Orange Duce

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:55 am Mueller's report found nothing on collusion. When is someone going to speak about Fusion GPS and Steele - they seemed to have the wrong message. How about the Aussie prof in hiding. Be nice at some point to get both sides of the story out. Stone is a nutball and I can see Trump minions being stupid enough to follow him. You cannot convict stupid as much as you would like.

Appearances do not look good on either side. He will not get impeached. I have a feeling the Senate will rip this apart and Schiff will be looking very interesting. Funny that Hunter wants his financial statements closed - he may have not violated a law but like with Trump appearances are not good.
Again, false narrative bought hook line and sinker.

The Mueller Report, as well as other reporting, detailed all sorts of "collusion", the active measures Russian campaign on behalf of candidate Trump and against candidate Clinton, the open as well as clandestine signaling by Trump, his Campaign Chairman, his assistant Campaign Chairman, and by various others of Trump's welcoming of that interference, the provision of internal polling and messaging targeting to Russian proxies by the Campaign chairman, the linkages to the desired timing of the releases of the hacked DNC emails, and not insignificantly, the various mechanisms of potential kompromat including Trump's lies during the campaign and thereafter about his ongoing business dealings in Russia and with Russians close to Putin.

On the legal case (as opposed to "collusion") Mueller did not find sufficient evidence to prove criminal conspiracy. In large part, as the Report further details, because of extensive obstruction of justice by the President and his minions. The latter being itself criminal, indictable, according to Mueller per the OLC opinion to which he believes he was bound, post presidency.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:57 am
youthathletics wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:30 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:12 am As John Boehner said, "There is no more Republican Party, there is only the Trump Party."
John Boehner is right and he is partly to blame.

But ask yourself why? If you are indeed a republican as you say, you must then subscribe to the loooooong standing argument that the right just keeps taking it on the chin from the left, that the right has no spine, does not fight back, is too classy to get dirty with the left, so on and so forth. Trump comes along and immediately levels the playing the field.....he knows their political game tactics, hell....he is one, he just one-upped them. Now, all of a sudden the republican party is gone...ha!, it's just that the 2nd guy that swings gets caught.
What a lot of hooey.

"levels the playing field"... :roll:

Between 1968 and 2020, 52 years, there will have been 32 years of GOP Presidents, 20 Dems. During that period, the GOP went from the minority in both houses of Congress (where they'd been most of the prior 30 years) to a majority in both houses, and a majority of governorships, a majority of state legislatures. And they did that without Trumpism. Indeed, most analysts believe that the 2016 election was the GOP's to lose and that the election win would have been more sweeping with a more traditional candidate, including winning the popular vote. Instead, loss by 4 million votes, squeaked out a win in EC.

And under Trump, the House was promptly lost in the largest vote count loss ever in a midterm election. 6 million spread.

Yup, the "party" has solidified around Trump, but it has shifted, due to Trumpism, demographically smaller and weaker relative to the Dems. Older, whiter, less educated, much more so than it was in the prior GOP Presidency...see any issue with that demographic profile going forward?

But he makes those older, whiter, less educated... feel good... that he fights...dirty...he one-upped the hated Dems...
What an arrogant, condescending person you are MD. I am sorry if that hurts your feelings but you need to look at reality. Your party went to hell in a handbasket when Herbert stated read my lips, no new taxes. The Democrats have made a living raking your elephants over the coals ever since. The 8 years of Dubya brought nothing but scathing criticism from the usual suspects here on these forums. They laughed about what a moron GWB was. They loved Mcain until in e ran for POTUS then he was a hotheaded lunatic incapable of rational thinking. Then along came good old mild mannered Mittens. You remember him lecturing BHO about the dangers the Russians still posed to US national security? Do you also remember BHO mocking Mittens about his concerns? The 80s called mittens... they want their foreign policy back. I am holding out hope MD but maybe someday you will say something positive about your party. Until then carry on with your boot licking to your new FLP friends. Was BHO wrong when he chastised Mittens in the debate? It seems like today all the Democrats are screaming at the top of their lungs how bad Putin and his Russian friends are. What a difference in attitudes a couple of years can make. No Russian reset button in the Democrat party anymore. :D
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

You have a couple of issues with your last two responses:
1. Fascists authoritarian regime - really - do you honestly believe what you are typing? When you get to that state, the military has to join the party. The current Chief of Staff for the AF was my BCT roommate - the follow-on was my roommate for two years - not gonna happen so PLEASE STOP with the out of bounds "the world is coming to an end" argument. Your hyperbole is way out of bounds. Trying to scare people is not gonna work.
2. What the he$$ is a false narrative? Stop using the bs terms that make you sound uber smart. It does not work nor does many of the "I went to Dartmouth" posts. Never ran into people who thought because someone is uber smart gets them past paying $1 for a cup of coffee at McDonald's.
3. Bottom line is Mueller found nothing - just like the forthcoming IG report will tell us that folks did some wrong but they are too big of a bureaucrat and wussy to lay blame where it should be. Political correctness sucks. Good luck convicting anyone in the government, at 58 I will be dead before that happens.

Trinity, I will read the book but Simpson lied under oath, I think you can agree with with that. Pleading the 5th makes you
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by CU88 »

LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:55 am Mueller's report found nothing on collusion. When is someone going to speak about Fusion GPS and Steele - they seemed to have the wrong message. How about the Aussie prof in hiding. Be nice at some point to get both sides of the story out. Stone is a nutball and I can see Trump minions being stupid enough to follow him. You cannot convict stupid as much as you would like.

Appearances do not look good on either side. He will not get impeached. I have a feeling the Senate will rip this apart and Schiff will be looking very interesting. Funny that Hunter wants his financial statements closed - he may have not violated a law but like with Trump appearances are not good.
So you have read the whole report?
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
You have heck this forum up to making it nothing more than a joke. I hope you are happy.
This is cradle and shoot signing out.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

Nope and do not plan on it. I watched a very sad Mueller, my mom with dementia could have done a better job, during his Congressional questioning and realized the following:
1. The guy had no clue what he was speaking about;
2. He did not write the report and had no idea what was included in it;
3. He stated over and over there was no collusion;
4. He might have found obstruction but he was too big of a wussy as a bureaucrat to bring charges as that is outside the norm.

Did I miss anything?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Trinity »

Yup. Mueller didn’t address the concept of collusion and said so. He suggested Congress address the Presidential Obstructing—which they belatedly are now. I agree he was way too fair to Trump, which you now mock as ineptitude. The point men stayed silent. Stone and Manafort are convicts for far.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

Grow some balls - all we have seen is a bunch of bureaucrats playing by established rules. IMHO if you want to fix something - fix it. If you want to be a wussy and cower........just creates allot of consternation, confusion and needless finger-pointing. Until some chutzpah - we are gonna keep playing duck-duck goose.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Trinity »

“Over last three years, watching Republicans blow fifty years of self-definition as the strong, realistic party on foreign policy leads to only one conclusion: they never believed what they said. It was all a lie.” Stewart Stevens, Romney campaign manager
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by dislaxxic »

LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 1:26 pm CU88,
Nope and do not plan on it. I watched a very sad Mueller, my mom with dementia could have done a better job, during his Congressional questioning and realized the following:
1. The guy had no clue what he was speaking about;
2. He did not write the report and had no idea what was included in it;
3. He stated over and over there was no collusion;
4. He might have found obstruction but he was too big of a wussy as a bureaucrat to bring charges as that is outside the norm.

Did I miss anything?
Did you miss something?? Jeebus you sure did...this is a bunch of lying poppycock. Where do you people g\dig up this crap? I have had Fox on listening to their sickening equivocation and this comes right out of that insane megaphone. Absolutely clueless nonsense. You're going to See and HEAR what was found by Mueller and his team, as brought to you by the thorough and complete examination of that report by Jerry Nadler and others that see what this Band of criminal nincompoops has been up to these past couple of years.

You think the Mueller Report is dead and buried? You'd better think again, my friend...

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by dislaxxic »

Cranky wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 12:26 pm What an arrogant, condescending person you are MD. I am sorry if that hurts your feelings but you need to look at reality. Your party went to hell in a handbasket when Herbert stated read my lips, no new taxes. The Democrats have made a living raking your elephants over the coals ever since. The 8 years of Dubya brought nothing but scathing criticism from the usual suspects here on these forums. They laughed about what a moron GWB was. They loved Mcain until in e ran for POTUS then he was a hotheaded lunatic incapable of rational thinking. Then along came good old mild mannered Mittens. You remember him lecturing BHO about the dangers the Russians still posed to US national security? Do you also remember BHO mocking Mittens about his concerns? The 80s called mittens... they want their foreign policy back. I am holding out hope MD but maybe someday you will say something positive about your party. Until then carry on with your boot licking to your new FLP friends. Was BHO wrong when he chastised Mittens in the debate? It seems like today all the Democrats are screaming at the top of their lungs how bad Putin and his Russian friends are. What a difference in attitudes a couple of years can make. No Russian reset button in the Democrat party anymore. :D
The US government and their Intel Services had Russia bottled up and harmless until this moron with the Trump Tower Wet Dream came on the scene and decided he was going to bad mouth the ENTIRE US INTELLIGENCE SERVICE to hide the corrupt dealings he has with our former, defeated enemy in Moscow. I used to give you more credit for being able to tell fact from fiction, but your gutless kowtowing to the OBVIOUS corruption going on in the White House is surprising, even for those of us that have observed your attitude for years now.

That's right, Russia WAS NOTHING until Donald J. TRUMP made them into what they are today! Good GAWD, it's unfathomable how you and these other lib-haters around here are too pig-headed to see it...your FLP hating dementia has poisoned your mind. No disrespect intended, just calling a spadeski a spadeski...

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

Yellow man,
There is a reason why waddling Nadler was the wingman to Schiff.....he has nothing. Tell me please something of substance that waddling Nadler has that has not come up to date? So what surprise does waddling Nadler have - $20 says nothing - happy to pay if something.

Trinity - every done business in the community - let me know - very much stick to their own. Not a criticism......just a fact.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 12:40 pm MD,
You have a couple of issues with your last two responses:
1. Fascists authoritarian regime - really - do you honestly believe what you are typing? When you get to that state, the military has to join the party. The current Chief of Staff for the AF was my BCT roommate - the follow-on was my roommate for two years - not gonna happen so PLEASE STOP with the out of bounds "the world is coming to an end" argument. Your hyperbole is way out of bounds. Trying to scare people is not gonna work.
2. What the he$$ is a false narrative? Stop using the bs terms that make you sound uber smart. It does not work nor does many of the "I went to Dartmouth" posts. Never ran into people who thought because someone is uber smart gets them past paying $1 for a cup of coffee at McDonald's.
3. Bottom line is Mueller found nothing - just like the forthcoming IG report will tell us that folks did some wrong but they are too big of a bureaucrat and wussy to lay blame where it should be. Political correctness sucks. Good luck convicting anyone in the government, at 58 I will be dead before that happens.

Trinity, I will read the book but Simpson lied under oath, I think you can agree with with that. Pleading the 5th makes you
Mueller found nothing!!!!!!! Where have you been? Marsha Clark also found nothing!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

BTW Yellow Man,
I was trained in my time in the military to kill the Russians. It started my freshman year at the Academy through my six years of active duty. Your Russian was nothing comment shows how naive you are. Your tax dollars paid for me to ensure the Russians did not take this country over. You might want to bone up on your history.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

Last I knew Marsha lost Bigley - maybe you should find another credible source :lol:
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by dislaxxic »

Off base again LM. Somebody decided to deride Obama for mocking Romney's claim that Russia was our biggest threat. I said that Russia was largely bottled up and NOT a major problem until Don the Con made them so. Can you grasp the difference? They were being contained, not successfully meddling in a US election to get a grifting con man beholden to them elected to our highest office.

Stating that the Mueller Report came up with nothing is nothing short of ignorant tom-foolery. Any dolt can see that Bill Barr suppressed the report and has attempted at every turn to ignore it's multiple findings of obstruction of justice. Play the fool if you must, the truth will out in the coming months as the FULL report becomes plain and public.

It's astonishing that ANY person purporting to "serve" our country can be so blinded to the truth of this man's bad faith wheeling and dealing, his outright and obvious corruption.

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 2:44 pm Last I knew Marsha lost Bigley - maybe you should find another credible source :lol:
Yes. She did. She had no case at all. OJ was railroaded like Trump. So was Casey Anthony. Prosecutors had nothing to go on other than dislike.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

yellow Man,
It is scary to me that you officiate youth lax with your poor understanding of history. The Russians have been messing with our elections at lease since the 1950's - politicians talk smack to win points. It is scary to think you and many others think all this happened to get DT elected. To make it easy for you, go back to the Vietnam live in a land that wants to blame one person but do not accept the responsibility of where the faults lie. DT did not create the Russians contrary to your fairy tale, the Russians created the Russians and have been messing with your and others heads ever sense.......suggest again that you do some homework. BTW, what years of service did you do so I can better understand your lack of Russian knowledge?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 3:22 pm yellow Man,
It is scary to me that you officiate youth lax with your poor understanding of history. The Russians have been messing with our elections at lease since the 1950's - politicians talk smack to win points. It is scary to think you and many others think all this happened to get DT elected. To make it easy for you, go back to the Vietnam live in a land that wants to blame one person but do not accept the responsibility of where the faults lie. DT did not create the Russians contrary to your fairy tale, the Russians created the Russians and have been messing with your and others heads ever sense.......suggest again that you do some homework. BTW, what years of service did you do so I can better understand your lack of Russian knowledge?
So says Tucker...... here are some facts: ... tried-int/
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

Whether you agree or not - they both were set free.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by a fan »

LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 3:22 pm It is scary to me that you officiate youth lax with your poor understanding of history. The Russians have been messing with our elections at lease since the 1950's
Got a citation for that?

US intel caught Russia successfully hacking into voter registration databases in multiple States last major election.

And you, like old salt, are telling us civilians not to care about that. And the reason you're giving us, is that you were in the military, so civilians have no standing to complain.

Sorry mate, I'm not buying what you are selling.
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