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Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 10:51 am
by njbill
As I understand it, the weather was not going to impact Maryland’s trip north, only possibly their return home. So if the weather does turn out to be bad, stay over until the roads clear.

What are the NCAA rules on forfeits? wlaxnut, we need you to pull out your rulebook and get on this. 😀

I guess it isn’t surprising that turtles are snow wimps.

Perhaps the Maryland Minister of Propaganda (who has yet to emerge from his turtle shell) could enlighten us as to any reasons that haven’t been mentioned yet that might be supportive of the notion Maryland’s decision to bag out was reasonable.

seacoaster, yes, they don’t handle snow very well in Maryland. I was at the Maryland North Carolina game almost exactly 5 years ago that was stopped mid game due to snow. The Maryland roads were so bad, not due to snow accumulation but because they simply didn’t deploy their snow equipment adequately, that it took me six hours to get home. Roads were fine once I crossed over into Jersey. ;)

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 10:58 am
by Matnum PI
alright. live stats (though it's not set up yet). it's a start.

Oh, and this reminds me... But I'll post elsewhere.

njbill, it's not snow wimps. it's lacrosse wimps. UMD is struggling, have never lost to SU, and both teams, both coaches on both sides of the ball know what's about to happen.

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:15 am
by njbill
Matnum PI wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 10:58 am njbill, it's not snow wimps. it's lacrosse wimps. UMD is struggling, have never lost to SU, and both teams, both coaches on both sides of the ball know what's about to happen.
My comment was partially tongue in cheek. Obviously Maryland is trying to duck Syracuse. That is why I asked about the forfeit rules. This “snow” excuse certainly seems to be phony. A black mark on Reese’s otherwise stellar reputation.

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:31 am
by laxorangebookworm
Matnum PI wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 10:58 am alright. live stats (though it's not set up yet). it's a start.

Oh, and this reminds me... But I'll post elsewhere.

njbill, it's not snow wimps. it's lacrosse wimps. UMD is struggling, have never lost to SU, and both teams, both coaches on both sides of the ball know what's about to happen.
Actually, SU beat Maryland in 2012. I think it's the only time they've won against the Terps.

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:46 am
by laxorangebookworm
njbill wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:15 am
Matnum PI wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 10:58 am njbill, it's not snow wimps. it's lacrosse wimps. UMD is struggling, have never lost to SU, and both teams, both coaches on both sides of the ball know what's about to happen.
My comment was partially tongue in cheek. Obviously Maryland is trying to duck Syracuse. That is why I asked about the forfeit rules. This “snow” excuse certainly seems to be phony. A black mark on Reese’s otherwise stellar reputation.
Not sure Reese was responsible for this. Decision could very well have been much higher up.

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:49 am
by Itsallgood
laxorangebookworm wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:31 am
Matnum PI wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 10:58 am alright. live stats (though it's not set up yet). it's a start.

Oh, and this reminds me... But I'll post elsewhere.

njbill, it's not snow wimps. it's lacrosse wimps. UMD is struggling, have never lost to SU, and both teams, both coaches on both sides of the ball know what's about to happen.
Actually, SU beat Maryland in 2012. I think it's the only time they've won against the Terps.
I have to agree with the comments on driving in the snow in Maryland, its really a thing to avoid at all costs. I was at the game in 2012 when Cuse beat Maryland ( they stalled like no ones business almost the entire second half ) I also was at the snow game Terps vs UNC, Heels were determined to play the game so they could get home for the Dean Smith Memorial service. However after falling behind right out of the gate by 3 or 4 goals and near blizzard like conditions UNC decided they could stay the night and play the next day, The game was post postponed and started over from the beginning with a score of 0-0. As you can tell I have a rooting interest for the Terps ,however I don't care where this game is played ,it won't be pretty and it will be over early.

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:55 am
by Matnum PI
For the record, noon on Saturday. Not today. Whatever, I knew that...

Little Turtles getting flack on social media

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:02 pm
by wlaxnut

Re: Little Turtles getting flack on social media

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:12 pm
by seacoaster
My first year of school in Syracuse it snowed — ready? — 36 days in a row. We made it to class, to bars, to sporting events, wing joints and Cosmo’s. No problem.

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:26 pm
by Lax247
Matnum PI wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 10:58 am alright. live stats (though it's not set up yet). it's a start.

Oh, and this reminds me... But I'll post elsewhere.

njbill, it's not snow wimps. it's lacrosse wimps. UMD is struggling, have never lost to SU, and both teams, both coaches on both sides of the ball know what's about to happen.
Perhaps MD will throw a face guard on EH.
They didn't use one in UNC game tho....I think its a pride thing with them.
It can be very effective sometimes, and fluster the other team.

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:32 pm
by DMac
You wouldn't have experienced that this year, seacoaster, it's been a pretty mild winter for these parts. I think we're a couple of feet below normal in snowfall, snowed briefly yesterday morning with no accumulation on the roads, they're bone dry. Didn't snow last night, hasn't snowed today, and we might get an inch or so tonight AFTER FIVE O'CLOCK (sure hope I can make it to the mlax game). This was a panick BS call by Maryland...I get the player safety but but there's just nothing to worry about here.

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:45 pm
by totc
I remember years ago a college in Philadelphia turned a forfeit into a photo op when a player dribbled onto the court and made a basket for a 2-0 forfeit win. Can't remember which of the City Six it was, but for some reason I keep thinking it was Drexel.

I think there was an ice storm of some kind.

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:50 pm
by wlaxnut
Matnum PI wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 10:58 am UMD is struggling, have never lost to SU
Maryland has lost to Syracuse. In fact, before Florida, the Orange was the last team to beat them in Maryland.

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:01 pm
by njbill
laxorangebookworm wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:46 am Not sure Reese was responsible for this. Decision could very well have been much higher up.
I was going off Doc’s reporting. I’m sure the A.D. had to make the final call, but as to who initiated the discussion and who advocated for canceling the game, this has all the hallmarks of a coaching decision to avoid playing an opponent the coach did not think her team could beat. “Snow” was just an excuse. I think Oregon and Maryland should swap mascots.

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:07 pm
by NuttyRipper12
For the seniors and their parents who have most likely made numerous pre and post game plans for their last home game, now having to re-route all of those plans for a no-snow-snow-day and the extra expense of last minute travel down to B-More.... As a senior parent I cannot imagine how p***** off you all must be. How this was orchestrated I can hardly imagine. Syracuse? They are not my team. But Maryland? DEFINITELY not my team!! Not my words, but "horrible display of entitlement" is one way to put it. :twisted: I hope those 'Cuse Seniors get their day tomorrow.

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:12 pm
by Matnum PI
'cuse wins, this is a legendary game. UMD wins, the game just disappears. My money's on 'cuse.

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:12 pm
by Lax247
NuttyRipper12 wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:07 pm For the seniors and their parents who have most likely made numerous pre and post game plans for their last home game, now having to re-route all of those plans for a no-snow-snow-day and the extra expense of last minute travel down to B-More.... As a senior parent I cannot imagine how p***** off you all must be. How this was orchestrated I can hardly imagine. Syracuse? They are not my team. But Maryland? DEFINITELY not my team!! Not my words, but "horrible display of entitlement" is one way to put it. :twisted: I hope those 'Cuse Seniors get their day tomorrow.
I think it could be a beat down of epic proportions...

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:21 pm
by thegoodlife
I'll give a slightly different perspective on this. I was slated to fly to Syracuse to watch this game and have been watching the weather all week long. As of Wednesday night, there was supposed to be anywhere from 18-36 inches falling in the area. I understand that forecast has changed to date, but the fact is that it was forecasted that way all week until yesterday afternoon.

From a close source, I know that both teams were in communication about this issue on Thursday morning as the Terps were set to leave College Park and were packed and ready to go. THEIR BUS COMPANY REFUSED TO TRAVEL GIVEN THE FORECAST AT THAT TIME. That is a fact. So, Maryland had to make a decision and call SU to determine next steps. Both schools came to an agreement-- one that many on here may not be on board with-- but people on both sides compromised. I am not going to weigh in on what I think should have happened. I feel confident is saying that the MD team was ready to leave CP yesterday with no issues.

Here is the problem-- last year, UMD Athletics came under a wave of scrutiny and lawsuits regarding the death of a football player and the athletic department was accused of not putting the health and safety of the players first. Think about that. So fast forward to this week-- the bus company says " no way" and the AD has to make a decision on whether or not to heed the warnings of the bus company. This is all just a few weeks after Kobe Bryant was killed after his transportation company refused to listen to forecasts.

As for the comments about the coaches scheduling the refs-- that is just not how it happens. The NCAA has contracts with the CWLOA (Collegiate lacrosse Officials Association) and the CWLOA has assignors who handle the different conferences. No coaches are in charge of "getting refs".

While it is upsetting i am sure for the parents, players and fans of SU to miss out on the planned festivities surrounding Senior Day this Saturday, SU could have opted to schedule the game later in the season. We just dont know as none of us were in those discussions. While it may be a futile effort, I'd ask everyone to consider what you would do given this set of options.

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:26 pm
by wlaxnut
thegoodlife wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:21 pm I'll give a slightly different perspective on this. I was slated to fly to Syracuse to watch this game and have been watching the weather all week long. As of Wednesday night, there was supposed to be anywhere from 18-36 inches falling in the area. I understand that forecast has changed to date, but the fact is that it was forecasted that way all week until yesterday afternoon.

From a close source, I know that both teams were in communication about this issue on Thursday morning as the Terps were set to leave College Park and were packed and ready to go. THEIR BUS COMPANY REFUSED TO TRAVEL GIVEN THE FORECAST AT THAT TIME. That is a fact. So, Maryland had to make a decision and call SU to determine next steps. Both schools came to an agreement-- one that many on here may not be on board with-- but people on both sides compromised. I am not going to weigh in on what I think should have happened. I feel confident is saying that the MD team was ready to leave CP yesterday with no issues.

Here is the problem-- last year, UMD Athletics came under a wave of scrutiny and lawsuits regarding the death of a football player and the athletic department was accused of not putting the health and safety of the players first. Think about that. So fast forward to this week-- the bus company says " no way" and the AD has to make a decision on whether or not to heed the warnings of the bus company. This is all just a few weeks after Kobe Bryant was killed after his transportation company refused to listen to forecasts.

While it is upsetting i am sure for the parents, players and fans of SU to miss out on the planned festivities surrounding Senior Day this Saturday, SU could have opted to schedule the game later in the season. We just dont know as none of us were in those discussions. While it may be a futile effort, I'd ask everyone to consider what you would do given this set of options.
Thanks for weighing in. Very compelling. There is always another side.

Re: Cuse-Maryland AT MARYLAND, 2/29, 1200 hrs.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:30 pm
by Dr. Tact
thegoodlife wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:21 pm I'll give a slightly different perspective on this. I was slated to fly to Syracuse to watch this game and have been watching the weather all week long. As of Wednesday night, there was supposed to be anywhere from 18-36 inches falling in the area. I understand that forecast has changed to date, but the fact is that it was forecasted that way all week until yesterday afternoon.

From a close source, I know that both teams were in communication about this issue on Thursday morning as the Terps were set to leave College Park and were packed and ready to go. THEIR BUS COMPANY REFUSED TO TRAVEL GIVEN THE FORECAST AT THAT TIME. That is a fact. So, Maryland had to make a decision and call SU to determine next steps. Both schools came to an agreement-- one that many on here may not be on board with-- but people on both sides compromised. I am not going to weigh in on what I think should have happened. I feel confident is saying that the MD team was ready to leave CP yesterday with no issues.

Here is the problem-- last year, UMD Athletics came under a wave of scrutiny and lawsuits regarding the death of a football player and the athletic department was accused of not putting the health and safety of the players first. Think about that. So fast forward to this week-- the bus company says " no way" and the AD has to make a decision on whether or not to heed the warnings of the bus company. This is all just a few weeks after Kobe Bryant was killed after his transportation company refused to listen to forecasts.

As for the comments about the coaches scheduling the refs-- that is just not how it happens. The NCAA has contracts with the CWLOA (Collegiate lacrosse Officials Association) and the CWLOA has assignors who handle the different conferences. No coaches are in charge of "getting refs".

While it is upsetting i am sure for the parents, players and fans of SU to miss out on the planned festivities surrounding Senior Day this Saturday, SU could have opted to schedule the game later in the season. We just dont know as none of us were in those discussions. While it may be a futile effort, I'd ask everyone to consider what you would do given this set of options.
Thank you for clarifying the situation.