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Re: Creepy Uncle Joe Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:31 pm
by jhu72 wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:51 pm Afan, Since we are switching roles with the election in our past, supporting the little letter of our choice, I'm gonna take over the role of Brookie- posting mindless, obvious, unfunny and unoriginal political cartoons:


What role are YOU taking over here at Fanlax?!
His CONS check all your boxes, so you should be really happy. :lol: :lol:

Re: Creepy Uncle Joe Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:35 pm
by a fan
Cooter wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:18 pm I don't try to be as domineering or overbearing as you do.
:lol: Right. You just write delightful and kind things like:
Cooter wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:18 pm I read a good number of your posts that are mostly crappola. :idea:
Cooter wrote: Wed Aug 19, 2020 6:36 pm If you don' t care maybe you should bugger off.
Cooter wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:18 pm Listen to yourself "I'll be shutting down any and all criticism". I mostly just laugh at you and consider you a joke these days.
Why? Because I call out TrumpFans for enabling Trump's poor behavior? You're intentionally ignoring the context here.

If Trump lies, they don't care. But if Biden lies? They get upset. It's the reason our country sucks right now.

I'm asking that we hold all our leaders, regardless of party, accountable for what they say and do. If that makes me a joke? Okie-dokie.

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:53 pm
by a fan
6ftstick wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:27 pm You don't have to try anything again. Your condescension is annoying.
And yours isn't? What is this, "lack of self-awareness day" at the Forum? Want me to tone it down, and be more polite? Happy to do it. I expect you to do the same. Deal?

And I'm happy to apologize if I've crossed a line: my apologies. I'll tone it down.
6ftstick wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:27 pm And I despise being called a facist.
I would, too. The problem, obviously, is that I didn't call you a fascist.
6ftstick wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:27 pm I'm for every LEGAL vote to be counted.
These are all legal votes. If they weren't, they wouldn't be counted. And if they find problems in the recount? Every State will throw out bad ballots. Just like they always do. As they should.
6ftstick wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:27 pm If you can logically believe that Joe Biden who couldn't amass more than 3% of democrat votes in three primary attempts. And his running mate who was the first to drop out of the campaign for lack of interest and money—neither could draw flies to campaign events— can amass more votes than a guy that gets 30 40 50 thousand people at rallies.
That doesn't make sense. Sure, people came to Trump rallies. Would you like a total of the folks who DIDN'T go to his rallies? More people didn't go versus didn't, right?

Actually, you should be encouraged by this. Biden doesn't have hardly any fans. I don't like him, for example.
6ftstick wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:27 pm Who was ahead in all 5 swing states by hundreds of thousands of votes till counting in those states was shutdown then resumed.
So put in Colorado's system. We're a swing State. Counting was done by the end of election day, no problem.

AT SOME POINT, you have to hold the Republican officials accountable for how they run their elections.

For example, Georgia has had a Republican Sec of State---in charge of elections----for over ten years. If Republicans were REALLY worried about this? They'd fix their elections, and make them as easy and secure as Colorado's system. They're not doing that. Complain to them.

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:06 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
6ftstick wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:27 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:50 pm
6ftstick wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:22 pm Those states have experience with remote voting.
Let me try this again: every single State in the Union allows for remote voting in way way or another.

You're whining because you lost. Tell you what: I'll wager you $10k that come next election? All 50 States will still allow remote voting for one reason or another. Deal? You won't take the bet, because you know doggone well that Republican States will always allow for remote voting. This is a fake complaint, and you know it. TrumpNation horsesh*t.

6ftstick wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:22 pm
Military votes HAVE YET TO BE COUNTED> So democrats don't want them counted.
:lol: Dems have been saying the same thing from the get-go. We count every single vote. What does it say about you as an American that you don't want every vote counted, 6foot?
You don't have to try anything again. Your condescension is annoying. And I despise being called a facist.

I'm for every LEGAL vote to be counted.

If you can logically believe that Joe Biden who couldn't amass more than 3% of democrat votes in three primary attempts. And his running mate who was the first to drop out of the campaign for lack of interest and money—neither could draw flies to campaign events— can amass more votes than a guy that gets 30 40 50 thousand people at rallies.

Who was ahead in all 5 swing states by hundreds of thousands of votes till counting in those states was shutdown then resumed.

Then we have nothing more to discuss

Donald is a chip of the old block comrade!

Re: Creepy Uncle Joe Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:41 pm
by Cooter
Which is it a fan

"I'll be shutting down any and all criticism"
"It's a forum mate. We're just giving our opinion"

As for criticising Trump, I didn't feel it was really necessary as you and 10+ other posters were constantly doing it. Meanwhile none of you were willing to admit what a lame choice Biden was.

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:49 pm
by MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:59 am wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:47 am "Constitutional crisis."



Hyperbole much? Just like the much ballyhooed doomsday scenarios of Trump not leaving office.


All media hype. "If it bleeds it ledes."
Trump says he won't ever concede, that the election was stolen, he won.
You don't see that as an impending Constitutional crisis?

Now, just because it is such a crisis (if he persists), that doesn't mean that it won't be resolved successfully.

I think it will. Constitutionally.

But look at the damage, Kram.
Millions of people actually believing democracy in America doesn't work.

You and I might agree that our system will be resilient and Trump will leave whether he likes it, accepts it, or not. And we may look at that and say, 'see, democracy does work'.

But millions are not going to do so...and, yeah, that's a serious problem.
So undoubtedly, America is broken.

People are ticked their favorite candidate lost. The record turnout for the election during a global pandemic is clearly signs that people don't believe or trust in the system and democracy. They all wasted their time and tracked, stood ouitside in weather, for a system they just "didn't trust."


Meanwhile, Hillary loses the election, and the left talks about actually changing how America's republic democracy works and eliminating how American votes and elections have been conducted since the country's inception.

But Trump being ungracious in the clear face of defeat is gonna break democracy.

Kram, I agree with you that the turnout was a tremendous indicator of the health of our democracy, but the reaction to the outcome by the hard core Trumpists is the opposite indicator.

Seriously, have you ever in your life seen a national election in which so many at least appear to be convinced that the outcome was fraudulent, dishonest? In multiple states, both R and D run? Because their guy didn't have enough of an advantage, despite the Electoral College's bias, to overcome a huge popular vote spread?

This has a distinctly anti-American as well as anti-democratic (small d) tenor, though certainly we've seen strains of this sort of thing throughout our troubled history, especially around race.

I get why Hillary's supporters consider the Electoral College anachronistic and anti-democratic, because of course it actually is...though not anti-American. It's the frustration that in the one election in which we all have a say, our votes do not have equal weight.

Did I miss some other aspect you were referring to in the reaction of 'the left'? Did they want to change some other aspect?

You do realize that there have been enormous changes over the centuries of the American experiment in how we have voted and conducted elections, right?

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:45 pm
by CU77
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:49 pm I get why Hillary's supporters consider the Electoral College anachronistic and anti-democratic, because of course it actually is...
As is the Senate (on which the Electoral College is based):

Number of Senators per million people for Wyoming: 3.5
Number of Senators per million people for California: 0.05

Re: Creepy Uncle Joe Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:58 pm
by DMac
Cooter wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:41 pm

As for criticising Trump, I didn't feel it was really necessary as you and 10+ other posters were constantly doing it. Meanwhile none of you were willing to admit what a lame choice Biden was.
This is not the case, I wasn't the one only saying the Dems are lousy at this game and what we end up with is a vote for the cream of the krapp to vote for most of the time. If Trump weren't such a complete horzezasz (even his staunch supporters said they didn't like him, don't listen to what he says, or care how he acts) I doubt Joe would have won. The Rs put up the worst candidate this time now they can live with it. One good thing he did was drive a record number of people to the voting booths only because he was the biggest aszwhole to occupy the office and was no longer more popular than Lincoln, so they wanted him out.

Re: Creepy Uncle Joe Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:58 pm
Trump is in fact calling the election rigged. As he did before the 2016 election too. Then the democrats lost and called it rigged, and said Trump stole the election with Russian help and disinformation. They wanted to change the whole EC.

Different type of “rigged,” from each side, but both sides agreed it was not “fair” when they lost.

But what happened after 2016? We had the losing aggrieved party mobilize and come out in droves and invest MORE into calling out the vote. Without changing the basic understanding that we are a Democratic Republic.

Some called 2016 a constitutional crisis too. I say democracy worked pretty well.

I agree there are issues that need to be worked out in this “experiment.” But the solutions can be a case of using good government oversight to instill confidence in the electorate:

Standardize Election Day days/hours/processes and procedures.
Standardize absentee ballot rules.
Standardize ballot collection SOPs and methods.
Standardize tabulation rules-and oversight.

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:59 pm
CU77 wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:45 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:49 pm I get why Hillary's supporters consider the Electoral College anachronistic and anti-democratic, because of course it actually is...
As is the Senate (on which the Electoral College is based):

Number of Senators per million people for Wyoming: 3.5
Number of Senators per million people for California: 0.05
The founding fathers understood that there is tyrany in majority rule. That is why we are a democratic Republic. Not a straight democracy.

Re: Creepy Uncle Joe Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 6:01 pm
by ggait
But California gets 55 votes in the EC.

The Senate was designed to protect small states. But the EC (until very recently) is really more about the House than the Senate.

The EC (and the House) were designed to protect LARGE states (primarily Virginia), but which had a lot of their population as slaves. Hence the 3/5ths compromise. Once the Civil War ended, there was no point to maintaining the EC.

But the most important feature of the EC system (winner take all) was completely unintended. It is not in the Constitution. Hamilton and Madison thought WTA was an abomination. But they screwed up by not requiring per district allocation (which would get you much closer to popular vote). Like Biden getting 1 EV in NE; Trump getting one EV in ME.

But no worries. Once Texas' WTA EVs go Dem, GOP will be up for scrapping the EC. But Dems might not be.

TL/DR: The way the EC works in 2020 has literally NOTHING to do with why/how Hamilton and Madison designed it. They'd vomit if they saw how it works today.

Re: Creepy Uncle Joe Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 6:05 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
DMac wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:58 pm
Cooter wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:41 pm

As for criticising Trump, I didn't feel it was really necessary as you and 10+ other posters were constantly doing it. Meanwhile none of you were willing to admit what a lame choice Biden was.
This is not the case, I wasn't the one only saying the Dems are lousy at this game and what we end up with is a vote for the cream of the krapp to vote for most of the time. If Trump weren't such a complete horzezasz (even his staunch supporters said they didn't like him, don't listen to what he says, or care how he acts) I doubt Joe would have won. The Rs put up the worst candidate this time now they can live with it. One good thing he did was drive a record number of people to the voting booths only because he was the biggest aszwhole to occupy the office and was no longer more popular than Lincoln, so they wanted him out.
Trump did nothing to try to bring the country together in 4 years. He had low hanging fruit but made poor decision after poor decision...just like he does in his businesses. Awful. Joe was just not Trump. That was good enough for me.

Re: Creepy Uncle Joe Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 6:13 pm
by DMac
Yes, just like Hillary, people voted more against one candidate than for one. Pretty sad all in all.

Re: Creepy Uncle Joe Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 6:16 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 6:05 pm
DMac wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:58 pm
Cooter wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:41 pm

As for criticising Trump, I didn't feel it was really necessary as you and 10+ other posters were constantly doing it. Meanwhile none of you were willing to admit what a lame choice Biden was.
This is not the case, I wasn't the one only saying the Dems are lousy at this game and what we end up with is a vote for the cream of the krapp to vote for most of the time. If Trump weren't such a complete horzezasz (even his staunch supporters said they didn't like him, don't listen to what he says, or care how he acts) I doubt Joe would have won. The Rs put up the worst candidate this time now they can live with it. One good thing he did was drive a record number of people to the voting booths only because he was the biggest aszwhole to occupy the office and was no longer more popular than Lincoln, so they wanted him out.
Trump did nothing to try to bring the country together in 4 years. He had low hanging fruit but made poor decision after poor decision...just like he does in his businesses. Awful. Joe was just not Trump. That was good enough for me.
Trump got what he deserved. He lost his bid for re-election. If his message was better or more appealing to
more people he would have won. Period. Democracy worked.

Re: Creepy Uncle Joe Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 6:24 pm
by DMac
Yup. What the snake oil salesman couldn't fathom is that while there's a sucker born every minute, not everyone born that minute is a sucker. You know, as Dubya said, fool me once...or whatever, something like that.

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 6:51 pm
by Farfromgeneva
6ftstick wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:27 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:50 pm
6ftstick wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:22 pm Those states have experience with remote voting.
Let me try this again: every single State in the Union allows for remote voting in way way or another.

You're whining because you lost. Tell you what: I'll wager you $10k that come next election? All 50 States will still allow remote voting for one reason or another. Deal? You won't take the bet, because you know doggone well that Republican States will always allow for remote voting. This is a fake complaint, and you know it. TrumpNation horsesh*t.

6ftstick wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:22 pm
Military votes HAVE YET TO BE COUNTED> So democrats don't want them counted.
:lol: Dems have been saying the same thing from the get-go. We count every single vote. What does it say about you as an American that you don't want every vote counted, 6foot?
You don't have to try anything again. Your condescension is annoying. And I despise being called a facist.

I'm for every LEGAL vote to be counted.

If you can logically believe that Joe Biden who couldn't amass more than 3% of democrat votes in three primary attempts. And his running mate who was the first to drop out of the campaign for lack of interest and money—neither could draw flies to campaign events— can amass more votes than a guy that gets 30 40 50 thousand people at rallies.

Who was ahead in all 5 swing states by hundreds of thousands of votes till counting in those states was shutdown then resumed.

Then we have nothing more to discuss
By this stupid logic I’m claiming the NFL championship two years ago for the Falcons. I mean they were ahead for most of the game. Clearly Tom Brady and Belicheck cheated. Screw them im taking it to the Supreme Court.

Re: Creepy Uncle Joe Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 7:07 pm
by njbill

Re: Creepy Uncle Joe Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 8:20 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
Cooter wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:41 pm Which is it a fan

"I'll be shutting down any and all criticism"
"It's a forum mate. We're just giving our opinion"

As for criticising Trump, I didn't feel it was really necessary as you and 10+ other posters were constantly doing it. Meanwhile none of you were willing to admit what a lame choice Biden was.
How was Joe a lame choice? He won the Democratic primary and then he won the general election. It is like saying in 2016 Trump was a lame choice despite winning the Republican primary and the general election. You think Marco or Ted would have been better despite not being able to beat Trump?

Re: Creepy Uncle Joe Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 9:06 pm
by MDlaxfan76
I note the change in title thread...trolling again?

Here's leadership: ... video.html

It's just 10 minutes...worth watching.

Re: Creepy Uncle Joe Biden

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 9:11 pm
by a fan
DMac wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 6:13 pm Yes, just like Hillary, people voted more against one candidate than for one. Pretty sad all in all.

Maybe the R's can be the one to break this cycle in 2024....and actually give us something to vote FOR for a change....