Progressive Ideology

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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote: Tue Feb 12, 2019 9:31 pm
frmanfan wrote: Tue Feb 12, 2019 5:23 pm It is shocking how such intelligent men can understand so little about how money works. Do you think Bill Gates sits at home on a mound of cash while he considers how many pizzas to order? Do you know what stock even is?
No. I don't know what stock is.

What do you think Gates has been doing with his money? Hint: google or wikipedia will help.

This is way better: ... _990PF.pdf

Hint #2: where is the Gates Foundation sending the bulk of its money? (pssst: it's leaving America)

$40 billion in assets "floundering" as investments.
$5 billion in total "giving" grants, strangely , that's the same number of "contributions"
Investment holding are not included in this one, but have seen it in others.

As I wrote earlier---the problem is that we are ALL not paying enough Federal taxes. Not just the rich---the poor and middle class are skating without paying income taxes. This is clearly unsustainable. Doubly so if you want the new Green Deal.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by foreverlax »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 6:28 am
foreverlax wrote: Tue Feb 12, 2019 7:13 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Feb 12, 2019 6:55 pm
holmes435 wrote: Tue Feb 12, 2019 6:28 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Feb 12, 2019 5:47 pm Do you really thinks its yours, mine or anybody elses business how much money they make a day? In the world that I grew up in if they are earning it and not breaking the law it is not of yours, mine or anybody elses business how much they earn on any given day. I am way more disturbed by the fact that you think it is any of your damn business in the first place. I call that sticking your nose where it does not belong. You have every right not to like it, but you have no damn right to judge anybody on how much money they make. That is the REAL problem here... people sticking their damn nose where it doesn't belong. If you mind your own damn business you will be busy all the time.

I know you are a business man and you work hard at your trade. I hope you have great continued success and earn boatloads full of money while doing so. How you want to spend or invest your wealth I promise you will always be none of my damn business. I have never been jealous or envious of any persons success that has worked their ass off to achieve it. If they make 10 dollars a day or 100,000 thousand dollars a day that is their business... not mine. ... &FORM=VIRE

It's our business what they make if they're screwing over taxpayers, screwing over workers, screwing over consumers and screwing over the country. The country wasn't founded on the monopolies of mega-corporations (we had a little tea party about that), it was founded on the hard work of the individual.

Unfortunately a lot of Americans are minding their own business, working 2-3 jobs and barely making ends meet. That's why it's my damn business.
Like I said... if they are not breaking the law, which would be covered under screwing over the taxpayers. The IRS is very good at making sure they get their fair share of the pie. In regards to screwing over workers... if you are in a union, then you need to discuss that with them. If you are not in a union here in NYS there exists the department of labor. All employers just LOVE to have the labor department folks come over and have a chat with them. There is nothing like a little heart to heart chat with the department of labor to make any employers day. If you are screwing over the consumers... you will be caught and dealt with. That is why the gubmint has a small army of lawyers to deal with the bad apples. The problem there is often times these people screwing the country are not breaking any laws... and who makes the laws? If your company is screwing over the country then you have even bigger problems because your sorry ass will wind up in jail.

My original point still stands. If you are an honest, hard working, taxpaying and law abiding business man it is NONE of any bodys damn business how much you make for your blood, sweat and tears. Holmes you seem to be stating that everybody in business making a lot of money must be effing somebody along the way. I still think good old Hank Jr was spot on... if you mind your own business then you won't be minding mine. Do you have a problem with a business person that makes 10 thousand a day and is playing the game by all the rules? Maybe that is your business to get into that persons business as well. If I am understanding you correctly... no one has the right to be making that kind of money. If they are then they have to be doing something wrong. It is sad enough most of these business folks have the gubmint crawling up their rear ends 24/7/365. The new enemy is every day Americans don't want you earning "too much money" That is not right or fair anymore, hard work shouldn't pay off for anybody. :roll:
You paycheck and how much you make from your job is my business. When your job is running a public company, regardless of whether I own stock or not. If you are a pol, I want to know what you make.

Otherwise, I could care less what someone makes. I do care that some people can't make it on what they do earn...which is what Holmes was suggesting.
When you hire on with any company there is a meeting of the minds. You will do the job they want you to do and they will pay you x amount of dollars. My part in this deal is to use x amount of dollars to run my household. If you can't make it on what you earn you either need to find another job or figure out where your money is going. This may seem harsh but since when is it any companies responsibility to pay more than what the prevailing wage is at the time? I know that any good business has a payroll budget that they need to stick to if they are going to compete in the world. My understanding is that wages are based on what similar positions are paying in the competitive market.

If you want to be generous as an employer and pay greater than what is the norm you had better be making enough money to justify the expense. Today, my company is allowing zero overtime because business is slow and it can't be justified. Our company had a pretty good year, our expectations for raises this year are pretty good. I understand that some folks have a hard time making it on what they earn. I have been there. When my sons were little I held 3 jobs for about a year and was working 60 to 70 hours a week and I hated it. That is what I had to do to get by. If what you are saying is that people are being underpaid in many fields of employment, that may or may not be true. Like I stated before, the prevailing wage is what it is. My job has always been to live within my means, not to expect more from my employer than we agreed on at the beginning of my employment. In my case my employer has recognized my abilities and has taken very good care of me.
Half of American's are working full time earning less than $50k per year. If you are making $15 per hour, that is $31k per year. Those folks are getting some level of .gov help. With that assistance, they survive.

Wages are held artificially low due to the "non-market" forces of .gov intervention. Trump tells us the demand for labor is high, their wages should go up.

a fan has it right - do we want jobs like those in Mexico or those in Germany.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by 6ftstick »

a fan wrote: Tue Feb 12, 2019 2:26 pm
6ftstick wrote: Tue Feb 12, 2019 7:33 am Heres a couple definitions of socialism MOST people use
1—any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2—a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

Libraries? Parks?
Yes. Libraries and parks. Owned and managed by the government. As per your first definition----distribution of goods (books).
AM I mistaken or is Amazon and Barnes & Noble not doing land office distribution of BOOKS! So I guess government doesn't control ALL BOOK DISTRIBUtION as they would in a socialist country.

6 Flags? Disney Land? Parks?

Libraries and parks are quality of life choices CITIZENS make for themselves maybe through bond issues and with VOTES. They aren't force fed to them by the all powerful government.
Last edited by 6ftstick on Wed Feb 13, 2019 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by runrussellrun »

Well, with all due respect, AFAN...and others.....constantly sing and chime "shoulda done better in HIGHschool" or " just get re-trained". In short, I feel their compassion for the "unskilled" labor force doesn't exist. (and....if you can get fired for NOT performing your "unskilled" job adequately, or get a poor job performance review, is it really unskilled? The people that take care of your parents in nursing homes, unskilled, right? If it's so easy, why don't people take care of their own parents?)

And no....they DON"T survive. Obama and the pretends say making $32K a year is too much to qualify for affordable insulin. So, you die. Fact.

Why do liberals of pretend dislike the tariffs? What is the purpose of them? Is US made steel and aluminum to expensive, because we have a minimum wage while doesn't ? Confused. Liberals want a min. wage, yet will gladly purchase goods made by people making $12 a week.

Sen. Kamala......pulling her best Warden Norton and keeping the good behavior fire fighters in jail to provide her state very cheap labor.
Last edited by runrussellrun on Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by runrussellrun »

Duke basketball player swept under the rug by coach K and the pretends in Durham. Stay the course
Last edited by runrussellrun on Wed Feb 13, 2019 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by a fan »

6ftstick wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 9:40 am AM I mistaken or is Amazon and Barnes & Noble not doing land office distribution of BOOKS! So I guess government doesn't control ALL BOOK DISTRIBUtION as they would in a socialist country.

6 Flags? Disney Land? Parks?

Libraries and parks are quality of life choices CITIZENS make for themselves maybe through bond issues and with VOTES. They aren't force fed to them by the all powerful government.
:lol: You'll find that elected officials build, maintain, and operate our libraries and parks. You know: the government. That you voted for it is immaterial to whether or not it's socialism.

But that's beside the point: again, if you believe that these things aren't socialism because, let me see if I have this right---"these are quality of life choices", and "therefore" don't count as socialism....

...then what's your problem? Nowhere do any of the libs you hate so much propose that we ban Barnes and Noble, as you put it?

You have to make a choice. Either admit that things like the University of Virginia meets the Oxford English Dictionary definition of socialism to the letter, or admit that the Dems-----not Bernie, not Cortez...none of them----- aren't suggesting we become socialists using your definition of socialism.

Either way, you're all set, and have nothing to worry about. Rest easy.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 9:41 am Duke basketball player swept under the rug by coach K and the pretends in Durham. Stay the course
Yep. Who was that player that played for Duke that was given thousands of dollars in jewelry yet Duke only received a slap on the wrist? Maggette was K’s first one and done. One step ahead of the law, possibly.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 9:41 am Well, with all due respect, AFAN...and others.....constantly sing and chime "shoulda done better in HIGHschool" or " just get re-trained". In short, I feel their compassion for the "unskilled" labor force doesn't exist. (and....if you can get fired for NOT performing your "unskilled" job adequately, or get a poor job performance review, is unskilled? The people that take care of your parents in nursing homes, unskilled, right? If it's so easy, why don't people take care of their own parents?)

And no....they DON"T survive. Obama and the pretends say making $32K a year is too much to qualify for affordable insulin. So, you die. Fact.

Why do liberals of pretend dislike the tariffs? What is the purpose of them? Is US made steel and aluminum to expensive, because we have a minimum wage while doesn't ? Confused. Liberals want a min. wage, yet will gladly purchase goods made by people making $12 a week.

Sen. Kamala......pulling her best Warden Norton and keeping the good behavior fire fighters in jail to provide her state very cheap labor.
A tariff is a “liberal” concept. The purposeful use of tarrifs ship sailed in the 80’s....
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by old salt »

Half of American's are working full time earning less than $50k per year. If you are making $15 per hour, that is $31k per year. Those folks are getting some level of .gov help. With that assistance, they survive.

Wages are held artificially low due to the "non-market" forces of .gov intervention. Trump tells us the demand for labor is high, their wages should go up.

a fan has it right - do we want jobs like those in Mexico or those in Germany.
...& we have between 11 & 22 million undocumented non-citizens willing to work for wages closer to Mexico's than Germany's.

If we're going to study Germany, we need to learn from how they protected their manufacturing base & how they prepare their citizens to sustain it.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by foreverlax »

old salt wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:03 pm
Half of American's are working full time earning less than $50k per year. If you are making $15 per hour, that is $31k per year. Those folks are getting some level of .gov help. With that assistance, they survive.

Wages are held artificially low due to the "non-market" forces of .gov intervention. Trump tells us the demand for labor is high, their wages should go up.

a fan has it right - do we want jobs like those in Mexico or those in Germany.
...& we have between 11 & 22 million undocumented non-citizens willing to work for wages closer to Mexico's than Germany's.

If we're going to study Germany, we need to learn from how they protected their manufacturing base & how they prepare their citizens to sustain it.
Those undocumented (obviously non-citizens) are making more then they would here, for doing the same job in Mexico. Some number of these jobs could be filled by citizens....others, not a chance. My neighbor has been very successful commercial landscaper for 30 years - he can't find citizens to do the work nor can he find a citizen to takeover the biz...they just don't want to do the work.

I have been a BIG fan of "13th and 14th " for those who want to learn a skill that doesn't require a four year degree.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by CU77 »

old salt wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:03 pmIf we're going to study Germany, we need to learn from how they protected their manufacturing base
Strong unions that keep a much larger share of profits for workers
old salt wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:03 pm& how they prepare their citizens to sustain it.
Nearly free college and job training, paid by much higher taxes

The real difference: Germany's 1% buys into this program. They have a much better memory of what happens when inequality becomes too great, and the people turn to a strongman.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 10:34 am
6ftstick wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 9:40 am AM I mistaken or is Amazon and Barnes & Noble not doing land office distribution of BOOKS! So I guess government doesn't control ALL BOOK DISTRIBUtION as they would in a socialist country.

6 Flags? Disney Land? Parks?

Libraries and parks are quality of life choices CITIZENS make for themselves maybe through bond issues and with VOTES. They aren't force fed to them by the all powerful government.
:lol: You'll find that elected officials build, maintain, and operate our libraries and parks. You know: the government. That you voted for it is immaterial to whether or not it's socialism.

But that's beside the point: again, if you believe that these things aren't socialism because, let me see if I have this right---"these are quality of life choices", and "therefore" don't count as socialism....

...then what's your problem? Nowhere do any of the libs you hate so much propose that we ban Barnes and Noble, as you put it?

You have to make a choice. Either admit that things like the University of Virginia meets the Oxford English Dictionary definition of socialism to the letter, or admit that the Dems-----not Bernie, not Cortez...none of them----- aren't suggesting we become socialists using your definition of socialism.

Either way, you're all set, and have nothing to worry about. Rest easy.
Why do you always go to wahoo U? Michigan isn't a socialist university OF?
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by runrussellrun »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 11:04 am
runrussellrun wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 9:41 am Well, with all due respect, AFAN...and others.....constantly sing and chime "shoulda done better in HIGHschool" or " just get re-trained". In short, I feel their compassion for the "unskilled" labor force doesn't exist. (and....if you can get fired for NOT performing your "unskilled" job adequately, or get a poor job performance review, is unskilled? The people that take care of your parents in nursing homes, unskilled, right? If it's so easy, why don't people take care of their own parents?)

And no....they DON"T survive. Obama and the pretends say making $32K a year is too much to qualify for affordable insulin. So, you die. Fact.

Why do liberals of pretend dislike the tariffs? What is the purpose of them? Is US made steel and aluminum to expensive, because we have a minimum wage while doesn't ? Confused. Liberals want a min. wage, yet will gladly purchase goods made by people making $12 a week.

Sen. Kamala......pulling her best Warden Norton and keeping the good behavior fire fighters in jail to provide her state very cheap labor.
A tariff is a “liberal” concept. The purposeful use of tarrifs ship sailed in the 80’s....
why, b/c to many stocks tied up overseas now?
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by runrussellrun »

foreverlax wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:18 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:03 pm
Half of American's are working full time earning less than $50k per year. If you are making $15 per hour, that is $31k per year. Those folks are getting some level of .gov help. With that assistance, they survive.

Wages are held artificially low due to the "non-market" forces of .gov intervention. Trump tells us the demand for labor is high, their wages should go up.

a fan has it right - do we want jobs like those in Mexico or those in Germany.
...& we have between 11 & 22 million undocumented non-citizens willing to work for wages closer to Mexico's than Germany's.

If we're going to study Germany, we need to learn from how they protected their manufacturing base & how they prepare their citizens to sustain it.
Those undocumented (obviously non-citizens) are making more then they would here, for doing the same job in Mexico. Some number of these jobs could be filled by citizens....others, not a chance. My neighbor has been very successful commercial landscaper for 30 years - he can't find citizens to do the work nor can he find a citizen to takeover the biz...they just don't want to do the work.

I have been a BIG fan of "13th and 14th " for those who want to learn a skill that doesn't require a four year degree.
This is complete BS. No one wants to buy his "successful" landscaping business? SUch pure BS. I'll buy it? PM me his contact info. If in Maryland or California, I will pass.
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote: Why do you always go to wahoo U? Michigan isn't a socialist university OF?
Consistency. Well that. And I like giving a certain UVA grad a hard time. ;)
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by foreverlax »

runrussellrun wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:54 pm
foreverlax wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:18 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:03 pm
Half of American's are working full time earning less than $50k per year. If you are making $15 per hour, that is $31k per year. Those folks are getting some level of .gov help. With that assistance, they survive.

Wages are held artificially low due to the "non-market" forces of .gov intervention. Trump tells us the demand for labor is high, their wages should go up.

a fan has it right - do we want jobs like those in Mexico or those in Germany.
...& we have between 11 & 22 million undocumented non-citizens willing to work for wages closer to Mexico's than Germany's.

If we're going to study Germany, we need to learn from how they protected their manufacturing base & how they prepare their citizens to sustain it.
Those undocumented (obviously non-citizens) are making more then they would here, for doing the same job in Mexico. Some number of these jobs could be filled by citizens....others, not a chance. My neighbor has been very successful commercial landscaper for 30 years - he can't find citizens to do the work nor can he find a citizen to takeover the biz...they just don't want to do the work.

I have been a BIG fan of "13th and 14th " for those who want to learn a skill that doesn't require a four year degree.
This is complete BS. No one wants to buy his "successful" landscaping business? SUch pure BS. I'll buy it? PM me his contact info. If in Maryland or California, I will pass.
I would love to hear him itchbay slap you around....nice having all the answers.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by runrussellrun »

foreverlax wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 1:00 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:54 pm
foreverlax wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:18 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:03 pm
Half of American's are working full time earning less than $50k per year. If you are making $15 per hour, that is $31k per year. Those folks are getting some level of .gov help. With that assistance, they survive.

Wages are held artificially low due to the "non-market" forces of .gov intervention. Trump tells us the demand for labor is high, their wages should go up.

a fan has it right - do we want jobs like those in Mexico or those in Germany.
...& we have between 11 & 22 million undocumented non-citizens willing to work for wages closer to Mexico's than Germany's.

If we're going to study Germany, we need to learn from how they protected their manufacturing base & how they prepare their citizens to sustain it.
Those undocumented (obviously non-citizens) are making more then they would here, for doing the same job in Mexico. Some number of these jobs could be filled by citizens....others, not a chance. My neighbor has been very successful commercial landscaper for 30 years - he can't find citizens to do the work nor can he find a citizen to takeover the biz...they just don't want to do the work.

I have been a BIG fan of "13th and 14th " for those who want to learn a skill that doesn't require a four year degree.
This is complete BS. No one wants to buy his "successful" landscaping business? SUch pure BS. I'll buy it? PM me his contact info. If in Maryland or California, I will pass.
I would love to hear him itchbay slap you around....nice having all the answers.
Well, you have all the statements. Not sure why you introduce violence to this conversation, unless you are talking rhetorical beechslapping. What state is this successful business located in? And, is it successful b/c he pays zero benefits and hires only illegals? Yup, Annapolis Painting Company was pretty darn successful using this approach.
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:51 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 11:04 am
runrussellrun wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 9:41 am Well, with all due respect, AFAN...and others.....constantly sing and chime "shoulda done better in HIGHschool" or " just get re-trained". In short, I feel their compassion for the "unskilled" labor force doesn't exist. (and....if you can get fired for NOT performing your "unskilled" job adequately, or get a poor job performance review, is unskilled? The people that take care of your parents in nursing homes, unskilled, right? If it's so easy, why don't people take care of their own parents?)

And no....they DON"T survive. Obama and the pretends say making $32K a year is too much to qualify for affordable insulin. So, you die. Fact.

Why do liberals of pretend dislike the tariffs? What is the purpose of them? Is US made steel and aluminum to expensive, because we have a minimum wage while doesn't ? Confused. Liberals want a min. wage, yet will gladly purchase goods made by people making $12 a week.

Sen. Kamala......pulling her best Warden Norton and keeping the good behavior fire fighters in jail to provide her state very cheap labor.
A tariff is a “liberal” concept. The purposeful use of tarrifs ship sailed in the 80’s....
why, b/c to many stocks tied up overseas now?
Why? Because a tarrif is a “tax” and “Dems” are pro tax so it’s a “liberal” concept. Follow the logic?
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by foreverlax »

runrussellrun wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 1:06 pm
foreverlax wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 1:00 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:54 pm
foreverlax wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:18 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:03 pm
Half of American's are working full time earning less than $50k per year. If you are making $15 per hour, that is $31k per year. Those folks are getting some level of .gov help. With that assistance, they survive.

Wages are held artificially low due to the "non-market" forces of .gov intervention. Trump tells us the demand for labor is high, their wages should go up.

a fan has it right - do we want jobs like those in Mexico or those in Germany.
...& we have between 11 & 22 million undocumented non-citizens willing to work for wages closer to Mexico's than Germany's.

If we're going to study Germany, we need to learn from how they protected their manufacturing base & how they prepare their citizens to sustain it.
Those undocumented (obviously non-citizens) are making more then they would here, for doing the same job in Mexico. Some number of these jobs could be filled by citizens....others, not a chance. My neighbor has been very successful commercial landscaper for 30 years - he can't find citizens to do the work nor can he find a citizen to takeover the biz...they just don't want to do the work.

I have been a BIG fan of "13th and 14th " for those who want to learn a skill that doesn't require a four year degree.
This is complete BS. No one wants to buy his "successful" landscaping business? SUch pure BS. I'll buy it? PM me his contact info. If in Maryland or California, I will pass.
I would love to hear him itchbay slap you around....nice having all the answers.
Well, you have all the statements. Not sure why you introduce violence to this conversation, unless you are talking rhetorical beechslapping. What state is this successful business located in? And, is it successful b/c he pays zero benefits and hires only illegals? Yup, Annapolis Painting Company was pretty darn successful using this approach.
I tell a story and you call either you are calling me a liar or my buddy a liar.

You don't knew either of us well enough to take that shot.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by runrussellrun »

So, don't tell the story if you can't back it up by answering very simple questions. ANd I will call BS to anyone that says they can't hire US citizens because they won't do the work. Always means they pay crappy wages. And, by hiring illegals, which sounds like what your friend does, means he gets to skirt the overtime laws, fica, workers comp, etc.

Have to visit great grand dads grave and tell him he died for nothing (Died in a labor strike )
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
Pronouns: "we" and "suck"
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