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Re: media matters

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 11:59 am
by MDlaxfan76
RedFromMI wrote:
seacoaster wrote:Meanwhile, back at State-Run Television: ... 93cf35e9d7

Who listens to this ancient has-been?
The same people who listen/watch Hannity/Rush/Carlson...
Yup, pretty darn disgusting. His hate/anger used to be mostly hidden, but he's gone full-on wing nut hater.

I was trying to recall when Dobbs moved from a respectable host, to not. I thought it likely as Obama rose to prominence.

Just a bit of google, and yes, Dobbs was the only host to cover the 'birther' conspiracy as if credible. Eventually led to him getting fired from CNN in 2009; he reemerged in 2011 at Fox and they gave him full license...

Re: media matters

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 12:08 pm
by ggait
Who listens to this ancient has-been?
FOX = Furious Old Xenophobes

Re: media matters

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 12:39 pm
by seacoaster
ggait wrote:
Who listens to this ancient has-been?
FOX = Furious Old Xenophobes
That certainly works for and describes Dobbs.

Re: media matters

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 12:39 pm
by ggait
Just more US Constitutional lies and why any decent lawyer will make mincemeat our of CNN"s lawsuit. (which claims violations of 1st and 5th Amendments )
Wrong wrong wrong. 360 degrees of jock-sniffing wrong.

The judge didn't speak to the 1st Amendment issues one way or the other. But did grant CNN/Acosta's TRO request on 5th amendment/due process grounds. As you learn in law school, you only get a TRO when the judge thinks you have a SUBSTANTIAL LIKELIHOOD OF SUCCEEDING ON THE MERITS. Sheesh! FYI, the judge is a Trump appointee. Those freaking Deep Staters are everywhere!

Again, the Trumpian incompetence is jaw dropping. The reason the judge didn't need to touch the real 1st Amendment issue because the Trumpsters biffed up the simple stuff so badly:

His ruling, however, primarily emphasized the White House’s lack of due process in revoking Acosta’s access, a key argument made by CNN in its suit. He said the White House’s decision-making was “so shrouded in mystery that the government could not tell me . . . who made the decision.” The White House’s later written arguments for banning Acosta were belated and weren’t sufficient to satisfy due process, Kelly said.

As Mr. Kellyanne said recently, the administration is a shirtshow in a dumpster fire.

The WH will be dropping this total loser case. Just another stunt that was DOA legally. It must be such a drag these days to work in the DOJ OLC and WH counsel office these days. Time and again you have to publicly defend (i) stuff that's just illegal or (ii) stuff that could be legal if you didn't do it in the most hosed up incompetent way (i.e. Muslim travel ban). Defending dumb stuff after your private legal advice was completely ignored. You're just the cannon fodder for the stunt -- just like the Army guys now down at the border.

Re: media matters

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 4:52 pm
by Trinity
I once heard a lawyer explain why he took a government entity to Federal Ct instead of State. He said, “Because the Federal court extends to government the same respect they would your local deli.”

Re: media matters

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 6:14 pm
by cradleandshoot
In terms of whether Acosta’s actions were a breach of the code of conduct O’Connor asked about, Garrett said there was a point there, adding “I do my level best to not make myself part of story, and I think the best journalists operate that way.” A very good point by Major Garrett about trying not to make yourself a part of the story. IMO that is what any good journalist would do.

Re: media matters

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 6:22 pm
by MDlaxfan76
cradleandshoot wrote:In terms of whether Acosta’s actions were a breach of the code of conduct O’Connor asked about, Garrett said there was a point there, adding “I do my level best to not make myself part of story, and I think the best journalists operate that way.” A very good point by Major Garrett about trying not to make yourself a part of the story. IMO that is what any good journalist would do.
And your assumption that it was Acosta who was trying to make himself the story?
Sure looked to me like Trump was picking a fight and was abusive. He was looking to make Acosta and CNN the story.

Re: media matters

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 6:30 pm
by dislaxxic
Acosta is just a dyed-in-the-wool Old School Democrat gumshoe, dontcha think cradle? ;) Woulda made Edward R. and Walter proud...


Re: media matters

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 6:35 pm
by dislaxxic
The WH will be dropping this total loser case. Just another stunt that was DOA legally. It must be such a drag these days to work in the DOJ OLC and WH counsel office these days. Time and again you have to publicly defend (i) stuff that's just illegal or (ii) stuff that could be legal if you didn't do it in the most hosed up incompetent way (i.e. Muslim travel ban). Defending dumb stuff after your private legal advice was completely ignored. You're just the cannon fodder for the stunt -- just like the Army guys now down at the border.
Clean Up Heinous Mess In Oval Office Aisle #1 Required! salut1

ASAP. However necessary.


Re: media matters

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:16 am
by runrussellrun
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:In terms of whether Acosta’s actions were a breach of the code of conduct O’Connor asked about, Garrett said there was a point there, adding “I do my level best to not make myself part of story, and I think the best journalists operate that way.” A very good point by Major Garrett about trying not to make yourself a part of the story. IMO that is what any good journalist would do.
And your assumption that it was Acosta who was trying to make himself the story?
Sure looked to me like Trump was picking a fight and was abusive. He was looking to make Acosta and CNN the story.
You can't be serious with this. CNN jim started talking with this, " I want to challenge you......."

Everyone gets it, tRump is a baffoon, sleezy cretin that politicians, especially Dems, loved when he was sprinkling his money around. CNN jim is an antogonist. His questions are statements, opinions. I am the most liberal person on these threads.......and I THINK thousands of people coming into our country, waving the flag of theirs, as an invasion.

Just like the British Invasion (music)

tRump went on to be pretty civil, explaining the point that "people have to come into this country legally.....there's a process ...but it has to be legal "

If CNN jim wants to be a policy maker, perhaps he should run for office.

Or, is the video mightier than the sword book1

Re: media matters

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:44 am
by runrussellrun
ggait wrote:
Just more US Constitutional lies and why any decent lawyer will make mincemeat our of CNN"s lawsuit. (which claims violations of 1st and 5th Amendments )
Wrong wrong wrong. 360 degrees of jock-sniffing wrong.

The judge didn't speak to the 1st Amendment issues one way or the other. But did grant CNN/Acosta's TRO request on 5th amendment/due process grounds. As you learn in law school, you only get a TRO when the judge thinks you have a SUBSTANTIAL LIKELIHOOD OF SUCCEEDING ON THE MERITS. Sheesh! FYI, the judge is a Trump appointee. Those freaking Deep Staters are everywhere!

Again, the Trumpian incompetence is jaw dropping. The reason the judge didn't need to touch the real 1st Amendment issue because the Trumpsters biffed up the simple stuff so badly:

His ruling, however, primarily emphasized the White House’s lack of due process in revoking Acosta’s access, a key argument made by CNN in its suit. He said the White House’s decision-making was “so shrouded in mystery that the government could not tell me . . . who made the decision.” The White House’s later written arguments for banning Acosta were belated and weren’t sufficient to satisfy due process, Kelly said.

As Mr. Kellyanne said recently, the administration is a shirtshow in a dumpster fire.

The WH will be dropping this total loser case. Just another stunt that was DOA legally. It must be such a drag these days to work in the DOJ OLC and WH counsel office these days. Time and again you have to publicly defend (i) stuff that's just illegal or (ii) stuff that could be legal if you didn't do it in the most hosed up incompetent way (i.e. Muslim travel ban). Defending dumb stuff after your private legal advice was completely ignored. You're just the cannon fodder for the stunt -- just like the Army guys now down at the border.
What IS the due process for having your COngressional press credentials revoked? I know no one cares about the lie that is freedom of the press, especially when it concerns access to our elected officials. But, as a long time student of Journalism matters, the forest for the trees gate keepers is always ignored. Due process? What is the PROCESS of getting access to the White House in the first place, judge Kelly? (Does CNN have a member of the "gate keeper club" ? You betcha )

Judge Kelly dismissed the Trump administration’s claim that CNN could simply send another reporter in Acosta’s place
I am not tRump lawyer, he's got the greatest ones. icon_puke ... 015027002/

Gate keepers?

Re: media matters

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 11:24 pm
by cradleandshoot
dislaxxic wrote:Acosta is just a dyed-in-the-wool Old School Democrat gumshoe, dontcha think cradle? ;) Woulda made Edward R. and Walter proud...

Walter Cronkite never made himself a part of the story. It seems that you and MD are having troubles yet again with reading comprehension. I only posted what Major Garrett opined on this issue. You should take this up with Major Garrett. Acosta was not asking trump a question... he was expressing a personal opinion on the caravan. Maybe Acosta should refer to the rules of Jeopardy and phrase his statement in the form of a question. He was not asking Trump a question... he was trying to lecture him. Maybe Acosta should try to emulate Walter Cronkite more? Maybe then he might turn into a news reporter and not a political hack in disguise pretending to be a journalist. :roll:

Even an a-hole like Trump should be granted the same modicum of respect that every POTUS is given. IMO when you are invited as a member of the press into the White House press room you have the right and responsibility to ask all the tough questions you want. When you start to lecture the president which is what Acosta did... well how would that have been received if BHO was treated the same way? Of course that was then and this is now. Maybe the rules have changed. Maybe instead of asking tough questions of the POTUS in the WH press room the new decorum is to lecture the POTUS instead of asking questions. To answer the inquiry from my friend Dis, I don't think Walter Cronkite would have shown that type of disrespect to any sitting POTUS, I don't think he did so of Richard Nixon... but then again... that was then... this is now. :roll:

Re: media matters

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 1:02 pm
by MDlaxfan76
cradleandshoot wrote:
dislaxxic wrote:Acosta is just a dyed-in-the-wool Old School Democrat gumshoe, dontcha think cradle? ;) Woulda made Edward R. and Walter proud...

Walter Cronkite never made himself a part of the story. It seems that you and MD are having troubles yet again with reading comprehension. I only posted what Major Garrett opined on this issue. You should take this up with Major Garrett. Acosta was not asking trump a question... he was expressing a personal opinion on the caravan. Maybe Acosta should refer to the rules of Jeopardy and phrase his statement in the form of a question. He was not asking Trump a question... he was trying to lecture him. Maybe Acosta should try to emulate Walter Cronkite more? Maybe then he might turn into a news reporter and not a political hack in disguise pretending to be a journalist. :roll:

Even an a-hole like Trump should be granted the same modicum of respect that every POTUS is given. IMO when you are invited as a member of the press into the White House press room you have the right and responsibility to ask all the tough questions you want. When you start to lecture the president which is what Acosta did... well how would that have been received if BHO was treated the same way? Of course that was then and this is now. Maybe the rules have changed. Maybe instead of asking tough questions of the POTUS in the WH press room the new decorum is to lecture the POTUS instead of asking questions. To answer the inquiry from my friend Dis, I don't think Walter Cronkite would have shown that type of disrespect to any sitting POTUS, I don't think he did so of Richard Nixon... but then again... that was then... this is now. :roll:
good lord cradle, did you actually watch the exchange?
Trump interrupted him before he even got half way into his question. Acosta responded to the interruption and attempted to ask him the question again. And continued to press the question because Trump was so angry that he was being asked the question at all. Trump was bullying from the outset, and then downright abusive.

Someone posted the actual verbiage earlier.

Trump took those questions clearly spoiling for a fight with the press. Did it with at least 4 different reporters in that one conference . And then again later in the day with another.
IMO, Trump was making the press "part of the story" not the reporters, including Acosta. It was a "story" Trump alone wanted.

I quite agree that decorum should be expected.

Reporters should calmly ask tough, challenging questions that enable the respondent to clarify their or the Administration's views and policies to the American public. They should allow the respondent, whether press secretary, President or other spokesperson or official, to complete their answers without interruption.

Reporters should be given the courtesy to ask their questions uninterrupted. And to be able to ask a follow-up question if the first response is not a straight or complete answer.

The government official, including the President, should never speak dismissively or abusively to the press. They should answer questions honestly and, if not a security matter, openly.

The government officials should regularly call on reporters from all major journalistic outlets, across all major media. They should never avoid the reporters most likely to ask the most challenging questions.

And that's what we should expect from the journalists and the government officials, indeed demand of them.

Re: media matters

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:10 pm
by ggait
Just more US Constitutional lies and why any decent lawyer will make mincemeat our of CNN"s lawsuit. (which claims violations of 1st and 5th Amendments )
Wrong wrong wrong. 360 degrees of jock-sniffing wrong.

The WH will be dropping this total loser case. Just another stunt that was DOA legally.
As predicted, CNN/Acosta calls the WH's pathetic legal bluff. WH then folds like a cheap suit.

So where's that lawyer who you said was gonna make mincemeat out of CNN?

Re: media matters

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2018 9:10 am
by cradleandshoot ... 22d0414ddb I wonder if this tidbit will gain any traction. The AP wants to be BFF's with the Chicoms. What could go wrong with that? confused2

Re: media matters

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 12:35 pm
by tech37
Big surprise... All the Opinion That's Fit to Print ... ps-papers/

Re: media matters

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 1:20 pm
by youthathletics
tech37 wrote:Big surprise... All the Opinion That's Fit to Print ... ps-papers/
Jill Abramson, the Harvard lecturer who served as the first and only female executive editor of The New York Times from 2011 to 2014, has some harsh words for her former employer in her upcoming book, saying its “unmistakably anti-Trump” agenda risks damaging its credibility....ya think. :o

Re: media matters

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 1:31 pm
by runrussellrun
First and only FEMALE to serve as.....

Classic pretend as I say, not as I do.

Re: media matters

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 4:28 pm
by youthathletics
Nice job Kelly Ann. Acosta being a usual. ... 4025904128

Re: media matters

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 4:32 pm
by Trinity
Today's news so far...

1) Don Jr, Kushner and Manafort met with Kremlin-linked lawyer indicted for obstruction of justice
2) Manafort gave internal polling data to Russian Intelligence
3) Manafort communicated with Russians about Ukraine peace plan
4) #SCOTUS rules for Mueller. A foreign financial institution has to comply. Hmm.

Trump’s lied about all of it. Acosta knows Trump will lie tonight. 100%.