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Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 5:33 pm
by runrussellrun
Welcome to TRUMPS MAGA land. Facists indeed

oh...what's that? The dates matter?


Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 6:33 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
runrussellrun wrote:Welcome to TRUMPS MAGA land. Facists indeed

oh...what's that? The dates matter?



Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 8:24 am
by Typical Lax Dad
Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey

Circ Soleil

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 8:34 am
by dislaxxic
Now that has some potential as a great SNL skit...Kate McKinnon as the mousey Beauregard, smoking a joint in his misery and...POOF...turning into a DFH PROGRESSIVE!! :lol:


Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 9:10 am
by foreverlax
Typical Lax Dad wrote:Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey

Circ Soleil
Incredible to see a POTUS who can wait until the question(s) has been asked and to actually answer the question without hedging or calling the reporter some snarky name.

Not really all that incredible, until you watch DOPUS.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:37 am
by runrussellrun
The reporter didn't start out with " I want to challenge you".

Obama lied his ass off. But, he is calm, smooth. a well trained orator. tRump is vaudville, worst than the worst SNL skit.

"michelle be like....." Stay acting Barrack.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:46 am
by foreverlax
" I want to challenge you".
I've said the same thing to my 8th grade lax team for decades and they don't freak out. Poor little Snowflake-in-Chief was

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 11:06 am
by runrussellrun
foreverlax wrote:
" I want to challenge you".
I've said the same thing to my 8th grade lax team for decades and they don't freak out. Poor little Snowflake-in-Chief was
tRump is President thanks to Jim CNN. And yes, the DNC is gonna give us Hillaryous ONE more time. You can't make this crap up.

BUT.......if the President thinks he needs to safeguard our border by using our military for what it was designed for ....DUH......defense, that is his prerogative.

Jim CNN isn't in a position to DEBATE the President, which is precisely what he tried to do. If Jim CNN wants to discuss policy, perhaps HE should run for office.

I am totally sure your 8th graders, when were discussing who should start, play attack (everyone ! ) and other matters of opinion.

Specifically, what did you challenge them to do? Learn how to shoot on the run? Actually POKE check? Or....did you challenge them on whether pringles were good for you, but not Ho HO's.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 11:13 am
by dislaxxic
BUT.......if the President thinks he needs to safeguard our border by using our military for what it was designed for ....DUH......defense, that is his prerogative
FPAATS. Is it any wonder no one wants to respond to this guy? The "invasion" was one of the most nakedly partisan election season steaming pile of dogshirt that has come down the pike since the "SwiftBoat" liars helped give us Cheney's fratboy hand puppet.


Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 11:27 am
by runrussellrun
dislaxxic wrote:
BUT.......if the President thinks he needs to safeguard our border by using our military for what it was designed for ....DUH......defense, that is his prerogative
FPAATS. Is it any wonder no one wants to respond to this guy? The "invasion" was one of the most nakedly partisan election season steaming pile of dogshirt that has come down the pike since the "SwiftBoat" liars helped give us Cheney's fratboy hand puppet.

Is this being constructive, responses like this? I think there is a VERY good reason why there are so few people on these threads. The lack of respect, honest debate and disputing facts. You and yours can ignore me and the FACTS I present all you want. It's NOT going to change the fact that BOTH parties get tons of PAC dollars, almost equally, from "black money". It's NOT going to change how Congress actually votes on spending bills. It's NOT going to change Trumps dealing with Deutche Bank, and the FACT that Hillaryous , Barrack and Mccain got Duces Bank donations.

Now, come back with icecream or some other childish rants.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 11:52 am
by Typical Lax Dad
runrussellrun wrote:The reporter didn't start out with " I want to challenge you".

Obama lied his ass off. But, he is calm, smooth. a well trained orator. tRump is vaudville, worst than the worst SNL skit.

"michelle be like....." Stay acting Barrack.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 11:53 am
by dislaxxic
There he goes AGAIN! Jesus H. Christ. What does the BS quote of his i highlighted got to do with PACS, SPENDING BILLS or DEUTCHE BANK? He made an incomprehensible, twisted statement that included a factually WRONG comment (quoted) about the use of the military to guard the border from a non-existent, political stunt of an "invasion". This is what ADHD and ODD get you when you try to make points about complex issues. Nobody can follow it, but sometimes it's just nakedly wrong, whatever point being attempted getting totally lost in mind-numbing confusion.

Serenity now...serenity now...


Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 12:02 pm
by foreverlax
runrussellrun wrote:
dislaxxic wrote:
BUT.......if the President thinks he needs to safeguard our border by using our military for what it was designed for ....DUH......defense, that is his prerogative
FPAATS. Is it any wonder no one wants to respond to this guy? The "invasion" was one of the most nakedly partisan election season steaming pile of dogshirt that has come down the pike since the "SwiftBoat" liars helped give us Cheney's fratboy hand puppet.

Is this being constructive, responses like this? I think there is a VERY good reason why there are so few people on these threads. The lack of respect, honest debate and disputing facts. You and yours can ignore me and the FACTS I present all you want. It's NOT going to change the fact that BOTH parties get tons of PAC dollars, almost equally, from "black money". It's NOT going to change how Congress actually votes on spending bills. It's NOT going to change Trumps dealing with Deutche Bank, and the FACT that Hillaryous , Barrack and Mccain got Duces Bank donations.

Now, come back with icecream or some other childish rants.
I am totally sure your 8th graders, when were discussing who should start, play attack (everyone ! ) and other matters of opinion.

Specifically, what did you challenge them to do? Learn how to shoot on the run? Actually POKE check? Or....did you challenge them on whether pringles were good for you, but not Ho HO's.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 12:08 pm
by runrussellrun
Whataboutism ? I thought you guys hated whataboutisms.

You brought up 8th graders.....I was asking what you challenged them on. How is that NOT relevant to the discussion?

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 12:13 pm
by foreverlax
You asked the question and then answered with your own snarky thoughts....I don''t play that game.

If you care what I think, ask a question and wait for answer.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 12:57 pm
by Brooklyn
Donny Dumpster's latest loooonacies:



baby1 baby1 baby1

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:25 pm
by Trinity
Bilbo Bigot is gone with a little fist pump.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:33 pm
by cradleandshoot
dislaxxic wrote:
BUT.......if the President thinks he needs to safeguard our border by using our military for what it was designed for ....DUH......defense, that is his prerogative
FPAATS. Is it any wonder no one wants to respond to this guy? The "invasion" was one of the most nakedly partisan election season steaming pile of dogshirt that has come down the pike since the "SwiftBoat" liars helped give us Cheney's fratboy hand puppet.

Oh my dis... you never stop holding a grudge... :lol: You just had to program the way back machine to another point in time when you FLP folks got yer arse handed to you. Reminds me of Lonigan in the Sting saying what was I suppose to do... admit he was a better cheater than me. :oops: Give the republicans their props when they deserve them dis. It ain't often they beat you folks at your own game. That is after all what politics is about between these 2 parties of lowlife degenerates... which one of you can spew forth the biggest pile of deceptive, lying bullshirt to fool the American people for the present election cycle. It is not about the country it is nothing more than a game both parties play in the never ending struggle for power. What is good for America and its citizens... eff them who cares about them anyway? cussing1

I have to add this line in for TLD, because he never seems to read it when I say it... the same is true for those FRC types. ;)

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:45 pm
by MDlaxfan76
dislaxxic wrote:There he goes AGAIN! Jesus H. Christ. What does the BS quote of his i highlighted got to do with PACS, SPENDING BILLS or DEUTCHE BANK? He made an incomprehensible, twisted statement that included a factually WRONG comment (quoted) about the use of the military to guard the border from a non-existent, political stunt of an "invasion". This is what ADHD and ODD get you when you try to make points about complex issues. Nobody can follow it, but sometimes it's just nakedly wrong, whatever point being attempted getting totally lost in mind-numbing confusion.

Serenity now...serenity now...

Serenity was a good movie.
Highly recommend it. Even better if you were a fan of the series, but it stands on its own as well.

Re: Orange Duce

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:38 pm
by cradleandshoot ... 96741.html This is a horrible event. When the fires are put out and final tally of the cost is known guess who the folks of California will be looking to for aid, comfort and financial support... probably some guy with the initials DJT?? Trump could tell the state to go eff themselves, given the less than cordial treatment he receives from many in Kallyforneeya. My guess is Trump gives them whatever help they need. I also will predict the leadership of Kallyforneeya will have zero amount of gratitude for whatever help from the American taxpayers they receive. When we all live in a nation that has a newly inbred entitlement mentality... what else would anybody expect?