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Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 11:50 am
by dislaxxic
Big Tech's Newest Experiment in Criminal-Justice Reform

"More than 20 percent of the whole world’s prison population is sitting in U.S. jails and prisons, even though American make up only 5 percent of the world’s population. The country, I mean us, has been terrible at providing opportunities for people leaving prison. The formerly incarcerated are five times more likely to be unemployed than the general population. Things are especially bad for black men, who experience significantly higher unemployment than white men leaving prison.

There is no single reason for these dismal statistics, but the Annie E. Casey Foundation summarized some of them: difficult and time-consuming probation requirements, financial debts awaiting people returning home, state laws that keep people with convictions from certain jobs, underfunded prison education programs, and a lack of recent employment experience. And then there is employer intransigence. One survey of 3,000 employers found that two-thirds of them would not knowingly hire someone who’d been in prison."


Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 12:02 pm
The Criminal Justice System is broken because we are scared to de-criminalize and de-regulate things.
Lumping new laws on top of old, broken laws never helps.
As long as people think that taking laws and regulations off the books is bad, we will continue to have the highest incarceration stats in the world.

Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 12:09 pm
by dislaxxic
Not that i disagree, but don't you think CRIMINAL law, rules and regulations, exist on a slightly different plane than the rules and regulations for say, the environment, or food safety, or financial subjects?

Yeah, there are alot of criminal statutes that need revisited...something that probably should come under the umbrella of "criminal justice reform"....


Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 11:03 am
by HooDat
Just a reminder that the mass incarceration of black males was a key plank in the Clinton platform. Bill and Hillary declared war on black men aged 18-30 in a very blatant appeal to white racists in a (successful) attempt to erode GHWB's ability to take advantage of the gains made via the "Southern Strategy"......

The damage done to the black communities as a result of the lock up the super-predators policies is flat out crazy. Predominantly based on arrests for personal use marijuana possession.... :roll:

Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 10:48 am
by Brooklyn
"Blame Clinton!" redux :lol:

Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 11:00 am
by Brooklyn
Bush blocked medical marijuana research: ... -marijuana

he also opposed decriminalization of marijuana laws:

though he has hinted that he may ultimately change his views, Trump hasn't actually been any better: ... -cole-memo

Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 11:52 am
by laxman3221

Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 3:47 pm
by HooDat
Brooklyn wrote:"Blame Clinton!" redux :lol:
Yep - Blame Clinton!
Yep - Blame Clinton!
superpredator.png (212.47 KiB) Viewed 4216 times

Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 3:59 pm
by dislaxxic
HooDat is disingenuously making a comparison of criminal justice reform policy with "anti-AA" attitudes and STILL trying to tar the Clinton effort at confronting violent drug-related crime.

It is a purposefully trying to perpetuate a misleading meme and attempting to use it cynically for political gain. It's wrong to make the comparison Hoo is attempting to make. Cut it out.

Superpredators in CONTEXT


Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:11 pm
by HooDat
just because she was smart enough to not link the words black or African American directly to the word super-predator in her speech - the intent was obvious. Her husband had a political strategy to re-take the southern vote, and this was their (to use the current phrase d'jour) dog whistle to the racist southern voter they were trying to convince Bill was one of them.

That along with Bill's "Three Strikes and You're Out" law ... crime-bill declared war on black men aged 16-30. ... -youre-out (check out #7).

Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:24 pm
by dislaxxic
Still just empty partisan mis-direction. What about the FIRST article do you disagree with? What would lifelong "law and order conservatives" disagree with on that score? Plenty of liberals disagreed with three strikes. Another example of a liberal reaching across the aisle to find legislative agreement whereupon we find some future rightwingnut attempting to throw said agreement back in their face claiming "see!?! BOTH sides are equally racist. It's a dumb and wrongheaded "connection" to attempt. No validity whatsoever.


Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:37 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
HooDat wrote:just because she was smart enough to not link the words black or African American directly to the word super-predator in her speech - the intent was obvious. Her husband had a political strategy to re-take the southern vote, and this was their (to use the current phrase d'jour) dog whistle to the racist southern voter they were trying to convince Bill was one of them.

That along with Bill's "Three Strikes and You're Out" law ... crime-bill declared war on black men aged 16-30. ... -youre-out (check out #7).
Yep.. Bill and Hillary's goal was to out racist the racist.

Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:30 pm
by HooDat
Typical Lax Dad wrote:Yep.. Bill and Hillary's goal was to out racist the racist.
Bill and Hillary's goal was to win the white house - at any cost.
dislaxxic wrote:What would lifelong "law and order conservatives" disagree with on that score?
What lifelong law and order conservative are you referencing? That ain't me babe....

and no party has a strangle hold on racism. The racists in the republican party tend to be inbred uneducated idiots. The one's in the democratic party tend to be inbred educated idiots ...far more dangerous, because they are much better at hiding it, even from themselves.....

Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:55 pm
by frmanfan
Had a conversation with a retired local policemen at a wedding over the weekend. We were talking about the local killing, black kid by white cop, as he ran away. Said the cop was absolutely in the wrong, but that this wouldn't be fixed until they fixed the fragmented police departments here in our area. Cops being paid $12-$15/hour, and with no training. All the little towns want to police on the cheap.

Other tidbits were that as a policeman you are absolutely taught to shoot to kill, not to wound. And the biggest problem is the criminals are now wearing bullet-proof vests, not from the police, but from the "other guys" on the street out to get them. So you are taught to shoot at the biggest target, the trunk, and it doesn't kill them, and they survive to shoot back. Bottom line, it isn't getting any easier to be a policeman.

Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:56 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
HooDat wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:Yep.. Bill and Hillary's goal was to out racist the racist.
Bill and Hillary's goal was to win the white house - at any cost.
dislaxxic wrote:What would lifelong "law and order conservatives" disagree with on that score?
What lifelong law and order conservative are you referencing? That ain't me babe....

and no party has a strangle hold on racism. The racists in the republican party tend to be inbred uneducated idiots. The one's in the democratic party tend to be inbred educated idiots ...far more dangerous, because they are much better at hiding it, even from themselves.....
Absolutely. Wanted to beat Atwater and his acolytes at their own game. Race baited their way to the White House. It was obvious at the time. Read some of the contemporaneous articles that were written. Bill and Hillary were making a back handed racial appeal. Dems being labeled weak on crime was just cover for Bill and Hillary to lock up black and brown people. It was obvious to anyone at the time. Just go back and read the articles.

Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:58 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
frmanfan wrote:Had a conversation with a retired local policemen at a wedding over the weekend. We were talking about the local killing, black kid by white cop, as he ran away. Said the cop was absolutely in the wrong, but that this wouldn't be fixed until they fixed the fragmented police departments here in our area. Cops being paid $12-$15/hour, and with no training. All the little towns want to police on the cheap.

Other tidbits were that as a policeman you are absolutely taught to shoot to kill, not to wound. And the biggest problem is the criminals are now wearing bullet-proof vests, not from the police, but from the "other guys" on the street out to get them. So you are taught to shoot at the biggest target, the trunk, and it doesn't kill them, and they survive to shoot back. Bottom line, it isn't getting any easier to be a policeman.
You and I know if a black guy runs from the cop he must have just done something bad or did something bad at some point....why else would he run.

Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:47 am
by dislaxxic

Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 12:09 am
by Brooklyn

- Trump's America -

Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:53 pm
by dislaxxic
Trump’s criminal justice reform nears demise

Most do-nothing "united government" in history? You bet. Mitch McConnell is a real moron.


Re: Criminal Justice Reform

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:02 pm
by foreverlax
But Trump is a deal he losing to McWaddle?