Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

"DEI" is effectively the "N" word among these trolls.

This morning's internet fantasy is this: Biden has offered that the federal government will pay for the entirety of the avoid an investigation; to spend more public funds on immigrants/labor; etc.; etc.

Huh. Maybe the fact that it is a crucial port and there will be years of litigation and negotiation among the various insurance entities, years of subrogation proceedings, before anyone ponies up. This catastrophe is an advertisement for getting off of social media.
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by youthathletics »

youthathletics wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 4:53 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 11:44 am
runrussellrun wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 10:50 am
njbill wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 10:41 am At the news conference, they said the ship lost power. No back up? Fortunately, they radioed an SOS to authorities who were able to shut down the bridge so that (apparently) there was no vehicular traffic on the bridge at the time of the collapse. Unfortunately, though, there was a pothole crew that I guess wasn’t able to get off the bridge. Apparently they are the victims. One of the speakers also said that the bridge serves 35,000 vehicles a day while the two tunnels, combined, handle 140,000 vehicles a day.
It's a diesel engine.......once started, how could they "loose power" ? Also, diesel engines have a great record. Any history of the diesel engines in maritime history......just "failing" ? Sure it happens.

Any mention of who the local pilot crew was ,and who they worked for ? was a picture perfect direct hit on the support.

Maybe the steering got locked up, because it was tied to the electronics ......geesbus F ing .....ah.....fix stoopid.

Who runs this country ?
There is a video that shows the entire power system go down 2x and large billow of smoke, you also see lights toggle on and off.

I’d be rather concerned if the ship has some remote control capabilities, where a remote EPO switch could have been thrown. Working in the industry this is not an uncommon event to have power cycles, ….just horrible timing.
As I noted earlier....Loosing power and having the ATS switching gear can cause major failure when the GenSet also goes down.

Great video explaining how the tugs help them leave dock. INterseting first comment in video from a maritime engineer about protocol is to have gen up and running while under control from tugs. Certainly seems like catastrophic electrical/gen failure occurred:

Website of YouTube Poster: ... re-bridge/

From TWP: ... -collapse/

When a massive ship lost power on its way out of the Port of Baltimore and headed toward a major bridge, the pilot ordered its rudder turned hard to the left and its left anchor dropped in an effort to slow the vessel and stop it swinging to the right, according to the head of a national association for ship pilots.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by Seacoaster(1) » ... d-response

"Donald Trump has been talking disconcertingly often on the campaign trail about a looming terror attack. All indications are that Tuesday’s bridge collapse in Baltimore wasn’t that, but MAGAs aren’t about to let reality get in the way of pushing conspiracies useful to their cause.

First, the actual facts: Early Tuesday morning, a container ship lost power on Baltimore’s Patapsco River. Unable to navigate, the vessel crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge, knocking out a support column. The bridge collapsed, and vehicles and construction workers plunged into the water. As of Tuesday evening, six workers are presumed dead.

The bridge collapse is a tragedy. But for many on the right, it’s also an opportunity to spread conspiracy theories, encourage chaos, push bigotry and resentment, stoke fears, and do Donald Trump’s bidding by smearing Biden. This ugly response is a burden on those directly affected in Baltimore and elsewhere. It’s also a deliberate effort to undermine collective solidarity and resilience.

Far right populist rage makes it harder to respond to emergencies, and often compounds them in terrifying ways. Facing down disasters requires calm, deliberation, and a willingness to set aside one’s immediate comfort and fear for a broader good. The right’s go-to response of panic and paranoia makes us all less safe by sowing confusion and promoting a reactionary brand of politics.

Worms of the brain

Disasters are by their nature unexpected and chaotic. It can be difficult to figure out causes and responsibilities in the heat of the moment, especially when the first priority has to be to rescue victims, not to assign blame.

There will no doubt be an investigation into what happened on the container ship. All indications at the moment though are that the explanation for the disaster is what it appears to be in footage of the incident — the ship’s power failed, resulting in an unintentional collision with the bridge. President Joe Biden referred to the disaster as an “accident” in remarks on Tuesday. Baltimore Police Commissioner Richard Worley said “there is absolutely no indication that there is any terrorism or that this was done on purpose.”

Have these reassurances stopped salivating MAGA vultures from rabid fear-mongering and irresponsible dipshittery? No, of course not.

Georgia congresswoman and reliable conspiracy theorist goon Marjorie Taylor Greene rushed to her keyboard to call for a “serious investigation” into what she said might be “an intentional attack.”

Even slightly less unhinged House Republicans couldn’t resist the lure of making completely irresponsible claims. As you can see in the below clip, South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace on Newsmax incoherently blamed the collapse on Biden’s infrastructure bill, alleging it only devoted “$40 billion for traditional roads and bridges.” (Mace voted against the infrastructure bill but then tried to take credit for it anyway.)

While prominent right-wing voices recklessly speculated and conspiracy-mongered, the platform formerly known as twitter was absolutely overrun with racism. A number of users with significant platforms linked the bridge collapse to DEI, spread bigoted tropes about Baltimore’s mayor, and ludicrously alleged Biden is to blame.

Be afraid, be very afraid

The right’s smorgasbord of vaguely explicatory gabble is obviously intended to try to turn the horrific bridge collapse to partisan advantage. Republicans oppose diversity inclusion programs; they oppose anything associated with Biden; they oppose covid public health measures; and they oppose most all immigration. So they try to link the bridge collapse to these partisan talking points in the vague hope of smearing diversity programs and/or immigrants and/or covid mitigation efforts. (It should be noted that the missing men are from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico, with local reporting indicating they have spouses and children.)

It’s also an election year, so the right is also hoping to smear Biden, to suggest his failures led to the collapse, or to daydream about bad things happening that could hurt his reelection prospects. This was especially apparent during Maria Bartiromo’s interview with Rick Scott, when she almost sounded giddy wondering if the bridge collapse “is gonna stoke inflation again.” That would hurt the country, and considering the circumstances it could hardly be considered Biden’s fault, but it might boost Trump — and boosting Trump is the goal of propagandists like Bartiromo and hacks like Scott.

The worst disaster is solidarity
Beyond the personal incentives, though, MAGA has a collective interest in pushing conspiracies, even if those conspiracies are too incoherent to promote any specific policy or identify a specific target of hate.

Conspiracy theories undermine faith in a shared truth or a shared community. MAGA isn’t really trying to get people to believe any one story. They’re just trying to sow doubt. If nobody can be trusted, if everyone is corrupt, then Trump and his ilk are no worse than anyone else. Conspiracy theories alienate people from the democratic process. That’s good for Trump, who hates democracy.


In addition to undermining trust in the political process, conspiracy theories also undermine our trust in each other. This is especially important for MAGA during disasters because, as Rebecca Solnit has pointed out, disasters are often a moment when people demonstrate a great capacity for self-sacrifice, community, and solidarity. Solnit’s 2009 book “A Paradise Built in Hell” discusses how during disasters — such as the great 1906 San Francisco earthquake — people risk their lives for one another, care for each other, cook for each other. While “horrible in itself,” she adds that disaster “is sometimes a door back into paradise, the paradise at least in which we are who we hope to be, do the work we desire, and are each our sister’s and brother’s keeper.”

Even the covid pandemic, which forced people to isolate and separate, opened up opportunities for people to aid and support one another. Solnit points out that people did food runs for each other; Dolly Parton began offering free lessons for kids and Heather Cox Richardson began giving free history lessons online. Even at the national level, the pandemic gave Democrats an opening to pass the expanded child tax credit, which led to massive reductions in child poverty before it lapsed in 2022.

Solnit says in her book that authorities often become nervous and even violent when people start working together under difficult, chaotic situations. After the San Francisco quake, police attacked “looters” — that is, people searching abandoned stores for desperately needed supplies for themselves and their communities. In New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, police officers shot people crossing a highway to try to get to safety, killing two and wounding four.

MAGA, in particular, is a movement built on stoking divisions and cultivating paranoid fear of Black people, immigrants, LGBT people, Muslims, Jews, and other marginalized people. Spreading conspiracy theories following disasters is a way to prevent the formation of solidarity, community, and trust. It’s a way for the Marjorie Taylor Greenes of the world to signal to their followers to embrace their worst selves.

This is why MAGA has been so opposed to common sense covid policies like masking, vaccination, and testing. As a result, Republican excess death rates ended up substantially higher than those of Democrats. But that was a small price to pay for putting the brakes on a potential outbreak of trust, community, and caring.

Disasters like covid, or like the Baltimore bridge collapse, are moments when we can pull together or turn on one another. The right fears its power will be diminished going forward if we choose the first. They flood the public sphere with hate, conspiracy theories, and nonsense to forestall any option but bad ones."
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by PizzaSnake »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:30 pm ... d-response

"Donald Trump has been talking disconcertingly often on the campaign trail about a looming terror attack. All indications are that Tuesday’s bridge collapse in Baltimore wasn’t that, but MAGAs aren’t about to let reality get in the way of pushing conspiracies useful to their cause.

First, the actual facts: Early Tuesday morning, a container ship lost power on Baltimore’s Patapsco River. Unable to navigate, the vessel crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge, knocking out a support column. The bridge collapsed, and vehicles and construction workers plunged into the water. As of Tuesday evening, six workers are presumed dead.

The bridge collapse is a tragedy. But for many on the right, it’s also an opportunity to spread conspiracy theories, encourage chaos, push bigotry and resentment, stoke fears, and do Donald Trump’s bidding by smearing Biden. This ugly response is a burden on those directly affected in Baltimore and elsewhere. It’s also a deliberate effort to undermine collective solidarity and resilience.

Far right populist rage makes it harder to respond to emergencies, and often compounds them in terrifying ways. Facing down disasters requires calm, deliberation, and a willingness to set aside one’s immediate comfort and fear for a broader good. The right’s go-to response of panic and paranoia makes us all less safe by sowing confusion and promoting a reactionary brand of politics.

Worms of the brain

Disasters are by their nature unexpected and chaotic. It can be difficult to figure out causes and responsibilities in the heat of the moment, especially when the first priority has to be to rescue victims, not to assign blame.

There will no doubt be an investigation into what happened on the container ship. All indications at the moment though are that the explanation for the disaster is what it appears to be in footage of the incident — the ship’s power failed, resulting in an unintentional collision with the bridge. President Joe Biden referred to the disaster as an “accident” in remarks on Tuesday. Baltimore Police Commissioner Richard Worley said “there is absolutely no indication that there is any terrorism or that this was done on purpose.”

Have these reassurances stopped salivating MAGA vultures from rabid fear-mongering and irresponsible dipshittery? No, of course not.

Georgia congresswoman and reliable conspiracy theorist goon Marjorie Taylor Greene rushed to her keyboard to call for a “serious investigation” into what she said might be “an intentional attack.”

Even slightly less unhinged House Republicans couldn’t resist the lure of making completely irresponsible claims. As you can see in the below clip, South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace on Newsmax incoherently blamed the collapse on Biden’s infrastructure bill, alleging it only devoted “$40 billion for traditional roads and bridges.” (Mace voted against the infrastructure bill but then tried to take credit for it anyway.)

While prominent right-wing voices recklessly speculated and conspiracy-mongered, the platform formerly known as twitter was absolutely overrun with racism. A number of users with significant platforms linked the bridge collapse to DEI, spread bigoted tropes about Baltimore’s mayor, and ludicrously alleged Biden is to blame.

Be afraid, be very afraid

The right’s smorgasbord of vaguely explicatory gabble is obviously intended to try to turn the horrific bridge collapse to partisan advantage. Republicans oppose diversity inclusion programs; they oppose anything associated with Biden; they oppose covid public health measures; and they oppose most all immigration. So they try to link the bridge collapse to these partisan talking points in the vague hope of smearing diversity programs and/or immigrants and/or covid mitigation efforts. (It should be noted that the missing men are from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico, with local reporting indicating they have spouses and children.)

It’s also an election year, so the right is also hoping to smear Biden, to suggest his failures led to the collapse, or to daydream about bad things happening that could hurt his reelection prospects. This was especially apparent during Maria Bartiromo’s interview with Rick Scott, when she almost sounded giddy wondering if the bridge collapse “is gonna stoke inflation again.” That would hurt the country, and considering the circumstances it could hardly be considered Biden’s fault, but it might boost Trump — and boosting Trump is the goal of propagandists like Bartiromo and hacks like Scott.

The worst disaster is solidarity
Beyond the personal incentives, though, MAGA has a collective interest in pushing conspiracies, even if those conspiracies are too incoherent to promote any specific policy or identify a specific target of hate.

Conspiracy theories undermine faith in a shared truth or a shared community. MAGA isn’t really trying to get people to believe any one story. They’re just trying to sow doubt. If nobody can be trusted, if everyone is corrupt, then Trump and his ilk are no worse than anyone else. Conspiracy theories alienate people from the democratic process. That’s good for Trump, who hates democracy.


In addition to undermining trust in the political process, conspiracy theories also undermine our trust in each other. This is especially important for MAGA during disasters because, as Rebecca Solnit has pointed out, disasters are often a moment when people demonstrate a great capacity for self-sacrifice, community, and solidarity. Solnit’s 2009 book “A Paradise Built in Hell” discusses how during disasters — such as the great 1906 San Francisco earthquake — people risk their lives for one another, care for each other, cook for each other. While “horrible in itself,” she adds that disaster “is sometimes a door back into paradise, the paradise at least in which we are who we hope to be, do the work we desire, and are each our sister’s and brother’s keeper.”

Even the covid pandemic, which forced people to isolate and separate, opened up opportunities for people to aid and support one another. Solnit points out that people did food runs for each other; Dolly Parton began offering free lessons for kids and Heather Cox Richardson began giving free history lessons online. Even at the national level, the pandemic gave Democrats an opening to pass the expanded child tax credit, which led to massive reductions in child poverty before it lapsed in 2022.

Solnit says in her book that authorities often become nervous and even violent when people start working together under difficult, chaotic situations. After the San Francisco quake, police attacked “looters” — that is, people searching abandoned stores for desperately needed supplies for themselves and their communities. In New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, police officers shot people crossing a highway to try to get to safety, killing two and wounding four.

MAGA, in particular, is a movement built on stoking divisions and cultivating paranoid fear of Black people, immigrants, LGBT people, Muslims, Jews, and other marginalized people. Spreading conspiracy theories following disasters is a way to prevent the formation of solidarity, community, and trust. It’s a way for the Marjorie Taylor Greenes of the world to signal to their followers to embrace their worst selves.

This is why MAGA has been so opposed to common sense covid policies like masking, vaccination, and testing. As a result, Republican excess death rates ended up substantially higher than those of Democrats. But that was a small price to pay for putting the brakes on a potential outbreak of trust, community, and caring.

Disasters like covid, or like the Baltimore bridge collapse, are moments when we can pull together or turn on one another. The right fears its power will be diminished going forward if we choose the first. They flood the public sphere with hate, conspiracy theories, and nonsense to forestall any option but bad ones."
"There is nothing more difficult and more dangerous to carry through than initiating changes. One makes enemies of those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support from those who would prosper under the new."
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by runrussellrun »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 9:52 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 2:55 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 2:48 pm
a fan wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 2:10 pm ......aaaaaand, right on cue, TeamTinFoil is doing their thing online.

I wish there was a way to round them all up, put them in ONE city, and let them drive each other crazy with their nonstop conspiracies, and leave the rest of us with an IQ above room temperature alone.
What are you seeing that is team tinfoil?
Umm, Fox News and the odious Bartiromo trying to latch the bridge collapse on to "the border." The dozens and dozens of filthy trolls attributing the bridge collapse to "DEI hires, like Buttegieg." A quick tip across the landscape of social media talking about this catastrophe will show you enough to despair for this country's sanity.
Bunch of idiots. And DEI is the new CRT for this election cycle.

than why are you giving them voice, by posting a handful on nutbags thoughts ?

Didn't you reply, that "stuff" like this doesn't pop up in your feed ?

Serious question: If a fellow human asks: " How did this happen? " does that automaticlly make them MAGA ?

think we already, know the answer.
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by runrussellrun »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 10:20 am
youthathletics wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 4:53 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 11:44 am
runrussellrun wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 10:50 am
njbill wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 10:41 am At the news conference, they said the ship lost power. No back up? Fortunately, they radioed an SOS to authorities who were able to shut down the bridge so that (apparently) there was no vehicular traffic on the bridge at the time of the collapse. Unfortunately, though, there was a pothole crew that I guess wasn’t able to get off the bridge. Apparently they are the victims. One of the speakers also said that the bridge serves 35,000 vehicles a day while the two tunnels, combined, handle 140,000 vehicles a day.
It's a diesel engine.......once started, how could they "loose power" ? Also, diesel engines have a great record. Any history of the diesel engines in maritime history......just "failing" ? Sure it happens.

Any mention of who the local pilot crew was ,and who they worked for ? was a picture perfect direct hit on the support.

Maybe the steering got locked up, because it was tied to the electronics ......geesbus F ing .....ah.....fix stoopid.

Who runs this country ?
There is a video that shows the entire power system go down 2x and large billow of smoke, you also see lights toggle on and off.

I’d be rather concerned if the ship has some remote control capabilities, where a remote EPO switch could have been thrown. Working in the industry this is not an uncommon event to have power cycles, ….just horrible timing.
As I noted earlier....Loosing power and having the ATS switching gear can cause major failure when the GenSet also goes down.

Great video explaining how the tugs help them leave dock. INterseting first comment in video from a maritime engineer about protocol is to have gen up and running while under control from tugs. Certainly seems like catastrophic electrical/gen failure occurred:

Website of YouTube Poster: ... re-bridge/

From TWP: ... -collapse/

When a massive ship lost power on its way out of the Port of Baltimore and headed toward a major bridge, the pilot ordered its rudder turned hard to the left and its left anchor dropped in an effort to slow the vessel and stop it swinging to the right, according to the head of a national association for ship pilots.
because, with hurricane like winds and dense fog, the helmsperson just COULDN"T couldn't see where they were headed.

Find this crazy strange......was the tide changing ? The vessel was headed on course....and obviously it was a calm, moonlit nite.........why the drift ? And, call BS on the power outage effecting navigation equipment. Certainly, a nation that tracks every movement of our trucking industry...and kick and bash them to the curb......if they drive longer than someone says they can drive, with gps tracking, mandatory battery backup......we just can NOT, provide, battery backup for our vessells that travel US waters.

even suck brings a hand held gps. Heck, in baltimore........your PHONE works.

Elaine Choa, former Sect. Transportation......this shipping company in direct competition with Mitch's wifes COMMIE owned shipping company ?

Or, maybe, to take headlines away from Kennedy's VP announcement.

Perhaps retaliation, for Chows sisters killing (drunk driving accident :roll:

WIN WIN .........lots of billions will be made.

But, suck can take wagers on this:.

ONE of the tunnels will be devoted to ONLY trucks.........sparrows are a sign of something. Sparrow Point, houses a bizness that IS essential....covid said so

getter DONE
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by runrussellrun »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:30 pm ... d-response

"Donald Trump has been talking disconcertingly often on the campaign trail about a looming terror attack. All indications are that Tuesday’s bridge collapse in Baltimore wasn’t that, but MAGAs aren’t about to let reality get in the way of pushing conspiracies useful to their cause.

First, the actual facts: Early Tuesday morning, a container ship lost power on Baltimore’s Patapsco River. Unable to navigate, the vessel crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge, knocking out a support column. The bridge collapsed, and vehicles and construction workers plunged into the water. As of Tuesday evening, six workers are presumed dead.

The bridge collapse is a tragedy. But for many on the right, it’s also an opportunity to spread conspiracy theories, encourage chaos, push bigotry and resentment, stoke fears, and do Donald Trump’s bidding by smearing Biden. This ugly response is a burden on those directly affected in Baltimore and elsewhere. It’s also a deliberate effort to undermine collective solidarity and resilience.

Far right populist rage makes it harder to respond to emergencies, and often compounds them in terrifying ways. Facing down disasters requires calm, deliberation, and a willingness to set aside one’s immediate comfort and fear for a broader good. The right’s go-to response of panic and paranoia makes us all less safe by sowing confusion and promoting a reactionary brand of politics.

Worms of the brain

Disasters are by their nature unexpected and chaotic. It can be difficult to figure out causes and responsibilities in the heat of the moment, especially when the first priority has to be to rescue victims, not to assign blame.

There will no doubt be an investigation into what happened on the container ship. All indications at the moment though are that the explanation for the disaster is what it appears to be in footage of the incident — the ship’s power failed, resulting in an unintentional collision with the bridge. President Joe Biden referred to the disaster as an “accident” in remarks on Tuesday. Baltimore Police Commissioner Richard Worley said “there is absolutely no indication that there is any terrorism or that this was done on purpose.”

Have these reassurances stopped salivating MAGA vultures from rabid fear-mongering and irresponsible dipshittery? No, of course not.

Georgia congresswoman and reliable conspiracy theorist goon Marjorie Taylor Greene rushed to her keyboard to call for a “serious investigation” into what she said might be “an intentional attack.”

Even slightly less unhinged House Republicans couldn’t resist the lure of making completely irresponsible claims. As you can see in the below clip, South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace on Newsmax incoherently blamed the collapse on Biden’s infrastructure bill, alleging it only devoted “$40 billion for traditional roads and bridges.” (Mace voted against the infrastructure bill but then tried to take credit for it anyway.)

While prominent right-wing voices recklessly speculated and conspiracy-mongered, the platform formerly known as twitter was absolutely overrun with racism. A number of users with significant platforms linked the bridge collapse to DEI, spread bigoted tropes about Baltimore’s mayor, and ludicrously alleged Biden is to blame.

Be afraid, be very afraid

The right’s smorgasbord of vaguely explicatory gabble is obviously intended to try to turn the horrific bridge collapse to partisan advantage. Republicans oppose diversity inclusion programs; they oppose anything associated with Biden; they oppose covid public health measures; and they oppose most all immigration. So they try to link the bridge collapse to these partisan talking points in the vague hope of smearing diversity programs and/or immigrants and/or covid mitigation efforts. (It should be noted that the missing men are from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico, with local reporting indicating they have spouses and children.)

It’s also an election year, so the right is also hoping to smear Biden, to suggest his failures led to the collapse, or to daydream about bad things happening that could hurt his reelection prospects. This was especially apparent during Maria Bartiromo’s interview with Rick Scott, when she almost sounded giddy wondering if the bridge collapse “is gonna stoke inflation again.” That would hurt the country, and considering the circumstances it could hardly be considered Biden’s fault, but it might boost Trump — and boosting Trump is the goal of propagandists like Bartiromo and hacks like Scott.

The worst disaster is solidarity
Beyond the personal incentives, though, MAGA has a collective interest in pushing conspiracies, even if those conspiracies are too incoherent to promote any specific policy or identify a specific target of hate.

Conspiracy theories undermine faith in a shared truth or a shared community. MAGA isn’t really trying to get people to believe any one story. They’re just trying to sow doubt. If nobody can be trusted, if everyone is corrupt, then Trump and his ilk are no worse than anyone else. Conspiracy theories alienate people from the democratic process. That’s good for Trump, who hates democracy.


In addition to undermining trust in the political process, conspiracy theories also undermine our trust in each other. This is especially important for MAGA during disasters because, as Rebecca Solnit has pointed out, disasters are often a moment when people demonstrate a great capacity for self-sacrifice, community, and solidarity. Solnit’s 2009 book “A Paradise Built in Hell” discusses how during disasters — such as the great 1906 San Francisco earthquake — people risk their lives for one another, care for each other, cook for each other. While “horrible in itself,” she adds that disaster “is sometimes a door back into paradise, the paradise at least in which we are who we hope to be, do the work we desire, and are each our sister’s and brother’s keeper.”

Even the covid pandemic, which forced people to isolate and separate, opened up opportunities for people to aid and support one another. Solnit points out that people did food runs for each other; Dolly Parton began offering free lessons for kids and Heather Cox Richardson began giving free history lessons online. Even at the national level, the pandemic gave Democrats an opening to pass the expanded child tax credit, which led to massive reductions in child poverty before it lapsed in 2022.

Solnit says in her book that authorities often become nervous and even violent when people start working together under difficult, chaotic situations. After the San Francisco quake, police attacked “looters” — that is, people searching abandoned stores for desperately needed supplies for themselves and their communities. In New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, police officers shot people crossing a highway to try to get to safety, killing two and wounding four.

MAGA, in particular, is a movement built on stoking divisions and cultivating paranoid fear of Black people, immigrants, LGBT people, Muslims, Jews, and other marginalized people. Spreading conspiracy theories following disasters is a way to prevent the formation of solidarity, community, and trust. It’s a way for the Marjorie Taylor Greenes of the world to signal to their followers to embrace their worst selves.

This is why MAGA has been so opposed to common sense covid policies like masking, vaccination, and testing. As a result, Republican excess death rates ended up substantially higher than those of Democrats. But that was a small price to pay for putting the brakes on a potential outbreak of trust, community, and caring.

Disasters like covid, or like the Baltimore bridge collapse, are moments when we can pull together or turn on one another. The right fears its power will be diminished going forward if we choose the first. They flood the public sphere with hate, conspiracy theories, and nonsense to forestall any option but bad ones."
So gross.

and predictable.

"how did this happen?


you guys are worse than trump.

So.....back DID this happen? Yup, seacoaster..........YOu and yours want to go to war, because a "drone" got shot down. Good ole terrorism.....
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

“You lucky I ain’t read wretched yet!”
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by runrussellrun »

"There should be a serious investigation into the horrifying tragedy of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Maryland," Greene wrote. "Is this an intentional attack or an accident?"

Seems like a reasonable question to ask ?

When all you see is hate...........


Wonder how Sect. of Transportation and Joe Biden are doing MANDATING tug boat guidance for ALL navigatable waterways when cargo ship are crossing under IS that going.

sure, lets spend time reading BS.
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by jhu72 »

Last edited by jhu72 on Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by youthathletics »

runrussellrun wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:19 pm tug boat guidance for ALL navigatable waterways when cargo ship are crossing under bridges
This actually seems like a rather prudent answer. They already do this in to and out of port, just support them a bit further.

On the conspiracy front....I'd love to hear what effort a bridge collision supports?
I have now heard what specific Cargo was on board, anyone know?

RRR - I do not disagree about Battery/UPS backup, I assume this ship did have some battery/UPS, but its currently not clear how it would have or could have saved the day, not knowing the power system design. And it appears these ships have multiple gens for port and starboard. There is a theory it may have only been running on one engine, which is why things went sideways rather quickly, especially after the port anchor dropped.

I have seen these types of catastrophic points of failures in power systems (I know nothing about ship design) before and it really takes very little to incite this failure. A failed transfer switch, comm bus issues, mechanical issues, faulty wiring, dirty fuel in gen...then the problems compound when it tries to go back to 'normal' power...all this within minutes is the scary part, right in front of a bridge. I suppose that's where 'tin foil hat' anxiety ramps up.

Any chance anyone has learned what the ship was transporting?

Another great thread:
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by youthathletics »

That link says nothing of concern.....every mechanical system has issues, every single one.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.
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old salt
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by old salt »

Require tug(s) when inland of the bridge, speed limit to just above steerageway.
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by jhu72 »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:17 pm
That link says nothing of concern.....every mechanical system has issues, every single one.
.... wrong link posted initially. NOW CORRECTED. ... 1564016334
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

jhu72 wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:24 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:17 pm
That link says nothing of concern.....every mechanical system has issues, every single one.
.... wrong link posted initially. NOW CORRECTED. ... 1564016334
I don't like this; seems to foreclose conspiracy theories about Eric Holder and Dua Lipa getting together to destroy infrastructure that Biden can fix with Ukrainian wheat.
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by jhu72 »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 7:01 pm
jhu72 wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:24 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:17 pm
That link says nothing of concern.....every mechanical system has issues, every single one.
.... wrong link posted initially. NOW CORRECTED. ... 1564016334
I don't like this; seems to foreclose conspiracy theories about Eric Holder and Dua Lipa getting together to destroy infrastructure that Biden can fix with Ukrainian wheat.
:lol: :lol:
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old salt
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by old salt »

jhu72 wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:24 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:17 pm
That link says nothing of concern.....every mechanical system has issues, every single one.
.... wrong link posted initially. NOW CORRECTED. ... 1564016334
That article confirms nothing of significance mechanically. The 2016 Antwerp dock collision does not cite any mechanical issues. Most likely caused by shiphandling by a probably different crew. Unfounded, sensationalist speculation. Thanks for posting.
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by jhu72 »

old salt wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 7:17 pm
jhu72 wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:24 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:17 pm
That link says nothing of concern.....every mechanical system has issues, every single one.
.... wrong link posted initially. NOW CORRECTED. ... 1564016334
That article confirms nothing of significance mechanically. The 2016 Antwerp dock collision does not cite any mechanical issues. Most likely caused by shiphandling by a probably different crew. Unfounded, sensationalist speculation. Thanks for posting.
Propulsion issues:
More recently, mechanical questions have been raised. Last June, a routine safety inspection at San Antonio, Chile, found issues related to some of the gauges and thermometers linked to the Dali's propulsion and auxiliary machinery, according to Tokyo MoU, an organisation that promotes safe shipping. The issues weren't grounds to detain the ship, flying under the Singapore flag, and it was unclear exactly what they were.

Passed inspections:
Records and statutory certificates show the Dali's structural integrity and the functionality of its equipment were valid at the time of the Baltimore incident, the Singaporean government said in a statement. The vessel also passed two separate foreign port inspections in June and September of last year, although a faulty monitor gauge for fuel pressure was fixed before the ship departed port.
Last edited by jhu72 on Wed Mar 27, 2024 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Key Bridge Collapse: What Happened?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 7:17 pm
jhu72 wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:24 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:17 pm
That link says nothing of concern.....every mechanical system has issues, every single one.
.... wrong link posted initially. NOW CORRECTED. ... 1564016334
That article confirms nothing of significance mechanically. The 2016 Antwerp dock collision does not cite any mechanical issues. Most likely caused by shiphandling by a probably different crew. Unfounded, sensationalist speculation. Thanks for posting. ... -says.html
“You lucky I ain’t read wretched yet!”
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