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Why is lacrosse so competitive now?

Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 11:30 am
by randomuser900
I am a bit old now, but I still feel salty about not getting to play high school sports. I grew up in Southern California, and even the JV lacrosse team had cuts where I lived growing up. It is so damn competitive

Re: Why is lacrosse so competitive now?

Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 12:19 pm
by 3rdPersonPlural

As I read your fascinating post, you grew up in SoCal and never could even make the JV team because how deep the coach had to cut?

You're going to get lots of replies about how hard young laxers work and the rule of 10,000. No sport is easy to be competent at, but lacrosse requires a fundamental level of skill just to play at all.

Re: Why is lacrosse so competitive now?

Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 12:50 pm
by randomuser900
Yeah. I went to a large and wealthy high school, and even track, swimming, and wrestling made cuts.

Re: Why is lacrosse so competitive now?

Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 7:32 am
by Olderbarndog
As a retired coach I can assure you the tryout/selection process is pretty brutal. Cutting players absolutely sucks. Battled my AD and many of his colleagues to initiate freshman teams (varsity & jv levels only here).

My AD was tight with a buck, in the 90's when schools were pretty well funded. Both varsity & jv teams traveled on one bus, seating 48. Minus 3 coaches both rosters couldn't exceed 45 players. Often my assistants & I would rotate getting to away games on our own to add a player or two.

Re: Why is lacrosse so competitive now?

Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 11:05 am
by Laxxal22
randomuser900 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 12:50 pm Yeah. I went to a large and wealthy high school, and even track, swimming, and wrestling made cuts.
I've thought before how hard it must be to make/play on high school teams at some of these large SoCal or TX high schools where the enrollment is 500+ boys per class. Even for lacrosse, which hasn't fully caught on, there are so many bodies for not that many roster spots.