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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:05 am
by LandM
I am an Independent and have been my whole voting life. I have a choice of either voting in NY or CO. My vote in NY never counts so I am thinking of switching to CO. Problem is as an I, no primary vote - until states allow an I to vote in them I am afraid we will continue to get the same tired rhetoric.

I am blaming both sides but the rhetoric from those three which many times is ill-informed, pontificating, and use of language is not good. Yes, I know about Trump. But when someone says they will not have kids because of Greenhouse gases, get in a row boat, hit China, India, most of the rest of Asia then cruise to Central America.....solve the problem not cry about it. Pelosi has been right all along, take a glass of water, stick a sticky note with a D on it and those districts are reliably D, many right now are not. So why squeeze your other freshman D's with your pontificate. AOC won with 28,000 total votes but has 4 million twitter followers....I just wish she would pay her back NY State business taxes.

Surprisingly we have had different experiences. I have had friends tell me they voted for Trump and will do so again and friends who voted for HRC that will be voting for Trump. To me this is like Ground Hog Day everyday. If Warren is the candidate she is gonna get buzz sawed on her heritage, pregnancy firing, CFPB, and the DEM's not holding an Impeachment vote. Trump is doing an Ali rope-a-dope just waiting for that left hook and then the right and it is over.

Hopefully someone new emerges.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:15 am
by seacoaster
tech37 wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:11 pm
seacoaster wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:06 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:02 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2019 8:54 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2019 8:50 pm Hot off the press: ... qcayyywdgp

Dems will not call vote.
not yet.
Nancy wants to let this build a few more heart beats first.
It's building very fast.
Certainly, drag he country through a condescending partisan impeachment inquiry. Shiat or get off the pot.
Republicans always want to speed an investigation, when not in charge of it. Midterms had consequences. Using the office of the president for dirty, personal electoral gain is worthy of careful and comprehensive investigation.
Seacoaster is nervous.
Hah. Might as well close the loop: about what?

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:28 am
by smoova
LandM wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:05 am I am an Independent and have been my whole voting life. I have a choice of either voting in NY or CO. My vote in NY never counts so I am thinking of switching to CO. Problem is as an I, no primary vote - until states allow an I to vote in them I am afraid we will continue to get the same tired rhetoric.
Independents may vote in one (either D or R) CO primary.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:33 am
by seacoaster
smoova wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:28 am
LandM wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:05 am I am an Independent and have been my whole voting life. I have a choice of either voting in NY or CO. My vote in NY never counts so I am thinking of switching to CO. Problem is as an I, no primary vote - until states allow an I to vote in them I am afraid we will continue to get the same tired rhetoric.
Independents may vote in one (either D or R) CO primary.
Right, exactly; in NH, Independents actually get to play the field and vote in whichever primary they want. I have always assumed it is the same in other states.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:41 am
by seacoaster
youthathletics wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2019 10:08 pm My argument isn’t a legal reason for a vote, rather a vote would put their backs against the wall because they “the house judiciary” would need to appoint a prosecutor committee for trial in the senate.
Right, so your interest in the vote has nothing to do with the law or the process that underlies an investigation into potentially impeachable offenses. Pelosi has you exactly right: she won't be bullied or made to call stupid bluffs by people who don't understand the law of the land. This is just one of the stupid talking points Dear Duce and his acolytes have prepared for you to advance. Party/Leader/Demagogue over country. Check.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:46 am
by foreverlax
LandM wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:05 am CU,
I am an Independent and have been my whole voting life. I have a choice of either voting in NY or CO. My vote in NY never counts so I am thinking of switching to CO. Problem is as an I, no primary vote - until states allow an I to vote in them I am afraid we will continue to get the same tired rhetoric.

I am blaming both sides but the rhetoric from those three which many times is ill-informed, pontificating, and use of language is not good. Yes, I know about Trump. But when someone says they will not have kids because of Greenhouse gases, get in a row boat, hit China, India, most of the rest of Asia then cruise to Central America.....solve the problem not cry about it. Pelosi has been right all along, take a glass of water, stick a sticky note with a D on it and those districts are reliably D, many right now are not. So why squeeze your other freshman D's with your pontificate. AOC won with 28,000 total votes but has 4 million twitter followers....I just wish she would pay her back NY State business taxes.

Surprisingly we have had different experiences. I have had friends tell me they voted for Trump and will do so again and friends who voted for HRC that will be voting for Trump. To me this is like Ground Hog Day everyday. If Warren is the candidate she is gonna get buzz sawed on her heritage, pregnancy firing, CFPB, and the DEM's not holding an Impeachment vote. Trump is doing an Ali rope-a-dope just waiting for that left hook and then the right and it is over.

Hopefully someone new emerges.
"I have a choice of either voting in NY or CO." - that is exactly the voter fraud that Trump complains about.

Can You Be a Resident of Two States at the Same Time?
Is this even possible?

Yes, it is possible to be a resident of two different states at the same time, though it’s pretty rare. One of the most common of these situations involves someone whose domicile is their home state, but who has been living in a different state for work for more than 184 days. In a situation like this it is conceivable that you could be the resident of two states.

Filing as a resident in two states should be avoided whenever possible. States where you are a resident have the right to tax ALL of your income. This is regardless of where it was earned. If you are a resident of two states, you will likely end up paying more in state taxes than if you were a resident of just one, or a resident of one state and a nonresident of another.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:08 am
by ggait
Right, so your interest in the vote has nothing to do with the law or the process that underlies an investigation into potentially impeachable offenses. Pelosi has you exactly right: she won't be bullied or made to call stupid bluffs by people who don't understand the law of the land. This is just one of the stupid talking points Dear Duce and his acolytes have prepared for you to advance. Party/Leader/Demagogue over country. Check.
Who really thinks the GOP would start cooperating with the House investigation if such vote were to be taken? The pathetic scree from the WH counsel insisting on a vote pointedly did NOT say that would happen.

We all know there would be an endless stream of other stupid faux requirements that would supposedly excuse compliance with the law. Subpoenas can only be validly issued in non-R months!! We will only answer questions on Tuesdays and only if Shifty Schiff is wearing a green hat!!

Get real -- this is coming from the guy who said dozens of times that he'd "love" to sit down with Mueller. Then he negotiated terms for an interview for over a year. Forcing Mueller, who didn't want to die in office, to accept BS written interogatories. We've seen this four corners scam before

Again, let's go with the forking Constitution: The House of Representatives ... shall have the sole Power of Impeachment. Article I, Section 2, Clause 5

Period. Full stop. End of story.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:14 am
by MDlaxfan76
LandM wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2019 6:14 am MD,
I understood it - I may come to your house :D - I am really dreading this but if momma is happy then we are all happy (I guess :o );
BTW, not picking on you, your kid or Gilman - just a different world then how I grew up and raised my son;
Which leads back to the topic at hand - having traveled this great country over the last 8 months - met some very generous people - they are all getting tired of the D.C. politics. My hope is that AOC and Omar get booted - no way Tlaib gets bounced - and we can get back to some sanity. I cannot assure this but in many a swing district if this goes to Impeachment you might see a swing in the House again. Folks are tired of this mess and want legislation, any legislation. I was frankly glad HRC did not win as I thought it would just turn into one investigation after another.......I guess I was wrong.
You would certainly be welcome here, LandM...we've gotten to the point where talking politics at the table is verboten, as my wife's brother (who lives with us) and I can't discuss the topic civilly with one another. He's so full of hate for Dems that it's impossible to discuss anything else but why they're so terrible, whether on policy or as human beings. And then he gets very personal in his attacks on others at the we avoid it.

But if you get to Baltimore in those travels, definitely come on by for a cold libation of your choice. Mine is usually a darker beer, but if you want a mint julep or Southside on the veranda overlooking the cornfields, I'll oblige. ;)

There are indeed all sorts of places and ways to grow up and I envy your travels! My wife, for instance, grew up the last child of 3 to a mom who was a school nurse and a dad who was a commercial fisherman off Cape Cod, many, many generations of fishermen. Public school. All 3 kids put themselves through college (no $ from parents), and in my wife's case Dartmouth and Harvard Business School. She grew up with many of the traits and values we associate with the 'Protestant work ethic', hard work, frugality, privacy, etc.

I do get a chuckle out of folks getting twisted in knots over AOC and crew. They have a mega phone for sure, but it's kinda silly to get worked up about them IMO. BTW, AOC is definitely not going anywhere. And as long as Trump is in the picture, "sanity" is off the table.

Want to fix this level of extremism? Get rid of gerrymandering. And Vote for a moderate every chance you can get.

Yes, folks want actual fixes to problems, not just posturing. There are a whole bunch of pieces of decent legislation passed by the House that McConnell won't even allow to be debated in the Senate much less go to conference for compromise. And even some bi-partisan bills on his desk from within the Senate he won't bring to the floor. Why? Because he can't get a straight answer from the WH that he can trust as to whether the bills would be supported or vetoed.

Get rid of the bum in the WH.
Stuff will begin to move.
But also send the signal that the extreme wings of both parties are not supported.

I realize that many of my friends and fellow GOP members think that the problems are driven by Dems going after Trump's 'ways', but I truly think this is all on Trump...he's corrupt and an arrogant jerk and has been all his life.

That's on him, not the opposition party, the media, the Deep State.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:19 am
by ggait
I am an Independent and have been my whole voting life. I have a choice of either voting in NY or CO. My vote in NY never counts so I am thinking of switching to CO. Problem is as an I, no primary vote - until states allow an I to vote in them I am afraid we will continue to get the same tired rhetoric.
Do it LandM.

There will be a CO primary in 2020 for the first time -- 2016 was a dumb caucus.

And CO Indys are allowed to pick whether to vote in the R primary or the D primary. I personally will wait to see how things are shaking out before deciding which one to vote in. Intially I was itching to vote against Trump in the R primary, but now it looks like I'll vote as a D in order to influence who the Trump opponent will be.

Another plus of voting in Colorado. The default setting is to vote by mail. No BS photo ID and waiting in line. Safe and secure with little fraud. Super convenient. Not surprisingly, CO has one of the highest voting rates in the Union.

Last, CO is a swing state. So it is actually a functioning Democracy out here!

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:37 am
by Farfromgeneva
6ftstick wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2019 9:28 am
Brooklyn wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2019 8:13 am
youthathletics wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:19 pm

The left is worried they will be subpoenaed, so best to drag the country thru the gutter.


Now take the Trump chumps and LOCK THEM UP!
She was part of an ACTUAL investigation. Not a sham BS coup attempt by Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi et al.
Based on what legal foundation do you make this claim?

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:40 am
by seacoaster
ggait wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:08 am
Right, so your interest in the vote has nothing to do with the law or the process that underlies an investigation into potentially impeachable offenses. Pelosi has you exactly right: she won't be bullied or made to call stupid bluffs by people who don't understand the law of the land. This is just one of the stupid talking points Dear Duce and his acolytes have prepared for you to advance. Party/Leader/Demagogue over country. Check.
Who really thinks the GOP would start cooperating with the House investigation if such vote were to be taken? The pathetic scree from the WH counsel insisting on a vote pointedly did NOT say that would happen.

We all know there would be an endless stream of other stupid faux requirements that would supposedly excuse compliance with the law. Subpoenas can only be validly issued in non-R months!! We will only answer questions on Tuesdays and only if Shifty Schiff is wearing a green hat!!

Get real -- this is coming from the guy who said dozens of times that he'd "love" to sit down with Mueller. Then he negotiated terms for an interview for over a year. Forcing Mueller, who didn't want to die in office, to accept BS written interogatories. We've seen this four corners scam before

Again, let's go with the forking Constitution: The House of Representatives ... shall have the sole Power of Impeachment. Article I, Section 2, Clause 5

Period. Full stop. End of story.
Yes, exactly. Let's go with the Constitution. The Founders? Remember?

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:55 am
by ggait
Right. Glad we now finally agree.

House has the sole power on impeachment. It gets to decide how to proceed. Not trump. House is proceeding under its rules.

Puzzling how seacoaster understands this but the WH does not.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:58 am
by LandM
smoova and ggait,
Thanks for the information, much appreciated. I should have done my own research - I relied on our friends who live out there full-time (Golden) as to the Indy status. Now that I know this I will switch. Thanks again.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:00 pm
by seacoaster
Mounting evidence continues to support the basic proposition: that the President mortgaged the nation's foreign policy on extracting promises to help the CREEP -- the Campaign to Reelect the President. He did so by:

withholding/slow-walking congressionally-approved aid;

requiring dirt on a political opponent;

requiring "investigation" and "deliverables" from Ukrainian officials in advance of any meeting;

substituting as his envoys Moe, Larry and Curly for career diplomats with expertise in the region; and using his Chief of Staff to organize the hostage-taking of foreign policy by the Trump reelection campaign.

And that's just OK with Republicans. Do you idiots have any idea what might be next if the President gets away with this one? ... story.html

“I think potus really wants the deliverable,” U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland texted to Volker on Aug. 9, noting that Zelensky might give a news conference announcing his intent to investigate. “To avoid misunderstandings, might be helpful to ask Andrey for a draft statement (embargoed) so that we can see exactly what they propose to cover.”

By the next day, the Ukrainians had agreed to announce their plans to carry out Trump’s investigations alongside the date for a meeting between the two heads of state, the messages indicate.

“Once we have a date, will call for a press briefing, announcing upcoming visit and outlining vision for the reboot of US-UKRAINE relationship, including among other things Burisma and election meddling in investigations,” Yermak texted Volker on Aug. 10. Hunter Biden, the former vice president’s son, sat on the board of Burisma for five years.

But Trump never committed to a meeting. And as the United States resisted giving Zelensky an audience with Trump, administration officials’ discussions suggest the White House was issuing an escalating series of demands.

“Are we now saying that security assistance and WH meeting are conditioned on investigations?” U.S. Charges D’affaires in Ukraine William B. “Bill” Taylor texted to Sondland on Sept. 1, after Trump skipped a trip to Poland where he was meant to visit with Zelensky. Sondland swiftly moved the conversation from text messages to a phone call.

“As I said on the phone, I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign,” Taylor later texted Sondland on Sept. 9, complaining that the Trump administration’s decision to withhold congressionally approved military aid to Ukraine had already created a “nightmare scenario.”

“The president has been crystal clear no quid pro quo’s of any kind,” Sondland replied. “The president is trying to evaluate whether Ukraine is truly going to adopt the transparency and reforms that president zelensky promised during his campaign I suggest we stop the back and forth by text.”

Sondland declined to comment through an attorney, Jim McDermott. Volker did not respond to requests for comment. The State Department did not immediately respond to messages, nor did the White House."

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:01 pm
by a fan
6ftstick wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2019 9:26 am The problem is not taxation its spending. The annual expenditures of bureaucrats at every level of government exceeds $8 trillion.
We're below our 40 year spending average, 6ft.

But as I have said 1,000's of times, any time you geezers want to cut Medicare by 2/3rds so that seniors take out one dollar for every dollar they put in? Sign me up.

Or, we could pull all our troops home from overseas, and end the 20 years of nonstop war, and cut our defense spending in half.

Either are fine by me. Both are fine by me.

But what did your Republican Congressmen and Republican President do, again, just as I told you they would?

That's right. Added $3Trillion in new spending. And yet you still love Trump and the R's, and defend them every chance you get. You're SUPPOSED to be livid at these guys for over $2Trillion in handouts. Yet instead, you'll vote for these guys again next year.

I don't understand it. Never will.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:06 pm
by LandM
Thanks for the invite - ever in Telluride or Canandaigua PM, more then welcome. We have a whole beer refrig, bar, and wine in both places. More then welcome. If I vacationed this Thanksgiving I would be living with you as well :lol:

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:42 pm
by ggait
Thanks for the information, much appreciated. I should have done my own research - I relied on our friends who live out there full-time (Golden) as to the Indy status. Now that I know this I will switch. Thanks again.
I believe the CO law on this is a pretty recent change. Believe it was made at the same time when CO recently decided to have primaries not caucuses for 2020.

It really is nice to live in a place that actually has functioning democracy. Swing state. Convenient voting without suppression. Federal and state district lines now being drawn by an independent commission, so no more gerry-mandering . Extremely high voter participation.

And look what kind of people get elected? Reasonable Dems like Hickenlooper and Michael Bennet. Reasonable Republicans like Corey Gardner. A gay, pro-business Dem governor.

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:54 pm
by ggait
6ftstick wrote: ↑
Wed Oct 16, 2019 6:26 am
The problem is not taxation its spending. The annual expenditures of bureaucrats at every level of government exceeds $8 trillion.

We're below our 40 year spending average, 6ft.
2017 data (so Trump tax cuts not fully reflected yet).

Average total tax burden for all OECD (i.e. developed) countries is 34.2% of GDP.

USA total tax burden 27.1% of GDP (and heading lower). Only countries lower are Chile, Ireland, Korea, Mexico, Turkey.

Low taxes/low spending is OK. High taxes/high spending is OK. Medium spending/medium taxes is OK. Low taxes/high spending not OK.

So restrain spending increases. And also restrain tax cuts. Problem solved! Sincerely, Simpson and Bowles circa 2010.

Just like how Clinton/Gingrich did it. Just like how Obama/Boehner did it. So you gotta vote Dem for president and GOP for Congress. ... ochure.pdf

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:57 pm
by a fan
ggait wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:42 pm And look what kind of people get elected? Reasonable Dems like Hickenlooper and Michael Bennet. Reasonable Republicans like Corey Gardner. A gay, pro-business Dem governor.
Yep. Moderates. They make some choices that fall left, and some that fall on the right. But our legislature, by and large, works together ok.

We have major transportation issues because Metro Denver tries to vote for DOT spending....and those who live outside cities vote the spending down.

Outside of that, we're doing pretty well as a State. Well that, and the stupid Tabor Amendment. :lol:

Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Public Opinion Starting to Turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:59 pm
by a fan
ggait wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:54 pm
Low taxes/low spending is OK. High taxes/high spending is OK. Medium spending/medium taxes is OK. Low taxes/high spending not OK.

So restrain spending increases. And also restrain tax cuts. Problem solved! Sincerely, Simpson and Bowles circa 2010.
Yep. Amen.