Orange Duce

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2019 11:27 pm Saw this analysis of Trump's actions in the Gallagher case on another forum.
...this seems like it falls the same way as a lot of Trump's decisions, and is a reason people underestimate the hell out of him. Does it potentially harm the community it affects? Maybe so. Does it tick off his political opponents and even some of his supporters? Probably so. Is it illegal? Probably not. Will it serve as anecdotal or emotional (if not truly compelling) evidence that he is 'supporting great Americans' or 'Making America Great Again' by sticking it to the PC police? Absolutely it will. So he'll do it, knowing the only outcome is a persistent storyline where his opponents are painted as whiners that are out to get him and Great Americans like him, and he looks like he's just trying to support the troops. The second and third order effects of all this not concern him at all, but doesn't mean he's not one clever dude.
:lol: I'd wager that this poster would impressed by people who swindle the elderly out of their money, too.

So yeah, if you set aside all the damage done, boy Trump sure has pulled a fast one on his supporters. Neat.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by holmes435 »

old salt wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2019 11:27 pm Saw this analysis of Trump's actions in the Gallagher case on another forum.
...this seems like it falls the same way as a lot of Trump's decisions, and is a reason people underestimate the hell out of him. Does it potentially harm the community it affects? Maybe so. Does it tick off his political opponents and even some of his supporters? Probably so. Is it illegal? Probably not. Will it serve as anecdotal or emotional (if not truly compelling) evidence that he is 'supporting great Americans' or 'Making America Great Again' by sticking it to the PC police? Absolutely it will. So he'll do it, knowing the only outcome is a persistent storyline where his opponents are painted as whiners that are out to get him and Great Americans like him, and he looks like he's just trying to support the troops. The second and third order effects of all this not concern him at all, but doesn't mean he's not one clever dude.
This is essentially a re-hash of the "Trump plays 3D chess" argument that doesn't hold water.

The PC police here was the Navy brass, and are apparent whiners and out to get him. So now he's pitting the military against itself in an "Us vs them" showdown according to your poster, where he is somehow supporting the troops vs the brass and other troops. Safe to say that's not going to cause any issues :roll:

In reality this is another case of Trump listening to the last person in the room, this time Bernard Kerick.

Trump has a very intense support group in the Republican party that won him the first few primaries and as he got more power, everyone else had to jump on board. We saw this with countless Republican politicians and Fox media personalities changing their tune and ceasing their criticism of Trump. Even though he did despicable things, they jumped on board because he was "owning the libs" and other opponents and their vocal minorty Trump supporting constituents made sure they listened.

The problem now is that his actions are hurting pretty deep red voters. It's one thing for farmers to wait six months to two years for tariffs to have an effect. It's another to wait four with no fix in sight while being handed out welfare to survive, or to have your long-standing system of discipline and justice meddled with by a civilian with "bone spurs".

The man is actively hurting his base. It is catching up with him.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

More information on the Trident Review Board (TRB) process. ... -tridents/
This is quite different from anything I ever saw or experienced.
Nothing like the Field Naval Aviator Evaluation Board process, which determines if an aviator continues in flight status,
or even Admin Discharge Boards which determine if a service member is involuntarily discharged.
In his media turn, former SecNav Spencer has not shared how he intended to ensure that Chief Gallagher retained his Trident.
Will Adm Green follow through with Lt Portier's TRB or let him leave the service without retribution ?
Will Gallagher & Portier's legal team press for an IG investigation ?
I fear this story will not have a happy ending for Big Navy or the SEAL community.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by seacoaster »

An opinion piece on the Prince: ... shner.html

"Jared Kushner just got a promotion. Another one. At least I think we can call it that, and it’s a deliciously perfect assignment. The pallid princeling is now responsible for speeding construction of the border wall. In other words, a make-believe fixer will oversee a fairy-tale fix.

Josh Dawsey and Nick Miroff of The Washington Post broke the news, and when I read it, I realized that I hadn’t heard much about Jared — or, for that matter, Ivanka — in a good long while. They’re front and center when the administration is announcing some ostensibly sensible initiative or claiming a pittance of progress. But when its corruption is being exposed and the drizzle of subpoenas becomes a downpour, they vanish, cuddling for warmth under the gilded umbrella of their hallucinatory virtue.

We can pretty much chart the weather of the administration by the relative visibility of Donald Jr., so loud and hirsute, and Jared, so smooth-cheeked and mute. Donald Jr. thrives when it’s nastiest, stomping gleefully through the muck. Jared comes out only if his suit won’t get dirty or his hair wet.

During the impeachment inquiry, we’ve seen a lot of Donald Jr. That’s partly because he has been hawking his new book, copies of which the Republican National Committee spent nearly $100,000 on. But it’s also because he’s such a ready, eager conduit for his father’s wrath, with a talent for exaggeration and misdirection that’s clearly chromosomal.

Jared and Ivanka have been strategically scarce, though Ivanka did flutter into view, in a fashion, when President Trump boasted two weeks ago that she had created 14 million jobs since the inauguration. “Fourteen million and going up!” he clarified, lest anyone get the misimpression that she thought her work was done. Never! On behalf of the American people, Ivanka is tireless. There’s no rest for the weary, and there’s even less of it for those who live at the crossroads of self-infatuation and delusion.

In an interview last month on Fox Business, Ivanka said that she and Dad were “fighting every day for the American worker” and that she was determined to “drive hard every single day to make an impact.”

“Your time and service — our time here — is finite,” she mused, and while I’d love to believe that she was prophesying her and her father’s imminent eviction from the White House, I think she was referring, in her deeply spiritual way, to the span of a human life. “It’s sand through an hourglass.” As Ivanka serves us, she never forgets the sand.

Democrats believe that the Trump administration’s void of ethics will sour American voters on the president. But those voters are likelier to abandon him for the administration’s vacuum of competence — for his nonsensical managerial style, captured in his magical thinking about Jared.

He tasked Jared with reinventing the federal government. Unless constant rash firings, unfilled jobs and shakedowns of foreign governments constitute reinvention, this remains on Jared’s infinite to-do list. The president put Jared in charge of brokering a durable peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Insert punch line here. He followed Jared’s counsel that faith be placed in Saudi Arabia and its crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman. We know how that worked out.

The president somehow looked at that track record and decided that the dynamo he should entrust with his central campaign promise — a secure barrier between the United States and Mexico — was … Jared! And so we have the trillionth gorgeous example of his investment in fiction.

Nearly three years into Trump’s presidency, the border wall barely exists. Subtract the upgrading of fencing and such that was already there and Trump has, by some recent estimates, constructed fewer than 25 miles of actually new barrier. The southwestern border is nearly 2,000 miles long.

But Jared is on the case! According to The Post, he “convenes biweekly meetings in the West Wing, where he questions an array of government officials about progress” and “explains the president’s wishes.” Huh. Those wishes are hardly cryptic, and how complicated can this questioning be? Already, The Post reported, there’s grumbling that Jared is just an annoyance.

That belittles his symbolic significance. Many journalists, including me, have tried to settle on the perfect mascot for the Trump administration. There are choices galore. The greedy, vainglorious Scott Pruitt, who did his best to decimate the Environmental Protection Agency, fit the bill, but he’s long gone. Mike Pompeo embodies the Faustian arc of so many of the president’s aides and allies, from principle-driven dismissal of Trump during the 2016 campaign to reputation-torching submission when he dangled a ticket to the big time.

But for naked opportunism and situational scruples, Jared’s my guy. Remember how he and Ivanka were going to contain the president’s ego, blunt his cruelty, whisper sweet moderation in his ear? That was then. Now he’s devoting himself to an exorbitant, unnecessary monument to Trump’s nativism and xenophobia.

There’s an upside, though. With Jared in the saddle, this horse won’t go far."
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by DMac »

Thanks for posting that, salty, what an awful mess and I just don't feel as if Gallagher deserves to go out in this kind of schidt storm.
This is the first time I've seen the picture of "Gallagher posing" with the dead body, and I'd bet that picture is a whole lot more tame than what people envisioned when they heard "Gallagher posed" with the dead body. That is a very misleading statement when you don't add, "Gallagher AND HIS BAND OF BROTHERS" posed with their kill. I see nothing at all wrong here. Further, I'd like to hear the explanation as to how one in that photo is reprimanded/punished, or disgraced as being a barbaric heathen, when the other TEN are not.
Although he won’t be allowed to defend Gallagher before the panel, Parlatore already has started collecting “trophy shots” of SEALs, including active duty commissioned officers, next to enemy bodies in Iraq and Afghanistan and compiling a potential list of those witnesses for Green to review.
I'm liking this Parlatore guy, and if he wants to expand his search beyond just SEALs in Iraq and Afghanistan posing with their kills, I'd bet he could come up with a mighty big stack of pictures.
There’s nothing Rear Adm. Green is doing here to preserve good order and discipline in the SEALs,” said Gallagher’s defense attorney, Timothy Parlatore. "He’ll say that he’s trying to make an example of Gallagher for the rest of the force. But the real message he’s sending is worse than that.

“Rear Adm. Green likes to talk about the ‘Gallagher Effect’ on the SEALs, but what he’s really saying is that if you invoke your constitutional rights, if you dare to hold government accountable, if you force them to make a criminal case against you, and it all falls apart, Rear Adm. Green will personally retaliate against you."
I find it awfully hard to disagree with that.

This should be a done deal and Gallagher should just be able to go on about his business as a civilian at this point. Inasmuch as he has to appear in front of the TRB, I'm glad it's a Master Chief who is the chair of the panel and that it includes three other Master Chiefs rather than a panel of all officers. Might not matter at all but I think it does.

Methinks Adm. Green's asz might be red after all is said and done. The Admiral is a little caught up with his rank and power.

I don't like this mess at all.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Trinity »

Trump called the US Navy the Deep State last night. Just amazing.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by CU88 »

Trinity wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2019 6:51 am Trump called the US Navy the Deep State last night. Just amazing.

I hope that all of the other Big Green Ego seals who had their lucky pin taken from them now sue the Navy to get theirs back.
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by youthathletics »

wahoomurf wrote: Mon Nov 04, 2019 1:30 pm
She (Grisham), argues that it’s unfair to criticize her for this: “First I wasn’t doing any TV and that was a big deal. . . . Now I am doing ‘only Fox’ and that is [described as] a problem,” she said. “When does it stop? When will I be doing enough?”

She adds, “As with everything, I will do things when it is most beneficial to the president.”
"12 Steps" Grisham has been doing more than enough to address her primary addiction.For her to develop another one---"doing things when it is most beneficial to her president" may prove to be a major impediment on her long voyage to recovery.

Not sure if she broke her habit (addiction ?) of stealing $$$s from her employers. ;)
Have no heard from wahoo in quite awhile...hope all is well.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by CU88 »


Video Shows Donald Trump Slur Words At Florida Rally, Also Claims He Beat ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ In Election ... lur-words/
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

Trinity wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2019 6:51 am Trump called the US Navy the Deep State last night. Just amazing.
The Deep State's better at this double dealing subterfuge than the Navy is.

Esper's a stand up guy. Maintains it was his idea to fire Spencer, which he then cleared with Trump. ... ntroversy/

...unbeknownst to Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, ...Navy Secretary Richard Spencer had gone behind their backs to broker a deal with the White House that would see Gallagher retire with his SEAL trident pin.

That was Spencer’s downfall, Esper said, noting that Spencer contradicted his public statements and his agreement with senior officials.
“Once we agree on a position, we stick to it and support it, both in private and public,” Esper said. “If you don’t like that position, then simply resign. Otherwise, implement it as if you would implement any order.”

Contrary to some media reports, Esper said, Spencer was not fired because he refused to follow a White House order to protect Gallagher’s trident. Spencer was fired, Esper said, because he agreed with senior defense officials to let the process play out, then circumnavigated his chain of command to appeal to the president’s preferred outcome.

Esper and Milley learned of the discussions as they left the White House on Friday, Esper said, when a senior White House official pulled them aside.
“This proposal was completely contrary to what we agreed to and contrary to Secretary Spencer’s public position,” Esper said.

Esper said he spoke to Trump on Saturday and Sunday, during which he got the president’s support to fire Spencer, and received the direct order to restore Gallagher’s trident.
Esper’s statements contradicted a resignation letter signed by Spencer and released late Sunday night.
The letter was hand-dated Nov. 24, bringing into question when it was actually written.

Esper told reporters that Spencer had confided in him that he would “likely, probably” resign if ordered to protect Gallagher’s SEAL qualification, though Spencer said Sunday that he had not “threatened” such action.
“This is my issue with trust and confidence,” Esper said. “I cannot reconcile the personal statements with the public statements and the written word.”

Further, Esper added, when he asked for Spencer’s resignation on Sunday, the SECNAV said he’d have it to him in 30 minutes, raising suspicions that Spencer had the letter prepared well in advance.
Esper would not confirm whether the Spencer letter made public Sunday night is the same one he received Sunday afternoon.

According to a pool report filed Monday, Trump was asked in the Oval Office about Spencer’s firing and the president said he and others had “been thinking about that for a long time, that didn’t just happen,” before adding “It’s about time.”

“The case of Eddie Gallagher has dragged on for months and has distracted too many,” Esper said. “It must end.”
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by seacoaster »

Stephen Miller, still employed notwithstanding plain and unambiguous evidence that he communicated with and strategized with white supremacists.

When abnormal is the norm, we are f*cked. Happy Thanksgiving.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by CU88 »

I worked today, and will work on Friday.

Cost to Taxpayer: About $110,000,000**

r's so proud of their hero and the rising US National Debt
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by CU88 »

seacoaster wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2019 1:47 pm Stephen Miller, still employed notwithstanding plain and unambiguous evidence that he communicated with and strategized with white supremacists.

When abnormal is the norm, we are f*cked. Happy Thanksgiving.
I would love to know his Secret Service code name...
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by youthathletics »

CU88 wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2019 3:55 pm
seacoaster wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2019 1:47 pm Stephen Miller, still employed notwithstanding plain and unambiguous evidence that he communicated with and strategized with white supremacists.

When abnormal is the norm, we are f*cked. Happy Thanksgiving.
I would love to know his Secret Service code name...
You should've heard Hillary's nickname. I'd get banned longer than Bandito if I wrote it. :lol:
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by seacoaster »

CU88 wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2019 3:55 pm
seacoaster wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2019 1:47 pm Stephen Miller, still employed notwithstanding plain and unambiguous evidence that he communicated with and strategized with white supremacists.

When abnormal is the norm, we are f*cked. Happy Thanksgiving.
I would love to know his Secret Service code name...
Klansman? Himmler? Chicken Farmer?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by ardilla secreta »

youthathletics wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2019 7:09 am Interesting how the champs on jeopardy did not know who Michael Avenatti was: ... 59776?s=20

Seems only crazy people like us on FanLax know him. :lol:
Last week none of the contestants on Jeopardy could identify Tom Hanks in the role of Fred Rogers. Tom Hanks, btw, is an actor.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by holmes435 »

ardilla secreta wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2019 5:22 pm
youthathletics wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2019 7:09 am Interesting how the champs on jeopardy did not know who Michael Avenatti was: ... 59776?s=20

Seems only crazy people like us on FanLax know him. :lol:
Last week none of the contestants on Jeopardy could identify Tom Hanks in the role of Fred Rogers. Tom Hanks, btw, is an actor.
It's my college lacrosse team in a nutshell (engineering school).

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by DMac »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2019 4:11 pm
CU88 wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2019 3:55 pm
seacoaster wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2019 1:47 pm Stephen Miller, still employed notwithstanding plain and unambiguous evidence that he communicated with and strategized with white supremacists.

When abnormal is the norm, we are f*cked. Happy Thanksgiving.
I would love to know his Secret Service code name...
You should've heard Hillary's nickname. I'd get banned longer than Bandito if I wrote it. :lol:
Was it Yeast Infection?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

New Acting SecNav cancels Trident Review Board for 3 remaining SEAL Team 7 officers, citing the distraction & saying there's a better way to move forward :

Earlier Wednesday, the Navy announced that it had canceled the peer-review boards for three SEAL officers who supervised Gallagher during the Iraq deployment that gave rise to the war crimes charges.

Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly said the case was becoming a distraction for the commando force, known for its quiet professionalism but recently roiled with controversy.

The decision was the latest twist in the Gallagher matter. Trump has made no mention of the three SEAL officers also ordered to be reviewed. All three had overseen Gallagher during his 2017 deployment to Iraq.

But Modly said there were better ways to address any “failures in conduct, performance, judgment, or professionalism exhibited by these officers.”

He directed the chief of naval operations to end the review process for Lt. Cmdr. Robert Breisch, Lt. Jacob Portier and Lt. Thomas MacNeil.

“The United States Navy, and the Naval Special Warfare Community specifically, have dangerous and important work to do,” Modly said in a statement. “In my judgment, neither deserves the continued distraction and negative attention that recent events have evoked.”

Modly said his decision should not be interpreted as loosening the standards he expects of SEALs. He said ongoing efforts will continue to address problems within the SEAL community, which has had numerous allegations of misconduct in recent months.

“Navy uniformed leaders have my full confidence that they will continue to address challenging cultural issues within the Naval Special Warfare community, instill good order and discipline, and enforce the very highest professional standards we expect from every member of that community,” he said.

Portier was Gallagher’s platoon commander and was charged with failing to report the killing of the captive. He denied the charges and they were dropped after the jury acquitted Gallagher of murder.

Portier’s attorney, Jeremiah Sullivan, said Portier was happy to learn he would be allowed to keep his trident, a pin designating SEAL status.

“Lt. Portier is extremely grateful for the unwavering support of President Trump,” Sullivan said.

Attorneys for Breisch and MacNeil did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Heil Trump.
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