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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:57 am
by 6x6
runrussellrun wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:21 am
Brooklyn wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:26 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:18 pm The direct result of fanning racial flames. Anarchy. Congrats fellas, keep repeating to yourselves that it’s ‘peaceful’. ... 11785?s=21

Violence begets violence. If that idiot Chauvin hadn't murdered Floyd we wouldn't be talking about any of this.
The idiots are the ones that kept him on the pig force . The elected. The appointed. Did YOU vote for District Attorney Amy Klobuchar, or is her looking the other way, and allowing CHauvin to act like a pig, is that overblown? If not her, who?

Who allowed CHauvin to be a cop, with that long rap sheet of abuses?

YOU DID brookie

So, if CHauvin had been fired , 20 years ago, George would be alive today. Why didn't YOU have him fired, brookie?
Have you seen Chauvin’s IAD record with MPD? What the complaints were for, the dates and other information that indicates he should have been fired long ago? Btw, he wasn’t on the dept 20 yrs ago. ... index.html

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:01 am
by Peter Brown
get it to x wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:37 am
Brooklyn wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:31 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:18 am
Most leftists, and I assume Kismet is one but by standards of Fanlax, not nearly as left as Cornell West. The Left in America as a general rule have this awful habit of reflexively hating the police.

And now, with the added benefit of appearing woke (though very few of the left has any actual interaction with blacks), they get to appear down with people of color...they aren't. It's all a massive show, to get the presidency again.

The left had 8 years of Obama (a black man, if I recall) as the top man in America. What did they do? They increased incarceration, they increased black on black crime, they eviscerated public schools, and most importantly, they ratcheted up racial tensions.

Do not reward failure.

White supremacists from the delusional far right have committed far more violence against police than have anyone else.
You could not be more wrong. You just reflexively go there. You have no evidence of any such thing. If there are a few right wing nut jobs in there they were a very small percent. If.

The real damage being done here by the rioters and looters. If you thought some of these communities had food deserts before, wait until after this. The real damage is lasting, and it impacts the most vulnerable people the hardest. And now the Minneapolis city Council is considering dismantling the police department. I wonder what the TC economic development Council would have to say about that? Does anybody think that’s a sound business model? But let’s go there just so we can have a temporary feel good and push away as much capitalism as we can.

Joe Biden just said that 10-15% of American are bad people. ... 153158001/

Democrats do not like you, I am not certain how often I need to repeat this. What is most amazing is when good people vote for Democrats, when Democrats will tell you to your face they do not like you.

Anyone know what 15% of 330,000,000 Americans is?

Joe is saying that 50,000,000 Americans are bad people. Can you effing imagine saying that to Americans? Funny, I bet most Fanlax posters here agree. If I had to make a comment like this, I'd say that 99.99% of Americans are great people, it's that small sliver of 0.01% that make all the trouble,

Democrats are going to get crushed in November; mark my words.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:02 am
by 6ftstick
Brooklyn wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:32 am ... as-6F7KeNI

right wing hero tRUMP's photo op came at the expense of the constitutional rights he swore to uphold
Oh no that evil basted Trump walked through Lafayette park with a bible.

Meanwhile the Black police chief in Minneapolis and the BLACK attorney General of Minnesota loosed this chaos on the world.

But quick look at Trump don't you dare look at a liberal progressive administration coming at the end of 5 decades of democrat rule in Minneapolis.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:03 am
by 6ftstick
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:01 am
get it to x wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:37 am
Brooklyn wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:31 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:18 am
Most leftists, and I assume Kismet is one but by standards of Fanlax, not nearly as left as Cornell West. The Left in America as a general rule have this awful habit of reflexively hating the police.

And now, with the added benefit of appearing woke (though very few of the left has any actual interaction with blacks), they get to appear down with people of color...they aren't. It's all a massive show, to get the presidency again.

The left had 8 years of Obama (a black man, if I recall) as the top man in America. What did they do? They increased incarceration, they increased black on black crime, they eviscerated public schools, and most importantly, they ratcheted up racial tensions.

Do not reward failure.

White supremacists from the delusional far right have committed far more violence against police than have anyone else.
You could not be more wrong. You just reflexively go there. You have no evidence of any such thing. If there are a few right wing nut jobs in there they were a very small percent. If.

The real damage being done here by the rioters and looters. If you thought some of these communities had food deserts before, wait until after this. The real damage is lasting, and it impacts the most vulnerable people the hardest. And now the Minneapolis city Council is considering dismantling the police department. I wonder what the TC economic development Council would have to say about that? Does anybody think that’s a sound business model? But let’s go there just so we can have a temporary feel good and push away as much capitalism as we can.

Joe Biden just said that 10-15% of American are bad people. ... 153158001/

Democrats do not like you, I am not certain how often I need to repeat this. What is most amazing is when good people vote for Democrats, when Democrats will tell you to your face they do not like you.

Anyone know what 15% of 330,000,000 Americans is?

Joe is saying that 50,000,000 Americans are bad people. Can you effing imagine saying that to Americans? Funny, I bet most Fanlax posters here agree. If I had to make a comment like this, I'd say that 99.99% of Americans are great people, it's that small sliver of 0.01% that make all the trouble,

Democrats are going to get crushed in November; mark my words.
I think he meant me I'm deplorable.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:19 am
by Peter Brown
6ftstick wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:03 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:01 am
get it to x wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:37 am
Brooklyn wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:31 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:18 am
Most leftists, and I assume Kismet is one but by standards of Fanlax, not nearly as left as Cornell West. The Left in America as a general rule have this awful habit of reflexively hating the police.

And now, with the added benefit of appearing woke (though very few of the left has any actual interaction with blacks), they get to appear down with people of color...they aren't. It's all a massive show, to get the presidency again.

The left had 8 years of Obama (a black man, if I recall) as the top man in America. What did they do? They increased incarceration, they increased black on black crime, they eviscerated public schools, and most importantly, they ratcheted up racial tensions.

Do not reward failure.

White supremacists from the delusional far right have committed far more violence against police than have anyone else.
You could not be more wrong. You just reflexively go there. You have no evidence of any such thing. If there are a few right wing nut jobs in there they were a very small percent. If.

The real damage being done here by the rioters and looters. If you thought some of these communities had food deserts before, wait until after this. The real damage is lasting, and it impacts the most vulnerable people the hardest. And now the Minneapolis city Council is considering dismantling the police department. I wonder what the TC economic development Council would have to say about that? Does anybody think that’s a sound business model? But let’s go there just so we can have a temporary feel good and push away as much capitalism as we can.

Joe Biden just said that 10-15% of American are bad people. ... 153158001/

Democrats do not like you, I am not certain how often I need to repeat this. What is most amazing is when good people vote for Democrats, when Democrats will tell you to your face they do not like you.

Anyone know what 15% of 330,000,000 Americans is?

Joe is saying that 50,000,000 Americans are bad people. Can you effing imagine saying that to Americans? Funny, I bet most Fanlax posters here agree. If I had to make a comment like this, I'd say that 99.99% of Americans are great people, it's that small sliver of 0.01% that make all the trouble,

Democrats are going to get crushed in November; mark my words.
I think he meant me I'm deplorable.

Maybe not you but he definitely meant 50,000,000 of you are. If I were Trump, I'd blast this interview out in every ad. How can you deign to run a country when you think 50,000,000 are 'bad people'. Are you kidding me?!?!?

He's toast.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:22 am
by ChairmanOfTheBoard
just when DJ Trump gets to a new low of divisiveness, biden goes and does this.

with that all said- he really just needs to turn a few states that are already leaning in his direction.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:26 am
by RedFromMI
Long Twitter thread on why we don't use the military to enforce law and order in the US, from a Dean at Harvard Law School John Coates.
Because not everyone shares the military leadership's own instinctive reaction against using military as police, let's briefly recap why we don't do that in the U.S., except in rare (and today not applicable) circumstances.

The reasons for not using the military include: hard lessons from history, pragmatic needs, impact on military, and impact on the population.

From history: use of the military to occupy and police the population of the US colonies by the English Crown led to increasing violence, resulting in such events as the Boston Massacre (soldiers killing protestors) and the Gaspee Affair (citizens torching British ship).

From earlier history: after the first English Civil War, the military directly ruled England through 10 Major Generals, to what was, by everyone's assessment, complete disaster and contributed to support for bringing back a monarch.

From other countries' histories: use of military to perform police functions has increased around the world in recent decades, and with it increased violence and human rights violations (torture, sexual violence), and have undermined efforts to reform police. (

As for pragmatic needs: the strategies, recruitment, staffing, structure, systems, resources, and value systems of the military and the police differ, for good reasons. They are designed to accomplish different goals.

Just as the police would perform poorly against even a moderately effective invading force, the military will perform poorly (at least over time) at police tasks. Effective policing aims to enlist the citizenry as an ally; militaries aim to crush their opposition.

The mismatch of military and policing is part of the reason that long-term occupations -- such as in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq -- have largely failed, and have required devolvement of policing to local populations and governments to become even marginally effective.

The use of quasi-military police, by contrast, has not reduced crime over time, other than of the most visible and least socially troubling sorts. Rather than reducing, it increases organized resistance to all aspects of civilian government.

In a policing environment, protection of third parties is a priority -- there is no sense in shooting bystanders (even accidentally) to prevent a property theft or even a single physical assault -- the life/harm tradeoff is not worth it.

In war, we often (with some discomfort and controversy) inflict bystander harm, when bombings, artillery, and long-range weapons are used. True, technology can reduce third party harms, but they persist, and are often viewed as necessary, given the risks of war.

Police are trained to routinely interact with witnesses, to collect evidence, to prepare for trial. Their jobs are only partly done when an arrest is made. Soldiers do not receive such training, typically, and do not have systems to track and maintain evidence.

(Obviously, there are military police who are the exceptions to the prior tweet, but the use of military police per se is not primarily the focus of current controversy in the US, but instead it is the use of the military in general.)

Importantly, too, though harder to prove, the value systems -- the culture -- of police and militaries properly differ, at least in emphasis. Military values include an emphasis on those that aim at victory: loyalty, valor, duty, honor, courage.

Police value systems are often unstated, but implicitly include grounding in authority from law, close relationships with communities, and speedy responsiveness to calls for aid.

The police and military do share values. They both value self-sacrifice and public service, and they both include elements of respect for others in their value training. But the differences in emphasis are real.

The military does not train to quickly respond to individual citizens' need for help -- they view their public service as serving the more abstract goal of national security.

The military does not train soldiers to view every one they meet as a likely witness and direct beneficiary of their services, as opposed to being a potential enemy combatant in disguise.

Finally, mixing military and police roles will undermine the effectiveness of both.

Failure by the military caused by giving it police tasks for which it is not designed leads to demoralization, which impedes recruitment and unit cohesion, and can even undermine the most basic military norms, such as following commands.

Use of the military diverts resources from the police, and diffuses responsibility for misconduct or failures to respond to requests for help. It confuses lines of authority and over time increases inter-agent conflict.

Bottom line: there are good reasons that by law use of the military is restricted heavily in the US, to situations that reduce to armed rebellion, refusal by states to comply with federal law, and complete breakdown of the court system.

Only when local authorities ask for help, or when local authorities -- after a proclamation warning them -- fail to restore order, should the military be used, and then only temporarily and for distinct and specific purposes.

All of this may be so basic that people have forgotten it. Time to remember why the Joint Chiefs of Staff don't want to do the work of the DCPD.


This thread is not meant to idealize police. George Floyd's murder, and dozens of on-video moments of brutality in the last week (and before) show many police departments are in need of substantial reform. The militarization of police is a big part of the problem.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:27 am
by Peter Brown
ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:22 am just when DJ Trump gets to a new low of divisiveness, biden goes and does this.

with that all said- he really just needs to turn a few states that are already leaning in his direction.

Joe won't win by telling the American people that 50,000,000 Americans are "bad people".

I'm shaking my head at the abject stupidity not to mention the necessary thought process that goes into saying something like that.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:46 am
by Brooklyn
runrussellrun wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:21 am

The idiots are the ones that kept him on the pig force . The elected. The appointed. Did YOU vote for District Attorney Amy Klobuchar, or is her looking the other way, and allowing CHauvin to act like a pig, is that overblown? If not her, who?

Who allowed CHauvin to be a cop, with that long rap sheet of abuses?

YOU DID brookie

So, if CHauvin had been fired , 20 years ago, George would be alive today. Why didn't YOU have him fired, brookie?

I live in Ramsey County, not Hennepin. Therefore, I could not vote any of them out of office.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:04 pm
by Kismet
Take five minutes and listen to General CQ Brown, Jr. USAF, Commander of Pacific Air Forces on what he is thinking about.

A pretty sharp tack, if you ask me. The Senate unanimously confirmed Gen. Charles Brown as the Air Force’s chief of staff this week.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:04 pm
by Typical Lax Dad

Tough guys....75 year old man lying on the sidewalk with blood coming out of his ear and the back of his head.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:04 pm
by Brooklyn
6x6 wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:57 am
runrussellrun wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:21 am
Brooklyn wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:26 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:18 pm The direct result of fanning racial flames. Anarchy. Congrats fellas, keep repeating to yourselves that it’s ‘peaceful’. ... 11785?s=21

Violence begets violence. If that idiot Chauvin hadn't murdered Floyd we wouldn't be talking about any of this.
The idiots are the ones that kept him on the pig force . The elected. The appointed. Did YOU vote for District Attorney Amy Klobuchar, or is her looking the other way, and allowing CHauvin to act like a pig, is that overblown? If not her, who?

Who allowed CHauvin to be a cop, with that long rap sheet of abuses?

YOU DID brookie

So, if CHauvin had been fired , 20 years ago, George would be alive today. Why didn't YOU have him fired, brookie?
Have you seen Chauvin’s IAD record with MPD? What the complaints were for, the dates and other information that indicates he should have been fired long ago? Btw, he wasn’t on the dept 20 yrs ago. ... index.html

CNN also reported 19 years: ... 571019902/

He was reported to have had a 20 year career according to another local tv report though it has now been established as 19.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:22 pm
by runrussellrun
Brooklyn wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:46 am
runrussellrun wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:21 am

The idiots are the ones that kept him on the pig force . The elected. The appointed. Did YOU vote for District Attorney Amy Klobuchar, or is her looking the other way, and allowing CHauvin to act like a pig, is that overblown? If not her, who?

Who allowed CHauvin to be a cop, with that long rap sheet of abuses?

YOU DID brookie

So, if CHauvin had been fired , 20 years ago, George would be alive today. Why didn't YOU have him fired, brookie?

I live in Ramsey County, not Hennepin. Therefore, I could not vote any of them out of office.
lame excuse.........

A idiot Denver cop/pig, gets fired for an idiotic social media post (rightfully so ) Chauvin, and the policing policies? Abuse away, you didn't care 20 years ago. 10 years ago.

Voting..., has very little to do with the State of Minnesottas policing policies. I mean, instead of wasting time on this website, send emails to get the cop/pigs policies changed. Any pig/cop that has a background like by. You interested in getting rid of the known problems? The known bad cops ? The 5% (only :roll: do nothing )

Ask, once again, why isn't it nationwide police policy to tie the legs together ? How many videos must we endure, watching pigs, with guns drawn, aimed at a handcuffed allegaded perp, while on his knees. why not just put him the squad car and take him to the station?

The fact that there are NO riots about sickening, Pig/Cop, got off, scott free.

".....acted, according to police policies,...use of force experts, acted consistantly with his training " says Nate Gafvert, President of Mesa Pig association.

What useless jerk pig police leaders right training manuals that make criminals crawl towards them, repeating "we will shoot you " ? Where ?

Brookie, and the other pretends....did NOTHING about this sickening video. don't care. You don't live in Arizona. can't do nothining about nothing....

so...why are we here? Posting stuff. If we can't change anything?


Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:25 pm
by runrussellrun
The problem IS us.....we allow this type of procedure to take place. BLM is a "joke" because the don't protest these events.

Horrible pig police.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:50 pm
by jhu72
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:01 am
get it to x wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:37 am
Brooklyn wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:31 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:18 am
Most leftists, and I assume Kismet is one but by standards of Fanlax, not nearly as left as Cornell West. The Left in America as a general rule have this awful habit of reflexively hating the police.

And now, with the added benefit of appearing woke (though very few of the left has any actual interaction with blacks), they get to appear down with people of color...they aren't. It's all a massive show, to get the presidency again.

The left had 8 years of Obama (a black man, if I recall) as the top man in America. What did they do? They increased incarceration, they increased black on black crime, they eviscerated public schools, and most importantly, they ratcheted up racial tensions.

Do not reward failure.

White supremacists from the delusional far right have committed far more violence against police than have anyone else.
You could not be more wrong. You just reflexively go there. You have no evidence of any such thing. If there are a few right wing nut jobs in there they were a very small percent. If.

The real damage being done here by the rioters and looters. If you thought some of these communities had food deserts before, wait until after this. The real damage is lasting, and it impacts the most vulnerable people the hardest. And now the Minneapolis city Council is considering dismantling the police department. I wonder what the TC economic development Council would have to say about that? Does anybody think that’s a sound business model? But let’s go there just so we can have a temporary feel good and push away as much capitalism as we can.

Joe Biden just said that 10-15% of American are bad people. ... 153158001/

Democrats do not like you, I am not certain how often I need to repeat this. What is most amazing is when good people vote for Democrats, when Democrats will tell you to your face they do not like you.

Anyone know what 15% of 330,000,000 Americans is?

Joe is saying that 50,000,000 Americans are bad people. Can you effing imagine saying that to Americans? Funny, I bet most Fanlax posters here agree. If I had to make a comment like this, I'd say that 99.99% of Americans are great people, it's that small sliver of 0.01% that make all the trouble,

Democrats are going to get crushed in November; mark my words.

Fairy tales can come true.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:13 pm
by Brooklyn
I'll let RRR calm down. Hopefully, by now he has taken a few tokes, sipped some green tea, and parked his butt on a sofa with the air conditioner going full blast.

OK. Let's see if we cannot dispel the notion that police are the angels so many delusional right wingers believe. The following indy media report shows the "pigs" in action violating people's constitutional rights:

Of particular interest is the segment from approx 2:12:00 to 2:23:00 where the blue "angels" attack a business owner trying to protect his business.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:22 pm
by 6ftstick
Heres a black life that doesn't seem to matter much! ... NGQMi2LqRc

YA think the Reverend AL will be at her funeral.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:33 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
6ftstick wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:22 pm Heres a black life that doesn't seem to matter much! ... NGQMi2LqRc

YA think the Reverend AL will be at her funeral.
How are you helping?

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:59 pm
by RedFromMI
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:33 pm
6ftstick wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:22 pm Heres a black life that doesn't seem to matter much! ... NGQMi2LqRc

YA think the Reverend AL will be at her funeral.
How are you helping?
He is not. She was shot responding to a domestic call.

It is deflection to avoid talking about the actual problem.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:05 pm
by holmes435
rubber "less lethal" bullets shot at homeless man:
