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Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:30 pm
by Farfromgeneva
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:10 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:23 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:55 am
dislaxxic wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:46 am MD, this is kinda looking down the barrel of the MAGA-mindset, isn't it? The aggrieved, i-don't-give-a-fig what you think or what your opinion is, i just think you and all the liberal fools are WAY worse than any republican. Toss in a liberal (pun intended?) dose of "owning the libs" by dint of pushing out the most outrageously nonsensical half-truths, whataboutisms and false equivalencies, and VIOLA! You get this cranky, unbending, i-know-what-i-know political mindset that just simply has no room for nuanced, considered difference of opinion. What?? You're not allowed to change your mind? Cancel YOU, brotha...check!

Thus, a lifelong Republican that is HORRIFIED by what the party has become is somehow not genuine in his are not ALLOWED to be a Republican who, daily, points out the trainwreck that party is in 2022 and how frustrating and depressing that is.

Wonder what Cranky woulda thought about all them Southern Dems jumpin' ship in 1964 after passage of the Civil Rights Act? :lol:

Such a simple answer for you Dis... you FLP wankers are way more scary and dangerous than any Republican... yourself being the prime example. So were you a fan of Robert Byrd? He did exemplify everything you and your party believes know there... hatin them white n****s and all... :roll:

Truth. +1

The next move by the FLP will be in the banking sector. They’ll pressure banks to not take deposits of ‘conservative’ organizations and persons.
Now, that's an intriguing idea!

Interesting projection though. Or confession.

"everything Trump says is either confession or projection" -Heileman
Same for his keyboard warriors.
I loathe the idea of the SEC mandating ESG considerations into filings. I have other reasons for finding this problematic but it's so amorphous as to be regulation for the sake of social control over businesses.

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:41 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:30 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:10 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:23 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:55 am
dislaxxic wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:46 am MD, this is kinda looking down the barrel of the MAGA-mindset, isn't it? The aggrieved, i-don't-give-a-fig what you think or what your opinion is, i just think you and all the liberal fools are WAY worse than any republican. Toss in a liberal (pun intended?) dose of "owning the libs" by dint of pushing out the most outrageously nonsensical half-truths, whataboutisms and false equivalencies, and VIOLA! You get this cranky, unbending, i-know-what-i-know political mindset that just simply has no room for nuanced, considered difference of opinion. What?? You're not allowed to change your mind? Cancel YOU, brotha...check!

Thus, a lifelong Republican that is HORRIFIED by what the party has become is somehow not genuine in his are not ALLOWED to be a Republican who, daily, points out the trainwreck that party is in 2022 and how frustrating and depressing that is.

Wonder what Cranky woulda thought about all them Southern Dems jumpin' ship in 1964 after passage of the Civil Rights Act? :lol:

Such a simple answer for you Dis... you FLP wankers are way more scary and dangerous than any Republican... yourself being the prime example. So were you a fan of Robert Byrd? He did exemplify everything you and your party believes know there... hatin them white n****s and all... :roll:

Truth. +1

The next move by the FLP will be in the banking sector. They’ll pressure banks to not take deposits of ‘conservative’ organizations and persons.
Now, that's an intriguing idea!

Interesting projection though. Or confession.

"everything Trump says is either confession or projection" -Heileman
Same for his keyboard warriors.
I loathe the idea of the SEC mandating ESG considerations into filings. I have other reasons for finding this problematic but it's so amorphous as to be regulation for the sake of social control over businesses.
Or an effort to standardize transparency.
The reality is that investors are looking to measure and weight these various factors, with or without the SEC, so standardization has some real benefit to enabling such to be fairly assessed.

But certainly a challenge, as you say.

That said, I'm not so sure that reporting accurately in a standardized way is actually controlling the decisions made.

But sure, if something is being reported it does need to be pay attention to...and that could well lead to decisions that investors who care about such will value.

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:57 pm
by a fan
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:08 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:02 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:53 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:35 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:16 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:02 am cradle/cranky, you've made your position clear that you don't like any party, though it would be fair to say that while you claim to have no preference, 90+% of your continuous ire is aimed at the Dems, and very, very little aimed at the GOP. And I don't call it ever being otherwise.

You also refuse to read/comprehend what others say, even in the immediate responses. And instead turn around and claim their position is very, very different that what they just said.


seacoaster just made clear that the Dems have plenty of warts, hypocrisy, etc, far from perfect...while also clearly differentiating the current state of the parties.

He's right. And any honest, thoughtful, non-partisan person finds it easy to agree.
If you paid attention to what i have said here many, many, many, many times MD lax the Democrat party is the abysmal failure of my lifetime. It is the party 3 generations of my family dedicated their lives to. If you HAD been paying attention after all those posts.. you would understand that. Sorta the same reason why as a lifelong Republican you have your own personal contempt for YOUR own party. You come on this forum ripping YOUR party a new jerk everyday. I come on this forum ripping the party i USE to belong to a new jerk almost everyday. You of all people don't understand the difference, the guy who rips his own lifelong party a new jerk here every day. Do you have special privilege in that respect granted only to LIFELONG REPUBLICANS??? ;)
I've paid close attention, and maybe it's indeed just a reformed smoker sort of grinding of teeth that you do.

But what's your actual beef with the Dems, that they've grown too "liberal" on some issues during your lifetime, that Robert Byrd in his last decade of office rejected racism and segregation? Was opposed to Iraq war? too liberal for you?

Does it bother you that the Dem party has grown more urban/suburban, more diverse, and attracted far more women than the GOP...does it bother you that women have a much stronger role in the Dem party? Or is it race? or both?

How exactly are the Dems the "abysmal failure" of your "lifetime"? That the GOP has won so many Presidential elections or Congress so many times? Did you want the Dems to dominate continuously???

I have plenty of criticism of the current Dem party. By example, this refusal to stop stock trading in congress is pathetic.

And sure, you can certainly say that I'm grinding my teeth at how the extreme and stupid and vile have overtaken the GOP...not 100% of Republicans, but of the Party machinery and its office holders, up and down the levels. It's truly awful.

The extremes have not overtaken the Dems. They make noise, but they haven't overtaken the middle.

And to be clear, I don't want them to do so.

Right now my 'partisan' position is on behalf of democracy and in opposition to autocracy and authoritarianism.

What's yours?
Reformed smoker?? pretty damn poor metaphor there. I despise the Democrat Party today because they are an abomination to everything the party USE to stand for. They are an abomination to the party my family and especially my mom held near and dear to her heart. Sorta of the SAME damn reason MD you have soooooo many issues with your party. My mom was a Roman Catholic lifelong Democrat who despised abortion and was serious about the precious nature of every unborn baby. You get the drift now amigo? So go tell me how the "machinery" has not overtaken the Democrat party. What happened to those 100 thousands of Roman Catholic Democrats of my moms generation? How many DEMOCRATS today support the idea of anybody being pro life? You name for me one single serious Democrat today that is pro life??
"everything the party USE to stand for." Everything?

Wasn't FDR a "socialist" who was destroying the American way of life? Same story now, apparently.

Sounds like abortion rights for women are what sticks in your craw so much. Indeed, views on this issue have moved markedly over the decades.

Both the general population and among Catholics. Today, a majority of Catholics are in favor of legal abortions in most instances. Not all. A majority. Close to the percentages for all Americans.

And among women, including women Catholics, this skews even further to support for Choice.

Marriage rights has been another issue in which perspectives have changed a lot. Does that make you unhappy as well?

You're at least close to right, there are few prominent Dems who describe themselves as pro-life, though two Senators do...Casey and Manchin. Both I'd describe as "serious" and "prominent". ... til-birth/
I went to and graduated from a Catholic HS from 1972 to 1976. There was no gray area from the people who ran my HS and taught all of us. There was no gray area from my mom and the Catholic dogma I was raised with. I separated my beliefs from the Catholic church and organized religion shortly after I graduated from HS. I have never forgotten what I was taught and in part what I still believe. I was raised in a democrat roman catholic family that went back 3 generations. Am I suppose to apologize to you wankers on this forum for that. The Democrats reinvented their sorry ass party not me. I know what the Democrat party stood for 50 years ago. I don't know what it stands for today. It looks nothing like the Democrat party I was raised in growing up. What is my other option? Join the even more sorry ass Republican party?? There is a reason why there are so many Americans who claim no political affiliation. The simple reason is neither party is worthy of our support.
+100! I have no clue how you can support either of these wankers…..unless you are a member of the 1%——notice that pete is always bragging about meeting/knowing these Republican politicians? Pete likes Rs because they keep his pockets stuffed with cash. That’s all his posts are about…

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:13 pm
by cradleandshoot
a fan wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:57 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:08 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:02 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:53 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:35 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:16 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:02 am cradle/cranky, you've made your position clear that you don't like any party, though it would be fair to say that while you claim to have no preference, 90+% of your continuous ire is aimed at the Dems, and very, very little aimed at the GOP. And I don't call it ever being otherwise.

You also refuse to read/comprehend what others say, even in the immediate responses. And instead turn around and claim their position is very, very different that what they just said.


seacoaster just made clear that the Dems have plenty of warts, hypocrisy, etc, far from perfect...while also clearly differentiating the current state of the parties.

He's right. And any honest, thoughtful, non-partisan person finds it easy to agree.
If you paid attention to what i have said here many, many, many, many times MD lax the Democrat party is the abysmal failure of my lifetime. It is the party 3 generations of my family dedicated their lives to. If you HAD been paying attention after all those posts.. you would understand that. Sorta the same reason why as a lifelong Republican you have your own personal contempt for YOUR own party. You come on this forum ripping YOUR party a new jerk everyday. I come on this forum ripping the party i USE to belong to a new jerk almost everyday. You of all people don't understand the difference, the guy who rips his own lifelong party a new jerk here every day. Do you have special privilege in that respect granted only to LIFELONG REPUBLICANS??? ;)
I've paid close attention, and maybe it's indeed just a reformed smoker sort of grinding of teeth that you do.

But what's your actual beef with the Dems, that they've grown too "liberal" on some issues during your lifetime, that Robert Byrd in his last decade of office rejected racism and segregation? Was opposed to Iraq war? too liberal for you?

Does it bother you that the Dem party has grown more urban/suburban, more diverse, and attracted far more women than the GOP...does it bother you that women have a much stronger role in the Dem party? Or is it race? or both?

How exactly are the Dems the "abysmal failure" of your "lifetime"? That the GOP has won so many Presidential elections or Congress so many times? Did you want the Dems to dominate continuously???

I have plenty of criticism of the current Dem party. By example, this refusal to stop stock trading in congress is pathetic.

And sure, you can certainly say that I'm grinding my teeth at how the extreme and stupid and vile have overtaken the GOP...not 100% of Republicans, but of the Party machinery and its office holders, up and down the levels. It's truly awful.

The extremes have not overtaken the Dems. They make noise, but they haven't overtaken the middle.

And to be clear, I don't want them to do so.

Right now my 'partisan' position is on behalf of democracy and in opposition to autocracy and authoritarianism.

What's yours?
Reformed smoker?? pretty damn poor metaphor there. I despise the Democrat Party today because they are an abomination to everything the party USE to stand for. They are an abomination to the party my family and especially my mom held near and dear to her heart. Sorta of the SAME damn reason MD you have soooooo many issues with your party. My mom was a Roman Catholic lifelong Democrat who despised abortion and was serious about the precious nature of every unborn baby. You get the drift now amigo? So go tell me how the "machinery" has not overtaken the Democrat party. What happened to those 100 thousands of Roman Catholic Democrats of my moms generation? How many DEMOCRATS today support the idea of anybody being pro life? You name for me one single serious Democrat today that is pro life??
"everything the party USE to stand for." Everything?

Wasn't FDR a "socialist" who was destroying the American way of life? Same story now, apparently.

Sounds like abortion rights for women are what sticks in your craw so much. Indeed, views on this issue have moved markedly over the decades.

Both the general population and among Catholics. Today, a majority of Catholics are in favor of legal abortions in most instances. Not all. A majority. Close to the percentages for all Americans.

And among women, including women Catholics, this skews even further to support for Choice.

Marriage rights has been another issue in which perspectives have changed a lot. Does that make you unhappy as well?

You're at least close to right, there are few prominent Dems who describe themselves as pro-life, though two Senators do...Casey and Manchin. Both I'd describe as "serious" and "prominent". ... til-birth/
I went to and graduated from a Catholic HS from 1972 to 1976. There was no gray area from the people who ran my HS and taught all of us. There was no gray area from my mom and the Catholic dogma I was raised with. I separated my beliefs from the Catholic church and organized religion shortly after I graduated from HS. I have never forgotten what I was taught and in part what I still believe. I was raised in a democrat roman catholic family that went back 3 generations. Am I suppose to apologize to you wankers on this forum for that. The Democrats reinvented their sorry ass party not me. I know what the Democrat party stood for 50 years ago. I don't know what it stands for today. It looks nothing like the Democrat party I was raised in growing up. What is my other option? Join the even more sorry ass Republican party?? There is a reason why there are so many Americans who claim no political affiliation. The simple reason is neither party is worthy of our support.
+100! I have no clue how you can support either of these wankers…..unless you are a member of the 1%——notice that pete is always bragging about meeting/knowing these Republican politicians? Pete likes Rs because they keep his pockets stuffed with cash. That’s all his posts are about…
Funny you mention this. The only politician my wife and I know is our Congressman Joe Morelle. My wife went to HS with him. We even voted for him. He is old school liberal democrat but he represents his district very well and with integrity.

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 6:53 pm
by Peter Brown
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:13 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:57 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:08 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:02 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:53 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:35 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:16 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:02 am cradle/cranky, you've made your position clear that you don't like any party, though it would be fair to say that while you claim to have no preference, 90+% of your continuous ire is aimed at the Dems, and very, very little aimed at the GOP. And I don't call it ever being otherwise.

You also refuse to read/comprehend what others say, even in the immediate responses. And instead turn around and claim their position is very, very different that what they just said.


seacoaster just made clear that the Dems have plenty of warts, hypocrisy, etc, far from perfect...while also clearly differentiating the current state of the parties.

He's right. And any honest, thoughtful, non-partisan person finds it easy to agree.
If you paid attention to what i have said here many, many, many, many times MD lax the Democrat party is the abysmal failure of my lifetime. It is the party 3 generations of my family dedicated their lives to. If you HAD been paying attention after all those posts.. you would understand that. Sorta the same reason why as a lifelong Republican you have your own personal contempt for YOUR own party. You come on this forum ripping YOUR party a new jerk everyday. I come on this forum ripping the party i USE to belong to a new jerk almost everyday. You of all people don't understand the difference, the guy who rips his own lifelong party a new jerk here every day. Do you have special privilege in that respect granted only to LIFELONG REPUBLICANS??? ;)
I've paid close attention, and maybe it's indeed just a reformed smoker sort of grinding of teeth that you do.

But what's your actual beef with the Dems, that they've grown too "liberal" on some issues during your lifetime, that Robert Byrd in his last decade of office rejected racism and segregation? Was opposed to Iraq war? too liberal for you?

Does it bother you that the Dem party has grown more urban/suburban, more diverse, and attracted far more women than the GOP...does it bother you that women have a much stronger role in the Dem party? Or is it race? or both?

How exactly are the Dems the "abysmal failure" of your "lifetime"? That the GOP has won so many Presidential elections or Congress so many times? Did you want the Dems to dominate continuously???

I have plenty of criticism of the current Dem party. By example, this refusal to stop stock trading in congress is pathetic.

And sure, you can certainly say that I'm grinding my teeth at how the extreme and stupid and vile have overtaken the GOP...not 100% of Republicans, but of the Party machinery and its office holders, up and down the levels. It's truly awful.

The extremes have not overtaken the Dems. They make noise, but they haven't overtaken the middle.

And to be clear, I don't want them to do so.

Right now my 'partisan' position is on behalf of democracy and in opposition to autocracy and authoritarianism.

What's yours?
Reformed smoker?? pretty damn poor metaphor there. I despise the Democrat Party today because they are an abomination to everything the party USE to stand for. They are an abomination to the party my family and especially my mom held near and dear to her heart. Sorta of the SAME damn reason MD you have soooooo many issues with your party. My mom was a Roman Catholic lifelong Democrat who despised abortion and was serious about the precious nature of every unborn baby. You get the drift now amigo? So go tell me how the "machinery" has not overtaken the Democrat party. What happened to those 100 thousands of Roman Catholic Democrats of my moms generation? How many DEMOCRATS today support the idea of anybody being pro life? You name for me one single serious Democrat today that is pro life??
"everything the party USE to stand for." Everything?

Wasn't FDR a "socialist" who was destroying the American way of life? Same story now, apparently.

Sounds like abortion rights for women are what sticks in your craw so much. Indeed, views on this issue have moved markedly over the decades.

Both the general population and among Catholics. Today, a majority of Catholics are in favor of legal abortions in most instances. Not all. A majority. Close to the percentages for all Americans.

And among women, including women Catholics, this skews even further to support for Choice.

Marriage rights has been another issue in which perspectives have changed a lot. Does that make you unhappy as well?

You're at least close to right, there are few prominent Dems who describe themselves as pro-life, though two Senators do...Casey and Manchin. Both I'd describe as "serious" and "prominent". ... til-birth/
I went to and graduated from a Catholic HS from 1972 to 1976. There was no gray area from the people who ran my HS and taught all of us. There was no gray area from my mom and the Catholic dogma I was raised with. I separated my beliefs from the Catholic church and organized religion shortly after I graduated from HS. I have never forgotten what I was taught and in part what I still believe. I was raised in a democrat roman catholic family that went back 3 generations. Am I suppose to apologize to you wankers on this forum for that. The Democrats reinvented their sorry ass party not me. I know what the Democrat party stood for 50 years ago. I don't know what it stands for today. It looks nothing like the Democrat party I was raised in growing up. What is my other option? Join the even more sorry ass Republican party?? There is a reason why there are so many Americans who claim no political affiliation. The simple reason is neither party is worthy of our support.
+100! I have no clue how you can support either of these wankers…..unless you are a member of the 1%——notice that pete is always bragging about meeting/knowing these Republican politicians? Pete likes Rs because they keep his pockets stuffed with cash. That’s all his posts are about…
Funny you mention this. The only politician my wife and I know is our Congressman Joe Morelle. My wife went to HS with him. We even voted for him. He is old school liberal democrat but he represents his district very well and with integrity.

I like Abigail Spanberger (D).

Side benny: she’s hot.

Don’t tell a fan. :lol: :lol:

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:12 pm
by Farfromgeneva
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:41 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:30 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:10 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:23 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:55 am
dislaxxic wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:46 am MD, this is kinda looking down the barrel of the MAGA-mindset, isn't it? The aggrieved, i-don't-give-a-fig what you think or what your opinion is, i just think you and all the liberal fools are WAY worse than any republican. Toss in a liberal (pun intended?) dose of "owning the libs" by dint of pushing out the most outrageously nonsensical half-truths, whataboutisms and false equivalencies, and VIOLA! You get this cranky, unbending, i-know-what-i-know political mindset that just simply has no room for nuanced, considered difference of opinion. What?? You're not allowed to change your mind? Cancel YOU, brotha...check!

Thus, a lifelong Republican that is HORRIFIED by what the party has become is somehow not genuine in his are not ALLOWED to be a Republican who, daily, points out the trainwreck that party is in 2022 and how frustrating and depressing that is.

Wonder what Cranky woulda thought about all them Southern Dems jumpin' ship in 1964 after passage of the Civil Rights Act? :lol:

Such a simple answer for you Dis... you FLP wankers are way more scary and dangerous than any Republican... yourself being the prime example. So were you a fan of Robert Byrd? He did exemplify everything you and your party believes know there... hatin them white n****s and all... :roll:

Truth. +1

The next move by the FLP will be in the banking sector. They’ll pressure banks to not take deposits of ‘conservative’ organizations and persons.
Now, that's an intriguing idea!

Interesting projection though. Or confession.

"everything Trump says is either confession or projection" -Heileman
Same for his keyboard warriors.
I loathe the idea of the SEC mandating ESG considerations into filings. I have other reasons for finding this problematic but it's so amorphous as to be regulation for the sake of social control over businesses.
Or an effort to standardize transparency.
The reality is that investors are looking to measure and weight these various factors, with or without the SEC, so standardization has some real benefit to enabling such to be fairly assessed.

But certainly a challenge, as you say.

That said, I'm not so sure that reporting accurately in a standardized way is actually controlling the decisions made.

But sure, if something is being reported it does need to be pay attention to...and that could well lead to decisions that investors who care about such will value.
Transparency as to what? The line to it improving investor protections is pretty feeble. I’m for transparency and investor protections but the arguments that make the case don’t justify it and only end up diverting resources in suboptimal ways. It just isn’t necessary. Especially S&G ans when you see the BA and borderline fraud along with misallocation of Capital into EV trucks, deep sea mining, etc it’s just a mess that was created by this top down insistence on this.

To your last point and I’m being redundant here, it’s not the SECs job to determine what investor might value. It’s about investor protection through necessary reporting transparency. Big difference.

From what I can tell a lot of the ESG Capital is just a way to get pension fund allocators to pony up new Capital with higher management fees attached. Then being grossly misallocated. Fink is correct on the joke of it. Organic movement in that direction is coming anyway.

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:07 am
by seacoaster
Unfit to govern: ... kinzinger/

"Last week the Republican National Committee (RNC) made clear that it would rather be the “Big Lie” party than the “Big Tent” party by condemning two principled elected leaders while condoning conspiracies, lies, and violent insurrection. By censuring Congresswoman Liz Cheney and Congressman Adam Kinzinger for their role in investigating the January 6th attacks, they have betrayed the GOP’s founding principles and ceded control of a once-great movement to grifters and extremists. The RNC has also signaled that it no longer welcomes people of conscience.

The RNC’s description of the January 6th insurrection as “legitimate political discourse” is an affront to the rule of law, peaceful self-government, and the constitutional order. There can be no justifying the horrific attack that day, and we condemn the Committee for excusing the actions of men and women who battered police officers, ransacked our nation’s Capitol, called for hanging the Vice President of the United States, and sought to overturn a free and fair election.

History will mark this censure as a turning point for the RNC – a time of choosing between civility and patriotism, on the one hand, and conspiracy and political violence on the other. We stand firmly for the first set of values. We stand proudly next to principled leaders such as Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. And we stand united against efforts to defile our democracy."

Check the signatures. Bunch of RINOs, right?

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:51 am
by cradleandshoot
seacoaster wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:07 am Unfit to govern: ... kinzinger/

"Last week the Republican National Committee (RNC) made clear that it would rather be the “Big Lie” party than the “Big Tent” party by condemning two principled elected leaders while condoning conspiracies, lies, and violent insurrection. By censuring Congresswoman Liz Cheney and Congressman Adam Kinzinger for their role in investigating the January 6th attacks, they have betrayed the GOP’s founding principles and ceded control of a once-great movement to grifters and extremists. The RNC has also signaled that it no longer welcomes people of conscience.

The RNC’s description of the January 6th insurrection as “legitimate political discourse” is an affront to the rule of law, peaceful self-government, and the constitutional order. There can be no justifying the horrific attack that day, and we condemn the Committee for excusing the actions of men and women who battered police officers, ransacked our nation’s Capitol, called for hanging the Vice President of the United States, and sought to overturn a free and fair election.

History will mark this censure as a turning point for the RNC – a time of choosing between civility and patriotism, on the one hand, and conspiracy and political violence on the other. We stand firmly for the first set of values. We stand proudly next to principled leaders such as Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. And we stand united against efforts to defile our democracy."

Check the signatures. Bunch of RINOs, right?
I'm hoping your gratuitous offer of civility extends to Liz Cheney if she chooses to run for POTUS. I'm guessing that won't happen will it? She will quickly become just another republican to be defeated.

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:34 am
by MDlaxfan76
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:12 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:41 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:30 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:10 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:23 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:55 am
dislaxxic wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:46 am MD, this is kinda looking down the barrel of the MAGA-mindset, isn't it? The aggrieved, i-don't-give-a-fig what you think or what your opinion is, i just think you and all the liberal fools are WAY worse than any republican. Toss in a liberal (pun intended?) dose of "owning the libs" by dint of pushing out the most outrageously nonsensical half-truths, whataboutisms and false equivalencies, and VIOLA! You get this cranky, unbending, i-know-what-i-know political mindset that just simply has no room for nuanced, considered difference of opinion. What?? You're not allowed to change your mind? Cancel YOU, brotha...check!

Thus, a lifelong Republican that is HORRIFIED by what the party has become is somehow not genuine in his are not ALLOWED to be a Republican who, daily, points out the trainwreck that party is in 2022 and how frustrating and depressing that is.

Wonder what Cranky woulda thought about all them Southern Dems jumpin' ship in 1964 after passage of the Civil Rights Act? :lol:

Such a simple answer for you Dis... you FLP wankers are way more scary and dangerous than any Republican... yourself being the prime example. So were you a fan of Robert Byrd? He did exemplify everything you and your party believes know there... hatin them white n****s and all... :roll:

Truth. +1

The next move by the FLP will be in the banking sector. They’ll pressure banks to not take deposits of ‘conservative’ organizations and persons.
Now, that's an intriguing idea!

Interesting projection though. Or confession.

"everything Trump says is either confession or projection" -Heileman
Same for his keyboard warriors.
I loathe the idea of the SEC mandating ESG considerations into filings. I have other reasons for finding this problematic but it's so amorphous as to be regulation for the sake of social control over businesses.
Or an effort to standardize transparency.
The reality is that investors are looking to measure and weight these various factors, with or without the SEC, so standardization has some real benefit to enabling such to be fairly assessed.

But certainly a challenge, as you say.

That said, I'm not so sure that reporting accurately in a standardized way is actually controlling the decisions made.

But sure, if something is being reported it does need to be pay attention to...and that could well lead to decisions that investors who care about such will value.
Transparency as to what? The line to it improving investor protections is pretty feeble. I’m for transparency and investor protections but the arguments that make the case don’t justify it and only end up diverting resources in suboptimal ways. It just isn’t necessary. Especially S&G ans when you see the BA and borderline fraud along with misallocation of Capital into EV trucks, deep sea mining, etc it’s just a mess that was created by this top down insistence on this.

To your last point and I’m being redundant here, it’s not the SECs job to determine what investor might value. It’s about investor protection through necessary reporting transparency. Big difference.

From what I can tell a lot of the ESG Capital is just a way to get pension fund allocators to pony up new Capital with higher management fees attached. Then being grossly misallocated. Fink is correct on the joke of it. Organic movement in that direction is coming anyway.
Pretty much any required reporting is going to have issues of 'misallocation'; after all, what actually is 'misallocation'? I'm not arguing for this reporting, simply presenting the counter view that consistency and transparency are core objectives of the SEC.

That said, I don't have an issue with investors prioritizing values beyond quarterly profit.

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:41 am
by CU88
r sucker born every minute!

Rep. Madison Cawthorn @RepCawthorn

The Left wants to destroy the nuclear family in America.

7:57 PM · Feb 7, 2022·Twitter Web App

Pretty sure his marriage lasted 8 months!
LOL Love me some old school conservsative values!


Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:52 am
by Farfromgeneva
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:34 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:12 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:41 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:30 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:10 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:23 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:55 am
dislaxxic wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:46 am MD, this is kinda looking down the barrel of the MAGA-mindset, isn't it? The aggrieved, i-don't-give-a-fig what you think or what your opinion is, i just think you and all the liberal fools are WAY worse than any republican. Toss in a liberal (pun intended?) dose of "owning the libs" by dint of pushing out the most outrageously nonsensical half-truths, whataboutisms and false equivalencies, and VIOLA! You get this cranky, unbending, i-know-what-i-know political mindset that just simply has no room for nuanced, considered difference of opinion. What?? You're not allowed to change your mind? Cancel YOU, brotha...check!

Thus, a lifelong Republican that is HORRIFIED by what the party has become is somehow not genuine in his are not ALLOWED to be a Republican who, daily, points out the trainwreck that party is in 2022 and how frustrating and depressing that is.

Wonder what Cranky woulda thought about all them Southern Dems jumpin' ship in 1964 after passage of the Civil Rights Act? :lol:

Such a simple answer for you Dis... you FLP wankers are way more scary and dangerous than any Republican... yourself being the prime example. So were you a fan of Robert Byrd? He did exemplify everything you and your party believes know there... hatin them white n****s and all... :roll:

Truth. +1

The next move by the FLP will be in the banking sector. They’ll pressure banks to not take deposits of ‘conservative’ organizations and persons.
Now, that's an intriguing idea!

Interesting projection though. Or confession.

"everything Trump says is either confession or projection" -Heileman
Same for his keyboard warriors.
I loathe the idea of the SEC mandating ESG considerations into filings. I have other reasons for finding this problematic but it's so amorphous as to be regulation for the sake of social control over businesses.
Or an effort to standardize transparency.
The reality is that investors are looking to measure and weight these various factors, with or without the SEC, so standardization has some real benefit to enabling such to be fairly assessed.

But certainly a challenge, as you say.

That said, I'm not so sure that reporting accurately in a standardized way is actually controlling the decisions made.

But sure, if something is being reported it does need to be pay attention to...and that could well lead to decisions that investors who care about such will value.
Transparency as to what? The line to it improving investor protections is pretty feeble. I’m for transparency and investor protections but the arguments that make the case don’t justify it and only end up diverting resources in suboptimal ways. It just isn’t necessary. Especially S&G ans when you see the BA and borderline fraud along with misallocation of Capital into EV trucks, deep sea mining, etc it’s just a mess that was created by this top down insistence on this.

To your last point and I’m being redundant here, it’s not the SECs job to determine what investor might value. It’s about investor protection through necessary reporting transparency. Big difference.

From what I can tell a lot of the ESG Capital is just a way to get pension fund allocators to pony up new Capital with higher management fees attached. Then being grossly misallocated. Fink is correct on the joke of it. Organic movement in that direction is coming anyway.
Pretty much any required reporting is going to have issues of 'misallocation'; after all, what actually is 'misallocation'? I'm not arguing for this reporting, simply presenting the counter view that consistency and transparency are core objectives of the SEC.

That said, I don't have an issue with investors prioritizing values beyond quarterly profit.
I say SEC but what I really mean is Gary Gensler specifically.

Investors can prioritize what they want. This is not what happened in this instance. It creates frictions and new lanes for rent seekers without providing any greater protection for individual investors which is the entire reason for the creation and existence of the SEC. it should be legislated not run through a entity where it’s not in their mandate. Overreach.

Compare that with requiring “mark to market” reporting of a banks loan book rather than cost basis historically. That change to CECL by ‘23 makes sense and it’s provided opportunities-I get some nickels and dimes preparing valuation for footnotes in statements for banks that haven’t made the transition yet, what is colloquial termed “exit pricing”.

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 9:01 am
by MDlaxfan76
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:52 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:34 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:12 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:41 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:30 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:10 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:23 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:55 am
dislaxxic wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:46 am MD, this is kinda looking down the barrel of the MAGA-mindset, isn't it? The aggrieved, i-don't-give-a-fig what you think or what your opinion is, i just think you and all the liberal fools are WAY worse than any republican. Toss in a liberal (pun intended?) dose of "owning the libs" by dint of pushing out the most outrageously nonsensical half-truths, whataboutisms and false equivalencies, and VIOLA! You get this cranky, unbending, i-know-what-i-know political mindset that just simply has no room for nuanced, considered difference of opinion. What?? You're not allowed to change your mind? Cancel YOU, brotha...check!

Thus, a lifelong Republican that is HORRIFIED by what the party has become is somehow not genuine in his are not ALLOWED to be a Republican who, daily, points out the trainwreck that party is in 2022 and how frustrating and depressing that is.

Wonder what Cranky woulda thought about all them Southern Dems jumpin' ship in 1964 after passage of the Civil Rights Act? :lol:

Such a simple answer for you Dis... you FLP wankers are way more scary and dangerous than any Republican... yourself being the prime example. So were you a fan of Robert Byrd? He did exemplify everything you and your party believes know there... hatin them white n****s and all... :roll:

Truth. +1

The next move by the FLP will be in the banking sector. They’ll pressure banks to not take deposits of ‘conservative’ organizations and persons.
Now, that's an intriguing idea!

Interesting projection though. Or confession.

"everything Trump says is either confession or projection" -Heileman
Same for his keyboard warriors.
I loathe the idea of the SEC mandating ESG considerations into filings. I have other reasons for finding this problematic but it's so amorphous as to be regulation for the sake of social control over businesses.
Or an effort to standardize transparency.
The reality is that investors are looking to measure and weight these various factors, with or without the SEC, so standardization has some real benefit to enabling such to be fairly assessed.

But certainly a challenge, as you say.

That said, I'm not so sure that reporting accurately in a standardized way is actually controlling the decisions made.

But sure, if something is being reported it does need to be pay attention to...and that could well lead to decisions that investors who care about such will value.
Transparency as to what? The line to it improving investor protections is pretty feeble. I’m for transparency and investor protections but the arguments that make the case don’t justify it and only end up diverting resources in suboptimal ways. It just isn’t necessary. Especially S&G ans when you see the BA and borderline fraud along with misallocation of Capital into EV trucks, deep sea mining, etc it’s just a mess that was created by this top down insistence on this.

To your last point and I’m being redundant here, it’s not the SECs job to determine what investor might value. It’s about investor protection through necessary reporting transparency. Big difference.

From what I can tell a lot of the ESG Capital is just a way to get pension fund allocators to pony up new Capital with higher management fees attached. Then being grossly misallocated. Fink is correct on the joke of it. Organic movement in that direction is coming anyway.
Pretty much any required reporting is going to have issues of 'misallocation'; after all, what actually is 'misallocation'? I'm not arguing for this reporting, simply presenting the counter view that consistency and transparency are core objectives of the SEC.

That said, I don't have an issue with investors prioritizing values beyond quarterly profit.
I say SEC but what I really mean is Gary Gensler specifically.

Investors can prioritize what they want. This is not what happened in this instance. It creates frictions and new lanes for rent seekers without providing any greater protection for individual investors which is the entire reason for the creation and existence of the SEC. it should be legislated not run through a entity where it’s not in their mandate. Overreach.

Compare that with requiring “mark to market” reporting of a banks loan book rather than cost basis historically. That change to CECL by ‘23 makes sense and it’s provided opportunities-I get some nickels and dimes preparing valuation for footnotes in statements for banks that haven’t made the transition yet, what is colloquial termed “exit pricing”.
Understood; it's a valid concern.

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 9:39 am
by Farfromgeneva
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 9:01 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:52 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:34 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:12 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:41 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:30 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:10 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:23 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:55 am
dislaxxic wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:46 am MD, this is kinda looking down the barrel of the MAGA-mindset, isn't it? The aggrieved, i-don't-give-a-fig what you think or what your opinion is, i just think you and all the liberal fools are WAY worse than any republican. Toss in a liberal (pun intended?) dose of "owning the libs" by dint of pushing out the most outrageously nonsensical half-truths, whataboutisms and false equivalencies, and VIOLA! You get this cranky, unbending, i-know-what-i-know political mindset that just simply has no room for nuanced, considered difference of opinion. What?? You're not allowed to change your mind? Cancel YOU, brotha...check!

Thus, a lifelong Republican that is HORRIFIED by what the party has become is somehow not genuine in his are not ALLOWED to be a Republican who, daily, points out the trainwreck that party is in 2022 and how frustrating and depressing that is.

Wonder what Cranky woulda thought about all them Southern Dems jumpin' ship in 1964 after passage of the Civil Rights Act? :lol:

Such a simple answer for you Dis... you FLP wankers are way more scary and dangerous than any Republican... yourself being the prime example. So were you a fan of Robert Byrd? He did exemplify everything you and your party believes know there... hatin them white n****s and all... :roll:

Truth. +1

The next move by the FLP will be in the banking sector. They’ll pressure banks to not take deposits of ‘conservative’ organizations and persons.
Now, that's an intriguing idea!

Interesting projection though. Or confession.

"everything Trump says is either confession or projection" -Heileman
Same for his keyboard warriors.
I loathe the idea of the SEC mandating ESG considerations into filings. I have other reasons for finding this problematic but it's so amorphous as to be regulation for the sake of social control over businesses.
Or an effort to standardize transparency.
The reality is that investors are looking to measure and weight these various factors, with or without the SEC, so standardization has some real benefit to enabling such to be fairly assessed.

But certainly a challenge, as you say.

That said, I'm not so sure that reporting accurately in a standardized way is actually controlling the decisions made.

But sure, if something is being reported it does need to be pay attention to...and that could well lead to decisions that investors who care about such will value.
Transparency as to what? The line to it improving investor protections is pretty feeble. I’m for transparency and investor protections but the arguments that make the case don’t justify it and only end up diverting resources in suboptimal ways. It just isn’t necessary. Especially S&G ans when you see the BA and borderline fraud along with misallocation of Capital into EV trucks, deep sea mining, etc it’s just a mess that was created by this top down insistence on this.

To your last point and I’m being redundant here, it’s not the SECs job to determine what investor might value. It’s about investor protection through necessary reporting transparency. Big difference.

From what I can tell a lot of the ESG Capital is just a way to get pension fund allocators to pony up new Capital with higher management fees attached. Then being grossly misallocated. Fink is correct on the joke of it. Organic movement in that direction is coming anyway.
Pretty much any required reporting is going to have issues of 'misallocation'; after all, what actually is 'misallocation'? I'm not arguing for this reporting, simply presenting the counter view that consistency and transparency are core objectives of the SEC.

That said, I don't have an issue with investors prioritizing values beyond quarterly profit.
I say SEC but what I really mean is Gary Gensler specifically.

Investors can prioritize what they want. This is not what happened in this instance. It creates frictions and new lanes for rent seekers without providing any greater protection for individual investors which is the entire reason for the creation and existence of the SEC. it should be legislated not run through a entity where it’s not in their mandate. Overreach.

Compare that with requiring “mark to market” reporting of a banks loan book rather than cost basis historically. That change to CECL by ‘23 makes sense and it’s provided opportunities-I get some nickels and dimes preparing valuation for footnotes in statements for banks that haven’t made the transition yet, what is colloquial termed “exit pricing”.
Understood; it's a valid concern.
The ESG thing as priority #1 given their mandate and reason for existence is offensive to me when you’ve got real risks to individual investors in the idiotic short squeeze crowd on reddit which is borderline market manipulations me collusion. robinhood is playing psychological games with individuals who already have savings rates vastly below what they were in prior generations (the chart slide from FED reserve data starts around 1980..). Then you have wework flaming their ipo two odd years ago kicking off a backdoor go public route via spacs where disclosures are a joke so that VCs can get liquidity on their absurdly rich private market valuations (don’t build a book only need one guy who’s gifted 20% of the equity to be a sponsor to put a public mark on it).

The street is working every angle to get to cheaper and dumber retail money which Gensler knows quite well from his profiting off it at Goldman for years and that’s what is made priority #1.

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 9:49 am
by jhu72
CU88 wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:41 am r sucker born every minute!

Rep. Madison Cawthorn @RepCawthorn

The Left wants to destroy the nuclear family in America.

7:57 PM · Feb 7, 2022·Twitter Web App

Pretty sure his marriage lasted 8 months!
LOL Love me some old school conservsative values!

... old school conservative values like these?

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:10 am
by MDlaxfan76
Texas is concerned about going blue. ... index.html

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:27 am
by jhu72
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:10 am Texas is concerned about going blue. ... index.html
Texas is seeing a big increase in blue congressional districts. They can't gerrymander their way out of it. Look at the 538 maps.

NY and Illinois had in the past not been heavily gerrymandered. This year the blue states are fighting back, maximizing their blue count of representatives. The new maps in Texas, NY and Illinois are showing big gains for D's. The red states had all been gerrymandered nearly to the max, last decade. Looks like gerrymandering this year is going to benefit the D's, even with places like Alabama and Tennessee in the mix.

Sauce for the goose ...

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:33 am
by RedFromMI
jhu72 wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:27 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:10 am Texas is concerned about going blue. ... index.html
Texas is seeing a big increase in blue congressional districts. They can't gerrymander their way out of it. Look at the 538 maps.

NY and Illinois had in the past not been heavily gerrymandered. This year the blue states are fighting back, maximizing their blue count of representatives. The new maps in Texas, NY and Illinois are showing big gains for D's. The red states had all been gerrymandered nearly to the max, last decade. Looks like gerrymandering this year is going to benefit the D's, even with places like Alabama and Tennessee in the mix.

Sauce for the goose ...
A lot of this is demographics - growth in cities and suburbs in red states with declines in small towns and rural areas. Former favors blue at the moment, and latter red.

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:40 am
by jhu72
RedFromMI wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:33 am
jhu72 wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:27 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:10 am Texas is concerned about going blue. ... index.html
Texas is seeing a big increase in blue congressional districts. They can't gerrymander their way out of it. Look at the 538 maps.

NY and Illinois had in the past not been heavily gerrymandered. This year the blue states are fighting back, maximizing their blue count of representatives. The new maps in Texas, NY and Illinois are showing big gains for D's. The red states had all been gerrymandered nearly to the max, last decade. Looks like gerrymandering this year is going to benefit the D's, even with places like Alabama and Tennessee in the mix.

Sauce for the goose ...
A lot of this is demographics - growth in cities and suburbs in red states with declines in small towns and rural areas. Former favors blue at the moment, and latter red.
... true

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 12:32 pm
by MDlaxfan76
jhu72 wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:40 am
RedFromMI wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:33 am
jhu72 wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:27 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:10 am Texas is concerned about going blue. ... index.html
Texas is seeing a big increase in blue congressional districts. They can't gerrymander their way out of it. Look at the 538 maps.

NY and Illinois had in the past not been heavily gerrymandered. This year the blue states are fighting back, maximizing their blue count of representatives. The new maps in Texas, NY and Illinois are showing big gains for D's. The red states had all been gerrymandered nearly to the max, last decade. Looks like gerrymandering this year is going to benefit the D's, even with places like Alabama and Tennessee in the mix.

Sauce for the goose ...
A lot of this is demographics - growth in cities and suburbs in red states with declines in small towns and rural areas. Former favors blue at the moment, and latter red.
... true
One big factor, particularly with suburban women, may well prove to be the reaction to over reaching restrictions on abortion rights. That's likely to be a big hot button topic after SCOTUS ruling; already is gathering steam, albeit under the radar at this point.

Re: Conservative Ideology ~Unfit to Govern in 2022~

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 1:27 pm
by jhu72
What's going on in Ottawa? Its probably not what you think.