FORUM: Comment


The Week One – Game of the Week pits, second year coach and reigning FanLax Champion, GreenieLax against, first year coach, CalLaxDad.  Like with children or the mentally handicapped, it’s inappropriate to make fun of those who are less fortunate.  With this said, we are adults and, for whatever reason, the powers-that-be have set these two teams as our first Game of the Week, so…


Starters and Analysis


Greenielax vs. CalLaxDad
2 Mikey Wynne SR A Notre Dame Ryder Garnsey JR A Notre Dame 3
0 Brendan Kavanaugh M SR Hofstra Ben Reeves SR A Yale 7
7 Ian Laviano FR A UVA Brian Cannon SR M UNC 0
3 Matt Donnelly JR A PSU Joel Tinney SR M JHU 1
1 Ryan Conrad M JR UVA Joe Reid SR M Denver 2
2 Tim Rotanz SR M UMD Chris Hill SR A Navy 0
17  Win in OT – Mikey Hering 3 Points 17


  • Attack: Garnsey + Reeves + Hill crushes Wynne + Laviano + Donnelly.  CalLax’s attack will dominate. – WRONG.
  • Middies: Unless CalLax’s Tinney goes back on the juice, Greenie’s middie line of Rotanz, Conrad, and Kavanaugh will put up better numbers. – WRONG. Same low numbers.
  • D vs. D: The Terps play Penn while Greenie’s Denver plays… Cleveland State.  Case closed. – WRONG.
  • Final Verdict: Greenie did everything humanly possible to chase off Tim Rotanz, Greenie’s top middy. And, for reasons I do not understand, Rotanz still returned to Team Greenie.  My only guess why is the hope of winning another FanLax Title.  On the other hand, CalLax drafted a Face-Off Middie.  And, thus far this season, Peter Tagliaferri has put up better numbers than half of CalLax’s other middies.  As veterans of the FanLax Lacrosse League, we need to have empathy for both these rookie coaches.  With this said, after Week One, we should have more empathy for GreenieLax.  Game Advantage to CalLaxDad. WRONG.

Full Rosters

Greenielax vs. CalLaxDad
Mikey Wynne SR A Notre Dame 2 Peter Tagliaferri SR FO Georgetown
Brendan Kavanaugh M SR Hofstra 0 Ryder Garnsey JR A Notre Dame 3
Ian Laviano FR A UVA 7 Ben Reeves SR A Yale 0
Lucas Buckley A SO OSU Jack Keogh FR A JHU
Ryan Lamb JR M UVA Brian Cannon SR M UNC 0
Matt Donnelly JR A PSU 3 Sean Morris FR M UNC
Ryan Conrad M JR UVA 1 Charlie Horning SR A/M Fairfield
Mitch Russell SR A/M Duke Joel Tinney SR M JHU 1
Don St. Laurent JR M UMass Joe Reid SR M Denver 0
Wade Maloney FR M UVA Pat Fraser SR M JHU
Tim Rotanz SR M UMD 2 Chris Hill SR A Navy 0
Mikey Herring JR A UVA Colin Ruttan JR A Denver
15 8

FORUM: Comment