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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 11:34 am
by jhu72

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 3:12 pm
CU88 wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 4:28 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:51 pm
get it to x wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:43 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:59 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:24 pm wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:18 pm Judge sentences U.S. Capitol rioter 'QAnon Shaman' to 41 months in prison: ... 25096.html

American Democrats are so thirsty for long sentences for non violent offenders, then they wonder how we wind up with a broken carceral state. :roll:

You mean like the '94 Crime Bill? Someone with historically low approval ratings had his fingerprints all over this.
Remember how these jokers HOWLED over broken curfew and graffiti in Portland?

non violent offenders:

Image ... 70x470.jpg ... rotesters/

This is the peaceable gathering of non violent peace makers of the right wing in America - the very exemplification of all that is good and righteous about the USA. :lol:

Remember how these jokers HOWLED over broken curfew and graffiti in Portland?
Buffalo Guy Wishing He Had Just Burned Down A Car Dealership In Kenosha Instead ... ip-instead

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 5:57 pm
by jhu72

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 9:28 am
by Kismet
HEADS-UP: In 10 minutes, the US Court of Appeals for the DC circuit hears arguments in Donald Trump's effort to shield his records from US House Select Jan 6 Committee
Link to hearing: ... chMax=1000

a reminder from a renowned source on American History

“Democracy is as close to midnight in this country as at any time in my life.” - Doris Kearns Goodwin

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 1:58 pm
by Matnum PI
Meadows Agrees to Cooperate in Capitol Attack Investigation

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 4:05 pm
by PizzaSnake
Matnum PI wrote: Tue Nov 30, 2021 1:58 pm Meadows Agrees to Cooperate in Capitol Attack Investigation
Sweet baby kernel corn!! What is with these clowns and executive privilege? The online hearing mentioned above was, well, illuminating. I guess the outcome, a reasonably ordered society is worth the cost, but my dog those people (lawyers) are ill-spoken and illogical.

In any case I see Meadows is a little man, willing to give up his fuhrer when the screws are tightened a little.

‘ “As we have from the beginning, we continue to work with the select committee and its staff to see if we can reach an accommodation that does not require Mr. Meadows to waive executive privilege or to forfeit the longstanding position that senior White House aides cannot be compelled to testify before Congress,” ‘

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:40 pm
by get it to x
PizzaSnake wrote: Tue Nov 30, 2021 4:05 pm
Matnum PI wrote: Tue Nov 30, 2021 1:58 pm Meadows Agrees to Cooperate in Capitol Attack Investigation
Sweet baby kernel corn!! What is with these clowns and executive privilege? The online hearing mentioned above was, well, illuminating. I guess the outcome, a reasonably ordered society is worth the cost, but my dog those people (lawyers) are ill-spoken and illogical.

In any case I see Meadows is a little man, willing to give up his fuhrer when the screws are tightened a little.

‘ “As we have from the beginning, we continue to work with the select committee and its staff to see if we can reach an accommodation that does not require Mr. Meadows to waive executive privilege or to forfeit the longstanding position that senior White House aides cannot be compelled to testify before Congress,” ‘
Even The Daily Beast is calling Bannon's request for discovery and making it public a "Galaxy Brain" move. He's entitled to it as they went after him criminally. ... ole-system

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2021 12:15 pm
by CU88
December 3, 2021/17 Comments/in 2020 Presidential Election, emptywheel, January 6 Insurrection /by emptywheel
I continue to have little patience for the people–many of them paid to expound as lawyers on TV–who spend their time whinging that Merrick Garland is not moving quickly enough to hold Trump accountable rather than spending their time doing other more productive things to protect democracy.

I’m not aware that any of these people has tracked the January 6 investigation closely enough to name those one or two degrees away from the former President who have been charged or are clearly subjects of investigation. Similarly, I’ve seen none do reporting on the current status of Rudy Giuliani’s phones, which after a Special Master review will release a bunch of information to prosecutors to use under any warrant that DOJ might have. Indeed, many of the same people complain that Trump has not been accountable for his Ukraine extortion, without recognizing that any Ukraine charges for Trump would almost certainly have to go through that Rudy investigation. The approval for the search on Rudy’s phones may have been among the first decisions Lisa Monaco made as Deputy Attorney General.

It’s not so much that I’m certain DOJ would prosecute Trump for his serial attempts to overthrow democracy. There are tea leaves that DOJ could get there via a combination of working up from pawns who stormed the Capitol and down from rooks referred from the January 6 Commission. But I’m more exasperated with the claims that there were crimes wrapped with a bow (such as Trump’s extortion of Ukraine) that Garland’s DOJ could have charged on March 11, when he was sworn in. Even the Tom Barrack prosecution, a Mueller referral which reportedly was all set to indict in July 2020, took six months after Biden’s inauguration before it was indicted. The January 6 investigation started less than eleven months ago; eleven months into the Russian investigation, Coffee Boy George Papadopoulos had not yet been arrested and he was still months away from pleading guilty, on a simple false statements charge. We have no idea how much deliberate damage Billy Barr did to other ongoing investigations arising out of the Mueller investigation, but his public actions in the Mike Flynn, Roger Stone, and Paul Manafort cases suggests it is likely considerable. As for the January 6 investigation, as I’ve noted, it took nine months from the time FBI learned that a Capitol Police Officer had warned Jacob Hiles to delete his Facebook posts until the time DOJ indicted Michael Riley on two counts of obstruction. To imagine that DOJ would have already indicted Trump on anything he might be hypothetically under investigation at this point, particularly relating to January 6, is just denial about how long investigations take, even assuming the subject were not the former President with abundant access to free or RNC-provided legal representation.

It’s not that I don’t understand the gravity of the threat. I absolutely share the panic of those who believe that if something doesn’t happen by midterms, Republicans will take over the House and shut every last bit of accountability down. I agree the threat to democracy is grave.

But there is no rule that permits DOJ to skip investigative steps and due process simply because people have invested in DOJ as the last bulwark of democracy, or because the target is the greatest threat to democracy America has faced since the Civil War. DOJ investigations take time. And that is one reason why, if people are hoping some damning indictment will save our democracy, they’re investing their hopes in the wrong place, because an investigation into Trump simply will not be rolled out that quickly. Even if Trump were indicted by mid-terms, the Republicans have invested so much energy into delegitimizing rule of law it’s not clear it would sway Fox viewers or even independent voters.

I can’t tell you whether DOJ will indict Trump. I can tell you that if they do, it will not come in time to be the one thing that saves democracy.

And so, because I believe the panicked hand-wringing is about the least productive way to save democracy, I made a list. Here are ten way that TV lawyers could better spend their time than whinging that Merrick Garland hasn’t indicted Donald Trump yet:

Counter the propaganda effort to treat the Jan 6 defendants as martyrs.
Explain how brown and black defendants actually faced worse conditions in the DC jail — and have complained with no results for years.
Explain how DOJ has lost cases against white terrorists (including on sedition charges) in the past.
Describe what really goes into an indictment, what kind of evidence is required, how long it takes, and the approvals that are needed to help people understand what to really expect.
Emphasize the prosecutions/charges/investigations that have or are occurring.
Describe the damage done by Trump’s pardons.
Describe the way that even loyal Trumpsters will be and have been harmed as he corrupts the rule of law.
Focus on the efforts of Chuck Grassley, Jim Jordan, James Comer, and Ron Johnson to undercut the investigation into Project Veritas’ suspected theft of Ashely Biden
Explain how shoddy John Durham’s indictments are.
Focus on the legal threats to democracy in the states.
Whether or not Trump is ever charged with crimes related to January 6, the right wing noise machine has already kicked into gear trying to make it harder to prosecute them. They’ve done so by falsely claiming:

The event was just a protest like the protests of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, a claim DOJ already debunked, in part by showing that the Kavanaugh protestors who briefly halted his confirmation hearing had been legally admitted.
They’re being treated more harshly than those who used violence at BLM or Portland protests. DOJ has submitted multiple filings showing that such claims are based on cherry-picked data that ignore the state charges many of these defendants face, the better quality of evidence against Jan 6ers (in part because they bragged about their actions on social media), and the more heinous goal of the protest involved.
Large numbers of non-violent January 6 are being held in pretrial detention. In reality, the overwhelming majority of those detained were charged either in a militia conspiracy or for assaulting cops. The exceptions to this rule are generally people (like Brandon Fellows or Thomas Robertson) who violated pretrial release conditions. Additionally, a good number of those accused of assaulting cops have been released.
January 6 defendants are subjected to especially onerous treatment in jail. Many of the conditions they’re complaining about are COVID restrictions imposed on all detainees (though often more restrictive for those who, like a lot of January 6 defendants, choose not to get vaccinated). And in an inspection triggered by January 6 defendant Christopher Worrell’s complaints, the Marshals determined that the other part of the DC jail violated Federal standards, though the part in which the Jan 6ers are held did not.
January 6 defendants are just patriots trying to save the country. In reality, of course, these people were attempting to invalidate the legal votes of 81 million Americans.
Again, all these claims are easily shown to be false. But far too many people with a platform are allowing them to go unanswered, instead complaining that DOJ is not doing enough to defend the rule of law. This sustained effort to turn the Jan 6ers into martyrs will achieve real hold unless it is systematically countered.

As noted above, after Proud Boy assault defendant Worrell complained about the treatment he received in DC jail, the Marshals conducted a snap inspection. They discovered that the older part of the DC jail, one housing other detainees but not Jan 6ers, did not meet Federal standards and have started transferring those detainees to a prison in Pennsylvania.

What has gotten far less attention is that problems with the DC jail have been known for decades. Even though the problems occasionally have gotten passing attention, in general it has been allowed to remain in the inadequate condition the Marshals purportedly discovered anew because a white person complained.

This is an example, then, when a white person has claimed himself to be the victim when, in fact, it’s yet another example of how brown and black people have less access to justice than similarly situated white people.

This development deserves focused attention, most of all because it is unjust. But such attention will flip the script that Jan 6ers are using in an attempt to get sympathy from those who don’t understand the truth.

There’s a lot of impatience that DOJ hasn’t simply charged January 6 defendants with sedition or insurrection.

Thus far, DOJ has chosen to use a less inflammatory and more flexible statute, obstruction, instead. Obstruction comes with enhancements — for threatening violence or especially obstructive behavior — that DOJ has used to tailor sentencing recommendations.

The wisdom of this approach will soon be tested, as several DC Judges weigh challenges to the application of the statute. If the application is overturned, it’s unclear whether DOJ will charge something else, like sedition, instead.

But DOJ probably chose their current approach for very good reason: because sedition is harder to prove than obstruction, and in the past, white terrorists have successfully beaten such charges. That’s true for a lot of reasons, partly because the absence of a material support statute makes association with a right wing terrorist group harder to prosecute.

A cable personality whom I have great respect for — NBC’s Barb McQuade — knows this as well as anyone, as she was US Attorney when a sedition conspiracy case against the Hutaree collapsed. In that case, DOJ had trouble proving that defendants wanted to overthrow the US government, the kind of evidentiary claim that DOJ will face in January 6 trials, even as currently charged.

There are real challenges to prosecuting white terrorism. Some education on this point would alleviate some of the impatience about the charging decisions DOJ has made.

In the period between the time Steve Bannon was referred to DOJ for contempt and the time he was charged, a number of commentators used the delay to explain what it takes to get an indictment (against a high profile political figure) that stands a chance of work; one good example is this column by Joyce Vance.

There have been and are numerous examples of similar delays — the Tom Barrack indictment and the Rudy Giuliani Special Master review are two — that offer similar teaching opportunities about the process and protections involved in indicting someone.

Due process takes time. And yet in an era of instant gratification, few people understand why that’s the case. If we’re going to defend due process even while trying to defend our democracy, more education about what due process involves would temper some of the panic.

Given the din calling for prosecution of Donald Trump, you’d think none of his associates had been prosecuted. As Teri Kanefield noted the other day, it would be far better if, instead of saying Trump had suffered no consequences for his actions, there was some focus instead on where he ad.

Trump’s business is currently under indictment with multiple investigations into it ongoing. His charity was shut down and fined for self-dealing. Trump’s Inauguration Committee will be civilly tried for paying above market rates to Trump Organization.

His Campaign Manager, his National Security Advisor, his Coffee Boy, his Rat-heck, and one of his personal lawyers were found guilty of lying to cover up what really happened with Russia in 2016. Several of these men (as well as a top RNC donor) also admitted they were secretly working for frenemy countries, including (in Mike Flynn’s case), while receiving classified briefings as Trump’s top national security aide. Trump’s biggest campaign donor, Tom Barrack, is being prosecuted for using the access he purchased to Trump to do the bidding of the Emirates. Another of Trump’s personal lawyers, Rudy Giuliani, is under investigation for the same crime, secretly working for another country while claiming to represent the interests of the President of the United States.

The sheer scale of this is especially breathtaking when you consider the project the GOP has — successfully — focused on Hunter Biden for similar crimes. Even with years of effort and help from Russia, the GOP has not yet been able to prove that the President’s son’s influence peddling or potential tax accounting violated the law. Yet the GOP continues to focus on him relentlessly, even as the long list of Republicans who admit to the same crime continues to grow.

Trump has already proven to be the most corrupt president in some time, possibly ever. And instead of relentless messaging about that, Democrats are complaining about Merrick Garland.

One reason why it’s hard to focus on all those criminal prosecutions is because Trump pardoned his way out of it. With the exception of Michael Cohen and Rick Gates, all the people who lied to cover up his Russian ties were pardoned, as was Steve Bannon and others who personally benefitted Trump.

Perhaps because these pardons happened in the wake of January 6, Trump avoided some of the shame he might otherwise have experienced for these pardons. But for several reasons, there should be renewed attention to them.

That’s true, for starters, because Trump’s pardons put the entire country at risk. By pardoning Eddie Gallagher for war crimes, for example, the US risks being treated as a human rights abuser by international bodies. The military faces additional disciplinary challenges. And those who cooperated against Gallagher effectively paid a real cost for cooperating against him only to see him escape consequences.

Paul Manafort’s pardon is another one that deserves renewed attention. That’s true not just because the pardon ended up halting the forfeiture that otherwise would have paid for the Mueller investigation, the cost of which right wingers claimed to care about. It’s true because Trump has basically dismissed the import of industrial scale tax cheating (even while right wingers insinuate that Hunter Biden might have made one error on his taxes). And finally, it’s true because Trump made an affirmative choice that a guy who facilitated Russia’s effort to undermine democracy in 2016, sharing information directly with someone deemed to be a Russian spy, should not be punished for his actions.

Finally, there should be renewed attention on what Trump got for his pardons. Did Steve Bannon and Mike Flynn pay central roles in January 6 in exchange for a pardon?

The US needs some means to prohibit such self-serving pardons like Trump pursued. But in the meantime, there needs to be some effort to shame Trump for relying on such bribes to stay out of prison himself.

Donald Trump pardoned Steve Bannon for defrauding a bunch of loyalists. According to very recent reporting, Sidney Powell is under investigation (and being abandoned by her former allies) on suspicion she defrauded the thousands of Trump supporters who sent money to support her election conspiracy theories.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party continues to dump money into protecting Trump for his own crimes, even as Republicans lose races that could have benefitted from the money.

However, some RNC members and donors accused the party of running afoul of its own neutrality rules and misplacing its priorities. Some of these same officials who spoke to CNN also questioned why the party would foot the legal bills of a self-professed billionaire who was sitting on a $102 million war chest as recently as July and has previously used his various political committees to cover legal costs. According to FEC filings from August, the former President’s Make America Great Again committee has paid Jones Day more than $37,000 since the beginning of the year, while his Make America Great

Again super PAC has paid a combined $7.8 million to attorneys handling his lawsuits related to the 2020 election.

“This is not normal. Nothing about this is normal, especially since he’s not only a former President but a billionaire,” said a former top RNC official.

“What does any of this have to do with assisting Republicans in 2022 or preparing for the 2024 primary?” the official added.

Bill Palatucci, a national committeeman from New Jersey, said the fact that the RNC made the payments to Trump’s attorneys in October was particularly frustrating given his own plea to party officials that same month for additional resources as the New Jersey GOP sought to push Republican Jack Ciattarelli over the finish line in his challenge to incumbent Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy.

“We sure as heck could have used $121,000,” Palatucci told CNN.

Loyal Trumpsters are the victim of one after another grift, and that should be emphasized to make it clear who is really taking advantage of them.

And one after another former Trump loyalist get themselves in their own legal trouble. One of the messages Michael Cohen tried to share in his testimony before going to prison was that “if [other Republicans] follow blindly, like I have,” they will end up like he did, going to prison. Hundreds of January 6 defendants — some of whom imagined they, too, might benefit from Trump’s clemency (they still might, but they’ll have to wait) — are learning Cohen’s lesson the hard way.

Kleptocracy only benefits those at the top. And yet Trump’s supporters continue to aggressively pursue policies that will make the US more of a kleptocracy.

It’s fairly easy to demonstrate the damage degrading rule of law in exchange for a kleptocracy is. Except average people aren’t going to understand that unless high profile experts make that case.

The Project Veritas scandal remains obscure and may never amount to charges against PV itself. Yet even as it has become clear that DOJ is investigating theft, key Republicans Chuck Grassley, Jim Jordan, James Comer, and Ron Johnson are trying to shut down the investigation into that theft. Chuck Grassley’s efforts to do so are particularly noxious given that a long-term staffer of his, Barbara Ledeen, is a sometime co-conspirator of Project Veritas.

Republicans have undermined legitimate investigations into Trump, over and over, with little pushback from the press. This is an example where it would seem especially easy to inflict a political cost (especially since Grassley is up for re-election next year).

It would be far more useful, in defending rule of law, to impose political costs on undermining the investigations that commentators are demanding from DOJ than it is to complain (incorrectly) that such investigations aren’t happening. Merrick Garland (however imperfect) is not the enemy of rule of law here, Jim Jordan is.

One of the complaints that David Rothkopf made in the column that kicked off my latest bout of impatience with the hand-wringing about Garland complained that Garland “is letting” Durham charge those who raise concerns about Trump’s ties to Russia, even while (Rothkopf assumes) ignoring Trump’s own efforts to obstruct the investigation.

We have seen that Garland is letting the highly politicized investigation of special prosecutor John Durham into the conduct of the Trump-Russia investigation continue (by continuing its funding). We therefore have the real prospect that those who sought to look into the Trump-Russia ties that both Mueller and Congressional investigations have demonstrated were real, unprecedented and dangerous might be prosecuted while those who actively sought the help of a foreign enemy to win an election will not be.

As I have noted, both of Durham’s indictments have been shoddy work, hanging charges on Twitter rants and other hearsay evidence.

And while there was some worthwhile criticism of the Michael Sussmann indictment (perhaps because he’s well-connected in DC), Democrats seem to take Durham’s word that Igor Danchenko — and not Christopher Steele or Russian disinformation — is responsible for the flaws in the dossier. Perhaps as a result, the legal experts who could point out how ridiculous it is to rely on a Twitter feed for a key factual claim have remained silent.

With such silence, it is not (just) Garland who “is letting [Duram’s] highly politicized investigation” continue unchecked, but also the experts whose criticism could do something to rein him him.

If the investigation is politicized — and it is — then Durham is a far more appropriate target than Garland.

There has, admittedly, been deserved focus on the ways Republicans are chipping away at democratic representation in the states.

But that is where the battle for democracy is being fought. And in most of the states where Trump attempted to undermine the 2020 election, there are follow-on legal issues, whether it’s the investigation into the suspected voting machine theft in Colorado (including into a former campaign manager for Lauren Boebert), a seemingly related investigation in Ohio, or the effort to criminalize efforts to ease voting by seniors during the pandemic in Wisconsin.

Republicans are trying to criminalize democracy. That makes it all the more important to ensure that the call for rule of law remains laser focused on the criminal efforts to cheat to win, if for no other reason than to shame those involved.

The threat to democracy is undoubtedly grave. Republicans are deploying their considerable propaganda effort into legitimizing that attack on democracy (even while suggesting Biden has committed the kind of graft that Trump engaged in non-stop, classic projection).

In the face of that unrelenting effort, expert commentators who support democracy have a choice: They can defend the rule of law and shame those who have denigrated it, or they can spend their time complaining about the guy trying, however imperfectly, to defend it himself. The latter will make Garland less able to do his job, the former will help him do whatever he is willing and able to do.

Update: Added “suspected” to the PV bullet. ... k-garland/

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2021 12:49 pm
by PizzaSnake

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2021 3:08 pm
by old salt
PizzaSnake wrote: Sat Dec 04, 2021 12:49 pm Dissolution of the Union soon? ... s-new-army

In the United States, state defense forces are military units that operate under the sole authority of a state government. State defense forces are authorized by state and federal law and are under the command of the governor of each state.

State defense forces are distinct from their state's National Guard in that they cannot become federal entities.

The federal government recognizes state defense forces, as per the Compact Clause of the U.S. Constitution, under 32 U.S.C. § 109 which provides that state defense forces as a whole may not be called, ordered, or drafted into the armed forces of the United States, thus preserving their separation from the National Guard.

Nearly every state has laws authorizing state defense forces, and twenty-two states, plus the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, have active forces with different levels of activity, support, and strength. State defense forces generally operate with emergency management and homeland security missions.

In early 2020, a number of state defense forces were activated to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. As of April 2020, the Alaska State Defense Force,[21] the California State Guard,[22] the Governor's Guards of Connecticut,[23] the Georgia State Defense Force,[24] the Indiana Guard Reserve,[25] the Maryland Defense Force,[26] the New York Guard,[27] the Ohio Military Reserve,[28] the South Carolina State Guard,[29] the Tennessee State Guard,[30] the Texas State Guard,[31] and the Virginia Defense Force[32] had all contributed members to their respective states' efforts in combating the pandemic.

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2021 3:18 pm
by tech37
PizzaSnake wrote: Sat Dec 04, 2021 12:49 pm Dissolution of the Union soon? ... s-new-army
Geez, this story will have QAnon people blushing.

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 8:09 am
by seacoaster
Story is still writing itself, huh? ... ial-523777

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 8:28 am
by Kismet
seacoaster wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 8:09 am Story is still writing itself, huh? ... ial-523777
More here including a detailed timeline ... january-6/

Sobering piece by Barton Gellman in The Atlantic ... on/620843/

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:01 am
by seacoaster
Kismet, thanks for posting the Atlantic article. I just think Americans are really not awake to, aware of, concerned enough about, the fact that the power of their votes are being diminished -- the census undercount; the gerrymandering; the Supreme Court caving on partisan gerrymandering; the assault on electoral back office functions and elections officials:

"For more than a year now, with tacit and explicit support from their party’s national leaders, state Republican operatives have been building an apparatus of election theft. Elected officials in Arizona, Texas, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and other states have studied Donald Trump’s crusade to overturn the 2020 election. They have noted the points of failure and have taken concrete steps to avoid failure next time. Some of them have rewritten statutes to seize partisan control of decisions about which ballots to count and which to discard, which results to certify and which to reject. They are driving out or stripping power from election officials who refused to go along with the plot last November, aiming to replace them with exponents of the Big Lie. They are fine-tuning a legal argument that purports to allow state legislators to override the choice of the voters.

By way of foundation for all the rest, Trump and his party have convinced a dauntingly large number of Americans that the essential workings of democracy are corrupt, that made-up claims of fraud are true, that only cheating can thwart their victory at the polls, that tyranny has usurped their government, and that violence is a legitimate response."

And here on FL, I get chided by one poster for "politicizing" a sitting Congressman whose Christmas card is a pose with his family in the style of over the top gun fetishism. Wake the f*ck up.

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:27 am
by youthathletics
seacoaster wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:01 am For more than a year now, with tacit and explicit support from their party’s national leaders, state Republican operatives have been building an apparatus of election theft.
Not entirely true:
~ ... live-long/

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:35 am
by Farfromgeneva
youthathletics wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:27 am
seacoaster wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:01 am For more than a year now, with tacit and explicit support from their party’s national leaders, state Republican operatives have been building an apparatus of election theft.
Not entirely true:
~ ... live-long/
Well the following sentence goes on to list the states they are focused on and doesn’t include maryland. I don’t think it’s disingenuous to write the language of the sentence you cut out in the manner that they did as a characterization of a broad based movement which doesn’t mean universal to anyone who thinks (I believe you do think but want to point this out to discredit the entirety of it but that’s my interpretation without anymore explicit feedback from you for now)

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:35 am
by seacoaster
youthathletics wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:27 am
seacoaster wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:01 am For more than a year now, with tacit and explicit support from their party’s national leaders, state Republican operatives have been building an apparatus of election theft.
Not entirely true:
~ ... live-long/
Yup, Maryland is an outlier for a few reasons: intense Democratic gerrymandering, and a GOP Governor with some sense of, and care for, the country he grew up in.

As I and others (MDLaxfan, TLD) have said here, the partisan gerrymandering is bad from whichever party is doing it. It is simply a fact that the GOP is doing it more, and more dramatically. Your pals Crenshaw and Jordan -- check out their districts.

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:37 am
by seacoaster
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:35 am
youthathletics wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:27 am
seacoaster wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:01 am For more than a year now, with tacit and explicit support from their party’s national leaders, state Republican operatives have been building an apparatus of election theft.
Not entirely true:
~ ... live-long/
Well the following sentence goes on to list the states they are focused on and doesn’t include maryland. I don’t think it’s disingenuous to write the language of the sentence you cut out in the manner that they did as a characterization of a broad based movement which doesn’t mean universal to anyone who thinks (I believe you do think but want to point this out to discredit the entirety of it but that’s my interpretation without anymore explicit feedback from you for now)
Holy sh*t. Can you break down that second sentence. It's about as dense as an old forest in northern Quebec.

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:47 am
by Farfromgeneva
seacoaster wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:37 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:35 am
youthathletics wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:27 am
seacoaster wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:01 am For more than a year now, with tacit and explicit support from their party’s national leaders, state Republican operatives have been building an apparatus of election theft.
Not entirely true:
~ ... live-long/
Well the following sentence goes on to list the states they are focused on and doesn’t include maryland. I don’t think it’s disingenuous to write the language of the sentence you cut out in the manner that they did as a characterization of a broad based movement which doesn’t mean universal to anyone who thinks (I believe you do think but want to point this out to discredit the entirety of it but that’s my interpretation without anymore explicit feedback from you for now)
Holy sh*t. Can you break down that second sentence. It's about as dense as an old forest in northern Quebec.
Sorry trying to multitask which is bs despite all the folks that claim to do it and really dilutes all activities.

Basically your bit stated a movement to reduce voter influence and it’s endorsement at the federal level of the party. Then lists activities happened or occurring in like a half dozen states. It doesn’t list maryland but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a broad movement just because it isn’t happening in maryland. YA basically says your price isn’t true-look at Maryland. But that’s not evidence to really challenge what your piece wrote. It’s might be technically imperfect but it’s point still stands in general.

Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:48 am
by youthathletics
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:35 am
youthathletics wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:27 am
seacoaster wrote: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:01 am For more than a year now, with tacit and explicit support from their party’s national leaders, state Republican operatives have been building an apparatus of election theft.
Not entirely true:
~ ... live-long/
Well the following sentence goes on to list the states they are focused on and doesn’t include maryland. I don’t think it’s disingenuous to write the language of the sentence you cut out in the manner that they did as a characterization of a broad based movement which doesn’t mean universal to anyone who thinks (I believe you do think but want to point this out to discredit the entirety of it but that’s my interpretation without anymore explicit feedback from you for now)
Go easy on the coffee FFG, I only snipped that point to draw a distinction in Maryland, nothing more. What is disingenuous, if you want to pick nits, is that they did not mention what Maryland was attempting to correct the leaning.