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~21~ Let's Brandon Trump Trolls! ~21~

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 4:11 pm
by dislaxxic
How to Fight Right-Wing Trolls and Actually Win

We have one lurking at the Back-Up Stick and he is proving to be a real dirtbag. Gotta wonder what kind of internal hatred makes a person like that tick. The constant hate, constant vitriol, constant mangling of facts and truth...makes you wonder what kind of life such gutter-dwellers really have. What is it that has made life so bitter for this kind of dead-ender??


Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:28 pm
by Bandito
dislaxxic wrote:How to Fight Right-Wing Trolls and Actually Win

We have one lurking at the Back-Up Stick and he is proving to be a real dirtbag. Gotta wonder what kind of internal hatred makes a person like that tick. The constant hate, constant vitriol, constant mangling of facts and truth...makes you wonder what kind of life such gutter-dwellers really have. What is it that has made life so bitter for this kind of dead-ender??

Your ideology is filled with hatred. Sorry you are finally hearing the other side. Truth hurts I know. Donald J. Trump is your daddy. He owns you and lives rent free in your head.

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:57 pm
by DMac
Just a little piss boy who needs to be abused, dis.
Comes from bad stock, poor parenting, the kind that need to be taken out of the gene pool. Never would have survived in the world of survival of the fittest. Can be a tough guy, smart ass, annoying loud mouth from a key board, no worries about being sent home crying to Mommy with a bloody nose. That, more than likely, answers your questions. You guys don't need to sink to his level but I'll gladly wallow in his shallow little pond with him.

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 7:49 am
by Bandito
DMac wrote:Just a little piss boy who needs to be abused, dis.
Comes from bad stock, poor parenting, the kind that need to be taken out of the gene pool. Never would have survived in the world of survival of the fittest. Can be a tough guy, smart ass, annoying loud mouth from a key board, no worries about being sent home crying to Mommy with a bloody nose. That, more than likely, answers your questions. You guys don't need to sink to his level but I'll gladly wallow in his shallow little pond with him.
Hey at least I learned not to drink and drive! Don't throw stones in glass houses. I speak truth. It may not be the nicest way to present it, but hey, someone has to counter all the flatuence you all pontificate on a daily basis.

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:55 am
by dislaxxic
Why Internet Trolls Enjoy Making You Feel Bad

NO truth comes out of troll keyboards...they are just words that ring true to THEM, and them alone.

"They used the Global Assessment of Internet Trolling (which I wrote about here) to determine if people were trolls, as well as measures for the Dark Tetrad and for negative social potency. In the end, scoring high on negative social potency was the strongest predictor of trolling. Essentially, trolls enjoy getting attention by harming other people. The sadism component means the psychological suffering of others is also particularly enjoyable for trolls."

We have plenty of honest conservatives that post around here...and post very thoughtful things that are written without constant cursing and belittling. The obvious STATED enjoyment at convincing themselves that they have "won" something.

Juvenile, really. Way beyond simply taunting.


Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:13 am
by Bandito
dislaxxic wrote:Why Internet Trolls Enjoy Making You Feel Bad

NO truth comes out of troll keyboards...they are just words that ring true to THEM, and them alone.

"They used the Global Assessment of Internet Trolling (which I wrote about here) to determine if people were trolls, as well as measures for the Dark Tetrad and for negative social potency. In the end, scoring high on negative social potency was the strongest predictor of trolling. Essentially, trolls enjoy getting attention by harming other people. The sadism component means the psychological suffering of others is also particularly enjoyable for trolls."

We have plenty of honest conservatives that post around here...and post very thoughtful things that are written without constant cursing and belittling. The obvious STATED enjoyment at convincing themselves that they have "won" something.

Juvenile, really. Way beyond simply taunting.

Pot Meet Kettle. You and Brooklyn should get together. You are both the biggest trolls on here.

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:17 am
by dislaxxic
Wrong again...everyone here knows who tossed the board into the gutter. Frito has no peers when it comes to hateful, gratuitous nonsense.

...and he's SO SURPRISED when folks come back at him hard...aww, sorry Trolldito. You got a great big target on your back now, friend.


Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:20 am
by Bandito
dislaxxic wrote:Wrong again...everyone here knows who tossed the board into the gutter. Frito has no peers when it comes to hateful, gratuitous nonsense.

...and he's SO SURPRISED when folks come back at him hard...aww, sorry Trolldito. You got a great big target on your back now, friend.

Everyone knows you're a joke around here. You and Brooklyn provide no substance. I provide balance to the board. You can't handle anyone that doesn't share your viewpoint. Very closed minded of you you dumbass.

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:39 am
by DMac
Bandito wrote:
DMac wrote:Just a little piss boy who needs to be abused, dis.
Comes from bad stock, poor parenting, the kind that need to be taken out of the gene pool. Never would have survived in the world of survival of the fittest. Can be a tough guy, smart ass, annoying loud mouth from a key board, no worries about being sent home crying to Mommy with a bloody nose. That, more than likely, answers your questions. You guys don't need to sink to his level but I'll gladly wallow in his shallow little pond with him.
Hey at least I learned not to drink and drive! Don't throw stones in glass houses. I speak truth. It may not be the nicest way to present it, but hey, someone has to counter all the flatuence you all pontificate on a daily basis.
"I speak truth."
No, that is the problem with you, you speak childish name calling nonsense that most others here choose to rise above, you don't speak in facts. Across the board it's been a rather civil place where people can disagree with one another respectfully. It's actually pretty easy to be just another turd in the cesspool that is social media and, to date, you're proof of that. When the banter rises above your level of intellect, your defense is to revert to elementary school level name calling. There are many very bright posters, many of whom I've learned a whole lot from, that you no longer see coming around. There's not much question in my mind that it's you and your ilk who can take credit for that. Congratulations.
In case you're wondering, I've wallowed in smut and filth in places you've only heard of, you can't get too foul and vulgar for me. You're out of your league here, promise you. Difference here is, I know what time and place means and I'm hoping that's something you can learn. Take your stench and turd persona to a more appropriate place and show us that you do know how to banter as an adult with a bit of decency and respect.

JFTR, in my day drinking and driving was the norm, not really frowned upon. No MADD, no SADD, not a major offense, etc. Really wasn't a biggie (as wrong as that is). Was a bit of a different you could knock smart ass little punks on their ass in too. Just sayin'.

"flatuence" You're one L short on your flatulence, there are some good and fitting comments that could be made here but I'll try to rise above in hopes that maybe you can follow suit and maybe see the light a little bit.

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:46 am
by Bandito
DMac wrote:
Bandito wrote:
DMac wrote:Just a little piss boy who needs to be abused, dis.
Comes from bad stock, poor parenting, the kind that need to be taken out of the gene pool. Never would have survived in the world of survival of the fittest. Can be a tough guy, smart ass, annoying loud mouth from a key board, no worries about being sent home crying to Mommy with a bloody nose. That, more than likely, answers your questions. You guys don't need to sink to his level but I'll gladly wallow in his shallow little pond with him.
Hey at least I learned not to drink and drive! Don't throw stones in glass houses. I speak truth. It may not be the nicest way to present it, but hey, someone has to counter all the flatuence you all pontificate on a daily basis.
"I speak truth."
No, that is the problem with you, you speak childish name calling nonsense that most others here choose to rise above, you don't speak in facts. Across the board it's been a rather civil place where people can disagree with one another respectfully. It's actually pretty easy to be just another turd in the cesspool that is social media and, to date, you're proof of that. When the banter rises above your level of intellect, your defense is to revert to elementary school level name calling. There are many very bright posters, many of whom I've learned a whole lot from, that you no longer see coming around. There's not much question in my mind that it's you and your ilk who can take credit for that. Congratulations.
In case you're wondering, I've wallowed in smut and filth in places you've only heard of, you can't get too foul and vulgar for me. You're out of your league here, promise you. Difference here is, I know what time and place means and I'm hoping that's something you can learn. Take your stench and turd persona to a more appropriate place and show us that you do know how to banter as an adult with a bit of decency and respect.

JFTR, in my day drinking and driving was the norm, not really frowned upon. No MADD, no SADD, not a major offense, etc. Really wasn't a biggie (as wrong as that is). Was a bit of a different you could knock smart ass little punks on their ass in too. Just sayin'.

"flatuence" You're one L short on your flatulence, there are some good and fitting comments that could be made here but I'll try to rise above in hopes that maybe you can follow suit and maybe see the light a little bit.
I will too. You and your buddies on here just need to accept a few items as truth

1. Trump is your President
2. Kavanaugh is not a sexual assaulter, misogynist and is a legitimate SCOTUS Justice
3. The Democrats are the party of racism, KKK, Jim Crow, and plantation politics etc
4. Antifa is part of the Democrat Party
5. Socialism and globalization, and illegal immigration is the new platform of the Democrat Party
6. Democrats and Obama created such division in this nation, Trump won the election because people were sick of it
7. Democrats are the most hateful group of people in the US. Over 580 cases of violence against Trump supporters and politicians

This is a good start.

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:50 am
by dislaxxic
It's a descriptive thread, but certain numbnuts don't realize that. Nobody knows if he has anything genuine to offer, because he can't bring himself to frame it in any way other than as a shrill, nonsensical troll. Trolls get no respect, cause they don't offer any. Backing down from trolls gives them what they want, validation. There is NO validation in here for the types of arguments he offers, because he stirs up emotion, then cries foul when he gets hit back with emotion. The science behind internet “Trolls” and online harassment — and how to take the high road.

Maybe some day, our own troll will come around to making cogent arguments and backing them up with language that isn't full of invective and profanity. This poster's behavior has been unique in the history of LP/FL.

The Final Answer?



Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:04 am
by DMac
Bandito wrote:
DMac wrote:
Bandito wrote:
DMac wrote:Just a little piss boy who needs to be abused, dis.
Comes from bad stock, poor parenting, the kind that need to be taken out of the gene pool. Never would have survived in the world of survival of the fittest. Can be a tough guy, smart ass, annoying loud mouth from a key board, no worries about being sent home crying to Mommy with a bloody nose. That, more than likely, answers your questions. You guys don't need to sink to his level but I'll gladly wallow in his shallow little pond with him.
Hey at least I learned not to drink and drive! Don't throw stones in glass houses. I speak truth. It may not be the nicest way to present it, but hey, someone has to counter all the flatuence you all pontificate on a daily basis.
"I speak truth."
No, that is the problem with you, you speak childish name calling nonsense that most others here choose to rise above, you don't speak in facts. Across the board it's been a rather civil place where people can disagree with one another respectfully. It's actually pretty easy to be just another turd in the cesspool that is social media and, to date, you're proof of that. When the banter rises above your level of intellect, your defense is to revert to elementary school level name calling. There are many very bright posters, many of whom I've learned a whole lot from, that you no longer see coming around. There's not much question in my mind that it's you and your ilk who can take credit for that. Congratulations.
In case you're wondering, I've wallowed in smut and filth in places you've only heard of, you can't get too foul and vulgar for me. You're out of your league here, promise you. Difference here is, I know what time and place means and I'm hoping that's something you can learn. Take your stench and turd persona to a more appropriate place and show us that you do know how to banter as an adult with a bit of decency and respect.

JFTR, in my day drinking and driving was the norm, not really frowned upon. No MADD, no SADD, not a major offense, etc. Really wasn't a biggie (as wrong as that is). Was a bit of a different you could knock smart ass little punks on their ass in too. Just sayin'.

"flatuence" You're one L short on your flatulence, there are some good and fitting comments that could be made here but I'll try to rise above in hopes that maybe you can follow suit and maybe see the light a little bit.
I will too. You and your buddies on here just need to accept a few items as truth

1. Trump is your President
2. Kavanaugh is not a sexual assaulter, misogynist and is a legitimate SCOTUS Justice
3. The Democrats are the party of racism, KKK, Jim Crow, and plantation politics etc
4. Antifa is part of the Democrat Party
5. Socialism and globalization, and illegal immigration is the new platform of the Democrat Party
6. Democrats and Obama created such division in this nation, Trump won the election because people were sick of it
7. Democrats are the most hateful group of people in the US. Over 580 cases of violence against Trump supporters and politicians

This is a good start.
Congratulations, yes, a good start and one that gives me hope that the maturation process has begun. Topics open for discussion with nary a childish name calling. Gotta start somewhere, keep it up.

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 1:32 pm
Another quality post by

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:03 pm
by HooDat wrote:Feed a conversation. Starve a troll.

Biting one's tongue and not lowering onself to the level of the troll or internet toughguy is the best way to make them go away.

It takes discipline to let the Trolls have the last word. But it ultimately shuts them up and eventually starves them.
I am starting to wonder if the Bandito is the alter ego of our little yellow friend....??? kinda a Jekyll and Hyde thing ang6 angry5

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:11 pm
by Bandito wrote:Feed a conversation. Starve a troll.

Biting one's tongue and not lowering onself to the level of the troll or internet toughguy is the best way to make them go away.

It takes discipline to let the Trolls have the last word. But it ultimately shuts them up and eventually starves them.
Totally agree. Brooklyn and dislaxxic both fit this description. All they do is post pointless memes and bring nothing to the conversations.

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:54 pm
by DMac
I'm not with you boys on the dis and Brookie suspicions.
Don't know who, but neither of those two would make my suspects list.

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:04 pm
by Brooklyn
DMac wrote:I'm not with you boys on the dis and Brookie suspicions.
Don't know who, but neither of those two would make my suspects list.


Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:10 pm
by dislaxxic
HooDat wrote:I am starting to wonder if the Bandito is the alter ego of our little yellow friend....??? kinda a Jekyll and Hyde thing ang6 angry5
HEY! I RESEMBLE that remark...i MEAN, RESENT! No WAY, Jose!!

Don't have a cow, man...


Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:29 am
by MDlaxfan76
dislaxxic wrote:How to Fight Right-Wing Trolls and Actually Win

We have one lurking at the Back-Up Stick and he is proving to be a real dirtbag. Gotta wonder what kind of internal hatred makes a person like that tick. The constant hate, constant vitriol, constant mangling of facts and truth...makes you wonder what kind of life such gutter-dwellers really have. What is it that has made life so bitter for this kind of dead-ender??

Having just stumbled onto this thread and your original post, I had to chuckle when the 'dirtbag' self-identifies himself as the 'troll' in question a few posts down. Gee, how did he know he was the specific "dirtbag" in question?

I have him in my "Do Not Disturb" settings, so just see that he's posted and anyone who quotes him. If I really want to see his 'vitriol' and his claims of 'truth' I can do so, but his profanity doesn't otherwise occupy the page.

What I do find a bit morbidly fascinating is what twists in the soul must have occurred in his life to bring him to this point? I ask the same question about sexual predators, white supremacists, and others who have some severe screws loose, etc. What went so wrong in their lives? Are they redeemable?

Ok, I know that a significant % of humans are simply born without a capacity for empathy, a sociopath, or potentially worse, a psychopath with no conscience at all.

Nature vs nurture?

Re: Internet Trolls

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:54 pm
by holmes435
I will say it's interesting how one person can bring the level of discourse down substantially and really crap all over everything. Mostly it's just him, but it's on every page.

While it was moderated with a heavy hand at times, we had built up a nice community over the years at the old forums.