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Quick question?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 8:51 pm
by KnightsLax407
Do west coast teams come east? Colorado came to UCF last year, but I don't know if the other big schools in Cali come east of the Mississippi? I know that Michigan, Georgia, & Pitt make the trip to UCLA but is the trip ever the other way? Was just curious and if not why not? Pitt, Michigan, and Georgia have been on fire the last few years and it'd be interesting to see the UCLA, San Diego State, Santa Clara and the lot come east.

Re: Quick question?

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:24 pm
by tinababy
As far as I know in my experience as a player the past 4 years and my knowledge of seasons before that, the west coast teams generally do not come east. The only time I have seen that they do is when Nationals is held somewhere East (which has been the trend in recent years besides the one year in SLC). I do not know the actual reasoning, but I figure since the Santa Barbara Shootout used to be/is successful and the smaller elite tournament UCLA has held the last 2 years draws the bigger names you mentioned (Michigan, Georgia, Pitt) to the West Coast anyway, they don't see the need to spend the money traveling east. Which honestly makes sense. It is slightly unfair that the east coast teams have to spend large sums of money traveling west to play the California/Colorado teams, but the destinations in the dead of winter are a nice break for the Northern teams and until the Midwest/East coast are willing and able to host a tournament that would rival the aforementioned California tournaments I don't see any changes being made.