Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

njbill wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:30 pm Haha, as perhaps the preeminent Mr. Buttinski on these boards (which I say with all great affection, a comment with which I’m sure you’ll 100% agree, MD), I have no problem with hearing your calm and rational perspective on this.

Absolutely agree that it is a good thing that discussions like this are permitted on FanLax.

I understand your point that “where there’s smoke, there’s fire,” though I disagree with your (admittedly biased) conclusion that such stories “are more likely to be true than not.” Each situation is different so I think one can’t say “more likely.”

The coach says she was “cleared.” (600+ likes on Instagram. Is that meaningful? I don’t know.) I suspect she wasn’t fully “cleared” as otherwise you wouldn’t have seen the remedial measures instituted. But I also suspect she was at least largely cleared of the most extreme allegations. As I have said, I’d be interested in what the trainers said. What do the contemporaneous documents show? If the trainers had fully sided with the players’ allegations, you’d expect the coach would have been fired. So I conclude they did not.

The six players and (likely) their parents (perhaps including njm) tried to get the coach fired. That is what their lawyers’ letter expressly sought. Colgate investigated and determined not to fire the coach. The teas leaves suggest the investigation did not credit or corroborate at least some of the allegations. The report hasn’t been made public, but presumably it explains why they didn’t fire Taylor. As an alum, I am standing behind my school on how they handled the situation. If you (not you, personally, MD) want to ask how I can do that without seeing the report, that’s a fair point. But I have trust in the college.

If njm is a parent, sure, I can understand the emotional content. But that doesn’t immunize her from being accountable for some of the pretty evidently untrue things she said.

My take on what seems to be going on here now is that the six complainants were sorely disappointed they weren’t able to get the coach fired. So now they are taking to the legacy media and social media to continue their fight. Some sour grapes to be honest it seems. The lawyer letter was sent out a year ago. One of the players interviewed on camera alleges stuff from 2½ years ago. She, herself, graduated almost two years ago. The university has made its decision. Unless new evidence is brought to bear, I doubt Colgate is going to reconsider. As I used to hear from judges in my old profession, “counsel, I have ruled. Move on.”

My use of the word “shots” was too strong perhaps; however, it was in response to the unwarranted diatribe from Dasher. BTW, I never said njm was being “personal” to me in her post. I said twice I was OK with her “taking shots” at me. njm certainly was critical of things I said though what she said didn’t cross any line. It was just wrong in a few instances. If someone comes on this board with stuff, they have to expect someone else may disagree with them (you agree with that, I think). I agree that njm doesn’t deserve a “shot” back, but if you reread what I said, you’ll see I never said I wanted to take a “shot” at her; I said I should be able to “respond.” Dasher deserved a shot back which is what he got.

Of course empathy is appropriate for those negatively impacted, but that is not what Dasher said at all. He didn’t “suggest[] that empathy in your responses would be appropriate.” His comment was, to use your phrase, “overly sharp.” As I said, I do empathize with anyone in an undesirable situation they didn’t create, which seems to be true for some of the players. I’d like everyone to have a great college experience, in the classroom and on the playing fields. Unfortunately, that isn’t reality. What I don’t empathize with is some of the apparently unfair and even untrue stuff that gets written. The coach thinks she’s being unfairly defamed. If she's right, does she deserve empathy?
:D glad to be "preeminent" at least at something...

Yes, I like to make clear what my biases are and why, insofar as I'm aware of them. In the situations with which I am intimately familiar, there's zero question in my mind as to whether what I know directly from specific players and their parents was accurate. And frankly, I don't think there's 'another side', given my views as to the preeminent duty of a coach, which ain't W's. Others may disagree, but again, that's my bias.

NJM appears to have similar specific concrete knowledge. And the reports by players, including those now gone public, are quite specific.

I don't characterize that as "where there's smoke there's fire" but rather as several people saying they've seen the fire up close and personal.

I appreciate your describing your own bias in thinking about this matter. We do apparently tilt in different directions as I don't think we have to have "trust" in our alma maters just cuz...rather I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt as to people of good character trying to weigh all the issues carefully and nevertheless coming to a conclusion that is flat wrong to do. Seen it too many times not to understand that it happens, where the institution covers up for a prior decision by protecting it. IMO, that's a mistake when kids health is at stake, but colleges regularly underreport issues on their campuses, regularly fail to take meaningful action, while saying all the right things publicly...doesn't make me a disloyal alum to see that this is a natural occurrence.

As to why these gals are continuing to press the issue, my hunch is that they feel very, very strongly that other players are at risk of abuse, given that the coach is claiming she was "cleared" and the college is not taking tougher action; the players and their families would likely feel dismissed, shushed...that they're going personally public with their details requires a level of bravery and personal responsibility to others that at least IMO adds to their credibility. This certainly appears to be way more than not liking the coach and holding a grudge.

Notwithstanding all of that, I respect your natural inclination to be a loyal alum. I feel the same way about my "small college, but there are those who love it" - Daniel Webster.
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by njbill »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 12:09 pm :D glad to be "preeminent" at least at something...

Yes, I like to make clear what my biases are and why, insofar as I'm aware of them. In the situations with which I am intimately familiar, there's zero question in my mind as to whether what I know directly from specific players and their parents was accurate. And frankly, I don't think there's 'another side', given my views as to the preeminent duty of a coach, which ain't W's. Others may disagree, but again, that's my bias.

NJM appears to have similar specific concrete knowledge. And the reports by players, including those now gone public, are quite specific.

I don't characterize that as "where there's smoke there's fire" but rather as several people saying they've seen the fire up close and personal.

I appreciate your describing your own bias in thinking about this matter. We do apparently tilt in different directions as I don't think we have to have "trust" in our alma maters just cuz...rather I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt as to people of good character trying to weigh all the issues carefully and nevertheless coming to a conclusion that is flat wrong to do. Seen it too many times not to understand that it happens, where the institution covers up for a prior decision by protecting it. IMO, that's a mistake when kids health is at stake, but colleges regularly underreport issues on their campuses, regularly fail to take meaningful action, while saying all the right things publicly...doesn't make me a disloyal alum to see that this is a natural occurrence.

As to why these gals are continuing to press the issue, my hunch is that they feel very, very strongly that other players are at risk of abuse, given that the coach is claiming she was "cleared" and the college is not taking tougher action; the players and their families would likely feel dismissed, shushed...that they're going personally public with their details requires a level of bravery and personal responsibility to others that at least IMO adds to their credibility. This certainly appears to be way more than not liking the coach and holding a grudge.

Notwithstanding all of that, I respect your natural inclination to be a loyal alum. I feel the same way about my "small college, but there are those who love it" - Daniel Webster.
The lawyer interviewed six players and included a number of specific allegations in his letter. He only interviewed players who asserted they'd had bad experiences with Taylor. The lawyer did not interview the trainers. It was indisputably a one-sided account. (It's fair to say that others have now decided to leave the team, presumably at least some due to issues they had with Taylor.) This side of the story has dominated the media. The other side has gotten little to no play. The university hired an outside law firm which interviewed some 30 people, presumably including the trainers. I suspect the firm strove to get all sides of the story. I imagine they reviewed relevant medical records, texts, emails, etc.

I think you are discounting (perhaps unintentionally) the integrity of the outside firm whose job it was to report what they found no matter whose ox may be gored. If it were to come out that the firm recommended Taylor be fired and Colgate decided not to do so, that would be a real concern. But I suspect the firm did not recommend Taylor be terminated. I'm just trying to read the tea leaves.

You are, of course, free to credit whichever side you choose to, for whatever reason. But you need to realize you are siding with one side without hearing the other side. There is almost always another side (unless you were an eyewitness to the event). My view all along (though it has been repeatedly mischaracterized on this board) is that I'd like to see all the evidence -- all the interviews, all the documents, and the final report -- before drawing conclusions. Of course, I will never see that. So what I put the most weight on is the law firm's report which (I believe) didn't find cause for termination. Logically, then, in my view, that suggests to me that the more extreme allegations were not corroborated. Also, Taylor is now saying she was cleared. That probably is an overstatement but it is hard for me to believe she would say that, without repercussions from her employer, if that were materially untrue.

I don't blindly agree with my alma mater no matter what. I disagree with them at times. One big disagreement I had was when they "nationalized" the fraternities. I should have been more specific in prior posts that I am basing my views on the fact that an outside law firm did an investigation and that Colgate evidently adopted its recommendations. Yes, I am fully aware that universities and other institutions have historically sought to bury the skeletons. That's why outside investigators have come to be used in recent years.

You have given one explanation for why the complainants are continuing with their crusade. There is of course another explanation. But I would say it is up to the current players to decide for themselves whether Taylor is mistreating them and whether they want to continue playing for her. I am sure they are fully aware of everything that has gone on. Nothing new has occurred with respect to the former players. I frankly don't think it is productive to keep at this. Something that is lost in all this is Colgate has given Taylor a second chance, to perhaps correct some past behaviors. They have placed some guiderails on the program. Why not see if this works? If it doesn't, if it's the same old same old, then fire her. If improvements are made, then let's move forward.
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

What is the obvious other reason?

Sorry, though I have no basis to consider this law firm credible or not, who was their client and why can't their conclusions be made public?

Again, I simply can't imagine what would draw this kind of set of multiple accusations if not remotely true.
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by Nigel »

Heard the backup gk has quit the Colgate team recently due to differences w coach. Was the 2021 Patriot League ROY. A second gk who played a bit in 2022 also not rostered this year. 2023 roster now carrying one goalie w any experience. Team is now one injury away from catastrophe.
If we need that extra push over the cliff, ya know what we do...eleven, exactly.
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by njbill »

Dispute about playing time? She was one of three goalies last year who essentially split playing time evenly. The two other goalies graduated. Colgate brought in a transfer from American this year who has gotten all of the playing time, or almost. The goalie you mention is still listed as being on the roster, although perhaps the roster hasn’t been updated recently. Maybe this is simply a playing time issue. Maybe it is something else. I don’t know.
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by Njm »

Colgate update:
Yesterday, another player left the team for an undetermined amount of time on a mental health break. The college was notified.
All 3 coaches boycotted practice before the game yesterday and refused to meet the team in the locker room in protest of “outside voices”. The coaches met the team on the sidelines before the game, which they later lost to BU. KT told the freshmen that this would be her last game unless they stormed social media in support of her. There is confirmation of this through a text message from 1 of the freshman to an upperclassman.

Thank you for your response Mr Bill.
My apologies - I was honestly not singling you out but I can see why you might think that. As another poster mentioned, the same topics were discussed by multiple people on this thread. But again, I did not direct my post at you or at anyone else. I was speaking to the points of discussion that stuck out to me as problematic. Your name is only on my radar bc you put yourself there (as you said). I am as you mentioned a 1st time poster so I was obviously not familiar with handles or names. I only looked at content.

Mr Bill, you can’t disagree with my post bc I didn’t opine. I gave you events that actually happened. You can’t disagree with the existence of something. They either happened or they didn’t. Now - you can choose to see me as a liar & conclude that I imagined all of it for my own reasons…but if that were the case, I assure you I wouldn’t be here right now. I’d be writing romance novels and solving rubics cubes & world hunger somewhere in the South Pacific on my own island. That kind of imagination could save the world.

And agreed - most of this case does not follow any of the usual processes or protocols. That’s one of the reasons it’s a little frustrating. So I understand the skepticism with certain things, esp on the legal side of things & you being a lawyer. But I only know these kinds of details bc I lived them…and unfortunately I’m still living them.

The following is not breast for tat. I will be more specific:

Again - KT rarely if ever spoke to the trainers about injuries. I realize this is not usual. I realize it is unfathomable. But I am just 1 of many unhappy witnesses to this. If you want to dig into this case you will see that the former trainer left Colgate and refused to speak with the indep investigator. And yes - we spoke to that trainer before she left about this and it was also in a form of written communication. KT also admitted this in a 1 on 1 conversation with some very sincere crocodile tears in tote. (She is good at “believable”)

Investigative Report:
To start, the investigator Colgate hired to perform the investigation posed a conflict of interest bc he had been well acquainted with KT’s family. I’ll leave it at that.
Indep investigator spoke to many players, present and former, as well as parents. He told a very eager & forthcoming father of a recently graduated player, when the father wanted to tell his daughter’s story but also wanted to make sure it would not be open to 3rd parties for privacy reasons, the investigator said “yes absolutely it will be open to 3rd parties”. So the dad backed off and her story was never heard. I spoke to this father just before he called the investigator and directly afterwards.

We did not initiate the legal letter. I thought it was a lawsuit since the people who brought it fwd referenced it as such at times but I might have misunderstood them. Clearly I am not a legal expert so my vocabulary in that arena is lacking. But I think that point is negligible for purposes of this particular discussion. Tomato - tomah-to for now.

Interviews - many were asked and many declined due to fear of retribution on some level. 6 people agreed to put their name on it bc they wanted the school to acknowledge it, they wanted accountability, and more than anything else (as another poster mentioned), they wanted to make sure no other player present or future would get hurt the way they did. Just bc something happened yrs ago doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be addressed - and this is still going on. Btw - players from other schools are also starting to speak up. We’ll see what happens with that going fwd, if anything.

Respectfully, you are giving too much credit to the Powers that Be. I will repeat - THEY….ORCHESTRATED….HER…EXIT. (If I used the word fired I stand corrected) Freudian slip. If you have any influential friends at Colgate - ask them about it. They’ll tell you she was quietly escorted out. It absolutely doesn’t matter that she traded up. Colgate didn’t want her, therefore, she was gone. I won’t speculate as to what their specific reasons were. Again - I had the conversation. Believe me/don’t believe me….

Your friend the respected poster:
I have a lot of friends that I respect too - many of them at Colgate who gave me the info that you are now questioning. I also know a lot of wlax college coaches who know KT, some that played for her & also some that played with her daughters…and they do NOT like KT. I know board members whose kids played for KT who also quit bc they did not like KT. Does that lend anymore credibility in your mind to my post?

Mr Bill, I can’t convince you of the truth if you don’t want to see it. Your fierce loyalty to your alma mater is admirable but truthfully it’s a little naive. You wouldn’t cherry pick this matter, even as a lawyer, if it were your own friend or family. But I guess that’s human nature. In the meantime, I am not lying. I have no reason to lie here bc 1. It’s a lot of time I don’t have. And 2. It’s a waste of time that I do have. Most importantly, it doesn’t change the course of Colgate’s direction w/regards to the matter but if it helps in getting the information out there - great. This is a matter that has deeply affected someone I love, as well as a lot of other people we know & care about. We don’t want it to happen to someone else. Can you understand that? I feel like if someone had stepped up beforehand, none of this would have happened at Colgate. So that said, here we are. Like I said before, if only one of the allegations is true, an abuser should be fired. You said yourself that you believe some form of it probably happened and you’re right, it did. Abuse is abuse. There are no gray areas here…there is only motive in unnecessary distinctions. If you want to “disagree” - then ok. I can’t help you. At the end of the day, it’s not my fault if people don’t hear me, but it is my fault if I don’t try to be heard.

I want to thank you Mr Bill for responding in such a respectful manner. There are few matters in my life that have been this hurtful & this important, so I appreciate it. My apologies for such a long post.
Best to you, njm
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by Njm »

Btw - I hate spell check.
** breast-for-tat

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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by Sllaxdad »

Colgate update:
Yesterday, another player left the team for an undetermined amount of time on a mental health break. The college was notified.
All 3 coaches boycotted practice before the game yesterday and refused to meet the team in the locker room in protest of “outside voices”. The coaches met the team on the sidelines before the game, which they later lost to BU. KT told the freshmen that this would be her last game unless they stormed social media in support of her. There is confirmation of this through a text message from 1 of the freshman to an upperclassman.

I am a reader but a less than an occasional poster....

As a parent of 2 HS lax players (boy and girl now exploring their college options -- which include college lax) and having 2 older children who played
Patriot League lax at other schools), unless the coach is removed, Colgate will not be on their list. We have friends who sent their children to Colgate and have had nothing but a positive academic, social and athletic experience. This is a stain on the school and, simply stated, evidence of a top-down demonstration of a complete lack of institutional leadership. The coach does not own the position but rather is simply a caretaker. If she did no wrong, and I am not wading into that debate, the best path is to show support for the multiple current/former student athletes (and future donors) by transitioning the coach to an administrative position, pay the amount due under the contract, and hire a new staff. Seems like the entire staff had a temper tantrum, stamped their feet and revealed their lack of concern for the students. The adults need to take charge and, it looks like from this objective viewpoint, need to do so sooner rather than later.
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by Can Opener »

Apologies if this has been shared previously, but there are some brutal reports on KT on this coaching review site: ... &sort=date
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by njbill »

Actually, if you look at the athlete reviews, overall they are almost exactly 50-50 between 1.0 and 5.0. The recent ones, that is those in 2023, show eight athlete reviews at 5.0 and four at 1.0, with one mixed.
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by Bart »

njbill wrote: Sun Mar 19, 2023 3:14 pm Actually, if you look at the athlete reviews, overall they are almost exactly 50-50 between 1.0 and 5.0. The recent ones, that is those in 2023, show eight athlete reviews at 5.0 and four at 1.0, with one mixed.
😂😂. Anyone who reads anything into these types of sites, good or bad, is foolish
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by njbill »

Yeah, I have to agree.
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by Can Opener »

Bart wrote: Sun Mar 19, 2023 3:40 pm
njbill wrote: Sun Mar 19, 2023 3:14 pm Actually, if you look at the athlete reviews, overall they are almost exactly 50-50 between 1.0 and 5.0. The recent ones, that is those in 2023, show eight athlete reviews at 5.0 and four at 1.0, with one mixed.
😂😂. Anyone who reads anything into these types of sites, good or bad, is foolish
Are you calling my friend Bill "foolish?" You can't do that to our pledges -- only we can do that to our pledges. I could maybe live with "mathematically challenged," since the votes were actually 10 strongly negative, 9 strongly positive and 1 mixed. But "foolish," now that's getting too personal. :)

Good-natured, light-hearted banter aside, there are some clear themes that emerge from this review site. The straw poll numbers really mean nothing, as you point out, since they are mostly a product of who was encouraged or motivated enough to post on the site. The picture that emerges from the positive and negative comments, however, is actually somewhat consistent. It is clear that KT is old school in her approach to managing athletes and that seems to work for some and profoundly irritate others. People who gave her strong endorsements said things like:

* Did our daughter always love her - no - but she fully appreciated that Kathy was motivated to bring out the best in her athletes...
* She really pushes you to be the best player you can be and doesn’t beat around the bush and is old school so what she says can come out sounding harsh, but the advice she gives is helpful, very knowledgeable, and I personally think that people just need to grow thicker skin and stop being so soft.
* I have the utmost respect for her honesty and tough love approach to coaching.
* Although an old school mentality, Kathy Taylor helped shape me into a hard working, dedicated person...

In my opinion, this approach in women's sports at a high academic school really doesn't work anymore. I tend to believe the brave women raising these complaints since they have no motivation to lie, while KT's entire career depends on her denying or deflecting these charges. I actually don't even think you need to believe the specifics of the allegations, however, since it does not seem to be in dispute that she takes a hardo approach to coaching young women. That is unlikely to resonate with intelligent young athletes who are struggling with consecutive losing seasons and now some unwanted media attention. It would seem that the wiser approach would be: Let's focus on having some fun with a sport we all love while we work through this difficult time together. Relentless positivity is also much more likely to attract recruits to Colgate. Most of the raw materials for success are in place at Colgate -- stunning campus, strong athletic traditions, fun social life, situated in a lacrosse hotbed, athletic scholarships, top flight academics and a loyal network of alumni.
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by njbill »

Can, I’m so proud of you. The two years of therapy seems to have worked. It was only a couple of years ago that you were espousing 1950s sexist views about women. Now maybe you have come into the 21st-century. Congratulations. I sincerely mean that.

Who was it that posted a link to the ratings site? My initial post was to respond to your statement that the site had "some brutal reports" on Taylor since you had conveniently neglected to mention that there were an equal number of positive reviews. But, hey, why let the facts interrupt someone who's got an agenda to further.

Also, better check your arithmetic, my mathematically challenged friend. I know it will be hard for you to believe, but you made a m-i-s-t-a-k-e. No need to acknowledge it as I know that isn't your style. In fact, the total of all athletes was 13 (negative) and 12 (positive, including three that were predominantly positive (4.0 or higher)), with a few mixed. As I said, "almost exactly 50-50." For 2023, the totals were as I stated. Try to do better. I know you Can.
Can Opener
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by Can Opener »

njbill wrote: Mon Mar 20, 2023 1:33 pm Can, I’m so proud of you. The two years of therapy seems to have worked. It was only a couple of years ago that you were espousing 1950s sexist views about women. Now maybe you have come into the 21st-century. Congratulations. I sincerely mean that.

Who was it that posted a link to the ratings site? My initial post was to respond to your statement that the site had "some brutal reports" on Taylor since you had conveniently neglected to mention that there were an equal number of positive reviews. But, hey, why let the facts interrupt someone who's got an agenda to further.

Also, better check your arithmetic, my mathematically challenged friend. I know it will be hard for you to believe, but you made a m-i-s-t-a-k-e. No need to acknowledge it as I know that isn't your style. In fact, the total of all athletes was 13 (negative) and 12 (positive, including three that were predominantly positive (4.0 or higher)), with a few mixed. As I said, "almost exactly 50-50." For 2023, the totals were as I stated. Try to do better. I know you Can.
You are mistaken on the 2023 review numbers. Here is the link with an easier way to read them: ... ate&per=50
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by njbill »

Nope. The 2023 athlete reviews were as I stated: eight 5.0s, four 1.0s, and one mixed (2.4). Perhaps you are including the non-athlete 2023 reviews or have overlooked the fact that there are categories of reviewer (on the right side, under the date), which include athlete, parent, and other.

Looked at the site. I could register as an athlete and review Taylor. You could do the same. Anyone could. I probably could do it again (and again) if I cleared my browser. As was noted, these review sites are next to meaningless.
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by Can Opener »

njbill wrote: Mon Mar 20, 2023 3:06 pm Nope. The 2023 athlete reviews were as I stated: eight 5.0s, four 1.0s, and one mixed (2.4). Perhaps you are including the non-athlete 2023 reviews or have overlooked the fact that there are categories of reviewer (on the right side, under the date), which include athlete, parent, and other.
Fair enough. I was looking at the total reviews for 2023 -- athlete, parent and other.
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by njbill »

What if these reviews were done by AI? :shock:

It's probably coming. Afterall, we already have a smart alecky Fan Lax Computer here telling us humans we don't know what we are talking about.
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by Dasher »

Late on this one, but last Thursday with the first mention of this issue in their Dialed In: Your Lacrosse Fix For Thursday, March 16 column. In the WHAT WE’RE READING section, last point, with zero commentary printed "Colgate women’s lacrosse coach Kathy Taylor is being accused of bullying players and pushing them to play through injuries, according to a report from The Democrat & Chronicle."
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Re: Mental Health, Abuse and reporting in Women's Lacrosse

Post by Memyself »

John Sung 'resigns/retires' midseason after team's Spring Break trip......per Instagram coachjsung:
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