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Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:32 am
by Bandito
Guess I will be spending my money elsewhere. The idea that SJW is a winning business proposition is false. Just ask the NFL and ESPN. The idea that cops are killing innocent unarmed black men is false too. You are more likely to die by a lightning strike (1/900,000) than being an unarmed black man dying at the hands of a cop (1/3,240,000). Not surprisingly, SJW's are silent about abortion (leading cause of deaths in the black community every year) and black on black murder and crime which is rampant throughout every major city in the US- Oh yea those cities are run by Democrats. Black men make up about 6% of the population in the US but commit over 50% of the violent crime in this country.

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:45 pm
by Brooklyn
Well, we went through all that in LP by discussing matters such as police selective enforcement of the law and how it skews crime stats and by discussing red lining and other issues. As for abortion, we also discussed how Republicans such as John Rockefeller, Prescott Bush, and Clarence Gamble were Margaret Sanger's chief financiers.

Re Kaep, John Elway has complicated matters by violating a NFL gag order re contract offers: ... aepernick/

“It’s unclear what the consequences could be; (a)s a practical matter, Burbank could take a dimmer view of the NFL’s current effort to knock out the Kaepernick case via the pending motion for summary judgment, and Burbank eventually could look more skeptically at the NFL’s overall defense if there’s a full-blown collusion hearing.
“Regardless, Elway’s remarks will do nothing to make the NFL’s case stronger. They easily could make the league’s position weaker.”

If collusion is found, this could well cost the NFL a good deal of money.

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 2:04 pm
by CU77
Bandito wrote:Blacks make up about 6% of the population in the US
It's actually 13.4%: ... /PST045217

Since you can't get even the most basic info right, I have to assume that all your other numbers are wrong as well.

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 2:13 pm
by Bandito
CU77 wrote:
Bandito wrote:Blacks make up about 6% of the population in the US
It's actually 13.4%: ... /PST045217

Since you can't get even the most basic info right, I have to assume that all your other numbers are wrong as well.
I meant to say black men make up about 6% of the population but commit 50% of the violent crimes in this country. Black men commit 36% of the murders in our country yet only make up about 6% of our population. That is a staggering number. ... de_508.pdf
Where's the outrage from Kaep and other SJW's? This is the main issue. Kneeling is being done based on false pretenses. It is fascinating to behold how ridiculous the SJW movement is. Most of the SJW's aren't even sports fans so for Nike and the NFL to cater to them is a business nightmare.

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 2:57 pm
by CU77
Kaep and other SJW's will tell you that the high black crime rate is caused by many decades (centuries) of structurally racist policies, starting with actual enslavement and continuing into the modern era with neighborhood redlining, systematically lower rates of community improvement funding (compare per pupil student funding in majority black vs majority white public schools, for example), racist barriers to better jobs and private investment, etc etc etc. You may disagree with those arguments, but please do not pretend that they are not being made.

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 9:38 pm
by ChairmanOfTheBoard
CU77 wrote:Kaep and other SJW's will tell you that the high black crime rate is caused by many decades (centuries) of structurally racist policies, starting with actual enslavement and continuing into the modern era with neighborhood redlining, systematically lower rates of community improvement funding (compare per pupil student funding in majority black vs majority white public schools, for example), racist barriers to better jobs and private investment, etc etc etc. You may disagree with those arguments, but please do not pretend that they are not being made.

heard that DJ trump said this nike business is a bad thing. very divisive. let people say what they want, kneel when they want, and let people hire/fire as necessary. it's a free country.

another reason the NFL is but a fraction of what it once was. i feel like it peaked 15-20 years ago.

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:38 pm
by laxman3221
ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote:
CU77 wrote:Kaep and other SJW's will tell you that the high black crime rate is caused by many decades (centuries) of structurally racist policies, starting with actual enslavement and continuing into the modern era with neighborhood redlining, systematically lower rates of community improvement funding (compare per pupil student funding in majority black vs majority white public schools, for example), racist barriers to better jobs and private investment, etc etc etc. You may disagree with those arguments, but please do not pretend that they are not being made.

heard that DJ trump said this nike business is a bad thing. very divisive. let people say what they want, kneel when they want, and let people hire/fire as necessary. it's a free country.

another reason the NFL is but a fraction of what it once was. i feel like it peaked 15-20 years ago.

3.2 billion loss in one day? The kneeler has been under contract with nike for years and resigned him. So he's been making money not playing football.

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 7:56 am
by Bandito
CU77 wrote:Kaep and other SJW's will tell you that the high black crime rate is caused by many decades (centuries) of structurally racist policies, starting with actual enslavement and continuing into the modern era with neighborhood redlining, systematically lower rates of community improvement funding (compare per pupil student funding in majority black vs majority white public schools, for example), racist barriers to better jobs and private investment, etc etc etc. You may disagree with those arguments, but please do not pretend that they are not being made.
Racist policies? How are Asian Americans doing in the country today? Very well! Highest per capita income for a minority group in the US despite having been enslaved/interned during WW2. I know many black people today doing amazingly well because of hard work and not adhering to the "vicitim mentality". Btw who enacted these racist policies? DEMOCRATS! They are the party of slavery, the party of the KKK, The War on Poverty to keep blacks poor and dependent on the gov, opposed Civil Rights movement, and want to keep blacks enslaved to government and their own party. Hillary called blacks "super predators". With that being said, every single ethnic group was enslaved at some point in human history. What about the Irish? A group that has overcome extreme persecution. If you want to blame anyone/thing for why the black community overall struggles it is because of the Democrat racist policies that keep them dependent/enslaved to the victim mentality. If you were correct, how come all blacks aren't struggling?

You are an excuse machine and many blacks are waking up and freeing themselves from the enslavement of the Democrat Party. A Rassmussen poll said that Trump's approval rating for blacks is at 36% ... 013212002/
This is why the Democrats want illegal immigration to occur: Another racist policy if you will towards blacks. Blacks are leaving the party in droves and the Dems know this is how to replace the votes. Democrats are putting illegals before blacks. What a stupid move that will backfire in 2018 and 2020. You can't win general elections promoting illegal immigration, open borders and socialism and blacks are seeing the light.

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 11:00 am
by Brooklyn
Delusional right wingers decided to undertake a burn Nike shoes campaign. This is the inevitable consequence for such stupidity:


It's the old story of God punishes:


Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 1:41 pm
by HooDat
File the decision by Nike under: any publicity is good publicity.

It will be interesting to see if this has any real lasting impact on the brand. My guess is that it will not (for the better or worse).

40 years from now, people will look back and either say: "wasn't that cool how Nike stood up for free speech", or: "wow, we sure did worked up about weird stuff during the Trump presidency."

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:59 pm
by thatsmell
Is Nike still a relevent cutting-edge brand?
Between UA, and the mysiad of specialized brands cutting into their overall market share, I am not sure they are quite what they once were.
From a personal perspective at the local H/Ss, I see them less and less. And none of the kids want Nike gear when the choice is Nike Vs UA.
So perhaps any publicity is good publicity.

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 6:03 pm
by ggait
UA stock up 22% over the last 12 months. $8.7B market cap. Nike stock up 51% over last 12 months. $128B market cap. And that's after the recent Trump ding.

Yeah, Nike should just admit defeat and shut down. It's hopeless for them.

John Brennan obviously got a moral education from his Jesuit professors at Fordham. IDIOTUS clearly learned nothing during his two years there. Fordham's loss of Trump is all gain; Penn/Wharton is saddled with him as an alum.

Colin Kaepernick drew our collective attention to the problem of continued racial injustice in America. He did so not to disrespect our flag but to give meaning to the words of the preamble of our Constitution—“in order to form a more perfect union.” Well done, Colin, well done.

— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) September 4, 2018

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:44 am
by Bandito
ggait wrote:UA stock up 22% over the last 12 months. $8.7B market cap. Nike stock up 51% over last 12 months. $128B market cap. And that's after the recent Trump ding.

Yeah, Nike should just admit defeat and shut down. It's hopeless for them.

John Brennan obviously got a moral education from his Jesuit professors at Fordham. IDIOTUS clearly learned nothing during his two years there. Fordham's loss of Trump is all gain; Penn/Wharton is saddled with him as an alum.

Colin Kaepernick drew our collective attention to the problem of continued racial injustice in America. He did so not to disrespect our flag but to give meaning to the words of the preamble of our Constitution—“in order to form a more perfect union.” Well done, Colin, well done.

— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) September 4, 2018
They lost $4 Billion market cap based on the announcement. Kaepernick was raised by wealthy white parents. Nothing like suffering from "White Privilege". He sacrificed nothing. He hates cops and aligns himself with communist dictators and hates white people. Yet look at you grovel at his feet like he is some hero. Anti-American POS. No more Nikes for me.

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 9:17 am
by Typical Lax Dad
ggait wrote:UA stock up 22% over the last 12 months. $8.7B market cap. Nike stock up 51% over last 12 months. $128B market cap. And that's after the recent Trump ding.

Yeah, Nike should just admit defeat and shut down. It's hopeless for them.

John Brennan obviously got a moral education from his Jesuit professors at Fordham. IDIOTUS clearly learned nothing during his two years there. Fordham's loss of Trump is all gain; Penn/Wharton is saddled with him as an alum.

Colin Kaepernick drew our collective attention to the problem of continued racial injustice in America. He did so not to disrespect our flag but to give meaning to the words of the preamble of our Constitution—“in order to form a more perfect union.” Well done, Colin, well done.

— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) September 4, 2018
Flunked Out.

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 9:47 am
by Bandito
Simply put, if you can afford to buy Nikes you aren't oppressed.

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 9:57 am
by Typical Lax Dad
ggait wrote:UA stock up 22% over the last 12 months. $8.7B market cap. Nike stock up 51% over last 12 months. $128B market cap. And that's after the recent Trump ding.

Yeah, Nike should just admit defeat and shut down. It's hopeless for them.

John Brennan obviously got a moral education from his Jesuit professors at Fordham. IDIOTUS clearly learned nothing during his two years there. Fordham's loss of Trump is all gain; Penn/Wharton is saddled with him as an alum.

Colin Kaepernick drew our collective attention to the problem of continued racial injustice in America. He did so not to disrespect our flag but to give meaning to the words of the preamble of our Constitution—“in order to form a more perfect union.” Well done, Colin, well done.

— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) September 4, 2018

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:14 am
by thatsmell
Nike has been around for years.
They are entrenched in the world economy and popular culture history.
It will be hard for them to fail. But this is pretty close when you consider that.
Given the little ammount of time (compared to Nike) that UA has been in the market, their market share is impressive.

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:25 am
by Typical Lax Dad
thatsmell wrote:Nike has been around for years.
They are entrenched in the world economy and popular culture history.
It will be hard for them to fail. But this is pretty close when you consider that.
Given the little ammount of time (compared to Nike) that UA has been in the market, their market share is impressive.
Yes it is. I am not sure UA will ever be where Nike is when it comes to footwear. Adidas and Nike dominate the global soccer market.


Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:35 am
by thatsmell
If it wasn't Nike it woulda been Adidas or Puma...or someone else... ... 08355.html

Re: Nike Signs Kaep

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 11:13 am
by HooDat
Typical Lax Dad wrote:Yes it is. I am not sure UA will ever be where Nike is when it comes to footwear.
yeah, I bet the executives at Converse thought the same thing at some point in time when a little upstart called Nike showed up....

Don't forget, Adidas was around long before Nike too.

Brands come, brands go.