The country that was

The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.
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Re: The country that was

Post by a fan »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 12:37 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:30 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:00 am
old salt wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:49 am
SCLaxAttack wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:28 am
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:45 pm These clowns don't even have a war or a draft to protest.
My peers were protesting an unpopular war in which they could be conscripted to fight. What do these DEI mush brains have to worry about ? Whether or not the student loans wasted on their useless educations will be forgiven.
Time to pile on....

In America you're only allowed to protest those things OS says are legitimate issues. And only certain people qualify for being able to protest. Definitely not students with heavy debt.

Will he counter with his usual "that's not what I wrote" or "don't put words in my mouth"? Sorry, won't fly. These are the exact words he said.
Death to America ! We are all Hamas, Pig ! The Cops are KKK.

Those are not just debt ridden college kids protesting. They are organized criminal activity.

Galloway is right -- something else is going on here. ... otests.cnn a Harvard - Kennedy school survey of voters aged 18 to 29, the Israel-Hamas conflict ranked way down among their issues of primary concerns, it was #15 out of #16, it beat out student debt which was #16 out of 16.
That would mean that these college campus camp outs are organized and funded by someone. Maybe LL Bean had a special sale. Buy one very expensive 2 person tent, top of the line for 250 dollars. Maybe even LL Bean will throw in a free Nalgene bottle.
I told you what it was, and you folk ignored me. BAMN and the "from the river to the sea" nutjobs have been around for DECADES. Yes, they are organized, and organization always means funding of some sort or another. Did you see how the arrests in Texas had half non-students in the arrest record. And they step in and out of the spotlight when there's active heavy conflict. That's it. That's all this is. And summer break is in days......

And as usual, FoxNation is playing games, putting it all at the feet of Dems, and telling us the world is ending, and if you vote for Trump, protests will go away. Because naturally, the American far right LOVES Israel and Jewish people. :roll:
Your almost on the verge of spinning here my friend. These young folks should protest as loudly and as long as they so choose. When the rallying cry for some of the protesters starts to include DEATH TO ISRAEL ☠️ some of their fellow protesters should pay attention to what they are hearing. Unless they agree with what their leaders are saying. What say you when you hear some of these protesters screaming DEATH TO ISRAEL ☠️ Does that bother you at all? That is a disturbing deviation from simply wanting a ceasefire. :roll:
You're missing what I'm saying here. I'm not saying this ain't happening. I'm not saying that what they are chanting---in places----isn't disgusting. I despise the anti-semitism that underlies the half-wit reasoning the extreme pro-Palestinian nutjobs use.

All I'm telling you is who these people are, and that they are NOT a new thing on US campuses. We dealt with them in Ann Arbor from the day we arrived back in 1998. And even then, these nutjobs already had a long history. These people have been around for a LONG time.

That's it. That's all I"m saying. These are not 100% students, as has been packaged and sold by the media. It's a handful of students, peppered with what folks call "professional protesters".
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old salt
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Re: The country that was

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:38 am
old salt wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:05 am
SCLaxAttack wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:59 am
old salt wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:49 am
SCLaxAttack wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:28 am
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:45 pm These clowns don't even have a war or a draft to protest.
My peers were protesting an unpopular war in which they could be conscripted to fight. What do these DEI mush brains have to worry about ? Whether or not the student loans wasted on their useless educations will be forgiven.
Time to pile on....

In America you're only allowed to protest those things OS says are legitimate issues. And only certain people qualify for being able to protest. Definitely not students with heavy debt.

Will he counter with his usual "that's not what I wrote" or "don't put words in my mouth"? Sorry, won't fly. These are the exact words he said.
Death to America ! We are all Hamas, Pig ! The Cops are KKK.

Those are not just debt ridden college kids protesting. They are organized criminal activity.

Galloway is right -- something else is going on here. ... otests.cnn a Harvard - Kennedy school survey of voters aged 18 to 29, the Israel-Hamas conflict ranked way down among their issues of primary concerns, it was #15 out of #16, it beat out student debt which was #16 out of 16.
Right on cue. Does it make you feel better when you include "debt ridden" in your description? You must believe it's pertinent.

At least you've clarified your position. No protesting allowed for concerns 17 and under.
There were only 16 choices on the survey. Their debt is their choice - a conscious decision they made to invest in their future.
And farming is a choice. And yet we handout billions of dollars to them every year to them because Republicans like you think it makes perfect sense to give their tribe taxpayer dollars for doing nothing, yet giving taxpayer dollars to "someone else" is communism.

Don't like handouts? Great news. End all of them. As you know, I'm 100% for doing that, if only to show to your team that you'd live your lives in poverty without big government. Or---don't complain when you get them, and "someone else" doesn't.

75% of homeloans are backed by the Federal Government in one form or another. Please. Pretty please. Get rid of that, and watch your home equity fall off a cliff, while the folks who can't afford homes get royally F'ed with high rent prices because the value of those 75% government backed loans inflates the living hell out of home values.

We can argue "where's the line" for handouts all day, and that's fair. But what isn't fair is acting like these college (and it covers vocational training, too) kids are the only people in America getting handouts for no reason whatsoever.

I'm in 100% agreement that this is a STUPID program in that it doesn't address the root problem: make all State and JUCO run Universities free, or within a few dollars of free, just like every other 1st world nation.
I'm sure you and AOC would prefer the efficiency & equity of Soviet style collective farms.
Have you seen the tractors from all around your EUro paradise descending upon Brussels ? What are they asking for ?
Congress authorizes AG subsidies, it's what the majority of the public wants. They like abundant affordable food. That's how a democracy works.

JUCO's are as close to free as you can get. Next you'ii want to pay the students to attend.
If it's a free entitlement it is not valued. Taxpayer funded public education is K-12. See how much it's valued.

If you don't make the payments on your gov backed mortgage, you lose the property & your credit rating.

If the majority of the citizenry wants to fund free college, Congress will pass legislation funding it.
Until then, what Biden is doing is an unconstitutional abuse of power, pandering to buy votes, which the Courts will disallow.
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Re: The country that was

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:01 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:27 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:41 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:02 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:42 am Pat Buchanan warned us. ... 0156810660
What's interesting to me, is not the young knuckleheads who protest mindlessly but sincerely, nor even the not so mindless extremists some of whom deserve jail time IMO as fostering terror, but rather the hatred of America so evident in the far right today.
Those are our future leaders on our elite campuses.
Where's the hatred coming from ?
Death to America ! We are all Hama, Pig !
Young knuckleheads come in every generation. Fortunately, most grow up.

I'm much more bothered by the considerably older non-college students who are on these campuses as well stoking this stuff.

I can walk and chew gum, though, and recognize that grifters like Ingraham have hugely more influence and are far more dangerous. They have stoked a narrative of hatred of America and American values, angry defeatism and resentment and bigotry, under an umbrella of faux patriotism. And many millions have bought it.
Keep blaming your imaginary White Christian Nationalist legions, or the Soros NGO funded Antifa terrorists, while making excuses for your precious little hate filled poison Ivy saplings to whom you've bequeathed the keys to the kingdom.

Which party has vowed to divide the electorate by race & gerrymander the census & reapportion with a tsunami of illegal immigrants ?

Death to America ! We're all Hamas, Pig !
So idiotic to totally ignore that I said I’m concerned about the adult agitators who really are reprehensible, in your desperation to show your disgust with youn people, and especially’elite’ young people and to “squirrel’ away from what I’m saying about far more influential poseur grifters like Ingraham.

And yes, desperate to deny the awhite Christion Nationalism you constantly espouse and embrace and pretend isn’t real.
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old salt
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Re: The country that was

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:01 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:01 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:27 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:41 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:02 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:42 am Pat Buchanan warned us. ... 0156810660
What's interesting to me, is not the young knuckleheads who protest mindlessly but sincerely, nor even the not so mindless extremists some of whom deserve jail time IMO as fostering terror, but rather the hatred of America so evident in the far right today.
Those are our future leaders on our elite campuses.
Where's the hatred coming from ?
Death to America ! We are all Hama, Pig !
Young knuckleheads come in every generation. Fortunately, most grow up.

I'm much more bothered by the considerably older non-college students who are on these campuses as well stoking this stuff.

I can walk and chew gum, though, and recognize that grifters like Ingraham have hugely more influence and are far more dangerous. They have stoked a narrative of hatred of America and American values, angry defeatism and resentment and bigotry, under an umbrella of faux patriotism. And many millions have bought it.
Keep blaming your imaginary White Christian Nationalist legions, or the Soros NGO funded Antifa terrorists, while making excuses for your precious little hate filled poison Ivy saplings to whom you've bequeathed the keys to the kingdom.

Which party has vowed to divide the electorate by race & gerrymander the census & reapportion with a tsunami of illegal immigrants ?

Death to America ! We're all Hamas, Pig !
So idiotic to totally ignore that I said I’m concerned about the adult agitators who really are reprehensible, in your desperation to show your disgust with youn people, and especially’elite’ young people and to “squirrel’ away from what I’m saying about far more influential poseur grifters like Ingraham.

And yes, desperate to deny the awhite Christion Nationalism you constantly espouse and embrace and pretend isn’t real.
...& you're not concerned with your precious students who embrace those adult agitators & provide cover for them ? Excuse, excuses.
They don't value their education enough to let it continue for their classmates. It's not a peaceful protest, it's unlawful obstruction.

Where are the WCN counter-demonstrators ?
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old salt
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Re: The country that was

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:27 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:01 pm Keep blaming your imaginary White Christian Nationalist legions, or the Soros NGO funded Antifa terrorists, while making excuses for your precious little hate filled poison Ivy saplings to whom you've bequeathed the keys to the kingdom.

Which party has vowed to divide the electorate by race & gerrymander the census & reapportion with a tsunami of illegal immigrants ?

Death to America ! We're all Hamas, Pig !
Soros funded antifa? Where the F did you come up with that one? Essays in last spring's "Hate Quarterly"?
WSJ ... s-fba26c20

Some Anti-Israel Protesters Are Paid

Rockefeller and Soros grants are subsidizing those who disrupt college campuses.

... In some cases today, activism is a job. Two of America’s largest philanthropic foundations are behind a group that has paid some of the anti-Israel activists for the kind of antics disrupting campuses across the country.

Consider Malak Afaneh, a law student at the University of California, Berkeley, and Craig Birckhead-Morton, a senior at Yale. Ms. Afaneh went viral this month for disrupting a dinner at Dean Erwin Chemerinsky’s home. This week the Yale Daily News reported that Mr. Birckhead-Morton had been arrested for trespassing—and then re-emerged to address an anti-Israel crowd blocking an intersection in New Haven.

Ms. Afaneh and Mr. Birckhead-Morton have both been “youth fellows” of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, whose website identifies them by their first names. As of April 4, the campaign was soliciting applications for a new cohort, whose “campus-based fellows” would receive stipends of $2,880 to $3,360 for three-month terms of roughly eight hours of work a week. That “work” could include aiding campaigns that “demand federal or state politicians cut US military, financial, or diplomatic ties with Israel.”

The corporate entity behind these fellowships is Education for Just Peace in the Middle East. Where does it get its funding?

George and Alexander Soros’s Open Society Foundation has put $700,000 into Education for Just Peace in the Middle East since 2018, most recently with a two-year grant in 2022, according to the Open Society Foundation’s website. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund has given Education for Just Peace in the Middle East $515,000 since 2019, most recently with a three-year grant for $225,000 awarded in August 2023.

While some policymakers have wondered whether activists receive money from overseas, it turns out that there’s a clear paper trail of funding at home. That ought to have policy implications. In considering whether to discipline students for rule violations, university administrators might more harshly punish activism done, at least in part, for pay.

Do the Rockefeller and Soros families want their money to be used to advocate for Hamas’s war aims? They should consider that themselves. Meantime, Congress and the Internal Revenue Service might want to examine whether the grants fit the charitable purposes defined in the tax code.
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Re: The country that was

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

“You lucky I ain’t read wretched yet!”
a fan
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Re: The country that was

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:29 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:27 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:01 pm Keep blaming your imaginary White Christian Nationalist legions, or the Soros NGO funded Antifa terrorists, while making excuses for your precious little hate filled poison Ivy saplings to whom you've bequeathed the keys to the kingdom.

Which party has vowed to divide the electorate by race & gerrymander the census & reapportion with a tsunami of illegal immigrants ?

Death to America ! We're all Hamas, Pig !
Soros funded antifa? Where the F did you come up with that one? Essays in last spring's "Hate Quarterly"?
WSJ ... s-fba26c20
Meh. Tortured logic all built on the "Soros is bad" thing your team has thrown around for decades.

They're not on Soros payroll. And Soros himself doesn't fund these know that. He has teams of people who read grant proposals all day long. And those employees aren't on the freaking hook for everything the people they fund do. And even if you think they are? All they can do is not give them the grant next time. That's it.

Much ado about nothing.
a fan
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Re: The country that was

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 8:39 pm 'm sure you and AOC would prefer the efficiency & equity of Soviet style collective farms.
Have you seen the tractors from all around your EUro paradise descending upon Brussels ? What are they asking for ?
Congress authorizes AG subsidies, it's what the majority of the public wants. They like abundant affordable food. That's how a democracy works.
We've been over this before: how much of the US Food supply is imported? You don't know, and you don't care.

These subsidies are NOT what the "majority of the public wants"'s what flyover Congressman want, and that's fine. But it has NOTHING to do with "abundant affordable food". The abundant affordable stuff is imported. See: my question above.

All irrelevant. This is a handout. Your fellow Republicans think this is how handouts work: if you personally like them? Oh, that's 'just how government works'....and if you don't like the handout? "Oh, that's communism."

It's boring. And I'm tired of you pretnding that you don't understand this. A handout is a handout. Don't care whether or not one citizen likes them or not. No one cares what you think about specific handouts, anymore than they care what I think. A handout is a handout.
old salt wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 8:39 pm JUCO's are as close to free as you can get. Next you'ii want to pay the students to attend.
You keep claiming you care about the American working class, yet you keep coming up with stuff like this.

Know how much tuition was for California public colleges when you were coming of age?

Wanna guess for 1968? How about 1972? And yes, this is a trick question. And yes, it was way the firetruck less than what a JUCO costs in 2024.
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old salt
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Re: The country that was

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 12:24 am
old salt wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 8:39 pm JUCO's are as close to free as you can get. Next you'ii want to pay the students to attend.
You keep claiming you care about the American working class, yet you keep coming up with stuff like this.

Know how much tuition was for California public colleges when you were coming of age?

Wanna guess for 1968? How about 1972? And yes, this is a trick question. And yes, it was way the firetruck less than what a JUCO costs in 2024.

$120 tuition + $54 fees / credit hour

+/ financial aid ... d/programs

+/ scholarships ... ps-offered

+/ grants ... aid/grants

+/ payment options
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old salt
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Re: The country that was

Post by old salt » ... -columbia/

You Don’t Need to Be a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind’s Blowing at Columbia

by JEFFREY BLEHAR, April 27, 2024

If you have a heart, then it is tough to sit in the position that I do and savage dumb college kids all day without at least a twinge of guilt. They are kids, after all — the one thing they definitively lack, especially en masse, is maturity. And those of us lucky enough to be born and raised before the iPhone era will never fully understand how the advent of “everything now” infinite content, panopticon online peer pressure, and the status opportunities afforded by public performance on social media have permanently warped the younger generation.

Bluntly put, subjecting young people to these conditions is a great way to sow the seeds of narcissistic sociopathy. So should we be surprised that we’ve now reaped a harvest of elite college youths who, from our older perspective, come across like uniquely narcissistic sociopaths? What commands the most attention about the campus protests against Israel is not the vehemence of the hatred on display, but the ultimate vapidity of the majority of students involved.

These students may not necessarily know what they want, but they certainly enjoy the social frisson of what they’re doing. They are led only by their all-conquering personal need for psychological validation. But that does not make them any less of a civic threat — their belief in their innate virtue rather than in any political principle other than the cause of the moment makes them easily molded clay for people with actual agendas.

We want to look away from protesters who barely understand the slogans they’re chanting — or shrink from the logic of them when forced to face it — and tell ourselves “they’re just kids.” But at this late date I think we’ve all come to realize that “they’ll grow out of it” turned out to be wildly wrong as a thesis. Rather, the rest of us got sucked into it. The reason any of what’s going on at Columbia — on elite campuses around the country — matters is because these people are destined by their pedigree to be our elite tastemakers, academics, and HR representatives in the future.

That’s why I pay attention to the kids these days. The kids matter, and they are not alright. Anyone seeking proof of this need look no further than one Khymani James, current undergraduate leader of the anti-Zionist protests at Columbia University and extremely online deranged advocate for virtuous murder. I’m sure you’ve heard this story already, so I’ll just give you the highlights. What you need to know above all else is that he was not taken out of context in any way.

James is the very loud and very shrill-sounding pro-Palestinian activist whose antisemitic cant has featured heavily in news coverage of the Columbia protests. And he has a past. He’s been at this since long before October 7, and his unfiltered posting history brought him earlier this year to the attention of Columbia University administrators after he publicly announced on Instagram that, if a Zionist ever approached him physically, “I don’t fight to injure, I fight to kill, see you all in New York, January 2024!” I have now had the misfortune to carefully listen to and transcribe the entirety of James’ preliminary disciplinary hearing from January 2024, an experience akin to staring directly into the mouth of madness for five straight hours, and after it all I’m not sure what I can tell you about him other than that he is a deeply broken, delusional fanatic who poses an obvious physical threat to his fellow students.

It has to be emphasized how supportive the administrators speaking to James are during this hearing — which we only have video of because James livestreamed it to Instagram for his adoring fans, a thought to stash away in your back pocket. They insist this will not lead to disciplinary consequences like suspension or expulsion. They take pains to put him at ease. The job here, in their words, is to “navigate” the process, so that there is no “escalation.” After preliminaries (and well aware of his public audience, which his private one is not) he reads a prepared statement — a tantrum of public defiance too embarrassingly written to recount here at length — after which we move to the Q&A round of the event.

This is where he grotesquely elaborates upon his worldview, to the tune of lines like “I think that taking someone’s life in certain key scenarios is necessary, and better for the overall world.” He mentions Hitler, and argues that just like Hitler needed to die, and French slaveowners in Haiti needed to be slaughtered in the Haitian revolution, so too does anyone who believes the Jews deserve a homeland. Why? Because they were “exacting an immense amount of harm against the world.”

These were masters who were white supremacists. What is a Zionist? A white supremacist. And so let’s be very clear here: I’m not saying that I’m going to go out and start killing Zionists. What I’m saying is that if an individual who identifies as a Zionist threatens my physical safety in person, i.e. puts their hands on me, I am going to defend myself, and in that case/scenario, it may come to a point where I don’t know where to stop. Does that make sense?

Well that sure makes sense to me, as long as we understand that what you’ve just announced to the world is your willingness — nay, outright appetite — to commit murder in the second degree. But of course, Columbia’s administrators want James to know that he’s the real victim here. “What resources do you feel are available to you here at Columbia?,” they ask. His response: “I don’t know of any resources at Columbia that would protect me. I mean, this meeting alone, I feel is an example of institutional violence.” (Don’t worry though – when directly prompted, he mentions that he feels safe in this particular meeting “because I’m in Greece right now on vacation.”)

His rant continues, the performative outrage blooming, as he demands to stop being hailed before Columbia’s committee for his advocacy of Zionist murder. “There should not be Zionists anywhere. Zionists are Nazis. Zionists are fascists. [. . .] People who hold those types of ideologies? The world is better without them. That’s what my comment is indicative of. And I will stand on that.”

The livestream continues after the disciplinary hearing ends, and at that point James ascends from mere antisocial narcissism up to paranoid megalomania, referring to himself constantly in the third person, and this is the last excerpt I will inflict upon you:

And so, don’t ever run up on me, unless you’re looking to die. Duh! . . . I don’t post that on my Instagram story for no reason. I actually mean that . . . Remember what I said earlier ‘I think before I speak, I think before I act?’ Well I remember writing that post ‘I fight to kill.’ I remember thinking before I wrote it, and then I posted it. What the heck? I mean of course I’m gonna stand on my own ten toes. So what we’re not gonna do – what we’re not gonna heck do – is try and approach Khymani violently, or physically. That’s what we’re not going to do. [whispers ominously] We’re not going to do that. We’re not gonna do that. Because again, people in the past who have done that? [boastful laugh] WHOOO!!

He then sways and prays: “Sometimes I’m not gonna do anything. The universe will do it for me. But sometimes the universe acts through me. Sometimes the universe uses me as an agent of lessons.” What particular lessons those might be, he wants you only to guess at — in fear.

If I’m a Columbia administrator and see that, the next thing I do is call the police. Right now Khymani James is out there every day, daring people to lay hands on him as he shrieks for the genocide of anyone who thinks Israel has a right to exist. He seeks a curious sort of martyrdom: the sad necessity of having to righteously murder his enemies with his own bare hands.

Yesterday morning James gave an interview to CNN where he proudly stated he stood by his views about the desirability of slaughtering Zionists: “I think we need to shift the conversation from ‘people’s comfort’ to the hundreds of thousands of people who have been displaced, the tens of thousands of people who have been murdered by Israel.” Then, seemingly minutes later, he rushed out a statement that reads for all the world like it was written for him by an outside PR professional in a desperate rush. I will not bother to reprint it here, since it amounts literally to “So hey guys, uh . . . here’s what I wish I had said.” As an attempt at damage control, it was singularly unsuccessful – but then some people cannot be helped.

As this piece was being drafted, the New York Times reported that James had been banned from Columbia University’s campus after the one-two punch of his CNN interview and comically inadequate PR statement, so I no longer have to title it “Why Is Columbia Allowing a Murderous Madman on Campus?” He has not as of this writing been expelled — nor would the story end there even if he eventually is. For the sad truth is that this piece is not about Khymani James so much as it what he represents — the erratic, violently self-righteous voice of American youth, unmoored to any solid principle except the invigorating power of grievance.

I wanted this piece to be about the failure of Columbia University’s administrators rather than one student. And ultimately this is about the administrators; not those who admitted him — I doubt they regret anything — but those who have allowed him to remain. Remember the framing of James’ original livestreamed disciplinary hearing? This is a man who was hailed before Columbia for ranting about his willingness to kill in the heat of the moment. And over and over during that hearing, James said everything I have recounted above directly to Columbia’s staff. He did not scribble it in a madman’s diary, or record a posthumous video to be discovered by police later. He publicly announced to his own school that he is ready and willing to kill obstreperous Jews for the crime of Zionism — only if he is “forced to,” mind you — and the administration’s only response was to ask him: Do you feel safe? Three months later, circumstances have forced their hand — but make no mistake, James and his ilk will return until they are wholly uprooted, and until they are so they will only radicalize further and further.
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Re: The country that was

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

So do you think Khymani James represents even a fair slice, to say nothing of a majority, of American young people of, say, college age to 25 or 28? Is that the point of the article and your decision to post it?
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Re: The country that was

Post by PizzaSnake »

old salt wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 3:53 am ... -columbia/

You Don’t Need to Be a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind’s Blowing at Columbia

by JEFFREY BLEHAR, April 27, 2024

If you have a heart, then it is tough to sit in the position that I do and savage dumb college kids all day without at least a twinge of guilt. They are kids, after all — the one thing they definitively lack, especially en masse, is maturity. And those of us lucky enough to be born and raised before the iPhone era will never fully understand how the advent of “everything now” infinite content, panopticon online peer pressure, and the status opportunities afforded by public performance on social media have permanently warped the younger generation.

Bluntly put, subjecting young people to these conditions is a great way to sow the seeds of narcissistic sociopathy. So should we be surprised that we’ve now reaped a harvest of elite college youths who, from our older perspective, come across like uniquely narcissistic sociopaths? What commands the most attention about the campus protests against Israel is not the vehemence of the hatred on display, but the ultimate vapidity of the majority of students involved.

These students may not necessarily know what they want, but they certainly enjoy the social frisson of what they’re doing. They are led only by their all-conquering personal need for psychological validation. But that does not make them any less of a civic threat — their belief in their innate virtue rather than in any political principle other than the cause of the moment makes them easily molded clay for people with actual agendas.

We want to look away from protesters who barely understand the slogans they’re chanting — or shrink from the logic of them when forced to face it — and tell ourselves “they’re just kids.” But at this late date I think we’ve all come to realize that “they’ll grow out of it” turned out to be wildly wrong as a thesis. Rather, the rest of us got sucked into it. The reason any of what’s going on at Columbia — on elite campuses around the country — matters is because these people are destined by their pedigree to be our elite tastemakers, academics, and HR representatives in the future.

That’s why I pay attention to the kids these days. The kids matter, and they are not alright. Anyone seeking proof of this need look no further than one Khymani James, current undergraduate leader of the anti-Zionist protests at Columbia University and extremely online deranged advocate for virtuous murder. I’m sure you’ve heard this story already, so I’ll just give you the highlights. What you need to know above all else is that he was not taken out of context in any way.

James is the very loud and very shrill-sounding pro-Palestinian activist whose antisemitic cant has featured heavily in news coverage of the Columbia protests. And he has a past. He’s been at this since long before October 7, and his unfiltered posting history brought him earlier this year to the attention of Columbia University administrators after he publicly announced on Instagram that, if a Zionist ever approached him physically, “I don’t fight to injure, I fight to kill, see you all in New York, January 2024!” I have now had the misfortune to carefully listen to and transcribe the entirety of James’ preliminary disciplinary hearing from January 2024, an experience akin to staring directly into the mouth of madness for five straight hours, and after it all I’m not sure what I can tell you about him other than that he is a deeply broken, delusional fanatic who poses an obvious physical threat to his fellow students.

It has to be emphasized how supportive the administrators speaking to James are during this hearing — which we only have video of because James livestreamed it to Instagram for his adoring fans, a thought to stash away in your back pocket. They insist this will not lead to disciplinary consequences like suspension or expulsion. They take pains to put him at ease. The job here, in their words, is to “navigate” the process, so that there is no “escalation.” After preliminaries (and well aware of his public audience, which his private one is not) he reads a prepared statement — a tantrum of public defiance too embarrassingly written to recount here at length — after which we move to the Q&A round of the event.

This is where he grotesquely elaborates upon his worldview, to the tune of lines like “I think that taking someone’s life in certain key scenarios is necessary, and better for the overall world.” He mentions Hitler, and argues that just like Hitler needed to die, and French slaveowners in Haiti needed to be slaughtered in the Haitian revolution, so too does anyone who believes the Jews deserve a homeland. Why? Because they were “exacting an immense amount of harm against the world.”

These were masters who were white supremacists. What is a Zionist? A white supremacist. And so let’s be very clear here: I’m not saying that I’m going to go out and start killing Zionists. What I’m saying is that if an individual who identifies as a Zionist threatens my physical safety in person, i.e. puts their hands on me, I am going to defend myself, and in that case/scenario, it may come to a point where I don’t know where to stop. Does that make sense?

Well that sure makes sense to me, as long as we understand that what you’ve just announced to the world is your willingness — nay, outright appetite — to commit murder in the second degree. But of course, Columbia’s administrators want James to know that he’s the real victim here. “What resources do you feel are available to you here at Columbia?,” they ask. His response: “I don’t know of any resources at Columbia that would protect me. I mean, this meeting alone, I feel is an example of institutional violence.” (Don’t worry though – when directly prompted, he mentions that he feels safe in this particular meeting “because I’m in Greece right now on vacation.”)

His rant continues, the performative outrage blooming, as he demands to stop being hailed before Columbia’s committee for his advocacy of Zionist murder. “There should not be Zionists anywhere. Zionists are Nazis. Zionists are fascists. [. . .] People who hold those types of ideologies? The world is better without them. That’s what my comment is indicative of. And I will stand on that.”

The livestream continues after the disciplinary hearing ends, and at that point James ascends from mere antisocial narcissism up to paranoid megalomania, referring to himself constantly in the third person, and this is the last excerpt I will inflict upon you:

And so, don’t ever run up on me, unless you’re looking to die. Duh! . . . I don’t post that on my Instagram story for no reason. I actually mean that . . . Remember what I said earlier ‘I think before I speak, I think before I act?’ Well I remember writing that post ‘I fight to kill.’ I remember thinking before I wrote it, and then I posted it. What the heck? I mean of course I’m gonna stand on my own ten toes. So what we’re not gonna do – what we’re not gonna heck do – is try and approach Khymani violently, or physically. That’s what we’re not going to do. [whispers ominously] We’re not going to do that. We’re not gonna do that. Because again, people in the past who have done that? [boastful laugh] WHOOO!!

He then sways and prays: “Sometimes I’m not gonna do anything. The universe will do it for me. But sometimes the universe acts through me. Sometimes the universe uses me as an agent of lessons.” What particular lessons those might be, he wants you only to guess at — in fear.

If I’m a Columbia administrator and see that, the next thing I do is call the police. Right now Khymani James is out there every day, daring people to lay hands on him as he shrieks for the genocide of anyone who thinks Israel has a right to exist. He seeks a curious sort of martyrdom: the sad necessity of having to righteously murder his enemies with his own bare hands.

Yesterday morning James gave an interview to CNN where he proudly stated he stood by his views about the desirability of slaughtering Zionists: “I think we need to shift the conversation from ‘people’s comfort’ to the hundreds of thousands of people who have been displaced, the tens of thousands of people who have been murdered by Israel.” Then, seemingly minutes later, he rushed out a statement that reads for all the world like it was written for him by an outside PR professional in a desperate rush. I will not bother to reprint it here, since it amounts literally to “So hey guys, uh . . . here’s what I wish I had said.” As an attempt at damage control, it was singularly unsuccessful – but then some people cannot be helped.

As this piece was being drafted, the New York Times reported that James had been banned from Columbia University’s campus after the one-two punch of his CNN interview and comically inadequate PR statement, so I no longer have to title it “Why Is Columbia Allowing a Murderous Madman on Campus?” He has not as of this writing been expelled — nor would the story end there even if he eventually is. For the sad truth is that this piece is not about Khymani James so much as it what he represents — the erratic, violently self-righteous voice of American youth, unmoored to any solid principle except the invigorating power of grievance.

I wanted this piece to be about the failure of Columbia University’s administrators rather than one student. And ultimately this is about the administrators; not those who admitted him — I doubt they regret anything — but those who have allowed him to remain. Remember the framing of James’ original livestreamed disciplinary hearing? This is a man who was hailed before Columbia for ranting about his willingness to kill in the heat of the moment. And over and over during that hearing, James said everything I have recounted above directly to Columbia’s staff. He did not scribble it in a madman’s diary, or record a posthumous video to be discovered by police later. He publicly announced to his own school that he is ready and willing to kill obstreperous Jews for the crime of Zionism — only if he is “forced to,” mind you — and the administration’s only response was to ask him: Do you feel safe? Three months later, circumstances have forced their hand — but make no mistake, James and his ilk will return until they are wholly uprooted, and until they are so they will only radicalize further and further.
Just keep their noses to the grindstone? A few years of stultifaction will make them good ‘Muricans?

And business historians say the reason Silicon Valley developed around Stanford University and not East Coast rival MIT is because California’s strict ban on noncompetes in almost all circumstances — which has been in place since the late 19th century — gave workers the freedom to easily move from one company to another or just start up a venture of their own. The result is that the state currently ranks as the world’s fifth largest economy.
"There is nothing more difficult and more dangerous to carry through than initiating changes. One makes enemies of those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support from those who would prosper under the new."
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Re: The country that was

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:16 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:01 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:01 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:27 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:41 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:02 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:42 am Pat Buchanan warned us. ... 0156810660
What's interesting to me, is not the young knuckleheads who protest mindlessly but sincerely, nor even the not so mindless extremists some of whom deserve jail time IMO as fostering terror, but rather the hatred of America so evident in the far right today.
Those are our future leaders on our elite campuses.
Where's the hatred coming from ?
Death to America ! We are all Hama, Pig !
Young knuckleheads come in every generation. Fortunately, most grow up.

I'm much more bothered by the considerably older non-college students who are on these campuses as well stoking this stuff.

I can walk and chew gum, though, and recognize that grifters like Ingraham have hugely more influence and are far more dangerous. They have stoked a narrative of hatred of America and American values, angry defeatism and resentment and bigotry, under an umbrella of faux patriotism. And many millions have bought it.
Keep blaming your imaginary White Christian Nationalist legions, or the Soros NGO funded Antifa terrorists, while making excuses for your precious little hate filled poison Ivy saplings to whom you've bequeathed the keys to the kingdom.

Which party has vowed to divide the electorate by race & gerrymander the census & reapportion with a tsunami of illegal immigrants ?

Death to America ! We're all Hamas, Pig !
So idiotic to totally ignore that I said I’m concerned about the adult agitators who really are reprehensible, in your desperation to show your disgust with youn people, and especially’elite’ young people and to “squirrel’ away from what I’m saying about far more influential poseur grifters like Ingraham.

And yes, desperate to deny the awhite Christion Nationalism you constantly espouse and embrace and pretend isn’t real.
...& you're not concerned with your precious students who embrace those adult agitators & provide cover for them ? Excuse, excuses.
They don't value their education enough to let it continue for their classmates. It's not a peaceful protest, it's unlawful obstruction.

Where are the WCN counter-demonstrators ?
No, I simply don’t hate them like some angry old man jealous of their youth.

Young people, educated or not, intellectually gifted or not, can be quite naive and downright stupid. And certainly emotional. Brains aren’t fully developed. Insurance companies understand this. They actuarially recognize risk changes post 25 on average.

It’s a natural phenomenon and exactly why the military focuses on getting them when young and impressionable.
a fan
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Re: The country that was

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:51 am
a fan wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 12:24 am
old salt wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 8:39 pm JUCO's are as close to free as you can get. Next you'ii want to pay the students to attend.
You keep claiming you care about the American working class, yet you keep coming up with stuff like this.

Know how much tuition was for California public colleges when you were coming of age?

Wanna guess for 1968? How about 1972? And yes, this is a trick question. And yes, it was way the firetruck less than what a JUCO costs in 2024.

$120 tuition + $54 fees / credit hour

+/ financial aid ... d/programs

+/ scholarships ... ps-offered

+/ grants ... aid/grants

+/ payment options
Bzzzt. Wrong.

All California Colleges, not just JUCOs, were 100% free in 1969. Free.

That ratb*stard Commie Ronnie Reagan Governed over free College Education for Boomers. He should prolly burn in hell for that, right?

Then we decided that using California GDP to educate and train California citizens? We make kids pay for it a wee bit for a while.

But then we said "F that, GenX should pay WAY more than us Boomers because we Boomers think taxes are bad" and increased tuition prices starting in 1972, that kept well ahead of inflation. Sweet, right? You should be thrilled: only Boomers deserve free Higher Ed. Everyone else who asks for it is a Commie.

You win, Old Salt. F the American working class. Shut up and get five jobs, and work.

You want to keep this world where parents like me are the only ones who can afford college without drowning in debt? Where we let kids know as far back as grammar school that there's no point in working hard in school, because there's NO WAY your parents (if you have any) can afford college?

Okay. You win. Don't change a thing. ... 20students.
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Re: The country that was

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:07 am
old salt wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:16 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:01 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:01 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:27 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:41 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:02 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:42 am Pat Buchanan warned us. ... 0156810660
What's interesting to me, is not the young knuckleheads who protest mindlessly but sincerely, nor even the not so mindless extremists some of whom deserve jail time IMO as fostering terror, but rather the hatred of America so evident in the far right today.
Those are our future leaders on our elite campuses.
Where's the hatred coming from ?
Death to America ! We are all Hama, Pig !
Young knuckleheads come in every generation. Fortunately, most grow up.

I'm much more bothered by the considerably older non-college students who are on these campuses as well stoking this stuff.

I can walk and chew gum, though, and recognize that grifters like Ingraham have hugely more influence and are far more dangerous. They have stoked a narrative of hatred of America and American values, angry defeatism and resentment and bigotry, under an umbrella of faux patriotism. And many millions have bought it.
Keep blaming your imaginary White Christian Nationalist legions, or the Soros NGO funded Antifa terrorists, while making excuses for your precious little hate filled poison Ivy saplings to whom you've bequeathed the keys to the kingdom.

Which party has vowed to divide the electorate by race & gerrymander the census & reapportion with a tsunami of illegal immigrants ?

Death to America ! We're all Hamas, Pig !
So idiotic to totally ignore that I said I’m concerned about the adult agitators who really are reprehensible, in your desperation to show your disgust with youn people, and especially’elite’ young people and to “squirrel’ away from what I’m saying about far more influential poseur grifters like Ingraham.

And yes, desperate to deny the awhite Christion Nationalism you constantly espouse and embrace and pretend isn’t real.
...& you're not concerned with your precious students who embrace those adult agitators & provide cover for them ? Excuse, excuses.
They don't value their education enough to let it continue for their classmates. It's not a peaceful protest, it's unlawful obstruction.

Where are the WCN counter-demonstrators ?
No, I simply don’t hate them like some angry old man jealous of their youth.

Young people, educated or not, intellectually gifted or not, can be quite naive and downright stupid. And certainly emotional. Brains aren’t fully developed. Insurance companies understand this. They actuarially recognize risk changes post 25 on average.

It’s a natural phenomenon and exactly why the military focuses on getting them when young and impressionable.
Young and impressionable, the US Army has been turning young and impressionable young lads into fighting men for a very long time. That job involves the process of the transformation of a civilian into a soldier. For that process the US Army will provide all of the impressions that you will need. IMO having to get out of the rack at 4:30 am builds character you never knew you had. Pounding the pavement on a nice long PT run by 5:30 now that builds character indeed. ;)
I use to be a people person until people ruined that for me.
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Re: The country that was

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:31 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:07 am
old salt wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:16 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:01 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:01 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:27 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:41 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:02 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:42 am Pat Buchanan warned us. ... 0156810660
What's interesting to me, is not the young knuckleheads who protest mindlessly but sincerely, nor even the not so mindless extremists some of whom deserve jail time IMO as fostering terror, but rather the hatred of America so evident in the far right today.
Those are our future leaders on our elite campuses.
Where's the hatred coming from ?
Death to America ! We are all Hama, Pig !
Young knuckleheads come in every generation. Fortunately, most grow up.

I'm much more bothered by the considerably older non-college students who are on these campuses as well stoking this stuff.

I can walk and chew gum, though, and recognize that grifters like Ingraham have hugely more influence and are far more dangerous. They have stoked a narrative of hatred of America and American values, angry defeatism and resentment and bigotry, under an umbrella of faux patriotism. And many millions have bought it.
Keep blaming your imaginary White Christian Nationalist legions, or the Soros NGO funded Antifa terrorists, while making excuses for your precious little hate filled poison Ivy saplings to whom you've bequeathed the keys to the kingdom.

Which party has vowed to divide the electorate by race & gerrymander the census & reapportion with a tsunami of illegal immigrants ?

Death to America ! We're all Hamas, Pig !
So idiotic to totally ignore that I said I’m concerned about the adult agitators who really are reprehensible, in your desperation to show your disgust with youn people, and especially’elite’ young people and to “squirrel’ away from what I’m saying about far more influential poseur grifters like Ingraham.

And yes, desperate to deny the awhite Christion Nationalism you constantly espouse and embrace and pretend isn’t real.
...& you're not concerned with your precious students who embrace those adult agitators & provide cover for them ? Excuse, excuses.
They don't value their education enough to let it continue for their classmates. It's not a peaceful protest, it's unlawful obstruction.

Where are the WCN counter-demonstrators ?
No, I simply don’t hate them like some angry old man jealous of their youth.

Young people, educated or not, intellectually gifted or not, can be quite naive and downright stupid. And certainly emotional. Brains aren’t fully developed. Insurance companies understand this. They actuarially recognize risk changes post 25 on average.

It’s a natural phenomenon and exactly why the military focuses on getting them when young and impressionable.
Young and impressionable, the US Army has been turning young and impressionable young lads into fighting men for a very long time. That job involves the process of the transformation of a civilian into a soldier. For that process the US Army will provide all of the impressions that you will need. IMO having to get out of the rack at 4:30 am builds character you never knew you had. Pounding the pavement on a nice long PT run by 5:30 now that builds character indeed. ;)
Yup, those underdeveloped brains will do most whatever is demanded, very low risk recognition speed versus just a few years later and then less and less as grow more mature. The military understands this well.

Obedience is not character, but I would not in any way debate that the military can be great training ground for understanding service to one’s comrades and to one’s country. And to learn about one’s capacity to go beyond what one thought you were capable of doing. There are other ways to learn these lessons of course, but the military certainly can be such.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: The country that was

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 6:21 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:31 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:07 am
old salt wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:16 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:01 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:01 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:27 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:41 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:02 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:42 am Pat Buchanan warned us. ... 0156810660
What's interesting to me, is not the young knuckleheads who protest mindlessly but sincerely, nor even the not so mindless extremists some of whom deserve jail time IMO as fostering terror, but rather the hatred of America so evident in the far right today.
Those are our future leaders on our elite campuses.
Where's the hatred coming from ?
Death to America ! We are all Hama, Pig !
Young knuckleheads come in every generation. Fortunately, most grow up.

I'm much more bothered by the considerably older non-college students who are on these campuses as well stoking this stuff.

I can walk and chew gum, though, and recognize that grifters like Ingraham have hugely more influence and are far more dangerous. They have stoked a narrative of hatred of America and American values, angry defeatism and resentment and bigotry, under an umbrella of faux patriotism. And many millions have bought it.
Keep blaming your imaginary White Christian Nationalist legions, or the Soros NGO funded Antifa terrorists, while making excuses for your precious little hate filled poison Ivy saplings to whom you've bequeathed the keys to the kingdom.

Which party has vowed to divide the electorate by race & gerrymander the census & reapportion with a tsunami of illegal immigrants ?

Death to America ! We're all Hamas, Pig !
So idiotic to totally ignore that I said I’m concerned about the adult agitators who really are reprehensible, in your desperation to show your disgust with youn people, and especially’elite’ young people and to “squirrel’ away from what I’m saying about far more influential poseur grifters like Ingraham.

And yes, desperate to deny the awhite Christion Nationalism you constantly espouse and embrace and pretend isn’t real.
...& you're not concerned with your precious students who embrace those adult agitators & provide cover for them ? Excuse, excuses.
They don't value their education enough to let it continue for their classmates. It's not a peaceful protest, it's unlawful obstruction.

Where are the WCN counter-demonstrators ?
No, I simply don’t hate them like some angry old man jealous of their youth.

Young people, educated or not, intellectually gifted or not, can be quite naive and downright stupid. And certainly emotional. Brains aren’t fully developed. Insurance companies understand this. They actuarially recognize risk changes post 25 on average.

It’s a natural phenomenon and exactly why the military focuses on getting them when young and impressionable.
Young and impressionable, the US Army has been turning young and impressionable young lads into fighting men for a very long time. That job involves the process of the transformation of a civilian into a soldier. For that process the US Army will provide all of the impressions that you will need. IMO having to get out of the rack at 4:30 am builds character you never knew you had. Pounding the pavement on a nice long PT run by 5:30 now that builds character indeed. ;)
Yup, those underdeveloped brains will do most whatever is demanded, very low risk recognition speed versus just a few years later and then less and less as grow more mature. The military understands this well.

Obedience is not character, but I would not in any way debate that the military can be great training ground for understanding service to one’s comrades and to one’s country. And to learn about one’s capacity to go beyond what one thought you were capable of doing. There are other ways to learn these lessons of course, but the military certainly can be such.
Ask any kid that did a banking internship or went into investment banking after college. They quickly learn about the capacity to take orders and to work beyond their known limits. 😂
“You lucky I ain’t read wretched yet!”
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old salt
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Re: The country that was

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:32 am You want to keep this world where parents like me are the only ones who can afford college without drowning in debt? Where we let kids know as far back as grammar school that there's no point in working hard in school, because there's NO WAY your parents (if you have any) can afford college?
Excuses. Excuses. Who can't afford the JuCo I linked, especially if they take advantage of the financial aid & scholarships I linked. The Administrators of those JuCo's are doing everything they can to recruit students & help them find a way to pay for it. If prospective students don't take advantage of the opportunity, they don't care enough to complete their education & will drop out anyway. A lot of successful people have worked their way through college.
a fan
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Re: The country that was

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 9:58 pm
a fan wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:32 am You want to keep this world where parents like me are the only ones who can afford college without drowning in debt? Where we let kids know as far back as grammar school that there's no point in working hard in school, because there's NO WAY your parents (if you have any) can afford college?
Excuses. Excuses. Who can't afford the JuCo I linked, especially if they take advantage of the financial aid & scholarships I linked. The Administrators of those JuCo's are doing everything they can to recruit students & help them find a way to pay for it. If prospective students don't take advantage of the opportunity, they don't care enough to complete their education & will drop out anyway. A lot of successful people have worked their way through college.
So I just told you that you and your pals attended top-notch California colleges for free, so long as they could again admittance.

And your response to this isn't: "gee, I had no idea. Maybe Gen Z is getting the short of the government handout stick compared with my generation, and we should think on this a bit, and work on helping them more".

It's: shut up and work harder.

This is why when I asked "how do you get working class America into the 21st century, you hand me platitudes. You literally don't have a single answer other than "work harder, bub, even though i now know my generation just showed up as a freshman and enjoyed free tuition".

You win. You're telling me that I should just not give a sh(t about the working class, and walk away from these obvious problems, and not lift a finger to give them the same deals (multiple deals) that your generation enjoyed.

Okay. You don't care, so why should I?
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old salt
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Re: The country that was

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:38 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 9:58 pm
a fan wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:32 am You want to keep this world where parents like me are the only ones who can afford college without drowning in debt? Where we let kids know as far back as grammar school that there's no point in working hard in school, because there's NO WAY your parents (if you have any) can afford college?
Excuses. Excuses. Who can't afford the JuCo I linked, especially if they take advantage of the financial aid & scholarships I linked. The Administrators of those JuCo's are doing everything they can to recruit students & help them find a way to pay for it. If prospective students don't take advantage of the opportunity, they don't care enough to complete their education & will drop out anyway. A lot of successful people have worked their way through college.
So I just told you that you and your pals attended top-notch California colleges for free, so long as they could again admittance.

And your response to this isn't: "gee, I had no idea. Maybe Gen Z is getting the short of the government handout stick compared with my generation, and we should think on this a bit, and work on helping them more".

It's: shut up and work harder.

This is why when I asked "how do you get working class America into the 21st century, you hand me platitudes. You literally don't have a single answer other than "work harder, bub, even though i now know my generation just showed up as a freshman and enjoyed free tuition".

You win. You're telling me that I should just not give a sh(t about the working class, and walk away from these obvious problems, and not lift a finger to give them the same deals (multiple deals) that your generation enjoyed.

Okay. You don't care, so why should I?
I went through HS watching plenty of guys put their heads down on their desks & sleep through class. They didn't care about an education. They just wanted to get a UAW card & survive getting drafted & going to 'Nam. The ones who came home went to work at the Chrysler plant, called in sick on the first day of deer season, bought a house, raised their family & spawned another generation of blue collar kids who did not feel they needed an education. You just ran with a different crowd in a different decade in a different town or nicer neighborhood. A few went to that JuCo I linked which was just starting up for a semester or two, mainly to get a draft deferment, but most dropped out & enlisted in some service or program which allowed them to avoid going to "Nam. All good guys & fun to run with, but mostly mediocre football players, with a few exceptions.
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