AllSports Story

2018 Games
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AllSports Story

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So AllSports joined us for Season One in 2004. Typical Lax Dad. Didn't necessarily play as a younger man (though he may of) but definitely got more into the game when his kids started playing. So he had a boy who happened to be playing for one of the FanLax NCAA teams: Senior at Rutgers. No one had heard of the kid. (It happens. We also had a player from Dartmouth that season. With his last pick, he drafted himself. kind of funny.) Anyway, with his first pick, AllSports takes Ian Dingman. (Dingman was a beast. Powell, Boyle, and Dingman were First Team All-FanLax that season. Fun season.) Anyway, second pick, his son. I could be wrong but I think he could've taken his boy with his last pick and he still would've gotten the kid. Don't get me wrong. I think the kid was a HS AA. He didn't suck. But he certainly didn't have the last name Stanwick. Anyway, cutting to the chase, that year, the kid ends up being the top scoring middy and First Team All-FanLax. Obviously he also got other honors that season but... The father said his boy being All-FanLax was his favorite. Anyway, an AllSports story. The next season, 2005, AllSports drafted his other son, a freshman at RU. :)
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