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A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:21 am
by HooDat
So, I have noticed a tremendous amping up of poster's exercise of their first amendment rights here in our new home! :?

thatsmell had this to say on another thread:
No one forbid [...] But we did whack posts when people couldn't hold a conversation about those topics in a civil, respectable manner. The name calling, taunting and flaming were the reasons some of your posts got whacked.

But you're no longer shackled by us pesky moderators any more. Please, post to your hearts content- display thy true self here!!!

I have been surprised by how much the moderators were actually having to step in to maintain the collegial tone that we all enjoyed on LP. I am not calling for moderator censorship - I myself have tested the boundaries (if no where else, at least on the joke thread). But I would say this:

Let's all breath a little before we hit the "submit" button. Flaming people with 100 meme posts or relentlessly trolling on a topic may be temporarily satisfying, but like donuts, if that is your entire diet you will get a tummy ache.....

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:35 am
by Bandito
HooDat wrote:So, I have noticed a tremendous amping up of poster's exercise of their first amendment rights here in our new home! :?

thatsmell had this to say on another thread:
No one forbid [...] But we did whack posts when people couldn't hold a conversation about those topics in a civil, respectable manner. The name calling, taunting and flaming were the reasons some of your posts got whacked.

But you're no longer shackled by us pesky moderators any more. Please, post to your hearts content- display thy true self here!!!

I have been surprised by how much the moderators were actually having to step in to maintain the collegial tone that we all enjoyed on LP. I am not calling for moderator censorship - I myself have tested the boundaries (if no where else, at least on the joke thread). But I would say this:

Let's all breath a little before we hit the "submit" button. Flaming people with 100 meme posts or relentlessly trolling on a topic may be temporarily satisfying, but like donuts, if that is your entire diet you will get a tummy ache.....
LP only censored conservative voices. Twitter, Facebook and Google are doing the same.

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:55 am
by HooDat
Well, Doc's comments (that quote was directed at Doc) would imply otherwise.....

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 11:09 am
by a fan
Bandito! Good morning!

So I got up early this morning to quit my church-----because, naturally, only leader Trump speaks the truth, so I had to say goodbye to G*d. And clearly Jesus was a liberal, so he's out. And as I was pledging my loyalty to government leader Trump, I was wondering, Bandito....when we sing our government loyalty song, are we supposed to face New York, where our government leader was born, or Washington DC, where our government leader dispenses the daily orders to our comrade citizens?

Anxiously awaiting your answer, fellow government subject!

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:00 pm
by holmes435
Brooklyn has mentioned a lot about his old posts being removed as well.

Even though he's wrong, I do like Bandito whining about private companies exercising their rights to establish guidelines as to what is acceptable in their online venues. Very free market of him. I imagine he would refer to it as being a snowflake tell us to man up if we were the ones complaining.


Back to reality, I do think it's a good idea to establish some guidelines as to what the community wants from our message boards. The foe function is still available, but it would be nice to not need it.

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:09 pm
by seacoaster
I have, for the first time, exercised the "foe" function. It was like having that first long draw of Talisker after a tough work week.

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:22 pm
by HooDat
seacoaster wrote:I have, for the first time, exercised the "foe" function. It was like having that first long draw of Talisker after a tough work week.
so, now we all want to know WHO???? 8-)

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:26 pm
by seacoaster
Wanting to know "who" is really topical these days.

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:29 pm
by dislaxxic
Interesting you felt you wanted to put this thread in the Politics Board as opposed to the General Chatter Board...

The subject of the thread is General Chatter...the things that happen to raise the question occur (mostly) in the Politics Board.

Like...THIS leftwingnut had my share of deletions and edits at LP...

I also can't say how restrained i feel i've been in he face of some of brother Bandito's posts...anyone notice how AF kinda "undressed" him in a post this a very polite and very sarcastic way?? When i grow up, i want to be more like AF... ;)

Anybody seen jhu72 around? Cradle?? Miss those guys. As for fatty and all his split personalities/avatars...well....umm... EXACTLY! :lol:


Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:31 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
dislaxxic wrote:Interesting you felt you wanted to put this thread in the Politics Board as opposed to the General Chatter Board...

The subject of the thread is General Chatter...the things that happen to raise the question occur (mostly) in the Politics Board.

Like...THIS leftwingnut had my share of deletions and edits at LP...

I also can't say how restrained i feel i've been in he face of some of brother Bandito's posts...anyone notice how AF kinda "undressed" him in a post this a very polite and very sarcastic way?? When i grow up, i want to be more like AF... ;)

Anybody seen jhu72 around? Cradle?? Miss those guys. As for fatty and all his split personalities/avatars...well....umm... EXACTLY! :lol:

Anybody seen Ray Ray?...... :lol: :lol: ...... He is over there having conversations with himself!

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:38 pm
by Bandito
holmes435 wrote:Brooklyn has mentioned a lot about his old posts being removed as well.

Even though he's wrong, I do like Bandito whining about private companies exercising their rights to establish guidelines as to what is acceptable in their online venues. Very free market of him. I imagine he would refer to it as being a snowflake tell us to man up if we were the ones complaining.


Back to reality, I do think it's a good idea to establish some guidelines as to what the community wants from our message boards. The foe function is still available, but it would be nice to not need it.
Hey moron. I am pointing out the hypocrisy of the sites. They claim to be open minded and allow ideas to flourish, but we are finding out that is only if you are liberal. Heck, they verify terrorist organizations but not prominent conservative voices. They are doing this to try and sway the elections moving forward. Funny thing is, despite all of this, Trump is still winning and you all are still whiny little bitches. Yay to no mods :lol:

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:41 pm
by LaxDog
Flaming people with 100 meme posts or relentlessly trolling on a topic may be temporarily satisfying, but like donuts, if that is your entire diet you will get a tummy ache.....
Aint that the truth.

Watch what people post. Is it something to promote discussion or something to piss someone off?

Half the people here are triyng to have a civil discussion and enjoy the friendly banter. The other half are trying to flame people they disagree with.

Thanks to the previous Moderator for his work over the years. It is much appreciated now, even if it wasn't before.

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:47 pm
by hickorystick
As one who had many, many posts deleted I came to appreciate the job the MODS did at LP in keeping the place civil and requiring links to confirm facts rather than letting the place become just another floater in the cesspool that is social media. I hope we maintain that same mentality here at FL.
Mr. coaster, Hoo is right, who???? You can't post that without divulging the deserving one.

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:50 pm
by Bandito
hickorystick wrote:As one who had many, many posts deleted I came to appreciate the job the MODS did at LP in keeping the place civil and requiring links to confirm facts rather than letting the place become just another floater in the cesspool that is social media. I hope we maintain that same mentality here at FL.
Mr. coaster, Hoo is right, who???? You can't post that without divulging the deserving one.
It is me. They are scared of the truth. I counter all their lies they spew of liberal talking points. Someone has to do it! It ain't easy, but someone has to rub it in that their policies suck and Donald J. Trump IS their President!!!!!

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:20 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
hickorystick wrote:As one who had many, many posts deleted I came to appreciate the job the MODS did at LP in keeping the place civil and requiring links to confirm facts rather than letting the place become just another floater in the cesspool that is social media. I hope we maintain that same mentality here at FL.
Mr. coaster, Hoo is right, who???? You can't post that without divulging the deserving one.
I had my fair share deleted by the old member of the GRU that served as moderator. Poor attempts at humor more than anything else.....often involving boot licking or talking out the anus.....some of my funnier least in my opinion.

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:26 pm
by runrussellrun
HooDat wrote:So, I have noticed a tremendous amping up of poster's exercise of their first amendment rights here in our new home! :?

thatsmell had this to say on another thread:
No one forbid [...] But we did whack posts when people couldn't hold a conversation about those topics in a civil, respectable manner. The name calling, taunting and flaming were the reasons some of your posts got whacked.

But you're no longer shackled by us pesky moderators any more. Please, post to your hearts content- display thy true self here!!!

I have been surprised by how much the moderators were actually having to step in to maintain the collegial tone that we all enjoyed on LP. I am not calling for moderator censorship - I myself have tested the boundaries (if no where else, at least on the joke thread). But I would say this:

Let's all breath a little before we hit the "submit" button. Flaming people with 100 meme posts or relentlessly trolling on a topic may be temporarily satisfying, but like donuts, if that is your entire diet you will get a tummy ache.....
the LP posting rules were vague enough to allow anything to be deleted that didn't fit a particular mods mood. Also, the "vacation" (temporary banning) was childish, especially for posts that were topical but contrarian to the mods viewpoints. Finally, it was clear that many LP posters had a longer leash than others.

Civility on many comment sections is severely lacking. banditto's use of words like "moron", however, must be taken in context. The collective "you" have to look in the mirror and ask, "could I have responded better" or "what counter argument could I make". Instead, we mostly get mocking in a cartoonish manner.

Also, When someone is posting a scientific data link, specific to the topic of, gee, say climate change, and that post is deemed "trolling" at best, deleted at worst, was par for the course from the LP mods. It brought about blandness and closemindeness. I fear it will infect this site as well. Please don't mod. The company we keep. Some have chest thumped the ignore function like it's a show of courage. It proves to me that you have little imagination and investigative skills. Banditto is crass and often illogical. But not to ever be able to read and learn what others think is just decades of missionary position, and nothing else. Blandness. By ignoring or demeaning others posts, you are literally no different than the people you think you are better than.

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:35 pm
by runrussellrun
LaxDog wrote:
Flaming people with 100 meme posts or relentlessly trolling on a topic may be temporarily satisfying, but like donuts, if that is your entire diet you will get a tummy ache.....
Aint that the truth.

Watch what people post. Is it something to promote discussion or something to piss someone off?

Half the people here are triyng to have a civil discussion and enjoy the friendly banter. The other half are trying to flame people they disagree with.

Thanks to the previous Moderator for his work over the years. It is much appreciated now, even if it wasn't before.
But who gets to decide what is friendly banter? If someone posts a link to a government bill, say like this one, H.R. 1625 (115) am I flaming bandito or having a civil discussion? It's a public record of the largest spending bill in the history of the US. Sorry to break it to you, but very often this type of post was deemed "flaming". Is it?

And, if banditto doesn't reply within minutes, the talons come out, the mocking insues. the gangup. the satarical bullying. Meanwhile, the thread/topic gets buried in layers of myriad posts, not related to the topic, most of the time.

Ban the ignore function.

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:45 pm
by holmes435
Bandito wrote:Hey moron. I am pointing out the hypocrisy of the sites. They claim to be open minded and allow ideas to flourish, but we are finding out that is only if you are liberal. Heck, they verify terrorist organizations but not prominent conservative voices. They are doing this to try and sway the elections moving forward. Funny thing is, despite all of this, Trump is still winning and you all are still whiny little bitches. Yay to no mods :lol:
Except they aren't censoring conservative voices and verifying terrorist organizations. You make extraordinary claims with absolutely no proof. That's called lying.

Ironically they have give you conservatives a bigger voice than you've ever had. You just can't see it.

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:46 pm
by holmes435
runrussellrun wrote:Civility on many comment sections is severely lacking. banditto's use of words like "moron", however, must be taken in context. The collective "you" have to look in the mirror and ask, "could I have responded better" or "what counter argument could I make". Instead, we mostly get mocking in a cartoonish manner.
What's the context of "Hey moron" or "whiny little bitches"? :lol:

I will say it certainly shows the mindset and emotional level of the speaker. Where is the application of "could I have responded better" or "what counter argument could I make" to that side of things? We are getting mocked in a cartoonish manner on our end, it's not one sided.

You also have to take a look at who is throwing these molotov cocktails out to incite inflammatory responses. It's pretty one sided as to who is initiating.

Re: A MOD Free World

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:57 pm
by dislaxxic
How do you "prove" an opinion wrong? Can't. Just gotta point out it's an opinion, however far-fetched.

Not aware of a built-in "ignore function". That's a poster's prerogative: to ignore someone or a subject which would quite likely lead to the escalation of flaming.

Stopped doing that back in, oh...2007 or so...

Notices like that below are a form of opinon and may be backed up with text and/or links as i wouldn't expect this sort of thing to stop


Better than shouting "moron"...haven't seen THAT word survive a deletion around these parts for some time...
