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Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode Nationwide with Help From Instigators

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:56 pm
by a fan
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:37 pm I IS you that has the pattern of "requesting" to move on. With others, mostly
Yes. I absolutely do that all the time. That's me politely suggesting to another poster that we've agreed to disagree, and don't need to beat a dead horse.

How on Earth is that bullying? It's the exact opposite, RRR. I'm saying: we've both had our say, and made our points clear. Let's move on.

So one last time: you and I have trouble communicating. I'm SUGGESTING we move on because no matter how hard i try to communicate with you, it's not working. Every time I try and restate my points, you get angry.

If you REALLY want to beat this dead horse, and discuss the woman screaming at protesters, let me know.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:02 pm
by old salt
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:13 pm The Governors who had serious issues were all calling up NG support and everyone understood they were doing so...but Trump and crew started talking about 'dominating the battle space' and using active duty troops to do so...
Do you support what our Governor is doing with our state militia & his words in agreement with CinC Trump ? ... story.html

Members of the Maryland National Guard will be sent to Washington, D.C., to help quell violence there, a Guard official said Tuesday.

About 120 members of the Maryland National Guard will join the response to Washington, said Lt. Jennifer Alston, a public affairs officer for the Guard.
“They’re going to fall under the D.C. National Guard’s command and control to provide security in response to civil unrest in the nation’s capital,” Alston said.
The Guard’s mission will involve protecting monuments in and around the National Mall, according to the governor’s office.

Washington, like many American cities, has been wracked by protests that turned violent — including Monday evening when law enforcement forced out peaceful protesters from Lafayette Park near the White House, just before President Donald Trump walked to a nearby church for a photo opportunity.

Trump stepped up the pressure on governors to crack down after a week of unrest set off by the death of George Floyd, demanding New York call in the National Guard to stop the “lowlifes and losers.”

As cities around the U.S. witnessed a seventh straight night of both peaceful demonstrations and bursts of theft, vandalism and attacks on police, the president amplified his hard-line calls of a day earlier, in which he threatened to send in the military to restore order if governors didn’t do it.

The ACLU of Maryland condemned Gov. Larry Hogan for “emboldening” Trump’s response to the protests.
“The practice of using military-style measures to intimidate and silence Black and allied voices for racial justice must stop,” ACLU of Maryland Executive Director Dana Vickers Shelley said in a statement Tuesday. “Too many lives have been lost. Maryland residents should oppose Governor Hogan’s embrace of President Trump’s tactics that endanger the lives of Black people. Those who protest should not be treated as the enemy.”

The ACLU said Maryland is sending the Guard soldiers to the District of Columbia over Bowser’s objection. Hogan spokesman Mike Ricci said the governor’s office reached out to the mayor’s office, “and they expressed no objection.” Bowser’s office could not immediately be reached for comment Tuesday night.

In Virginia, where Guard members are on duty for protest events, Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, declined to send Guard members to Washington, according to published reports.
“I am not going to send our men and women in uniform of our very proud national guard to Washington for a photo op," Northam said, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Hogan, a Republican, has not deployed Guard members for protests within Maryland, though Guard trucks were used to transport Baltimore police officers downtown Monday night. Hogan said in an interview on WBAL Radio on Tuesday morning that he didn’t think U.S. military intervention is necessary.

“I don’t think that we need federal troops and I don’t think there are going to be federal troops. I’m not sure the president can send federal troops unless it’s at the request of the governor,” Hogan said.

However, in a conference call with the nation’s governors and the president on Monday, Hogan discussed how the National Guard can help “overwhelmed” police, citing his activation of the Guard in 2015 after peaceful protests led to looting and arson in Baltimore. He also told Trump: “I couldn’t agree more with all of the things that you’ve said.”

That remark has earned Hogan criticism, including a Twitter rebuke from House of Delegates Speaker Adrienne A. Jones, who wrote: “I didn’t hear Governor Hogan calling for military force when armed white protestors demanded that other states reopen. Every American deserves the same protection of leaders of all parties to exercise their constitutional rights and demand justice.”

More than 20,000 National Guard members have been called up in 29 states to deal with the unrest.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:22 pm
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:02 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:13 pm The Governors who had serious issues were all calling up NG support and everyone understood they were doing so...but Trump and crew started talking about 'dominating the battle space' and using active duty troops to do so...
Do you support what our Governor is doing with our state militia & his words in agreement with CinC Trump ? ... story.html

Members of the Maryland National Guard will be sent to Washington, D.C., to help quell violence there, a Guard official said Tuesday.

About 120 members of the Maryland National Guard will join the response to Washington, said Lt. Jennifer Alston, a public affairs officer for the Guard.
“They’re going to fall under the D.C. National Guard’s command and control to provide security in response to civil unrest in the nation’s capital,” Alston said.
The Guard’s mission will involve protecting monuments in and around the National Mall, according to the governor’s office.

Washington, like many American cities, has been wracked by protests that turned violent — including Monday evening when law enforcement forced out peaceful protesters from Lafayette Park near the White House, just before President Donald Trump walked to a nearby church for a photo opportunity.

Trump stepped up the pressure on governors to crack down after a week of unrest set off by the death of George Floyd, demanding New York call in the National Guard to stop the “lowlifes and losers.”

As cities around the U.S. witnessed a seventh straight night of both peaceful demonstrations and bursts of theft, vandalism and attacks on police, the president amplified his hard-line calls of a day earlier, in which he threatened to send in the military to restore order if governors didn’t do it.

The ACLU of Maryland condemned Gov. Larry Hogan for “emboldening” Trump’s response to the protests.
“The practice of using military-style measures to intimidate and silence Black and allied voices for racial justice must stop,” ACLU of Maryland Executive Director Dana Vickers Shelley said in a statement Tuesday. “Too many lives have been lost. Maryland residents should oppose Governor Hogan’s embrace of President Trump’s tactics that endanger the lives of Black people. Those who protest should not be treated as the enemy.”

The ACLU said Maryland is sending the Guard soldiers to the District of Columbia over Bowser’s objection. Hogan spokesman Mike Ricci said the governor’s office reached out to the mayor’s office, “and they expressed no objection.” Bowser’s office could not immediately be reached for comment Tuesday night.

In Virginia, where Guard members are on duty for protest events, Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, declined to send Guard members to Washington, according to published reports.
“I am not going to send our men and women in uniform of our very proud national guard to Washington for a photo op," Northam said, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Hogan, a Republican, has not deployed Guard members for protests within Maryland, though Guard trucks were used to transport Baltimore police officers downtown Monday night. Hogan said in an interview on WBAL Radio on Tuesday morning that he didn’t think U.S. military intervention is necessary.

“I don’t think that we need federal troops and I don’t think there are going to be federal troops. I’m not sure the president can send federal troops unless it’s at the request of the governor,” Hogan said.

However, in a conference call with the nation’s governors and the president on Monday, Hogan discussed how the National Guard can help “overwhelmed” police, citing his activation of the Guard in 2015 after peaceful protests led to looting and arson in Baltimore. He also told Trump: “I couldn’t agree more with all of the things that you’ve said.”

That remark has earned Hogan criticism, including a Twitter rebuke from House of Delegates Speaker Adrienne A. Jones, who wrote: “I didn’t hear Governor Hogan calling for military force when armed white protestors demanded that other states reopen. Every American deserves the same protection of leaders of all parties to exercise their constitutional rights and demand justice.”

More than 20,000 National Guard members have been called up in 29 states to deal with the unrest.
I think you know that I'm a Hogan supporter, not on every last thing, but overall I think he strikes an appropriate tone and generally makes good decisions, sometimes tough decisions between bad alternatives. Runs a solid administration.

If Mayor Bowser wants NG support from Maryland, I'm fine with Hogan helping out. If she doesn't want the support, and the troops are going in a federalized capacity, then I'd be opposed. It may be legal, but it ain't right. DC is not part of Maryland's jurisdiction.

I'm fine with how the NG has been used in Baltimore which is zero this go round, but was called in last go round in '15. It was necessary and appropriate and welcomed.

Now how Larry meant for his comment to Trump to be understood, I'd have to ask him directly. I have a hard time thinking that he agrees in any remote way with active duty troops being called up or using the Insurrection Act all of which was threatened in that same call...was Hogan referring to those comments or just the appropriateness of using NG in certain circumstances? I'd bet on the latter.

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode Nationwide with Help From Instigators

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:24 pm
by runrussellrun
a fan wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:56 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:37 pm I IS you that has the pattern of "requesting" to move on. With others, mostly
Yes. I absolutely do that all the time. That's me politely suggesting to another poster that we've agreed to disagree, and don't need to beat a dead horse.

How on Earth is that bullying? It's the exact opposite, RRR. I'm saying: we've both had our say, and made our points clear. Let's move on.

So one last time: you and I have trouble communicating. I'm SUGGESTING we move on because no matter how hard i try to communicate with you, it's not working. Every time I try and restate my points, you get angry.

If you REALLY want to beat this dead horse, and discuss the woman screaming at protesters, let me know.
Monsoir, you have a pattern of NOT answering simple, yes, no question (odd, for a fecesmind set......interesting. again, that is a fecesbook tactic, ignore, introduce (new topic), or, demean. Yes, making statements like, "I've tried to explain, for the final times......" coorelates/comesacross as......servile, arrogant tripe. )

Did the young lady in the video EVER say another geographic location, other than Chicago ? Yes or no?

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode Nationwide with Help From Instigators

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:34 pm
by a fan
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:24 pm Did the young lady in the video EVER say another geographic location, other than Chicago ? Yes or no?
Yes. Next question?

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:52 pm
by old salt
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:22 pm I think you know that I'm a Hogan supporter, not on every last thing, but overall I think he strikes an appropriate tone and generally makes good decisions, sometimes tough decisions between bad alternatives. Runs a solid administration.

If Mayor Bowser wants NG support from Maryland, I'm fine with Hogan helping out. If she doesn't want the support, and the troops are going in a federalized capacity, then I'd be opposed. It may be legal, but it ain't right. DC is not part of Maryland's jurisdiction.

I'm fine with how the NG has been used in Baltimore which is zero this go round, but was called in last go round in '15. It was necessary and appropriate and welcomed.

Now how Larry meant for his comment to Trump to be understood, I'd have to ask him directly. I have a hard time thinking that he agrees in any remote way with active duty troops being called up or using the Insurrection Act all of which was threatened in that same call...was Hogan referring to those comments or just the appropriateness of using NG in certain circumstances? I'd bet on the latter.
Is Mayor Bowser responsible for protecting the Federal monuments, or is that the responsibility of the Federally commanded Park Police, who the DC National Guard (augmented by MD NG) will be supporting ?

Does the DC Mayor have authority over the DC National Guard, as state Governors have over their state NG unit ?

Mayor Bowser reportedly does not want the MD NG troops. They are not being Federalized. They are augmenting the DC NG via a mutual aid agreement.

Do you find Larry's use of MD NG trucks to transport Bmore Police on Mon night to be necessary & appropriate ?

In my quote from the Sun, you may note that Larry was referring to Trump's admonishment of the Governors to use their NG to dominate their streets. ... index.html

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode Nationwide with Help From Instigators

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:07 pm
by runrussellrun
a fan wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:34 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:24 pm Did the young lady in the video EVER say another geographic location, other than Chicago ? Yes or no?
Yes. Next question?
Did she ever mention the words hypocrites?

A multi-choice stakes:

What context was the word "hypocrites" in reference too?

A. Her reference to black on black murder and BLM marches in the same locations as the murder itself?
B. violence is don't see white lives matter (know it all whitewoman yeller, says they show up at BLM marches ???? )
c. People like you, who demand her voice be ignored b/c she, herself, doesn't go to Chicago
D. people like her, who work, and HATE the violence, black on black violence, but NO one cares.

Doubt you've hung with her and her friends, family, while in DC. The silent majority, as she mentions, agrees with her. BLM is a joke.

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode Nationwide with Help From Instigators

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:31 pm
by runrussellrun
a fan wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:56 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:37 pm I IS you that has the pattern of "requesting" to move on. With others, mostly
Yes. I absolutely do that all the time. That's me politely suggesting to another poster that we've agreed to disagree, and don't need to beat a dead horse.

How on Earth is that bullying? It's the exact opposite, RRR. I'm saying: we've both had our say, and made our points clear. Let's move on.

So one last time: you and I have trouble communicating. I'm SUGGESTING we move on because no matter how hard i try to communicate with you, it's not working. Every time I try and restate my points, you get angry.

If you REALLY want to beat this dead horse, and discuss the woman screaming at protesters, let me know.
if this ISn't a Rick James on the couch with muddy boots.......

"I'm saying ...." is the definition of a bully. Politely , moving on? What if the other person IS not done? Does NOT want to move on ?
Oh, right, NOW it's a dead horse. because YOU say so. Over when YOU say it's over.

I think, if played out as a visual would understand. fecesbook has denied you the ability to cognignitivity think. Worse, FB mindset actually has deluded you into thinking you ARE thinking.

Let's move on. I can't explain anymore to you. I've made my point clear. Let's agree to disagree. There's always PETE to poke :roll:

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode Nationwide with Help From Instigators

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:40 pm
by a fan
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:07 pm Did she ever mention the words hypocrites?
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:07 pm A. Her reference to black on black murder and BLM marches in the same locations as the murder itself?
Great. So what? Both you and her are yelling at BLM marchers for not doing what you want them to do. Who's the bully here?
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:07 pm B. violence is don't see white lives matter
This is another issue. You and this woman are yelling at an organization for not doing what YOU want them to do. Bullies.
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:07 pm . People like you, who demand her voice be ignored b/c she, herself, doesn't go to Chicago
So let me see if I have this straight: at 1:30 the man on the video tells her "so what did you do (to help with what you are complaining about...violence in Wash DC) beside come here with your bullsh*t?" She doesn't have an answer. She's just screaming at them, while doing nothing about the problems she sees.

Meanwhile, legislation is being prepped in Cities and States across our country this very day, including my home city and State. And you want to claim BLM is a joke? They're actually getting stuff done, and have a seat at the table.
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:07 pm people like her, who work, and HATE the violence, black on black violence, but NO one cares.
All this lady has to do, is join BLM, and help steer the group to issues that she thinks are important.

Or start her own organization.
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:07 pm Doubt you've hung with her and her friends, family, while in DC.
I was there in the early 90's. So nope, I didn't hang with her. Know who I hung out with? My coworkers from the front of house at the Four Seasons Hotel off M street. My best friends at the time were coworkers from Nigeria and Brazil, first generation immigrants. Had a blast.
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:07 pm The silent majority, as she mentions, agrees with her. BLM is a joke.
So start your own organization. Who's stopping you?

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:41 pm
by Nigel
Quality article: The Need to Discuss Black-on-Black Crime ... ack-crime/

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:52 pm
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:52 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:22 pm I think you know that I'm a Hogan supporter, not on every last thing, but overall I think he strikes an appropriate tone and generally makes good decisions, sometimes tough decisions between bad alternatives. Runs a solid administration.

If Mayor Bowser wants NG support from Maryland, I'm fine with Hogan helping out. If she doesn't want the support, and the troops are going in a federalized capacity, then I'd be opposed. It may be legal, but it ain't right. DC is not part of Maryland's jurisdiction.

I'm fine with how the NG has been used in Baltimore which is zero this go round, but was called in last go round in '15. It was necessary and appropriate and welcomed.

Now how Larry meant for his comment to Trump to be understood, I'd have to ask him directly. I have a hard time thinking that he agrees in any remote way with active duty troops being called up or using the Insurrection Act all of which was threatened in that same call...was Hogan referring to those comments or just the appropriateness of using NG in certain circumstances? I'd bet on the latter.
Is Mayor Bowser responsible for protecting the Federal monuments, or is that the responsibility of the Federally commanded Park Police, who the DC National Guard (augmented by MD NG) will be supporting ?

Does the DC Mayor have authority over the DC National Guard, as state Governors have over their state NG unit ?

Mayor Bowser reportedly does not want the MD NG troops. They are not being Federalized. They are augmenting the DC NG via a mutual aid agreement.

Do you find Larry's use of MD NG trucks to transport Bmore Police on Mon night to be necessary & appropriate ?

In my quote from the Sun, you may note that Larry was referring to Trump's admonishment of the Governors to use their NG to dominate their streets. ... index.html
no sweat on use of the trucks. If Hogan thought that was "necessary", no problem from me.

You want to avoid any aspect of armed troops ever in confrontation of US citizens, but there are indeed instances when it may be appropriate. DC is a special case, given no Governor, but I do think this should not be done over the objection of the Mayor. But it's a special case.

Again, I tend to give Hogan the benefit of the doubt, but I do think he should defer to the Mayor unless there are extreme exigent circumstances...not so sure that exists in this situation. And yeah, the troops certainly should not be used as prop for a photo op...right?

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:53 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Nigel wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:41 pm Quality article: The Need to Discuss Black-on-Black Crime ... ack-crime/
when are we going to talk about white on white crime?

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:04 pm
by old salt
Trump took a lot of grief for his conf call with Governors on Mon, when he told them to "dominate". If you want to really understand whats happening between the Fed govt & the states, take the time to read the transcript of the conf call -- ... index.html
lots of good details, positive stuff, which the MSM ignores or distorts.
Trump is repetitive, inarticulate & maddening, but his message is solid.
He's encouraging the Governors to use their Guard units, which DoD is prepared to help then do.
Note the specific feedback from the Governors & the positive things they say about the Guard.
Particularly good is Gov Walz (MN). I heard it on CSPAN radio. Bad connection, lots of (INAUDIBLE) drop outs.
Embedded in his text, but not labeled, is input from Gen Milley, who provides good info about the NG.
Gov Walz also praised Sec Esper for his support & advice.
Lots of good info from Gov Hogan (MD) too.
The MSM is painting a distorted picture on the use of the NG & Fed agencies.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:08 pm
by Nigel
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:53 pm
Nigel wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:41 pm Quality article: The Need to Discuss Black-on-Black Crime ... ack-crime/
when are we going to talk about white on white crime?
My guess would be when it rapidly approaches or exceeds the levels of BOB violence. Right there in paragraph 5.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:16 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Nigel wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:08 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:53 pm
Nigel wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:41 pm Quality article: The Need to Discuss Black-on-Black Crime ... ack-crime/
when are we going to talk about white on white crime?
My guess would be when it rapidly approaches or exceeds the levels of BOB violence. Right there in paragraph 5.
Try this: ... hite-crime

Less than 40% of all violent crime is committed by blacks, more is committed by whites.
Indeed, blacks were higher in commission rate than their overall population, so people think of this as blacks committing a lot of crimes.

Of course, the real predictor is poverty and drug trade related violent crime. Not race.

Similarly, most violent crime upon whites is done by whites.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:23 pm
by holmes435
If black people were as rich as white people, there would be a heck of a lot less violence. There are a number of other contributing factors but poverty is gonna be the biggest by far.

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:24 pm
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:04 pm Trump took a lot of grief for his conf call with Governors on Mon, when he told them to "dominate". If you want to really understand whats happening between the Fed govt & the states, take the time to read the transcript of the conf call -- ... index.html
lots of good details, positive stuff, which the MSM ignores or distorts.
Trump is repetitive, inarticulate & maddening, but his message is solid.
He's encouraging the Governors to use their Guard units, which DoD is prepared to help then do.
Note the specific feedback from the Governors & the positive things they say about the Guard.
Particularly good is Gov Walz (MN). I heard it on CSPAN radio. Bad connection, lots of (INAUDIBLE) drop outs.
Embedded in his text, but not labeled, is input from Gen Milley, who provides good info about the NG.
Gov Walz also praised Sec Esper for his support & advice.
Lots of good info from Gov Hogan (MD) too.
The MSM is painting a distorted picture on the use of the NG & Fed agencies.
hmmm, I guess GOP Gov Baker must have been on a different call? :roll:
And Trump really didn't tweet what he tweeted and he really didn't do that whole charade in front of the cameras and then create a campaign, you can't trust your lying eyes and ears...believe Trump...believe Salty... :lol:

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:26 pm
by MDlaxfan76
holmes435 wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:23 pm If black people were as rich as white people, there would be a heck of a lot less violence. There are a number of other contributing factors but poverty is gonna be the biggest by far.
Absolutely, and that's borne out in the demographics of white violent crime. Poor whites do a heck of a lot more violent crime than middle class and up.

Pretty simple.

Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode Nationwide with Help From Instigators

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:27 pm
by runrussellrun
a fan wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:40 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:07 pm Did she ever mention the words hypocrites?
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:07 pm A. Her reference to black on black murder and BLM marches in the same locations as the murder itself?
Great. So what? Both you and her are yelling at BLM marchers for not doing what you want them to do. Who's the bully here? What do I/her, want them to do? Be specific. Otherwize, once again, you are leaving a trail of net moving. Be SPECIFIC. What did I "yell" at BLM ? Making a suggestion, that, hey, every once in a while, BLM marches for black on black murder. Much more common than white cops murdering blacks. And, IS it just BLM that are hypocrits?
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:07 pm B. violence is don't see white lives matter
This is another issue. You and this woman are yelling at an organization for not doing what YOU want them to do. Bullies. What do we want them to do? Acknowledge that black lives, do indeed matter. All of them. No matter what color murders them. Guess you don't agree. Cool.
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:07 pm . People like you, who demand her voice be ignored b/c she, herself, doesn't go to Chicago
So let me see if I have this straight: at 1:30 the man on the video tells her "so what did you do (to help with what you are complaining about...violence in Wash DC) beside come here with your bullsh*t?" She doesn't have an answer. She's just screaming at them, while doing nothing about the problems she sees.
again, AFAN, you make a statement, as if a fact. Do you know ANYTHING about this young woman? You tell US, what should we do ? I wear my Chisholm campaign button, every day. But, you know this. What do YOU do? Like BLM's fecesbook page posts? :roll:
Meanwhile, legislation is being prepped in Cities and States across our country this very day, including my home city and State. And you want to claim BLM is a joke? They're actually getting stuff done, and have a seat at the table. I thought lobbyist wrote legislation. Once again, moving the TAATS goal posts. Such a good soldier, AFAN. Good boy.
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:07 pm people like her, who work, and HATE the violence, black on black violence, but NO one cares.
All this lady has to do, is join BLM, and help steer the group to issues that she thinks are important. She did, she was asked to leave. But, you KNOW this.

Or start her own organization.

Why do you feel such a strong need to demean, disparage this woman? What, exactly, is she doing that is bothering you so much ?
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:07 pm Doubt you've hung with her and her friends, family, while in DC.
I was there in the early 90's. So nope, I didn't hang with her. Know who I hung out with? My coworkers from the front of house at the Four Seasons Hotel off M street. My best friends at the time were coworkers from Nigeria and Brazil, first generation immigrants. Had a blast. Are they fecesbook friends today?
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:07 pm The silent majority, as she mentions, agrees with her. BLM is a joke.
So start your own organization. Who's stopping you?
Yes, easy to critique, if not willing to organize yourself. Perhaps. Did black lives NOT matter, prior to being formed during the murderous Obama years ? Or, is it hypocritical to point out, that at the time you lived in DC, it was the murder capitol of the USA? And it took another 15 years for BLM to form. Better question, why didn't YOU start BLM in the early 90's? Was it NOT an issue when you lived there? What took SO long ?

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:32 pm
by old salt
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:24 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:04 pm Trump took a lot of grief for his conf call with Governors on Mon, when he told them to "dominate". If you want to really understand whats happening between the Fed govt & the states, take the time to read the transcript of the conf call -- ... index.html
lots of good details, positive stuff, which the MSM ignores or distorts.
Trump is repetitive, inarticulate & maddening, but his message is solid.
He's encouraging the Governors to use their Guard units, which DoD is prepared to help then do.
Note the specific feedback from the Governors & the positive things they say about the Guard.
Particularly good is Gov Walz (MN). I heard it on CSPAN radio. Bad connection, lots of (INAUDIBLE) drop outs.
Embedded in his text, but not labeled, is input from Gen Milley, who provides good info about the NG.
Gov Walz also praised Sec Esper for his support & advice.
Lots of good info from Gov Hogan (MD) too.
The MSM is painting a distorted picture on the use of the NG & Fed agencies.
hmmm, I guess GOP Gov Baker must have been on a different call? :roll:
And Trump really didn't tweet what he tweeted and he really didn't do that whole charade in front of the cameras and then create a campaign, you can't trust your lying eyes and ears...believe Trump...believe Salty... :lol:
Kindly show us the words to which you refer.