2020 Elections - Trump FIRED

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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by jhu72 »

Biden campaign donations have been coming in at a rate of $1,000,000 per hour since the Harris VP announcement. Sets a record for VP picks.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by tech37 »

a fan wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:26 pm
tech37 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 2:34 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 1:35 pm
6ftstick wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 1:02 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 12:59 pm
tech37 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 12:48 pmWell that got fixed real well :roll: Now, no one can go to college without being inundated by leftist ideals and concepts, not only enforced by liberal students but admin and faculty as well. And god forbid anyone who dares speak against it... are crushed. When did American Universities stop being sanctuaries of free-thinking and diverse ideas?
:lol: More FoxNation hogwash.

If this has been happening at America's elite Universities for three generations, as you and 6 apparently think...and all our leaders and top earners have been brainwashed into being hardcore lefties....how the F is our country several steps to the right of every single other 1st world nation on Earth?

Take your time, and give me an answer. You won't, because you know this is an utterly ridiculous charge. If we've been educated by hardcore lefties for the last 50 years, explain how:

-we still have a massive military industrial complex, with bases all over the world, and we've been at war without a break since WWII
-we don't have government provided health care, unlike EVERY OTHER 1st WORLD NATION :lol:
-we don't have government provided higher learning, unlike EVERY OTHER 1st WORLD NATION
-and why, with all these lefties running things, we've allowed the gap between rich and poor to explode
-and why, with all these lefties running things, upward mobility has fallen apart in America, compared with other 1st world nation

And that's just for starters, Tech. What you are positing is utter nonsense. Utter, complete nonsense.
Do you deny the left has controlled all our institutions since the great society?
So after listing all the above things----you STILL Think American has been a lefty paradise for the last 50 years, eh?

Post Great Society? Oh yeah, Nixon was hardcore left. Followed by even more hardcore lefty Ford.

And then, I will grant you that a a Hollywoood Union man in Ronald Reagan arrived. I take it you think he's hard left?

Then there's Bush who arrived, and gave us his hard left policy of starting a war in Iraq and Kuwait.

Boy. When will the hardcore lefties who led all our institutions end, Six?

Then there's Clinton, who signed NAFTA, plunging the last dagger into the corpse of American labor unions. Wow, what a lefty.

Followed by hardcore lefty Bush, who started yet another war----because that's what hippies do, of course. Lefty hippies LOVE fighting pointless wars when America isn't attacked.

You're 100% entitled to your views, Six....but by any measure, the American Right and the American Center have been running things for 50 years. Without any question whatsoever.
OMG, you really are blind. And once again you famously create a straw man. Who said anything about the last fifty years? Do you realize you simply make this stuff up?
Font big enough for ya Tech, or is the problem that you have no attention to detail?

So to answer your question, 6footstick was the one who mentioned the lefties running, and I quote "the left has controlled all our institutions since the great society?"

How long ago was the Great Society signed into law Tech? It's been over 50 years.

Do I need to spell the rest out for ya, or have you figured out that 6foot is the one who "said anything about the last 50 years"?

tech37 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 2:34 pm I don't have all f'ing day to post stuff for you but perhaps these articles may help:


“students largely agree that the political and social climate on college campuses prevents some students from saying what they really believe because they’re afraid of offending their classmates.” The data revealed that 68% felt silenced because “their campus climate precludes students from expressing their true opinions because their classmates might find them offensive.”[/i]

I could go on...
Oh no! Lefties are pains in the *ss on College Campuses!!! If 68% doesn't alarm you, then you obviously have your head up your a$$. Now think back a fan when you were learning your disingenuous debate methods in school... I highly doubt you had to deal with an established hyper-sensitive awareness collective, concerned with social and racial justice. Back then, it may have made a little more sense, but now?...not so much, it's contrived. It's bogus, dishonest, divisive, and dangerous (due to violence) in this day and age.

I could pull pieces from any student newspapers at any point from 1969 on, and show you lefties doing their thing. Of course, we were involved in an immoral war...made perfect sense. What does that have to do with 2020? You can't just continue to make silly comparisons when they don't make any sense. I'm assuming you attended college? I'd wager these events took place on your campus, but you paid no mind whatsoever, because everyone was too busy studying or having a social life to care about what the libs were doing. But they were there, right as rain, I promise. There was absolutely no restraint on free speech and no racial unrest at the schools I attended. Remember, that's what we're discussing (wokeness!), just so you don't wander off. You think that that's changed? Without a doubt. College kids aren't spending their free time looking for the biggest party they can find? Instead, they're plotting to overthrow Trump? :lol:

Sure, keep up the mockery a fan. We'll see where things go.

Are the campus libs annoying? Yep. Are they making no logical sense? Yep. Same as it ever was. They're kids, feeling their intellectual oats. "They've got it all figured out". Same as it ever was.....
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by a fan »

tech37 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:09 pm Of course, we were involved in an immoral war...made perfect sense
:lol: Riiiiight. American Conservatives in the 1960's and 70's thought that those hippies and their complaints "made perfect sense".

Why is it that the people who complain about revisionist history are ALWAYS the people who just make up what happened in the past from whole cloth, and pass it off as truth?

Dude. Middle Americans thought that the hippies had LOST THEIR MINDS. They thought their protests made NO sense, not perfect sense. It was a MASSIVE cultural change, and for the parents of hippies? The entire world seemed insane.

The Republican survived. Both the older generation, and the insane hippies just fine.

And you keep doing this thing where you think that the present isn't a reflection of the past. Why study history at all if you can't glean knowledge and understanding from the past?
tech37 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:09 pm What does that have to do with 2020? You can't just continue to make silly comparisons when they don't make any sense.

So you say. Keep ignoring the past, tech. I'm sure there's NOTHING we can learn from it. Sounds like a wise path.

tech37 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:09 pm There was absolutely no restraint on free speech and no racial unrest at the schools I attended.
Ok. Now what years were you in school?

And why would that answer be important in helping you understand what's going on many, but not all, campuses?
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by tech37 »

a fan wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:29 pm
tech37 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:09 pm Of course, we were involved in an immoral war...made perfect sense
:lol: Riiiiight. American Conservatives in the 1960's and 70's thought that those hippies and their complaints "made perfect sense".

Why is it that the people who complain about revisionist history are ALWAYS the people who just make up what happened in the past from whole cloth, and pass it off as truth?

Dude. Middle Americans thought that the hippies had LOST THEIR MINDS. They thought their protests made NO sense, not perfect sense. It was a MASSIVE cultural change, and for the parents of hippies? The entire world seemed insane.

The Republican survived. Both the older generation, and the insane hippies just fine.

And you keep doing this thing where you think that the present isn't a reflection of the past. Why study history at all if you can't glean knowledge and understanding from the past?
tech37 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:09 pm What does that have to do with 2020? You can't just continue to make silly comparisons when they don't make any sense.

So you say. Keep ignoring the past, tech. I'm sure there's NOTHING we can learn from it. Sounds like a wise path.

tech37 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:09 pm There was absolutely no restraint on free speech and no racial unrest at the schools I attended.
Ok. Now what years were you in school?

And why would that answer be important in helping you understand what's going on many, but not all, campuses?
:lol: Holy sh!t a fan... you're the one who said "same as it ever was" but then cite, when I went to school, to say why things have changed. You really are full of sh!t, do you realize that?

And thanks for the, stating-the-obvious, historical relevance lesson. :roll: Just more ego flexing on your part...
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by a fan »

tech37 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:39 pm :lol: Holy sh!t a fan... you're the one who said "same as it ever was" but then cite, when I went to school, to say why things have changed. You really are full of sh!t, do you realize that?
:lol: No, you just don't want to listen.

There are annoying libs on campus-----same as it ever was.

I recognized that you're older....I forget sometimes...so I asked what years were you in college.

1970's, early 80's, right? You mentioned that there was no racial unrest at your campus.

Think for a second, for heaven's sake. Even with the same libs on campus-----what's the makeup of those libs in 2020 vs. what it looked like in the 1970's, or even 1980's?

Think. Use your head. What HAS changed?
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by old salt »

Tonight's movie in the Wardroom :
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:54 pm Tonight's movie in the Wardroom :
This should be next.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by tech37 »

a fan wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:49 pm
tech37 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:39 pm :lol: Holy sh!t a fan... you're the one who said "same as it ever was" but then cite, when I went to school, to say why things have changed. You really are full of sh!t, do you realize that?
:lol: No, you just don't want to listen.

There are annoying libs on campus-----same as it ever was.

I recognized that you're older....I forget sometimes...so I asked what years were you in college.

1970's, early 80's, right? You mentioned that there was no racial unrest at your campus.

Think for a second, for heaven's sake. Even with the same libs on campus-----what's the makeup of those libs in 2020 vs. what it looked like in the 1970's, or even 1980's?

What HAS changed? BLM, Antifa and all it's components, Cancel Culture, Virtue Signaling, Defund (abolish) Police, Culture Warriors, White Privilege/Fragility, Sanctuary Cities, Open borders, etc., etc. Do you endorse these things a fan?
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

tech37 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:20 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:49 pm
tech37 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:39 pm :lol: Holy sh!t a fan... you're the one who said "same as it ever was" but then cite, when I went to school, to say why things have changed. You really are full of sh!t, do you realize that?
:lol: No, you just don't want to listen.

There are annoying libs on campus-----same as it ever was.

I recognized that you're older....I forget sometimes...so I asked what years were you in college.

1970's, early 80's, right? You mentioned that there was no racial unrest at your campus.

Think for a second, for heaven's sake. Even with the same libs on campus-----what's the makeup of those libs in 2020 vs. what it looked like in the 1970's, or even 1980's?

What HAS changed? BLM, Antifa and all it's components, Cancel Culture, Virtue Signaling, Defund (abolish) Police, Culture Warriors, White Privilege/Fragility, Sanctuary Cities, Open borders, etc., etc. Do you endorse these things a fan?
What is wrong with Black Lives Matter? What is it that you oppose? I understand those other items but what is it about Black Lives Matter that caused you to lump it with those other things?

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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by youthathletics »

NYPD officially backs Trump.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

youthathletics wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:09 pm NYPD officially backs Trump.
Didn’t they back Hillary during the last election?

EDIT: no endorsements last election.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Bogota, Colombia:

USPS closing some posts offices for lunch, ending extended evening hours
In the St. Louis area, some post offices that had been open until 6:30 p.m. -- specifically to serve people getting off-work -- would start to close at 5:00 p.m, according to Rebecca Livingston, American Postal Workers Union president of the St. Louis Gateway chapter.
Union officials in West Virginia, Florida and Missouri also said workers are being told that post offices must close an hour for lunch.
Lunch "is historically their busier times," Sinikka Melvin, the president of the Clarksburg, West Virginia, local American Postal Worker Union, told CNN.
People often come in during their own lunch hour to send mail or purchase USPS retail products like stamps, according to Melvin. USPS reducing the retail hours worries union officials, who believe it could create long lines at clerk windows during the election season.
Compounding the problem, those lines could be lengthened by the reductions in the letter collection boxes in neighborhoods and outside post offices, Melvin and other union officials told CNN.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by a fan »

tech37 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:20 pm BLM, Antifa and all it's components, Cancel Culture, Virtue Signaling, Defund (abolish) Police, Culture Warriors, White Privilege/Fragility, Sanctuary Cities, Open borders, etc., etc. Do you endorse these things a fan?
No. What I was referring to are the obvious consequences of FINALLY allowing minorities to attend college outside of token numbers.

So in 1980? 83% of all kids in college were white.

It's down to 56%, and still dropping.

You can't have that without some serious social and cultural changes.

So when I ---and quite a few here---- hear complaints about cultural change? What I hear is that white Americans are freaked out that other voices are being heard. Voices that they don't recognize, so it makes them uncomfortable.

Recognize it for what it is.....America is hearing from new voices. No big deal. Or go right ahead and panic...whatever works. ;)

As for your laundry list?

Cancel culture was called boycotts when you were a kid. Happened all the time. Or, heaven forbid, you come out as gay? Your family, business and everything else would "cancel" you. Immediately. Not a new thing.

Open borders? Maybe next time Republicans will get off their *sses and pass a bill. You don't get to have total control of government for two years, not lift a finger to fix immigration....and then whine like a baby about "open borders". Fix the problem, or stop whining. Pick one.

Virtue signaling? Oh yeah, that's new. You would NEVER signal your worth or virtue in you day, right? That you did the right things. That you thought the right thoughts. That you listened to right bands. Joined the right teams. Went to the right church. :roll: Please. This ain't new.

Defund the police-----yeah, I keep forgetting about how you, 6ft and other righties think that government is too small, and doesn't have any management problems or problems with waste and fraud. We should TOTALLY spend more on government, and ignore red flags that there are any problems at any level of government. It's 100% normal to PAY the government to murder citizens in broad daylight, and boy, when i heard about that murder? I thought to myself "wow, just when I thought government couldn't be more flawlesss...." :lol: So yeah, I'm on board. Don't bother fixing police departments, tech. They're perfect.

Sanctuary cities? Vehemently against them. Get off your *sses and fix the problem. Like Trump, Obama had governmental control for two years. They could have fixed immigration. They didn't. So stop whining, and follow Federal law.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by holmes435 »

I loved The Postman & Waterworld.

Weirdly enough the apocalypse in the U.S. in The Postman was instigated by plagues and internal civil strife.

Took a guy pretending to be a Postman to give us hope again.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by kramerica.inc »

Get your a55 to the polls. Fauci has has spoken:

https://www.dailywire.com/news/fauci-ap ... ce=twitter
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by seacoaster »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:22 pm
youthathletics wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:09 pm NYPD officially backs Trump.
Didn’t they back Hillary during the last election?

EDIT: no endorsements last election.
Not the NYPD; the PBA.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by cradleandshoot »

https://fortworthbusiness.com/news/repo ... ng-delays/

Yeppers, smooth sailing for the 2020 election... no problems on the horizon at all. 8-)
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by cradleandshoot »

holmes435 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:43 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:34 pm
holmes435 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:31 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:11 pm https://www.independentsentinel.com/we- ... rt-c-byrd/

Old Joe sure had some love for the racist SOB didn't he?
Do you believe people have the ability to grow and change over the course of a few decades?
I think when Byrd blurted out his "white n****r" phrase he answered your question in spades. Byrd assumed room temperature as the same racist SOB he always was.
If a racist person votes for anti-racist legislature for decades, what then?
Ever heard of something called guilt. In your eyes Robert Byrd redeemed himself from a lifetime of hate. In my eyes he died being the same racist hate filled SOB he ever was. It is astounding to me how much the hate filled and angry FLP folks that live on this forum seem so fickle about who they grant absolution to. :roll:
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by tech37 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:52 pm
tech37 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:20 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:49 pm
tech37 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:39 pm :lol: Holy sh!t a fan... you're the one who said "same as it ever was" but then cite, when I went to school, to say why things have changed. You really are full of sh!t, do you realize that?
:lol: No, you just don't want to listen.

There are annoying libs on campus-----same as it ever was.

I recognized that you're older....I forget sometimes...so I asked what years were you in college.

1970's, early 80's, right? You mentioned that there was no racial unrest at your campus.

Think for a second, for heaven's sake. Even with the same libs on campus-----what's the makeup of those libs in 2020 vs. what it looked like in the 1970's, or even 1980's?

What HAS changed? BLM, Antifa and all it's components, Cancel Culture, Virtue Signaling, Defund (abolish) Police, Culture Warriors, White Privilege/Fragility, Sanctuary Cities, Open borders, etc., etc. Do you endorse these things a fan?
What is wrong with Black Lives Matter? What is it that you oppose? I understand those other items but what is it about Black Lives Matter that caused you to lump it with those other things?
This has already been discussed. IMO, BLM is a sham organization, starting with what they call themselves, which is a complete misnomer. We only hear from them when something is politically advantageous for the organization, meanwhile, countless black and brown people are murdered daily across the nation, and we hear nothing from them.

If you tell me they are against police brutality (which obviously needs to be addressed) that's fine but why stop there if your motives are sincere?

If it hasn't been changed, their Mission Statement states things that emphasizes their political and counter culture nature, not to mention that some of their leaders are self-proclaimed Marxists. Read it and figure it out if you haven't already.

Thousands of people (including many white) came out to protest Floyd's murder displaying Black Lives Matter wherever possible. You do realize that that had nothing to do with the organization itself? Just more reason I find their name deceptive/dishonest.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Desperate Don is Panicking

Post by seacoaster »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 7:15 am https://fortworthbusiness.com/news/repo ... ng-delays/

Yeppers, smooth sailing for the 2020 election... no problems on the horizon at all. 8-)
Yes, it is now totally clear that the President is using the postal service to disenfranchise ordinary citizens. And not really a peep from Republicans in Congress, with the exception, so far, of Susan Collins and Romney. And this is well apart from needed checks, medicines, etc., that arrive by mail.

One problem with this months-long strategy of discrediting the election he is running in (with every conceivable advantage of incumbency), the manner in which people are voting, and the obvious use of the USPS to discredit and extinguish votes: If Trump were to win reelection, the questions about his legitimacy would be overwhelming. Much more than the last time around, where he won the Electoral College and lost the popular vote. If you think the resistance to his Presidency was strong this time, just wait.

This is what a vote for Trump endorses. There's really no credible argument to the contrary.
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