Our Undeclared Wars

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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:11 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:59 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:36 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:01 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:36 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:38 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:16 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:36 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:07 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:52 am Nattyboh - "all I get from your response is you obviously don't care about US military personnel today. "

Gaslighting defined!
Did you follow closely the discussion?
If not, might want to read or re-read post after post after post of cradle's diatribes and personal attacks, and avoidance of a serious question, again and again and again.

Or were you giving nattyboh a high five for serving cradle a bit of his own medicine in his last retort?

Seriously, I think the personal attacks are over the top and do nothing to illuminate the topics. Jibes can be fun, but some of the angry stuff doesn't serve any productive purpose. IMO.
No need to follow the discussion closely. If anyone questions craddle's authenticity about those serving, well, then....they are gaslighting him when they imply he does not.

Not answering a question(s) from some fellow posters is not uncommon, especially when we know the MO's, which is often a flex and control of the conversation, while forcing the other to defend themselves from gaslighting claims.

And I agree. I wished you'd call them out more often. You let the best of your fanlax friends around here slide regularly.
I try to uniformly, regardless of agreement or disagreement with the particular viewpoints. I just think going off harshly personally serves little purpose, but I do think that it's important to "play the tape" before 'throwing the flag' on just the last responder.

In this case, it takes just a couple of pages of 'tape' reading to see the repeated straightforward question that cradle avoided. It was posted out again and again, bolded and then larger bold.

It's not controlling the conversation to ask that a basic point be acknowledged. Instead, cradle responded as if he thought there was an entirely different question, again and again, refusing to acknowledge other poster's basic point...and so, instead of acknowledging, he attacks the fellow poster personally, saying they obviously "don't care" about injured and killed military personnel pre 2020. When they rebut that obvious and offensive mistruth, he doubles down with:

"All I get from your response is that you don't care. That is not a big surprise to me. Maybe you should try extricating your head from your anus. The fresh air will do you a world of good. FTR, even up my anus the sun shines brightly and the fresh air flows freely."

No one is questioning cradle's "authenticity", simply that he refuses to acknowledge that military personnel since Biden took office have not been killed by Iranian proxies...a good thing, right? But cradle refuses to acknowledge this good thing, "doesn't care" that people haven't been killed...it's a retort to a very personal and rather dumb personal insult. A slap back.

I'm not going to throw the flag on the last when it's so much less offensive than the prior. I'm throwing the flag on the repeated strikes by the former.

And by that I'm not meaning I've reported it, but it's getting over the top IMO.
Throw the flag. I implore you to do so. Throw the mother effing flag. You would be doing me a huge solid... The people on this forum, few as they may be understand who and what you are. I have enough PMs from them that agree with me. You and your Nelson Rockefeller blue blood pathetic ass Republicans are as out of touch with reality as could possibly be. Can you refresh my memory as to why you love Nelson so much?
Before my time...as was Ike. Lincoln too! ;)
Reagan, HW...in my time.

But yeah, governance from the middle, respecting pluralism, are consistent with my values.

Extremism no.

As to flags, I try to reserve them for when things get so toxic that it likely turns readers off to ever participating.
So what was your personal opinion of Nelson Rockefeller? A pretty simple and straightforward question. He couldn't have been "before your time" You have a few years on me and I remember Nelsons legacy in NYS very clearly. FTR, my memory is much better than yours. I do remember comments you have made in the past. ;) I know you love doing research like this...pull out your shovel and start digging.... :D
I refreshed my memory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_Rockefeller

He died before I cast my first vote for President.

I'd definitely associate myself ideologically with the liberal/moderate wing of the Republican Party, which he represented ala Ike, TR, Lincoln rather than the Goldwater wing, McCarthy wing. Reagan came up through the Goldwater wing, but even he'd be a RINO in today's MAGA Party.

Mac Mathias would be a good fit overlapping Rockefeller; up your way a little later, Jack Kemp.

Rockefeller had a quite accomplished long life in public service and policy. I would not ascribe to 100% of his views, but that's with the benefit of hindsight. As a politician, winning the Governorship of NYS four straight time, like Pataki's more recent 3 times, indicates that New York is willing to vote for moderate Republicans over Dems. 4 times is very impressive. Probably drove your Democrat family crazy?

The "Communist State of Massachusetts" is quite willing to vote Republican, most recently Baker, Romney, Swift, Celluci, Weld...

My very blue state of Maryland...Hogan most recently...would have won again, but we have a two term cap.
Here in Upstate NY Rockefeller will always be despised and hated and loathed for his decision to retake Attica prison in 1971. You might recall that his order to retake the prison by force caused the deaths of 29 BLACK inmates who were shot to death in the assault not including the hostage guards that also died. So for a Rockefeller liberal Republican so hypersensitive about the rights of black folks kindly don't forget that one of your iconic heroes had no problem at all authorizing the murder of black inmates. That is just in case you forget like you are prone to do rather frequently .

I guess I can brag about my memory vs your memory here. I've responded to your posts multiple times where you opined that I've been brainwashed by FOX news. I've informed you multiple times I don't listen to FOX news. So I asked myself why would that be? Then your denseness and demeanor answered it for me. You don't give a f**k about anything I say to you. I'm just an insignificant no nothing peon as far as your concerned. It explains why I can tell you something time and time again and it goes in one ear and right the other. That is your arrogance and elitism shining through.

So just to impress you, I remember your telling us all about those mother effing rednecks who stood up and sang Dixie at your elitist private old rich white guys party. You profusely apologized to every black person afterwards that would listen to your pasty faced old white guy apology. You ready to apologize to the families of all those black folks who your hero Nelson gunned down in cold blood in that courtyard of Attica prison? That should be pretty easy for you to do? Your pretty god damn good when it comes to apologizing to black people for injustices they have had to endure. Does that include the injustice dealt out by your hero Nelson at Attica prison?

As always....GO BILLS......

I hope someday Old Sod you address your chronic case of CRS with your doctor. How many times on average does someone have to tell you the same thing before you finally remember it? :D
Tragic decision; note the bolded above.

Just guessing, but from your other comments on here about what the police should have done on January 6, I'd bet you and your family thought very differently at the time...only in the aftermath did you perhaps reconsider? Or is only now that you think police should be much tougher?

Rockefeller, himself, responded in the months following quite differently, hopefully horrified by the outcome.

On the "rednecks", it was a bunch of wannabe "Southerners". Over half the crowd. 1988. I was 31. I'm glad my table responded entirely differently and I'm glad that I spoke with the staff right away. It apparently meant something, as it was remembered 30 years later as the now top staff manager retired.

I have no idea why you keep bringing up Fox when I don't mention it at all in exchanges with you. But you do you.
Project away with all your insecurities that you're "just an insignificant no nothing peon" in my eyes... in response to my being civil in discussions with you. Discussions I needn't bother to have, but do.

Nice job by the Bills, as I'd predicted yesterday.
Very Good team...looked like the crowd had a lot of fun with the snow after each score!
Thank you for your response. I thought I explained it to very clearly. I will try again one more time. Are you paying attention??? On multiple occasions on posts that I made you chided me for spouting Fox News talking points. On multiple occasions I politely reminded you that I don't listen to FOX news. The fact that I still have to remind you of what you said to me multiple times only makes you look clueless. :roll: The fact you don't remember our back and forth on this over a long period of times tells me all I need to know. You can't remember chit also called CRS. The other more likely option is you have no respect for what I say to you so much so it isn't worth your bother to even remember it. Does that clear it up for you? Probably not but you can't ever tell me I didn't try. 8-) So do you get it NOW???? I don't listen to FOX and I'm not brainwashed by FOX. Please acknowledge that you finally get it. :D

Just out of curiosity how many times does someone have to tell you the same thing over and over and over before you finally understand? Are you really Joe Biden?? That would explain a lot. :D
If your wife tells you to take out the garbage do you understand that request the first time she asks you?? What happens if she has to ask you 5 times?? I'm assuming that taking out the garbage is not beneath your dignity. :D
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by cradleandshoot »

cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 3:55 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:11 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:59 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:36 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:01 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:36 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:38 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:16 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:36 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:07 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:52 am Nattyboh - "all I get from your response is you obviously don't care about US military personnel today. "

Gaslighting defined!
Did you follow closely the discussion?
If not, might want to read or re-read post after post after post of cradle's diatribes and personal attacks, and avoidance of a serious question, again and again and again.

Or were you giving nattyboh a high five for serving cradle a bit of his own medicine in his last retort?

Seriously, I think the personal attacks are over the top and do nothing to illuminate the topics. Jibes can be fun, but some of the angry stuff doesn't serve any productive purpose. IMO.
No need to follow the discussion closely. If anyone questions craddle's authenticity about those serving, well, then....they are gaslighting him when they imply he does not.

Not answering a question(s) from some fellow posters is not uncommon, especially when we know the MO's, which is often a flex and control of the conversation, while forcing the other to defend themselves from gaslighting claims.

And I agree. I wished you'd call them out more often. You let the best of your fanlax friends around here slide regularly.
I try to uniformly, regardless of agreement or disagreement with the particular viewpoints. I just think going off harshly personally serves little purpose, but I do think that it's important to "play the tape" before 'throwing the flag' on just the last responder.

In this case, it takes just a couple of pages of 'tape' reading to see the repeated straightforward question that cradle avoided. It was posted out again and again, bolded and then larger bold.

It's not controlling the conversation to ask that a basic point be acknowledged. Instead, cradle responded as if he thought there was an entirely different question, again and again, refusing to acknowledge other poster's basic point...and so, instead of acknowledging, he attacks the fellow poster personally, saying they obviously "don't care" about injured and killed military personnel pre 2020. When they rebut that obvious and offensive mistruth, he doubles down with:

"All I get from your response is that you don't care. That is not a big surprise to me. Maybe you should try extricating your head from your anus. The fresh air will do you a world of good. FTR, even up my anus the sun shines brightly and the fresh air flows freely."

No one is questioning cradle's "authenticity", simply that he refuses to acknowledge that military personnel since Biden took office have not been killed by Iranian proxies...a good thing, right? But cradle refuses to acknowledge this good thing, "doesn't care" that people haven't been killed...it's a retort to a very personal and rather dumb personal insult. A slap back.

I'm not going to throw the flag on the last when it's so much less offensive than the prior. I'm throwing the flag on the repeated strikes by the former.

And by that I'm not meaning I've reported it, but it's getting over the top IMO.
Throw the flag. I implore you to do so. Throw the mother effing flag. You would be doing me a huge solid... The people on this forum, few as they may be understand who and what you are. I have enough PMs from them that agree with me. You and your Nelson Rockefeller blue blood pathetic ass Republicans are as out of touch with reality as could possibly be. Can you refresh my memory as to why you love Nelson so much?
Before my time...as was Ike. Lincoln too! ;)
Reagan, HW...in my time.

But yeah, governance from the middle, respecting pluralism, are consistent with my values.

Extremism no.

As to flags, I try to reserve them for when things get so toxic that it likely turns readers off to ever participating.
So what was your personal opinion of Nelson Rockefeller? A pretty simple and straightforward question. He couldn't have been "before your time" You have a few years on me and I remember Nelsons legacy in NYS very clearly. FTR, my memory is much better than yours. I do remember comments you have made in the past. ;) I know you love doing research like this...pull out your shovel and start digging.... :D
I refreshed my memory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_Rockefeller

He died before I cast my first vote for President.

I'd definitely associate myself ideologically with the liberal/moderate wing of the Republican Party, which he represented ala Ike, TR, Lincoln rather than the Goldwater wing, McCarthy wing. Reagan came up through the Goldwater wing, but even he'd be a RINO in today's MAGA Party.

Mac Mathias would be a good fit overlapping Rockefeller; up your way a little later, Jack Kemp.

Rockefeller had a quite accomplished long life in public service and policy. I would not ascribe to 100% of his views, but that's with the benefit of hindsight. As a politician, winning the Governorship of NYS four straight time, like Pataki's more recent 3 times, indicates that New York is willing to vote for moderate Republicans over Dems. 4 times is very impressive. Probably drove your Democrat family crazy?

The "Communist State of Massachusetts" is quite willing to vote Republican, most recently Baker, Romney, Swift, Celluci, Weld...

My very blue state of Maryland...Hogan most recently...would have won again, but we have a two term cap.
Here in Upstate NY Rockefeller will always be despised and hated and loathed for his decision to retake Attica prison in 1971. You might recall that his order to retake the prison by force caused the deaths of 29 BLACK inmates who were shot to death in the assault not including the hostage guards that also died. So for a Rockefeller liberal Republican so hypersensitive about the rights of black folks kindly don't forget that one of your iconic heroes had no problem at all authorizing the murder of black inmates. That is just in case you forget like you are prone to do rather frequently .

I guess I can brag about my memory vs your memory here. I've responded to your posts multiple times where you opined that I've been brainwashed by FOX news. I've informed you multiple times I don't listen to FOX news. So I asked myself why would that be? Then your denseness and demeanor answered it for me. You don't give a f**k about anything I say to you. I'm just an insignificant no nothing peon as far as your concerned. It explains why I can tell you something time and time again and it goes in one ear and right the other. That is your arrogance and elitism shining through.

So just to impress you, I remember your telling us all about those mother effing rednecks who stood up and sang Dixie at your elitist private old rich white guys party. You profusely apologized to every black person afterwards that would listen to your pasty faced old white guy apology. You ready to apologize to the families of all those black folks who your hero Nelson gunned down in cold blood in that courtyard of Attica prison? That should be pretty easy for you to do? Your pretty god damn good when it comes to apologizing to black people for injustices they have had to endure. Does that include the injustice dealt out by your hero Nelson at Attica prison?

As always....GO BILLS......

I hope someday Old Sod you address your chronic case of CRS with your doctor. How many times on average does someone have to tell you the same thing before you finally remember it? :D
Tragic decision; note the bolded above.

Just guessing, but from your other comments on here about what the police should have done on January 6, I'd bet you and your family thought very differently at the time...only in the aftermath did you perhaps reconsider? Or is only now that you think police should be much tougher?

Rockefeller, himself, responded in the months following quite differently, hopefully horrified by the outcome.

On the "rednecks", it was a bunch of wannabe "Southerners". Over half the crowd. 1988. I was 31. I'm glad my table responded entirely differently and I'm glad that I spoke with the staff right away. It apparently meant something, as it was remembered 30 years later as the now top staff manager retired.

I have no idea why you keep bringing up Fox when I don't mention it at all in exchanges with you. But you do you.
Project away with all your insecurities that you're "just an insignificant no nothing peon" in my eyes... in response to my being civil in discussions with you. Discussions I needn't bother to have, but do.

Nice job by the Bills, as I'd predicted yesterday.
Very Good team...looked like the crowd had a lot of fun with the snow after each score!
Thank you for your response. I thought I explained it to very clearly. I will try again one more time. Are you paying attention??? On multiple occasions on posts that I made you chided me for spouting Fox News talking points. On multiple occasions I politely reminded you that I don't listen to FOX news. The fact that I still have to remind you of what you said to me multiple times only makes you look clueless. :roll: The fact you don't remember our back and forth on this over a long period of times tells me all I need to know. You can't remember chit also called CRS. The other more likely option is you have no respect for what I say to you so much so it isn't worth your bother to even remember it. Does that clear it up for you? Probably not but you can't ever tell me I didn't try. 8-) So do you get it NOW???? I don't listen to FOX and I'm not brainwashed by FOX. Please acknowledge that you finally get it. :D

Just out of curiosity how many times does someone have to tell you the same thing over and over and over before you finally understand? Are you really Joe Biden?? That would explain a lot. :D
If your wife tells you to take out the garbage do you understand that request the first time she asks you?? What happens if she has to ask you 5 times?? I'm assuming that taking out the garbage is not beneath your dignity. :D
Update; my post reminded me to take out garbage. My wife didn't even have to remind me...🤪
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 3:55 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:11 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:59 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:36 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:01 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:36 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:38 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:16 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:36 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:07 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:52 am Nattyboh - "all I get from your response is you obviously don't care about US military personnel today. "

Gaslighting defined!
Did you follow closely the discussion?
If not, might want to read or re-read post after post after post of cradle's diatribes and personal attacks, and avoidance of a serious question, again and again and again.

Or were you giving nattyboh a high five for serving cradle a bit of his own medicine in his last retort?

Seriously, I think the personal attacks are over the top and do nothing to illuminate the topics. Jibes can be fun, but some of the angry stuff doesn't serve any productive purpose. IMO.
No need to follow the discussion closely. If anyone questions craddle's authenticity about those serving, well, then....they are gaslighting him when they imply he does not.

Not answering a question(s) from some fellow posters is not uncommon, especially when we know the MO's, which is often a flex and control of the conversation, while forcing the other to defend themselves from gaslighting claims.

And I agree. I wished you'd call them out more often. You let the best of your fanlax friends around here slide regularly.
I try to uniformly, regardless of agreement or disagreement with the particular viewpoints. I just think going off harshly personally serves little purpose, but I do think that it's important to "play the tape" before 'throwing the flag' on just the last responder.

In this case, it takes just a couple of pages of 'tape' reading to see the repeated straightforward question that cradle avoided. It was posted out again and again, bolded and then larger bold.

It's not controlling the conversation to ask that a basic point be acknowledged. Instead, cradle responded as if he thought there was an entirely different question, again and again, refusing to acknowledge other poster's basic point...and so, instead of acknowledging, he attacks the fellow poster personally, saying they obviously "don't care" about injured and killed military personnel pre 2020. When they rebut that obvious and offensive mistruth, he doubles down with:

"All I get from your response is that you don't care. That is not a big surprise to me. Maybe you should try extricating your head from your anus. The fresh air will do you a world of good. FTR, even up my anus the sun shines brightly and the fresh air flows freely."

No one is questioning cradle's "authenticity", simply that he refuses to acknowledge that military personnel since Biden took office have not been killed by Iranian proxies...a good thing, right? But cradle refuses to acknowledge this good thing, "doesn't care" that people haven't been killed...it's a retort to a very personal and rather dumb personal insult. A slap back.

I'm not going to throw the flag on the last when it's so much less offensive than the prior. I'm throwing the flag on the repeated strikes by the former.

And by that I'm not meaning I've reported it, but it's getting over the top IMO.
Throw the flag. I implore you to do so. Throw the mother effing flag. You would be doing me a huge solid... The people on this forum, few as they may be understand who and what you are. I have enough PMs from them that agree with me. You and your Nelson Rockefeller blue blood pathetic ass Republicans are as out of touch with reality as could possibly be. Can you refresh my memory as to why you love Nelson so much?
Before my time...as was Ike. Lincoln too! ;)
Reagan, HW...in my time.

But yeah, governance from the middle, respecting pluralism, are consistent with my values.

Extremism no.

As to flags, I try to reserve them for when things get so toxic that it likely turns readers off to ever participating.
So what was your personal opinion of Nelson Rockefeller? A pretty simple and straightforward question. He couldn't have been "before your time" You have a few years on me and I remember Nelsons legacy in NYS very clearly. FTR, my memory is much better than yours. I do remember comments you have made in the past. ;) I know you love doing research like this...pull out your shovel and start digging.... :D
I refreshed my memory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_Rockefeller

He died before I cast my first vote for President.

I'd definitely associate myself ideologically with the liberal/moderate wing of the Republican Party, which he represented ala Ike, TR, Lincoln rather than the Goldwater wing, McCarthy wing. Reagan came up through the Goldwater wing, but even he'd be a RINO in today's MAGA Party.

Mac Mathias would be a good fit overlapping Rockefeller; up your way a little later, Jack Kemp.

Rockefeller had a quite accomplished long life in public service and policy. I would not ascribe to 100% of his views, but that's with the benefit of hindsight. As a politician, winning the Governorship of NYS four straight time, like Pataki's more recent 3 times, indicates that New York is willing to vote for moderate Republicans over Dems. 4 times is very impressive. Probably drove your Democrat family crazy?

The "Communist State of Massachusetts" is quite willing to vote Republican, most recently Baker, Romney, Swift, Celluci, Weld...

My very blue state of Maryland...Hogan most recently...would have won again, but we have a two term cap.
Here in Upstate NY Rockefeller will always be despised and hated and loathed for his decision to retake Attica prison in 1971. You might recall that his order to retake the prison by force caused the deaths of 29 BLACK inmates who were shot to death in the assault not including the hostage guards that also died. So for a Rockefeller liberal Republican so hypersensitive about the rights of black folks kindly don't forget that one of your iconic heroes had no problem at all authorizing the murder of black inmates. That is just in case you forget like you are prone to do rather frequently .

I guess I can brag about my memory vs your memory here. I've responded to your posts multiple times where you opined that I've been brainwashed by FOX news. I've informed you multiple times I don't listen to FOX news. So I asked myself why would that be? Then your denseness and demeanor answered it for me. You don't give a f**k about anything I say to you. I'm just an insignificant no nothing peon as far as your concerned. It explains why I can tell you something time and time again and it goes in one ear and right the other. That is your arrogance and elitism shining through.

So just to impress you, I remember your telling us all about those mother effing rednecks who stood up and sang Dixie at your elitist private old rich white guys party. You profusely apologized to every black person afterwards that would listen to your pasty faced old white guy apology. You ready to apologize to the families of all those black folks who your hero Nelson gunned down in cold blood in that courtyard of Attica prison? That should be pretty easy for you to do? Your pretty god damn good when it comes to apologizing to black people for injustices they have had to endure. Does that include the injustice dealt out by your hero Nelson at Attica prison?

As always....GO BILLS......

I hope someday Old Sod you address your chronic case of CRS with your doctor. How many times on average does someone have to tell you the same thing before you finally remember it? :D
Tragic decision; note the bolded above.

Just guessing, but from your other comments on here about what the police should have done on January 6, I'd bet you and your family thought very differently at the time...only in the aftermath did you perhaps reconsider? Or is only now that you think police should be much tougher?

Rockefeller, himself, responded in the months following quite differently, hopefully horrified by the outcome.

On the "rednecks", it was a bunch of wannabe "Southerners". Over half the crowd. 1988. I was 31. I'm glad my table responded entirely differently and I'm glad that I spoke with the staff right away. It apparently meant something, as it was remembered 30 years later as the now top staff manager retired.

I have no idea why you keep bringing up Fox when I don't mention it at all in exchanges with you. But you do you.
Project away with all your insecurities that you're "just an insignificant no nothing peon" in my eyes... in response to my being civil in discussions with you. Discussions I needn't bother to have, but do.

Nice job by the Bills, as I'd predicted yesterday.
Very Good team...looked like the crowd had a lot of fun with the snow after each score!
Thank you for your response. I thought I explained it to very clearly. I will try again one more time. Are you paying attention??? On multiple occasions on posts that I made you chided me for spouting Fox News talking points. On multiple occasions I politely reminded you that I don't listen to FOX news. The fact that I still have to remind you of what you said to me multiple times only makes you look clueless. :roll: The fact you don't remember our back and forth on this over a long period of times tells me all I need to know. You can't remember chit also called CRS. The other more likely option is you have no respect for what I say to you so much so it isn't worth your bother to even remember it. Does that clear it up for you? Probably not but you can't ever tell me I didn't try. 8-) So do you get it NOW???? I don't listen to FOX and I'm not brainwashed by FOX. Please acknowledge that you finally get it. :D

Just out of curiosity how many times does someone have to tell you the same thing over and over and over before you finally understand? Are you really Joe Biden?? That would explain a lot. :D
If your wife tells you to take out the garbage do you understand that request the first time she asks you?? What happens if she has to ask you 5 times?? I'm assuming that taking out the garbage is not beneath your dignity. :D
cradle, of course I remember your assurances that you don't watch Fox, don't have cable. So what?

I haven't brought it up re you personally since then. So, why rant at me about it?
None of my posts you keep ranting on have even mentioned Fox, much less comments about Fox been directed at you personally.
Fox has enormous influence in the world of right wing media, as do other Murdoch properties, but they're certainly not the only right wing media.

I also recall just fine that you told me that you get your political (nonsense IMO) mostly through an app that was built-in to your phone. I don't recall the name, but it feeds you, according to its algorithm, the content you most react to, like most such algos. I've seen the stuff you reference and much of it is hard right wing biased. I get it, it triggers you. Triggers a lot of people.

That doesn't mean your views aren't your own, but the algorithm filter of stuff you get fed undoubtedly impacts what is top of mind for you.

I value your point of view, though I may disagree strongly often, but that's what these discussions are for...All I really object to are all the personal attacks. They add nothing of value.
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:11 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 3:55 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:11 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:59 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:36 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:01 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:36 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:38 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:16 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:36 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:07 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:52 am Nattyboh - "all I get from your response is you obviously don't care about US military personnel today. "

Gaslighting defined!
Did you follow closely the discussion?
If not, might want to read or re-read post after post after post of cradle's diatribes and personal attacks, and avoidance of a serious question, again and again and again.

Or were you giving nattyboh a high five for serving cradle a bit of his own medicine in his last retort?

Seriously, I think the personal attacks are over the top and do nothing to illuminate the topics. Jibes can be fun, but some of the angry stuff doesn't serve any productive purpose. IMO.
No need to follow the discussion closely. If anyone questions craddle's authenticity about those serving, well, then....they are gaslighting him when they imply he does not.

Not answering a question(s) from some fellow posters is not uncommon, especially when we know the MO's, which is often a flex and control of the conversation, while forcing the other to defend themselves from gaslighting claims.

And I agree. I wished you'd call them out more often. You let the best of your fanlax friends around here slide regularly.
I try to uniformly, regardless of agreement or disagreement with the particular viewpoints. I just think going off harshly personally serves little purpose, but I do think that it's important to "play the tape" before 'throwing the flag' on just the last responder.

In this case, it takes just a couple of pages of 'tape' reading to see the repeated straightforward question that cradle avoided. It was posted out again and again, bolded and then larger bold.

It's not controlling the conversation to ask that a basic point be acknowledged. Instead, cradle responded as if he thought there was an entirely different question, again and again, refusing to acknowledge other poster's basic point...and so, instead of acknowledging, he attacks the fellow poster personally, saying they obviously "don't care" about injured and killed military personnel pre 2020. When they rebut that obvious and offensive mistruth, he doubles down with:

"All I get from your response is that you don't care. That is not a big surprise to me. Maybe you should try extricating your head from your anus. The fresh air will do you a world of good. FTR, even up my anus the sun shines brightly and the fresh air flows freely."

No one is questioning cradle's "authenticity", simply that he refuses to acknowledge that military personnel since Biden took office have not been killed by Iranian proxies...a good thing, right? But cradle refuses to acknowledge this good thing, "doesn't care" that people haven't been killed...it's a retort to a very personal and rather dumb personal insult. A slap back.

I'm not going to throw the flag on the last when it's so much less offensive than the prior. I'm throwing the flag on the repeated strikes by the former.

And by that I'm not meaning I've reported it, but it's getting over the top IMO.
Throw the flag. I implore you to do so. Throw the mother effing flag. You would be doing me a huge solid... The people on this forum, few as they may be understand who and what you are. I have enough PMs from them that agree with me. You and your Nelson Rockefeller blue blood pathetic ass Republicans are as out of touch with reality as could possibly be. Can you refresh my memory as to why you love Nelson so much?
Before my time...as was Ike. Lincoln too! ;)
Reagan, HW...in my time.

But yeah, governance from the middle, respecting pluralism, are consistent with my values.

Extremism no.

As to flags, I try to reserve them for when things get so toxic that it likely turns readers off to ever participating.
So what was your personal opinion of Nelson Rockefeller? A pretty simple and straightforward question. He couldn't have been "before your time" You have a few years on me and I remember Nelsons legacy in NYS very clearly. FTR, my memory is much better than yours. I do remember comments you have made in the past. ;) I know you love doing research like this...pull out your shovel and start digging.... :D
I refreshed my memory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_Rockefeller

He died before I cast my first vote for President.

I'd definitely associate myself ideologically with the liberal/moderate wing of the Republican Party, which he represented ala Ike, TR, Lincoln rather than the Goldwater wing, McCarthy wing. Reagan came up through the Goldwater wing, but even he'd be a RINO in today's MAGA Party.

Mac Mathias would be a good fit overlapping Rockefeller; up your way a little later, Jack Kemp.

Rockefeller had a quite accomplished long life in public service and policy. I would not ascribe to 100% of his views, but that's with the benefit of hindsight. As a politician, winning the Governorship of NYS four straight time, like Pataki's more recent 3 times, indicates that New York is willing to vote for moderate Republicans over Dems. 4 times is very impressive. Probably drove your Democrat family crazy?

The "Communist State of Massachusetts" is quite willing to vote Republican, most recently Baker, Romney, Swift, Celluci, Weld...

My very blue state of Maryland...Hogan most recently...would have won again, but we have a two term cap.
Here in Upstate NY Rockefeller will always be despised and hated and loathed for his decision to retake Attica prison in 1971. You might recall that his order to retake the prison by force caused the deaths of 29 BLACK inmates who were shot to death in the assault not including the hostage guards that also died. So for a Rockefeller liberal Republican so hypersensitive about the rights of black folks kindly don't forget that one of your iconic heroes had no problem at all authorizing the murder of black inmates. That is just in case you forget like you are prone to do rather frequently .

I guess I can brag about my memory vs your memory here. I've responded to your posts multiple times where you opined that I've been brainwashed by FOX news. I've informed you multiple times I don't listen to FOX news. So I asked myself why would that be? Then your denseness and demeanor answered it for me. You don't give a f**k about anything I say to you. I'm just an insignificant no nothing peon as far as your concerned. It explains why I can tell you something time and time again and it goes in one ear and right the other. That is your arrogance and elitism shining through.

So just to impress you, I remember your telling us all about those mother effing rednecks who stood up and sang Dixie at your elitist private old rich white guys party. You profusely apologized to every black person afterwards that would listen to your pasty faced old white guy apology. You ready to apologize to the families of all those black folks who your hero Nelson gunned down in cold blood in that courtyard of Attica prison? That should be pretty easy for you to do? Your pretty god damn good when it comes to apologizing to black people for injustices they have had to endure. Does that include the injustice dealt out by your hero Nelson at Attica prison?

As always....GO BILLS......

I hope someday Old Sod you address your chronic case of CRS with your doctor. How many times on average does someone have to tell you the same thing before you finally remember it? :D
Tragic decision; note the bolded above.

Just guessing, but from your other comments on here about what the police should have done on January 6, I'd bet you and your family thought very differently at the time...only in the aftermath did you perhaps reconsider? Or is only now that you think police should be much tougher?

Rockefeller, himself, responded in the months following quite differently, hopefully horrified by the outcome.

On the "rednecks", it was a bunch of wannabe "Southerners". Over half the crowd. 1988. I was 31. I'm glad my table responded entirely differently and I'm glad that I spoke with the staff right away. It apparently meant something, as it was remembered 30 years later as the now top staff manager retired.

I have no idea why you keep bringing up Fox when I don't mention it at all in exchanges with you. But you do you.
Project away with all your insecurities that you're "just an insignificant no nothing peon" in my eyes... in response to my being civil in discussions with you. Discussions I needn't bother to have, but do.

Nice job by the Bills, as I'd predicted yesterday.
Very Good team...looked like the crowd had a lot of fun with the snow after each score!
Thank you for your response. I thought I explained it to very clearly. I will try again one more time. Are you paying attention??? On multiple occasions on posts that I made you chided me for spouting Fox News talking points. On multiple occasions I politely reminded you that I don't listen to FOX news. The fact that I still have to remind you of what you said to me multiple times only makes you look clueless. :roll: The fact you don't remember our back and forth on this over a long period of times tells me all I need to know. You can't remember chit also called CRS. The other more likely option is you have no respect for what I say to you so much so it isn't worth your bother to even remember it. Does that clear it up for you? Probably not but you can't ever tell me I didn't try. 8-) So do you get it NOW???? I don't listen to FOX and I'm not brainwashed by FOX. Please acknowledge that you finally get it. :D

Just out of curiosity how many times does someone have to tell you the same thing over and over and over before you finally understand? Are you really Joe Biden?? That would explain a lot. :D
If your wife tells you to take out the garbage do you understand that request the first time she asks you?? What happens if she has to ask you 5 times?? I'm assuming that taking out the garbage is not beneath your dignity. :D
cradle, of course I remember your assurances that you don't watch Fox, don't have cable. So what?

I haven't brought it up re you personally since then. So, why rant at me about it?
None of my posts you keep ranting on have even mentioned Fox, much less comments about Fox been directed at you personally.
Fox has enormous influence in the world of right wing media, as do other Murdoch properties, but they're certainly not the only right wing media.

I also recall just fine that you told me that you get your political (nonsense IMO) mostly through an app that was built-in to your phone. I don't recall the name, but it feeds you, according to its algorithm, the content you most react to, like most such algos. I've seen the stuff you reference and much of it is hard right wing biased. I get it, it triggers you. Triggers a lot of people.

That doesn't mean your views aren't your own, but the algorithm filter of stuff you get fed undoubtedly impacts what is top of mind for you.

I value your point of view, though I may disagree strongly often, but that's what these discussions are for...All I really object to are all the personal attacks. They add nothing of value.
I just almost fell off my chair laughing at your post. The App on my phone is called Newsbreak. It is hardly a brainwashing site. It is a conglomeration of different news articles that come from a wide variety of different news sources all over the world. They report stories on everything happening every where in the world. If you don't believe you can check the site out for yourself. It is nothing more than a different place to go to and find news articles you may not find anywhere else in the mainstream media. I guarantee you there is no brainwashing involved at all. All it involves is news you might not see any other place. They also post a lot of the news you will in other places. Check it out for yourself. It is called Newsbreak.
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by PizzaSnake »

old salt wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 3:50 pm From Defense One.
January 16, 2024
Welcome to this Tuesday edition of The D Brief, brought to you by Ben Watson with Audrey Decker.

Iranian, Turkish, Houthi missile attacks
Iran carried out a ballistic missile attack in Iraqi Kurdistan and inside Syria on Monday while its proxies in Yemen attacked several more ships off the Yemeni coast over the weekend and through Tuesday. Tehran’s Tasnim news agency carried the government’s claim of responsibility for the Monday attacks in Erbil, Iraq, and Idlib, Syria, and said they fired at least two dozen missiles.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps targeted Kurdish construction and private security magnate Peshraw Dizayee, Middle East analyst Charles Lister said. Dizayee appears to have perished in the attacks, which decimated several buildings, as Tasnim illustrated Tuesday with several social media posts. Iraq’s government condemned the attacks, and promised to investigate.

ICYMI: Turkey’s military also carried out airstrikes this weekend inside Iraq and Syria. “The defense ministry said that aircraft struck targets in Metina, Hakurk, Gara and Qandil in northern Iraq, but didn’t specify areas in Syria,” the Associated Press reported Saturday. That attack followed an assault from Kurdish forces Friday evening on a Turkish base inside Iraq; that assault killed nine Turkish troops.

Bigger picture: “Anyone arguing a regional war isn’t already underway in the Middle East is kidding themselves,” Lister said on social media, and warning, the situation across the region “could get a lot worse.”

 Developing: IRGC commanders “are on the ground in Yemen and playing a direct role in Houthi rebel attacks on commercial traffic in the Red Sea,” Semafor reported Monday, citing U.S. and Middle East officials. Leading that push is a man named Gen. Abdul Reza Shahlai, who evaded a U.S. drone strike inside Yemen four years ago. Read more, here.

Rewind: Two Navy SEALs perished at sea during a nighttime naval interdiction operation off the Somali coast Thursday evening. The SEALs were conducting “a complex boarding” of a small boat suspected of carrying illicit cargo to Yemen from Iran, U.S. officials at the Tampa-based Central Command announced Tuesday, after an initial notification of the missing sailors on Friday.

“As two members of the SEAL team tried to board the vessel Thursday night in rough seas, one of the commandos apparently slipped off the boarding ladder,” the New York Times reported Friday. “Another member of the team then jumped into the water to try to rescue the sailor, the officials said. Both soon disappeared in the swells,” officials told the Times.

The interdicted dhow was found to contain “Iranian-made ballistic missile and cruise missile components,” as well as “propulsion, guidance, and warheads for Houthi medium-range ballistic missiles and anti-ship cruise missiles,” CENTCOM said. The episode marks the first such seizure of Iranian missile parts by the U.S. Navy since November 2019. The Navy said the dhow was unsafe, and sank it. The future of its 14 crewmembers were being determined in an unspecified manner, but “in accordance with international law,” according to CENTCOM. (View pictures of the vessel via CENTCOM’s Twitter account, here.)

The same morning, U.S. air and naval forces in the region conducted their retaliatory airstrike campaign against dozens of alleged Houthi missile and radar targets across Yemen, as we reported in our newsletter Friday.

After that initial salvo on Friday, the U.S. military attacked a different radar site inside Yemen early Saturday. Crew on board the USS Carney used Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles to hit a site at about three in the morning, military officials at Central Command said afterward.

About 36 hours later, the Houthis tried to attack the USS Laboon with an anti-ship cruise missile on Saturday afternoon. But an unspecified U.S. fighter aircraft shot the missile down near the Yemeni port city of Hudaydah, CENTCOM said.

Twenty-four hours later, on Sunday, the Houthis struck a U.S.-flagged container ship, M/V Gibraltar Eagle, with an anti-ship ballistic missile. However, the ship’s crew “reported no injuries or significant damage and is continuing its journey,” CENTCOM said Sunday. That ship was reportedly carrying steel products. (Two hours earlier, the Houthis allegedly tried to do the same thing, but that “missile failed in flight and impacted on land in Yemen,” CENTCOM said.)

By the way, the Houthis vowed to widen their attacks in the Red Sea. “The ship doesn't necessarily have to be heading to Israel for us to target it; it is enough for it to be American,” Houthi spokesman Nasruldeen Amer reportedly told al-Jazeera. “The United States is on the verge of losing its maritime security,” he said Monday.

Another ship was hit with a missile while sailing near the Yemeni port city of Aden on Monday, British maritime authorities said. Fortunately the vessel and crew were declared safe, and the ship proceeded to its next port.

The suspected Iranian spy ship, MV Behshad, is sailing off the coast of Aden, British security analysts EOS Risk Group said Monday on social media, and noted that the ship’s crew “is likely providing targeting data to the Houthis ashore in Yemen.”

New: A separate attack on Tuesday struck the cargo hold of a different ship as it transited the southern Red Sea, the Brits announced. It’s unclear if any of the crew were harmed or the nature of the possible damage from that “unknown object.”

What now for the White House? Re-designate the Houthis as a terrorist group, argues Bradley Bowman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies think tank, based in Washington. Once that's done, he advises White House officials to order “increasingly aggressive strikes on Houthi military infrastructure if Houthi attacks continue,” then find out what the Pentagon needs in order to seize more weapons Iran is sending the Houthis.
So, carry more of Israel’s water?


“Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a non-profit think-tank and lobbying institute part of the Israel lobby in the United States, that advocates for hawkish foreign policy.[1][2][3][4] He is a proponent of sanctions against Iran to escalate a confrontation with Iran[5] and was a leading critic of the Iran nuclear agreement, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. According to The New York Times, “Mark Dubowitz’s campaign to draw attention to what he saw as the flaws in the Iran nuclear deal has taken its place among the most consequential ever undertaken by a Washington think tank leader.””

So, foreign policy by “think tank?”
"There is nothing more difficult and more dangerous to carry through than initiating changes. One makes enemies of those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support from those who would prosper under the new."
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by old salt »

PizzaSnake wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:56 pm
So, carry more of Israel’s water?


“Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a non-profit think-tank and lobbying institute part of the Israel lobby in the United States, that advocates for hawkish foreign policy.[1][2][3][4] He is a proponent of sanctions against Iran to escalate a confrontation with Iran[5] and was a leading critic of the Iran nuclear agreement, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. According to The New York Times, “Mark Dubowitz’s campaign to draw attention to what he saw as the flaws in the Iran nuclear deal has taken its place among the most consequential ever undertaken by a Washington think tank leader.””

So, foreign policy by “think tank?”
So, you don't think the Houthis are terrorists for what they are doing in the Red Sea.
Are you a big fan of the Barbary & Somali pirates.
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by Kismet »

old salt wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:11 pm
PizzaSnake wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:56 pm
So, carry more of Israel’s water?


“Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a non-profit think-tank and lobbying institute part of the Israel lobby in the United States, that advocates for hawkish foreign policy.[1][2][3][4] He is a proponent of sanctions against Iran to escalate a confrontation with Iran[5] and was a leading critic of the Iran nuclear agreement, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. According to The New York Times, “Mark Dubowitz’s campaign to draw attention to what he saw as the flaws in the Iran nuclear deal has taken its place among the most consequential ever undertaken by a Washington think tank leader.””

So, foreign policy by “think tank?”
So, you don't think the Houthis are terrorists for what they are doing in the Red Sea.
Are you a big fan of the Barbary & Somali pirates.
Surprised you missed the new that Biden Administration added the Houthis back to the terrorism list yesterday.
I'm sure you have an issue with how and why they did it. :oops:
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by PizzaSnake »

old salt wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:11 pm
PizzaSnake wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:56 pm
So, carry more of Israel’s water?


“Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a non-profit think-tank and lobbying institute part of the Israel lobby in the United States, that advocates for hawkish foreign policy.[1][2][3][4] He is a proponent of sanctions against Iran to escalate a confrontation with Iran[5] and was a leading critic of the Iran nuclear agreement, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. According to The New York Times, “Mark Dubowitz’s campaign to draw attention to what he saw as the flaws in the Iran nuclear deal has taken its place among the most consequential ever undertaken by a Washington think tank leader.””

So, foreign policy by “think tank?”
So, you don't think the Houthis are terrorists for what they are doing in the Red Sea.
Are you a big fan of the Barbary & Somali pirates.
Actually, not what I said at all. But hey, confirmation bias is a good thing, no?

So’s Dunning-Kruger…
"There is nothing more difficult and more dangerous to carry through than initiating changes. One makes enemies of those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support from those who would prosper under the new."
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:26 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:11 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 3:55 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:11 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:59 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:36 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:01 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:36 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:38 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:16 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:36 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:07 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:52 am Nattyboh - "all I get from your response is you obviously don't care about US military personnel today. "

Gaslighting defined!
Did you follow closely the discussion?
If not, might want to read or re-read post after post after post of cradle's diatribes and personal attacks, and avoidance of a serious question, again and again and again.

Or were you giving nattyboh a high five for serving cradle a bit of his own medicine in his last retort?

Seriously, I think the personal attacks are over the top and do nothing to illuminate the topics. Jibes can be fun, but some of the angry stuff doesn't serve any productive purpose. IMO.
No need to follow the discussion closely. If anyone questions craddle's authenticity about those serving, well, then....they are gaslighting him when they imply he does not.

Not answering a question(s) from some fellow posters is not uncommon, especially when we know the MO's, which is often a flex and control of the conversation, while forcing the other to defend themselves from gaslighting claims.

And I agree. I wished you'd call them out more often. You let the best of your fanlax friends around here slide regularly.
I try to uniformly, regardless of agreement or disagreement with the particular viewpoints. I just think going off harshly personally serves little purpose, but I do think that it's important to "play the tape" before 'throwing the flag' on just the last responder.

In this case, it takes just a couple of pages of 'tape' reading to see the repeated straightforward question that cradle avoided. It was posted out again and again, bolded and then larger bold.

It's not controlling the conversation to ask that a basic point be acknowledged. Instead, cradle responded as if he thought there was an entirely different question, again and again, refusing to acknowledge other poster's basic point...and so, instead of acknowledging, he attacks the fellow poster personally, saying they obviously "don't care" about injured and killed military personnel pre 2020. When they rebut that obvious and offensive mistruth, he doubles down with:

"All I get from your response is that you don't care. That is not a big surprise to me. Maybe you should try extricating your head from your anus. The fresh air will do you a world of good. FTR, even up my anus the sun shines brightly and the fresh air flows freely."

No one is questioning cradle's "authenticity", simply that he refuses to acknowledge that military personnel since Biden took office have not been killed by Iranian proxies...a good thing, right? But cradle refuses to acknowledge this good thing, "doesn't care" that people haven't been killed...it's a retort to a very personal and rather dumb personal insult. A slap back.

I'm not going to throw the flag on the last when it's so much less offensive than the prior. I'm throwing the flag on the repeated strikes by the former.

And by that I'm not meaning I've reported it, but it's getting over the top IMO.
Throw the flag. I implore you to do so. Throw the mother effing flag. You would be doing me a huge solid... The people on this forum, few as they may be understand who and what you are. I have enough PMs from them that agree with me. You and your Nelson Rockefeller blue blood pathetic ass Republicans are as out of touch with reality as could possibly be. Can you refresh my memory as to why you love Nelson so much?
Before my time...as was Ike. Lincoln too! ;)
Reagan, HW...in my time.

But yeah, governance from the middle, respecting pluralism, are consistent with my values.

Extremism no.

As to flags, I try to reserve them for when things get so toxic that it likely turns readers off to ever participating.
So what was your personal opinion of Nelson Rockefeller? A pretty simple and straightforward question. He couldn't have been "before your time" You have a few years on me and I remember Nelsons legacy in NYS very clearly. FTR, my memory is much better than yours. I do remember comments you have made in the past. ;) I know you love doing research like this...pull out your shovel and start digging.... :D
I refreshed my memory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_Rockefeller

He died before I cast my first vote for President.

I'd definitely associate myself ideologically with the liberal/moderate wing of the Republican Party, which he represented ala Ike, TR, Lincoln rather than the Goldwater wing, McCarthy wing. Reagan came up through the Goldwater wing, but even he'd be a RINO in today's MAGA Party.

Mac Mathias would be a good fit overlapping Rockefeller; up your way a little later, Jack Kemp.

Rockefeller had a quite accomplished long life in public service and policy. I would not ascribe to 100% of his views, but that's with the benefit of hindsight. As a politician, winning the Governorship of NYS four straight time, like Pataki's more recent 3 times, indicates that New York is willing to vote for moderate Republicans over Dems. 4 times is very impressive. Probably drove your Democrat family crazy?

The "Communist State of Massachusetts" is quite willing to vote Republican, most recently Baker, Romney, Swift, Celluci, Weld...

My very blue state of Maryland...Hogan most recently...would have won again, but we have a two term cap.
Here in Upstate NY Rockefeller will always be despised and hated and loathed for his decision to retake Attica prison in 1971. You might recall that his order to retake the prison by force caused the deaths of 29 BLACK inmates who were shot to death in the assault not including the hostage guards that also died. So for a Rockefeller liberal Republican so hypersensitive about the rights of black folks kindly don't forget that one of your iconic heroes had no problem at all authorizing the murder of black inmates. That is just in case you forget like you are prone to do rather frequently .

I guess I can brag about my memory vs your memory here. I've responded to your posts multiple times where you opined that I've been brainwashed by FOX news. I've informed you multiple times I don't listen to FOX news. So I asked myself why would that be? Then your denseness and demeanor answered it for me. You don't give a f**k about anything I say to you. I'm just an insignificant no nothing peon as far as your concerned. It explains why I can tell you something time and time again and it goes in one ear and right the other. That is your arrogance and elitism shining through.

So just to impress you, I remember your telling us all about those mother effing rednecks who stood up and sang Dixie at your elitist private old rich white guys party. You profusely apologized to every black person afterwards that would listen to your pasty faced old white guy apology. You ready to apologize to the families of all those black folks who your hero Nelson gunned down in cold blood in that courtyard of Attica prison? That should be pretty easy for you to do? Your pretty god damn good when it comes to apologizing to black people for injustices they have had to endure. Does that include the injustice dealt out by your hero Nelson at Attica prison?

As always....GO BILLS......

I hope someday Old Sod you address your chronic case of CRS with your doctor. How many times on average does someone have to tell you the same thing before you finally remember it? :D
Tragic decision; note the bolded above.

Just guessing, but from your other comments on here about what the police should have done on January 6, I'd bet you and your family thought very differently at the time...only in the aftermath did you perhaps reconsider? Or is only now that you think police should be much tougher?

Rockefeller, himself, responded in the months following quite differently, hopefully horrified by the outcome.

On the "rednecks", it was a bunch of wannabe "Southerners". Over half the crowd. 1988. I was 31. I'm glad my table responded entirely differently and I'm glad that I spoke with the staff right away. It apparently meant something, as it was remembered 30 years later as the now top staff manager retired.

I have no idea why you keep bringing up Fox when I don't mention it at all in exchanges with you. But you do you.
Project away with all your insecurities that you're "just an insignificant no nothing peon" in my eyes... in response to my being civil in discussions with you. Discussions I needn't bother to have, but do.

Nice job by the Bills, as I'd predicted yesterday.
Very Good team...looked like the crowd had a lot of fun with the snow after each score!
Thank you for your response. I thought I explained it to very clearly. I will try again one more time. Are you paying attention??? On multiple occasions on posts that I made you chided me for spouting Fox News talking points. On multiple occasions I politely reminded you that I don't listen to FOX news. The fact that I still have to remind you of what you said to me multiple times only makes you look clueless. :roll: The fact you don't remember our back and forth on this over a long period of times tells me all I need to know. You can't remember chit also called CRS. The other more likely option is you have no respect for what I say to you so much so it isn't worth your bother to even remember it. Does that clear it up for you? Probably not but you can't ever tell me I didn't try. 8-) So do you get it NOW???? I don't listen to FOX and I'm not brainwashed by FOX. Please acknowledge that you finally get it. :D

Just out of curiosity how many times does someone have to tell you the same thing over and over and over before you finally understand? Are you really Joe Biden?? That would explain a lot. :D
If your wife tells you to take out the garbage do you understand that request the first time she asks you?? What happens if she has to ask you 5 times?? I'm assuming that taking out the garbage is not beneath your dignity. :D
cradle, of course I remember your assurances that you don't watch Fox, don't have cable. So what?

I haven't brought it up re you personally since then. So, why rant at me about it?
None of my posts you keep ranting on have even mentioned Fox, much less comments about Fox been directed at you personally.
Fox has enormous influence in the world of right wing media, as do other Murdoch properties, but they're certainly not the only right wing media.

I also recall just fine that you told me that you get your political (nonsense IMO) mostly through an app that was built-in to your phone. I don't recall the name, but it feeds you, according to its algorithm, the content you most react to, like most such algos. I've seen the stuff you reference and much of it is hard right wing biased. I get it, it triggers you. Triggers a lot of people.

That doesn't mean your views aren't your own, but the algorithm filter of stuff you get fed undoubtedly impacts what is top of mind for you.

I value your point of view, though I may disagree strongly often, but that's what these discussions are for...All I really object to are all the personal attacks. They add nothing of value.
I just almost fell off my chair laughing at your post. The App on my phone is called Newsbreak. It is hardly a brainwashing site. It is a conglomeration of different news articles that come from a wide variety of different news sources all over the world. They report stories on everything happening every where in the world. If you don't believe you can check the site out for yourself. It is nothing more than a different place to go to and find news articles you may not find anywhere else in the mainstream media. I guarantee you there is no brainwashing involved at all. All it involves is news you might not see any other place. They also post a lot of the news you will in other places. Check it out for yourself. It is called Newsbreak.
Yes, and perhaps you don't remember, ;) :shock: , that we've multiple times discussed Newsbreak and its "interest-based" algorithm. Chinese company.

"The key to News Break's success is an AI-curated personalized and localized news feed tailored for each user. News Break calls its core technology an "interest-based engine" (兴趣引擎). "The interest-based engine combines search, recommendation and intelligent interaction, which requires a high tech stack," CEO Zheng told Chinese media Baijing in 2017."

https://www.protocol.com/china/china-ne ... local-news

They feed you "news" based on what your behaviors and responses indicate highest interest. They're watching you and feeding stuff that gets the most reaction...I'm not going to claim that they are a useful way for the Chinese government to spy on the world, or suggest that exacerbating divisiveness is an objective of the Chinese government in countries that don't control content the way the Chinese do, but I will say that you get the news tailored to you, it's a reflection of who you are not the rest of the world's reality. And if who one is (not saying you) is someone who reacts to messages that feed various biases and bigotries, that suggest flat untrue conspiracy theories, propaganda, etc, that's what one gets a lot of... doesn't matter whether left or right, one gets more and more extreme or untrue content from the most dubious sources if that's what one opens or otherwise reacts to...

I have a similar app on my phone that feeds me news articles, but I consciously choose the publications I'm interested in following, and, for me, that doesn't include any grossly non-journalistic sites.
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by OCanada »

An essay addressing how se got to whete we are and unending warfare. One view

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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by a fan »

OCanada wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 12:44 pm An essay addressing how se got to whete we are and unending warfare. One view

Missed the target, hit the tree. The dismantling of the working class, deregulation, and tax cuts for the rich started with Reagan, not Bush.

Moreover, those tax cuts favored the rich, and led to the inevitable scrapping of the United States’ already inadequate safety net. That further exacerbated the economic divisions in the country, which inevitably translated into the irreconcilable political divisions which we see today.

This. This is why the American working class is consumed with conspiracy theories and culture wars....their economic lot in life is garbage, and their grandparents and parents had it far better. And rather than focus on their economic predicament, they focus on fear.

Biden kept the massive Trump tax cuts, and is expanding our constant wars and funding of wars, so he's on the hook for this program, too.

Meet the new boss.......same as the.....
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by old salt »

Kismet wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 6:39 am
old salt wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:11 pm
PizzaSnake wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:56 pm
So, carry more of Israel’s water?


“Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a non-profit think-tank and lobbying institute part of the Israel lobby in the United States, that advocates for hawkish foreign policy.[1][2][3][4] He is a proponent of sanctions against Iran to escalate a confrontation with Iran[5] and was a leading critic of the Iran nuclear agreement, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. According to The New York Times, “Mark Dubowitz’s campaign to draw attention to what he saw as the flaws in the Iran nuclear deal has taken its place among the most consequential ever undertaken by a Washington think tank leader.””

So, foreign policy by “think tank?”
So, you don't think the Houthis are terrorists for what they are doing in the Red Sea.
Are you a big fan of the Barbary & Somali pirates.
Surprised you missed the new that Biden Administration added the Houthis back to the terrorism list yesterday.
I'm sure you have an issue with how and why they did it. :oops:
What makes you think I missed it ? Duh ! ...better late than ever. Since you're trolling to get me to knock Biden -- here ya go. Were you cheering your boy Biden when he removed them from the terrorist list on his first day in office to suck up with his Iranian mullah buddies. How'd that work out ? Add this to Bob Gates list of Biden's bad decisions, now 40+ years & running. Happy now ? Response to your trolling complete.
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by Kismet »

old salt wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 4:43 pm
Kismet wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 6:39 am
old salt wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:11 pm
PizzaSnake wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:56 pm
So, carry more of Israel’s water?


“Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a non-profit think-tank and lobbying institute part of the Israel lobby in the United States, that advocates for hawkish foreign policy.[1][2][3][4] He is a proponent of sanctions against Iran to escalate a confrontation with Iran[5] and was a leading critic of the Iran nuclear agreement, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. According to The New York Times, “Mark Dubowitz’s campaign to draw attention to what he saw as the flaws in the Iran nuclear deal has taken its place among the most consequential ever undertaken by a Washington think tank leader.””

So, foreign policy by “think tank?”
So, you don't think the Houthis are terrorists for what they are doing in the Red Sea.
Are you a big fan of the Barbary & Somali pirates.
Surprised you missed the new that Biden Administration added the Houthis back to the terrorism list yesterday.
I'm sure you have an issue with how and why they did it. :oops:
What makes you think I missed it ? Duh ! ...better late than ever. Since you're trolling to get me to knock Biden -- here ya go. Were you cheering your boy Biden when he removed them from the terrorist list on his first day in office to suck up with his Iranian mullah buddies. How'd that work out ? Add this to Bob Gates list of Biden's bad decisions, now 40+ years & running. Happy now ? Response to your trolling complete.
You're welcome Saltine TripleTrumpthinskin. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by old salt »

Italy trying to wake up the EU & get them moving in the Red Sea.
This will be fun to watch.

https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/it ... ers_dbrief

You shoot. No you shoot. You take the shot. After you Alphonse.
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:40 pm Italy trying to wake up the EU & get them moving in the Red Sea.
This will be fun to watch.

https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/it ... ers_dbrief
Looks like the Italians understand the free market better than you do.

It seems that, running contrary to your views, America isn't the only economy on Earth that ships things.

I wouldn't worry. Biden thinks like you do, and Italy won't have to do a thing....we'll do it for them, because we're stupid, and don't understand what market forces are.
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:43 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:40 pm Italy trying to wake up the EU & get them moving in the Red Sea.
This will be fun to watch.

https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/it ... ers_dbrief
Looks like the Italians understand the free market better than you do.

It seems that, running contrary to your views, America isn't the only economy on Earth that ships things.

I wouldn't worry. Biden thinks like you do, and Italy won't have to do a thing....we'll do it for them, because we're stupid, and don't understand what market forces are.
You're repeating my position, trying to sound like you disagree, just to be disagreeable.

Let's keep score on the number of ship launched missiles expended, US/UK vs EU.
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:51 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:43 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:40 pm Italy trying to wake up the EU & get them moving in the Red Sea.
This will be fun to watch.

https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/it ... ers_dbrief
Looks like the Italians understand the free market better than you do.

It seems that, running contrary to your views, America isn't the only economy on Earth that ships things.

I wouldn't worry. Biden thinks like you do, and Italy won't have to do a thing....we'll do it for them, because we're stupid, and don't understand what market forces are.
You're repeating my position, trying to sound like you disagree, just to be disagreeable.

Let's keep score on the number of ship launched missiles expended, US/UK vs EU.
Buffalo bagels. You have lectured me REPEATEDLY that it's the US's job to keep all shipping lanes open. Multiple times, over 15+ years.
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:04 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:51 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:43 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:40 pm Italy trying to wake up the EU & get them moving in the Red Sea.
This will be fun to watch.

https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/it ... ers_dbrief
Looks like the Italians understand the free market better than you do.

It seems that, running contrary to your views, America isn't the only economy on Earth that ships things.

I wouldn't worry. Biden thinks like you do, and Italy won't have to do a thing....we'll do it for them, because we're stupid, and don't understand what market forces are.
You're repeating my position, trying to sound like you disagree, just to be disagreeable.

Let's keep score on the number of ship launched missiles expended, US/UK vs EU.
Buffalo bagels. You have lectured me REPEATEDLY that it's the US's job to keep all shipping lanes open. Multiple times, over 15+ years.
Just to be clear. Do you think the US Navy should withdraw from the Red Sea & Gulf of Aden & not do anything to stop the Houthis from closing the Red Sea & Suez to global commercial shipping ? How do you think that would play out ?
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:17 pm Just to be clear. Do you think the US Navy should withdraw from the Red Sea & Gulf of Aden & not do anything to stop the Houthis from closing the Red Sea & Suez to global commercial shipping ? How do you think that would play out ?

You had kids, no? How did you teach your kids to be self-reliant? Did you solve all their problems for them?

Or did you teach them to solve their own problems?

This is NOWHERE NEAR the United States. How the F is this OUR problem? France doesn't use this strait? Germany? England?

These countries ALL have shipyards, and are perfectly capable of building fleets. If you want them to continue their feigned helplessness....the US should fix the problem for them, as we have done since WWII. We have TRAINED these countries to let us do all the heavy lifting...without paying us for the service. It's idiotic.
old salt wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:17 pm How do you think that would play out ?
Exactly as it is: shipping stops going through here, and economies in the area will suffer the most.

This the free market. I have run out of ways to explain to you how free markets work.

That said, they have popped US ships. I have said before: Iran will stop playing games if you start dropping their ships. The Iranians aren't the only ones who have missiles. Hit them until they stop playing games with US ships. I have NO problem with the US defending its country and its ships.
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Re: Our Undeclared Wars

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:26 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:17 pm Just to be clear. Do you think the US Navy should withdraw from the Red Sea & Gulf of Aden & not do anything to stop the Houthis from closing the Red Sea & Suez to global commercial shipping ? How do you think that would play out ?

You had kids, no? How did you teach your kids to be self-reliant? Did you solve all their problems for them?

Or did you teach them to solve their own problems?

This is NOWHERE NEAR the United States. How the F is this OUR problem? France doesn't use this strait? Germany? England?

These countries ALL have shipyards, and are perfectly capable of building fleets. If you want them to continue their feigned helplessness....the US should fix the problem for them, as we have done since WWII. We have TRAINED these countries to let us do all the heavy lifting...without paying us for the service. It's idiotic.
old salt wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:17 pm How do you think that would play out ?
Exactly as it is: shipping stops going through here, and economies in the area will suffer the most.

This the free market. I have run out of ways to explain to you how free markets work.

That said, they have popped US ships. I have said before: Iran will stop playing games if you start dropping their ships. The Iranians aren't the only ones who have missiles. Hit them until they stop playing games with US ships. I have NO problem with the US defending its country and its ships.
So you think ME countries are the only ones who use the Red Sea & Suez Canal & the only ME economies which will suffer.

It's the primary link between Asia & Europe/ N America. ...or will they use Biden's TransAfricaRR ?
a fan wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:26 pm That said, they have popped US ships. I have said before: Iran will stop playing games if you start dropping their ships. The Iranians aren't the only ones who have missiles. Hit them until they stop playing games with US ships. I have NO problem with the US defending its country and its ships.
:lol: ...so now you're arguing with yourself. How do you hit them if we don't deploy US Navy warships to the region ?

I've explained to you before that US Navy warships with the AEGIS system are the only warships capable of intercepting ballistic missiles like the Iranian models the Houthis are using. We could use help from other NATO & EU navies in shooting down the drones & cruise missiles.

Who else has the capability of "hitting" Iran like you recommend, then dealing with the aftermath ? Now you're advocating for another ME war.
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