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Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 9:28 pm
by jrn19
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 9:25 pm
jrn19 wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 9:19 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 9:07 pm
jrn19 wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 7:50 pm
coda wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 6:45 pm
Laxitup21 wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 6:32 pm
coda wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 5:59 pm
Laxitup21 wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 5:48 pm It’s time for Danowski to go. That offense Duke had was pitiful. It’s like only 2 people had the green light to ever truly go.

You had a dodger and a measley throwback, rise, wash and repeat as their o

Probably a hard decision to make but surprised they stuck with Naso as long as they did with Weinerman dominating and Girard performing well recently.

Ultimately, you are know for May and Duke struck out big time with O’Neill.

If I was coach of this team, Macadorey would have been the right wing at attack and Dyson Williams would be playing crease only coming out of the box.
Duke offense went full club lacrosse. Outside of dodge past the guy in front of you, it was hard to see a plan. ONeill is ONeill, he came in a great scorer and left a great scorer. Hasn’t added much to his game. MacAdorey is the same guy we saw as a freshmen. That might be the biggest knock on the Duke staff
I agree. I think the main issue was Oniell and Dyson Williams provide the same trait, they are scorers and lefty’s. Both do not quarterback a team at all. That’s no knock on them, they are incredible players obviously but I always found that to be an awkward overlap.

I would have made Dyson a designated crease guy because of this. Him on the LW never made sense with Brennan. It shows vs the good teams.

Macadorey is a good player but they have him playing all over the place. Him vs Cuse in ACCt was his best game and at attack.

Regardless of scheme, Duke, like UNC, lack multiple inside box guys. Dyson obviously can finish but besides that it’s an open O that rely on middies to out run their man, again, hard vs top teams.

Never really had the second QB or ball movement inside to make this o work. O Neil could have spent more time inside as well to throw them off. They all camped out in their natural spot, which they all excelled at, but never was able to throw in the wrinkles vs the good teams
I put this in Maryland thread, but Zawaada killed Maryland in both games last year. He had 13 pts in 2 games in a different system. Michigan had him dodge from everywhere
This is the key with everything regarding Duke and that offense. It’s all so static. Everyone is stationary. They have their roles and play them and nothing changes. No interchange of positions, no picks or two man games. Dodge and win your matchup, if you do, hit the open man. When O’Neill is on it, it works perfectly. If not…it’s just flat.

I’ll admit my fault on Terps putting someone else on O’Neill and leaving Zaps to guard Zawada. Zawada dodged from one spot and he was out of the game completely. That’s not how Zawada killed the Terps.

They’re one of the easiest teams to scout in every facet. Same offense every week, no ride, no transition. It’s all about the talent.

Sometimes, great coaching beats great talent
Tillman may be a better coach than Dano but let’s not forget the FO differential. Wiseman kept them in the game with his offense in fact in the first half. So it still feels like a shaky Duke loss for me we’re talking about losing to an elite coach who has elite 5th yr FOGO and goalie. Come on. That’s how Del went to the FF and Beynr beat Cuse in the playoffs and is probably the best odds of a user of any strategy or composition of a smaller/underdog team. Not to take anything away from Maltz et al but a sober view is that an excellent experienced coach beat another good coach with far superior play at FO and goal. If you go to the freshman of the year thread you’ll get prose on how great Jameison is and he saved like 35%.
It's almost like this is a four year problem and not one game. They had the most talented roster in the sport for four years and missed the tournament once and lost today in a Quarterfinal that they were a 3-4 goal favorite in.

It's almost like the offense had problems with LONG scoring droughts even in games where they WON a bunch of faceoffs (first Syracuse game, BU, etc.)

It's almost like the complete lack of adjustments to O'Neill being played out of the game and the offense devolving into 1v1 iso ball has been a chronic issue brought up numerous times.

These are all things that have happened to this team over and over and over again.
I absolutely think Danos offense is stale and the best thing they could do is take Matt “Lenny” Danowski out back and put down. Scotty ruined Urick’s legacy as well. And yet they have the talent that they still we in the finals last year and were sitting here wondering what a catastrophe a quarterfinals loss is. Wait until Tillman has a similar stretch of 1st -2nd rd exits it’s just math that it’ll happen eventually.

Duke wasn’t s**t until basically the 2000s and the biggest failure of all was
The 2005 and 2007 Playoff performances )as great as Harrison and the hop team
Was in 05) under Pressler/. Nobody talked about bouncing him after 05. Point being is Dano side better or worse effectively set the standard there. That’s a powerful chip with people at times .

Yes, they have all the talent that we're talking about them losing in the Quarterfinals is a disappointment. That's the point. Maryland had just as much talent in 2022 and went undefeated. UVA has had just as much or nearly as much talent over the last 4-5 years and only missed the F4 once, when they had to play that Maryland team. Notre Dame's been right there the last couple years and made 2 straight Final Fours and beaten them like 6 straight times. Meanwhile Duke missed the tournament in 2022 - which was inexcusable - and blew it this year. They do not achieve relative to their peers.

I'm not sure what the heck 2000s Duke has anything to do with this. Nowhere did I say Dino was a bad coach or didn't achieve anything in his career

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 9:35 pm
by keno in reno
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 9:18 pm
keno in reno wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 9:13 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 9:07 pm
Not to take anything away from Maltz et al but a sober view
Sober, really?
Your comment suggest I’m in left field. Ok. Man I don’t care if you feed your kids stolen cord blood from the Tillman family in your free time but if you can’t acknowledge what a major advantage in FO and Goal does for a team I can’t help you.

But sure Tillman is the new chuck Norris..hear he’s curing cancer while taking out a Korean crime syndicate all while using magic unknown to everyone else in the world to generate unthinkable upsets that shake our foundations of understanding of existence.
Ok dude, this was your quote...Doesn't really look sober does it? What is University of Beynr, plus whatever follows that phrase?

That’s how Del went to the FF and Beynr beat Cuse in the playoffs and is probably the best odds of a user of any strategy or composition of a smaller/underdog team.

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 9:43 pm
by JerrysWorld
keno in reno wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 4:22 pm Perfect reflection of 2024. Ridiculous turnovers. Inept offense. Great defense. Great Luke. McNaney hands to ball to Duke for an easy goal. Too bad because he's played well. There's a reason the offensive upperclassmen got little time on the '22 team.

Down 9-6 is a huge win for this horrible offense.
We get it. The offense is horrible. I think they deserve a tip of the cap for scoring 16 and 14 in playoff games. Pretty incredible this group is in the final four.

I would be looking at the other teams offense.

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 9:44 pm
by norcalhop
keno in reno wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 9:25 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 9:14 pm
Chousnake wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 7:30 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 5:10 pm
coda wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 5:05 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 5:01 pm O’Neill’s legacy on the line.

He had 3-4 goals… Real problem is the flow of the offense. Just a dodge and watch offense for most the game. Aggressive dodge that draws a slide and then a throw back to a non-threatening player.. This game was face-off and coaching mismatch
No championship.

Look, I like Charles Barkley, but he ain’t a champion.

O’Neill is a great player, but the lack of a championship matters.

I think his Tewaaraton chances are now nil.

Tillman … best lax coach of his generation.

I think sports fans and commentators have gotten so over the top with judging team sports athletes based on championships in recent years. I don't think O'Neill is the best player in the sport, but it's not because of the lack of titles. In a team sport, it takes a team (I know this is a Captain Obvious statement). Duke didn't lose today because of O'Neill. They lost because Maryland dominated face offs and had a huge advantage in goal. I think Jamison went a quarter and a half in the second half without a save. When a team is not getting possessions or stops, it makes it pretty hard for an offensive player to take over a game.

I heard the same nonsense about Caitlin Clarke in March. And it works the other way too. Tom Brady is the best QB ever because "he" won 7 Super Bowls? Really? That's the measuring stick? Tom Brady is the LOAT - luckiest player of all time. He had the good fortune to play for the best defensive mind in NFL history, had games won by some unbelievably clutch FG kicker, had some bonehead coaching blunders by opposing teams. In other words, in a team sport, a lot of things need to go your way to win a championship and, more often than not, individual players benefit from a whole series of things that lead to the title.

So the lack of a title is not an indictment of O'Neill any more than another championship would anoint Pat Kavanaugh as an all time great. Kavanaugh has been surrounded by talent and that enabled ND to win with him hobbled with an injury last year and without him needing to shoulder the load this season. Teams win, not individual players. It takes 20 guys to win, not one. Put O'Neill on ND and Kavanaugh on Duke and the outcomes of both games today are the same.
Pat Kavanaugh changes the team he plays for, far more than O’Neill.

O’Neill was a great college player, and I have no doubt he will be a great player in the PLL.

But a lack of championships does matter in terms of long term perception.

Take, for example, Terry Riordan. He’s got all the numbers … one of the top Division I goal scorers of all time. Turnbull and Enners awards. Four time AA, including first team AA twice.

But Riordan never quite gets the esteem and adulation that his numbers and awards merit … I think mainly because he never won a national championship.

That’s just the way it is.

That is O’Neill’s fate.

And by the way, Tom Brady is the greatest QB of all time, and it’s not even close.

I agree. O'Neill is obviously great, comparable only to a few in the last 30+ years. One is Paul Rabil. Now that it's done, I'd say Rabil is well ahead of O'Neill on the hierarchy of greatest players. If BO won this year, along with a NC appearance last year and a Final 4, the discussion would be different. But Rabil won twice so that discussion is done. Shellenberger could join the Rabil discussion, and I suppose Kavanagh but he doesn't seem anywhere near the greatest conversation despite ND's dominance.
it is a shame Rabil didn't win that 3rd championship.

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 9:44 pm
by JerrysWorld
Finster wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 6:59 pm If anyone deserves praise today for Maryland’s win, it’s Weirman. He really dominated plus scored two crucial goals.

#1 Ajax is such a heady player. Incredibly impressive playing from him.

#7 of Maryland is essentially useless. Can barely run.

#50 defenseman started with O’Neil and kept playing O’Neil’s right side. O’Neil uses his weak hand maybe 2% of the time. I think Tillman inserted #27 to take over that job. #50 seemed lost.

Why does Maryland’s attack concede clears? There is zero effort to force a turnover. ZERO. Mind boggling.

I don’t know if Tillman out coached Danowski. I think the Maryland FOGO plus Ajax didn’t want the season to end. I saw plenty wrong with Maryland today outside those two players.
The word is #7 Spanos pulled his hamstring in warmups and Terps kept him out there to eat a pole

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 9:50 pm
by jrn19
If that is the case, that's quite literally the second straight year Duke lost to a team who's best player was compromised, only out there to eat a pole, and they never switched the match-up and had their best cover guy on someone else. Would be pretty crazy if true

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 9:52 pm
by keno in reno
JerrysWorld wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 9:43 pm
keno in reno wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 4:22 pm Perfect reflection of 2024. Ridiculous turnovers. Inept offense. Great defense. Great Luke. McNaney hands to ball to Duke for an easy goal. Too bad because he's played well. There's a reason the offensive upperclassmen got little time on the '22 team.

Down 9-6 is a huge win for this horrible offense.
We get it. The offense is horrible. I think they deserve a tip of the cap for scoring 16 and 14 in playoff games. Pretty incredible this group is in the final four.

I would be looking at the other teams offense.
Yeah this was a comment mid-game as the Terps were awful on offense; I don't think that's really a point of debate as they scored 3 goals and had 11 turnovers in the first half (do you think that's good Jerry?).

Luke and the D turned it around, then the offense scored. I don't care about the other team's offense now, they are retired from college or waiting until February, 2025. Somehow, Coach Tillman and the squad are in final 4.

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 10:04 pm
by DocBarrister
norcalhop wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 9:44 pm
keno in reno wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 9:25 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 9:14 pm
Chousnake wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 7:30 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 5:10 pm
coda wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 5:05 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 5:01 pm O’Neill’s legacy on the line.

He had 3-4 goals… Real problem is the flow of the offense. Just a dodge and watch offense for most the game. Aggressive dodge that draws a slide and then a throw back to a non-threatening player.. This game was face-off and coaching mismatch
No championship.

Look, I like Charles Barkley, but he ain’t a champion.

O’Neill is a great player, but the lack of a championship matters.

I think his Tewaaraton chances are now nil.

Tillman … best lax coach of his generation.

I think sports fans and commentators have gotten so over the top with judging team sports athletes based on championships in recent years. I don't think O'Neill is the best player in the sport, but it's not because of the lack of titles. In a team sport, it takes a team (I know this is a Captain Obvious statement). Duke didn't lose today because of O'Neill. They lost because Maryland dominated face offs and had a huge advantage in goal. I think Jamison went a quarter and a half in the second half without a save. When a team is not getting possessions or stops, it makes it pretty hard for an offensive player to take over a game.

I heard the same nonsense about Caitlin Clarke in March. And it works the other way too. Tom Brady is the best QB ever because "he" won 7 Super Bowls? Really? That's the measuring stick? Tom Brady is the LOAT - luckiest player of all time. He had the good fortune to play for the best defensive mind in NFL history, had games won by some unbelievably clutch FG kicker, had some bonehead coaching blunders by opposing teams. In other words, in a team sport, a lot of things need to go your way to win a championship and, more often than not, individual players benefit from a whole series of things that lead to the title.

So the lack of a title is not an indictment of O'Neill any more than another championship would anoint Pat Kavanaugh as an all time great. Kavanaugh has been surrounded by talent and that enabled ND to win with him hobbled with an injury last year and without him needing to shoulder the load this season. Teams win, not individual players. It takes 20 guys to win, not one. Put O'Neill on ND and Kavanaugh on Duke and the outcomes of both games today are the same.
Pat Kavanaugh changes the team he plays for, far more than O’Neill.

O’Neill was a great college player, and I have no doubt he will be a great player in the PLL.

But a lack of championships does matter in terms of long term perception.

Take, for example, Terry Riordan. He’s got all the numbers … one of the top Division I goal scorers of all time. Turnbull and Enners awards. Four time AA, including first team AA twice.

But Riordan never quite gets the esteem and adulation that his numbers and awards merit … I think mainly because he never won a national championship.

That’s just the way it is.

That is O’Neill’s fate.

And by the way, Tom Brady is the greatest QB of all time, and it’s not even close.

I agree. O'Neill is obviously great, comparable only to a few in the last 30+ years. One is Paul Rabil. Now that it's done, I'd say Rabil is well ahead of O'Neill on the hierarchy of greatest players. If BO won this year, along with a NC appearance last year and a Final 4, the discussion would be different. But Rabil won twice so that discussion is done. Shellenberger could join the Rabil discussion, and I suppose Kavanagh but he doesn't seem anywhere near the greatest conversation despite ND's dominance.
it is a shame Rabil didn't win that 3rd championship.
Champions still think about those things.

I recall Rabil once visited QK in the broadcast booth. Of course, they got around to reminiscing about their Hopkins days.

At one point, the conversation turns to national championships. The camera is showing them talking from a distance, and Quint says to Rabil, “You should have had three, and I should have had two.” Rabil was seen nodding. It’s clear that the losses in the national title game still bother them.

In a newspaper interview, Petro is asked about his defensive play against Gary Gait in the waning minutes of the 1989 national championship. It is considered by many the greatest defensive play of all time … Petro, the greatest defenseman of all time, stripping the ball from Gary Gait, the greatest offensive player of all time. Petro is asked what he thinks of the play after all these years. Petro simply responds, “Never watched it.” When asked why, he says, “Because we lost.”

That’s the mindset of a champion.

Winning championships matters.


Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 10:28 pm
by JohnDanowskiisWashed
I think it's about time for Matt "Nepotism Hire" Danowski and his man breasts to actually go fend for himself for the first time in his life. Daddy hired him right at the end of their 2011-2014 run and we have had to watch him completely waste the undisputed most talented offensive pool of players for the last decade at Duke. The consistent stream of elite blue-chip talent Duke draws every year because they are Duke hides a lot of his ineptitude throughout the year, but six losses and a QF exit in O'Neill's senior season with the most talented roster in college lacrosse around him is a great example of why Nepotism is never a good thing!

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 10:34 pm
by jrn19
O'Neill was a great player. One of the best of the last 4-5 years, won the Tewaaraton. Tremendous career. I'm not sure he ever lived up to the expectations of him coming in, however those were so sky high it may not have ever been possible

I do think you can say that he can never became a *transcendent player*, the kind who simply took over games every week no matter what player, defense, etc. you threw at him. That's the level senior year Bernhardt, senior year Spencer, senior year Pannell and Lyle Thompson throughout his career hit. I do think a good amount of that has to do with the system he played under. But it is simply the facts. He was *great*, but there were a lot of great players. A lot won titles (Shelly, Kav, Wisnauskas); some didn't (Ament, Teat, Sowers, O'Neill.) It's not all down to him, but I do think this era of Duke will always be viewed with a sense of disappointment. It could and should have been more.

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 10:42 pm
by keno in reno
jrn19 wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 10:34 pm O'Neill was a great player. One of the best of the last 4-5 years, won the Tewaaraton. Tremendous career. I'm not sure he ever lived up to the expectations of him coming in, however those were so sky high it may not have ever been possible

I do think you can say that he can never became a *transcendent player*, the kind who simply took over games every week no matter what player, defense, etc. you threw at him. That's the level senior year Bernhardt, senior year Spencer, senior year Pannell and Lyle Thompson throughout his career hit. I do think a good amount of that has to do with the system he played under. But it is simply the facts. He was *great*, but there were a lot of great players. A lot won titles (Shelly, Kav, Wisnauskas); some didn't (Ament, Teat, Sowers, O'Neill.) It's not all down to him, but I do think this era of Duke will always be viewed with a sense of disappointment. It could and should have been more.
Agree. I think his first couple of years he was just big and kind of slow (but incredibly skilled obv). Seems like he hit the weights and became more agile (see Carcaterra's interview as if he was talking to Nelson Mandela or Albert Einstein, where he looked pretty buff). But his skills with a killer instinct today should have scored 8-10 points against this not-great Maryland team and won the game handily.

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 10:43 pm
by DocBarrister
JohnDanowskiisWashed wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 10:28 pm I think it's about time for Matt "Nepotism Hire" Danowski and his man breasts to actually go fend for himself for the first time in his life. Daddy hired him right at the end of their 2011-2014 run and we have had to watch him completely waste the undisputed most talented offensive pool of players for the last decade at Duke. The consistent stream of elite blue-chip talent Duke draws every year because they are Duke hides a lot of his ineptitude throughout the year, but six losses and a QF exit in O'Neill's senior season with the most talented roster in college lacrosse around him is a great example of why Nepotism is never a good thing!

Wait … what’s wrong with man b👀bs?!?

DocBarrister :? (Honorary Chairman, American Man B👀bs Defense League)

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 10:46 pm
by JohnDanowskiisWashed
DocBarrister wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 10:43 pm
JohnDanowskiisWashed wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 10:28 pm I think it's about time for Matt "Nepotism Hire" Danowski and his man breasts to actually go fend for himself for the first time in his life. Daddy hired him right at the end of their 2011-2014 run and we have had to watch him completely waste the undisputed most talented offensive pool of players for the last decade at Duke. The consistent stream of elite blue-chip talent Duke draws every year because they are Duke hides a lot of his ineptitude throughout the year, but six losses and a QF exit in O'Neill's senior season with the most talented roster in college lacrosse around him is a great example of why Nepotism is never a good thing!

Wait … what’s wrong with man b👀bs?!?

DocBarrister :? (Honorary Chairman, American Man B👀bs Defense League)
Nothing is wrong with them! I was just adding extra descriptors, so people would know for sure who I was talking about. I have an issue with nepotism!

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 10:48 pm
by DocBarrister
JohnDanowskiisWashed wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 10:46 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 10:43 pm
JohnDanowskiisWashed wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 10:28 pm I think it's about time for Matt "Nepotism Hire" Danowski and his man breasts to actually go fend for himself for the first time in his life. Daddy hired him right at the end of their 2011-2014 run and we have had to watch him completely waste the undisputed most talented offensive pool of players for the last decade at Duke. The consistent stream of elite blue-chip talent Duke draws every year because they are Duke hides a lot of his ineptitude throughout the year, but six losses and a QF exit in O'Neill's senior season with the most talented roster in college lacrosse around him is a great example of why Nepotism is never a good thing!

Wait … what’s wrong with man b👀bs?!?

DocBarrister :? (Honorary Chairman, American Man B👀bs Defense League)
Nothing is wrong with them! I was just adding extra descriptors, so people would know for sure who I was talking about. I have an issue with nepotism!
Ok. 👌🏽


Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 11:23 pm
by Wheels
What's funny to me is that this wasn't very hard to see coming. 4 of their 5 losses coming in to the game were really bad. If you spend all of your time listening the ESPN/ACCN guys, maybe you get how people might think that this team was a title contender. This isn't me being a Maryland homer. When the bracket came out, I know a lot of Terps' fans were really happy to see Duke in the same bracket. Duke had obvious flaws all year.

The offense was prone to serious lapses and just head scratching games. The defense this year wasn't as good as last year's. Naso could be be feast or famine, and once he got hurt, Duke was prone to getting rolled at the X. Any time you start a freshman in goal, how comfortable could you feel come playoff time? Then there's the obvious schematic issues that everyone is talking about. The offense isn't very complex. Just JImmy's and Joe's and very little X's and O's.

Duke doesn't even try to push pace, which is wild given their depth.

If Maryland simply caught and threw the ball better to get their turnovers from 18 to 14, this game might not have been as close as it was.

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 11:42 pm
by keno in reno
Wheels wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 11:23 pm What's funny to me is that this wasn't very hard to see coming. 4 of their 5 losses coming in to the game were really bad. If you spend all of your time listening the ESPN/ACCN guys, maybe you get how people might think that this team was a title contender. This isn't me being a Maryland homer. When the bracket came out, I know a lot of Terps' fans were really happy to see Duke in the same bracket. Duke had obvious flaws all year.

The offense was prone to serious lapses and just head scratching games. The defense this year wasn't as good as last year's. Naso could be be feast or famine, and once he got hurt, Duke was prone to getting rolled at the X. Any time you start a freshman in goal, how comfortable could you feel come playoff time? Then there's the obvious schematic issues that everyone is talking about. The offense isn't very complex. Just JImmy's and Joe's and very little X's and O's.

Duke doesn't even try to push pace, which is wild given their depth.

If Maryland simply caught and threw the ball better to get their turnovers from 18 to 14, this game might not have been as close as it was.
I dunno, we were down 5-1 before the stupid clears and turnovers. As bad as Duke was in the 4th, that was MD for more of the minutes besides Luke Wierman. After a bunch of silly turnovers and domination by the Duke D, #4 had the ball uncontested on the crease and missed the goal entirely. That's one of the few good looks we had in the 1st half. We were lucky it wasn't a Penn State level blowout by the 2nd quarter.

So yes we controlled pace in the 2nd half and Duke played WAAAAYYY below their recruiting star ratings, at no point was this game ever close to being a Terps dominating win. Tillman and the team stole that win from a much more talented team.

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 12:12 am
by AreaLax
JerrysWorld wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 9:44 pm
Finster wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 6:59 pm If anyone deserves praise today for Maryland’s win, it’s Weirman. He really dominated plus scored two crucial goals.

#1 Ajax is such a heady player. Incredibly impressive playing from him.

#7 of Maryland is essentially useless. Can barely run.

#50 defenseman started with O’Neil and kept playing O’Neil’s right side. O’Neil uses his weak hand maybe 2% of the time. I think Tillman inserted #27 to take over that job. #50 seemed lost.

Why does Maryland’s attack concede clears? There is zero effort to force a turnover. ZERO. Mind boggling.

I don’t know if Tillman out coached Danowski. I think the Maryland FOGO plus Ajax didn’t want the season to end. I saw plenty wrong with Maryland today outside those two players.
The word is #7 Spanos pulled his hamstring in warmups and Terps kept him out there to eat a pole
I don’t doubt you, but Spanos took 4 shots, 3 gb’s and one very important ct. That’s good for running on a pulled hamstring

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 12:40 am
by jrn19
Rewatched the game. I could buy an injury. He really had no explosiveness at all and he rarely if ever cut on the foot or rolled back or anything like that. A lot of just straight line moving. Also was sort of hopping on one leg at times

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 12:59 am
by norcalhop
If UNC can bring in top talent, Duke will continue as well despite any coaching shortcomings. It's a decent school with a stonng enough lax program.

Re: QF #2 Duke vs #7 Maryland Saturday 2:30

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 1:08 am
by keno in reno
AreaLax wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 12:12 am
JerrysWorld wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 9:44 pm
Finster wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 6:59 pm If anyone deserves praise today for Maryland’s win, it’s Weirman. He really dominated plus scored two crucial goals.

#1 Ajax is such a heady player. Incredibly impressive playing from him.

#7 of Maryland is essentially useless. Can barely run.

#50 defenseman started with O’Neil and kept playing O’Neil’s right side. O’Neil uses his weak hand maybe 2% of the time. I think Tillman inserted #27 to take over that job. #50 seemed lost.

Why does Maryland’s attack concede clears? There is zero effort to force a turnover. ZERO. Mind boggling.

I don’t know if Tillman out coached Danowski. I think the Maryland FOGO plus Ajax didn’t want the season to end. I saw plenty wrong with Maryland today outside those two players.
The word is #7 Spanos pulled his hamstring in warmups and Terps kept him out there to eat a pole
I don’t doubt you, but Spanos took 4 shots, 3 gb’s and one very important ct. That’s good for running on a pulled hamstring
Looked completely normal