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Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 6:27 am
by CU88
r's now blocking the rights of citizens to travel freely between states. ... -abortion/

Theological Police State

Women are property and 2nd class citizens.


Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 7:08 am
by Seacoaster(1) ... oters.html

"On the same day in June that Representative Liz Cheney was making the case to the nation that Donald Trump was responsible for the Jan. 6 insurrection, members of the Natrona County Republican central committee crammed into a hotel conference room to debate whether Jan. 6 was a big deal at all.

One issue was a resolution calling for the resignation of Frank Eathorne, chairman of the state party. He was at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and had downplayed his participation in what he called a “peaceful rally.” But photos surfaced of Mr. Eathorne, a member of the far-right militia Oath Keepers, deep into restricted grounds, walkie-talkie in hand, grinning beneath the balustrade.

In another state, such a resolution might be a fait accompli. But Wyoming is the Trumpiest of places. A healthy number of those debating the resolution were deaf to the Jan. 6 hearings, disgusted by Ms. Cheney and confident the election was stolen. One attendee called the allegations a “poppycock liberal vendetta.” Many in this state view Ms. Cheney as a traitor for voting to impeach a president of her own party.

Seventy percent of Wyoming voters chose Mr. Trump in 2020, his highest share in any state. He has been good for Wyoming. We benefited handsomely from his administration’s energy policies. The mining industry is our lifeblood. It signs our paychecks; it funds our schools and paves our streets. There’s a joke that Wyoming is a two-party system: red and reddest, no Democrats allowed. Here, the primary is dispositive, and given that Mr. Trump has endorsed Ms. Cheney’s primary challenger, Harriet Hageman, it is a short leap across a dry bed to assume Ms. Cheney is toast.

But our state’s politics are more nuanced than Mr. Trump’s margins of victory suggest. Here, relationships and results matter. Ms. Cheney might hold onto her seat if she's able to cobble together a coalition of forgotten moderates and crossover Democrats in the open primary just large enough to push her across the finish line.

Those quieter moderates — many of whom cannot stomach engaging with the bully extremists who often prominently display guns on their hips during party meetings — view Ms. Cheney as a champion, a courageous renegade who places country over party. The moderates speak less, but they vote.

When it came down to voting on the resolution aiming to force Mr. Eathorne out, for example, they carried the day. Even though the resolution has no teeth, the result was no aberration: Natrona County is the second-most populous county and its central committee’s vote may be a sign that an ideologically diverse electorate can still choose the winner.

In the 2018 Republican primary for governor, the moderate Mark Gordon defeated Mr. Trump’s candidate, Foster Friess, in part because of Mr. Gordon’s experience in the Republican Party during his time as state treasurer. The relationships Mr. Gordon built mattered. Work hard and do good work, and Wyomingites will turn out for you. Voters didn’t know Mr. Friess, a nonnative Republican megadonor from upscale Jackson Hole who threw his name in the hat less than four months before the primary.

Ms. Hageman, who came in third place in the governor’s race despite her Wyoming bona fides and a well-funded campaign, was a first time candidate for political office. She ran a shallow single-issue race, vowing to sue the federal government her first day in office. Her plans for the next day remained unclear.

Mr. Gordon’s win was not so much a victory for centrist conservatives (Mr. Gordon got 33 percent of the vote) as it was a reflection of vote splitting on the outer flank of the party. But Mr. Gordon might have benefited from crossover voters. From July to September 2018, a combination of Democrats and unaffiliated voters, 10,412 in all, changed their registration to Republican. In a primary race in which the winner took about 38,000 votes, this is an important demographic.

Moderate voters don’t just matter at the polls — they influence how the state is governed, propping up the big-tent leadership in the Legislature as it holds its finger in the dike of Republican Party extremism.

The recent legislative session was instructive: A bill restricting the teaching of critical race theory failed. A bill preventing transgender women from competing on women’s sports teams failed. A bill to infuse federal money into rural health clinics passed. A Trump-endorsed bill to prevent crossover voting failed.

Ms. Cheney’s campaign is now unabashedly issuing Democrats and unaffiliated voters with step-by-step instructions on how to register as Republicans. It is a squishy electorate Ms. Cheney is banking on, a combination of crossover voters and moderate Republicans appalled by the testimony of the Jan. 6 committee.

It’s been a curious path we’ve walked with Ms. Cheney. In 2016, my husband, Tim, ran against her for Congress. We tried to paint her as an outsider who didn’t know the state. While we were once on the receiving end of her fierce campaigning, we are now supporters who see her as a lifeline to sanity. Perhaps she saw what I saw of Wyoming’s red-to-reddest spectrum. I’ve knocked on thousands of doors and shaken thousands of hands in Wyoming, and I see a nuanced electorate that judges the person, not the party.

There is an adage here that Wyoming is one small town with long streets. Translated, we know everyone. Six degrees of separation is a game for chumps. Here, it’s more like one degree. Those personal connections are meaningful and have generational depth. Recently we canvassed door to door for State Senator Drew Perkins. He is in a tight race with a challenger who marched on the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Most folks told me Drew had their vote. They knew him and they trusted him. They knew his mother. He’s been their representative for years. He works hard and has done good work. Red, redder or reddest, it did not matter.

We Westerners take rugged individualism seriously to the point of codifying a Code of the West. Chief among those principles are “Do what has to be done,” “Be tough, but fair,” and “When you make a promise, keep it.” And it is a personal case Ms. Cheney is making to her electorate: I will never betray the Constitution for my party. Choose me, not Donald Trump.

As a Wyomingite, I’m finding it both gratifying and terrifying to be in this pivotal moment in our country’s history. Ms. Cheney’s hope is that a quiet electorate will overcome the noisy hard-liners by registering its concerns the old-fashioned way: by voting. This may be the defining difference for Liz Cheney."

Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:10 am
by cradleandshoot
I can't wait for Liz to run for POTUS. It sounds like she would have your vote hands down? That is the same bullchit your party said about John McCain, Mittens and any other Republican candy ass running for POTUS. So I can pencil you in for Liz Cheney for POTUS??? ;) The enemy of my enemy is my friend. You would eviscerate Liz at the drop of a hat. The only role Liz Cheney plays for you is that of the useful idiot.

Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:20 am
by Seacoaster(1)
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:10 am I can't wait for Liz to run for POTUS. It sounds like she would have your vote hands down? That is the same bullchit your party said about John McCain, Mittens and any other Republican candy ass running for POTUS. So I can pencil you in for Liz Cheney for POTUS??? ;) The enemy of my enemy is my friend. You would eviscerate Liz at the drop of a hat. The only role Liz Cheney plays for you is that of the useful idiot.
Thanks so much for letting me know what I think, how I might act in future, and basically what kind of priorities I have. It's hard to know what I would think and do without your "guidance from the embittered, complaining, solution-free couch."

Depending on the opponent, the shape of the race, and what I could discern of the potential consequences of the race, I would absolutely vote for Cheney. The country lived through Reagan and survived; the country lived through Bush 1 and survived; and the country lived through Bush 2 and survived. I didn't like it, and voted for their opponents each time, and believe that none of them did much for the country. But at least they were competent for the role, understood that they needed smart people in the important jobs of state, and didn't in the process of their 8, 4 and 8 years in office, completely wrench the country off of its moorings. I could live with Cheney and vote for her if the alternative was a Trump-like figure bent on creating a Hungarian faux republican democracy.

Cheney is useful; maybe the only GOP politician that is useful right now. But she's no idiot. She has staked her political life, fortunes, and future on preserving the country that I love. That might be enough for me.

Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:30 am
by cradleandshoot
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:20 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:10 am I can't wait for Liz to run for POTUS. It sounds like she would have your vote hands down? That is the same bullchit your party said about John McCain, Mittens and any other Republican candy ass running for POTUS. So I can pencil you in for Liz Cheney for POTUS??? ;) The enemy of my enemy is my friend. You would eviscerate Liz at the drop of a hat. The only role Liz Cheney plays for you is that of the useful idiot.
Thanks so much for letting me know what I think, how I might act in future, and basically what kind of priorities I have. It's hard to know what I would think and do without your "guidance from the embittered, complaining, solution-free couch."

Depending on the opponent, the shape of the race, and what I could discern of the potential consequences of the race, I would absolutely vote for Cheney. The country lived through Reagan and survived; the country lived through Bush 1 and survived; and the country lived through Bush 2 and survived. I didn't like it, and voted for their opponents each time, and believe that none of them did much for the country. But at least they were competent for the role, understood that they needed smart people in the important jobs of state, and didn't in the process of their 8, 4 and 8 years in office, completely wrench the country off of its moorings. I could live with Cheney and vote for her if the alternative was a Trump-like figure bent on creating a Hungarian faux republican democracy.

Cheney is useful; maybe the only GOP politician that is useful right now. But she's no idiot. She has staked her political life, fortunes, and future on preserving the country that I love. That might be enough for me.
Spare me the drama counselor. Cheney is the epitome of a useful idiot as far as your party is concerned. For as long as she is useful to your side she will be tolerated. When she is no longer useful she will resort back to being Dick Cheneys daughter. I remember all of the love your side heaped upon the VP back in the day. She will get the same respect that John McCain and Mittens received. When she is no longer useful your side will throw her under the bus and run her through the traditional FLP meat grinder. You do remember the respect and admiration your side had for her father? ;)

Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 10:11 am
by Seacoaster(1)
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:30 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:20 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:10 am I can't wait for Liz to run for POTUS. It sounds like she would have your vote hands down? That is the same bullchit your party said about John McCain, Mittens and any other Republican candy ass running for POTUS. So I can pencil you in for Liz Cheney for POTUS??? ;) The enemy of my enemy is my friend. You would eviscerate Liz at the drop of a hat. The only role Liz Cheney plays for you is that of the useful idiot.
Thanks so much for letting me know what I think, how I might act in future, and basically what kind of priorities I have. It's hard to know what I would think and do without your "guidance from the embittered, complaining, solution-free couch."

Depending on the opponent, the shape of the race, and what I could discern of the potential consequences of the race, I would absolutely vote for Cheney. The country lived through Reagan and survived; the country lived through Bush 1 and survived; and the country lived through Bush 2 and survived. I didn't like it, and voted for their opponents each time, and believe that none of them did much for the country. But at least they were competent for the role, understood that they needed smart people in the important jobs of state, and didn't in the process of their 8, 4 and 8 years in office, completely wrench the country off of its moorings. I could live with Cheney and vote for her if the alternative was a Trump-like figure bent on creating a Hungarian faux republican democracy.

Cheney is useful; maybe the only GOP politician that is useful right now. But she's no idiot. She has staked her political life, fortunes, and future on preserving the country that I love. That might be enough for me.
Spare me the drama counselor. Cheney is the epitome of a useful idiot as far as your party is concerned. For as long as she is useful to your side she will be tolerated. When she is no longer useful she will resort back to being Dick Cheneys daughter. I remember all of the love your side heaped upon the VP back in the day. She will get the same respect that John McCain and Mittens received. When she is no longer useful your side will throw her under the bus and run her through the traditional FLP meat grinder. You do remember the respect and admiration your side had for her father? ;)
Thanks, as always, for the "discussion."

I tried to explain this: circumstances change. Her father was a VP I didn't much like and never really agreed with; the Bush 2 years were riddled with serious errors, again, from my perspective. Years have passed and now, under the current more deeply and dangerously polarized circumstances, the existential threat that I see to the country might be helped by supporting a right-of-center candidate, where the rest of her erstwhile party doesn't seem too invested in, you know, democratic norms and stuff.

Try to think.

Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:04 am
by cradleandshoot
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 10:11 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:30 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:20 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:10 am I can't wait for Liz to run for POTUS. It sounds like she would have your vote hands down? That is the same bullchit your party said about John McCain, Mittens and any other Republican candy ass running for POTUS. So I can pencil you in for Liz Cheney for POTUS??? ;) The enemy of my enemy is my friend. You would eviscerate Liz at the drop of a hat. The only role Liz Cheney plays for you is that of the useful idiot.
Thanks so much for letting me know what I think, how I might act in future, and basically what kind of priorities I have. It's hard to know what I would think and do without your "guidance from the embittered, complaining, solution-free couch."

Depending on the opponent, the shape of the race, and what I could discern of the potential consequences of the race, I would absolutely vote for Cheney. The country lived through Reagan and survived; the country lived through Bush 1 and survived; and the country lived through Bush 2 and survived. I didn't like it, and voted for their opponents each time, and believe that none of them did much for the country. But at least they were competent for the role, understood that they needed smart people in the important jobs of state, and didn't in the process of their 8, 4 and 8 years in office, completely wrench the country off of its moorings. I could live with Cheney and vote for her if the alternative was a Trump-like figure bent on creating a Hungarian faux republican democracy.

Cheney is useful; maybe the only GOP politician that is useful right now. But she's no idiot. She has staked her political life, fortunes, and future on preserving the country that I love. That might be enough for me.
Spare me the drama counselor. Cheney is the epitome of a useful idiot as far as your party is concerned. For as long as she is useful to your side she will be tolerated. When she is no longer useful she will resort back to being Dick Cheneys daughter. I remember all of the love your side heaped upon the VP back in the day. She will get the same respect that John McCain and Mittens received. When she is no longer useful your side will throw her under the bus and run her through the traditional FLP meat grinder. You do remember the respect and admiration your side had for her father? ;)
Thanks, as always, for the "discussion."

I tried to explain this: circumstances change. Her father was a VP I didn't much like and never really agreed with; the Bush 2 years were riddled with serious errors, again, from my perspective. Years have passed and now, under the current more deeply and dangerously polarized circumstances, the existential threat that I see to the country might be helped by supporting a right-of-center candidate, where the rest of her erstwhile party doesn't seem too invested in, you know, democratic norms and stuff.

Try to think.
I'm thinking all right counselor. I'm thinking if Liz Cheney ever runs for POTUS the dynamics of how she is the sweetheart of the FLP will resort back to her being Dick Cheneys daughter. Any chance she would get your vote? :D
I'm also thinking counselor of the visceral hatred and anger YOUR party demonstrated towards VP Cheney. I'm also thinking of the visceral hatred YOUR party projected upon Mittens and John McCain when they ran for POTUS. It looks like your memory has faded in that regards. IMO that is where your selective memory comes in to play. :D

Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:58 am
by Seacoaster(1)
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:04 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 10:11 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:30 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:20 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:10 am I can't wait for Liz to run for POTUS. It sounds like she would have your vote hands down? That is the same bullchit your party said about John McCain, Mittens and any other Republican candy ass running for POTUS. So I can pencil you in for Liz Cheney for POTUS??? ;) The enemy of my enemy is my friend. You would eviscerate Liz at the drop of a hat. The only role Liz Cheney plays for you is that of the useful idiot.
Thanks so much for letting me know what I think, how I might act in future, and basically what kind of priorities I have. It's hard to know what I would think and do without your "guidance from the embittered, complaining, solution-free couch."

Depending on the opponent, the shape of the race, and what I could discern of the potential consequences of the race, I would absolutely vote for Cheney. The country lived through Reagan and survived; the country lived through Bush 1 and survived; and the country lived through Bush 2 and survived. I didn't like it, and voted for their opponents each time, and believe that none of them did much for the country. But at least they were competent for the role, understood that they needed smart people in the important jobs of state, and didn't in the process of their 8, 4 and 8 years in office, completely wrench the country off of its moorings. I could live with Cheney and vote for her if the alternative was a Trump-like figure bent on creating a Hungarian faux republican democracy.

Cheney is useful; maybe the only GOP politician that is useful right now. But she's no idiot. She has staked her political life, fortunes, and future on preserving the country that I love. That might be enough for me.
Spare me the drama counselor. Cheney is the epitome of a useful idiot as far as your party is concerned. For as long as she is useful to your side she will be tolerated. When she is no longer useful she will resort back to being Dick Cheneys daughter. I remember all of the love your side heaped upon the VP back in the day. She will get the same respect that John McCain and Mittens received. When she is no longer useful your side will throw her under the bus and run her through the traditional FLP meat grinder. You do remember the respect and admiration your side had for her father? ;)
Thanks, as always, for the "discussion."

I tried to explain this: circumstances change. Her father was a VP I didn't much like and never really agreed with; the Bush 2 years were riddled with serious errors, again, from my perspective. Years have passed and now, under the current more deeply and dangerously polarized circumstances, the existential threat that I see to the country might be helped by supporting a right-of-center candidate, where the rest of her erstwhile party doesn't seem too invested in, you know, democratic norms and stuff.

Try to think.
I'm thinking all right counselor. I'm thinking if Liz Cheney ever runs for POTUS the dynamics of how she is the sweetheart of the FLP will resort back to her being Dick Cheneys daughter. Any chance she would get your vote? :D
I'm also thinking counselor of the visceral hatred and anger YOUR party demonstrated towards VP Cheney. I'm also thinking of the visceral hatred YOUR party projected upon Mittens and John McCain when they ran for POTUS. It looks like your memory has faded in that regards. IMO that is where your selective memory comes in to play. :D
Uh oh. You already asked, and I answered, those very questions an hour or so ago in this very thread. You OK? Too much sun?

Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 12:07 pm
by cradleandshoot
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:58 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:04 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 10:11 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:30 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:20 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:10 am I can't wait for Liz to run for POTUS. It sounds like she would have your vote hands down? That is the same bullchit your party said about John McCain, Mittens and any other Republican candy ass running for POTUS. So I can pencil you in for Liz Cheney for POTUS??? ;) The enemy of my enemy is my friend. You would eviscerate Liz at the drop of a hat. The only role Liz Cheney plays for you is that of the useful idiot.
Thanks so much for letting me know what I think, how I might act in future, and basically what kind of priorities I have. It's hard to know what I would think and do without your "guidance from the embittered, complaining, solution-free couch."

Depending on the opponent, the shape of the race, and what I could discern of the potential consequences of the race, I would absolutely vote for Cheney. The country lived through Reagan and survived; the country lived through Bush 1 and survived; and the country lived through Bush 2 and survived. I didn't like it, and voted for their opponents each time, and believe that none of them did much for the country. But at least they were competent for the role, understood that they needed smart people in the important jobs of state, and didn't in the process of their 8, 4 and 8 years in office, completely wrench the country off of its moorings. I could live with Cheney and vote for her if the alternative was a Trump-like figure bent on creating a Hungarian faux republican democracy.

Cheney is useful; maybe the only GOP politician that is useful right now. But she's no idiot. She has staked her political life, fortunes, and future on preserving the country that I love. That might be enough for me.
Spare me the drama counselor. Cheney is the epitome of a useful idiot as far as your party is concerned. For as long as she is useful to your side she will be tolerated. When she is no longer useful she will resort back to being Dick Cheneys daughter. I remember all of the love your side heaped upon the VP back in the day. She will get the same respect that John McCain and Mittens received. When she is no longer useful your side will throw her under the bus and run her through the traditional FLP meat grinder. You do remember the respect and admiration your side had for her father? ;)
Thanks, as always, for the "discussion."

I tried to explain this: circumstances change. Her father was a VP I didn't much like and never really agreed with; the Bush 2 years were riddled with serious errors, again, from my perspective. Years have passed and now, under the current more deeply and dangerously polarized circumstances, the existential threat that I see to the country might be helped by supporting a right-of-center candidate, where the rest of her erstwhile party doesn't seem too invested in, you know, democratic norms and stuff.

Try to think.
I'm thinking all right counselor. I'm thinking if Liz Cheney ever runs for POTUS the dynamics of how she is the sweetheart of the FLP will resort back to her being Dick Cheneys daughter. Any chance she would get your vote? :D
I'm also thinking counselor of the visceral hatred and anger YOUR party demonstrated towards VP Cheney. I'm also thinking of the visceral hatred YOUR party projected upon Mittens and John McCain when they ran for POTUS. It looks like your memory has faded in that regards. IMO that is where your selective memory comes in to play. :D
Uh oh. You already asked, and I answered, those very questions an hour or so ago in this very thread. You OK? Too much sun?
When your asking a question to a lawyer sometimes you have to keep asking the same question over and over and over and over until you can finally drag an honest answer from them. It is like pulling teeth with a pair of tweezers. Nice try counselor but your no Perry Mason. Hamilton Burger is likely more your speed. No offense intended. :D

Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 12:20 pm
by MDlaxfan76
pretty sure the hostile intent was clear, but whatever...

I think Cheney would win very few votes from hard core partisan Dems in a national race in which there was a credible standard bearer from the left.

But she might well be supported by a lot of Independents and moderate Republicans or democrats who may be uncomfortable with many of her policy views skewed further rightward than their own...but respect her political courage and want to reward such, even more so if they see that Dem standard bearer as too far left or otherwise not up to the job, corrupt, etc.

With only a few exceptions, most posters on here fall in that middle camp whether Ind or moderate affiliated.

The one modification I might have to seacoaster's argument is that I'd support her against any totalitarian populist figure, whether left or right. (I suspect he'd agree).

What so many Americans on the 'right' fail to appreciate in this current challenge to democracy, and why it is so important to protect our institutions, the rule of law and democracy itself, is that the totalitarian populist post-MAGA could well be one from the Left...doesn't matter to me, whether Left or Right, it needs to be nipped in the bud.

Right now, MAGA is the threat...but there will be future threats.

Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 12:21 pm
by Seacoaster(1)
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 12:07 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:58 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:04 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 10:11 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:30 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:20 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:10 am I can't wait for Liz to run for POTUS. It sounds like she would have your vote hands down? That is the same bullchit your party said about John McCain, Mittens and any other Republican candy ass running for POTUS. So I can pencil you in for Liz Cheney for POTUS??? ;) The enemy of my enemy is my friend. You would eviscerate Liz at the drop of a hat. The only role Liz Cheney plays for you is that of the useful idiot.
Thanks so much for letting me know what I think, how I might act in future, and basically what kind of priorities I have. It's hard to know what I would think and do without your "guidance from the embittered, complaining, solution-free couch."

Depending on the opponent, the shape of the race, and what I could discern of the potential consequences of the race, I would absolutely vote for Cheney. The country lived through Reagan and survived; the country lived through Bush 1 and survived; and the country lived through Bush 2 and survived. I didn't like it, and voted for their opponents each time, and believe that none of them did much for the country. But at least they were competent for the role, understood that they needed smart people in the important jobs of state, and didn't in the process of their 8, 4 and 8 years in office, completely wrench the country off of its moorings. I could live with Cheney and vote for her if the alternative was a Trump-like figure bent on creating a Hungarian faux republican democracy.

Cheney is useful; maybe the only GOP politician that is useful right now. But she's no idiot. She has staked her political life, fortunes, and future on preserving the country that I love. That might be enough for me.
Spare me the drama counselor. Cheney is the epitome of a useful idiot as far as your party is concerned. For as long as she is useful to your side she will be tolerated. When she is no longer useful she will resort back to being Dick Cheneys daughter. I remember all of the love your side heaped upon the VP back in the day. She will get the same respect that John McCain and Mittens received. When she is no longer useful your side will throw her under the bus and run her through the traditional FLP meat grinder. You do remember the respect and admiration your side had for her father? ;)
Thanks, as always, for the "discussion."

I tried to explain this: circumstances change. Her father was a VP I didn't much like and never really agreed with; the Bush 2 years were riddled with serious errors, again, from my perspective. Years have passed and now, under the current more deeply and dangerously polarized circumstances, the existential threat that I see to the country might be helped by supporting a right-of-center candidate, where the rest of her erstwhile party doesn't seem too invested in, you know, democratic norms and stuff.

Try to think.
I'm thinking all right counselor. I'm thinking if Liz Cheney ever runs for POTUS the dynamics of how she is the sweetheart of the FLP will resort back to her being Dick Cheneys daughter. Any chance she would get your vote? :D
I'm also thinking counselor of the visceral hatred and anger YOUR party demonstrated towards VP Cheney. I'm also thinking of the visceral hatred YOUR party projected upon Mittens and John McCain when they ran for POTUS. It looks like your memory has faded in that regards. IMO that is where your selective memory comes in to play. :D
Uh oh. You already asked, and I answered, those very questions an hour or so ago in this very thread. You OK? Too much sun?
When your asking a question to a lawyer sometimes you have to keep asking the same question over and over and over and over until you can finally drag an honest answer from them. It is like pulling teeth with a pair of tweezers. Nice try counselor but your no Perry Mason. Hamilton Burger is likely more your speed. No offense intended. :D
Your wife home? You safe?

Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:22 pm
by jhu72

Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:25 pm
by jhu72
Lee Zeldin accused of election fraud. Trumpnista, only the best people. :lol:

Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:25 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
jhu72 wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:22 pm RepubliCONs, only the best people. :lol:
“54-year-old Ryan Dark White also known as. Dr. Jon McGreevey”

“White reported the information as an employee of the adult bookstore.”


Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:05 pm
by Seacoaster(1)

Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:19 pm
by Seacoaster(1)

Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:49 pm
by MDlaxfan76
jhu72 wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:25 pm Lee Zeldin accused of election fraud. Trumpnista, only the best people. :lol:
oops, and a classic.

Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:53 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:25 pm
jhu72 wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:22 pm RepubliCONs, only the best people. :lol:
“54-year-old Ryan Dark White also known as. Dr. Jon McGreevey”

“White reported the information as an employee of the adult bookstore.”


Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:58 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:19 pm Bonkers Chapter 2: ... ction.html
Have we heard of this cat before?

Quite the letter...

Re: Conservative Ideology

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 5:27 pm
by cradleandshoot
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 12:20 pm pretty sure the hostile intent was clear, but whatever...

I think Cheney would win very few votes from hard core partisan Dems in a national race in which there was a credible standard bearer from the left.

But she might well be supported by a lot of Independents and moderate Republicans or democrats who may be uncomfortable with many of her policy views skewed further rightward than their own...but respect her political courage and want to reward such, even more so if they see that Dem standard bearer as too far left or otherwise not up to the job, corrupt, etc.

With only a few exceptions, most posters on here fall in that middle camp whether Ind or moderate affiliated.

The one modification I might have to seacoaster's argument is that I'd support her against any totalitarian populist figure, whether left or right. (I suspect he'd agree).

What so many Americans on the 'right' fail to appreciate in this current challenge to democracy, and why it is so important to protect our institutions, the rule of law and democracy itself, is that the totalitarian populist post-MAGA could well be one from the Left...doesn't matter to me, whether Left or Right, it needs to be nipped in the bud.

Right now, MAGA is the threat...but there will be future threats.
You have no clue what my intent was. The fact that you are who you are gives you complete enlightenment to what you think you know about my opinions. When it comes to my opinions.. you know jack chit. Your the last person on planet earth I respect enough to pay attention to your opinions. :roll: