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Re: All things COVID-19

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:16 pm
by old salt
RedFromMI wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:49 pm
Widespread testing a barrier for reopening country as White House seeks plan
White House aides scramble to ramp up testing in the U.S., but there's no clear plan yet. ... n-n1185516
The White House is exploring ways of drastically increasing coronavirus testing in the U.S., as President Donald Trump’s aides scramble to put measures in place that might make it feasible for him to meet his goal of reopening the economy in parts of the country by May 1, according to four people familiar with the efforts.

Multiple ideas are under consideration for increasing diagnostic testing and testing for coronavirus antibodies as well as how to target those tests to geographic areas and specific industries to open as much of the economy as possible, these people said.

One proposal that’s been considered would involve the federal government partnering with major technology companies in an effort aimed at increasing testing capacity to at least 3 million tests a day, according to three people familiar with the plan. Some administration officials, however, cautioned that amount was unrealistic and said different types of testing would be strategically deployed.

A senior administration official said the White House is “close” to making an announcement on a plan.

Another idea that’s been discussed would use the Defense Production Act to rapidly scale up testing, according to one person familiar with the discussions, though officials played down the idea given that Trump has been resistant to more consistently deploying that presidential power since he would rather use the law as leverage to get companies to take such steps.

The push to ramp up testing reflects an acknowledgment by some of the president’s advisers that, despite his insistence that testing is working well, there are problems with access and that significantly increasing the number of tests per day will be critical if the economy is going to reopen. Trump said he will announce guidelines on Thursday for reopening the economy.
Just think what the result would have been if the administration did this say in early February, when Trump seemed to think his ban on some China travel would fix everything...
There are indications that a big part of our testing shortfall is our hodge podge of processing labs -- Individual city & state heath dept labs, hospital labs of all sizes & capabilities, university labs, private company labs, fed agency labs. Coordinating them must be like herding cats.

We're not a compact consolidated country like Germany or S Korea where you can call them all together in a train station & figure out a plan.

In the daily briefings, Dr Birx is diplomatic & tries to stay constructive, but you can see her frustration simmering just below the surface.

Re: All things COVID-19

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:22 pm
by runrussellrun
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:10 pm [
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:57 pm How about now, can the NBA complete the season, if they decided to do that.? Yes or No.
Not in their home States, nope. But the free market NBA already showed you their intent by shutting down weeks BEFORE the government told them they couldn't play. You can't ignore that.

Wanna wager some money?

States will lift the sanctions in May, at the latest. Steak dinner says that the NBA won't start games in May.

You game?
So, someone in the government will ARREST basketball players, and fans, if they show up at the Gahdin, to 'get it on", because in Boston.....

you are embarrassing yourself. Just stop. The Government is in charge of our economy You just said so. It means nothing, that the NBA saw the writing on the wall. So did Sen. Feinstein, when she sold a bunch of stock, just after leaving the same meeting as POS sen. Burr, or barr, or bumm.

Perhaps, someone TOLD them, the writing on the wall. Some of the players do dig them some commie, suicide slave labor children making their sneekers.

All that matters is the HERE , now and the future. The NBA does not have the free market ability to re-open it's door. Nor , the NHL.

Why? What is stopping them? tRump?

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:23 pm
by runrussellrun
Brooklyn wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:16 pm Relinquishing rights?

Well let's see how the Plague was handled in 1918:

"When a flu outbreak at a nearby military barracks first spread into the St. Louis civilian population, {health commissioner Dr Max} Starkloff wasted no time closing the schools, shuttering movie theaters and pool halls, and banning all public gatherings. There was pushback from business owners, but Starkloff and the mayor held their ground. When infections swelled as expected, thousands of sick residents were treated at home by a network of volunteer nurses.

Dehner says that because of these precautions, St. Louis public health officials were able to “flatten the curve” and keep the flu epidemic from exploding overnight as it did in Philadelphia.'' ... nse-cities

How people protected themselves from Plague: ... -515581890


In the 1918 flu pandemic, not wearing a mask was illegal in some parts of America. What changed? ... index.html


police officer wears mask:


Contrary to the many lies and distortions of delusionals on the far right, the government can compel people to wear masks in order to prevent the spread of contagion. This is not diminishing your rights, on the contrary it is intended to protect people's rights to be free from contagion. Thus, with this legal precedent, the Michigan Tea Baggers have no business protesting against the actions of that state's governor nor does anyone else have any illusory claim against the governors or mayors or health department directors.

If you bring up the pandemic of 2009, it's irrelevent. But, the REAL problem, from 100 years ago. relevent.

got it.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:29 pm
by njbill
ggait wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:29 pm
6ftstick wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:28 pm N.J. Gov. Says He ‘Wasn’t Thinking of the Bill of Rights’ When He Imposed Strict Social Distancing Guidelines

“By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order?” Carlson asked the governor, citing constitutional protections for freedom association and religious practice.

“That’s above my pay grade, Tucker,” Murphy responded. “I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this. …

Seems to me these bureaucrats take an oath to "Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Look out boys from here on out—The constitution doesn't even enter into their thought process and they're unafraid to tell us so.
100% moronic bull shirt. Which Carlson knows, but that would get in the way of his ratings and paycheck.

ZERO legal issue with this. ZERO.

Content neutral and sect-neutral health/safety regulations are completely legal. Tucker, unlike even the dumbest law school student ever, manages to answer this question incorrectly.

Agreed. Nevertheless, I was unhappy with the way my governor answered this question. He should have pushed back, saying he wasn’t nullifying the Bill of Rights. He should’ve said those rights were given consideration. Should’ve said those rights aren’t absolute. For example, free speech doesn’t permit you to shout fire in a crowded theater. Similarly, religious rights have to give way to reasonable health and safety regulations.

Re: All things COVID-19

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:31 pm
by a fan
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:22 pm So, someone in the government will ARREST basketball players, and fans, if they show up at the Gahdin, to 'get it on", because in Boston.....

you are embarrassing yourself. Just stop. The Government is in charge of our economy You just said so. It means nothing, that the NBA saw the writing on the wall. So did Sen. Feinstein, when she sold a bunch of stock, just after leaving the same meeting as POS sen. Burr, or barr, or bumm.

Perhaps, someone TOLD them, the writing on the wall. Some of the players do dig them some commie, suicide slave labor children making their sneekers.

All that matters is the HERE , now and the future. The NBA does not have the free market ability to re-open it's door. Nor , the NHL.

Why? What is stopping them? tRump?
Oh yeah, I'm the one embarrassing himself here.

The NBA already told you that they had no interest in playing games BEFORE the government got involved. Your claims are simply wrong.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:34 pm
by Brooklyn
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:23 pmPathetic.

If you bring up the pandemic of 2009, it's irrelevent. But, the REAL problem, from 100 years ago. relevent.

got it.

Unfortunately, when it comes to debating issues, you are not at the same level as the others on this forum. If you understood what was being posted above, you would know people have been fretting over the loss of "rights" and that the government (they say) does not have the legal authority to impose certain strictures on them. That by imposing these strictures, it has meant a loss of rights and represent the possibility of further loss of rights for citizens. Quite obviously, you do not understand legal precedent as well. This is why you dismiss my post even though it fully documents the legal authority government has by way of historical precedent. Since you are not at the level where you may understand it, there is nothing further I can to illustrate the fact that government does have the legal authority being exercised today by Governors Whitmer, Cuomo, and Walz among others.

Perhaps someone else can simplify and illustrate that for you.

Re: All things COVID-19

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:35 pm
by MDlaxfan76
6ftstick wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:05 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:49 pm
Widespread testing a barrier for reopening country as White House seeks plan
White House aides scramble to ramp up testing in the U.S., but there's no clear plan yet. ... n-n1185516
The White House is exploring ways of drastically increasing coronavirus testing in the U.S., as President Donald Trump’s aides scramble to put measures in place that might make it feasible for him to meet his goal of reopening the economy in parts of the country by May 1, according to four people familiar with the efforts.

Multiple ideas are under consideration for increasing diagnostic testing and testing for coronavirus antibodies as well as how to target those tests to geographic areas and specific industries to open as much of the economy as possible, these people said.

One proposal that’s been considered would involve the federal government partnering with major technology companies in an effort aimed at increasing testing capacity to at least 3 million tests a day, according to three people familiar with the plan. Some administration officials, however, cautioned that amount was unrealistic and said different types of testing would be strategically deployed.

A senior administration official said the White House is “close” to making an announcement on a plan.

Another idea that’s been discussed would use the Defense Production Act to rapidly scale up testing, according to one person familiar with the discussions, though officials played down the idea given that Trump has been resistant to more consistently deploying that presidential power since he would rather use the law as leverage to get companies to take such steps.

The push to ramp up testing reflects an acknowledgment by some of the president’s advisers that, despite his insistence that testing is working well, there are problems with access and that significantly increasing the number of tests per day will be critical if the economy is going to reopen. Trump said he will announce guidelines on Thursday for reopening the economy.
Just think what the result would have been if the administration did this say in early February, when Trump seemed to think his ban on some China travel would fix everything...
Trump assembled the Coronavirus Task Force in January.

Do you think the CDC, NIH etc sat on their hands and did nothing.

Early in February Pelosi et al were impeaching Trump. How apoplectic would you all have been if trump shut down the congress (because of a disease that still didn't have a footprint in the country) and sent Congress home to mitigate the spread of the disease

We've been locked down for more than 30 days and the virus still hasn't peaked in some places. What would we have gained locked down three weeks earlier. Three weeks more of isolation?
3 weeks = less spread. Less spread means less hospitalizations, less usage of PPE, more time to get testing up and ready to target asymptomatic as well as symptomatic.

Means an actual opening of some aspects of the economy sooner, with less damage.

The only way to have avoided the stay at home aspects would have been to have adopted the WHO testing platform immediately and begun contact tracing immediately...and even then it probably was going to require a shut down of large gatherings, restaurants, concerts, etc.

Unfortunately, there's no plausible way to combat a virus with this infectious and fatality parameters, especially the asymptomatic spread, with no immunity in the population, without social distancing...until therapies and vaccines come on line.

We're going to need to get to a steady state where transmission is continuing but limited to levels not threatening to overwhelm the health system. Gonna take a lot of concerted effort to get to that steady state and I'm not sure you guys have wrapped your head around it, so that means we likely won't get there in a stable way. So, it's going to be really rocky.

But even at best, until therapies and vaccines come on line, we're going to need to live with a bunch of elements of 'normal' constrained.

But IF folks get their heads out of their butts, we can eventually transition to at least a functioning economy while the scientists get their parts to work.

But will you guys get your heads out of your butts???

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:35 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Brooklyn wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:34 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:23 pmPathetic.

If you bring up the pandemic of 2009, it's irrelevent. But, the REAL problem, from 100 years ago. relevent.

got it.

Unfortunately, when it comes to debating issues, you are not at the same level as the others on this forum. If you understood what was being posted above, you would know people have been fretting over the loss of "rights" and that the government (they say) does not have the legal authority to impose certain strictures on them. That by imposing these strictures, it has meant a loss of rights and represent the possibility of further loss of rights for citizens. Quite obviously, you do not understand legal precedent as well. This is why you dismiss my post even though it fully documents the legal authority government has by way of historical precedent. Since you are not at the level where you may understand it, there is nothing further I can to illustrate the fact that government does have the legal authority being exercised today by Governors Whitmer, Cuomo, and Walz among others.

Perhaps someone else can simplify and illustrate that for you.
Black hole.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:39 pm
by Brooklyn
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:35 pm

Black hole.

I just cannot begin to think what else can be done or said to illustrate the point I made. Clearly, rrr is just not at the level where he can understand something as simple as that.

Re: All things COVID-19

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:41 pm
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:16 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:49 pm
Widespread testing a barrier for reopening country as White House seeks plan
White House aides scramble to ramp up testing in the U.S., but there's no clear plan yet. ... n-n1185516
The White House is exploring ways of drastically increasing coronavirus testing in the U.S., as President Donald Trump’s aides scramble to put measures in place that might make it feasible for him to meet his goal of reopening the economy in parts of the country by May 1, according to four people familiar with the efforts.

Multiple ideas are under consideration for increasing diagnostic testing and testing for coronavirus antibodies as well as how to target those tests to geographic areas and specific industries to open as much of the economy as possible, these people said.

One proposal that’s been considered would involve the federal government partnering with major technology companies in an effort aimed at increasing testing capacity to at least 3 million tests a day, according to three people familiar with the plan. Some administration officials, however, cautioned that amount was unrealistic and said different types of testing would be strategically deployed.

A senior administration official said the White House is “close” to making an announcement on a plan.

Another idea that’s been discussed would use the Defense Production Act to rapidly scale up testing, according to one person familiar with the discussions, though officials played down the idea given that Trump has been resistant to more consistently deploying that presidential power since he would rather use the law as leverage to get companies to take such steps.

The push to ramp up testing reflects an acknowledgment by some of the president’s advisers that, despite his insistence that testing is working well, there are problems with access and that significantly increasing the number of tests per day will be critical if the economy is going to reopen. Trump said he will announce guidelines on Thursday for reopening the economy.
Just think what the result would have been if the administration did this say in early February, when Trump seemed to think his ban on some China travel would fix everything...
There are indications that a big part of our testing shortfall is our hodge podge of processing labs -- Individual city & state heath dept labs, hospital labs of all sizes & capabilities, university labs, private company labs, fed agency labs. Coordinating them must be like herding cats.

We're not a compact consolidated country like Germany or S Korea where you can call them all together in a train station & figure out a plan.

In the daily briefings, Dr Birx is diplomatic & tries to stay constructive, but you can see her frustration simmering just below the surface.
So who or what is frustrating her?
Questions from reporters?
The difficulty of herding those cats?
The lack of a direct federal response after flubbing it so badly out of the gate on testing?
Trump saying stupid stuff while she has to stand around waiting?

All of the above?

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:41 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Brooklyn wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:39 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:35 pm

Black hole.

I just cannot begin to think what else can be done or said to illustrate the point I made. Clearly, rrr is just not at the level where he can understand something as simple as that.
Or doesn't want to. Same black hole.

Re: All things COVID-19

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:42 pm
by RedFromMI
old salt wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:16 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:49 pm
Widespread testing a barrier for reopening country as White House seeks plan
White House aides scramble to ramp up testing in the U.S., but there's no clear plan yet. ... n-n1185516
The White House is exploring ways of drastically increasing coronavirus testing in the U.S., as President Donald Trump’s aides scramble to put measures in place that might make it feasible for him to meet his goal of reopening the economy in parts of the country by May 1, according to four people familiar with the efforts.

Multiple ideas are under consideration for increasing diagnostic testing and testing for coronavirus antibodies as well as how to target those tests to geographic areas and specific industries to open as much of the economy as possible, these people said.

One proposal that’s been considered would involve the federal government partnering with major technology companies in an effort aimed at increasing testing capacity to at least 3 million tests a day, according to three people familiar with the plan. Some administration officials, however, cautioned that amount was unrealistic and said different types of testing would be strategically deployed.

A senior administration official said the White House is “close” to making an announcement on a plan.

Another idea that’s been discussed would use the Defense Production Act to rapidly scale up testing, according to one person familiar with the discussions, though officials played down the idea given that Trump has been resistant to more consistently deploying that presidential power since he would rather use the law as leverage to get companies to take such steps.

The push to ramp up testing reflects an acknowledgment by some of the president’s advisers that, despite his insistence that testing is working well, there are problems with access and that significantly increasing the number of tests per day will be critical if the economy is going to reopen. Trump said he will announce guidelines on Thursday for reopening the economy.
Just think what the result would have been if the administration did this say in early February, when Trump seemed to think his ban on some China travel would fix everything...
There are indications that a big part of our testing shortfall is our hodge podge of processing labs -- Individual city & state heath dept labs, hospital labs of all sizes & capabilities, university labs, private company labs, fed agency labs. Coordinating them must be like herding cats.

We're not a compact consolidated country like Germany or S Korea where you can call them all together in a train station & figure out a plan.

In the daily briefings, Dr Birx is diplomatic & tries to stay constructive, but you can see her frustration simmering just below the surface.
That is why a strong federal presence would have been helpful - it may be herding cats to a degree, but the lack of coordination up top where it could be most effective hurts badly.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:44 pm
by 6ftstick
Seems our seniors are as likely to be harmed from the extended shut down as the virus. ... 2020-04-15

Prior to the economic downturn—or collapse—that we’re now experiencing, the trust fund was projected to run out of money by 2035.

I’ve mentioned before that Social Security is now dipping into its reserves—the so-called “trust fund”—to pay benefits. That’s because the system isn’t taking in enough cash from payroll taxes, which is how the gargantuan Social Security program—by far the single biggest source of federal spending—is financed.This has, practically overnight, gotten worse.

Why? Because some 16 million Americans have lost their jobs in the last three weeks. This means there are a lot fewer—millions fewer—people paying those payroll taxes into the Social Security system.

And on top of a lot less money coming in, a lot more will soon be going out. That’s because people who are now out of work and eligible to draw benefits may soon do so, out of sheer economic need.

This one-two punch could mean the depletion of the trust fund sooner than 2035. How soon? Perhaps two years earlier—2033

Re: All things COVID-19

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:44 pm
by jhu72
RedFromMI wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:53 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:48 pm
6ftstick wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:12 pm
So tired of this.
So, we have over 30k deaths in just, what the first 60 days of this pandemic in the US, even with immense efforts to social distance the last 30, and you're still equating the flu with COVID-19?

I have no idea whether you are truly stupid or are just trolling, but give this one up, 6ft.
That dog don't hunt.

Try another dog.
So those 60 thousand deaths really don't matter to you.

Because its just the flu.
Even if you trust the accuracy of these numbers..... the upper right hand corner, the number most of US read is: 26,708

Who knew 26,708 was more than 30K. Or, OVER, 30k

It is US, who are sick of you and your nonsense fear porn, on the fly numbers .

Stop making opinions, as if they are facts.
Number is currently over 30K (just checked). You have to refresh the page to get the current numbers. is almost 34K because it includes likely cases not tested in NYS.

Real number is maybe double - 60K or even 70K - due to our lack of testing and the fact that a lot of cases where you have an in-home death get missed in the confirmed count (which is what the jhu site includes only). But you can get a pretty accurate estimate of real numbers by looking at excess deaths over normal, and for at least 4 European countries confirmed cases are about half the total deaths including the excess ones.
The past 10 days or so JHU has tended to run behind Worldmeter and Manchester. Worldmeter and Manchester are in synch. JHU tends to catchup over night. Think they have given up trying to keep up in realtime.

Number is 34K now with 5.5K new today. Will have to understand where the 3K jump from today comes in. Is it real or artifact of change in how numbers are being counted?

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:46 pm
by MDlaxfan76
njbill wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:29 pm
ggait wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:29 pm
6ftstick wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:28 pm N.J. Gov. Says He ‘Wasn’t Thinking of the Bill of Rights’ When He Imposed Strict Social Distancing Guidelines

“By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order?” Carlson asked the governor, citing constitutional protections for freedom association and religious practice.

“That’s above my pay grade, Tucker,” Murphy responded. “I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this. …

Seems to me these bureaucrats take an oath to "Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Look out boys from here on out—The constitution doesn't even enter into their thought process and they're unafraid to tell us so.
100% moronic bull shirt. Which Carlson knows, but that would get in the way of his ratings and paycheck.

ZERO legal issue with this. ZERO.

Content neutral and sect-neutral health/safety regulations are completely legal. Tucker, unlike even the dumbest law school student ever, manages to answer this question incorrectly.

Agreed. Nevertheless, I was unhappy with the way my governor answered this question. He should have pushed back, saying he wasn’t nullifying the Bill of Rights. He should’ve said those rights were given consideration. Should’ve said those rights aren’t absolute. For example, free speech doesn’t permit you to shout fire in a crowded theater. Similarly, religious rights have to give way to reasonable health and safety regulations.
agreed, yet it was such a ridiculously stupid question, not sure it was in his interview prep. Seems to me his message was that he's focused on the crisis and he didn't have time for stupid sidebars. But a little more nimble would have been better.

Still, if you're gonna submit yourself to Carlson, you gotta know he's going to throw some really stupid stuff at you...and then cut the interview to twist your words anyway. So, go in knowing all that and be prepared for that dumb stuff.

Re: All things COVID-19

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:47 pm
by MDlaxfan76
jhu72 wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:44 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:53 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:48 pm
6ftstick wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:12 pm
So tired of this.
So, we have over 30k deaths in just, what the first 60 days of this pandemic in the US, even with immense efforts to social distance the last 30, and you're still equating the flu with COVID-19?

I have no idea whether you are truly stupid or are just trolling, but give this one up, 6ft.
That dog don't hunt.

Try another dog.
So those 60 thousand deaths really don't matter to you.

Because its just the flu.
Even if you trust the accuracy of these numbers..... the upper right hand corner, the number most of US read is: 26,708

Who knew 26,708 was more than 30K. Or, OVER, 30k

It is US, who are sick of you and your nonsense fear porn, on the fly numbers .

Stop making opinions, as if they are facts.
Number is currently over 30K (just checked). You have to refresh the page to get the current numbers. is almost 34K because it includes likely cases not tested in NYS.

Real number is maybe double - 60K or even 70K - due to our lack of testing and the fact that a lot of cases where you have an in-home death get missed in the confirmed count (which is what the jhu site includes only). But you can get a pretty accurate estimate of real numbers by looking at excess deaths over normal, and for at least 4 European countries confirmed cases are about half the total deaths including the excess ones.
The past 10 days or so JHU has tended to run behind Worldmeter and Manchester. Worldmeter and Manchester are in synch. JHU tends to catchup over night. Think they have given up trying to keep up in realtime.
yes, they do a good job in some of the analytics, but run behind. Usually only a half day or so behind, but that can feel like a lot.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:48 pm
by 6ftstick
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:46 pm
njbill wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:29 pm
ggait wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:29 pm
6ftstick wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:28 pm N.J. Gov. Says He ‘Wasn’t Thinking of the Bill of Rights’ When He Imposed Strict Social Distancing Guidelines

“By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order?” Carlson asked the governor, citing constitutional protections for freedom association and religious practice.

“That’s above my pay grade, Tucker,” Murphy responded. “I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this. …

Seems to me these bureaucrats take an oath to "Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Look out boys from here on out—The constitution doesn't even enter into their thought process and they're unafraid to tell us so.
100% moronic bull shirt. Which Carlson knows, but that would get in the way of his ratings and paycheck.

ZERO legal issue with this. ZERO.

Content neutral and sect-neutral health/safety regulations are completely legal. Tucker, unlike even the dumbest law school student ever, manages to answer this question incorrectly.

Agreed. Nevertheless, I was unhappy with the way my governor answered this question. He should have pushed back, saying he wasn’t nullifying the Bill of Rights. He should’ve said those rights were given consideration. Should’ve said those rights aren’t absolute. For example, free speech doesn’t permit you to shout fire in a crowded theater. Similarly, religious rights have to give way to reasonable health and safety regulations.
agreed, yet it was such a ridiculously stupid question, not sure it was in his interview prep. Seems to me his message was that he's focused on the crisis and he didn't have time for stupid sidebars. But a little more nimble would have been better.

Still, if you're gonna submit yourself to Carlson, you gotta know he's going to throw some really stupid stuff at you...and then cut the interview to twist your words anyway. So, go in knowing all that and be prepared for that dumb stuff.
Explain how that was a "ridiculously stupid question"

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:48 pm
by MDlaxfan76
6ftstick wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:44 pm Seems our seniors are as likely to be harmed from the extended shut down as the virus. ... 2020-04-15

Prior to the economic downturn—or collapse—that we’re now experiencing, the trust fund was projected to run out of money by 2035.

I’ve mentioned before that Social Security is now dipping into its reserves—the so-called “trust fund”—to pay benefits. That’s because the system isn’t taking in enough cash from payroll taxes, which is how the gargantuan Social Security program—by far the single biggest source of federal spending—is financed.This has, practically overnight, gotten worse.

Why? Because some 16 million Americans have lost their jobs in the last three weeks. This means there are a lot fewer—millions fewer—people paying those payroll taxes into the Social Security system.

And on top of a lot less money coming in, a lot more will soon be going out. That’s because people who are now out of work and eligible to draw benefits may soon do so, out of sheer economic need.

This one-two punch could mean the depletion of the trust fund sooner than 2035. How soon? Perhaps two years earlier—2033
you mean there's actually a fund somewhere? :roll:

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:49 pm
by MDlaxfan76
6ftstick wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:48 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:46 pm
njbill wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:29 pm
ggait wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:29 pm
6ftstick wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:28 pm N.J. Gov. Says He ‘Wasn’t Thinking of the Bill of Rights’ When He Imposed Strict Social Distancing Guidelines

“By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order?” Carlson asked the governor, citing constitutional protections for freedom association and religious practice.

“That’s above my pay grade, Tucker,” Murphy responded. “I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this. …

Seems to me these bureaucrats take an oath to "Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Look out boys from here on out—The constitution doesn't even enter into their thought process and they're unafraid to tell us so.
100% moronic bull shirt. Which Carlson knows, but that would get in the way of his ratings and paycheck.

ZERO legal issue with this. ZERO.

Content neutral and sect-neutral health/safety regulations are completely legal. Tucker, unlike even the dumbest law school student ever, manages to answer this question incorrectly.

Agreed. Nevertheless, I was unhappy with the way my governor answered this question. He should have pushed back, saying he wasn’t nullifying the Bill of Rights. He should’ve said those rights were given consideration. Should’ve said those rights aren’t absolute. For example, free speech doesn’t permit you to shout fire in a crowded theater. Similarly, religious rights have to give way to reasonable health and safety regulations.
agreed, yet it was such a ridiculously stupid question, not sure it was in his interview prep. Seems to me his message was that he's focused on the crisis and he didn't have time for stupid sidebars. But a little more nimble would have been better.

Still, if you're gonna submit yourself to Carlson, you gotta know he's going to throw some really stupid stuff at you...and then cut the interview to twist your words anyway. So, go in knowing all that and be prepared for that dumb stuff.
Explain how that was a "ridiculously stupid question"
ggait explained that more than adequately.
Better to come from the lawyers among us.

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:49 pm
by njbill
It’s Answering Questions 101. Give a short, direct answer first, then go into your soliloquy. Politicians are miserable at this.