Orange Duce

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by 3rdPersonPlural » wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:25 pm
3rdPersonPlural wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:39 pm Some 71 MILLION of our Countrymen pulled the lever for Trump despite his miserable performance on Covid 19 and his apparent ambivalence to desperately needed (and extremely popular) stimulus efforts. And his puerile Twitter problem.

If Trump had opted to take the pandemic seriously in February and used his ownership of the Republican voting base to bully the Senate into supporting a >$2 Trillion stimulus bill Saagar contends that he would have won in a landslide, despite the fact that affluent suburbanites like most of us loathe the man.

FWIW, I have found this daily YouTube broadcast to be must-watch TV. Saagar is, for want of a better term, an articulate advocate for the 'New Right" that rejects NeoConservatism as a corporate cover and his co-host, Krystal Ball, is an equally vocal advocate for the progressive New Left who heaps scorn on the NeoLiberal faction launched by Clinton and perfected by Obama.

Quality stuff.
Thank you, Kramerica. I have browsed the internet for a less corporate source for news than MSNBC or Fox, and found that there are many options but most are not balanced and take better than an hour to get the point across. These guys pack their points into 10 minute segments. I can absorb a firehose of data, so well parsed points don't bother me. I just rarely have 45 minutews or more to hear people wander around a topic.

Krystal and Saagar are both populist, and are unfettered in their condemnation of the major parties adherence to the objectives of the donor class.

What makes me tune in every day is that these kids are articulate, well connected, and have frequent guests who seem to be better informed than the usual suspects who pop up on corporate channels.

Here. Look at this. Trump almost won. He WAY outperformed his polling. So this 'if he wins' piece still resonates
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Re: Orange Duce

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Thanks for sharing. Definitely adding them to my morning playlist!
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by holmes435 »

Sex shop 'boom's after Rudy Giuliani Four Seasons Press Conference

Guy certainly looks the part. I still can't stop laughing over that whole thing.

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by seacoaster »

It's really just a party of Congressional invertebrates: ... trump-era/

"When the history of the Trump era is written, we’ll struggle to find quotes that are as revealing as one recorded Monday evening by The Washington Post’s Amy Gardner, Ashley Parker, Josh Dawsey and Emma Brown.

Speaking about President Trump’s and his legal team’s myriad and baseless claims of massive voter fraud, an anonymous senior Republican official offered a rhetorical shrug.

“What is the downside for humoring him for this little bit of time? No one seriously thinks the results will change,” the official said. “He went golfing this weekend. It’s not like he’s plotting how to prevent Joe Biden from taking power on Jan. 20. He’s tweeting about filing some lawsuits, those lawsuits will fail, then he’ll tweet some more about how the election was stolen, and then he’ll leave.”

Indeed, what’s a little undermining of democracy between friends?

The quote has some substance to it. As I wrote this weekend, Trump’s heart doesn’t truly seem to be in it when it comes to mounting a full-throated, guns-blazing legal and PR challenge to the election results. He’s golfing. He tweets with all the gusto of the Trump era, but he’s not holding public events. His legal team put on a news conference that was bizarrely held at a landscaping company next to a sex shop and across from a crematorium, and one of their witnesses was a convicted sex offender. The same legal team is getting shut down in court and has yet to enunciate a coherent set of legal arguments. It looks as if Trump is laying a predicate for claiming he never lost rather than trying to overturn the election.

But there’s always the possibility it ramps up in a serious way. And the idea that there’s no harm in going through the motions for Trump was belied by something that happened almost immediately after that quote was published.

Attorney General William P. Barr issued an unusual memo giving federal prosecutors approval to pursue “vote tabulation irregularities” and said some such inquiries had already been authorized. This goes against the Justice Department’s long-standing practice to wait until states certify their election results. The worry from opponents is that such probes could be politically weaponized to give Trump’s voter fraud claims an air of substantiation, and The Post’s Matt Zapotosky and Devlin Barrett report that the political leadership in the Justice Department’s Criminal Division pushed back on the idea initially. Now that it has happened, Richard Pilger, head of the Justice Department’s Election Crimes Branch, has stepped down in protest.

The significance of Barr’s memo is the subject of real debate right now. Some argued that, practically speaking, it may not matter much. That’s because Barr is limiting such investigations to allegations that, “if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State.” (Other probes of smaller scale are to be deferred until after the states certify their results.) Trump would need to overturn the results in at least three states, and the margins in those states are in the tens of thousands. Given that we’ve never witnessed voter fraud on that scale in American history, that would suggest this might be less than meets the eye. In addition, the Justice Department has relatively little authority to halt vote counts or throw out ballots, because our elections system is so state-centric.

“The best-case scenario is that Barr did this to appease Trump and add credibility to his allegations of voter fraud,” Matthew Miller, a former top DOJ aide in the Obama administration, told The Post. “The worst-case scenario is that DOJ is planning to intervene in some way and try to throw the election to the president. Neither one is good, but one is much, much worse than the other.”

Miller’s point is well taken. It’s possible Barr is doing the thing that anonymous GOP official did: humoring Trump in the name of getting past this particularly ugly episode in American history. While Barr has taken a series of controversial, pro-Trump positions with major implications, particularly on the Russia investigation, he has also at times apparently mollified Trump with requested investigations that ultimately led to little or nothing (see: unmasking, the John Durham probe).

The problem, though, is that to do so, Trump’s enablers are breathing life into Trump’s and his legal team’s haphazard and specious claims of fraud.

The ultimate electoral result might not be different when all is said and done, but how you get there matters, because it has an impact on people’s faith in our electoral system and confidence in the result of this particular election. Wild theories are proliferating on social media right now more than most of us even realize, and early post-election polling suggests a sharp drop in GOP faith in our elections. What happens if and when the Justice Department begins looking into some of these things and making public disclosures? For the many people credulously passing along baseless accusations and data that isn’t all its cracked up to be, it will be validation. It will also help Trump feed his base’s sense of righteous persecution, which could give him more power over the future of the GOP once he’s out of office.

This is a constant tension inside the Trump administration. So many aides have seemingly tried to make the best of a chaotic situation and an unwieldy boss. Often, as with John Kelly, they have reasoned that they could do more good by playing the game and remaining on the job in the name of steadying the ship. Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper, whom Trump fired Monday, says as much in a newly published interview with the Military Times.

“I could have a fight over anything, and I could make it a big fight, and I could live with that,” Esper said last week in a preemptive exit interview. “Why? Who’s going to come in behind me? It’s going to be a real ‘yes man.’ And then God help us.”

Folks like Esper, Kelly, Barr and the anonymous GOP official might genuinely believe they are doing what’s best by pacifying Trump (though in Esper’s case, he overstates his reluctance to stroke Trump’s ego). But that pacification comes with a price. Just because it’s difficult to quantify or fully grasp doesn’t mean it won’t have lasting implications.

And feeding into the thus-far completely baseless idea that an American election was stolen — what longtime Post reporter Dan Balz has called Trump’s most blatant effort to undermine democracy — would seem to be pretty high on the things you should approach with extreme caution."
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Brooklyn »

njbill wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 8:24 am Glad to hear she’s still with the Post. We miss her in Philly. Wrote for the Inqy for many years before leaving for D.C. Great writer.

Thank you Philadelphia for providing the margin of victory for the Patriot.

It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

Charles Francis "Socker" Coe, Esq
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“Was it worth it?”

Post by DocBarrister »

Over our love-filled 50-year bond, you chose a hate-filled New York millionaire who has never spent a moment with you, cried with one of you when your dad died, hugged another of you at your mom's funeral or otherwise cared about you.

I know his supporters, you included, see the version of Trump he claims to be. Here is who I see. A man under seemingly constant investigation while in office. A man who brags about grabbing women by their genitals. A man who -- though he denies it -- others say calls members of our military "losers" and "suckers." A morally bankrupt, impeached and now lame duck President.

A man who refers to members of the press -- my chosen profession for the past three decades -- as "enemies of the people." A man who mocks the disabled, who basks in the adoration of a crowd chanting his name as he engages in cruelty.

That's not who you are. That's not who you have ever been.
Yet, you supported a President who knowingly lied to the American people about the dangers of a pandemic, who has turned his back on over 230,000 dead Americans. A man who blatantly ignored science and public health experts and said a highly infectious novel coronavirus would go away without a plan to treat it or contain it.

A man whose public utterances reflect that of a racist, a misogynist and a bigot whose administration attacks the rights of the LGBTQ community.

In 2016, you voted for all of that. And, after four years of insults, bullying, hundreds of heinous tweets and thousands of documented lies, I know from other relatives that you doubled down and voted for that again.

Even after four years of this person putting his character on daily display for the world to see, you decided he best represents the character and the values of this country. You decided he best represents your character and your values. ... index.html

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by DocBarrister »

Brooklyn wrote: Tue Nov 10, 2020 6:15 pm
njbill wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 8:24 am Glad to hear she’s still with the Post. We miss her in Philly. Wrote for the Inqy for many years before leaving for D.C. Great writer.

Thank you Philadelphia for providing the margin of victory for the Patriot.

My old hometown came through for President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris!

DocBarrister :D
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by seacoaster »

More on what the GOP support of the President is causing: ... gn=wp_main

"President Trump’s senior military and intelligence officials have been warning him strongly against declassifying information about Russia that his advisers say would compromise sensitive collection methods and anger key allies.

An intense battle over this issue has raged within the administration in the days before and after the Nov. 3 presidential election. Trump and his allies want the information public because they believe it would rebut claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin supported Trump in 2016. That may sound like ancient history, but for Trump it remains ground zero — the moment when his political problems began.

CIA Director Gina Haspel last month argued strongly at a White House meeting against disclosing the information, because she believed that doing so would violate her pledge to protect sources and methods, a senior congressional source said. This official said a bipartisan group of Republican and Democratic senators has been trying to protect Haspel, though some fear that Trump may yet oust her.

Rumors have been flying this week about Haspel’s tenure, but a source familiar with her standing as CIA director said Tuesday that national security adviser Robert C. O’Brien and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows had both “assured her that she’s good,” meaning she wouldn’t be removed. Haspel also met personally with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) Tuesday. She sees him regularly as a member of the “Gang of Eight” senior congressional leaders. But Tuesday’s visit was another sign of GOP support.

Haspel’s most unlikely defender has been Attorney General William P. Barr, who opposed a pre-election push to declassify the sensitive material, according to three current and former officials. At a showdown meeting at the White House, Barr pushed back against revealing the secret information.

Gen. Paul Nakasone, who heads U.S. Cyber Command and the National Security Agency, has also argued vehemently against disclosure, according to a senior defense official and the senior congressional source. Like Haspel, Nakasone took the unusual step of directly opposing White House efforts to release the intelligence, because he feared the damage that disclosure would cause.

The issue may have played a role in Trump’s surprise decision on Monday to fire Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper. According to the senior defense official, Esper wrote a letter last month to John Ratcliffe, the director of national intelligence, strongly endorsing Nakasone’s position and “urging that the information not be released due to the harm it would do to national security, including specific harm to the military,” the senior defense official said.

Trump’s ceaseless attempts to argue that the Russia investigation was a “hoax” — and to force the intelligence community to declassify information he believes would support this view — may animate some of his otherwise inexplicable moves.

At the Pentagon, Trump replaced Esper with acting defense secretary Christopher Miller, a former National Security Council official who had been nominated in March to run the National Counterterrorism Center. The job was vacant because Trump had fired Russell E. Travers, the previous acting NCTC chief, who had worked closely with former acting director of national intelligence Joseph Maguire, who was bounced in February. Maguire’s supposed crime was that he had allowed intelligence officials to brief Congress on Russian efforts to support Trump in the 2020 election.

At the NSA, the Trump team just installed as general counsel Michael Ellis, a former chief counsel to Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), a former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and a locus of pro-Trump arguments that the Russia investigation was poisoned fruit. As the spy agency’s chief legal officer, Ellis could be an ally in a Ratcliffe-led campaign to declassify intelligence that would otherwise be tightly held because it might reveal sources and methods.

Senate Republicans, who might stop the post-election revenge campaign, face a growing tension between Trump’s demands and the country’s interests. The senior congressional source described it this way: “How much do you stay quiet during the tantrum period? What damage will it do to national security? That’s a real-time discussion that’s going on.”

Trump will depart the White House Jan. 20, barring an unlikely legal miracle. The question is how much damage he will do to national security before he leaves."
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by jhu72 »

3rdPersonPlural wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:56 pm wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:25 pm
3rdPersonPlural wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:39 pm Some 71 MILLION of our Countrymen pulled the lever for Trump despite his miserable performance on Covid 19 and his apparent ambivalence to desperately needed (and extremely popular) stimulus efforts. And his puerile Twitter problem.

If Trump had opted to take the pandemic seriously in February and used his ownership of the Republican voting base to bully the Senate into supporting a >$2 Trillion stimulus bill Saagar contends that he would have won in a landslide, despite the fact that affluent suburbanites like most of us loathe the man.

FWIW, I have found this daily YouTube broadcast to be must-watch TV. Saagar is, for want of a better term, an articulate advocate for the 'New Right" that rejects NeoConservatism as a corporate cover and his co-host, Krystal Ball, is an equally vocal advocate for the progressive New Left who heaps scorn on the NeoLiberal faction launched by Clinton and perfected by Obama.

Quality stuff.
Thank you, Kramerica. I have browsed the internet for a less corporate source for news than MSNBC or Fox, and found that there are many options but most are not balanced and take better than an hour to get the point across. These guys pack their points into 10 minute segments. I can absorb a firehose of data, so well parsed points don't bother me. I just rarely have 45 minutews or more to hear people wander around a topic.

Krystal and Saagar are both populist, and are unfettered in their condemnation of the major parties adherence to the objectives of the donor class.

What makes me tune in every day is that these kids are articulate, well connected, and have frequent guests who seem to be better informed than the usual suspects who pop up on corporate channels.

Here. Look at this. Trump almost won. He WAY outperformed his polling. So this 'if he wins' piece still resonates

Saager is wrong! IT IS ALL CULTURE WAR. 24 / 7. 2016 HAD NOTING TO DO WITH ECONOMICS. 2020 HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH ECONOMICS. It had damn little to do with COVID, on the republican side. Prepare to fight this battle again in 2024.
ABV 8.3%
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by ABV 8.3% »

3rdPersonPlural wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:56 pm wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:25 pm
3rdPersonPlural wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:39 pm Some 71 MILLION of our Countrymen pulled the lever for Trump despite his miserable performance on Covid 19 and his apparent ambivalence to desperately needed (and extremely popular) stimulus efforts. And his puerile Twitter problem.

If Trump had opted to take the pandemic seriously in February and used his ownership of the Republican voting base to bully the Senate into supporting a >$2 Trillion stimulus bill Saagar contends that he would have won in a landslide, despite the fact that affluent suburbanites like most of us loathe the man.

FWIW, I have found this daily YouTube broadcast to be must-watch TV. Saagar is, for want of a better term, an articulate advocate for the 'New Right" that rejects NeoConservatism as a corporate cover and his co-host, Krystal Ball, is an equally vocal advocate for the progressive New Left who heaps scorn on the NeoLiberal faction launched by Clinton and perfected by Obama.

Quality stuff.
Thank you, Kramerica. I have browsed the internet for a less corporate source for news than MSNBC or Fox, and found that there are many options but most are not balanced and take better than an hour to get the point across. These guys pack their points into 10 minute segments. I can absorb a firehose of data, so well parsed points don't bother me. I just rarely have 45 minutews or more to hear people wander around a topic.

Krystal and Saagar are both populist, and are unfettered in their condemnation of the major parties adherence to the objectives of the donor class.

What makes me tune in every day is that these kids are articulate, well connected, and have frequent guests who seem to be better informed than the usual suspects who pop up on corporate channels.

Here. Look at this. Trump almost won. He WAY outperformed his polling. So this 'if he wins' piece still resonates

Their podcast with Joe Rogan is a great listen. I have selling them and their show, THE RISING....for a long time here on this thread. People are content with twitter. speaks volumes

Or search podcast # 1485

Or, you could keep on listening to CNN come up with "tea bagger" for the people that want to end wars, the killing and financial waste, plus income gap, that goes along with it.
oligarchy thanks you......same as it evah was
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Matnum PI »

Julian Sanchez@normative
8 hours ago
I am not worried there’s any realistic way for Trump to cling to power. I am worried *he does not realize this* and is capable of doing immense damage in the attempt.
Caddy Day
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by jhu72 »

So the Donald is coming out of the WH basement to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Loser. This should be really moving. He has such deep ties and feeling for these Losers buried at Arlington.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by 3rdPersonPlural »

jhu72 wrote: Wed Nov 11, 2020 7:29 am
3rdPersonPlural wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:56 pm wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:25 pm
3rdPersonPlural wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:39 pm Some 71 MILLION of our Countrymen pulled the lever for Trump despite his miserable performance on Covid 19 and his apparent ambivalence to desperately needed (and extremely popular) stimulus efforts. And his puerile Twitter problem.

If Trump had opted to take the pandemic seriously in February and used his ownership of the Republican voting base to bully the Senate into supporting a >$2 Trillion stimulus bill Saagar contends that he would have won in a landslide, despite the fact that affluent suburbanites like most of us loathe the man.

FWIW, I have found this daily YouTube broadcast to be must-watch TV. Saagar is, for want of a better term, an articulate advocate for the 'New Right" that rejects NeoConservatism as a corporate cover and his co-host, Krystal Ball, is an equally vocal advocate for the progressive New Left who heaps scorn on the NeoLiberal faction launched by Clinton and perfected by Obama.

Quality stuff.
Thank you, Kramerica. I have browsed the internet for a less corporate source for news than MSNBC or Fox, and found that there are many options but most are not balanced and take better than an hour to get the point across. These guys pack their points into 10 minute segments. I can absorb a firehose of data, so well parsed points don't bother me. I just rarely have 45 minutews or more to hear people wander around a topic.

Krystal and Saagar are both populist, and are unfettered in their condemnation of the major parties adherence to the objectives of the donor class.

What makes me tune in every day is that these kids are articulate, well connected, and have frequent guests who seem to be better informed than the usual suspects who pop up on corporate channels.

Here. Look at this. Trump almost won. He WAY outperformed his polling. So this 'if he wins' piece still resonates

Saager is wrong! IT IS ALL CULTURE WAR. 24 / 7. 2016 HAD NOTING TO DO WITH ECONOMICS. 2020 HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH ECONOMICS. It had damn little to do with COVID, on the republican side. Prepare to fight this battle again in 2024.
Yup. Saagar was wrong quite a lot. But unlike a politico he admits to it:

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by jhu72 »

A Trump who doesn't have their head up their ass, talks sense. Well worth the 30 minutes spent. Her go forward advice at the end is solid advice.

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by DMac »

Yup, that's pretty good. Funny thing is, I doubt there's anything there we didn't already know about Trump, this is just the first time he's in a situation where he can't bully, bluff, or buy his way out of. Glad to see it, and is anyone at all surprised by his behavior? The rest of his family would say he's a fighter and counter puncher, she and many of us would say he's a dirty fighter who hits below the belt, has no respect for his opponent or rules of the game, and would claim the judges stole the fight from him even if he got KOed. One term for this guy was one term too many, soon he'll be history whether he recognizes/accepts that or not (kicking and screaming on his way out like the spoiled brat of child that he is).
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Matnum PI »

jhu72 wrote: Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:23 am So the Donald is coming out of the WH basement to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Loser. This should be really moving. He has such deep ties and feeling for these Losers buried at Arlington.
sadly, that's how he sees it. Some would say, That's sick! and... People with narcissisitic personality disorders are sick. frequently good leaders. but sick.
Caddy Day
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Kismet »

Matnum PI wrote: Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:21 am
jhu72 wrote: Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:23 am So the Donald is coming out of the WH basement to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Loser. This should be really moving. He has such deep ties and feeling for these Losers buried at Arlington.
sadly, that's how he sees it. Some would say, That's sick! and... People with narcissisitic personality disorders are sick. frequently good leaders. but sick.
Yes,and somebody should clue in the loser DOPUS and draft dodger who never wanted to serve that civilians don't salute unless they are returning a salute from uniformed military. Like all of the other civvies, hand over heart is the correct protocol.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by DMac »

Interesting, never knew that (when laying the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier) . Not so sure I knew about the protocol regarding MOH earners, regardless of rank, either.
Hate to admit it, but Prez Spurz renders a pretty good salute, has good form, does it right. Noticed that pretty early on in his reign. ... ute-002816
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Matnum PI »

jhu72 wrote: Thu Nov 12, 2020 12:20 am A Trump who doesn't have their head up their ass, talks sense. Well worth the 30 minutes spent. Her go forward advice at the end is solid advice.

good stuff. I only wish that, as a clinical psychologist, that she spoke more specifically to his personality disorder. She speaks often and accurately about the symptoms. But she doesn't say his disorder explicitly. My guess is because she's a clinical psychologist. They have rules about this. so, whatever, I'll do it for her. Donald Trump has a Narcissisitic Personality Disorder. A disorder that is very similar to psychopathology and sociopathology especially as it relates to empathy and being able to, so to speak, step outside of one's self.
Caddy Day
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Brooklyn »

Image ... 21629.html

Biden win in Arizona ‘confirmed’ as analyst says there is now no way back for Trump
Joe Biden has managed to turn Arizona blue after 24 years

President-elect Joe Biden has finally been announced as the winner in Arizona by one of the last remaining analysts to call the state, days after the Associated Press, Fox News and several other networks projected his victory.

Mr Biden no longer needed to win Arizona’s 11 electoral votes, which take him to a total of 290, after he was declared the winner in the crucial swing state ofPennsylvania on Saturday.

But the result in Arizona was still being closely watched, after some analysts suggested the projection of a result in the state on election night itself was a little premature.

The victory in Arizona is a historic one for the Democrats, who last took the seat in 1996 during Bill Clinton’s re-election campaign. Before Mr Clinton, the last Democrat to win in Arizona was Harry Truman in 1948.

All that "winning".
It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

Charles Francis "Socker" Coe, Esq
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