Race in America - Riots Explode in Chicago

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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by kramerica.inc »

Peter Brown wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 8:44 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 8:38 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 7:25 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:10 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 5:45 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 5:37 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 5:24 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 4:45 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 4:03 pm :lol: November 4th will be the funniest day in all of our lives.

Also, Riots on the whole provoke a hostile right-wing response.


Please keep burning down stores! America loves that!
Good luck with your sales pitch, Pete.

Trump: "these cities burned on my watch. Vote for me if you'd like more of that".
None of that matters a Fan if most Americans 401Ks are in the black come November. I don't know alot about politics. I do know there are many Americans more concerned with how their 401Ks are doing that who the R or D is that is running for POTUS. If your 401K is still growing you could care less what is on fire.
Not this election.

This election is about virus outbreaks in school. Guess what parents across the country will think if Trump and other Governors (both parties) send their kids to school------and we get outbreaks? And a few kids die, as they have in Florida?

And then what happens to the economy if that all schools are shut?

Virus. "It's the virus, stupid" is the mantra of this election.
There are umpteen thousands of school districts in all 57 states. The governors are the ones dictating the rules about reopening. I watch my local news every morning and watch in bewilderment at the mass confusion in my state about how they open schools. That discussion will be ongoing and everchanging. If the parents are watching their 401Ks keep on growing, they have control over what they have invested. They have no control over how schools should reopen.
401ks grew by a greater % under Obama but it didn’t help the Democrats during the last election.

https://news.gallup.com/poll/266807/per ... stock.aspx
The democrat problem in 2016 was a HRC induced implosion against a candidate they had no right losing to. Even rising 401Ks could not save them in that regard.
So it’s more than just how well a 401k did.

The Dem mind:

Hillary was awesome; people love her (swoon).

Also, America is a racist country and wanted a racist because racism is in our DNA.

The assumption from many of the boomer and feminist wings of the DNC was that Hillary was "owed" the presidency. This was ultimately Hillary and the DNC's undoing. It was not "her turn" like they all assumed. They missed that she was highly unlikable, unrelatable to young democrats, and a motivating factor to republicans.

This time, the DNC wont make that same mistake. They wont be flashy, try to make history or even look too far to the future. They will play it close to the vest, roll out a retread, and hope Trump is as hated by the electorate as the media portrays.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by Peter Brown »

6ftstick post_id=174172 time=1596718216 user_id=300

Well spoken and accusatory from the guy who convicted all those "white Kids" on the Duke lacrosse team. That reflected so well on the lacrosse community (reply to DocBarrister)

For the 'Duke lacrosse' and 'UVA fraternity' hoaxes, guys like DocB bit the fake news as fast as they could reach a keyboard, railing entire communities of people who affiliated with either lacrosse or fraternities, because 'white supremacy' or something. And in the case of Duke, Crystal the 'victim' sits in a maximum security jail for murder and the prosecutor was justly exiled; for Rolling Stone, the 'victim' now has no friends and the journalist left Twitter and no longer writes. Fair enough. But that's not the most interesting part.

No, the more interesting part is guys like DocB (and others; you know who you are), guys who said 'lacrosse has a white supremacy problem' or 'fraternities are chock full of white rapists', these folks still believe the narrative (if not the stories themselves!!!)! You could show them a mountain of evidence disproving the stories and the narratives; it won't matter in the least. Their minds are set and there's nothing you can do about it. They'll die thinking white people are evil.

And, for anyone who steps out on the ledge to defend unjustly accused (by libs) human beings, the wrath comes down on the defenders even more. Tell people that a UVA fraternity is not capable of idly watching a young lady get raped by a dozen fraternity brothers on shards of glass, and you're a 'rape apologist'. Tell people that Mike Pressler is a good dude and did not recruit animals, and you're now a 'white supremacist'.

This is why I say libs are not serious actors. Ignore them or have fun with them, but don't treat them seriously.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by ChairmanOfTheBoard »

DocBarrister wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:03 am
ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 12:53 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:58 pm
6ftstick wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:14 pm
jhu72 wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:08 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:58 pm
jhu72 wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:58 pm
6ftstick wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:35 pm What a country. And the dems are doing so well with it.

Minneapolis Police informed residents of the city’s embattled 3rd Precinct to prepare for the giving up of their personal belongings to potential robbers and advised them to do as criminals say for their own safety.

According to a July 28 email the Minneapolis Police Department offered “prevention tips” to residents hoping to avoid being a victim of the skyrocketing cases of robbery and carjacking that have plagued the city since George Floyd’s death in May.

“Robberies and Carjacking’s [sic] have increased in our Precinct,” the email begins. “Cell phones, purses, and vehicles are being targeted. Some victims have been maced, dragged, assaulted, and some threatened with a gun. Most of these crimes have occurred north of 42nd St. E. 100 Robberies and 20 Carjackings have been reported to 3rd Precinct Police in July alone. Downtown and Southwest Minneapolis have seen an increase as well. We want those who live and work here to be safe!”

The email goes on to list several tips that citizens can supposedly use to protect themselves, which includes letting criminals have what they want:

Do not walk alone
Be hyper-aware of your surroundings at all times – pay attention!
Carry only items you need, and carry less cash
Be prepared to give up your cell phone and purse/wallet
Have keys already in your hand as you approach your car
Despite all our efforts, robberies may still occur! Do not argue or fight with the criminal. Do as they say. Your safety is most important!
… like these warnings are something new. Never happened before, anywhere , anytime, and certainly not in a city with a republican major. :roll:

... more republican dumb ass-ism.

You know, JHU72, as you belittle the heightened dangers of cities now as Democrat mayors side with anarchists, untold number of people who need to get to work, who like to work, no longer feel safe getting to work. More often than not, these are young ladies of color, of faith, honest people, scared to travel because the cities they live in are no longer safe. This is the real life results you diminish because Orange Man Bad. Disgusting.

YAWN. More blowhard bloviation.
What else is the liberal progressive bloviator going to do but reduce dangerous civil unrest, violence, 100's millions in small business losses, and rising criminality—due to negligence of liberal progressive mayors and governors—to republican dumbass-ism.

Minneapolis looks like Beirut in the 70's. Good on you dems.

The muslims living in minneapolis wanted it to seem more like home I guess.
Racist, ignorant, bigoted post by 6ftstick.

Anyone disagree?

DocBarrister :?
i think it depends on what definition of racism you are using. are lebanese whites exempt.

at least the ones in California are.

says who? the lebanese in California. https://www.latimes.com/projects/la-me- ... rica-race/
Not a relevant question.

If you prefer, we can leave “racist” out and 6ftstick’s post would still be ignorant and bigoted.

But it’s also clearly racist. 6ftstick clearly views “muslims living in minneapolis” [sic] as “others” or “foreigners”.

They are not.

For Muslims living in Minneapolis, Minneapolis (and the United States) IS HOME.

As I said, 6ftstick’s post is racist, ignorant, and bigoted.

Frankly, the lacrosse community has embarrassed itself on this forum with respect to issues related to racism and bigotry. Too many here are stuck back in the 1950s.

DocBarrister :?
im just glad we now agree that you can be racist against people of any color.

to state otherwise, i think, is embarrassing.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by Matnum PI »

Peter Brown wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 7:26 am
Matnum PI wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:08 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 8:37 pm It’s awful that I believe a black guy?
Is it awful you don’t?
because he's black then it must be true? Are you serious?
Regarding black lives, who am I supposed to believe, white liberals or actual black people?
These new standards confuse me.
So what do you do when another black (or the vast majority of blacks) says that this man is wrong? This isn't new standards...
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by DMac »

Wholeheartedly agree, Chairman. This little guy was in many, many tussles by the time he was twelve because he was a master race looking boy and his mother spoke with a slight German accent (didn't matter that she spoke better English than most people around her, or knew more about the history of our country). Somewhat understandable in that he grew up on Army bases and most he was in tussles with father's had been shot by krauts so this little guy was fair game. Most of 'em didn't make out too good as he was pretty experienced, not to mention he had a pretty good back up for a brother. Yup, racism includes whites too (and blacks are every bit as racist as whites).
(not a bump on the head, just a dent in the picture)
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by Matnum PI »

DocBarrister wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:03 am Frankly, the lacrosse community has embarrassed itself on this forum with respect to issues related to racism and bigotry. Too many here are stuck back in the 1950s.
A few posters is not the lacrosse community. These are your grandparents friends at the thanksgiving table. They're old, entertaining in their perspectives as you listen and think "Wow, so these are the people that say stuff like this", and you're keenly aware that the future of america (and lacrosse) looks nothing like these people.
Caddy Day
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by DocBarrister »

ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:13 am
DocBarrister wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:03 am
ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 12:53 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:58 pm
6ftstick wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:14 pm
jhu72 wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:08 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:58 pm
jhu72 wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:58 pm
6ftstick wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:35 pm What a country. And the dems are doing so well with it.

Minneapolis Police informed residents of the city’s embattled 3rd Precinct to prepare for the giving up of their personal belongings to potential robbers and advised them to do as criminals say for their own safety.

According to a July 28 email the Minneapolis Police Department offered “prevention tips” to residents hoping to avoid being a victim of the skyrocketing cases of robbery and carjacking that have plagued the city since George Floyd’s death in May.

“Robberies and Carjacking’s [sic] have increased in our Precinct,” the email begins. “Cell phones, purses, and vehicles are being targeted. Some victims have been maced, dragged, assaulted, and some threatened with a gun. Most of these crimes have occurred north of 42nd St. E. 100 Robberies and 20 Carjackings have been reported to 3rd Precinct Police in July alone. Downtown and Southwest Minneapolis have seen an increase as well. We want those who live and work here to be safe!”

The email goes on to list several tips that citizens can supposedly use to protect themselves, which includes letting criminals have what they want:

Do not walk alone
Be hyper-aware of your surroundings at all times – pay attention!
Carry only items you need, and carry less cash
Be prepared to give up your cell phone and purse/wallet
Have keys already in your hand as you approach your car
Despite all our efforts, robberies may still occur! Do not argue or fight with the criminal. Do as they say. Your safety is most important!
… like these warnings are something new. Never happened before, anywhere , anytime, and certainly not in a city with a republican major. :roll:

... more republican dumb ass-ism.

You know, JHU72, as you belittle the heightened dangers of cities now as Democrat mayors side with anarchists, untold number of people who need to get to work, who like to work, no longer feel safe getting to work. More often than not, these are young ladies of color, of faith, honest people, scared to travel because the cities they live in are no longer safe. This is the real life results you diminish because Orange Man Bad. Disgusting.

YAWN. More blowhard bloviation.
What else is the liberal progressive bloviator going to do but reduce dangerous civil unrest, violence, 100's millions in small business losses, and rising criminality—due to negligence of liberal progressive mayors and governors—to republican dumbass-ism.

Minneapolis looks like Beirut in the 70's. Good on you dems.

The muslims living in minneapolis wanted it to seem more like home I guess.
Racist, ignorant, bigoted post by 6ftstick.

Anyone disagree?

DocBarrister :?
i think it depends on what definition of racism you are using. are lebanese whites exempt.

at least the ones in California are.

says who? the lebanese in California. https://www.latimes.com/projects/la-me- ... rica-race/
Not a relevant question.

If you prefer, we can leave “racist” out and 6ftstick’s post would still be ignorant and bigoted.

But it’s also clearly racist. 6ftstick clearly views “muslims living in minneapolis” [sic] as “others” or “foreigners”.

They are not.

For Muslims living in Minneapolis, Minneapolis (and the United States) IS HOME.

As I said, 6ftstick’s post is racist, ignorant, and bigoted.

Frankly, the lacrosse community has embarrassed itself on this forum with respect to issues related to racism and bigotry. Too many here are stuck back in the 1950s.

DocBarrister :?
im just glad we now agree that you can be racist against people of any color.

to state otherwise, i think, is embarrassing.
You read 6ftstick’s post and THAT is the point you wanted to make?


DocBarrister :roll:
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by DocBarrister »

Matnum PI wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:55 am
DocBarrister wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:03 am Frankly, the lacrosse community has embarrassed itself on this forum with respect to issues related to racism and bigotry. Too many here are stuck back in the 1950s.
A few posters is not the lacrosse community. These are your grandparents friends at the thanksgiving table. They're old, entertaining in their perspectives as you listen and think "Wow, so these are the people that say stuff like this", and you're keenly aware that the future of america (and lacrosse) looks nothing like these people.
Yeah, but it is the Fanlax present.

DocBarrister :?
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by Matnum PI »

6ftstick wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 8:50 am Well spoken and accusatory from the guy who convicted all those "white Kids" on the Duke lacrosse team. That reflected so well on the lacrosse community
That's a lie. I remember that time very well. Doc didn't accuse the players. While most screamed "Not guilty", he consistently said, Let the judicial system play out. Which frustrated some people.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:13 am
DocBarrister wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:03 am
ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 12:53 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:58 pm
6ftstick wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:14 pm
jhu72 wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:08 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:58 pm
jhu72 wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:58 pm
6ftstick wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:35 pm What a country. And the dems are doing so well with it.

Minneapolis Police informed residents of the city’s embattled 3rd Precinct to prepare for the giving up of their personal belongings to potential robbers and advised them to do as criminals say for their own safety.

According to a July 28 email the Minneapolis Police Department offered “prevention tips” to residents hoping to avoid being a victim of the skyrocketing cases of robbery and carjacking that have plagued the city since George Floyd’s death in May.

“Robberies and Carjacking’s [sic] have increased in our Precinct,” the email begins. “Cell phones, purses, and vehicles are being targeted. Some victims have been maced, dragged, assaulted, and some threatened with a gun. Most of these crimes have occurred north of 42nd St. E. 100 Robberies and 20 Carjackings have been reported to 3rd Precinct Police in July alone. Downtown and Southwest Minneapolis have seen an increase as well. We want those who live and work here to be safe!”

The email goes on to list several tips that citizens can supposedly use to protect themselves, which includes letting criminals have what they want:

Do not walk alone
Be hyper-aware of your surroundings at all times – pay attention!
Carry only items you need, and carry less cash
Be prepared to give up your cell phone and purse/wallet
Have keys already in your hand as you approach your car
Despite all our efforts, robberies may still occur! Do not argue or fight with the criminal. Do as they say. Your safety is most important!
… like these warnings are something new. Never happened before, anywhere , anytime, and certainly not in a city with a republican major. :roll:

... more republican dumb ass-ism.

You know, JHU72, as you belittle the heightened dangers of cities now as Democrat mayors side with anarchists, untold number of people who need to get to work, who like to work, no longer feel safe getting to work. More often than not, these are young ladies of color, of faith, honest people, scared to travel because the cities they live in are no longer safe. This is the real life results you diminish because Orange Man Bad. Disgusting.

YAWN. More blowhard bloviation.
What else is the liberal progressive bloviator going to do but reduce dangerous civil unrest, violence, 100's millions in small business losses, and rising criminality—due to negligence of liberal progressive mayors and governors—to republican dumbass-ism.

Minneapolis looks like Beirut in the 70's. Good on you dems.

The muslims living in minneapolis wanted it to seem more like home I guess.
Racist, ignorant, bigoted post by 6ftstick.

Anyone disagree?

DocBarrister :?
i think it depends on what definition of racism you are using. are lebanese whites exempt.

at least the ones in California are.

says who? the lebanese in California. https://www.latimes.com/projects/la-me- ... rica-race/
Not a relevant question.

If you prefer, we can leave “racist” out and 6ftstick’s post would still be ignorant and bigoted.

But it’s also clearly racist. 6ftstick clearly views “muslims living in minneapolis” [sic] as “others” or “foreigners”.

They are not.

For Muslims living in Minneapolis, Minneapolis (and the United States) IS HOME.

As I said, 6ftstick’s post is racist, ignorant, and bigoted.

Frankly, the lacrosse community has embarrassed itself on this forum with respect to issues related to racism and bigotry. Too many here are stuck back in the 1950s.

DocBarrister :?
im just glad we now agree that you can be racist against people of any color.

to state otherwise, i think, is embarrassing.
Any individual can be racist. The problem here has been government policies (state, local, federal), laws and lack of protection and enforcement of rights and liberties of black people in this country. Are you of the mind that minorities in this country have not been treated any differently by the government in this country?
“You lucky I ain’t read wretched yet!”
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by Matnum PI »

This discussion of "anyone can be racist" reminds me of the Christian who says to the Jew, "I don't know why you get so upset when I make fun of Jews. Why don't you just make fun of me for being Christian?" It doesn't work...
Caddy Day
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Peter Brown
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by Peter Brown »

Matnum PI wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:43 am
Peter Brown wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 7:26 am
Matnum PI wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:08 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 8:37 pm It’s awful that I believe a black guy?
Is it awful you don’t?
because he's black then it must be true? Are you serious?
Regarding black lives, who am I supposed to believe, white liberals or actual black people?
These new standards confuse me.
So what do you do when another black (or the vast majority of blacks) says that this man is wrong? This isn't new standards...

You listen to both sides.

Because one side is louder, or more 'popular', that doesn't mean you must agree with the louder side.

Each side's view is as important as the other's. I tend to agree with people who are doers, hence Big Dave appeals to guys like me more.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by Peter Brown »

DocBarrister wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:03 am You read 6ftstick’s post and THAT is the point you wanted to make?


DocBarrister :roll:

Would Doc be so kind as to let the Board know what his reaction was to "Duke lacrosse" and "UVA fraternity (Rolling Stone)"? It always helps to understand the mindset of someone who accuses others of things.

We shall wait...
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by DMac »

I don't think there's anyone who doesn't get that, Mantum. The problem with the definition of racism today is that too much is considered racism (and stereotyping). I say I'd rather go to Pedro's Taco place than Sven's because I figure Pedro's are probably better and that's racist and stereotyping in today's world. It's become ridiculous.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by ChairmanOfTheBoard »

DocBarrister wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:03 am
ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:13 am
DocBarrister wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:03 am
ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 12:53 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:58 pm
6ftstick wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:14 pm
jhu72 wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:08 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:58 pm
jhu72 wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:58 pm
6ftstick wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:35 pm What a country. And the dems are doing so well with it.

Minneapolis Police informed residents of the city’s embattled 3rd Precinct to prepare for the giving up of their personal belongings to potential robbers and advised them to do as criminals say for their own safety.

According to a July 28 email the Minneapolis Police Department offered “prevention tips” to residents hoping to avoid being a victim of the skyrocketing cases of robbery and carjacking that have plagued the city since George Floyd’s death in May.

“Robberies and Carjacking’s [sic] have increased in our Precinct,” the email begins. “Cell phones, purses, and vehicles are being targeted. Some victims have been maced, dragged, assaulted, and some threatened with a gun. Most of these crimes have occurred north of 42nd St. E. 100 Robberies and 20 Carjackings have been reported to 3rd Precinct Police in July alone. Downtown and Southwest Minneapolis have seen an increase as well. We want those who live and work here to be safe!”

The email goes on to list several tips that citizens can supposedly use to protect themselves, which includes letting criminals have what they want:

Do not walk alone
Be hyper-aware of your surroundings at all times – pay attention!
Carry only items you need, and carry less cash
Be prepared to give up your cell phone and purse/wallet
Have keys already in your hand as you approach your car
Despite all our efforts, robberies may still occur! Do not argue or fight with the criminal. Do as they say. Your safety is most important!
… like these warnings are something new. Never happened before, anywhere , anytime, and certainly not in a city with a republican major. :roll:

... more republican dumb ass-ism.

You know, JHU72, as you belittle the heightened dangers of cities now as Democrat mayors side with anarchists, untold number of people who need to get to work, who like to work, no longer feel safe getting to work. More often than not, these are young ladies of color, of faith, honest people, scared to travel because the cities they live in are no longer safe. This is the real life results you diminish because Orange Man Bad. Disgusting.

YAWN. More blowhard bloviation.
What else is the liberal progressive bloviator going to do but reduce dangerous civil unrest, violence, 100's millions in small business losses, and rising criminality—due to negligence of liberal progressive mayors and governors—to republican dumbass-ism.

Minneapolis looks like Beirut in the 70's. Good on you dems.

The muslims living in minneapolis wanted it to seem more like home I guess.
Racist, ignorant, bigoted post by 6ftstick.

Anyone disagree?

DocBarrister :?
i think it depends on what definition of racism you are using. are lebanese whites exempt.

at least the ones in California are.

says who? the lebanese in California. https://www.latimes.com/projects/la-me- ... rica-race/
Not a relevant question.

If you prefer, we can leave “racist” out and 6ftstick’s post would still be ignorant and bigoted.

But it’s also clearly racist. 6ftstick clearly views “muslims living in minneapolis” [sic] as “others” or “foreigners”.

They are not.

For Muslims living in Minneapolis, Minneapolis (and the United States) IS HOME.

As I said, 6ftstick’s post is racist, ignorant, and bigoted.

Frankly, the lacrosse community has embarrassed itself on this forum with respect to issues related to racism and bigotry. Too many here are stuck back in the 1950s.

DocBarrister :?
im just glad we now agree that you can be racist against people of any color.

to state otherwise, i think, is embarrassing.
You read 6ftstick’s post and THAT is the point you wanted to make?


DocBarrister :roll:
doc, you asked.

DocB wrote:
Anyone disagree?
i answered. so i'll ask the question-

what is embarrassing about this: racism is against people of any color

i'm certainly not embarrassed.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by DMac »

Is it racist to stand for the national anthem (if it's not now, it won't be long before it is...that is, before it's no longer our national anthem)?
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by Matnum PI »

Peter Brown wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:23 am Each side's view is as important as the other's. I tend to agree with people who are doers, hence Big Dave appeals to guys like me more.
And, not coincidentally, it absolves you of most any responsibility. Racism is real.
Caddy Day
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by Matnum PI »

DMac wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:27 am I don't think there's anyone who doesn't get that, Mantum. The problem with the definition of racism today is that too much is considered racism (and stereotyping). I say I'd rather go to Pedro's Taco place than Sven's because I figure Pedro's are probably better and that's racist and stereotyping in today's world. It's become ridiculous.
There's no question that there are people who are hyper-sensitive about racism and similar issues. Irrationally so. And, though seemingly not the case in the media as these people garner eyeballs and $ for them, these people are a small number. On the other side of the equation, there are very real racists in america today. and, more common, people who have grown used to certain perspectives and behaviors that simply are not OK. perspectives and behaviors that merit change.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by ChairmanOfTheBoard »

DMac wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:47 am Is it racist to stand for the national anthem (if it's not now, it won't be long before it is...that is, before it's no longer our national anthem)?
it's a good question. i suspect no. but with today's internet, someone somewhere will make the case.

and i'd like to read it, out of curiosity- it's just an idea and i can handle that. doc asked for my opinion and then went intolerant when it didnt fit the agenda.

also, great photo!
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by 6ftstick »

DocBarrister wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:03 am
ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:13 am
DocBarrister wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:03 am
ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 12:53 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:58 pm
6ftstick wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:14 pm
jhu72 wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:08 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:58 pm
jhu72 wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:58 pm
6ftstick wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:35 pm What a country. And the dems are doing so well with it.

Minneapolis Police informed residents of the city’s embattled 3rd Precinct to prepare for the giving up of their personal belongings to potential robbers and advised them to do as criminals say for their own safety.

According to a July 28 email the Minneapolis Police Department offered “prevention tips” to residents hoping to avoid being a victim of the skyrocketing cases of robbery and carjacking that have plagued the city since George Floyd’s death in May.

“Robberies and Carjacking’s [sic] have increased in our Precinct,” the email begins. “Cell phones, purses, and vehicles are being targeted. Some victims have been maced, dragged, assaulted, and some threatened with a gun. Most of these crimes have occurred north of 42nd St. E. 100 Robberies and 20 Carjackings have been reported to 3rd Precinct Police in July alone. Downtown and Southwest Minneapolis have seen an increase as well. We want those who live and work here to be safe!”

The email goes on to list several tips that citizens can supposedly use to protect themselves, which includes letting criminals have what they want:

Do not walk alone
Be hyper-aware of your surroundings at all times – pay attention!
Carry only items you need, and carry less cash
Be prepared to give up your cell phone and purse/wallet
Have keys already in your hand as you approach your car
Despite all our efforts, robberies may still occur! Do not argue or fight with the criminal. Do as they say. Your safety is most important!
… like these warnings are something new. Never happened before, anywhere , anytime, and certainly not in a city with a republican major. :roll:

... more republican dumb ass-ism.

You know, JHU72, as you belittle the heightened dangers of cities now as Democrat mayors side with anarchists, untold number of people who need to get to work, who like to work, no longer feel safe getting to work. More often than not, these are young ladies of color, of faith, honest people, scared to travel because the cities they live in are no longer safe. This is the real life results you diminish because Orange Man Bad. Disgusting.

YAWN. More blowhard bloviation.
What else is the liberal progressive bloviator going to do but reduce dangerous civil unrest, violence, 100's millions in small business losses, and rising criminality—due to negligence of liberal progressive mayors and governors—to republican dumbass-ism.

Minneapolis looks like Beirut in the 70's. Good on you dems.

The muslims living in minneapolis wanted it to seem more like home I guess.
Racist, ignorant, bigoted post by 6ftstick.

Anyone disagree?

DocBarrister :?
i think it depends on what definition of racism you are using. are lebanese whites exempt.

at least the ones in California are.

says who? the lebanese in California. https://www.latimes.com/projects/la-me- ... rica-race/
Not a relevant question.

If you prefer, we can leave “racist” out and 6ftstick’s post would still be ignorant and bigoted.

But it’s also clearly racist. 6ftstick clearly views “muslims living in minneapolis” [sic] as “others” or “foreigners”.

They are not.

For Muslims living in Minneapolis, Minneapolis (and the United States) IS HOME.

As I said, 6ftstick’s post is racist, ignorant, and bigoted.

Frankly, the lacrosse community has embarrassed itself on this forum with respect to issues related to racism and bigotry. Too many here are stuck back in the 1950s.

DocBarrister :?
im just glad we now agree that you can be racist against people of any color.

to state otherwise, i think, is embarrassing.
You read 6ftstick’s post and THAT is the point you wanted to make?


DocBarrister :roll:
No he noted your accusation.
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