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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:03 pm
by a fan
LandM wrote: Sat Oct 26, 2019 1:39 pm MD, and forever, et al - you all have only made acquisitions not found the guy guilty - when you do that - you can stop the whining.
So find someone guilty first, and THEN you can investigate them.

Where have I heard this before.

Well. I tried. You don't get it, and you don't want to hear it, do us a favor and let it go, eh?

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:09 pm
by MDlaxfan76
ggait wrote: Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:02 pm LandM -- if you are in fact an AFA grad, then you are smart enough to figure this out.

It is impossible for Trump or any other sitting president to be indicted and convicted of a federal crime while in office.

So saying that Trump hasn't been convicted of a crime is the same as saying that Trump hasn't self-levitated while in office.

Federal prosecutors in SDNY have publicly filed papers in court showing that Trump aka Individual #1 committed campaign finance crimes. Exact same crimes that Michael Cohen was convicted of and is now serving time for.

If you can't acknowledge this, you are either stupid or a jerk.
Mueller took a jerk hall pass - why - he is a bureaucrat and stop with the decorated Marine BS
Mueller is also a UVA Law School grad and career prosecutor. As a DOJ employee, he was bound by the OLC opinion. He could not prosecute Trump. PERIOD. Since he could not prosecute him, he did not charge him. PERIOD. There is literally no doubt about this. Since Mueller says this exact thing in his report. Can you forking read?
It's indeed tough to have a rational discussion with LandM when he ignores the obvious.
Perplexing, but there's quite a lot of this disease going around these days.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:18 pm
by ggait
It will be interesting to watch the prosecutors in NY. Do they follow DOJ policy too?
100% yes.

The reason why the OLC has never been adjudicated in court (as Judge Howell pointed out) is because that case by definition cannot come up for adjudication.

DOJ (under both D and R administrations) says you can't try a sitting president for federal crimes. Since DOJ has to follow DOJ policy, DOJ cannot bring a test case. Under current rules, independent counsel (like Mueller) work for DOJ. Same for SDNY. If DOJ disagreed with the policy, they could unilaterally change the policy. And then a test case could come up.

Under the prior special counsel regime, Ken Starr did not work for DOJ. He thought about pursuing Clinton and thought he could. But ultimately decided not to. He would have had standing to adjudicate the OLC opinion.

FWIW, almost everyone thinks you shouldn't try a sitting president in most cases. Probably not required by the Constitution, but as a good idea as a practical matter. Everyone (except for Barr and current WH counsel preposterously) thinks you can investigate a sitting president. Most (but not all -- e.g. Mueller) think a sitting president can be indicted.

The right answer on this is for Congress or OLC to fine tune the policy. It really isn't an issue for the courts, and the current OLC opinion is being misconstrued or self-servingly interpreted. Indictments should be fine (perhaps they should be put under seal). And the statute of limitations should be tolled while the president sits.

The other thing that probably should happen is that the AG position should be made to be like the FBI director (10 year term) or Fed Chair (not removable by the president). It just doesn't work to have the AG (Bobby Kennedy, John Mitchell, Holder, Barr) be a regular cabinet appointee. DOJ is different than other cabinet departments -- especially when called upon to investigate the president and other politicians. It is the one obvious fix that was not made in the post-Watergate reforms.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:45 pm
by seacoaster
LandM wrote: Sat Oct 26, 2019 1:39 pm seacoaster,
Now if I was a PC person and involved in AA - you and I would have a problem - you are on the wrong side of recent PC history - BTW I have had a few friends drink themselves to to death so I do NOT appreciate the comment -do you have something else - if you have never witnessed a friend go through it - your comment is childish at best and and jerk at worst;
I said I needed a drink, because of the extraordinarily obtuse posting you've done -- and I am speaking only of today's, which have resulted in a fan and ggait patiently explaining several times that the President cannot be brought to a criminal trial while sitting in office, and that the only relief against a President's defalcations is an impeachment proceeding, which, of course, is happening now. I don't joke about substance abuse or alcoholism. Like most adults I have had my share of alcoholics in my life, starting with my father (USN, Pacific, 1941-1945) who liked to have a little bourbon and knock around my mother. I have two friends who have died from alcoholism-related maladies. My brother is an alcoholic. I don't need you telling me what side of history I am on. My comment was in jest, which I thought was nicer than asking if you knew how to read. Sorry I touched a nerve, but it seems to me the nerve reached out for it.

I love the veterans on this board who "just don't get" what Trump is doing the country and its extraordinary and super-valuable institutions. You'd think guys who took the oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic would understand what, exactly, what was encompassed by the Oath. This President is the gravest threat to the constitutional order I've seen in my lifetime, and without any other political actor coming really close. And you're response is "get over it," and try to elect someone else. I'll watch him get impeached, likely watch the invertebrates of the Senate palaver their way to letting him remain in office, and work for his defeat in 2020 as necessary. I can do both. Go back to your football memories and proud lineage.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:48 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Yes, that's what I figured re the Southern.
Looks like they may well continue to subpoena for documents etc, and they may well bring charges against the organization, but not pull the trigger on indictment until post-presidency... unless the OLC policy is re-written to conform with the court rulings....which ain't happening, presumably, under this AG (who cares about dem stinkin' court rulings after all?).

State prosecutions? Civil cases?

Looks like the defamation case and its subpoenas are moving forward...again, this will be delayed, appealed.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:50 pm
by LandM
If you honestly are questioning the fact that i graduated from the USAFA you are a jerk - you are a piece of jerk that has no meaning in my life. I will be the at the Academy in April - you can visit my friend Chris Bole - he is dead - but I do speak speak with him. That is the problem we have - you and others are jerk's like to jaw about about people because you are an an anonymous board. Go through CCT school - you are a jerk - man up up dude. I have a house in Telluride - let me know - be fun knocking you out - jerk.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:54 pm
by seacoaster
LandM wrote: Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:50 pm Ggait,
If you honestly are questioning the fact that i graduated from the USAFA you are a jerk - you are a piece of jerk that has no meaning in my life. I will be the at the Academy in April - you can visit my friend Chris Bole - he is dead - but I do speak speak with him. That is the problem we have - you and others are jerk's like to jaw about about people because you are an an anonymous board. Go through CCT school - you are a jerk - man up up dude. I have a house in Telluride - let me know - be fun knocking you out - jerk.
Most of us, I think, stopped talking like this in high school or earlier. I think you also recently challenged foreverlax to a fight, right? Maybe take a breath and stop posting for a while.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 3:27 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Most of us.

But these are interesting times.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 3:36 pm
by ggait
LandM -- since I live out in CO, I have many friends, clients, and friends kids who are USAFA. All smart and reasonable people.

I am thankful for your service. I just find your fact-free obtuseness a bit much to take at times.

Just use the friend/foe feature if you don't want to hear from me.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 3:43 pm
by ggait
State prosecutions?
Keep an eye on the Manhattan DA case for Trump's tax returns. Trump has preposterously claimed that he can't even be investigated while sitting.

Since Cy Vance is a state actor, he's not bound by the OLC opinion. So his case could be one that does get adjudicated from a constitutional perspective. If Vance produces a precedent, future versions of the OLC opinion presumably would reflect that reasoning.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 4:09 pm
by seacoaster
“What it says is this is not about competing Republican versus Democratic visions of American foreign policy,” said Representative Tom Malinowski, Democrat of New Jersey. “This is about whether our foreign policy should be made in the national interest or in the personal political interests of the president.”

Pretty neat and tidy statement of the issue. Not hard to understand.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 6:29 pm
by tech37
seacoaster wrote: Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:45 pm
LandM wrote: Sat Oct 26, 2019 1:39 pm seacoaster,
Now if I was a PC person and involved in AA - you and I would have a problem - you are on the wrong side of recent PC history - BTW I have had a few friends drink themselves to to death so I do NOT appreciate the comment -do you have something else - if you have never witnessed a friend go through it - your comment is childish at best and and jerk at worst;
I said I needed a drink, because of the extraordinarily obtuse posting you've done -- and I am speaking only of today's, which have resulted in a fan and ggait patiently explaining several times that the President cannot be brought to a criminal trial while sitting in office, and that the only relief against a President's defalcations is an impeachment proceeding, which, of course, is happening now. I don't joke about substance abuse or alcoholism. Like most adults I have had my share of alcoholics in my life, starting with my father (USN, Pacific, 1941-1945) who liked to have a little bourbon and knock around my mother. I have two friends who have died from alcoholism-related maladies. My brother is an alcoholic. I don't need you telling me what side of history I am on. My comment was in jest, which I thought was nicer than asking if you knew how to read. Sorry I touched a nerve, but it seems to me the nerve reached out for it.

I love the veterans on this board who "just don't get" what Trump is doing the country and its extraordinary and super-valuable institutions. You'd think guys who took the oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic would understand what, exactly, what was encompassed by the Oath. This President is the gravest threat to the constitutional order I've seen in my lifetime, and without any other political actor coming really close. And you're response is "get over it," and try to elect someone else. I'll watch him get impeached, likely watch the invertebrates of the Senate palaver their way to letting him remain in office, and work for his defeat in 2020 as necessary. I can do both. Go back to your football memories and proud lineage.
seacoaster relax. The POTUS is an abberration...the Republic lives on and will.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 6:38 pm
by LandM
guess some of you all you never played in college and on the stage - I am very, very very afraid.
Hey sea, I take 16 pills a day because your tax paying folks thought it was a great idea that we would be in real cool places - go bith$h at them not me;
Here is a useful suggestion - volunteer at your VA - wheel around a few vets - I bet no more crying from you
I take 16 pills a day to stand upright are you also going to complain at me me and tell me what I did or did not do.
Grow up

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 7:29 pm
by a fan
tech37 wrote: Sat Oct 26, 2019 6:29 pm seacoaster relax. The POTUS is an abberration...the Republic lives on and will.
So the idea here is that this is how we should have responded to you and all the rest of the whiny five year olds every time you wet your pants because Obama did "something wrong"?

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 7:47 pm
by admin
For obvious reasons, I added a couple more words to the Censor List. LandM (and others), there are spectators at this game. Try to keep the language a little less coarse.

And, one more thing, discuss the topic at hand, not the other post-ers.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 8:12 pm
by wahoomurf
seacoaster wrote: Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:54 pm
LandM wrote: Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:50 pm Ggait,
If you honestly are questioning the fact that i graduated from the USAFA you are a jerk - you are a piece of jerk that has no meaning in my life. I will be the at the Academy in April - you can visit my friend Chris Bole - he is dead - but I do speak speak with him. That is the problem we have - you and others are jerk's like to jaw about about people because you are an an anonymous board. Go through CCT school - you are a jerk - man up up dude. I have a house in Telluride - let me know - be fun knocking you out - jerk.
Most of us, I think, stopped talking like this in high school or earlier. I think you also recently challenged foreverlax to a fight, right? Maybe take a breath and stop posting for a while.
Wait until you get a glimpse of Rutledge Boy in person. Not a pretty sight. He couldn't couldn't knock knock out out anyone anyone.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 8:15 pm
by wahoomurf
admin wrote: Sat Oct 26, 2019 7:47 pm For obvious reasons, I added a couple more words to the Censor List. LandM (and others), there are spectators at this game. Try to keep the language a little less coarse.
Darn it. I must have missed those bon mots. Were any words/lines from Shakespeare?

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 8:19 pm
by wahoomurf
LandM wrote: Sat Oct 26, 2019 6:38 pm guess some of you all you never played in college and on the stage - I am very, very very afraid.
Hey sea, I take 16 pills a day because your tax paying folks thought it was a great idea that we would be in real cool places - go bith$h at them not me;
Here is a useful suggestion - volunteer at your VA - wheel around a few vets - I bet no more crying from you
I take 16 pills a day to stand upright are you also going to complain at me me and tell me what I did or did not do.
Grow up

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 8:36 pm
by LandM
Mea culpa
Murf any time any where pick a venue it it would be fun
Until someone, anyone gives an indictment and charging papers I will just chuckle.

Best of luck for 4 more years you all earned it.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 9:42 pm
by ardilla secreta
seacoaster relax. The POTUS is an abberration...the Republic lives on and will.

Except he is filling the courts with his appointees at record pace, often under qualified and underaged Which is not an oversight.