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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 4:29 am
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 2:47 am Oh totally. The rank and file men and women who work for our government should shut up, look the other way, and serve a man who we all know is unfit for office. They have to follow their oath, and Trump doesn't. Because Old Salt sez so. It's in some book, or something.

No, no, I got it----they should blow the whistle on Trump. Yeah, that works great.

What was it you said? Oh, right. The whistleblower law is stronger then ever.

And by stronger, you mean that the DNI will take any complaints about Trump to Trump's people in 24 hours instead of 48.
The WB law is not there to provide a forum for disgruntled civil servants to subvert the policies of the elected CinC which they do not agree with..
If they can't fullfill their duties in good faith, they should go home, find another job & write a book. Phil Mudd was right.
The more this WB's claims fall apart, the more we see how this was an abuse of the WB process.
You are so full of it. So both the NDI and the IG write gushing letters/give flowery speeches about how pleased they are with the WB, and how they find his complaint fully credible.

Then the WB complaint---the salient point----is confirmed by both Trump and his lawyer on live TV to be true. Trump did indeed ask him to look into Biden.

And you come back with "this is a disgruntled employee".

Congratulations, you are now the biggest partisan on the board, surpassing both Bandito and DocB.

Take a bow.

old salt wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2019 8:57 pm You claim you don't approve of any US military aid to Ukraine ? Then you should be grateful to Trump for not funding the war there, until he knows he can trust the stand up comic who just became their latest President, to actually go after the rampant corruption which has made Ukraine little better than Russia
If he's so corrupt, why did he ask him to investigate Biden?

Take your time coming up with your spin on this one. The stand up comic comes back with fabricated "evidence" of Biden's wrongdoing, fulfilling Trump's request. Now what?

You're not this stupid. Trump thinks you are, though.
old salt wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2019 8:57 pm How would you like to see our Javelins & .50 cal sniper rifles in the hands of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion ?
So you give me evidence that I'm right that we shouldn't arm foreign countries?

Nice job. This is your idea of refuting my point?
old salt wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2019 8:57 pm The transformation of you new Russia war hawks makes me laugh.
Why wasn't Chris Matthews sputtering about Javelins in 2014 ?
I had the EXACT same position the entire time we've been at the Water Cooler.

YOU are the guy who thinks we need to "arm the right guys" overseas, no matter how many times I've pointed out how stupid that practice is.

Remember when you and McCain wanted to arm the Syrian Rebels? All the way until we figured out that "whoops, that's ISIS"??
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Yes, you and I could indeed build a good relationship, youth.

I have no doubt of that.

But it’s also reasonable for us to each assume that neither of us had ordered the imprisonment, torture, murder of hundreds or thousands of political foes, journalists, or other critics. Heck, I’m willing to bet that you haven’t ordered the murder of one person.

Bush actually made a sincere attempt to develop a personal relationship with Putin, but Putin was playing him, as it eventually became clear.

No, there is no sincerity in Trump. Jealousy maybe. Kompromat probably. Greed and ego certainly.

None of which is to the benefit of America.
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old salt
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by old salt »

Trinity wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 8:58 am “- Years of dirty deals with the Russians compromises Trump
- A scared Trump tells the Russians he won't look into their attack on us
- This comment is kept secret but is known to the Russians, which further compromises Trump. It's all a circle of accountability, you see.”

Tom Nichols...The Death of Expertise

So....it appears

Gen. H.R. McMaster knew
Gen. John Kelly knew
Gen Jim Mattis knew
Reince Priebus - now a newly-minted Navy Ensign knew
Cmdr. Sean Spicer knew
Nikki Haley knew
Jeff Sessions knew
Rex Tillerson knew

How did Bob Mueller not know?
Did Ensign Hunter Biden know ?
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by Trinity »

Let’s ask them all.
“I don’t take responsibility at all.” —Donald J Trump
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:34 amYou are so full of it. So both the NDI and the IG write gushing letters/give flowery speeches about how pleased they are with the WB, and how they find his complaint fully credible.

Then the WB complaint---the salient point----is confirmed by both Trump and his lawyer on live TV to be true. Trump did indeed ask him to look into Biden.

And you come back with "this is a disgruntled employee".

Congratulations, you are now the biggest partisan on the board, surpassing both Bandito and DocB.

Take a bow.
Personal attack, hyperbole & virtiol much ? You grossly misrepresent the DNI & IC IG.

The DNI wisely remained arms length from this WB. His robust defense was of the WB process, not of this WB in particular.
The DNI accepted the IG's technical categorization of the the complaint. He did not address the merits of the WB's assertions.
The IC IG categorized the complaint, as he was required to do, based on the plausibility of it's content & the WB's apparent access to the information in the claim.
However, the timing of the changes made to the standard IC whistle blower form, removing the rqmt that it be based on first hand information (rather than hearsay) is a red flag which calls into question the actions of the IC IG if he played any part in promulgating the changie to that standard IC WB complaint form.

Errors & inconsistencies in the WB's claim are emerging, which increasingly call it's credibility into question.
Believe it or not, the WB process is often abused for score settling or to promote a personal agenda.
The WB made it clear that he is not acting alone.
We will learn more about the WB & the merits of his claim as the impeachment inquiry proceeds.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:34 amYou are so full of it. So both the NDI and the IG write gushing letters/give flowery speeches about how pleased they are with the WB, and how they find his complaint fully credible.

Then the WB complaint---the salient point----is confirmed by both Trump and his lawyer on live TV to be true. Trump did indeed ask him to look into Biden.

And you come back with "this is a disgruntled employee".

Congratulations, you are now the biggest partisan on the board, surpassing both Bandito and DocB.

Take a bow.
Personal attack, hyperbole & virtiol much ? You grossly misrepresent the DNI & IC IG.

The DNI wisely remained arms length from this WB. His robust defense was of the WB process, not of this WB in particular.
The DNI accepted the IG's technical categorization of the the complaint. He did not address the merits of the WB's assertions.
The IC IG categorized the complaint, as he was required to do, based on the plausibility of it's content & the WB's apparent access to the information in the claim.
However, the timing of the changes made to the standard IC whistle blower form, removing the rqmt that it be based on first hand information (rather than hearsay) is a red flag which calls into question the actions of the IC IG if he played any part in promulgating the changie to that standard IC WB complaint form.

Errors & inconsistencies in the WB's claim are emerging, which increasingly call it's credibility into question.
Believe it or not, the WB process is often abused for score settling or to promote a personal agenda.
The WB made it clear that he is not acting alone.
We will learn more about the WB & the merits of his claim as the impeachment inquiry proceeds.
Ahhh, so now you are speculating that the IG is in on this nefarious Deep State take down of a duly elected, innocent as snow POTUS?


The DNI, who both you and I give the benefit of the doubt to as an honorable fellow, just between a rock and hard place, has been very, very strong in his defense of the WB. And you are incorrect as to how seriously and credibly the DNI has been about the WB, albeit largely based on his admiration and trust in the IG's honor and process.

Yes, the WB is not acting alone. Apparently a whole host of folks were outraged by Trump's behavior, and that of Rudy et al. Barr too implicated. These are most likely the professionals who have intimate knowledge of what has gone down, indeed, if we understand correctly they were warning against these actions for several months, yet Trump went forward fully warned that it was beyond the pale.

Everything we've seen so far has corroborated the WB's claims, separate server being misused, pressuring foreign leader for personal political benefit dangling already approved, badly need military aid $, various personnel involved.

This is really, really ugly but it's 100% on Trump, though Rudy and the fever swamp bear some responsibility as well as I think Trump may well have a problem discerning reality and takes his cues from the most outrageous surrounding him and on his screen.
a fan
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:34 amYou are so full of it. So both the NDI and the IG write gushing letters/give flowery speeches about how pleased they are with the WB, and how they find his complaint fully credible.

Then the WB complaint---the salient point----is confirmed by both Trump and his lawyer on live TV to be true. Trump did indeed ask him to look into Biden.

And you come back with "this is a disgruntled employee".

Congratulations, you are now the biggest partisan on the board, surpassing both Bandito and DocB.

Take a bow.
Personal attack, hyperbole & virtiol much ?
The cut it out with the "quit your crying" cr*p. You keep doing this. Either calm down, stop calling other posters names...or deal with the return fire, and don't gripe about it when it arrives. You just called me a Drama Queen because I have the gall to want laws to be followed. Stop doing that? We can discuss this like adults. Pick a lane. I'd prefer to be polite to one another, but that's just me.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm You grossly misrepresent the DNI & IC IG.
Buffalo bagels. The transcripts and testimony is right there for you. Just because you don't want to hear it, doesn't mean I'm wrong.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm The DNI wisely remained arms length from this WB. His robust defense was of the WB process, not of this WB in particular.
Again, this is wrong. Either you didn't hear the testimony, which is fine, or you're deliberately playing games. Multiple Congressmen asked about the WB in particular, not the complaint. The DNI REPEATEDLY praised the WB for doing it right, and for following the rules. Obviously he doesn't know the WB on a personal level, and can't speak to his morality, or taste in clothes. That's irrelevant. Either the WB's allegations can be proven, or they can't. The big allegation is true. Trump said so himself.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm The DNI accepted the IG's technical categorization of the the complaint. He did not address the merits of the WB's assertions.
Right.. That's not his job. That's the IG's job.

You're doing it again. You're playing this game where you think someone needs to be found guilty BEFORE an investigation is started. And if they can't do that, well, obviously this whole thing is a charade.

The WB is asking for an investigation, full stop. OF COURSE some of the d*mn allegations might be wrong. That has nothing to do with the correctness of lodging the complaint, or the standing of the person making the complaint.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm Errors & inconsistencies in the WB's claim are emerging, which increasingly call it's credibility into question.
Believe it or not, the WB process is often abused for score settling or to promote a personal agenda.
So what? Wholly immaterial to the validity of the complaint. Linda Tripp hated Clinton. What you're trying to tell me is, that has an effect on whether or not Bill had sex with Monica. That's absurd.

The wetness of water has nothing to do with political affiliation, or whether or not someone hates water.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm The WB made it clear that he is not acting alone.
We will learn more about the WB & the merits of his claim as the impeachment inquiry proceeds.
Dude. Both Trump and Giuliani admitted the key claim was true. The rest is just more wood for the fire. If you want to hang your hat on smaller details aren't accurate or true, go right ahead. But we're still left with a disgusting, unethical, and unAmerican act by a sitting President staring at us in the face.

I'd rather not have to do this. It's going royally screw everything from trade, to infrastructure, to threats in Iran until two January's from now. This is not a good thing.

But we can't let our leaders do this. It's not ok. You always talk about being patient, and we'll be ok in the long term. This has never been more true.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:53 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:34 amYou are so full of it. So both the NDI and the IG write gushing letters/give flowery speeches about how pleased they are with the WB, and how they find his complaint fully credible.

Then the WB complaint---the salient point----is confirmed by both Trump and his lawyer on live TV to be true. Trump did indeed ask him to look into Biden.

And you come back with "this is a disgruntled employee".

Congratulations, you are now the biggest partisan on the board, surpassing both Bandito and DocB.

Take a bow.
Personal attack, hyperbole & virtiol much ? You grossly misrepresent the DNI & IC IG.

The DNI wisely remained arms length from this WB. His robust defense was of the WB process, not of this WB in particular.
The DNI accepted the IG's technical categorization of the the complaint. He did not address the merits of the WB's assertions.
The IC IG categorized the complaint, as he was required to do, based on the plausibility of it's content & the WB's apparent access to the information in the claim.
However, the timing of the changes made to the standard IC whistle blower form, removing the rqmt that it be based on first hand information (rather than hearsay) is a red flag which calls into question the actions of the IC IG if he played any part in promulgating the changie to that standard IC WB complaint form.

Errors & inconsistencies in the WB's claim are emerging, which increasingly call it's credibility into question.
Believe it or not, the WB process is often abused for score settling or to promote a personal agenda.
The WB made it clear that he is not acting alone.
We will learn more about the WB & the merits of his claim as the impeachment inquiry proceeds.
Ahhh, so now you are speculating that the IG is in on this nefarious Deep State take down of a duly elected, innocent as snow POTUS?


The DNI, who both you and I give the benefit of the doubt to as an honorable fellow, just between a rock and hard place, has been very, very strong in his defense of the WB. And you are incorrect as to how seriously and credibly the DNI has been about the WB, albeit largely based on his admiration and trust in the IG's honor and process.

Yes, the WB is not acting alone. Apparently a whole host of folks were outraged by Trump's behavior, and that of Rudy et al. Barr too implicated. These are most likely the professionals who have intimate knowledge of what has gone down, indeed, if we understand correctly they were warning against these actions for several months, yet Trump went forward fully warned that it was beyond the pale.

Everything we've seen so far has corroborated the WB's claims, separate server being misused, pressuring foreign leader for personal political benefit dangling already approved, badly need military aid $, various personnel involved.

This is really, really ugly but it's 100% on Trump, though Rudy and the fever swamp bear some responsibility as well as I think Trump may well have a problem discerning reality and takes his cues from the most outrageous surrounding him and on his screen.
Old Bandito?
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by seacoaster »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:53 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:34 amYou are so full of it. So both the NDI and the IG write gushing letters/give flowery speeches about how pleased they are with the WB, and how they find his complaint fully credible.

Then the WB complaint---the salient point----is confirmed by both Trump and his lawyer on live TV to be true. Trump did indeed ask him to look into Biden.

And you come back with "this is a disgruntled employee".

Congratulations, you are now the biggest partisan on the board, surpassing both Bandito and DocB.

Take a bow.
Personal attack, hyperbole & virtiol much ? You grossly misrepresent the DNI & IC IG.

The DNI wisely remained arms length from this WB. His robust defense was of the WB process, not of this WB in particular.
The DNI accepted the IG's technical categorization of the the complaint. He did not address the merits of the WB's assertions.
The IC IG categorized the complaint, as he was required to do, based on the plausibility of it's content & the WB's apparent access to the information in the claim.
However, the timing of the changes made to the standard IC whistle blower form, removing the rqmt that it be based on first hand information (rather than hearsay) is a red flag which calls into question the actions of the IC IG if he played any part in promulgating the changie to that standard IC WB complaint form.

Errors & inconsistencies in the WB's claim are emerging, which increasingly call it's credibility into question.
Believe it or not, the WB process is often abused for score settling or to promote a personal agenda.
The WB made it clear that he is not acting alone.
We will learn more about the WB & the merits of his claim as the impeachment inquiry proceeds.
Ahhh, so now you are speculating that the IG is in on this nefarious Deep State take down of a duly elected, innocent as snow POTUS?


The DNI, who both you and I give the benefit of the doubt to as an honorable fellow, just between a rock and hard place, has been very, very strong in his defense of the WB. And you are incorrect as to how seriously and credibly the DNI has been about the WB, albeit largely based on his admiration and trust in the IG's honor and process.

Yes, the WB is not acting alone. Apparently a whole host of folks were outraged by Trump's behavior, and that of Rudy et al. Barr too implicated. These are most likely the professionals who have intimate knowledge of what has gone down, indeed, if we understand correctly they were warning against these actions for several months, yet Trump went forward fully warned that it was beyond the pale.

Everything we've seen so far has corroborated the WB's claims, separate server being misused, pressuring foreign leader for personal political benefit dangling already approved, badly need military aid $, various personnel involved.

This is really, really ugly but it's 100% on Trump, though Rudy and the fever swamp bear some responsibility as well as I think Trump may well have a problem discerning reality and takes his cues from the most outrageous surrounding him and on his screen.
Good post.
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old salt
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:53 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:34 amYou are so full of it. So both the NDI and the IG write gushing letters/give flowery speeches about how pleased they are with the WB, and how they find his complaint fully credible.

Then the WB complaint---the salient point----is confirmed by both Trump and his lawyer on live TV to be true. Trump did indeed ask him to look into Biden.

And you come back with "this is a disgruntled employee".

Congratulations, you are now the biggest partisan on the board, surpassing both Bandito and DocB.

Take a bow.
Personal attack, hyperbole & virtiol much ? You grossly misrepresent the DNI & IC IG.

The DNI wisely remained arms length from this WB. His robust defense was of the WB process, not of this WB in particular.
The DNI accepted the IG's technical categorization of the the complaint. He did not address the merits of the WB's assertions.
The IC IG categorized the complaint, as he was required to do, based on the plausibility of it's content & the WB's apparent access to the information in the claim.
However, the timing of the changes made to the standard IC whistle blower form, removing the rqmt that it be based on first hand information (rather than hearsay) is a red flag which calls into question the actions of the IC IG if he played any part in promulgating the changie to that standard IC WB complaint form.

Errors & inconsistencies in the WB's claim are emerging, which increasingly call it's credibility into question.
Believe it or not, the WB process is often abused for score settling or to promote a personal agenda.
The WB made it clear that he is not acting alone.
We will learn more about the WB & the merits of his claim as the impeachment inquiry proceeds.
Ahhh, so now you are speculating that the IG is in on this nefarious Deep State take down of a duly elected, innocent as snow POTUS?


The DNI, who both you and I give the benefit of the doubt to as an honorable fellow, just between a rock and hard place, has been very, very strong in his defense of the WB. And you are incorrect as to how seriously and credibly the DNI has been about the WB, albeit largely based on his admiration and trust in the IG's honor and process.

Yes, the WB is not acting alone. Apparently a whole host of folks were outraged by Trump's behavior, and that of Rudy et al. Barr too implicated. These are most likely the professionals who have intimate knowledge of what has gone down, indeed, if we understand correctly they were warning against these actions for several months, yet Trump went forward fully warned that it was beyond the pale.

Everything we've seen so far has corroborated the WB's claims, separate server being misused, pressuring foreign leader for personal political benefit dangling already approved, badly need military aid $, various personnel involved.

This is really, really ugly but it's 100% on Trump, though Rudy and the fever swamp bear some responsibility as well as I think Trump may well have a problem discerning reality and takes his cues from the most outrageous surrounding him and on his screen.
The separate server being "misused" has been WH SOP for safeguarding phcons with foreign leaders since Jan 2017, when the phcons with the leaders of Mexico & Italy were leaked. It's not "misuse" to make those sensitive comms less accessible to leakers. It would be irresponsible not to limit distribution to protect them from leaking.

Plz explain the timing of the change to the IC IG whistleblower complaint form removing the rqmt for first hand information (rather that hearsay) for it to be categorized as "urgent".

The State Dept official the WB claimed was present for the call was not.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:17 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:53 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:34 amYou are so full of it. So both the NDI and the IG write gushing letters/give flowery speeches about how pleased they are with the WB, and how they find his complaint fully credible.

Then the WB complaint---the salient point----is confirmed by both Trump and his lawyer on live TV to be true. Trump did indeed ask him to look into Biden.

And you come back with "this is a disgruntled employee".

Congratulations, you are now the biggest partisan on the board, surpassing both Bandito and DocB.

Take a bow.
Personal attack, hyperbole & virtiol much ? You grossly misrepresent the DNI & IC IG.

The DNI wisely remained arms length from this WB. His robust defense was of the WB process, not of this WB in particular.
The DNI accepted the IG's technical categorization of the the complaint. He did not address the merits of the WB's assertions.
The IC IG categorized the complaint, as he was required to do, based on the plausibility of it's content & the WB's apparent access to the information in the claim.
However, the timing of the changes made to the standard IC whistle blower form, removing the rqmt that it be based on first hand information (rather than hearsay) is a red flag which calls into question the actions of the IC IG if he played any part in promulgating the changie to that standard IC WB complaint form.

Errors & inconsistencies in the WB's claim are emerging, which increasingly call it's credibility into question.
Believe it or not, the WB process is often abused for score settling or to promote a personal agenda.
The WB made it clear that he is not acting alone.
We will learn more about the WB & the merits of his claim as the impeachment inquiry proceeds.
Ahhh, so now you are speculating that the IG is in on this nefarious Deep State take down of a duly elected, innocent as snow POTUS?


The DNI, who both you and I give the benefit of the doubt to as an honorable fellow, just between a rock and hard place, has been very, very strong in his defense of the WB. And you are incorrect as to how seriously and credibly the DNI has been about the WB, albeit largely based on his admiration and trust in the IG's honor and process.

Yes, the WB is not acting alone. Apparently a whole host of folks were outraged by Trump's behavior, and that of Rudy et al. Barr too implicated. These are most likely the professionals who have intimate knowledge of what has gone down, indeed, if we understand correctly they were warning against these actions for several months, yet Trump went forward fully warned that it was beyond the pale.

Everything we've seen so far has corroborated the WB's claims, separate server being misused, pressuring foreign leader for personal political benefit dangling already approved, badly need military aid $, various personnel involved.

This is really, really ugly but it's 100% on Trump, though Rudy and the fever swamp bear some responsibility as well as I think Trump may well have a problem discerning reality and takes his cues from the most outrageous surrounding him and on his screen.
The separate server being "misused" has been WH SOP for safeguarding phcons with foreign leaders since Jan 2017, when the phcons with the leaders of Mexico & Italy were leaked. It's not "misuse" to make those sensitive comms less accessible to leakers. It would be irresponsible not to limit distribution to protect them from leaking.

Plz explain the timing of the change to the IC IG whistleblower complaint form removing the rqmt for first hand information (rather that hearsay) for it to be categorized as "urgent".

The State Dept official the WB claimed was present for the call was not.
Are you again attacking the IG?

And I guess by implication the DNI who so strongly supports him individually as well as the WB process?

And are you saying that ALL communications with foreign leaders get this server treatment?
Or just those deemed politically sensitive to the interests of the POTUS?

And you're getting that where exactly? (facts please not speculation from the fever swamp).

I have no idea about about this first hand aspect, though it appears that the WB was in the authorized flow of information on a whole set of matters, and received information from numerous people who he apparently named, or at least he reportedly named the dozen corroborating witnesses. And, at least so far, no one is actually denying the veracity of the WB complaint's alleged facts...Trump just thinks whoever gave the WB the info is a 'spy' and a 'traitor' so should be treated the way things used to be handled...

Nah, no problem there.
Trump's a victim. :roll:
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old salt
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 4:08 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:34 amYou are so full of it. So both the NDI and the IG write gushing letters/give flowery speeches about how pleased they are with the WB, and how they find his complaint fully credible.

Then the WB complaint---the salient point----is confirmed by both Trump and his lawyer on live TV to be true. Trump did indeed ask him to look into Biden.

And you come back with "this is a disgruntled employee".

Congratulations, you are now the biggest partisan on the board, surpassing both Bandito and DocB.

Take a bow.
Personal attack, hyperbole & virtiol much ?
The cut it out with the "quit your crying" cr*p. You keep doing this. Either calm down, stop calling other posters names...or deal with the return fire, and don't gripe about it when it arrives. You just called me a Drama Queen because I have the gall to want laws to be followed. Stop doing that? We can discuss this like adults. Pick a lane. I'd prefer to be polite to one another, but that's just me.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm You grossly misrepresent the DNI & IC IG.
Buffalo bagels. The transcripts and testimony is right there for you. Just because you don't want to hear it, doesn't mean I'm wrong.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm The DNI wisely remained arms length from this WB. His robust defense was of the WB process, not of this WB in particular.
Again, this is wrong. Either you didn't hear the testimony, which is fine, or you're deliberately playing games. Multiple Congressmen asked about the WB in particular, not the complaint. The DNI REPEATEDLY praised the WB for doing it right, and for following the rules. Obviously he doesn't know the WB on a personal level, and can't speak to his morality, or taste in clothes. That's irrelevant. Either the WB's allegations can be proven, or they can't. The big allegation is true. Trump said so himself.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm The DNI accepted the IG's technical categorization of the the complaint. He did not address the merits of the WB's assertions.
Right.. That's not his job. That's the IG's job.

You're doing it again. You're playing this game where you think someone needs to be found guilty BEFORE an investigation is started. And if they can't do that, well, obviously this whole thing is a charade.

The WB is asking for an investigation, full stop. OF COURSE some of the d*mn allegations might be wrong. That has nothing to do with the correctness of lodging the complaint, or the standing of the person making the complaint.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm Errors & inconsistencies in the WB's claim are emerging, which increasingly call it's credibility into question.
Believe it or not, the WB process is often abused for score settling or to promote a personal agenda.
So what? Wholly immaterial to the validity of the complaint. Linda Tripp hated Clinton. What you're trying to tell me is, that has an effect on whether or not Bill had sex with Monica. That's absurd.

The wetness of water has nothing to do with political affiliation, or whether or not someone hates water.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm The WB made it clear that he is not acting alone.
We will learn more about the WB & the merits of his claim as the impeachment inquiry proceeds.
Dude. Both Trump and Giuliani admitted the key claim was true. The rest is just more wood for the fire. If you want to hang your hat on smaller details aren't accurate or true, go right ahead. But we're still left with a disgusting, unethical, and unAmerican act by a sitting President staring at us in the face.

I'd rather not have to do this. It's going royally screw everything from trade, to infrastructure, to threats in Iran until two January's from now. This is not a good thing.

But we can't let our leaders do this. It's not ok. You always talk about being patient, and we'll be ok in the long term. This has never been more true.
More hyperbole & irrelevant diversion.
The DNI did not address the accuracy or merits of the WB's complaint, other than to say they appeared to be credible & urgent.
The DNI did commend the WB & IG for following the established procedures.
You totally disregard the fact that DoJ Prosecutors investigated the complaint for both potential public corruption or campaign finance violations & did not find the complaint actionable. You selectively convey credibility to only the govt officials who support your preconceived notion.
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old salt
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:27 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:17 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:53 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:34 amYou are so full of it. So both the NDI and the IG write gushing letters/give flowery speeches about how pleased they are with the WB, and how they find his complaint fully credible.

Then the WB complaint---the salient point----is confirmed by both Trump and his lawyer on live TV to be true. Trump did indeed ask him to look into Biden.

And you come back with "this is a disgruntled employee".

Congratulations, you are now the biggest partisan on the board, surpassing both Bandito and DocB.

Take a bow.
Personal attack, hyperbole & virtiol much ? You grossly misrepresent the DNI & IC IG.

The DNI wisely remained arms length from this WB. His robust defense was of the WB process, not of this WB in particular.
The DNI accepted the IG's technical categorization of the the complaint. He did not address the merits of the WB's assertions.
The IC IG categorized the complaint, as he was required to do, based on the plausibility of it's content & the WB's apparent access to the information in the claim.
However, the timing of the changes made to the standard IC whistle blower form, removing the rqmt that it be based on first hand information (rather than hearsay) is a red flag which calls into question the actions of the IC IG if he played any part in promulgating the changie to that standard IC WB complaint form.

Errors & inconsistencies in the WB's claim are emerging, which increasingly call it's credibility into question.
Believe it or not, the WB process is often abused for score settling or to promote a personal agenda.
The WB made it clear that he is not acting alone.
We will learn more about the WB & the merits of his claim as the impeachment inquiry proceeds.
Ahhh, so now you are speculating that the IG is in on this nefarious Deep State take down of a duly elected, innocent as snow POTUS?


The DNI, who both you and I give the benefit of the doubt to as an honorable fellow, just between a rock and hard place, has been very, very strong in his defense of the WB. And you are incorrect as to how seriously and credibly the DNI has been about the WB, albeit largely based on his admiration and trust in the IG's honor and process.

Yes, the WB is not acting alone. Apparently a whole host of folks were outraged by Trump's behavior, and that of Rudy et al. Barr too implicated. These are most likely the professionals who have intimate knowledge of what has gone down, indeed, if we understand correctly they were warning against these actions for several months, yet Trump went forward fully warned that it was beyond the pale.

Everything we've seen so far has corroborated the WB's claims, separate server being misused, pressuring foreign leader for personal political benefit dangling already approved, badly need military aid $, various personnel involved.

This is really, really ugly but it's 100% on Trump, though Rudy and the fever swamp bear some responsibility as well as I think Trump may well have a problem discerning reality and takes his cues from the most outrageous surrounding him and on his screen.
The separate server being "misused" has been WH SOP for safeguarding phcons with foreign leaders since Jan 2017, when the phcons with the leaders of Mexico & Italy were leaked. It's not "misuse" to make those sensitive comms less accessible to leakers. It would be irresponsible not to limit distribution to protect them from leaking.

Plz explain the timing of the change to the IC IG whistleblower complaint form removing the rqmt for first hand information (rather that hearsay) for it to be categorized as "urgent".

The State Dept official the WB claimed was present for the call was not.
Are you again attacking the IG?

And I guess by implication the DNI who so strongly supports him individually as well as the WB process?

And are you saying that ALL communications with foreign leaders get this server treatment?
Or just those deemed politically sensitive to the interests of the POTUS?

And you're getting that where exactly? (facts please not speculation from the fever swamp).

I have no idea about about this first hand aspect, though it appears that the WB was in the authorized flow of information on a whole set of matters, and received information from numerous people who he apparently named, or at least he reportedly named the dozen corroborating witnesses. And, at least so far, no one is actually denying the veracity of the WB complaint's alleged facts...Trump just thinks whoever gave the WB the info is a 'spy' and a 'traitor' so should be treated the way things used to be handled...

Nah, no problem there.
Trump's a victim. :roll:
I'm attacking no one.
I responded to the only specifics you mentioned.
I'm witholding judgement on the IG until I learn more about his actions,
particularly regarding the changes to the standard IG WB complaint form.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:29 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 4:08 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:34 amYou are so full of it. So both the NDI and the IG write gushing letters/give flowery speeches about how pleased they are with the WB, and how they find his complaint fully credible.

Then the WB complaint---the salient point----is confirmed by both Trump and his lawyer on live TV to be true. Trump did indeed ask him to look into Biden.

And you come back with "this is a disgruntled employee".

Congratulations, you are now the biggest partisan on the board, surpassing both Bandito and DocB.

Take a bow.
Personal attack, hyperbole & virtiol much ?
The cut it out with the "quit your crying" cr*p. You keep doing this. Either calm down, stop calling other posters names...or deal with the return fire, and don't gripe about it when it arrives. You just called me a Drama Queen because I have the gall to want laws to be followed. Stop doing that? We can discuss this like adults. Pick a lane. I'd prefer to be polite to one another, but that's just me.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm You grossly misrepresent the DNI & IC IG.
Buffalo bagels. The transcripts and testimony is right there for you. Just because you don't want to hear it, doesn't mean I'm wrong.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm The DNI wisely remained arms length from this WB. His robust defense was of the WB process, not of this WB in particular.
Again, this is wrong. Either you didn't hear the testimony, which is fine, or you're deliberately playing games. Multiple Congressmen asked about the WB in particular, not the complaint. The DNI REPEATEDLY praised the WB for doing it right, and for following the rules. Obviously he doesn't know the WB on a personal level, and can't speak to his morality, or taste in clothes. That's irrelevant. Either the WB's allegations can be proven, or they can't. The big allegation is true. Trump said so himself.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm The DNI accepted the IG's technical categorization of the the complaint. He did not address the merits of the WB's assertions.
Right.. That's not his job. That's the IG's job.

You're doing it again. You're playing this game where you think someone needs to be found guilty BEFORE an investigation is started. And if they can't do that, well, obviously this whole thing is a charade.

The WB is asking for an investigation, full stop. OF COURSE some of the d*mn allegations might be wrong. That has nothing to do with the correctness of lodging the complaint, or the standing of the person making the complaint.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm Errors & inconsistencies in the WB's claim are emerging, which increasingly call it's credibility into question.
Believe it or not, the WB process is often abused for score settling or to promote a personal agenda.
So what? Wholly immaterial to the validity of the complaint. Linda Tripp hated Clinton. What you're trying to tell me is, that has an effect on whether or not Bill had sex with Monica. That's absurd.

The wetness of water has nothing to do with political affiliation, or whether or not someone hates water.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm The WB made it clear that he is not acting alone.
We will learn more about the WB & the merits of his claim as the impeachment inquiry proceeds.
Dude. Both Trump and Giuliani admitted the key claim was true. The rest is just more wood for the fire. If you want to hang your hat on smaller details aren't accurate or true, go right ahead. But we're still left with a disgusting, unethical, and unAmerican act by a sitting President staring at us in the face.

I'd rather not have to do this. It's going royally screw everything from trade, to infrastructure, to threats in Iran until two January's from now. This is not a good thing.

But we can't let our leaders do this. It's not ok. You always talk about being patient, and we'll be ok in the long term. This has never been more true.
More hyperbole & irrelevant diversion.
The DNI did not address the accuracy or merits of the WB's complaint, other than to say they appeared to be credible & urgent.
The DNI did commend the WB & IG for following the established procedures.
You totally disregard the fact that DoJ Prosecutors investigated the complaint for both potential public corruption or campaign finance violations & did not find the complaint actionable. You selectively convey credibility to only the govt officials who support your preconceived notion.
Uh huh, Barr's guys put the kibosh on further investigation...no problem with that conflict of interest, huh?

The DNI found the WB complaint both "credible and urgent".
That was largely based on his satisfaction in the integrity and work of the IG, who apparently had 14 days of his office examining the complaint for those two factors. They know who the WB is and who the corroborating witnesses are...and we're told they interviewed multiple such.

However, the DNI was advised by the Barr folks that it didn't necessarily meet the degree of urgency to force the 7-day rule and that there was an executive privilege question at stake, so he felt he had the latitude to slow down a heart beat or two and make sure he navigated through tricky waters.

Which he did, with in his opinion as much haste as he could.
He sure as heck doesn't think it's a Deep State take down of an innocent POTUS.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:34 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:27 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:17 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:53 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:34 amYou are so full of it. So both the NDI and the IG write gushing letters/give flowery speeches about how pleased they are with the WB, and how they find his complaint fully credible.

Then the WB complaint---the salient point----is confirmed by both Trump and his lawyer on live TV to be true. Trump did indeed ask him to look into Biden.

And you come back with "this is a disgruntled employee".

Congratulations, you are now the biggest partisan on the board, surpassing both Bandito and DocB.

Take a bow.
Personal attack, hyperbole & virtiol much ? You grossly misrepresent the DNI & IC IG.

The DNI wisely remained arms length from this WB. His robust defense was of the WB process, not of this WB in particular.
The DNI accepted the IG's technical categorization of the the complaint. He did not address the merits of the WB's assertions.
The IC IG categorized the complaint, as he was required to do, based on the plausibility of it's content & the WB's apparent access to the information in the claim.
However, the timing of the changes made to the standard IC whistle blower form, removing the rqmt that it be based on first hand information (rather than hearsay) is a red flag which calls into question the actions of the IC IG if he played any part in promulgating the changie to that standard IC WB complaint form.

Errors & inconsistencies in the WB's claim are emerging, which increasingly call it's credibility into question.
Believe it or not, the WB process is often abused for score settling or to promote a personal agenda.
The WB made it clear that he is not acting alone.
We will learn more about the WB & the merits of his claim as the impeachment inquiry proceeds.
Ahhh, so now you are speculating that the IG is in on this nefarious Deep State take down of a duly elected, innocent as snow POTUS?


The DNI, who both you and I give the benefit of the doubt to as an honorable fellow, just between a rock and hard place, has been very, very strong in his defense of the WB. And you are incorrect as to how seriously and credibly the DNI has been about the WB, albeit largely based on his admiration and trust in the IG's honor and process.

Yes, the WB is not acting alone. Apparently a whole host of folks were outraged by Trump's behavior, and that of Rudy et al. Barr too implicated. These are most likely the professionals who have intimate knowledge of what has gone down, indeed, if we understand correctly they were warning against these actions for several months, yet Trump went forward fully warned that it was beyond the pale.

Everything we've seen so far has corroborated the WB's claims, separate server being misused, pressuring foreign leader for personal political benefit dangling already approved, badly need military aid $, various personnel involved.

This is really, really ugly but it's 100% on Trump, though Rudy and the fever swamp bear some responsibility as well as I think Trump may well have a problem discerning reality and takes his cues from the most outrageous surrounding him and on his screen.
The separate server being "misused" has been WH SOP for safeguarding phcons with foreign leaders since Jan 2017, when the phcons with the leaders of Mexico & Italy were leaked. It's not "misuse" to make those sensitive comms less accessible to leakers. It would be irresponsible not to limit distribution to protect them from leaking.

Plz explain the timing of the change to the IC IG whistleblower complaint form removing the rqmt for first hand information (rather that hearsay) for it to be categorized as "urgent".

The State Dept official the WB claimed was present for the call was not.
Are you again attacking the IG?

And I guess by implication the DNI who so strongly supports him individually as well as the WB process?

And are you saying that ALL communications with foreign leaders get this server treatment?
Or just those deemed politically sensitive to the interests of the POTUS?

And you're getting that where exactly? (facts please not speculation from the fever swamp).

I have no idea about about this first hand aspect, though it appears that the WB was in the authorized flow of information on a whole set of matters, and received information from numerous people who he apparently named, or at least he reportedly named the dozen corroborating witnesses. And, at least so far, no one is actually denying the veracity of the WB complaint's alleged facts...Trump just thinks whoever gave the WB the info is a 'spy' and a 'traitor' so should be treated the way things used to be handled...

Nah, no problem there.
Trump's a victim. :roll:
I'm attacking no one.
I responded to the only specifics you mentioned.
I'm witholding judgement on the IG until I learn more about his actions,
particularly regarding the changes to the standard IG WB complaint form.
Yup, you're just innocently speculating about a "red flag which calls into question the actions of the IC IG if he played any part in promulgating the changie to that standard IC WB complaint form."

Right. You're "withholding judgment".
Which also means you are rejecting the DNI's very strongly worded judgment about the IG.

Why?...oh yeah, you're not a Trumpist. :roll: :lol:
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old salt
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:40 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:34 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:27 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:17 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:53 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:34 amYou are so full of it. So both the NDI and the IG write gushing letters/give flowery speeches about how pleased they are with the WB, and how they find his complaint fully credible.

Then the WB complaint---the salient point----is confirmed by both Trump and his lawyer on live TV to be true. Trump did indeed ask him to look into Biden.

And you come back with "this is a disgruntled employee".

Congratulations, you are now the biggest partisan on the board, surpassing both Bandito and DocB.

Take a bow.
Personal attack, hyperbole & virtiol much ? You grossly misrepresent the DNI & IC IG.

The DNI wisely remained arms length from this WB. His robust defense was of the WB process, not of this WB in particular.
The DNI accepted the IG's technical categorization of the the complaint. He did not address the merits of the WB's assertions.
The IC IG categorized the complaint, as he was required to do, based on the plausibility of it's content & the WB's apparent access to the information in the claim.
However, the timing of the changes made to the standard IC whistle blower form, removing the rqmt that it be based on first hand information (rather than hearsay) is a red flag which calls into question the actions of the IC IG if he played any part in promulgating the changie to that standard IC WB complaint form.

Errors & inconsistencies in the WB's claim are emerging, which increasingly call it's credibility into question.
Believe it or not, the WB process is often abused for score settling or to promote a personal agenda.
The WB made it clear that he is not acting alone.
We will learn more about the WB & the merits of his claim as the impeachment inquiry proceeds.
Ahhh, so now you are speculating that the IG is in on this nefarious Deep State take down of a duly elected, innocent as snow POTUS?


The DNI, who both you and I give the benefit of the doubt to as an honorable fellow, just between a rock and hard place, has been very, very strong in his defense of the WB. And you are incorrect as to how seriously and credibly the DNI has been about the WB, albeit largely based on his admiration and trust in the IG's honor and process.

Yes, the WB is not acting alone. Apparently a whole host of folks were outraged by Trump's behavior, and that of Rudy et al. Barr too implicated. These are most likely the professionals who have intimate knowledge of what has gone down, indeed, if we understand correctly they were warning against these actions for several months, yet Trump went forward fully warned that it was beyond the pale.

Everything we've seen so far has corroborated the WB's claims, separate server being misused, pressuring foreign leader for personal political benefit dangling already approved, badly need military aid $, various personnel involved.

This is really, really ugly but it's 100% on Trump, though Rudy and the fever swamp bear some responsibility as well as I think Trump may well have a problem discerning reality and takes his cues from the most outrageous surrounding him and on his screen.
The separate server being "misused" has been WH SOP for safeguarding phcons with foreign leaders since Jan 2017, when the phcons with the leaders of Mexico & Italy were leaked. It's not "misuse" to make those sensitive comms less accessible to leakers. It would be irresponsible not to limit distribution to protect them from leaking.

Plz explain the timing of the change to the IC IG whistleblower complaint form removing the rqmt for first hand information (rather that hearsay) for it to be categorized as "urgent".

The State Dept official the WB claimed was present for the call was not.
Are you again attacking the IG?

And I guess by implication the DNI who so strongly supports him individually as well as the WB process?

And are you saying that ALL communications with foreign leaders get this server treatment?
Or just those deemed politically sensitive to the interests of the POTUS?

And you're getting that where exactly? (facts please not speculation from the fever swamp).

I have no idea about about this first hand aspect, though it appears that the WB was in the authorized flow of information on a whole set of matters, and received information from numerous people who he apparently named, or at least he reportedly named the dozen corroborating witnesses. And, at least so far, no one is actually denying the veracity of the WB complaint's alleged facts...Trump just thinks whoever gave the WB the info is a 'spy' and a 'traitor' so should be treated the way things used to be handled...

Nah, no problem there.
Trump's a victim. :roll:
I'm attacking no one.
I responded to the only specifics you mentioned.
I'm witholding judgement on the IG until I learn more about his actions,
particularly regarding the changes to the standard IG WB complaint form.
Yup, you're just innocently speculating about a "red flag which calls into question the actions of the IC IG if he played any part in promulgating the changie to that standard IC WB complaint form."

Right. You're "withholding judgment".
Which also means you are rejecting the DNI's very strongly worded judgment about the IG.

Why?...oh yeah, you're not a Trumpist. :roll: :lol:
Regarding your second server being misused accusation :
Correction -- the second leaked phcon was to the leader of Australia (not Italy).
Two of the leaks early in the Trump term prompting measures to prevent future leaks.
https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-a ... d=65917080
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics ... story.html
Last edited by old salt on Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
a fan
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:29 pm You totally disregard the fact that DoJ Prosecutors investigated the complaint for both potential public corruption or campaign finance violations & did not find the complaint actionable.
:lol: Who does the DoJ report to? The conflict there is laughable. In addition, the DoJ already told you that they can't indict a sitting POTUS. So what did you expect them to come back with? It's all on Congress.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:29 pm You selectively convey credibility to only the govt officials who support your preconceived notion.
I'm doing no such thing. You can take the WB complaint and flush it down the toilet as it pertains to impeachment.

My discussion surrounding the WB is solely on the fact that the DNI didn't follow the law, and in addition, laughably sent the complaint to Trump's direct reports. That's it. Did you know I haven't even read the WB complaint? I don't care what's in the complaint because it's just allegations at this point.

All I have ever commented on, and have said is impeachable is what Trump himself said he did.

You're playing games, and pretending Trump didn't say that, so that you can focus on a bunch of nearly irrelevant details and pound on them, ala Hannity, so viewers forget that Trump already told America his is guilty. Trump already told you what he did, and you simply don't want to say "yep, that's really bad, and warrants an impeachment inquiry".

And you already told me you didn't like what he did....which is the closest you'll ever come to admitting Trump really did something bad. But I'll take it.

I don't think you realize that no matter what anyone does surrounding Trump, you're not happy.

You rail against the Deep State and illegal leaking, and tell me that you'd be fine if they simply took the legal path.

Then a WB does just that, and instead of telling me "I'm happy now, that's the right way to do it", you double down, and get even MORE angry, and start coming up with reasons as to why the WB "did it wrong". And you finally just stop trying to make up excuses, and say that these people should just shut up and serve. A very telling remark.

Then you tell me that even you want impeachment, and are sick of Trump and the circus comes with him. A few days later, you lash out again because Pelosi files for impeachment inquiries.

Dude. These people are doing exactly what you asked them to do 2 years ago. And you're still lashing out. A shrink would tell you that you're directing all your anger at Trump to everyone else but Trump.......

Just sayin'. ;)
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old salt
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:47 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:29 pm You totally disregard the fact that DoJ Prosecutors investigated the complaint for both potential public corruption or campaign finance violations & did not find the complaint actionable.
:lol: Who does the DoJ report to? The conflict there is laughable. In addition, the DoJ already told you that they can't indict a sitting POTUS. So what did you expect them to come back with? It's all on Congress.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:29 pm You selectively convey credibility to only the govt officials who support your preconceived notion.
I'm doing no such thing. You can take the WB complaint and flush it down the toilet as it pertains to impeachment.

My discussion surrounding the WB is solely on the fact that the DNI didn't follow the law, and in addition, laughably sent the complaint to Trump's direct reports. That's it. Did you know I haven't even read the WB complaint? I don't care what's in the complaint because it's just allegations at this point.

All I have ever commented on, and have said is impeachable is what Trump himself said he did.

You're playing games, and pretending Trump didn't say that, so that you can focus on a bunch of nearly irrelevant details and pound on them, ala Hannity, so viewers forget that Trump already told America his is guilty. Trump already told you what he did, and you simply don't want to say "yep, that's really bad, and warrants an impeachment inquiry".

And you already told me you didn't like what he did....which is the closest you'll ever come to admitting Trump really did something bad. But I'll take it.

I don't think you realize that no matter what anyone does surrounding Trump, you're not happy.

You rail against the Deep State and illegal leaking, and tell me that you'd be fine if they simply took the legal path.

Then a WB does just that, and instead of telling me "I'm happy now, that's the right way to do it", you double down, and get even MORE angry, and start coming up with reasons as to why the WB "did it wrong". And you finally just stop trying to make up excuses, and say that these people should just shut up and serve. A very telling remark.

Then you tell me that even you want impeachment, and are sick of Trump and the circus comes with him. A few days later, you lash out again because Pelosi files for impeachment inquiries.

Dude. These people are doing exactly what you asked them to do 2 years ago. And you're still lashing out. A shrink would tell you that you're directing all your anger at Trump to everyone else but Trump.......

Just sayin'. ;)
The DNI was acting on the advice of the ODNI General Counsel, then following the guidance of the DoJ OLC.
Even Andrea Mitchell defends the DNI's actions.
Apparently you only trust leakers or whistleblowers.
Maybe the WB took the legal path (this time) because he (or his cooperating official friends) couldn't get this transcript to leak it.
Bring on the impeachment proceedings. When did they vote to proceed ?
Just don't tell me I can't comment on what's being spun.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:42 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:40 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:34 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:27 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:17 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:53 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:36 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:34 amYou are so full of it. So both the NDI and the IG write gushing letters/give flowery speeches about how pleased they are with the WB, and how they find his complaint fully credible.

Then the WB complaint---the salient point----is confirmed by both Trump and his lawyer on live TV to be true. Trump did indeed ask him to look into Biden.

And you come back with "this is a disgruntled employee".

Congratulations, you are now the biggest partisan on the board, surpassing both Bandito and DocB.

Take a bow.
Personal attack, hyperbole & virtiol much ? You grossly misrepresent the DNI & IC IG.

The DNI wisely remained arms length from this WB. His robust defense was of the WB process, not of this WB in particular.
The DNI accepted the IG's technical categorization of the the complaint. He did not address the merits of the WB's assertions.
The IC IG categorized the complaint, as he was required to do, based on the plausibility of it's content & the WB's apparent access to the information in the claim.
However, the timing of the changes made to the standard IC whistle blower form, removing the rqmt that it be based on first hand information (rather than hearsay) is a red flag which calls into question the actions of the IC IG if he played any part in promulgating the changie to that standard IC WB complaint form.

Errors & inconsistencies in the WB's claim are emerging, which increasingly call it's credibility into question.
Believe it or not, the WB process is often abused for score settling or to promote a personal agenda.
The WB made it clear that he is not acting alone.
We will learn more about the WB & the merits of his claim as the impeachment inquiry proceeds.
Ahhh, so now you are speculating that the IG is in on this nefarious Deep State take down of a duly elected, innocent as snow POTUS?


The DNI, who both you and I give the benefit of the doubt to as an honorable fellow, just between a rock and hard place, has been very, very strong in his defense of the WB. And you are incorrect as to how seriously and credibly the DNI has been about the WB, albeit largely based on his admiration and trust in the IG's honor and process.

Yes, the WB is not acting alone. Apparently a whole host of folks were outraged by Trump's behavior, and that of Rudy et al. Barr too implicated. These are most likely the professionals who have intimate knowledge of what has gone down, indeed, if we understand correctly they were warning against these actions for several months, yet Trump went forward fully warned that it was beyond the pale.

Everything we've seen so far has corroborated the WB's claims, separate server being misused, pressuring foreign leader for personal political benefit dangling already approved, badly need military aid $, various personnel involved.

This is really, really ugly but it's 100% on Trump, though Rudy and the fever swamp bear some responsibility as well as I think Trump may well have a problem discerning reality and takes his cues from the most outrageous surrounding him and on his screen.
The separate server being "misused" has been WH SOP for safeguarding phcons with foreign leaders since Jan 2017, when the phcons with the leaders of Mexico & Italy were leaked. It's not "misuse" to make those sensitive comms less accessible to leakers. It would be irresponsible not to limit distribution to protect them from leaking.

Plz explain the timing of the change to the IC IG whistleblower complaint form removing the rqmt for first hand information (rather that hearsay) for it to be categorized as "urgent".

The State Dept official the WB claimed was present for the call was not.
Are you again attacking the IG?

And I guess by implication the DNI who so strongly supports him individually as well as the WB process?

And are you saying that ALL communications with foreign leaders get this server treatment?
Or just those deemed politically sensitive to the interests of the POTUS?

And you're getting that where exactly? (facts please not speculation from the fever swamp).

I have no idea about about this first hand aspect, though it appears that the WB was in the authorized flow of information on a whole set of matters, and received information from numerous people who he apparently named, or at least he reportedly named the dozen corroborating witnesses. And, at least so far, no one is actually denying the veracity of the WB complaint's alleged facts...Trump just thinks whoever gave the WB the info is a 'spy' and a 'traitor' so should be treated the way things used to be handled...

Nah, no problem there.
Trump's a victim. :roll:
I'm attacking no one.
I responded to the only specifics you mentioned.
I'm witholding judgement on the IG until I learn more about his actions,
particularly regarding the changes to the standard IG WB complaint form.
Yup, you're just innocently speculating about a "red flag which calls into question the actions of the IC IG if he played any part in promulgating the changie to that standard IC WB complaint form."

Right. You're "withholding judgment".
Which also means you are rejecting the DNI's very strongly worded judgment about the IG.

Why?...oh yeah, you're not a Trumpist. :roll: :lol:
Regarding your second server being misused accusation :
Correction -- the second leaked phcon was to the leader of Australia (not Italy).
Two of the leaks early in the Trump term prompting measures to prevent future leaks.
https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-a ... d=65917080
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics ... story.html
ok, so Trump had a problem with embarrassing leaks...those indeed were some doozies.
But if I read correctly the server is being used to protect politically embarrassing material, not highly classified material.
The problem is that Trump says so many stupid, embarrassing things???
So, is that what is deserving of protection as deserving compartmentalized protection?
You do realize that's an abuse of the classification system, right?

Sounds like just some conversations are deemed embarrassing...like the one with Lavrov??

It's gonna be interesting...
a fan
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:54 pmThe DNI was acting on the advice of the ODNI General Counsel, then following the guidance of the DoJ OLC.
First of all, who is the ODNI General Counsel, and who is his brother in law. That's like the 100th conflict of interest in this whole stupid episode
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:54 pm Even Andrea Mitchell defends the DNI's actions.
Good for her.

Ask Andrea if she would be happy if she brought a WB suit against her boss, and the DNI walked the complaint over to her boss, would she be happy.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:54 pm Apparently you only trust leakers or whistleblowers.
There you go again. So after telling us you'd be happy if leakers took the legal path when you were upset about leaks of classified intel, we find out you weren't being intellectually honest with us.

And again, you're intentionally ignoring the F-A-C-T that Trump already told us that the main WB allegation is 100% true.

But you want to play games, and ignore that turd of a fact, so here we are.
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:54 pm Just don't tell me I can't comment on what's being spun.
When I comment on what's being spun, your juvenile response is "quit your crying".

Are you this unaware of how you treat others around here?
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