Progressive Ideology

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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by Peter Brown »

There was a mass shooting in Baltimore yesterday but no one in national media discussed it. The narrative didn’t work, you see; stolen guns, black shooters, black victims. ... -shooting/

What a basket case of a city. There are large chunks of Baltimore which are worse than anything in Mogadishu; far worse. At least in Mogadishu a person can buy fresh fruit on the streets; in Baltimore, west Baltimore to be exact, there isn’t a market for miles and miles. There’s nothing at all other than dilapidated housing and drugs.

But no one discusses that. Democratic run city, with billions in untraceable federal dollars ending up in the accounts of everyone other than the intended targets.

Libs excuse this ongoing tragedy as if it’s simply part of doing business.

I often wonder who the real racists are in our society.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by old salt »

Impressive family heritage. ... nder-fire/

Commencement speaker under fire for warning of ‘racism’ and ‘white supremacy’

A commencement speaker at a Virginia high school graduation told graduates they were entering a world of “racism, extreme versions of individualism and capitalism, [and] white supremacy” — in a speech ripped as indicative of the “radicalization” of districts across the country.

Abrar Omeish, the sole Muslim member of the Fairfax County School Board in Virginia, delivered the commencement address at Justice High School in Falls Church, Va., last Monday.

Her speech, first reported by the Daily Wire, began by congratulating the class of 2021 in English, Arabic and Spanish.

“Today we checked off a box in your academic journey. As a human being, you have developed and you have grown,” she said before shifting her tone from inspirational to political.

“We struggle with human greed, racism, extreme versions of individualism and capitalism, white supremacy growing wealth gaps, disease, climate crisis, extreme poverty amidst luxury and waste right next door,” she told the graduates. “And the list goes on.”
“You understand that social justice is only political for those that can afford to ignore it. You understand that ‘neutral’ is another word for complicit. And you have made a choice to take a stand,” Omeish continued.

The commencement speaker went on to give the graduates some advice.
“The world may try to quiet you by deciding for you what’s cool, what’s weird, what is or isn’t objective. It may try to convince you that what you hold dear is too different to be accepted,” she said, asking, “But who gets to decide?”
“Every part of your being may scream in rage at the ways others have wronged you,” the school board member warned. Students, she continued, should “let compassion for your fellow human beings, not anger or rage — and believe me, this is hard to do — fuel you.”
Omeish told graduating students they’re entering a world overwhelmed by racism and individualism.

Omeish’s speech was preceded by an introduction from the president of the student government. The student body president noted that their next speaker was “Virginia co-chair for the Bernie Sanders campaign,” as well as the daughter of Esam Omeish, “leader and a board member of the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center [who] raised his daughter to be an outspoken woman.”
The Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center, a mosque, was attended by two of the Sept. 11 hijackers, the radical imam Anwar Al-Awlaki and Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 17, 2021 2:00 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Jun 17, 2021 1:45 pm Could be worse cradle -- your wife could be a cake decorator targeted by the LGBTQ community.
Pretty sure most 'cake decorators" don't get "targeted" unless they "target" first...

Small nuance, I know...but makes all the difference.

I have a feeling that cradle's wife tried really hard to provide great nursing care to her patients regardless of their gender identity.
My wife has been a nurse for 40 years. She provides top flight care to every patient she takes care of. I will toot her horn for her. This week and elderly patient came in for a procedure. My wife was the sedation nurse in her room. When she came out to get her and bring her into the room the lady asked her a question... where was her anesthesiologist? My wife looked at her chart and said she was scheduled for standard sedation. The lady said she can't tolerate sedation and wound up in the ER intubated the last time she was sedated. There was a mistake when they did her pre screening and never red flagged her chart. She tried to explain this to the nurse that was admitting her, but that nurse blew it off as no big deal. My wife actually listened to her patient and checked with the doctor and verified she could not be sedated. The outcome was her procedure was canceled because her situation was such that she needed to be scoped in a hospital that was better equipped to deal with any complications. I'm so proud of her, too bad her own boss never said a word to her about her good catch. The moral of this story is you as a patient have to be your own advocate, speak up and make sure the people taking care of you are listening to what you are saying.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by jhu72 »

Peter Brown wrote: Thu Jun 17, 2021 10:40 pm Portland’s rapid response team of 50 all quit today. Can’t really work when the DA hates you and will arrest you for any reason.

Portland is gone.

Libs will be crushed in 2022.

This movie repeats every two years.
:lol: :lol: ... hyperbole to be expected. Let's try the facts. The team resigned from the voluntary position, being on the rapid response team. No change in status as to working for Portland PD, no change in salary. What a statement of conviction.

You really are a worthless troll. :roll: :roll:
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:29 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 17, 2021 2:00 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Jun 17, 2021 1:45 pmCould be worse cradle -- your wife could be a cake decorator targeted by the LGBTQ community.
Pretty sure most 'cake decorators" don't get "targeted" unless they "target" first...

Small nuance, I know...but makes all the difference. ... -phillips/

What Is Wrong with the Lawyer Persecuting Jack Phillips?
By CHARLES C. W. COOKE, June 17, 2021

Autumn Scardina keeps trying to force the Masterpiece Cakeshop owner to bake a cake with a message that offends his religious beliefs. Why?

Once again, Jack Phillips, the beleaguered owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, has been fined by a court for refusing to bake a cake carrying a message of which he disapproves. Once again, the fine was the result of activist legal action by a personal-injury lawyer named Autumn Scardina. Once again, Phillips’s case seems destined to reach the chambers of the U.S. Supreme Court.

And, once again, I am left asking: What the hell?

I am strongly of the view that, because his objection relates solely to the content of his professional speech, Jack Phillips is protected by the First Amendment. Indeed, if his case does return to the Supreme Court, I expect Phillips to win on precisely those grounds. But forget the specific details of this lawsuit for a moment. Forget the plaintiff and the defendant; forget the underlying Colorado statute; forget the Constitution of the United States; and, instead, look at this on a purely human level: What on earth is wrong with Autumn Scardina?

I understand the justification for anti-discrimination laws. I do not, however, understand why anyone would try to use them, as Scardina has, in order to repeatedly torture an individual such as Jack Phillips.

Under English common law, “public accommodation” standards typically applied where consumers had little or no choice. The only inn along a 60-mile stretch of road might be deemed a “public accommodation” on the grounds that its refusal to take a given customer could plausibly lead to that customer’s death. A ferry business that had sole control over a particular point in a river might be deemed a “public accommodation” in order to ensure that nobody was prevented from traveling along an important route. Common carriers, such as railroads, were included under the same rule. This approach obtained in the United States, too, until 1964, in which year the Civil Rights Act expanded the concept beyond all recognition — though not, given the scale of persistent racial segregation in the United States, beyond all comprehension. Prior to 1964, “just go somewhere else” was simply not an option for many black Americans, who, as a result of both longstanding government policy and widespread social pressure (including violence), were effectively locked out of entire realms of commercial activity. An African-American citizen who chose to sue a recalcitrant store in 1965 was doing so not out of individual pique, but out of public service, in that in most cases he was not so much suing one store as suing all of them.

This is not even close to being the case with Masterpiece Cakeshop. Masterpiece Cakeshop is not a monopoly. Masterpiece Cakeshop is not caught up in a web of legal or corporate choices that, taken together, serve to restrict the ability of a given group to fully access the market. And Masterpiece Cakeshop is not unique. It is a good business, I am told, but it is merely one business among many, and its owner has views that differ considerably from those of others within his field. All of this being so, it is simply inexplicable to me that Autumn Scardina is so determined to bend Masterpiece Cakeshop — and its owner — to her will. Again: Forget the legal dispute. My quarrel here is more elementary than that. Clearly, there is something deeply, deeply wrong with this person, and something deeply, deeply wrong, too, with anyone who has helped stage her relentless, psychotic persecution.

The judge in the most recent case against Phillips suggested that the law he was enforcing was designed to ensure that certain people “are no longer treated as ‘others.’” And I daresay it was. But this is a silly and illiberal aim, and those who seek to achieve it are ultimately demonstrating an inability to live among people who do not share their core beliefs. It is one thing for a person to demand that he be treated as an equal by his government or by a monopoly or by anyone with whom he is forced by custom to interact; but it is quite another to demand that every last person in this nation of 330 million approve of him, endorse him, or consent to speak on his behalf. We hear a great deal these days about the importance of “diversity,” and yet the definition we see most commonly prescribed seems in practice to cut against the bedrock value of pluralism, rather than in favor of it. With her decade-long crusade against Jack Phillips, Autumn Scardina has done just that.

Far from seeking utopia, a truly liberal person will accept that there will always be some among his fellow citizens who will strongly disapprove of him — and, for that matter, that there will always be some who will dislike and maybe even hate him. It can certainly be difficult to come up with laws that strike the right balance between individual rights and commercial regulation, but it is not so difficult to come up with personal conduct that does, and it seems self-evident to me that the correct course of action for a person who meets resistance when demanding artistic work from an ideological foe is simply to walk away. In a truly tolerant culture, it would not especially matter whether the law demanded that a Jewish baker make a Holocaust-denial cake or a black baker make a pro-slavery cake or a Christian baker make a “transition” cake, because the instinct of the person requesting such a cake would be to seek out a vendor who was not caused anguish by the request.

Time and time again, Autumn Scardina has gone out of her way to take the exact opposite course of action — and, in so doing, she has made us all worse off, for while it will take time to learn what effects her conduct has had upon America’s most elementary set of laws, the civic rot she has repeatedly exposed is obvious even now.
Interesting opinion piece.
Asking, Salty, where do you think the line should be for a "public accommodation"?

The author Cooke seems to think that should only be for things that are essentially a monopoly and gives a couple of examples...but would that mean that a diner would be free to not serve black patrons if another diner does? Or a hotel says no, because the black traveler could get a room down the street listed in the green book?

While I agree with Cooke that the natural thing to do would be to simply seek out a baker who was supportive of whatever artistic expression I wanted on a cake and avoid those clearly hostile, and if that's simple and easy to do with no increased cost, lower quality or loss of access, I would actually prefer to give my business to those who supported me...but this is a very fine line, a slippery slope, if it's actually ok to refuse service because of some form of bigotry by the service provider.

Cooke's examples of a Holocaust denial cake demanded of a Jewish baker, or "pro-slavery cake demanded of a black baker, though seemingly on point, are specious and offensive. Being asked to affirm bigotry and hate is not the same as being asked to bake a two color cake for someone celebrating gender transition. The bigots in the first two are the customers, the latter the bigot is the baker refusing.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 7:20 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 17, 2021 2:00 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Jun 17, 2021 1:45 pm Could be worse cradle -- your wife could be a cake decorator targeted by the LGBTQ community.
Pretty sure most 'cake decorators" don't get "targeted" unless they "target" first...

Small nuance, I know...but makes all the difference.

I have a feeling that cradle's wife tried really hard to provide great nursing care to her patients regardless of their gender identity.
My wife has been a nurse for 40 years. She provides top flight care to every patient she takes care of. I will toot her horn for her. This week and elderly patient came in for a procedure. My wife was the sedation nurse in her room. When she came out to get her and bring her into the room the lady asked her a question... where was her anesthesiologist? My wife looked at her chart and said she was scheduled for standard sedation. The lady said she can't tolerate sedation and wound up in the ER intubated the last time she was sedated. There was a mistake when they did her pre screening and never red flagged her chart. She tried to explain this to the nurse that was admitting her, but that nurse blew it off as no big deal. My wife actually listened to her patient and checked with the doctor and verified she could not be sedated. The outcome was her procedure was canceled because her situation was such that she needed to be scoped in a hospital that was better equipped to deal with any complications. I'm so proud of her, too bad her own boss never said a word to her about her good catch. The moral of this story is you as a patient have to be your own advocate, speak up and make sure the people taking care of you are listening to what you are saying.
Good story. Similar to some others you've told, which is why I assumed the positive of about her efforts.

Note that the last sentence also applies to those going through various gender issues that are hugely important to their sense of self. Being heard and respected is super important. Empathy and understanding. And when not, which is most of the time in their experience, it can make some folks a bit "fruit loops". Add to that the various hormones they may be taking to aid their transition. Takes a whole lot of understanding to deal with those issues.

Frankly, dealing with any sort of psychology/psychiatric issues is different than dealing with other sorts of physical health issues. Takes special training and definitely not for all nurses and docs, taking nothing away from their terrific capabilities in dealing with other issues.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 6:11 am Impressive family heritage. ... nder-fire/

Commencement speaker under fire for warning of ‘racism’ and ‘white supremacy’

A commencement speaker at a Virginia high school graduation told graduates they were entering a world of “racism, extreme versions of individualism and capitalism, [and] white supremacy” — in a speech ripped as indicative of the “radicalization” of districts across the country.

Abrar Omeish, the sole Muslim member of the Fairfax County School Board in Virginia, delivered the commencement address at Justice High School in Falls Church, Va., last Monday.

Her speech, first reported by the Daily Wire, began by congratulating the class of 2021 in English, Arabic and Spanish.

Today we checked off a box in your academic journey. As a human being, you have developed and you have grown,” she said before shifting her tone from inspirational to political.

We struggle with human greed, racism, extreme versions of individualism and capitalism, white supremacy growing wealth gaps, disease, climate crisis, extreme poverty amidst luxury and waste right next door,” she told the graduates. “And the list goes on.
You understand that social justice is only political for those that can afford to ignore it. You understand that ‘neutral’ is another word for complicit. And you have made a choice to take a stand,” Omeish continued.

The commencement speaker went on to give the graduates some advice.
The world may try to quiet you by deciding for you what’s cool, what’s weird, what is or isn’t objective. It may try to convince you that what you hold dear is too different to be accepted,” she said, asking, “But who gets to decide?”
Every part of your being may scream in rage at the ways others have wronged you,” the school board member warned. Students, she continued, should “let compassion for your fellow human beings, not anger or rage — and believe me, this is hard to do — fuel you.”

Omeish told graduating students they’re entering a world overwhelmed by racism and individualism.

Omeish’s speech was preceded by an introduction from the president of the student government. The student body president noted that their next speaker was “Virginia co-chair for the Bernie Sanders campaign,” as well as the daughter of Esam Omeish, “leader and a board member of the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center [who] raised his daughter to be an outspoken woman.”
The Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center, a mosque, was attended by two of the Sept. 11 hijackers, the radical imam Anwar Al-Awlaki and Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan.
Looking at her actual quotes, not the writer's editorialization, it seems to me like the speech was terrific and quite inspiring. But haters will hate.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:38 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 7:20 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 17, 2021 2:00 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Jun 17, 2021 1:45 pm Could be worse cradle -- your wife could be a cake decorator targeted by the LGBTQ community.
Pretty sure most 'cake decorators" don't get "targeted" unless they "target" first...

Small nuance, I know...but makes all the difference.

I have a feeling that cradle's wife tried really hard to provide great nursing care to her patients regardless of their gender identity.
My wife has been a nurse for 40 years. She provides top flight care to every patient she takes care of. I will toot her horn for her. This week and elderly patient came in for a procedure. My wife was the sedation nurse in her room. When she came out to get her and bring her into the room the lady asked her a question... where was her anesthesiologist? My wife looked at her chart and said she was scheduled for standard sedation. The lady said she can't tolerate sedation and wound up in the ER intubated the last time she was sedated. There was a mistake when they did her pre screening and never red flagged her chart. She tried to explain this to the nurse that was admitting her, but that nurse blew it off as no big deal. My wife actually listened to her patient and checked with the doctor and verified she could not be sedated. The outcome was her procedure was canceled because her situation was such that she needed to be scoped in a hospital that was better equipped to deal with any complications. I'm so proud of her, too bad her own boss never said a word to her about her good catch. The moral of this story is you as a patient have to be your own advocate, speak up and make sure the people taking care of you are listening to what you are saying.
Good story. Similar to some others you've told, which is why I assumed the positive of about her efforts.

Note that the last sentence also applies to those going through various gender issues that are hugely important to their sense of self. Being heard and respected is super important. Empathy and understanding. And when not, which is most of the time in their experience, it can make some folks a bit "fruit loops". Add to that the various hormones they may be taking to aid their transition. Takes a whole lot of understanding to deal with those issues.

Frankly, dealing with any sort of psychology/psychiatric issues is different than dealing with other sorts of physical health issues. Takes special training and definitely not for all nurses and docs, taking nothing away from their terrific capabilities in dealing with other issues.
MD, my wife worked for 6 months in the Anal Dysplasia unit at Strong Hospital. She was and always has been an advocate for her patients. Her position at Strong was frustrating to her beyond words. How do you help your patients when they have so many problems they don't want your help? These folks are scared to death but will not in many cases accept the care that is being offered to them. She was hired there to be a registered nurse. She wound up being a sounding board for alot of people complaining to her how screwed up their lives were. Then at the end of the day, they don't show up for their procedure and never return the phone calls my wife sent them. How much empathy would you receive from your doctor if you just don't show up for an appointment? I bet you will get a bill. I don't think you can possibly understand how hopelessly futile the situation is when it comes to trying to help these people. My wifes former boss finally had a nervous breakdown this past winter and had to retire. She gave everything she had to helping her patients and it sucked the life right out of her.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Understood, cradle.
Very, very tough gig.

Really not critiquing her...just a tough gig.

The surgeon, though, sounds like an a-hole.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 10:38 am Understood, cradle.
Very, very tough gig.

Really not critiquing her...just a tough gig.

The surgeon, though, sounds like an a-hole.
This is paraphrasing a comment this surgeon made about a patient that was sedated and dealing with aggressive anal cancer. What is wrong with these people? They think their a holes are the tunnel of love. This is a doctor that is well respected in her field.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by old salt »

Asking, Salty, where do you think the line should be for a "public accommodation"?
Well beyond something as trivial & readily available as a decorated cake.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:31 am
Asking, Salty, where do you think the line should be for a "public accommodation"?
Well beyond something as trivial & readily available as a decorated cake.
Where's the line?
This is unresponsive to my explanation of the question.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:20 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 10:38 am Understood, cradle.
Very, very tough gig.

Really not critiquing her...just a tough gig.

The surgeon, though, sounds like an a-hole.
This is paraphrasing a comment this surgeon made about a patient that was sedated and dealing with aggressive anal cancer. What is wrong with these people? They think their a holes are the tunnel of love. This is a doctor that is well respected in her field.
Yup, jerk.
A lot of surgeons are jerks.
Empathy is not a requirement for their expertise.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:39 am
old salt wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:31 am
Asking, Salty, where do you think the line should be for a "public accommodation"?
Well beyond something as trivial & readily available as a decorated cake.
Where's the line?
This is unresponsive to my explanation of the question.
If another vendor who can provide you a cake decorated to you specification is not readily available.
Last edited by old salt on Fri Jun 18, 2021 12:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:52 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:39 am
old salt wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:31 am
Asking, Salty, where do you think the line should be for a "public accommodation"?
Well beyond something as trivial & readily available as a decorated cake.
Where's the line?
This is unresponsive to my explanation of the question.
If another vendor who can provide you a cake decorated to you specification is not readily available.
So, if there's another diner in town?
Another hotel in town?
Another school?

Bigotry is ok if you have an alternative?

Again, where's the line?

Seems to me that if a business is open to the public, offering services to the public including customization to specifications, then it's not ok to then serve only some of the public, to discriminate against others.

Baker, printer, etc...if you're open to the public, shouldn't discriminate.

The baker, the printer, diner etc is free to believe as they want, to worship as they want, but not to deny services that they offer to others.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 12:00 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:52 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:39 am
old salt wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:31 am
Asking, Salty, where do you think the line should be for a "public accommodation"?
Well beyond something as trivial & readily available as a decorated cake.
Where's the line?
This is unresponsive to my explanation of the question.
If another vendor who can provide you a cake decorated to you specification is not readily available.
So, if there's another diner in town?
Another hotel in town?
Another school?

Bigotry is ok if you have an alternative?

Again, where's the line?

Seems to me that if a business is open to the public, offering services to the public including customization to specifications, then it's not ok to then serve only some of the public, to discriminate against others.

Baker, printer, etc...if you're open to the public, shouldn't discriminate.

The baker, the printer, diner etc is free to believe as they want, to worship as they want, but not to deny services that they offer to others. ... 0433b13f64
A Colorado baker who won a partial victory at the U.S. Supreme Court in 2018 for refusing to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple went on trial Monday in yet another lawsuit, this one involving a birthday cake for a transgender woman.

Autumn Scardina attempted to order the birthday cake on the same day in 2017 that the high court announced it would hear baker Jack Phillips’ appeal in the wedding cake case. Scardina, an attorney, requested a cake that was blue on the outside and pink on the inside in honor of her gender transition.

Her lawsuit is the latest in a series of cases around the U.S. that pit the rights of LGBTQ people against merchants’ religious objections, an issue that remains unsettled by the nation’s top court.

Harassment suit. He should have made the birthday cake in the colors requested, the shape of a penis...artistic license.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Sill unresponsive to my question. I've asked it sincerely.

Does this make you uncomfortable?
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by old salt »

I answered your question. You just don't like my answer.

Would you sue a Jewish bakery to make a holocaust cake ?
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

Peter Brown wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:43 am
One more Fanlax stalker. Get in line. :lol:

(Also, libs don’t recognize that they in fact did lose a ton last November; Trump was the only thing standing between the losses you suffered versus an even more amazing rout; now that you’re pushing issues like “birthing persons”, wait til 2022, hooboy)

A 10 second search found your wildly wrong predictions. That's the problem with you Trump kids nowadays, no clue how life actually works. And stuck in your own delusions.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by old salt »

jhu72 wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 8:18 am
Peter Brown wrote: Thu Jun 17, 2021 10:40 pm Portland’s rapid response team of 50 all quit today. Can’t really work when the DA hates you and will arrest you for any reason.
:lol: :lol: Let's try the facts. The team resigned from the voluntary position, being on the rapid response team. No change in status as to working for Portland PD, no change in salary. What a statement of conviction.
Have any other police officers volunteered to replace them or is Portland now left without a rapid response team ?

Local reporting says it effectively disbands the RRT which was deployed over 100 times in the past year. ... ports-say/
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