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Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:13 am
by Brooklyn
Interesting news conference by Gov Walz, Mayor Frey (Mpls), and Mayor Carter (StP). All addressed 'conspiracy theory'.

All agreed that the majority of those who caused the violence were from "outside Minnesota". Gov Walz said 80% of the trouble makers who had their ID checked or arrested were non-Minnesotans. That among many of them were "white supremacists". He repeated that message again just for emphasis.

John Harrington (Dept of Public Safety) reiterated that message. He also said there was further proof that some of these were white supremacists from outside Minnesota though he did not appear to be too specific.

Mayor Carter said everyone arrested in St Paul was from outside Minnesota.

Gov Walz's puny comments about why cops and other forces were not deployed earlier was utter bullshtt since the same forces were deployed three hours after the violence and the crowd quickly dispersed. Interestingly, he observed that no one got killed or hurt which is not normal when real riots take place.

National Guard to be deployed with at least 500 to appear. Peaceful gathering to be made here at 2PM.

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:17 am
by Typical Lax Dad
Brooklyn wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 11:13 am Interesting news conference by Gov Walz, Mayor Frey (Mpls), and Mayor Carter (StP). All addressed 'conspiracy theory'.

All agreed that the majority of those who caused the violence were from "outside Minnesota". Gov Walz said 80% of the trouble makers who had their ID checked or arrested were non-Minnesotans. That among many of them were "white supremacists". He repeated that message again just for emphasis.

John Harrington (Dept of Public Safety) reiterated that message. He also said there was further proof that some of these were white supremacists from outside Minnesota though he did not appear to be too specific.

Mayor Carter said everyone arrested in St Paul was from outside Minnesota.

Gov Walz's puny comments about why cops and other forces were not deployed earlier was utter bullshtt since the same forces were deployed three hours after the violence and the crowd quickly dispersed. Interestingly, he observed that no one got killed or hurt which is not normal when real riots take place.

National Guard to be deployed with at least 500 to appear. Peaceful gathering to be made here at 2PM.

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:19 am
by Peter Brown
Brooklyn wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 11:13 am Interesting news conference by Gov Walz, Mayor Frey (Mpls), and Mayor Carter (StP). All addressed 'conspiracy theory'.

All agreed that the majority of those who caused the violence were from "outside Minnesota". Gov Walz said 80% of the trouble makers who had their ID checked or arrested were non-Minnesotans. That among many of them were "white supremacists". He repeated that message again just for emphasis.

John Harrington (Dept of Public Safety) reiterated that message. He also said there was further proof that some of these were white supremacists from outside Minnesota though he did not appear to be too specific.

Mayor Carter said everyone arrested in St Paul was from outside Minnesota.

Gov Walz's puny comments about why cops and other forces were not deployed earlier was utter bullshtt since the same forces were deployed three hours after the violence and the crowd quickly dispersed. Interestingly, he observed that no one got killed or hurt which is not normal when real riots take place.

National Guard to be deployed with at least 500 to appear. Peaceful gathering to be made here at 2PM.

:lol: :lol:

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:23 am
by Brooklyn
Peter Brown wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 11:19 am

:lol: :lol:

Governor Walz is a former wrestler and coach. Go ahead and laugh at him directly to his face. I bet he would kick your sorry right wing butt quite easily.

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:25 am
by Brooklyn
Mayor Carter (StP):

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:27 am
by Peter Brown
Brooklyn wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 11:23 am
Peter Brown wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 11:19 am

:lol: :lol:

Governor Walz is a former wrestler and coach. Go ahead and laugh at him directly to his face. I bet he would kick your sorry right wing butt quite easily.

If I do meet him, I’ll let him know I’m Antifa so if I burn down a store, he can then call me a ‘white supremist’.

:lol: :lol:

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:31 am
by Brooklyn
Peter Brown wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 11:27 am
If I do meet him, I’ll let him know I’m Antifa so if I burn down a store, he can then call me a ‘white supremist’.

:lol: :lol:

Since you're such a hero, by all means call him a liar and challenge him to a wrestling match. When you wind up in prison be sure to take a bar of soap on a rope with you. :lol:

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:45 am
by Peter Brown
Brooklyn wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 11:31 am
Peter Brown wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 11:27 am
If I do meet him, I’ll let him know I’m Antifa so if I burn down a store, he can then call me a ‘white supremist’.

:lol: :lol:

Since you're such a hero, by all means call him a liar and challenge him to a wrestling match. When you wind up in prison be sure to take a bar of soap on a rope with you. :lol:

Looks like your Mayor Frey volunteers for the ‘soap’ role daily....

MN’s Dem Governor is confusing white nationalists for Antifa in an effort to stay Democratic in November. Same as it ever was. :lol:

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:47 am
by ggait
More importantly, you are wrong here: the cop did not torture the guy 'to death'. He died of other causes, assuming the coroner is not corrupt and issued his findings in a neutral manner (which I will assume since coroners aren't generally partisan).
Peter Brown: I literally started drinking after I read this. I have the Leopold Summer Gin dead soldier to prove it. Thanks Fan.

To quote the epic cusser Ruth Langmore (from Ozark), you don't know shirt about fork. So let me deliver a masterclass to you on facts, law, reading comprehension, and basic human decency (which you seem to lack based on the garbage you post here).
Can you be sure this cop will go down? No.

The preliminary autopsy was just released right now, and the results suggest that the deceased died of causes unrelated to the cop's knee.
The criminal complaint says this you dummy:

The autopsy revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation. Mr. Floyd had underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. The combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death.

The restraint contributed to his death!!! It literally says it right there. He didn't have a spontaneous heart attack you sleezy gaslighter!!! The cop killed him!!!

Apparently, you are also oblivious to the last 500 years of Anglo/American law. Which says "you take your victim as you find him." A.K.A. the eggshell rule or thin skull rule or talem qualem rule. This cruel and stone cold killing cop gets no defense from the fact that the victim may have been drunk, overweight, hypertensive, etc. etc. etc. The cop KILLED him. Full stop.

Floyd did not die of strangulation. That is obvious from the video -- no medical degree required. Strangulation cuts off oxygen by compressing the windpipe -- usually requiring force to be applied to the front of the throat. As the video shows, the force was applied to the side of the neck. The victim couldn't have talked and lasted 8 minutes if his windpipe was closed.

Also clear from the video that he didn't die from traumatic asphyxia. Traumatic asphyixia, you dummy, results from weight or pressure being applied to the thorax. The cop didn't jump on the victim's back while he was face down on the ground. And even if he did, that probably wouldn't kill him. To die via traumatic asphyxia, you need to be in a car crash or have a piano or car dropped on you. The rib cage and breastbone are very strong -- basically body armor for your heart and lungs.

The final autopsy report will say positional asphyxia and hypoxia/asphyxia due to compression of the neck. Both of which are well known death causers in police brutality cases. FYI Doctor Brown, oxygen gets to the brain via blood, not air. Compressing the neck cuts off blood flow/oxygen to the brain. Can cause unconsciousness in as little as 15 seconds and death in 2 minutes or less. That (not strangulation) is what kills people when they suicide by hanging.

It is extremely risky/dangerous and one of the easiest ways to render someone unconscious and/or dead with no weaponry needed. The Minny PD does allow neck restraints to be used in extremely rare circumstances (none present here fyi). But only by cops who have received specific medical training on the technique. Because done incorrectly, it is as deadly as a gun.

How did he die? Here's what the complaint says:

at 8:19:38 p.m. and Mr. Floyd went to the ground face down and still handcuffed. Kueng held Mr. Floyd’s back and Lane held his legs. The defendant placed his left knee in the area of Mr. Floyd’s head and neck. Mr. Floyd said, “I can’t breathe” multiple times and repeatedly said, “Mama” and “please,” as well. The defendant and the other two officers stayed in their positions.

BWC video shows Mr. Floyd continue to move and breathe. At 8:24:24, Mr. Floyd stopped moving. At 8:25:31 the video appears to show Mr. Floyd ceasing to breathe or speak. Lane said, “want to roll him on his side.” Kueng checked Mr. Floyd’s right wrist for a pulse and said, “I couldn’t find one.” None of the officers moved from their positions.

At 8:27:24, the defendant removed his knee from Mr. Floyd’s neck.

You read that right. The killer kept his knee on the neck for three minutes after the victim stopped moving. And two minutes after the victim stopped breathing. And after the killer checked for a pulse and found none.

If I'm the prosecutor, I'm going Murder 1 right then and there. While you might not be able to prove pre-meditation at the outset of this event, keeping the neck restraint going at that point shows me premeditation to kill the guy.

Peter -- Dude -- please look in the mirror. I'm stunned and nauseated by what you post. Have you no decency, sir?

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 12:03 pm
by Peter Brown
“Okay guys, here's the new memo. The polling is awful. Normal people are not scared - they are disgusted, so we need to change the narrative."

"Wait, the narrative is now this was white supremacists and Russians?"


"Who will believe that?"

"MSNBCNN viewers!"


Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 12:14 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
ggait wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 11:47 am
More importantly, you are wrong here: the cop did not torture the guy 'to death'. He died of other causes, assuming the coroner is not corrupt and issued his findings in a neutral manner (which I will assume since coroners aren't generally partisan).
Peter Brown: I literally started drinking after I read this. I have the Leopold Summer Gin dead soldier to prove it. Thanks Fan.

To quote the epic cusser Ruth Langmore (from Ozark), you don't know shirt about fork. So let me deliver a masterclass to you on facts, law, reading comprehension, and basic human decency (which you seem to lack based on the garbage you post here).
Can you be sure this cop will go down? No.

The preliminary autopsy was just released right now, and the results suggest that the deceased died of causes unrelated to the cop's knee.
The criminal complaint says this you dummy:

The autopsy revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation. Mr. Floyd had underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. The combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death.

The restraint contributed to his death!!! It literally says it right there. He didn't have a spontaneous heart attack you sleezy gaslighter!!! The cop killed him!!!

Apparently, you are also oblivious to the last 500 years of Anglo/American law. Which says "you take your victim as you find him." A.K.A. the eggshell rule or thin skull rule or talem qualem rule. This cruel and stone cold killing cop gets no defense from the fact that the victim may have been drunk, overweight, hypertensive, etc. etc. etc. The cop KILLED him. Full stop.

Floyd did not die of strangulation. That is obvious from the video -- no medical degree required. Strangulation cuts off oxygen by compressing the windpipe -- usually requiring force to be applied to the front of the throat. As the video shows, the force was applied to the side of the neck. The victim couldn't have talked and lasted 8 minutes if his windpipe was closed.

Also clear from the video that he didn't die from traumatic asphyxia. Traumatic asphyixia, you dummy, results from weight or pressure being applied to the thorax. The cop didn't jump on the victim's back while he was face down on the ground. And even if he did, that probably wouldn't kill him. To die via traumatic asphyxia, you need to be in a car crash or have a piano or car dropped on you. The rib cage and breastbone are very strong -- basically body armor for your heart and lungs.

The final autopsy report will say positional asphyxia and hypoxia/asphyxia due to compression of the neck. Both of which are well known death causers in police brutality cases. FYI Doctor Brown, oxygen gets to the brain via blood, not air. Compressing the neck cuts off blood flow/oxygen to the brain. Can cause unconsciousness in as little as 15 seconds and death in 2 minutes or less. That (not strangulation) is what kills people when they suicide by hanging.

It is extremely risky/dangerous and one of the easiest ways to render someone unconscious and/or dead with no weaponry needed. The Minny PD does allow neck restraints to be used in extremely rare circumstances (none present here fyi). But only by cops who have received specific medical training on the technique. Because done incorrectly, it is as deadly as a gun.

How did he die? Here's what the complaint says:

at 8:19:38 p.m. and Mr. Floyd went to the ground face down and still handcuffed. Kueng held Mr. Floyd’s back and Lane held his legs. The defendant placed his left knee in the area of Mr. Floyd’s head and neck. Mr. Floyd said, “I can’t breathe” multiple times and repeatedly said, “Mama” and “please,” as well. The defendant and the other two officers stayed in their positions.

BWC video shows Mr. Floyd continue to move and breathe. At 8:24:24, Mr. Floyd stopped moving. At 8:25:31 the video appears to show Mr. Floyd ceasing to breathe or speak. Lane said, “want to roll him on his side.” Kueng checked Mr. Floyd’s right wrist for a pulse and said, “I couldn’t find one.” None of the officers moved from their positions.

At 8:27:24, the defendant removed his knee from Mr. Floyd’s neck.

You read that right. The killer kept his knee on the neck for three minutes after the victim stopped moving. And two minutes after the victim stopped breathing. And after the killer checked for a pulse and found none.

If I'm the prosecutor, I'm going Murder 1 right then and there. While you might not be able to prove pre-meditation at the outset of this event, keeping the neck restraint going at that point shows me premeditation to kill the guy.

Peter -- Dude -- please look in the mirror. I'm stunned and nauseated by what you post. Have you no decency, sir?
That is a very good recap.

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 12:37 pm
by Brooklyn
Peter Brown wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 11:45 am

Looks like your Mayor Frey volunteers for the ‘soap’ role daily....

MN’s Dem Governor is confusing white nationalists for Antifa in an effort to stay Democratic in November. Same as it ever was. :lol:

Mayor Frey is happily married and the couple expect a child in September.

As for confusion, that is you mistaking Antifa for the actions of white supremacists such as the KKK, Oath Keepers, and Tea Baggers who are attempting to discredit innocent blacks and Democrats.

One thing's for sure - I am very glad to see that people have finally awakened to the fact that police employ agent provocateurs. Up to this time they would b!tch and whine that such things were imaginary. Now with all the videos this claim has been proven to be undisputable fact. I have monitored several website including You Tube and found many channels with people posting links and videos to such provocateurs in action. Politicians like Walz and others have always been silent about this. But now they cannot deny this truth.

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 12:39 pm
by Brooklyn


I just got a notice via email from the City of St Paul -- CURFEW STARTS AT 8 PM TONIGHT!

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:02 pm
by a fan
Peter Brown wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 11:45 am Looks like your Mayor Frey volunteers for the ‘soap’ role daily....

MN’s Dem Governor is confusing white nationalists for Antifa in an effort to stay Democratic in November. Same as it ever was. :lol:
So the guy who's been all over us for not jumping to conclusions on other threads knows the party affiliation of each and every person who was both protesting in Minny, and damaging property.

Because who needs evidence of anything when you think you're talking about Democrats, right Pete.

Boy, I'm REALLY impressed with your staunch, undying, unyielding support of Civil Rights....regardless of topic, Pete. It's just inspiring stuff. ;)

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:15 pm
by ToastDunk
Peter Brown wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 12:03 pm “Okay guys, here's the new memo. The polling is awful. Normal people are not scared - they are disgusted, so we need to change the narrative."

"Wait, the narrative is now this was white supremacists and Russians?"


"Who will believe that?"

"MSNBCNN viewers!"

Pete, what do you see your role being here on these boards? Why such great lengths at obfuscation? Is it all for fun? Your bombastic comments are particularly sad in such difficult times.

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:18 pm
by a fan
Peter Brown wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 9:07 am The point is this: I never nor ever will consider a persons color for anything.
Right. And you've replaced judging people by race to judging people whether or not you think they are from the "wrong" political party.

In what world is that an improvement?

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:22 pm
by a fan
Peter Brown wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 12:03 pm “Okay guys, here's the new memo. The polling is awful. Normal people are not scared - they are disgusted, so we need to change the narrative."

"Wait, the narrative is now this was white supremacists and Russians?"


"Who will believe that?"

"MSNBCNN viewers!"

So you think it's silly for MSNBC to claim the party affiliation and political beliefs of the people damaging property.

But at the same time, you think it makes perfect sense when Pete Brown does the exact same thing, claiming that you know the party affiliation and political beliefs of the people damaging property.

That about the size of it?

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:27 pm
by Brooklyn
Migizi Communications Center in Minneapolis is an important community resource among Native Americans in the region: ... byGCkwZ-lg


As Lieutenant Governor Flanagan (a member of the White Earth Ojibwe native American tribal band) said blacks and Native Americans from that area would never have caused damage to this important center. Rosy Simas, Seneca, is a Minneapolis artist with longtime ties to Migizi. ''“We built this place for all people, and many communities were loved, educated and thrived at Migizi,” she posted on Facebook. “I’m heartbroken. … Countless Native and non-Native people worked there.”

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:33 pm
by a fan
My friend was on CNN explaining the damage to his distillery. Rough stuff.

I can't find it on regular's via facebook Im not sure if y'all can see it, sorry. ... 0MTg3MTM1/

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:43 pm
a fan wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 1:18 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 9:07 am The point is this: I never nor ever will consider a persons color for anything.
Right. And you've replaced judging people by race to judging people whether or not you think they are from the "wrong" political party.

In what world is that an improvement?
Just about every person on this thread who is upset by Pete’s comments here regularly judge people for being a “Trumpist.”

Whether they voted for him or truly support Trumps policies or not.