
old salt wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:43 am
a fan wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 2:26 am
old salt wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 2:09 am It is tedious & lacks originality.
Not my fault. All I'm doing is giving you what you gave us during four years of Trump. So if it's tedious-----blame yourself. We had to deal with your TrumpExcuses for quite a while. You should be able to handle a few weeks of return fire, don't you think?
I posted about the European reaction to the change of power in the US which I observed & you thought it was an opportunity for one of your juvenile "gotcha back" rants. OK, knock yourself out, if it makes you feel superior. Just don't expect me to play your childish game. You pose as a moderate who's just joking around, yet you only want to argue & can't accept that someone would not share your opinion on everything. It's was fun (for a while) trying to converse with you, but a reasonable discourse is not possible if all you're interested in is revenge & score settling. It's unfortunate that you can't rise above petty political differences & exchange ideas with good humor without personalizing things. This is a politics forum. Everyone complains about the politicians they agree with & criticizes those they disagree with. There are no quotas & it's not your call as to who complains about what, or how often. It's not as if Trump defenders were over-represented here, but apparently you think this should have been a zero tolerance zone.
If the shoe fits, wear it,, Pal.

Those expending the most ammo often have the thinnest skin of armor. :lol: :lol: :lol:
You've been shooting at me for a lot of years but haven't slowed me down 1 knot. Keep shooting. :mrgreen:

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 7:02 am
by tech37
What's this?! ... 598568002/

"Riot declared, dozens arrested and officers injured in Portland, Seattle, Chicago protests"

Hey Joe, where's the "unity" man?... c'mon! Better start cleaning up in your own backyard first.

Does Kamala still support these rioters as she did during the summer?

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 7:10 am
by cradleandshoot
tech37 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 7:02 am What's this?! ... 598568002/

"Riot declared, dozens arrested and officers injured in Portland, Seattle, Chicago protests"

He Joe, where's the "unity" man?... c'mon! Better start cleaning up in your own backyard first.

Does Kamala still support these rioters as she did during the summer?
As the wicked witch once said... "what a world... what a world" as John McClain would advise Joltin Joe... WELCOME TO THE PARTY PAL. :D

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 7:37 am
by foreverlax
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:35 am Chit can the Keystone XL pipeline. The Chicoms have to be happy, now they can get all that oil for themselves. :D

Canadian officials were among those who expressed concern this week after several media outlets reported on Biden’s looming action. Jason Kenney, the premier of the province of Alberta, said in a statement that repealing the project permit “would kill jobs on both sides of the border, weaken the critically important Canada-US relationship, and undermine US national security by making the United States more dependent on OPEC oil imports in the future.”

OPEC boys are smiling as well. I get the blowback that the environmental freak circus hates oil. Oil is the lifeblood of the US economy, it will be for many decades to come. My problem with what Biden just did is that it was not done in the best interests of our country. It was done to appease the whack a doodle environmentalist freaks. Sure that oil wont come into the USA now, it will go to the Chicoms who will be more than happy to reroute that pipeline so they can load it onto their tankers. Good job Joltin Joe, how many American jobs did you just lose? You better put a rush on those federal stimulus checks, alot of those now out of work Americans are gonna need them. :roll:
I have looked pretty hard to determine what many jobs have actually been created....not much to read.

Evidently, there have been over 20 spills from 2010-19. Two spills dumped over 800k gallons.

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:12 am
by SCLaxAttack wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 9:47 pm
SCLaxAttack wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 7:28 pm wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:07 pm He’s a fake, for sale, politician with no backbone, and no true north. There is no there, there.

He’s worse than a normal career politician because he’s a party politician- a total and complete sellout and fraud- to get ahead.

In that vein, he’s a proven plagiarist. He’s a catholic who chooses to ignore teachings on abortion, marriage and fidelity. Constant use of victim narratives and excuses. No accountability. He was happy to ride Obama’s coattails and be portrayed as the purveyor of social justice AFTER introducing the most institutionally racist policy of the past 30 years.

So what don’t I like about Biden? Pretty much all the things Kamala didn’t like about him. Until she was offered the VP slot.

Still, that said, despite disliking him personally, I respect the office he holds and am rooting for him to stay healthy and do well. Political pendulums swing pretty regularly. There’s a reason he was elected by the people.
Krame only has to answer to God so the rest of this post is parenthetical. We know his opinion on abortion and why Biden would rub him the wrong way on that issue. I don’t know where he’s headed with his marriage and fidelity comment, especially due to his support of the most recent president. I’m just glad he’s not a “CINO”. Maybe the only Catholic in the world who isn’t.

Kudos to him for never having pre-marital sex with his spouse, or any sexual relations with any woman he dated.

I’m glad to assume he has never used, or participated in the use of, birth control of any sort. That includes calendar tracking of menstruation as that is also considered birth control and against Catholic practices.

He must be one of the few who participates in the sacrament of reconciliation before taking communion, as that’s also required in Catholic teaching.

Finally, much admiration to him for talking to his children about the importance to practice abstinence with anyone they date., and that nothing else is acceptable.

I could list more, but knowing Krame is the perfect Catholic that would be a waste of my time.
It would be a waste of your time.

Because given your examples, you obviously haven’t gotten to the part in the Catechism about venial vs mortal (grave) sins.
Here ya go - ... mortal-sin

Now that you know that contraception is a grave matter and therefore mortal....

You’re welcome. Hope your parish still schedules weekly reconciliation.

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:25 am
by cradleandshoot
foreverlax wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 7:37 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:35 am Chit can the Keystone XL pipeline. The Chicoms have to be happy, now they can get all that oil for themselves. :D

Canadian officials were among those who expressed concern this week after several media outlets reported on Biden’s looming action. Jason Kenney, the premier of the province of Alberta, said in a statement that repealing the project permit “would kill jobs on both sides of the border, weaken the critically important Canada-US relationship, and undermine US national security by making the United States more dependent on OPEC oil imports in the future.”

OPEC boys are smiling as well. I get the blowback that the environmental freak circus hates oil. Oil is the lifeblood of the US economy, it will be for many decades to come. My problem with what Biden just did is that it was not done in the best interests of our country. It was done to appease the whack a doodle environmentalist freaks. Sure that oil wont come into the USA now, it will go to the Chicoms who will be more than happy to reroute that pipeline so they can load it onto their tankers. Good job Joltin Joe, how many American jobs did you just lose? You better put a rush on those federal stimulus checks, alot of those now out of work Americans are gonna need them. :roll:
I have looked pretty hard to determine what many jobs have actually been created....not much to read.

Evidently, there have been over 20 spills from 2010-19. Two spills dumped over 800k gallons.
This becomes a ping pong ball that is getting bounced back every 4 years. Kill it or just let the chicoms import the oil from it. One way or the other either the chicoms or the USA will use the oil at some point in time. I think your data on the pipeline is incomplete. It is hard to leak oil from a pipeline that has not been completed yet. It probably never will be now
The oil will be used by someone, looks like now it will be the chicoms.

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:35 am
by foreverlax
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:25 am
foreverlax wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 7:37 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:35 am Chit can the Keystone XL pipeline. The Chicoms have to be happy, now they can get all that oil for themselves. :D

Canadian officials were among those who expressed concern this week after several media outlets reported on Biden’s looming action. Jason Kenney, the premier of the province of Alberta, said in a statement that repealing the project permit “would kill jobs on both sides of the border, weaken the critically important Canada-US relationship, and undermine US national security by making the United States more dependent on OPEC oil imports in the future.”

OPEC boys are smiling as well. I get the blowback that the environmental freak circus hates oil. Oil is the lifeblood of the US economy, it will be for many decades to come. My problem with what Biden just did is that it was not done in the best interests of our country. It was done to appease the whack a doodle environmentalist freaks. Sure that oil wont come into the USA now, it will go to the Chicoms who will be more than happy to reroute that pipeline so they can load it onto their tankers. Good job Joltin Joe, how many American jobs did you just lose? You better put a rush on those federal stimulus checks, alot of those now out of work Americans are gonna need them. :roll:
I have looked pretty hard to determine what many jobs have actually been created....not much to read.

Evidently, there have been over 20 spills from 2010-19. Two spills dumped over 800k gallons.
This becomes a ping pong ball that is not getting bounced back every 4 years. Kill it or just let the chicoms import the oil from it. One way or the other either the chicoms or the USA will use the oil at some point in time. I think your data on the pipeline is incomplete. It is hard to leak oil from a pipeline that has not been completed yet. It probably never will be now
The oil will be used by someone, looks like now it will be the chicoms.
It ain't my data... ... l-history/

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:54 am
by cradleandshoot
foreverlax wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:35 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:25 am
foreverlax wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 7:37 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:35 am Chit can the Keystone XL pipeline. The Chicoms have to be happy, now they can get all that oil for themselves. :D

Canadian officials were among those who expressed concern this week after several media outlets reported on Biden’s looming action. Jason Kenney, the premier of the province of Alberta, said in a statement that repealing the project permit “would kill jobs on both sides of the border, weaken the critically important Canada-US relationship, and undermine US national security by making the United States more dependent on OPEC oil imports in the future.”

OPEC boys are smiling as well. I get the blowback that the environmental freak circus hates oil. Oil is the lifeblood of the US economy, it will be for many decades to come. My problem with what Biden just did is that it was not done in the best interests of our country. It was done to appease the whack a doodle environmentalist freaks. Sure that oil wont come into the USA now, it will go to the Chicoms who will be more than happy to reroute that pipeline so they can load it onto their tankers. Good job Joltin Joe, how many American jobs did you just lose? You better put a rush on those federal stimulus checks, alot of those now out of work Americans are gonna need them. :roll:
I have looked pretty hard to determine what many jobs have actually been created....not much to read.

Evidently, there have been over 20 spills from 2010-19. Two spills dumped over 800k gallons.
This becomes a ping pong ball that is not getting bounced back every 4 years. Kill it or just let the chicoms import the oil from it. One way or the other either the chicoms or the USA will use the oil at some point in time. I think your data on the pipeline is incomplete. It is hard to leak oil from a pipeline that has not been completed yet. It probably never will be now
The oil will be used by someone, looks like now it will be the chicoms.
It ain't my data... ... l-history/
I still don't understand how a pipeline that has not been completed can leak oil. I bet your house just like mine has natural gas pipelines that feed our houses that also could leak. You ready to give up that source of energy because that pipeline feeding your house could possibly leak? Everything in life has risks. If the ultimate goal is to eliminate all possible risks then why bother taking any risks at all?
Your own link differentiates between the Keystone and Keystone XL pipelines. The latter is the one that POTUS Biden just chitcanned.

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:18 am
by dislaxxic

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:51 am
by cradleandshoot
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:18 am Edumacate yersef, C&S...

Keystone Pipeline leaks 383,000 gallons of oil in second big spill in two years

Did you read the freaking link? The Keystone XL pipeline that POTUS Biden chitcanned has not been built yet. If you can explain to me how a pipeline that has not been built can leak oil there jaundice boy I'm all ears. Maybe you need to take your own advice and edumacate yourself. Did you soak up too much sun when you were playing golf? ;) The Keystone pipeline is another damn pipeline. Wear a boonie cap the next time you expose yourself to excessive sunlight.

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:57 am
by MDlaxfan76
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:51 am
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:18 am Edumacate yersef, C&S...

Keystone Pipeline leaks 383,000 gallons of oil in second big spill in two years

Did you read the freaking link? The Keystone XL pipeline that POTUS Biden chitcanned has not been built yet. If you can explain to me how a pipeline that has not been built can leak oil there jaundice boy I'm all ears. Maybe you need to take your own advice and edumacate yourself. Did you soak up too much sun when you were playing golf? ;) The Keystone pipeline is another damn pipeline. Wear a boonie cap the next time you expose yourself to excessive sunlight.
Yup, the part not built hasn't leaked, OBVIOUSLY, but the pipeline they are being to asked to extend has quite a lot of spills. The extension would be reasonably expected to perform as the rest...with spills.

So, the question has to be based on cost/benefit with spills factored into 'costs'.

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:10 am
by cradleandshoot
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:57 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:51 am
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:18 am Edumacate yersef, C&S...

Keystone Pipeline leaks 383,000 gallons of oil in second big spill in two years

Did you read the freaking link? The Keystone XL pipeline that POTUS Biden chitcanned has not been built yet. If you can explain to me how a pipeline that has not been built can leak oil there jaundice boy I'm all ears. Maybe you need to take your own advice and edumacate yourself. Did you soak up too much sun when you were playing golf? ;) The Keystone pipeline is another damn pipeline. Wear a boonie cap the next time you expose yourself to excessive sunlight.
Yup, the part not built hasn't leaked, OBVIOUSLY, but the pipeline they are being to asked to extend has quite a lot of spills. The extension would be reasonably expected to perform as the rest...with spills.

So, the question has to be based on cost/benefit with spills factored into 'costs'.
So you don't think our Union welders are good enough to weld together 2 pieces of pipe? Everything our country does MD involves risk. My old man had a saying he used often... Chit or get off the pot. I don't give a flying fig what ultimately happens with the Keystone XL pipeline. Build it, don't build it but for the love of Pete don't keep changing your mind about it every 4 years. Anywhoo the chicoms will be glad to have the oil. If it leaks all over the place loading their tankers at the terminal not our problem is it! :roll:

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:22 am
by cradleandshoot
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:57 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:51 am
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:18 am Edumacate yersef, C&S...

Keystone Pipeline leaks 383,000 gallons of oil in second big spill in two years

Did you read the freaking link? The Keystone XL pipeline that POTUS Biden chitcanned has not been built yet. If you can explain to me how a pipeline that has not been built can leak oil there jaundice boy I'm all ears. Maybe you need to take your own advice and edumacate yourself. Did you soak up too much sun when you were playing golf? ;) The Keystone pipeline is another damn pipeline. Wear a boonie cap the next time you expose yourself to excessive sunlight.
Yup, the part not built hasn't leaked, OBVIOUSLY, but the pipeline they are being to asked to extend has quite a lot of spills. The extension would be reasonably expected to perform as the rest...with spills.

So, the question has to be based on cost/benefit with spills factored into 'costs'.

The reasonable assumption is that we would lose more shuttles, which we did. Using your refined businessmans logic how come we just did not chitcan the shuttle program? Why, because of that cost/benefit factor you mentioned. You seem to handily overlook the fact that failure and or mistakes are part of the learning curve. If your telling me with our technological superiority that we are too chicken chit to build a damn oil pipeline because it might leak. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: Why do you send your trucks on the road every day... they might crash? Let me guess... cost/benefit factor comes in to play. ;) If you wanna be safe just give your folks hand carts and have them use muscle and foo.tpower to deliver your products

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:32 am
by MDlaxfan76
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:10 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:57 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:51 am
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:18 am Edumacate yersef, C&S...

Keystone Pipeline leaks 383,000 gallons of oil in second big spill in two years

Did you read the freaking link? The Keystone XL pipeline that POTUS Biden chitcanned has not been built yet. If you can explain to me how a pipeline that has not been built can leak oil there jaundice boy I'm all ears. Maybe you need to take your own advice and edumacate yourself. Did you soak up too much sun when you were playing golf? ;) The Keystone pipeline is another damn pipeline. Wear a boonie cap the next time you expose yourself to excessive sunlight.
Yup, the part not built hasn't leaked, OBVIOUSLY, but the pipeline they are being to asked to extend has quite a lot of spills. The extension would be reasonably expected to perform as the rest...with spills.

So, the question has to be based on cost/benefit with spills factored into 'costs'.
So you don't think our Union welders are good enough to weld together 2 pieces of pipe? Everything our country does MD involves risk. My old man had a saying he used often... Chit or get off the pot. I don't give a flying fig what ultimately happens with the Keystone XL pipeline. Build it, don't build it but for the love of Pete don't keep changing your mind about it every 4 years. Anywhoo the chicoms will be glad to have the oil. If it leaks all over the place loading their tankers at the terminal not our problem is it! :roll:
Agreed, it's a cost/benefit analysis. Would it lower our US consumer's energy costs? I don't think so, our prices are impacted by world market. Would it leak on the US lands that would need to be appropriated for its construction? Yup.

So, not much, if any, benefit unless one thinks we need this supply for strategic purposes long term...which I don't. But someone could make the opposite argument.

It gets bounced back and forth because there are people who lobby for the pipeline who stand to make a lot of money personally and they grease palms quite well and the other side lobbies because of environmental and ideological (climate) reasons. Same greasing other way. No surprises there.

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:41 am
by cradleandshoot
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:32 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:10 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:57 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:51 am
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:18 am Edumacate yersef, C&S...

Keystone Pipeline leaks 383,000 gallons of oil in second big spill in two years

Did you read the freaking link? The Keystone XL pipeline that POTUS Biden chitcanned has not been built yet. If you can explain to me how a pipeline that has not been built can leak oil there jaundice boy I'm all ears. Maybe you need to take your own advice and edumacate yourself. Did you soak up too much sun when you were playing golf? ;) The Keystone pipeline is another damn pipeline. Wear a boonie cap the next time you expose yourself to excessive sunlight.
Yup, the part not built hasn't leaked, OBVIOUSLY, but the pipeline they are being to asked to extend has quite a lot of spills. The extension would be reasonably expected to perform as the rest...with spills.

So, the question has to be based on cost/benefit with spills factored into 'costs'.
So you don't think our Union welders are good enough to weld together 2 pieces of pipe? Everything our country does MD involves risk. My old man had a saying he used often... Chit or get off the pot. I don't give a flying fig what ultimately happens with the Keystone XL pipeline. Build it, don't build it but for the love of Pete don't keep changing your mind about it every 4 years. Anywhoo the chicoms will be glad to have the oil. If it leaks all over the place loading their tankers at the terminal not our problem is it! :roll:
Agreed, it's a cost/benefit analysis. Would it lower our US consumer's energy costs? I don't think so, our prices are impacted by world market. Would it leak on the US lands that would need to be appropriated for its construction? Yup.

So, not much, if any, benefit unless one thinks we need this supply for strategic purposes long term...which I don't. But someone could make the opposite argument.

It gets bounced back and forth because there are people who lobby for the pipeline who stand to make a lot of money personally and they grease palms quite well and the other side lobbies because of environmental and ideological (climate) reasons. Same greasing other way. No surprises there.
My gripe is either put the damn thing to bed forever or build it. It is asinine to keep bringing it back from the dead every 4 years. I disagree with you 100% on your reasoning, we can build freaking pipelines with minimal risk. Whether we really need the oil, that is way out of my wheelhouse. My guess is it is better to have the oil in our country than to have to import it down the road. You do know that importing it also comes with the risk of oil tankers leaking the crude oil as well? Every choice our leaders make involves a risk.

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:46 am
by CU88
All of the 2 x IMPOTUS o d supporters here will be upset to no longer see the daily schedule of their hero.

Where are the despicable, embarrassing lines of BS about how he "will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. He will make many calls and have many meetings"? ... index.html

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:55 am
by MDlaxfan76
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:41 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:32 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:10 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:57 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:51 am
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:18 am Edumacate yersef, C&S...

Keystone Pipeline leaks 383,000 gallons of oil in second big spill in two years

Did you read the freaking link? The Keystone XL pipeline that POTUS Biden chitcanned has not been built yet. If you can explain to me how a pipeline that has not been built can leak oil there jaundice boy I'm all ears. Maybe you need to take your own advice and edumacate yourself. Did you soak up too much sun when you were playing golf? ;) The Keystone pipeline is another damn pipeline. Wear a boonie cap the next time you expose yourself to excessive sunlight.
Yup, the part not built hasn't leaked, OBVIOUSLY, but the pipeline they are being to asked to extend has quite a lot of spills. The extension would be reasonably expected to perform as the rest...with spills.

So, the question has to be based on cost/benefit with spills factored into 'costs'.
So you don't think our Union welders are good enough to weld together 2 pieces of pipe? Everything our country does MD involves risk. My old man had a saying he used often... Chit or get off the pot. I don't give a flying fig what ultimately happens with the Keystone XL pipeline. Build it, don't build it but for the love of Pete don't keep changing your mind about it every 4 years. Anywhoo the chicoms will be glad to have the oil. If it leaks all over the place loading their tankers at the terminal not our problem is it! :roll:
Agreed, it's a cost/benefit analysis. Would it lower our US consumer's energy costs? I don't think so, our prices are impacted by world market. Would it leak on the US lands that would need to be appropriated for its construction? Yup.

So, not much, if any, benefit unless one thinks we need this supply for strategic purposes long term...which I don't. But someone could make the opposite argument.

It gets bounced back and forth because there are people who lobby for the pipeline who stand to make a lot of money personally and they grease palms quite well and the other side lobbies because of environmental and ideological (climate) reasons. Same greasing other way. No surprises there.
My gripe is either put the damn thing to bed forever or build it. It is asinine to keep bringing it back from the dead every 4 years. I disagree with you 100% on your reasoning, we can build freaking pipelines with minimal risk. Whether we really need the oil, that is way out of my wheelhouse. My guess is it is better to have the oil in our country than to have to import it down the road. You do know that importing it also comes with the risk of oil tankers leaking the crude oil as well? Every choice our leaders make involves a risk.
At the risk of being accused as too 'woke', I think the reasoning is that in the long term the oil will be way less strategically important and that we have more than ample supplies in the ground here.

And, as the supply from those Canadian supplies will be otherwise on the market, not piping to the US won't negatively impact world supply or prices.

So, what's the big benefit? other than for the specific companies involved? A few construction jobs? Would better bridges be a better use of those welders? Anyway, that's the logic.

And yeah, there would be spills, no pipeline is perfect...and those where those spills would happen do actually care about that, are directly

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:03 am
by youthathletics
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:55 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:41 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:32 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:10 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:57 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:51 am
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:18 am Edumacate yersef, C&S...

Keystone Pipeline leaks 383,000 gallons of oil in second big spill in two years

Did you read the freaking link? The Keystone XL pipeline that POTUS Biden chitcanned has not been built yet. If you can explain to me how a pipeline that has not been built can leak oil there jaundice boy I'm all ears. Maybe you need to take your own advice and edumacate yourself. Did you soak up too much sun when you were playing golf? ;) The Keystone pipeline is another damn pipeline. Wear a boonie cap the next time you expose yourself to excessive sunlight.
Yup, the part not built hasn't leaked, OBVIOUSLY, but the pipeline they are being to asked to extend has quite a lot of spills. The extension would be reasonably expected to perform as the rest...with spills.

So, the question has to be based on cost/benefit with spills factored into 'costs'.
So you don't think our Union welders are good enough to weld together 2 pieces of pipe? Everything our country does MD involves risk. My old man had a saying he used often... Chit or get off the pot. I don't give a flying fig what ultimately happens with the Keystone XL pipeline. Build it, don't build it but for the love of Pete don't keep changing your mind about it every 4 years. Anywhoo the chicoms will be glad to have the oil. If it leaks all over the place loading their tankers at the terminal not our problem is it! :roll:
Agreed, it's a cost/benefit analysis. Would it lower our US consumer's energy costs? I don't think so, our prices are impacted by world market. Would it leak on the US lands that would need to be appropriated for its construction? Yup.

So, not much, if any, benefit unless one thinks we need this supply for strategic purposes long term...which I don't. But someone could make the opposite argument.

It gets bounced back and forth because there are people who lobby for the pipeline who stand to make a lot of money personally and they grease palms quite well and the other side lobbies because of environmental and ideological (climate) reasons. Same greasing other way. No surprises there.
My gripe is either put the damn thing to bed forever or build it. It is asinine to keep bringing it back from the dead every 4 years. I disagree with you 100% on your reasoning, we can build freaking pipelines with minimal risk. Whether we really need the oil, that is way out of my wheelhouse. My guess is it is better to have the oil in our country than to have to import it down the road. You do know that importing it also comes with the risk of oil tankers leaking the crude oil as well? Every choice our leaders make involves a risk.
At the risk of being accused as too 'woke', I think the reasoning is that in the long term the oil will be way less strategically important and that we have more than ample supplies in the ground here.

And, as the supply from those Canadian supplies will be otherwise on the market, not piping to the US won't negatively impact world supply or prices.

So, what's the big benefit? other than for the specific companies involved? A few construction jobs? Would better bridges be a better use of those welders? Anyway, that's the logic.

And yeah, there would be spills, no pipeline is perfect...and those where those spills would happen do actually care about that, are directly
I suspect it is an end-around, optics. My guess, it will return after the dust settles and that is where Biden returns the favor to Unions.

Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:47 am
by 6x6
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:55 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:41 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:32 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:10 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:57 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:51 am
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:18 am Edumacate yersef, C&S...

Keystone Pipeline leaks 383,000 gallons of oil in second big spill in two years

Did you read the freaking link? The Keystone XL pipeline that POTUS Biden chitcanned has not been built yet. If you can explain to me how a pipeline that has not been built can leak oil there jaundice boy I'm all ears. Maybe you need to take your own advice and edumacate yourself. Did you soak up too much sun when you were playing golf? ;) The Keystone pipeline is another damn pipeline. Wear a boonie cap the next time you expose yourself to excessive sunlight.
Yup, the part not built hasn't leaked, OBVIOUSLY, but the pipeline they are being to asked to extend has quite a lot of spills. The extension would be reasonably expected to perform as the rest...with spills.

So, the question has to be based on cost/benefit with spills factored into 'costs'.
So you don't think our Union welders are good enough to weld together 2 pieces of pipe? Everything our country does MD involves risk. My old man had a saying he used often... Chit or get off the pot. I don't give a flying fig what ultimately happens with the Keystone XL pipeline. Build it, don't build it but for the love of Pete don't keep changing your mind about it every 4 years. Anywhoo the chicoms will be glad to have the oil. If it leaks all over the place loading their tankers at the terminal not our problem is it! :roll:
Agreed, it's a cost/benefit analysis. Would it lower our US consumer's energy costs? I don't think so, our prices are impacted by world market. Would it leak on the US lands that would need to be appropriated for its construction? Yup.

So, not much, if any, benefit unless one thinks we need this supply for strategic purposes long term...which I don't. But someone could make the opposite argument.

It gets bounced back and forth because there are people who lobby for the pipeline who stand to make a lot of money personally and they grease palms quite well and the other side lobbies because of environmental and ideological (climate) reasons. Same greasing other way. No surprises there.
My gripe is either put the damn thing to bed forever or build it. It is asinine to keep bringing it back from the dead every 4 years. I disagree with you 100% on your reasoning, we can build freaking pipelines with minimal risk. Whether we really need the oil, that is way out of my wheelhouse. My guess is it is better to have the oil in our country than to have to import it down the road. You do know that importing it also comes with the risk of oil tankers leaking the crude oil as well? Every choice our leaders make involves a risk.
At the risk of being accused as too 'woke', I think the reasoning is that in the long term the oil will be way less strategically important and that we have more than ample supplies in the ground here.

And, as the supply from those Canadian supplies will be otherwise on the market, not piping to the US won't negatively impact world supply or prices.

So, what's the big benefit? other than for the specific companies involved? A few construction jobs? Would better bridges be a better use of those welders? Anyway, that's the logic.

And yeah, there would be spills, no pipeline is perfect...and those where those spills would happen do actually care about that, are directly
What happened to the kumbaya message? Friends not adversaries, help for the middle class and as pointed out by YA, support of the unions. Yeah those lost jobs are mostly Canadian, no worries. “A few constructions jobs”? Louisiana and Texas often have to deal with natural disasters, I’m guessing their refineries and the more than a few folks employed there would benefit should the thing ever get built.

Trudeau is disappointed and Alberta wants to file a lawsuit.... ... 5ef4c6566d ... 6f93907a6d ... e/9857855/