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The Biden - Harris Era.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:40 am
by dislaxxic
Enough of "that other thread" full of conspiracy theories, denigration and disrespect. They may not be perfect, not by a LOT in some people's minds, but it isn't more of the same tripe we get daily from the current occupant of the Oval Office...squirming even now at having lost to "that guy" and basically ignoring his day job to rail against the unFAIRNESS of it all!

Biden-Harris have already - even before taking office - thrown their efforts behind battling the Covid scourge our country faces. Leaders across the world are breathing a yuge sigh of relief at the advent of the Biden-Harris Age.

So, i recommend ignoring the "Creepy Uncle Joe" BS thread and let's get off on the right foot in a (hopefully) new era of political engagement going forward...

We Just Saw the Beginning of the Biden-Harris Era, and It Couldn’t Be More Different


Re: The Biden - Harris Era. The REAL Thread on Joe Biden.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:43 am
by Andersen
Good idea

Re: The Biden - Harris Era. The REAL Thread on Joe Biden.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:44 am
by Matnum PI

Re: The Biden - Harris Era. The REAL Thread on Joe Biden.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:06 am
by DMac
Also agree....or as the Gov might put it,

Re: The Biden - Harris Era. The REAL Thread on Joe Biden.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:18 am
by Brooklyn
Amazing how the forum is so filled with BDS despite the fact that he hasn't even been inaugurated. Thankfully, you guys put up this thread to counter all the hate, lies, distortions, and delusionalisms of the other thread.

Re: The Biden - Harris Era. The REAL Thread on Joe Biden.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:12 am
by dislaxxic
Contenders for the Biden-Harris Cabinet

Two women (!) and OS's fav Jeh Johnson in contention for SecDEF!

Jay Inslee at Energy...might be nice.

Bernie at Labor...

Val Demmings at

These are just SOME of the early contenders.

Joey will set the tone and DELEGATE.


Re: The Biden - Harris Era. The REAL Thread on Joe Biden.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:38 am
by dislaxxic
The Brewing Democratic Fight Over Biden’s Cabinet
If Republicans maintain control of the Senate, the composition of the executive branch will be vitally important; executive power and agency rulemaking—rather than legislation—may be the easiest path to change. On Wednesday, the Sunrise Movement and Justice Democrats called on Biden to “seize the climate mandate” he received from American voters, create a White House Office of Climate Mobilization (one of the recommendations made by the policy task forces Biden put together this summer, with help from Bernie Sanders and others on the left), and appoint liberals to key leadership posts, including Elizabeth Warren to Treasury, Keith Ellison to attorney general, and Barbara Lee to secretary of state.

But getting left-leaning nominees confirmed by a chamber controlled by McConnell will not be easy. Biden clearly hopes that his long-standing relationship with McConnell will enable him to forge productive compromises with the notoriously obstructionist Kentucky senator. But even some moderate Democrats see the folly in that thinking. “McConnell will force Joe Biden to negotiate every single Cabinet secretary, every single district court judge, every single U.S. attorney with him,” Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy told Politico two days after the election. “My guess is we’ll have a constitutional crisis pretty immediately.”

Re: The Biden - Harris Era. The REAL Thread on Joe Biden.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:58 am
by a fan
dislaxxic wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:38 am McConnell will force Joe Biden to negotiate every single Cabinet secretary, every single district court judge, every single U.S. attorney with him,” Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy told Politico two days after the election. “My guess is we’ll have a constitutional crisis pretty immediately.”
I said a few years ago that Trump isn't the problem. It's McConnell. Those who wanted legislation and change for the middle class are about to learn that lesson. Again.

Trump would have signed almost anything put in front of him.

Which means, of course, Pelosi would be in the way of a liberal agenda.

Joe. Biden delusionist thread

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 11:29 am
by Cooter
Enjoy deluding yourselves. :lol:

Re: The Biden - Harris Era. The Honest Thread on Joe Biden.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 11:39 am
by cradleandshoot
For all my FLP friends here... What is YOUR favorite shampoo?

Re: The Biden - Harris Era. The Honest Thread on Joe Biden.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 11:52 am
by cradleandshoot
dislaxxic wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:40 am Enough of "that other thread" full of conspiracy theories, denigration and disrespect. They may not be perfect, not by a LOT in some people's minds, but it isn't more of the same tripe we get daily from the current occupant of the Oval Office...squirming even now at having lost to "that guy" and basically ignoring his day job to rail against the unFAIRNESS of it all!

Biden-Harris have already - even before taking office - thrown their efforts behind battling the Covid scourge our country faces. Leaders across the world are breathing a yuge sigh of relief at the advent of the Biden-Harris Age.

So, i recommend ignoring the "Creepy Uncle Joe" BS thread and let's get off on the right foot in a (hopefully) new era of political engagement going forward...

We Just Saw the Beginning of the Biden-Harris Era, and It Couldn’t Be More Different

I guess we need to start a creepy crawly Dislaxxic thread? Now that would scare anyone. ;)

Re: The Biden - Harris Era. The Honest Thread on Joe Biden.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 12:31 pm
You guys are like all the Republicans ditching the more popular Twitter for Parler

"We're taking our ball and going home!"


Re: Joe. Biden delusionist thread

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 12:43 pm
by a fan
Cooter wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 11:29 am Enjoy deluding yourselves. :lol:
So yet another condescending post from a guy who got upset over condescension? ;)

What is is that's delusional? You're still pretending that Biden and Pelosi are far left liberals, is that it?

When the elections are done, I'll be back here to make wagers, as I did last year. No one took the wagers, and I was correct in every instance. And the reason I was correct is that our leaders...regardless of party...have no interest in actually helping anyone other than themselves and the 1%ers that they serve.

Will you take the wagers if you're so sure what it is Biden will do? We'll find out.....

Re: The Biden - Harris Era. The Honest Thread on Joe Biden.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:49 pm
by 6ftstick
Wonder if the President elect will get any questions

A cancer charity started by Joe Biden gave out no money to research, and spent most of its contributions on staff salaries, federal filings show.

The Biden Cancer Initiative was founded in 2017 by the former vice president and his wife, Jill Biden, to “develop and drive implementation of solutions to accelerate progress in cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, research and care and to reduce disparities in cancer outcomes,” according to its IRS mission statement. But it gave out no grants in its first two years, and spent millions on the salaries of former Washington, DC, aides it hired.

The charity took in $4,809,619 in contributions in fiscal years 2017 and 2018, and spent $3,070,301 on payroll in those two years. The group’s president, Gregory Simon, raked in $429,850 in fiscal 2018 (July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019), according to the charity’s most recent federal tax filings.

Re: The Biden - Harris Era. The Honest Thread on Joe Biden.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:57 pm
by RedFromMI
Except this initiative was never intended to be a funder...and it was suspended over a year ago due to the presidential campaign.

Re: The Biden - Harris Era. The Honest Thread on Joe Biden.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:58 pm
by a fan
6ftstick wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:49 pm Wonder if the President elect will get any questions

A cancer charity started by Joe Biden gave out no money to research, and spent most of its contributions on staff salaries, federal filings show.

The Biden Cancer Initiative was founded in 2017 by the former vice president and his wife, Jill Biden, to “develop and drive implementation of solutions to accelerate progress in cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, research and care and to reduce disparities in cancer outcomes,” according to its IRS mission statement. But it gave out no grants in its first two years, and spent millions on the salaries of former Washington, DC, aides it hired.

The charity took in $4,809,619 in contributions in fiscal years 2017 and 2018, and spent $3,070,301 on payroll in those two years. The group’s president, Gregory Simon, raked in $429,850 in fiscal 2018 (July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019), according to the charity’s most recent federal tax filings.
Should we react the way you did when it came to corruption Trump charities? Or are you expecting us to have higher moral standards when it comes to our leaders?

I know what the FoxNation response to your question is: "oh, quit complaining about everything Biden does, 6foot. You have Biden Derangement Syndrome".

Remember when I told you that you and your team won't have anything to complain about when Trump leaves office? we are.

Re: Joe. Biden delusionist thread

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 3:35 pm
by dislaxxic
a fan wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 12:43 pmAnd the reason I was correct is that our leaders...regardless of party...have no interest in actually helping anyone other than themselves and the 1%ers that they serve.
That's a little harsh in my view. You could say, i guess, that the passage of the ACA was a sop to insurance companies and Big Pharma...maybe. Fact is, it put millions of previously uninsured Americans on health insurance plans. It was complex, to be sure, and founded, as we all know, on a concept that originated in the right leaning Heritage Foundation. Had the republicons decided they would work together to make it better from the start (instead of turning it into a cudgel with which to bash their political opponents), it may well have evolved into something that actually helped even more millions of Americans.

Is this - perhaps - a tiny example the flows against your "no interest" notion? What am i missing?


Re: Joe. Biden delusionist thread

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:04 pm
by a fan
dislaxxic wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 3:35 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 12:43 pmAnd the reason I was correct is that our leaders...regardless of party...have no interest in actually helping anyone other than themselves and the 1%ers that they serve.
That's a little harsh in my view. You could say, i guess, that the passage of the ACA was a sop to insurance companies and Big Pharma...maybe. Fact is, it put millions of previously uninsured Americans on health insurance plans.
Yes! And I touted THAT part as an accomplishment for the working class.

That said---the reason they didn't go single payer was that it was a carve out for Big Insurance. Fealty to the 1%. If Obama was a real lefty? He would have gone all in, and handed us what every other 1st world citizenry has.

Anyone who can add and subtract knows that private-only health care doesn't work. So in the end, all that Obamacare did was line the pockets of interested parties for no gain. We could have kept the old system, expanded medicaid, and we'd arrive in a cheaper place.

dislaxxic wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 3:35 pm Had the republicons decided they would work together to make it better from the start (instead of turning it into a cudgel with which to bash their political opponents), it may well have evolved into something that actually helped even more millions of Americans.
Yes. Absolutely. The R's stopped serving their voting block decades ago. Every single economic policy they enact stuff more money into the pockets of the very coastal elite that Republican voters supposedly hate.

The ONLY thing holding this base together is borrowed money-----taking that borrowed money as a slush fund, with no actual coordination with an actual plan------and pumping it through flyover America. Cut that off? That's it, flyover America is done....and they'll all move to urban areas, looking for work.

I could craft a plan for flyover America that holds to the values that Republicans CLAIM to hold in my sleep. The problem is that these voters need to get religion, and admit that they cannot survive without a large Federal government redistributing tax dollars to areas that need it.

Until that happens? TrumpLand is royally F'ed, because Republican leaders think they can't come to its base with a large government plan that helps them-----because they've spent the last 40 years selling them on "small government", "unions are bad", "handouts are bad", and "trickle down"....and feel like there's no turning back.

Re: The Biden - Harris Era. The Honest Thread on Joe Biden.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:07 pm
by Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 12:31 pm You guys are like all the Republicans ditching the more popular Twitter for Parler

"We're taking our ball and going home!"

I don’t see the need for this second Biden thread but I didn’t see anyone say “republicans are ditching Twitter for Parler”.

I do see a lot of Trumpsuckers, who aren’t republicans or even understanding of politics or reality, running from Facebook where they have stayed connected with family and childhood friends, for Parler, which is pathetic and lame.

Re: The Biden - Harris Era. The Honest Thread on Joe Biden.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:08 pm
by Farfromgeneva
RedFromMI wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:57 pm Except this initiative was never intended to be a funder...and it was suspended over a year ago due to the presidential campaign.
This was raised and dismissed before. Won’t stop certain people.