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The Week Two – Game of the Week pits, perennial power, PA Talk against HipandKneeDoc.

PA Talk has been in the FanLax League for 13 years.  PA Talk has won the FanLax Championship 3 times, played in the Championship Final 4 times, played in the Semi-Finals 7 times, and played in the FanLax Quarter-Finals 9 times. Year-in and year-out, for 13 years, PA Talk has pieced together competitive teams that command respect.

HipandKneeDoc has been in the FanLax League for 7 years.


Hang on.  Who picked this Game?

So, here’s the story.  Last season, PA Talk barely missed the play-offs. One of his regular season losses was to… HipandKnee in OT. (UNC’s Will Perry had the goal.)  With this win, HipandKnee finished the 2017 Season 3-5.  PA Talk finished the 2017 Season 4-4 and… in 9th Place.  (The Top Eight go to the Play-Offs.)  While heart-breaking for PA Talk, this game was extremely enjoyable for everybody else.  Our hope is by making this a Game of the Week, we’ll garner as much pleasure from this game as we did in 2017.

Starters and Analysis

PA Talk   vs. HipandKneeDoc
Timmy Monahan A JR Towson 1 Colton Rupp JR A Cornell 0
Peter Conley SR M Duke 2 Shack Stanwick A SR JHU 2
Austin Sims M SR Princeton 1 Adam Goldner A SO Penn 2
Jeff Trainor M SO UMass 2 Will Perry SO M UNC 3
Buddy Carr SR A UMass 2 Dox Aitken M SO UVA 5
Chris Brown FR A Princeton 2 Jackson Reid M FR OSU 1
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  • Attack – Advantage PA. – YUP
  • Middies – Advantage HipandKnee. – YUP
  • Defense – Navy plays Bucknell.  Bucknell sucks.  Advantage PA. – NOPE
  • Winner – PA Talk. – NOPE
  • Loser – Me for having to follow this awful game.  This game is to lacrosse like Ernest Goes to Camp is to films.  Awful.

Team Rosters and their Week One Points

PA Talk HipandKneeDoc
Timmy Monahan A JR Towson 5 Colton Rupp JR A Cornell 0
Joey Manown SO A Duke 0 Shack Stanwick A SR JHU 3
Christian Trasolini SR M Rutgers 0 Adam Goldner A SO Penn 3
Louis Dubick JR A UMD 0 Daniel Reume FR M PSU 0
Tyler Bogart JR A UMASS 0 Tim Montgomery FR A Towson 0
Peter Conley SR M Duke 1 Cole Willard FR A/M PSU 0
Christian Daniel A FR Navy 2 Drew Supinski M JR Denver 2
Austin Sims M SR Princeton 3 Will Perry SO M UNC 3
Jeff Trainor M SO Umass 0 Dox Aitken M SO UVA 2
Buddy Carr SR A Umass 2 Jackson Reid M FR OSU 2
Kevin Quigley SO M Duke 1 Matt Licciardi FR M Cornell 2
Chris Brown FR A Princeton 4 Gavin Garrity-Rokous FR M Georgetown 0
Mike Sanguinetti FR A/M Rutgers 0 UPENN D 1
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