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Re: Voting

Post by SCLaxAttack »

"Well, we obviously can't continue to complain about election integrity and allow this guy to keep his position." And still 24 Republican dumbazzes voted to allow him to remain.

Nine times he illegally voted. Imagine that. ... 2eb7dcc2fc
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old salt
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Re: Voting

Post by old salt »


Maryland DMV Change of Address

Moving somewhere in Maryland? Before you cruise around the new neighborhood, add updating the Maryland DMV change of address form to your moving to-do list. In some states, you have less than 30 days to update your driving records and/or vehicle registration with the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV), so now’s the time to act!

Colorado DMV Change of Address

Moving somewhere in Colorado? Before you cruise around your new neighborhood, add updating the Colorado DMV change of address form to your moving to-do list. In some states, you have less than 30 days to update your driving records and/or vehicle registration with the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV), so now’s the time to act!
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Re: Voting

Post by youthathletics »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 11:16 am
youthathletics wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 10:19 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 8:26 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 8:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 7:58 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 9:39 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 5:53 pm
youthathletics wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 5:13 pm
SCLaxAttack wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 3:11 pm
a fan wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 2:04 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 12:48 pm
a fan wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 12:40 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 12:15 pm
a fan wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 10:57 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 10:49 am
CU88a wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 8:03 am Who is dumb enough to keep falling for this bs? ... legal-imm/

Republicans are already blaming a potential loss in 2024 on illegal voters. On Wednesday, Speaker Johnson and other Trump Republicans held a press conference to promote their new bill to make it illegal for people who are not U.S. citizens to vote in federal elections.

This is a political stunt: It is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections, and there is no evidence that this is happening. In 2017, Trump created a commission to root out the illegal voting he claimed had affected the 2016 election; less than a year later, he disbanded it when it could find no evidence of his claims. Johnson admitted there was no evidence of voting by undocumented immigrants when he told reporters: "We all know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections. But it's not been something that is easily provable. We don't have that number."
If you visit the inferno site once known as Twitter, you can see numerous GOP Senators and Congressmen/-women and their flacks talking about this, filling their readers and followers with anger and angst about "illegals voting for Democrat Joe Biden." Their communication strategy is a three-letter word: L-I-E.

This is just a consequence of replacement theory running amok among the idiot class.
They don't think they'll pay a price for these games, catering to clickbait hate, and America's worst qualities, instead of our best. The party of crew cuts and quiet, reasonable governance is SO freaking gone.

All the actual, real conservative Republicans I know are beyond livid at where the party is. They know doggone well that National votes like mine, and other reasonable moderates are there for the taking if they shut up and govern according to their principles, instead of catering to the extreme in their midst.

youth, I'd agree that Dems complain about voter suppression issues and foreign interference issues, and other 'dirty tricks', but I can't recall any prominent Dems or mainstream or even lefty media claiming rampant voter fraud by R's.

And that's despite a surprising (to me) imbalance recently of the few actual crimes caught being perpetrated more by R's than D's. But certainly not some scourge of illegal voting.
Because for all their flaws, Dems are rarely on TeamTInFoil. They know doggone well that those R's pulling shenanigans are few and far between....and that those that are caught, are punished.
yes, though there's sometimes a mite bit of over statement of impact of voter suppression....
Agreed that they can be over the top at times. But at least voter suppression has been a very real thing in American history. They're not making stuff up whole cloth.

At least now, for the most part anyway, it's not about racism. It's about winning. Or at least I hope that's what it is.
Perhaps winning "for the most part anyway", but born from a long history of racism. Read about "The Wilmington Notch", with a long history of having the highest density of black residents in New Hanover County (essentially the City of Wilmington), and once again the only election precincts moved from purple New Hanover County on the east side of the Cape Fear River to deep red Brunswick County on the west side of the river in the state's most recent gerrymandering, thereby also making New Hanover County more probable to go red in state legislative elections. ... ilmington/
I believe it is both sides nibbling on the edges and fringe in order leave an opening, just depends on your POV and how you are playing the game to beat the other guy.....Think of like this, its kind of like what a spike protein does to gain access and fuse to a cell.

Dems tryin to capture more EC votes. ... view=close

Ask yourself, why are migrants being sent to particular places that would add more representatives in their favor? Dems are playing the long look and this is slicker than two eels in a bucket.
What's your hypothesis here?

That migrants seeking safety and work go where Dems tell them to go?
Instead of where the safety and work actually are?

And Dems purposely direct them away from where safety and work are and instead send them to places that already vote Dem but need more total population because that will shift the Electoral College representation?

The "long game" of what, The Great Replacement? Isn't that the really long game? White Christians ( esp conservative, White Christians who are Republicans) no longer in the majority?

SO...Republicans NEED to claim these migrants are illegally voting AND they NEED to make voting more difficult for low income voters in dense neighborhoods versus higher income, mobile suburbanites AND they NEED to make sure gerrymandering is constitutionally protected???

Do I have that right...or close?
Minimize and try to subvert what is right it front of you, all you want, you know damned well it’s right and are more upset it reveals the shenanigans of those you have now embrace.

It’s okay MD, you can be upset at the side you now identify with…😉
Seriously, that's what you believe???
Well that is what you keep saying on a daily basis. A lifelong Republican with a lifelong hatred of his own party. The Democrats are waiting to on board you old sod. :D I'm still waiting for the day you actually say something that a lifelong conservative Republican would say. I guess it's been so long for you that you have forgotten how lifelong conservative Republicans think. :D
Read his conspiracy theory logic, cradle. If you agree with it, go ahead and say so. If not, say so.

My view is that MAGA stupidity and racial fear has engulfed the majority of the GOP.
But that doesn't make rational Republicans, whether moderate or conservative, to actually be RINOs other than from the perspective of the nut jobs.
Cheney, Kinzinger, Romney, Kasich, Flake, McCain and so many others are/were fully rational Republicans.
And they never believed this craziness.
It is not conspiracy logic, its essentially an attempt at gerrymandering upstream, with little to no downside. you should thrilled the R's are trying to maintain semblance of who is where and if they are a citizen....instead you side with the democrats that do not believe acknowledging you are a citizen or not on a census is a bad thing....why is that and what value does showing high growth in areas ultimately do? So much so, you do not even care who is there and what that data can and ultimately do. It's not about the R's trying to gain advantage, its about the R's trying to maintain checks and balances in the aftermath of mass immigration. If that is not what conservatives do, then you may have lost your way...and that's okay.

Ever since Trump, you and so many have this preconceived notion that it is only the R's being deceptive, nefarious in seeking power; the edge. Remember Rahm's quote “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” Do you believe that either party wants to continue to maintain balance or do you believe onside want a majority, to the point they control everything? If the former.....I believe that is naïve, the bethca'. And how does the latter get any means necessary that can be argued legal and not proven acceptable.
Perhaps you missed NattyBoh's point?

This is an incredibly stupid conspiracy theory, and is based on deep rooted racism and nativism, which, if you want to call those aspects, stupidity, racism, and nativism, "conservative" then sure, that fits. It's just not what traditional Republicans have embraced.

The Constitution makes clear that everyone counts, not just citizens, not just registered voters, not just adults, not just men (not women), not just free men (except that slaves counted less!). Note on that last point, the southern states insisted on getting credit for their slaves because it gave them more power electorally and in Congressional representation.

The census is for the purpose of counting everyone and there should be no impediment to accomplishing that task fully. Period, full stop. and with the end of slavery, everyone is supposed to be counted equally.

It should not be an instrument to discourage people from being counted.

I do not think that our history confirms the notion that either of the two parties has sought a permanent dominance of the country. Quite the opposite. That doesn't mean that groups haven't sought strategic advantage in achieving support of a majority of voters, but that's fundamental to democratic competition. Likewise, the parties have sought to maintain degrees of influence, if not permanent control, through various manipulations of power, eg gerrymandering. (which I find repugnant)

Our system naturally provides a very strong bias to two national parties, not more nor less, as long as the Constitution is followed, and the separation of powers is maintained.

But power is indeed seductive and there are people who have and who will put power over principle and over country and even over, it's essential that we reject those people from access to too much power, especially when it's clear they wish to achieve and maintain power through minority rule.

That can and could in the future happen with either party.

Right now, it's not a remotely close call as to where the greatest danger lies. And that's with the MAGA GOP.

They have explicitly adopted a strategy in which they know they would rule only as a minority, and they use the deepest poisons in our societal fabric to justify their desired control: racism, nativism and other bigotries.

It's an explicitly fascist strategy.

I DO have deep concerns about an authoritarian far left coming into power someday, justifying their authoritarian control as 'majority' rule while trampling individual rights, which is why I think it's super important that we have a credible, honest party that seeks to balance such tendencies from the extreme left, but it can't be an authoritarian or dishonest party and maintain credibility.

Moreover, we need two parties each committed to governing by consensus not purist ideology, where balance shifts left and right somewhat in any given period, but with full expectation that the balance will shift again and not extremely in any direction.

But MAGA GOP is the opposite of that philosophy.

As to immigration, I'm all for making it much easier to achieve legal status swiftly or if not deserving of asylum to be swiftly adjudicated and returned. If legal status enables working status and adjudication of that is swift, it will continue to be a major strategic advantage versus countries like China which have a rapidly aging population problem. We should strongly encourage asylum seekers to do so prior to coming to the US, but make adjudication swift. Immigration is a huge positive to the country, with younger workers, new vitality, and lower crime rates than similarly economically situated multi-generational Americans.

I'm also in strong favor of e-verify or other national system enabling employers to swiftly verify legal work status and hold employers accountable to do so...but that requires swift process to have migrants able to work.
Not going to engage on the racisim portion, your heels are dug in and stuck in the late 19th and majority of 20th century. Of course it is easy argue we have balanced both parties...that is the beauty of our governments design. The concern on the table is they are never stopping to to try and WIN. THAT is not on only one party or is often win at all costs. Which I argued earlier.

The rest of your response was read, but it seemed you had to vent and settle your mind that the parties and voting shenanigans taking place have now caused you pause and you left you concerned about them you resorted to 'identity' like the democrats love to do; MAGA, racist, nativisim, etc.

Which brings me to this point. And frankly this is the first I heard of this....did you know that anyone can vote "If they believe they are a citizen at the time of a vote"? I have never heard of this.....but if factually true, it would make the argument that the party which we both align is asking for a census check box of "illegal or legal citizen" would provide a checksum vs ballots.

What say you?

Then this: 18 U.S. Code § 611 - Voting by aliens

Section C, 1,2,3 are significant.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.
a fan
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Re: Voting

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 4:25 am :roll:

Maryland DMV Change of Address

Moving somewhere in Maryland? Before you cruise around the new neighborhood, add updating the Maryland DMV change of address form to your moving to-do list. In some states, you have less than 30 days to update your driving records and/or vehicle registration with the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV), so now’s the time to act!

Colorado DMV Change of Address

Moving somewhere in Colorado? Before you cruise around your new neighborhood, add updating the Colorado DMV change of address form to your moving to-do list. In some states, you have less than 30 days to update your driving records and/or vehicle registration with the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV), so now’s the time to act!
a fan wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 10:55 am No. You don't. Millions of Americans move every year into different States (don't forget to include college students), and I can assure you that zero of them tells their DMV.
What part of "into different States" isn't clear? Nice try at a strawman. :roll:

Your'e not going to call the Md DMV if you move from Baltimore to Cleveland. And now the voter rolls are off in Maryland.

...and you and your buds want to pretend you don't understand this. Gaslighting.
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Re: Voting

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 9:33 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 11:16 am
youthathletics wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 10:19 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 8:26 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 8:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 7:58 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 9:39 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 5:53 pm
youthathletics wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 5:13 pm
SCLaxAttack wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 3:11 pm
a fan wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 2:04 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 12:48 pm
a fan wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 12:40 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 12:15 pm
a fan wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 10:57 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 10:49 am
CU88a wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 8:03 am Who is dumb enough to keep falling for this bs? ... legal-imm/

Republicans are already blaming a potential loss in 2024 on illegal voters. On Wednesday, Speaker Johnson and other Trump Republicans held a press conference to promote their new bill to make it illegal for people who are not U.S. citizens to vote in federal elections.

This is a political stunt: It is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections, and there is no evidence that this is happening. In 2017, Trump created a commission to root out the illegal voting he claimed had affected the 2016 election; less than a year later, he disbanded it when it could find no evidence of his claims. Johnson admitted there was no evidence of voting by undocumented immigrants when he told reporters: "We all know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections. But it's not been something that is easily provable. We don't have that number."
If you visit the inferno site once known as Twitter, you can see numerous GOP Senators and Congressmen/-women and their flacks talking about this, filling their readers and followers with anger and angst about "illegals voting for Democrat Joe Biden." Their communication strategy is a three-letter word: L-I-E.

This is just a consequence of replacement theory running amok among the idiot class.
They don't think they'll pay a price for these games, catering to clickbait hate, and America's worst qualities, instead of our best. The party of crew cuts and quiet, reasonable governance is SO freaking gone.

All the actual, real conservative Republicans I know are beyond livid at where the party is. They know doggone well that National votes like mine, and other reasonable moderates are there for the taking if they shut up and govern according to their principles, instead of catering to the extreme in their midst.

youth, I'd agree that Dems complain about voter suppression issues and foreign interference issues, and other 'dirty tricks', but I can't recall any prominent Dems or mainstream or even lefty media claiming rampant voter fraud by R's.

And that's despite a surprising (to me) imbalance recently of the few actual crimes caught being perpetrated more by R's than D's. But certainly not some scourge of illegal voting.
Because for all their flaws, Dems are rarely on TeamTInFoil. They know doggone well that those R's pulling shenanigans are few and far between....and that those that are caught, are punished.
yes, though there's sometimes a mite bit of over statement of impact of voter suppression....
Agreed that they can be over the top at times. But at least voter suppression has been a very real thing in American history. They're not making stuff up whole cloth.

At least now, for the most part anyway, it's not about racism. It's about winning. Or at least I hope that's what it is.
Perhaps winning "for the most part anyway", but born from a long history of racism. Read about "The Wilmington Notch", with a long history of having the highest density of black residents in New Hanover County (essentially the City of Wilmington), and once again the only election precincts moved from purple New Hanover County on the east side of the Cape Fear River to deep red Brunswick County on the west side of the river in the state's most recent gerrymandering, thereby also making New Hanover County more probable to go red in state legislative elections. ... ilmington/
I believe it is both sides nibbling on the edges and fringe in order leave an opening, just depends on your POV and how you are playing the game to beat the other guy.....Think of like this, its kind of like what a spike protein does to gain access and fuse to a cell.

Dems tryin to capture more EC votes. ... view=close

Ask yourself, why are migrants being sent to particular places that would add more representatives in their favor? Dems are playing the long look and this is slicker than two eels in a bucket.
What's your hypothesis here?

That migrants seeking safety and work go where Dems tell them to go?
Instead of where the safety and work actually are?

And Dems purposely direct them away from where safety and work are and instead send them to places that already vote Dem but need more total population because that will shift the Electoral College representation?

The "long game" of what, The Great Replacement? Isn't that the really long game? White Christians ( esp conservative, White Christians who are Republicans) no longer in the majority?

SO...Republicans NEED to claim these migrants are illegally voting AND they NEED to make voting more difficult for low income voters in dense neighborhoods versus higher income, mobile suburbanites AND they NEED to make sure gerrymandering is constitutionally protected???

Do I have that right...or close?
Minimize and try to subvert what is right it front of you, all you want, you know damned well it’s right and are more upset it reveals the shenanigans of those you have now embrace.

It’s okay MD, you can be upset at the side you now identify with…😉
Seriously, that's what you believe???
Well that is what you keep saying on a daily basis. A lifelong Republican with a lifelong hatred of his own party. The Democrats are waiting to on board you old sod. :D I'm still waiting for the day you actually say something that a lifelong conservative Republican would say. I guess it's been so long for you that you have forgotten how lifelong conservative Republicans think. :D
Read his conspiracy theory logic, cradle. If you agree with it, go ahead and say so. If not, say so.

My view is that MAGA stupidity and racial fear has engulfed the majority of the GOP.
But that doesn't make rational Republicans, whether moderate or conservative, to actually be RINOs other than from the perspective of the nut jobs.
Cheney, Kinzinger, Romney, Kasich, Flake, McCain and so many others are/were fully rational Republicans.
And they never believed this craziness.
It is not conspiracy logic, its essentially an attempt at gerrymandering upstream, with little to no downside. you should thrilled the R's are trying to maintain semblance of who is where and if they are a citizen....instead you side with the democrats that do not believe acknowledging you are a citizen or not on a census is a bad thing....why is that and what value does showing high growth in areas ultimately do? So much so, you do not even care who is there and what that data can and ultimately do. It's not about the R's trying to gain advantage, its about the R's trying to maintain checks and balances in the aftermath of mass immigration. If that is not what conservatives do, then you may have lost your way...and that's okay.

Ever since Trump, you and so many have this preconceived notion that it is only the R's being deceptive, nefarious in seeking power; the edge. Remember Rahm's quote “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” Do you believe that either party wants to continue to maintain balance or do you believe onside want a majority, to the point they control everything? If the former.....I believe that is naïve, the bethca'. And how does the latter get any means necessary that can be argued legal and not proven acceptable.
Perhaps you missed NattyBoh's point?

This is an incredibly stupid conspiracy theory, and is based on deep rooted racism and nativism, which, if you want to call those aspects, stupidity, racism, and nativism, "conservative" then sure, that fits. It's just not what traditional Republicans have embraced.

The Constitution makes clear that everyone counts, not just citizens, not just registered voters, not just adults, not just men (not women), not just free men (except that slaves counted less!). Note on that last point, the southern states insisted on getting credit for their slaves because it gave them more power electorally and in Congressional representation.

The census is for the purpose of counting everyone and there should be no impediment to accomplishing that task fully. Period, full stop. and with the end of slavery, everyone is supposed to be counted equally.

It should not be an instrument to discourage people from being counted.

I do not think that our history confirms the notion that either of the two parties has sought a permanent dominance of the country. Quite the opposite. That doesn't mean that groups haven't sought strategic advantage in achieving support of a majority of voters, but that's fundamental to democratic competition. Likewise, the parties have sought to maintain degrees of influence, if not permanent control, through various manipulations of power, eg gerrymandering. (which I find repugnant)

Our system naturally provides a very strong bias to two national parties, not more nor less, as long as the Constitution is followed, and the separation of powers is maintained.

But power is indeed seductive and there are people who have and who will put power over principle and over country and even over, it's essential that we reject those people from access to too much power, especially when it's clear they wish to achieve and maintain power through minority rule.

That can and could in the future happen with either party.

Right now, it's not a remotely close call as to where the greatest danger lies. And that's with the MAGA GOP.

They have explicitly adopted a strategy in which they know they would rule only as a minority, and they use the deepest poisons in our societal fabric to justify their desired control: racism, nativism and other bigotries.

It's an explicitly fascist strategy.

I DO have deep concerns about an authoritarian far left coming into power someday, justifying their authoritarian control as 'majority' rule while trampling individual rights, which is why I think it's super important that we have a credible, honest party that seeks to balance such tendencies from the extreme left, but it can't be an authoritarian or dishonest party and maintain credibility.

Moreover, we need two parties each committed to governing by consensus not purist ideology, where balance shifts left and right somewhat in any given period, but with full expectation that the balance will shift again and not extremely in any direction.

But MAGA GOP is the opposite of that philosophy.

As to immigration, I'm all for making it much easier to achieve legal status swiftly or if not deserving of asylum to be swiftly adjudicated and returned. If legal status enables working status and adjudication of that is swift, it will continue to be a major strategic advantage versus countries like China which have a rapidly aging population problem. We should strongly encourage asylum seekers to do so prior to coming to the US, but make adjudication swift. Immigration is a huge positive to the country, with younger workers, new vitality, and lower crime rates than similarly economically situated multi-generational Americans.

I'm also in strong favor of e-verify or other national system enabling employers to swiftly verify legal work status and hold employers accountable to do so...but that requires swift process to have migrants able to work.
Not going to engage on the racisim portion, your heels are dug in and stuck in the late 19th and majority of 20th century. Why not "engage"? Is it too embarrassing to admit that the MAGA wing of the GOP "have explicitly adopted a strategy in which they know they would rule only as a minority, and they use the deepest poisons in our societal fabric to justify their desired control: racism, nativism and other bigotries.

It's an explicitly fascist strategy." ???

Come on, deal with this reality. I'm 100% concerned about an authoritarian left emerging, so why are you so unwilling to address the reality of the MAGA wing of the GOP embracing these bigotries?

And how am I "stuck in the late 19th and majority of 20th century"? How about the 100 years prior? Or are you trying to say we live in a post bigotry society today and I'm "stuck" in the past? Really?

Of course it is easy argue we have balanced both parties...that is the beauty of our governments design. The concern on the table is they are never stopping to to try and WIN. THAT is not on only one party or is often win at all costs. Which I argued earlier.

"at all costs", that's what CAN happen but it's not the pattern of our history. Pray that it doesn't become that, and reject those who espouse that philosophy, period, full stop. Join with me in that rejection. All are welcome.

The rest of your response was read, but it seemed you had to vent and settle your mind that the parties and voting shenanigans taking place have now caused you pause and you left you concerned about them all No, I've always been concerned about authoritarianism, of any stripe or persuasion. It's just that I thought my party was concerned about it as well, and would not become the party espousing minority you resorted to 'identity' like the democrats love to do; MAGA, racist, nativisim, etc. Again, you seem to want to pretend this isn't the reality of what is animating so many within the GOP. If you agree with me that it is disgusting, then let's join together to reject these a-holes from the party.

Which brings me to this point. And frankly this is the first I heard of this....did you know that anyone can vote "If they believe they are a citizen at the time of a vote"? I have never heard of this.....but if factually true, Yes, but an immense exaggeration. It merely means that if someone has a good faith belief that they are a citizen (not a bad faith one) they won't be punished for voting. Can you imagine a basis for such good faith belief?

Now ask yourself, can you imagine a bad faith belief... and people not being fined or thrown in jail if they did so with bad faith? I cannot imagine someone in bad faith doing so and being given a lollipop, and that's why it's extremely rare. Non-citizens know not to vote in federal elections.

it would make the argument that the party which we both align is asking for a census check box of "illegal or legal citizen" would provide a checksum vs ballots.

If you want to ask that question or demand an affirmation of citizenship in the process of voting in a federal election (states and municipalities can do as they please for their own elections), go for it...but it has nothing to do with the census. There's no cross check with a 10 year census, which is a counting mechanism not an identity card credentialing. Try Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union of North Korea...heck, China just does all this with facial and gait recognition...

A right wing a-hole idiot.

Then this: 18 U.S. Code § 611 - Voting by aliens

Section C, 1,2,3 are significant. Yes they are, do you understand them?
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old salt
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Re: Voting

Post by old salt »

How is the law against voting if you are not a US citizen enforced ?

How do you verify the citizenship of a voter ? You accept the word of the prospective voter

It's a law that exists in theory but can't currently be enforced.

If an airline passenger boards an airplane in Baltimore or Cleveland, the TSA can determine their citizenship via their REAL ID.

If a college student from Cleveland is attending college in MD & wishes to vote in MD, their Ohio Drivers License or State ID would still verify whether or not they are a US citizen, since they are REAL ID. Their college ID could validate current MD residence.

We have tens of millions of migrants in this country illegally.
There is currently no practical method in place to prevent them from registering & voting. ... gistration.
a fan
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Re: Voting

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 8:13 am We have tens of millions of migrants in this country illegally.
There is currently no practical method in place to prevent them from registering & voting.
That's right. And your party won't lift a finger to fix it.

I've told you multiple times now: give every one of these folks permanent work visas. You have to make it permanent, because if you don't, they'll think you're lining them up for deportation, and won't participate.

Now you've got them in a database just like the rest of us, and can do ANYTHING you want with that database. Prevent voting, track humans, collect taxes, etc. etc.

You don't want to do this, and prefer the status quo. So here we are...same place we've been since the Reagan handed out amnesty to everyone.
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Re: Voting

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 10:15 am
old salt wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 8:13 am We have tens of millions of migrants in this country illegally.
There is currently no practical method in place to prevent them from registering & voting.
That's right. And your party won't lift a finger to fix it.

I've told you multiple times now: give every one of these folks permanent work visas. You have to make it permanent, because if you don't, they'll think you're lining them up for deportation, and won't participate.

Now you've got them in a database just like the rest of us, and can do ANYTHING you want with that database. Prevent voting, track humans, collect taxes, etc. etc.

You don't want to do this, and prefer the status quo. So here we are...same place we've been since the Reagan handed out amnesty to everyone.
....and yet, when they attempt to do so, your party will do what exactly to help counter or offer as another solution? It will be Nay's across the board. Same as it ever was. ... can-voters
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.
a fan
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Re: Voting

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 10:49 am
a fan wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 10:15 am
old salt wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 8:13 am We have tens of millions of migrants in this country illegally.
There is currently no practical method in place to prevent them from registering & voting.
That's right. And your party won't lift a finger to fix it.

I've told you multiple times now: give every one of these folks permanent work visas. You have to make it permanent, because if you don't, they'll think you're lining them up for deportation, and won't participate.

Now you've got them in a database just like the rest of us, and can do ANYTHING you want with that database. Prevent voting, track humans, collect taxes, etc. etc.

You don't want to do this, and prefer the status quo. So here we are...same place we've been since the Reagan handed out amnesty to everyone.
....and yet, when they attempt to do so, your party will do what exactly to help counter or offer as another solution? It will be Nay's across the board. Same as it ever was. ... can-voters
You still don't get it.

Your party is the only party with this ridiculous "replacement theory', where you think Dems are opening the border to get votes. So...given this belief, why would the Dems "fix it". You think that the Dems are behind this "plan", remember?

So if you believe in this stuff as both you and Old Salt claim, and your party leaders have claimed for decades come your party has done NOTHING to fix it?
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Re: Voting

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

Weird. Every state I've lived in, including California, I had to be a US citizen to register to vote. It was one of the requirements.
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Re: Voting

Post by a fan »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 11:01 am Weird. Every state I've lived in, including California, I had to be a US citizen to register to vote. It was one of the requirements.
You don't understand, NattyBoh: them immigrants are comin' ta git ya!!

The Dems are importing hard working Catholics who are (checks notes) hell bent on voting for Commies and liberals.
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Re: Voting

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

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Re: Voting

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 8:13 am How is the law against voting if you are not a US citizen enforced ?

How do you verify the citizenship of a voter ? You accept the word of the prospective voter

It's a law that exists in theory but can't currently be enforced.

If an airline passenger boards an airplane in Baltimore or Cleveland, the TSA can determine their citizenship via their REAL ID.

If a college student from Cleveland is attending college in MD & wishes to vote in MD, their Ohio Drivers License or State ID would still verify whether or not they are a US citizen, since they are REAL ID. Their college ID could validate current MD residence.

We have tens of millions of migrants in this country illegally.
There is currently no practical method in place to prevent them from registering & voting. ... gistration.
Wait a second, there are all sorts of things that are against the law in which there is no foolproof way to ensure you catch every criminal act or actor. (Think about it, for that matter is there ANY crime in which there is a foolproof way to catch each criminal act and actor?)

But when you do, you prosecute. And that's a deterrent against breaking the law, for most people.

Add to that, if an immigrant was caught doing so intentionally, they risk more than just a fine or a little jail time, they risk their and their family's deportation....because they what, wanted to vote for a Democrat???

It's such an inane theory, that the only explanation is what I've been saying is at the root: racism, nativism, bigotry.
That doesn't mean that every brainwashed American who buys into it is a racist, nativist bigot but that's the progenitor of this garbage.
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Re: Voting

Post by a fan »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 11:14 am Add to that, if an immigrant was caught doing so intentionally, they risk more than just a fine or a little jail time, they risk their and their family's deportation....because they what, wanted to vote for a Democrat???
:lol: Wait....are you telling me this is yet another stupid TeamTinFoilFoxNation theory that has no basis in reality?

Gee, ya think people who are here illegally are gonna avoid government offices at all costs? Naaaah. They're going to risk their families and their lives to (checks notes) vote for them Dems.

As i keep telling OS and YA over and over and over: the reason their party doesn't "fix" these made up problems is that unlike their base, the R's in power are the ones who are selling this idea to their base voters to keep them angry, and keep them in line, voting for R's.

....and as we can all see here: this sh(t works.
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Re: Voting

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 11:14 am
old salt wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 8:13 am How is the law against voting if you are not a US citizen enforced ?

How do you verify the citizenship of a voter ? You accept the word of the prospective voter

It's a law that exists in theory but can't currently be enforced.

If an airline passenger boards an airplane in Baltimore or Cleveland, the TSA can determine their citizenship via their REAL ID.

If a college student from Cleveland is attending college in MD & wishes to vote in MD, their Ohio Drivers License or State ID would still verify whether or not they are a US citizen, since they are REAL ID. Their college ID could validate current MD residence.

We have tens of millions of migrants in this country illegally.
There is currently no practical method in place to prevent them from registering & voting. ... gistration.
Wait a second, there are all sorts of things that are against the law in which there is no foolproof way to ensure you catch every criminal act or actor. (Think about it, for that matter is there ANY crime in which there is a foolproof way to catch each criminal act and actor?)

But when you do, you prosecute. And that's a deterrent against breaking the law, for most people.

Add to that, if an immigrant was caught doing so intentionally, they risk more than just a fine or a little jail time, they risk their and their family's deportation....because they what, wanted to vote for a Democrat???

It's such an inane theory, that the only explanation is what I've been saying is at the root: racism, nativism, bigotry.
That doesn't mean that every brainwashed American who buys into it is a racist, nativist bigot but that's the progenitor of this garbage.

I guess it was illegal. I don’t know what Old Sage is upset about as he has said single votes don’t matter in an election and gave the example of him voting for Trump doesn’t matter in Maryland. My guess is in Texas, her vote didn’t matter. Not sure why she was convicted.
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Re: Voting

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

And now, the rest of the story….. ... portation/

Ortega, who was a resident of Grand Prairie, when she was convicted, has always maintained she didn't realize her immigration status meant she was ineligible to vote. Having come to this country as a baby and living her entire life in America legally, Ortega cast a ballot five times between 2005 and 2014 mistakenly thinking her green card gave her the right to vote.

I guess Childathletics has no need to worry about illegals voting if they think they are citizens and using it as an excuse to avoid a conviction and deportation. He can rest easy now.
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Re: Voting

Post by youthathletics »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 11:32 am And now, the rest of the story….. ... portation/

Ortega, who was a resident of Grand Prairie, when she was convicted, has always maintained she didn't realize her immigration status meant she was ineligible to vote. Having come to this country as a baby and living her entire life in America legally, Ortega cast a ballot five times between 2005 and 2014 mistakenly thinking her green card gave her the right to vote.

I guess Childathletics has no need to worry about illegals voting if they think they are citizens and using it as an excuse to avoid a conviction and deportation. He can rest easy now.
You are proving our point, rather happens; full stop. And yet, trying to curtail it is now viewed as racist...go figure. :lol:
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.
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Re: Voting

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

We have tens of millions of migrants in this country illegally.
There is currently no practical method in place to prevent them from registering & voting.
Ooh, I have a great idea on how to fix this! We can have someone in each state in charge of elections. Say a Secretary of State, or even set up some sort of office, like a Department of Elections.

When you want to register to vote, you send them an application with some identifying information. Stuff that shows you're a resident, a US Citizen, your age and more. They can use that information to make sure you're eligible to vote.

Wanna make it even better? Set up some sort of bipartisan system, that when someone registers to vote, the office lets other states know. So they can remove that person from their rolls. Maybe call it an Electronic Registration Information Center. Wouldn't Republicans be 100% for a system like that?
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Re: Voting

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 11:43 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 11:32 am And now, the rest of the story….. ... portation/

Ortega, who was a resident of Grand Prairie, when she was convicted, has always maintained she didn't realize her immigration status meant she was ineligible to vote. Having come to this country as a baby and living her entire life in America legally, Ortega cast a ballot five times between 2005 and 2014 mistakenly thinking her green card gave her the right to vote.

I guess Childathletics has no need to worry about illegals voting if they think they are citizens and using it as an excuse to avoid a conviction and deportation. He can rest easy now.
You are proving our point, rather happens; full stop. And yet, trying to curtail it is now viewed as racist...go figure. :lol:
Someone here since being a baby mistakenly thought her green card gave her the right to vote...the right to vote! Ohh the horror!

And it was discovered...and prosecuted. Stupidly, IMO, as she had a good faith belief that what she was doing was legal and appropriate as her civic duty. Same thing for the released felon in Florida who thought she was doing her civic duty to vote after she did her time, yet prosecuted...ohh the horror, she wanted to vote!

But where are the thousands upon thousands, nay millions of non-citizens, who know they would be voting illegally and yet do so, criminally, for...Dems...

But not discovered. :roll:

No, what is racist, nativist, bigoted is to imagine that there are thousands upon thousands, doing so. And not caught...
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Re: Voting

Post by youthathletics »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 11:51 am
youthathletics wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 11:43 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 11:32 am And now, the rest of the story….. ... portation/

Ortega, who was a resident of Grand Prairie, when she was convicted, has always maintained she didn't realize her immigration status meant she was ineligible to vote. Having come to this country as a baby and living her entire life in America legally, Ortega cast a ballot five times between 2005 and 2014 mistakenly thinking her green card gave her the right to vote.

I guess Childathletics has no need to worry about illegals voting if they think they are citizens and using it as an excuse to avoid a conviction and deportation. He can rest easy now.
You are proving our point, rather happens; full stop. And yet, trying to curtail it is now viewed as racist...go figure. :lol:
Someone here since being a baby mistakenly thought her green card gave her the right to vote...the right to vote! Ohh the horror!

And it was discovered...and prosecuted. Stupidly, IMO, as she had a good faith belief that what she was doing was legal and appropriate as her civic duty. Same thing for the released felon in Florida who thought she was doing her civic duty to vote after she did her time, yet prosecuted...ohh the horror, she wanted to vote!

But where are the thousands upon thousands, nay millions of non-citizens, who know they would be voting illegally and yet do so, criminally, for...Dems...

But not discovered. :roll:

No, what is racist, nativist, bigoted is to imagine that there are thousands upon thousands, doing so. And not caught...
The point is checks and all ties into our lengthy conversation. Heaven forbid we have a way to do simple bean counting, checksum arithmetic.....oh the shock and horror, of every entity in on the planet to do simple accounting. But I get it....identify politic name calling is far easier and less work; well done. :roll: ;)
Last edited by youthathletics on Mon May 13, 2024 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.
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