Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:29 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:15 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:58 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:51 pm You certainly haven't been wailing about Trump's fraud, tax fraud through the decades, or his invitations to public corruption. Nor his family members. We get it.
I don't need to. It's being adjudicated in the courts & we're getting copious reporting on it. His family members also testified before Congress.
mmm, Hunter's issues are being adjudicated as well, and way beyond just the average tax avoider.

Trump's skated on tax fraud for decades, now beyond statute of limitations, his various businesses and charity have been found fraudulent, and yet he has nowhere near paid an appropriate price for all of this.

His invitations to public corruption were blatant and egregious and yet he's been sheltered by a GOP in thrall. His family members "testified before Congress"??? Willingly, openly and honestly??? Really?

Which Party is openly trying to defund the IRS and has quietly been trying to do so for decades?

Seriously, why do you think that is? Do you think the GOP is enthusiastic about billionaires and large corporations paying all their taxes due? Tax cheats forced to pay up?

Which is now trying to defund DOJ ?
Hunter is well beyond "the average tax avoider", unless you consider Manafort to have been the average.

Are the IRS whistleblowers still receiving government pay & benefits ?
I obviously don't think Hunter's situation is average.
It's a large but not mega tax avoidance AND it has the potential to involve public corruption.

But he's also being treated much more intensively and certainly far more publicly than most tax avoiders of similar magnitude. More like a celebrity being made an example of with bigger numbers...I don't have any problem with the government being tough per se, but the degree of excessive public attention is ridiculous, IMO, entirely partisan politics, as the target isn't Hunter, it's his dad.

Far as I'm concerned, pay up his taxes and that's least that would be all that's required of a regular celebrity. If there's anything actually criminal involving public corruption of his dad, then fine, prosecute. But there simply has been zero evidence of such yet lots of baloney claims of possible such...but bupkis.

I have no idea whether the agents that were involved are still on the payroll, whether they quit or were fired. IF they followed WB protocol properly and have been unfairly punished, then take it to court. My recollection is that they did NOT properly follow required protocol, but I may be mis-recalling.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 4:05 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:45 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:30 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:14 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:57 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:13 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 12:46 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:28 am Salty: "I just want Hunter to declare his income, file & pay his taxes, like I do." :roll:

Pretty sure that ship has sailed. Of course, that's the point of this...there's no 'do over' for Hunter. He was a mess, a drug addict, and he parlayed his name and presumed access to fund his profligate lifestyle, avoiding paying taxes ("like I do") along the way. A mess. Guilty of tax evasion and then scrambling to get them paid up...just like any admitted tax avoider is allowed to do as part of their cooperation with the government. Not "like I do", but just like lots of other tax avoiders. He'll live with the shame of his past for the rest of his life.

But this is not about Hunter, much less "wanting" him to pay taxes...see Salty's "want" turn to obsession with the pivot to "Biden family finances".

We've been waiting for years for even a shred of evidence that Joe Biden is corrupt, that he did anything illegal. Nada that holds up to scrutiny. Lots of wild-eyed claims, but then they turn out to be bupkis. Nada.

But Salty and his MAGA kin want to pretend the the "Biden (Crime) Family" are dirty, or at least dirty enough to excuse an actual Criminal who wants to be re-elected POTUS and is currently the run away front runner for nomination by the past party of law and order...


Try to divert & fuzz it over, but it's real simple. What were the sources of Hunter's income ? Did he declare ALL that was taxable & pay taxes on it ? Did he follow tax laws when transferring income to other family members ? I comply with the law on gift taxes, does he ? Loans I made are documented & interest declared & taxes paid on it. I've documented it. If audited, & my bank records examined, I expect to be questioned on it & am prepared to answer. I just want Hunter to be held accountable to the same tax laws that I am.
You have no idea how stupid you sound.
:mrgreen: ... y-d77f2eb5

Joe Biden’s Assist to Hunter’s Business
New emails suggest what Burisma really wanted from the Bidens.
By The Editorial Board, Dec. 6, 2023

House investigators keep digging into the Biden family business, and this week comes new evidence of the ways Joe Biden helped his son using alias email accounts.
Internal Revenue Service agents Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler provided to the House Ways and Means Committee more information from their multiyear investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes and business.

The documents include an 11-page log showing a list of 327 emails that Joe Biden sent or received from 2010 to 2019 under pseudonyms that included “robinware456” and “robert.l.peters.” Mr. Biden was a big user of these shadow accounts, with the National Archives and Records Administration disclosing that it has up to 82,000 pages of emails and documents sent or received under Biden aliases while he was Vice President.

The 327 emails listed in the log are exchanges between Joe Biden and Hunter or Eric Schwerin, a former Hunter business partner who handled Biden family finances. The committee says 54 of the exchanges are between Joe Biden and Mr. Schwerin.

Five emails were exchanged within five days of Mr. Biden’s June 2014 trip to Ukraine, while another 27 were exchanged prior to his return trip to Ukraine in November 2014. Those trips coincided with Hunter’s lucrative board position at Ukrainian energy firm Burisma.

The trips preceded then Vice President’s Biden’s 2015 role in forcing the ouster of a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma and its CEO, Nikolai Zlochevsky, for corruption. Another 38 emails originated from within the White House and were sent to Joe Biden aliases, with Hunter Biden copied.

The committee doesn’t know the contents of the emails, but further evidence provided to Congress raises questions about Hunter’s role at Burisma, the political access he was peddling, and Joe Biden’s knowledge of that work. Hunter’s former partner, Devon Archer, previously told Congress that “Burisma would have gone out of business if it didn’t have the [Biden] brand attached to it.”

Ways and Means also received new emails from Mr. Ziegler that are revealing about what Burisma wanted from Hunter. One email is from Vadym Pozharsky, an adviser to Burisma, to Hunter in April 2015. The Ukrainian thanked Hunter for “the opportunity to meet your father and spent (sp) some time together.”

Another Pozharsky email to Hunter (which copies Mr. Schwerin) in November 2015 asks Hunter for thoughts on a proposal for a contract for a U.S. lobbying firm, Blue Star Strategies. Mr. Pozharsky worries about the lack of “concrete, tangible results” listed in the proposal, including how the firm will improve Mr. Zlochevky’s “case.”

Mr. Pozharsky says it’s okay if the omission was to be on “the safe and cautious side,” so long as “all parties in fact understand the true purpose” of the contract. He then spells that out, saying the Blue Star work needs to include arranging a visit of “widely recognized and influential current and/or former US policy-makers to Ukraine . . . to close down for any cases/pursuits against [Zlochevsky] in Ukraine.”

An October 2016 email between a Blue Star employee and Mr. Schwerin includes the news that the Ukrainian government had ended its probe into Mr. Zlochevsky (about eight months after the Ukrainian prosecutor was fired). Mr. Schwerin congratulates the team on its “awesome work.” The Blue Star employee writes: “Thanks. U brought us in so take a victory lap.”

All of this suggests Joe Biden was fully aware that Hunter was selling the family “brand,” and that the Vice President was helping with the sale. It also raises new questions about the connection between Hunter’s job at Burisma and Joe’s work getting the Ukrainian prosecutor of Mr. Zlochevsky fired. None of it looks good.
:mrgreen: Republican nominee for POTUS seeking to work with Russians to get elected and lied to government officials didn’t bother you but Hunter not paying his taxes did. On what planet is that not stupid?


Oh its the Crime Family thing not Hunter not paying taxes? You are also a liar.
It was when Al Capone tried to get away? Of course way back then the IRS had no hesitation about prosecuting people and sending them to jail. Refresh my memory here, did the government ever offer Scarface a plea deal?
You also sound stupid.
Fooled you, not like that is hard to do. ;) Actually I'm very dog gone smart. A big plus for me is I always pay my taxes. Unlike some people who try to cheat the government out of what is rightfully theirs. Uncle Sam doesn't play that game. You pay your taxes there slick, I'm just asking for a friend.
OK. You show all the hallmarks of vascular dementia or you just come across as stupid.
“I wish you would!”
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

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Is old Joe the un-indicted co-conspirator?
“I wish you would!”
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old salt
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:38 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:29 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:15 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:58 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:51 pm You certainly haven't been wailing about Trump's fraud, tax fraud through the decades, or his invitations to public corruption. Nor his family members. We get it.
I don't need to. It's being adjudicated in the courts & we're getting copious reporting on it. His family members also testified before Congress.
mmm, Hunter's issues are being adjudicated as well, and way beyond just the average tax avoider.

Trump's skated on tax fraud for decades, now beyond statute of limitations, his various businesses and charity have been found fraudulent, and yet he has nowhere near paid an appropriate price for all of this.

His invitations to public corruption were blatant and egregious and yet he's been sheltered by a GOP in thrall. His family members "testified before Congress"??? Willingly, openly and honestly??? Really?

Which Party is openly trying to defund the IRS and has quietly been trying to do so for decades?

Seriously, why do you think that is? Do you think the GOP is enthusiastic about billionaires and large corporations paying all their taxes due? Tax cheats forced to pay up?

Which is now trying to defund DOJ ?
Hunter is well beyond "the average tax avoider", unless you consider Manafort to have been the average.

Are the IRS whistleblowers still receiving government pay & benefits ?
I obviously don't think Hunter's situation is average.
It's a large but not mega tax avoidance AND it has the potential to involve public corruption.

But he's also being treated much more intensively and certainly far more publicly than most tax avoiders of similar magnitude. More like a celebrity being made an example of with bigger numbers...I don't have any problem with the government being tough per se, but the degree of excessive public attention is ridiculous, IMO, entirely partisan politics, as the target isn't Hunter, it's his dad.

Far as I'm concerned, pay up his taxes and that's least that would be all that's required of a regular celebrity. If there's anything actually criminal involving public corruption of his dad, then fine, prosecute. But there simply has been zero evidence of such yet lots of baloney claims of possible such...but bupkis.

I have no idea whether the agents that were involved are still on the payroll, whether they quit or were fired. IF they followed WB protocol properly and have been unfairly punished, then take it to court. My recollection is that they did NOT properly follow required protocol, but I may be mis-recalling.
In the plea deal offered by Weiss, Hunter was offered everything you want for him. Hunter insisted on immunity for anything else that might be discovered & charged (in the limited time before the SOL would run).

Can you show that Hunter paid all the taxes for the years in which Weiss had evidence but allowed the SOL to run ?
...or did he skate on unpaid taxes, interest & penalties for those years ?
Those were the years (2014-15) for the Burisma income which are not covered by the indictment filed today.
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old salt
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:51 pm :mrgreen: Republican nominee for POTUS seeking to work with Russians to get elected and lied to government officials didn’t bother you but Hunter not paying his taxes did. On what planet is that not stupid?


Oh its the Crime Family thing not Hunter not paying taxes? You are also a liar.
:mrgreen: Dem candidate for POTUS seeking former Brit spy with Russian contacts to fabricate a PSYOP alleging Trump-Russia collusion & former media muckraker who can feed it to the media & DoJ/FBI. Payment will be via DNC's law firm.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:45 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:38 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:29 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:15 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:58 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:51 pm You certainly haven't been wailing about Trump's fraud, tax fraud through the decades, or his invitations to public corruption. Nor his family members. We get it.
I don't need to. It's being adjudicated in the courts & we're getting copious reporting on it. His family members also testified before Congress.
mmm, Hunter's issues are being adjudicated as well, and way beyond just the average tax avoider.

Trump's skated on tax fraud for decades, now beyond statute of limitations, his various businesses and charity have been found fraudulent, and yet he has nowhere near paid an appropriate price for all of this.

His invitations to public corruption were blatant and egregious and yet he's been sheltered by a GOP in thrall. His family members "testified before Congress"??? Willingly, openly and honestly??? Really?

Which Party is openly trying to defund the IRS and has quietly been trying to do so for decades?

Seriously, why do you think that is? Do you think the GOP is enthusiastic about billionaires and large corporations paying all their taxes due? Tax cheats forced to pay up?

Which is now trying to defund DOJ ?
Hunter is well beyond "the average tax avoider", unless you consider Manafort to have been the average.

Are the IRS whistleblowers still receiving government pay & benefits ?
I obviously don't think Hunter's situation is average.
It's a large but not mega tax avoidance AND it has the potential to involve public corruption.

But he's also being treated much more intensively and certainly far more publicly than most tax avoiders of similar magnitude. More like a celebrity being made an example of with bigger numbers...I don't have any problem with the government being tough per se, but the degree of excessive public attention is ridiculous, IMO, entirely partisan politics, as the target isn't Hunter, it's his dad.

Far as I'm concerned, pay up his taxes and that's least that would be all that's required of a regular celebrity. If there's anything actually criminal involving public corruption of his dad, then fine, prosecute. But there simply has been zero evidence of such yet lots of baloney claims of possible such...but bupkis.

I have no idea whether the agents that were involved are still on the payroll, whether they quit or were fired. IF they followed WB protocol properly and have been unfairly punished, then take it to court. My recollection is that they did NOT properly follow required protocol, but I may be mis-recalling.
In the plea deal offered by Weiss, Hunter was offered everything you want for him. Hunter insisted on immunity for anything else that might be discovered & charged (in the limited time before the SOL would run).

Can you show that Hunter paid all the taxes for the years in which Weiss had evidence but allowed the SOL to run ?
...or did he skate on unpaid taxes, interest & penalties for those years ?
Those were the years (2014-15) for the Burisma income which are not covered by the indictment filed today.
Other than enforcing the law consistently, I could not care less.

Of course, we know why you are so obsessed.
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old salt
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:03 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:45 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:38 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:29 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:15 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:58 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:51 pm You certainly haven't been wailing about Trump's fraud, tax fraud through the decades, or his invitations to public corruption. Nor his family members. We get it.
I don't need to. It's being adjudicated in the courts & we're getting copious reporting on it. His family members also testified before Congress.
mmm, Hunter's issues are being adjudicated as well, and way beyond just the average tax avoider.

Trump's skated on tax fraud for decades, now beyond statute of limitations, his various businesses and charity have been found fraudulent, and yet he has nowhere near paid an appropriate price for all of this.

His invitations to public corruption were blatant and egregious and yet he's been sheltered by a GOP in thrall. His family members "testified before Congress"??? Willingly, openly and honestly??? Really?

Which Party is openly trying to defund the IRS and has quietly been trying to do so for decades?

Seriously, why do you think that is? Do you think the GOP is enthusiastic about billionaires and large corporations paying all their taxes due? Tax cheats forced to pay up?

Which is now trying to defund DOJ ?
Hunter is well beyond "the average tax avoider", unless you consider Manafort to have been the average.

Are the IRS whistleblowers still receiving government pay & benefits ?
I obviously don't think Hunter's situation is average.
It's a large but not mega tax avoidance AND it has the potential to involve public corruption.

But he's also being treated much more intensively and certainly far more publicly than most tax avoiders of similar magnitude. More like a celebrity being made an example of with bigger numbers...I don't have any problem with the government being tough per se, but the degree of excessive public attention is ridiculous, IMO, entirely partisan politics, as the target isn't Hunter, it's his dad.

Far as I'm concerned, pay up his taxes and that's least that would be all that's required of a regular celebrity. If there's anything actually criminal involving public corruption of his dad, then fine, prosecute. But there simply has been zero evidence of such yet lots of baloney claims of possible such...but bupkis.

I have no idea whether the agents that were involved are still on the payroll, whether they quit or were fired. IF they followed WB protocol properly and have been unfairly punished, then take it to court. My recollection is that they did NOT properly follow required protocol, but I may be mis-recalling.
In the plea deal offered by Weiss, Hunter was offered everything you want for him. Hunter insisted on immunity for anything else that might be discovered & charged (in the limited time before the SOL would run).

Can you show that Hunter paid all the taxes for the years in which Weiss had evidence but allowed the SOL to run ?
...or did he skate on unpaid taxes, interest & penalties for those years ?
Those were the years (2014-15) for the Burisma income which are not covered by the indictment filed today.
Other than enforcing the law consistently, I could not care less.

Of course, we know why you are so obsessed.
In other words, you don't know if Hunter paid all his back taxes (with interest & penalties) for 2014 & 2015, which were due in 2016, when his Pop was the serving VP.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:56 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:51 pm :mrgreen: Republican nominee for POTUS seeking to work with Russians to get elected and lied to government officials didn’t bother you but Hunter not paying his taxes did. On what planet is that not stupid?


Oh its the Crime Family thing not Hunter not paying taxes? You are also a liar.
:mrgreen: Dem candidate for POTUS seeking former Brit spy with Russian contacts to fabricate a PSYOP alleging Trump-Russia collusion & former media muckraker who can feed it to the media & DoJ/FBI. Payment will be via DNC's law firm.
It’s quite remarkable that you defend this POS even now.

A sickness really.

The guy welcomed Russian assistance to his campaign. He hired as his bloody Campaign Manager a guy known to be dirty and in bed with Russian intelligence. He lied about his prior and ongoing business dealings with Russians. But hey the Other guy’s son was a drug addict and didn’t pay his taxes.

Here’s a question I have been wondering. If we substitute Chinese for Russian in the paragraph above, no sweat huh?
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old salt
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:10 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:56 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:51 pm :mrgreen: Republican nominee for POTUS seeking to work with Russians to get elected and lied to government officials didn’t bother you but Hunter not paying his taxes did. On what planet is that not stupid?


Oh its the Crime Family thing not Hunter not paying taxes? You are also a liar.
:mrgreen: Dem candidate for POTUS seeking former Brit spy with Russian contacts to fabricate a PSYOP alleging Trump-Russia collusion & former media muckraker who can feed it to the media & DoJ/FBI. Payment will be via DNC's law firm.
It’s quite remarkable that you defend this POS even now.

A sickness really.

The guy welcomed Russian assistance to his campaign. He hired as his bloody Campaign Manager a guy known to be dirty and in bed with Russian intelligence. He lied about his prior and ongoing business dealings with Russians. But hey the Other guy’s son was a drug addict and didn’t pay his taxes.

Here’s a question I have been wondering. If we substitute Chinese for Russian in the paragraph above, no sweat huh?
It's quite remarkable that you still ignore the tactics & measures that Trump's opponents were willing to employ to prevent & then sabotage his Presidency. Whatever it takes. The ends justify the means. might ask yourself why Trump's poll ratings go up with each indictment against him.
obtw -- why didn't Putin seize Ukraine while his pal Trump was in office ?
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old salt
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil indictment

Post by old salt »

QFP, for future ref, & for the benefit of non-subscribers.
Plz don't quote or re-post the article in it's entirety. ... 07a086e2a2

Hunter Biden Charged With Evading Taxes on Millions From Foreign Firms
The Justice Department charged President Biden’s son after a long-running and wide-ranging investigation with substantial political repercussions.

By Glenn Thrush and Michael S. Schmidt, Dec 7, 2023

A federal grand jury charged Hunter Biden on Thursday with a scheme to evade federal taxes on millions in income from foreign businesses, the second indictment against him this year and a major new development in a case Republicans have made the cornerstone of a possible impeachment of President Biden.

Mr. Biden, the president’s son, faces three counts each of evasion of a tax assessment, failure to file and pay taxes, and filing a false or fraudulent tax return, according to the 56-page indictment — a withering play-by-play of personal indulgence with potentially enormous political costs for his father.

The charges, filed in California, came five months after he appeared to be on the verge of a plea deal that would have avoided jail time and potentially granted him broad immunity from future prosecution stemming from his business dealings. But the agreement collapsed, and in September, he was indicted in Delaware on three charges stemming from his illegal purchase of a handgun in 2018, a period when he used drugs heavily and was prohibited from owning a firearm.

The tax charges have always been the more serious element of the inquiry by the special counsel, David C. Weiss, who began investigating the president’s son five years ago as the Trump-appointed U.S. attorney for Delaware. Mr. Weiss was retained when President Biden took office in 2021.

Mr. Biden “engaged in a four-year scheme to not pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed federal taxes he owed for tax years 2016 through 2019,” Mr. Weiss wrote.

“Between 2016 and Oct. 15, 2020, the defendant spent this money on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes,” he added.

If convicted, he could face a maximum of 17 years in prison, Justice Department officials said.

The president’s son was indicted on nine counts accusing him of evading federal taxes on millions of dollars he has made in his work with foreign companies.

The charges, while serious, were far less explosive than ones pushed by former President Donald J. Trump and congressional Republicans, who have been angry with the department for failing to find wider criminal wrongdoing by the president’s son and family.

But the failure of Mr. Biden’s lawyers to reach a new settlement after talks with Mr. Weiss fell apart has now subjected Mr. Biden to the perils of two criminal proceedings in two jurisdictions, with unpredictable outcomes.

Many of the facts laid out in Thursday’s indictment were already widely known, and the litany of Mr. Biden’s actions tracks closely with a narrative he drafted with prosecutors in the plea deal that collapsed over the summer under the withering scrutiny of a federal judge in Delaware.

Prosecutors said that he “subverted the payroll and tax withholding process of his own company,” Owasco PC, by withdrawing millions from the coffers that he used to subsidize “an extravagant lifestyle rather than paying his tax bills.” They also accused him of taking false business deductions.

Mr. Weiss called out Mr. Biden for failing to pay child support and his reliance on associates, including the Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris, to pay his way. Prosecutors included a chart that tracked the cash he siphoned from Owasco’s coffers — $1.6 million in A.T.M. withdrawals, $683,212 for “payments — various women,” nearly $400,000 for clothing and accessories, and around $750,000 for restaurants, health and beauty products, groceries, and other retail purchases.

Throughout the document, Mr. Weiss presented an unflattering split-screen of Mr. Biden, scooping up millions in income and gifts from friends while stubbornly refusing to pay his taxes. That pattern even persisted into 2020, after he had borrowed money to pay off his tax liabilities from the previous few years, prosecutors wrote.

“Defendant spent $17,500 each month, totaling approximately $200,000 from January through Oct. 15, 2020, on a lavish house on a canal in Venice Beach, Calif.,” they wrote, adding that “the I.R.S. stood as the last creditor to be paid.”

In a statement, Abbe Lowell, Mr. Biden’s lawyer, said Mr. Weiss had “bowed to Republican pressure” and accused him of reneging on their previous agreement. He said the special counsel had not responded to his request for a meeting a few days ago to discuss the details of the case.

“If Hunter’s last name was anything other than Biden, the charges in Delaware, and now California, would not have been brought,” he said.

The indictment includes a more detailed description of Mr. Biden’s activities and tangled business deals than the government had previously made public. Taken in its totality, the filing paints a damning portrait of personal irresponsibility by a man who leveraged his last name to finance his vices while willfully ignoring his tax liabilities.

The Hunter Biden case sits at the crowded intersection of America’s colliding political and legal systems. There is now a very real prospect that President Biden’s son will be defending himself in two federal criminal trials during a presidential election year — as Mr. Trump, his father’s likely opponent, confronts the possibility of two federal criminal trials in his classified documents and election interference cases.

The additional charges come on the cusp of a vote by the Republican-led House to formalize its impeachment inquiry into President Biden, which is largely based on unsubstantiated allegations that he benefited from his son’s lucrative consulting work for companies in Ukraine and China.

Republican leaders in the House released draft text of a procedural impeachment resolution against President Biden on Thursday, just hours before word of the new charges started to percolate through official Washington. It is not clear what effect the indictment will have on their inquiry.

The indictment contains no reference to President Biden. But prosecutors pointed out that Hunter Biden’s compensation from Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, dropped from $1 million a year in 2016, when his father was still in office, to $500,000 in March 2017, two months after he left office.

The decision to indict the president’s troubled son was an extraordinary step for Mr. Weiss, who was named a special counsel in August by Attorney General Merrick B. Garland.

The Justice Department has been investigating Mr. Biden since at least 2018. Despite examining an array of matters — including Hunter Biden’s work for Burisma, ties to oligarchs and business deals in China — the investigation ultimately narrowed to questions about his taxes, like his failure to file his 2017 and 2018 returns on time, and the gun purchase.

The investigation appeared to have come to a conclusion in June when Mr. Weiss and Mr. Biden’s lawyers announced that Mr. Biden would plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges.

As part of the deal, prosecutors charged Mr. Biden with lying about whether he was using drugs but, under a so-called pretrial diversion agreement, agreed not to prosecute Mr. Biden on that. In return, Mr. Biden agreed to admit that he had used drugs at the time of the purchase and the deal remained contingent on him remaining drug free for the next two years.

But the deal abruptly imploded.

At a hearing in July, Judge Maryellen Noreika of the Federal District Court in Wilmington, Del., sharply questioned elements of the deal, telling the two sides repeatedly that she had no intention of being “a rubber stamp.”

One objection centered on a provision that would have offered Mr. Biden broad insulation against further prosecution on matters under scrutiny during the federal inquiry. Mr. Weiss’s prosecutors and Mr. Biden’s lawyer at the time, Christopher J. Clark, disagreed on whether that shielded him from being prosecuted in connection with his foreign business dealings.

The other objection had to do with the diversion program on the gun charge, under which the judge would play a role in determining whether Mr. Biden was meeting the terms of the deal.

Judge Noreika said she was not trying to sink the agreement, but to strengthen it by ironing out ambiguities and inconsistencies. But by the end, the sides had splintered, prosecutors filed paperwork indicating they would proceed with a prosecution and the embattled Mr. Weiss requested to be named special counsel, which requires him to file a report at the conclusion of the investigation.

Since taking control of the House in January, top Republicans have used their new investigative power to push the narrative that the president has been complicit in an effort engineered by Hunter Biden to enrich his family by profiting from their positions of power, especially through business and investment transactions abroad.

The investigation has become a central focus of House Republicans, and of Mr. Trump, who has seized upon it as a counter to his own legal woes. Earlier this year, two former I.R.S. agents who worked on the investigation testified before a House committee that they had been discouraged from fully investigating interactions of Hunter Biden and his father, and that Mr. Weiss had complained that he did not have the authority to expand the investigation to other jurisdictions.

Mr. Weiss denied those claims.

On Thursday, Representative James R. Comer of Kentucky, the chairman of the House oversight committee, credited the “two brave I.R.S. whistle-blowers” for forcing Mr. Weiss to abandon plea negotiations and file charges.

“The Department of Justice got caught in its attempt to give Hunter Biden an unprecedented sweetheart plea deal,” Mr. Comer said in a statement, adding that the men should be applauded “for their courage to expose the truth.”
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:56 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:51 pm :mrgreen: Republican nominee for POTUS seeking to work with Russians to get elected and lied to government officials didn’t bother you but Hunter not paying his taxes did. On what planet is that not stupid?


Oh its the Crime Family thing not Hunter not paying taxes? You are also a liar.
:mrgreen: Dem candidate for POTUS seeking former Brit spy with Russian contacts to fabricate a PSYOP alleging Trump-Russia collusion & former media muckraker who can feed it to the media & DoJ/FBI. Payment will be via DNC's law firm.
:lol: :lol:
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by cradleandshoot »

Hunter is indicted on 9 tax charges in California. Why are they persecuting this poor guy? He's just trying to get his life back on track.

Hunter is very close to his old man. I wonder why he didn't off the record confide in his old man about his problems? A good dad would have said man up son admit what you did wrong and accept the consequences. I guess Hunter never confided in his dad? So that means he lied to and deceived his own father. There is another scenario that will send the usual suspects on this forum into a venomous rage. Maybe Old Joe knew about his son's stupidity and worked stealthily behind the scenes to carve out the deal that saved his bacon? I know what I would tell my sons, what would you tell your kids to do?
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Farfromgeneva »

cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:56 am Hunter is indicted on 9 tax charges in California. Why are they persecuting this poor guy? He's just trying to get his life back on track.

Hunter is very close to his old man. I wonder why he didn't off the record confide in his old man about his problems? A good dad would have said man up son admit what you did wrong and accept the consequences. I guess Hunter never confided in his dad? So that means he lied to and deceived his own father. There is another scenario that will send the usual suspects on this forum into a venomous rage. Maybe Old Joe knew about his son's stupidity and worked stealthily behind the scenes to carve out the deal that saved his bacon? I know what I would tell my sons, what would you tell your kids to do?
This is such specious nonsense that anything coming out of your brain for the rest of time cannot be trusted with respect to human beings, their condition or behavior and certainly anything involving deep thought.

So many leaps it’s as if the brain was on a permanent IV of LSD.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:29 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:10 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:56 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:51 pm :mrgreen: Republican nominee for POTUS seeking to work with Russians to get elected and lied to government officials didn’t bother you but Hunter not paying his taxes did. On what planet is that not stupid?


Oh its the Crime Family thing not Hunter not paying taxes? You are also a liar.
:mrgreen: Dem candidate for POTUS seeking former Brit spy with Russian contacts to fabricate a PSYOP alleging Trump-Russia collusion & former media muckraker who can feed it to the media & DoJ/FBI. Payment will be via DNC's law firm.
It’s quite remarkable that you defend this POS even now.

A sickness really.

The guy welcomed Russian assistance to his campaign. He hired as his bloody Campaign Manager a guy known to be dirty and in bed with Russian intelligence. He lied about his prior and ongoing business dealings with Russians. But hey the Other guy’s son was a drug addict and didn’t pay his taxes.

Here’s a question I have been wondering. If we substitute Chinese for Russian in the paragraph above, no sweat huh?
It's quite remarkable that you still ignore the tactics & measures that Trump's opponents were willing to employ to prevent & then sabotage his Presidency. Whatever it takes. The ends justify the means. might ask yourself why Trump's poll ratings go up with each indictment against him.
obtw -- why didn't Putin seize Ukraine while his pal Trump was in office ?
Yes, a very large portion of our population is vastly deluded by the cult media propaganda and/or embraces a a corrupt authoritarian who promises to deliver on their personal bigotries.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Farfromgeneva »

old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:56 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:51 pm :mrgreen: Republican nominee for POTUS seeking to work with Russians to get elected and lied to government officials didn’t bother you but Hunter not paying his taxes did. On what planet is that not stupid?


Oh its the Crime Family thing not Hunter not paying taxes? You are also a liar.
:mrgreen: Dem candidate for POTUS seeking former Brit spy with Russian contacts to fabricate a PSYOP alleging Trump-Russia collusion & former media muckraker who can feed it to the media & DoJ/FBI. Payment will be via DNC's law firm.
So your standard is moral relativism when it fits your needs it’s right?
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by youthathletics »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:34 am
old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:56 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:51 pm :mrgreen: Republican nominee for POTUS seeking to work with Russians to get elected and lied to government officials didn’t bother you but Hunter not paying his taxes did. On what planet is that not stupid?


Oh its the Crime Family thing not Hunter not paying taxes? You are also a liar.
:mrgreen: Dem candidate for POTUS seeking former Brit spy with Russian contacts to fabricate a PSYOP alleging Trump-Russia collusion & former media muckraker who can feed it to the media & DoJ/FBI. Payment will be via DNC's law firm.
So your standard is moral relativism when it fits your needs it’s right?
:lol: :lol: Why was that first not directed towards TLD? And I do not believe OS is arguing relativism...he's rebutting with don't throw stones in your own glass house
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Farfromgeneva »

youthathletics wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:52 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:34 am
old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:56 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:51 pm :mrgreen: Republican nominee for POTUS seeking to work with Russians to get elected and lied to government officials didn’t bother you but Hunter not paying his taxes did. On what planet is that not stupid?


Oh its the Crime Family thing not Hunter not paying taxes? You are also a liar.
:mrgreen: Dem candidate for POTUS seeking former Brit spy with Russian contacts to fabricate a PSYOP alleging Trump-Russia collusion & former media muckraker who can feed it to the media & DoJ/FBI. Payment will be via DNC's law firm.
So your standard is moral relativism when it fits your needs it’s right?
:lol: :lol: Why was that first not directed towards TLD? And I do not believe OS is arguing relativism...he's rebutting with don't throw stones in your own glass house
You are speaking for him? He whines about that often if you’ve noticed. I’m to retry sure TLD isn’t swinging from Hillary’s nuts like OS acknowledges doing even if his motivation is “opposing the other side”. But I’m not putting words in his mouth either her just speculating.

Throwing stones does NOT equal observations - you seem to be conflating the two here. Applying intention without specifics. You also bug out about that when unclear. Would this be you throwing stones but looking to have some ability to deny that is what’s happening?

If people don’t speak plainly they can’t complain about interpretation. The other side may (should) inquire for clarification however in my experience with him I’ve only experienced avoidance, deflection and inability to directly and plainly answer which only leads any reasonable human being to distrust of that presenter of dialogue. Ie he’s playing by his own rules so applying any other rules is kind of pointless unless one likes handcuffing themselves and having one handed discourse.

Here’s an example: one dude makes these eloquent statements and presents as his own unique formation of ideas. Then claims to not have any clue what gerrymandering means in any way like a neophyte baby. Also claims to not know what carpetbagger means. I’m incredulous mainly to give the dude an out and he ima back with “are you questioning my honesty?” Instead of explaining how he could be articulate at all and literally have that position. My response ultimately “yes I’m saying I don’t believe what your telling me
Is true” - no games, pu**yfooting around. And maybe he missed it rather than chose to ignore but I never got any feedback on that which is a signal to me of something less than honest until demonstrated otherwise.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Kismet »

Does the latest news mean that Saltine Warrior will finally STFU on this topic?

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:52 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:34 am
old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:56 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:51 pm :mrgreen: Republican nominee for POTUS seeking to work with Russians to get elected and lied to government officials didn’t bother you but Hunter not paying his taxes did. On what planet is that not stupid?


Oh its the Crime Family thing not Hunter not paying taxes? You are also a liar.
:mrgreen: Dem candidate for POTUS seeking former Brit spy with Russian contacts to fabricate a PSYOP alleging Trump-Russia collusion & former media muckraker who can feed it to the media & DoJ/FBI. Payment will be via DNC's law firm.
So your standard is moral relativism when it fits your needs it’s right?
:lol: :lol: Why was that first not directed towards TLD? And I do not believe OS is arguing relativism...he's rebutting with don't throw stones in your own glass house
No. He's playing dumb, and hoping everyone here forgets that Trump hired Paul Manafort----a man that Putin hired to get his toadie "elected" in Ukraine----to run his campaign. Because why would the FBI and DoJ dare to investigate Trump for working with Russia....when he hired someone on Putin's payroll to run his campaign? :roll:

The rest of America that isn't mesmerized by the letter R are OVERJOYED the DoJ and FBI went to work, and rooted out this BS, and convinced MULTIPLE TrumpToadies for lying their a**ses off anytime anyone, anywhere, asked them questions about Russia. And Manafort, who tried to hide the profits he made from Putin in Ukraine.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

youthathletics wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:52 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:34 am
old salt wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:56 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:51 pm :mrgreen: Republican nominee for POTUS seeking to work with Russians to get elected and lied to government officials didn’t bother you but Hunter not paying his taxes did. On what planet is that not stupid?


Oh its the Crime Family thing not Hunter not paying taxes? You are also a liar.
:mrgreen: Dem candidate for POTUS seeking former Brit spy with Russian contacts to fabricate a PSYOP alleging Trump-Russia collusion & former media muckraker who can feed it to the media & DoJ/FBI. Payment will be via DNC's law firm.
So your standard is moral relativism when it fits your needs it’s right?
:lol: :lol: Why was that first not directed towards TLD? And I do not believe OS is arguing relativism...he's rebutting with don't throw stones in your own glass house
You is a man of faith after all. You have some evidence that Hillary Clinton planned and organized this whole Dossier and Trump/Russia contacts situation? Wasn’t this investigated? If Hillary planned this elaborate scheme she should be investigated and pay the price like anyone else.
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