Orange Duce

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:30 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:12 am As John Boehner said, "There is no more Republican Party, there is only the Trump Party."
John Boehner is right and he is partly to blame.

But ask yourself why? If you are indeed a republican as you say, you must then subscribe to the loooooong standing argument that the right just keeps taking it on the chin from the left, that the right has no spine, does not fight back, is too classy to get dirty with the left, so on and so forth. Trump comes along and immediately levels the playing the field.....he knows their political game tactics, hell....he is one, he just one-upped them. Now, all of a sudden the republican party is gone...ha!, it's just that the 2nd guy that swings gets caught.
What a lot of hooey.

"levels the playing field"... :roll:

Between 1968 and 2020, 52 years, there will have been 32 years of GOP Presidents, 20 Dems. During that period, the GOP went from the minority in both houses of Congress (where they'd been most of the prior 30 years) to a majority in both houses, and a majority of governorships, a majority of state legislatures. And they did that without Trumpism. Indeed, most analysts believe that the 2016 election was the GOP's to lose and that the election win would have been more sweeping with a more traditional candidate, including winning the popular vote. Instead, loss by 4 million votes, squeaked out a win in EC.

And under Trump, the House was promptly lost in the largest vote count loss ever in a midterm election. 6 million spread.

Yup, the "party" has solidified around Trump, but it has shifted, due to Trumpism, demographically smaller and weaker relative to the Dems. Older, whiter, less educated, much more so than it was in the prior GOP Presidency...see any issue with that demographic profile going forward?

But he makes those older, whiter, less educated... feel good... that he fights...dirty...he one-upped the hated Dems...
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:28 am MD,
I could care less about the affair being outed. I have seen many an affair in the business world - that is between you and your spouse, I shake my head over it but I learned after the first one best to stay out of it......unfortunately weasel Aventtia who many out hear cheered him on, exposed that. But I do care that a bunch of long-serving bureaucrats can make determinations without due process. The FBI works in secret and can do anything they want with limited oversight - that is what I worry about. For her to wallow in sorry is crazy, she initiated it now live with it. Why you and others cannot see that and opine on it in the same fashion you have with Trump is beyond reason. The hate Trump factor is only going to get you so far.

As far as Trump, there are many things I loath about him NOR did I VOTE for him nor will I this time but he is unconventional and many of you out here are unwilling to accept that. This country will get through this but going around talking about sucking and Heil is just adding coal to the fire. You are just helping the guy gain another victory.

I doubt anyone who is offended when I say "Heil Trump" is going to suddenly become a Trump voter who wasn't already going to do so.

Yes, he's "unconventional". I don't see anyone on these threads taking issue with that fact.

The question is whether he's corrupt to the core, whether he's betrayed his oath of office, whether he's sacrificed American security interests for personal political gain, whether he and his family and cronies have run the Presidency and Administration for personal financial profit, whether he has encouraged and fanned the flames of racism, nativism, ethnic and religious bigotry, misogyny, and exacerbated social divisions in our country...

Or whether his "policies" have delivered anything remotely close to his promises "Mexico will pay for the Wall", coal is coming back, "trade wars are easy to win"...much less that he will reduce the national debt!

It's not that he's "unconventional".

On Page, you seem to think that she deserves the treatment she received...because she had an 'affair' and communicated via text. And you wrote about her and Strozk as if they fully deserved this, because when there's been one affair there's usually more?

I agree, affairs should typically be a private matter, though when one is a public figure and has affairs, I think that's on the people choosing to risk being 'outed' publicly. But Page never sought to be a public figure. Quite the contrary. Indeed, this is the first public interview she's done over the 3 years since her name began to be dragged through the mud. No, she did not "initiate it"...someone leaked those texts for political benefit, without context.

You profess to be concerned: "But I do care that a bunch of long-serving bureaucrats can make determinations without due process. The FBI works in secret and can do anything they want with limited oversight - that is what I worry about. For her to wallow in sorry is crazy, she initiated it now live with it."

No, the FBI professionals have both internal oversight through the chain of command, plus an independent IG, plus oversight from both houses of Congress. Indeed, the latter is what Trumpists want to eliminate, the oversight by Congress. The refusal to appear under subpoena, the refusal to produce documents under subpoena.

We don't know for sure what the IG is going to report out about Page, but it sounds like he's going to clear her of any bias in her professional activities, that indeed there was way more than ample reason to begin the investigation of Russian interference (they really did interfere, with a sweeping active measures campaign on behalf of candidate Trump and against candidate Clinton) and into the Trump Campaign's welcoming of that interference (they really did welcome that interference).

If that's the case, did she really deserve the President's imitating an orgasm?
The constant hate tweets? The death threats?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by seacoaster »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:57 am
youthathletics wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:30 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:12 am As John Boehner said, "There is no more Republican Party, there is only the Trump Party."
John Boehner is right and he is partly to blame.

But ask yourself why? If you are indeed a republican as you say, you must then subscribe to the loooooong standing argument that the right just keeps taking it on the chin from the left, that the right has no spine, does not fight back, is too classy to get dirty with the left, so on and so forth. Trump comes along and immediately levels the playing the field.....he knows their political game tactics, hell....he is one, he just one-upped them. Now, all of a sudden the republican party is gone...ha!, it's just that the 2nd guy that swings gets caught.
What a lot of hooey.

"levels the playing field"... :roll:

Between 1968 and 2020, 52 years, there will have been 32 years of GOP Presidents, 20 Dems. During that period, the GOP went from the minority in both houses of Congress (where they'd been most of the prior 30 years) to a majority in both houses, and a majority of governorships, a majority of state legislatures. And they did that without Trumpism. Indeed, most analysts believe that the 2016 election was the GOP's to lose and that the election win would have been more sweeping with a more traditional candidate, including winning the popular vote. Instead, loss by 4 million votes, squeaked out a win in EC.

And under Trump, the House was promptly lost in the largest vote count loss ever in a midterm election. 6 million spread.

Yup, the "party" has solidified around Trump, but it has shifted, due to Trumpism, demographically smaller and weaker relative to the Dems. Older, whiter, less educated, much more so than it was in the prior GOP Presidency...see any issue with that demographic profile going forward?

But he makes those older, whiter, less educated... feel good... that he fights...dirty...he one-upped the hated Dems...
+1000. YA just talking crazy. But consistent with the overall theme that "it's really hard being a Republican; those Democrats are so mean and unfair, we just have to break the law and all of the long-understood norms of engagement." Merrick Garland anyone?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

BTW, LandM, I'm not sure I understand the Avenatti reference in the Page context.

He's not in any way involved with the Page matter.

Or are you suggesting that he 'outed' Trump on shtupping a porn star and a former Playboy model?

You do realize that both of those "infidelities" were known publicly before Avenatti showed up? (I agree that he's an opportunistic lawyer, a 'weasel', in your parlance).

Indeed, you do realize that Trump has sought the public spotlight all of his career, and is known to have cheated on each of his 3 wives, right? A whole lot of times on each, apparently. And that doesn't include the more than 15 women who have accused him of assault or rape?

What Avenatti brought to light is Trump paid for a 'catch and kill' story and attempted to intimidate these women from telling their story of those affairs, in violation of election laws. His lawyer/fixer Cohen went to jail for his role (along with other corruption) and Trump is inferred as a co-conspirator, directing Cohen in violating the law, including to lie to prosecutors.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:28 am MD,
I could care less about the affair being outed. I have seen many an affair in the business world - that is between you and your spouse, I shake my head over it but I learned after the first one best to stay out of it......unfortunately weasel Aventtia who many out hear cheered him on, exposed that. But I do care that a bunch of long-serving bureaucrats can make determinations without due process. The FBI works in secret and can do anything they want with limited oversight - that is what I worry about. For her to wallow in sorry is crazy, she initiated it now live with it. Why you and others cannot see that and opine on it in the same fashion you have with Trump is beyond reason. The hate Trump factor is only going to get you so far.

As far as Trump, there are many things I loath about him NOR did I VOTE for him nor will I this time but he is unconventional and many of you out here are unwilling to accept that. This country will get through this but going around talking about sucking and Heil is just adding coal to the fire. You are just helping the guy gain another victory.

Avenatti was late to the party. He didn’t uncover anything new. Stormy Daniels was 1 out of 13 or 14 women that claimed Trump assaulted them.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 9:56 am
LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:28 am MD,
I could care less about the affair being outed. I have seen many an affair in the business world - that is between you and your spouse, I shake my head over it but I learned after the first one best to stay out of it......unfortunately weasel Aventtia who many out hear cheered him on, exposed that. But I do care that a bunch of long-serving bureaucrats can make determinations without due process. The FBI works in secret and can do anything they want with limited oversight - that is what I worry about. For her to wallow in sorry is crazy, she initiated it now live with it. Why you and others cannot see that and opine on it in the same fashion you have with Trump is beyond reason. The hate Trump factor is only going to get you so far.

As far as Trump, there are many things I loath about him NOR did I VOTE for him nor will I this time but he is unconventional and many of you out here are unwilling to accept that. This country will get through this but going around talking about sucking and Heil is just adding coal to the fire. You are just helping the guy gain another victory.

Avenatti was late to the party. He didn’t uncover anything new. Stormy Daniels was 1 out of 13 or 14 women that claimed Trump assaulted them.
Did Stormy complain of an assault? I don't recall that being the case, but perhaps you're right.
I thought it was a consensual 'affair' and the attempt to silence her from telling her story.

Trump apparently had lots of such 'consensual' affairs, cheated on all three wives, in these cases on Melania.

Separate from the 15+ accusations of assault and rape.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:05 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 9:56 am
LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:28 am MD,
I could care less about the affair being outed. I have seen many an affair in the business world - that is between you and your spouse, I shake my head over it but I learned after the first one best to stay out of it......unfortunately weasel Aventtia who many out hear cheered him on, exposed that. But I do care that a bunch of long-serving bureaucrats can make determinations without due process. The FBI works in secret and can do anything they want with limited oversight - that is what I worry about. For her to wallow in sorry is crazy, she initiated it now live with it. Why you and others cannot see that and opine on it in the same fashion you have with Trump is beyond reason. The hate Trump factor is only going to get you so far.

As far as Trump, there are many things I loath about him NOR did I VOTE for him nor will I this time but he is unconventional and many of you out here are unwilling to accept that. This country will get through this but going around talking about sucking and Heil is just adding coal to the fire. You are just helping the guy gain another victory.

Avenatti was late to the party. He didn’t uncover anything new. Stormy Daniels was 1 out of 13 or 14 women that claimed Trump assaulted them.
Did Stormy complain of an assault? I don't recall that being the case, but perhaps you're right.
I thought it was a consensual 'affair' and the attempt to silence her from telling her story.

Trump apparently had lots of such 'consensual' affairs, cheated on all three wives, in these cases on Melania.

Separate from the 15+ accusations of assault and rape.
My mistake. It was consensual.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

Avantia captured and memorized the country - how about the View, CNN and MSNBC folks saying he should run for President? Allot of you folks out here and in the I hate Trump camp fell for his shtick hook, line and sinker. Admit and own it. He may not have uncovered it but you all feel for it. Nice dodgeball attempt. Let's see what happens with Schiff - someone is going to spill the beans on that guy........just a matter of time.

The Heil is offensive - will it change a voter, doubtful but it is offensive and how you have difficulty recognizing that is astounding - there are enough checks and balances to ensure that will never happen in this country. Stop saying it as it reduces your credibility, he is duly elected whether you like it or not.

Name a few uncorrupt politicians - they all tell you what you want to hear. You read one side of the story and then that is gospel - it would be great if you can consciously tell the Maxine Waters rags to riches story......lot of rich folks in Congress and Senate - it does not happen by a miracle.

Page is getting the comeuppance she deserves. She and her buddy should have been smart enough to keep the lingo off the FBI equipment - it was only a matter of time. The meek attitude which was also displayed by Ford, many are not buying it. She is not a victim she put herself in that situation. Giving her a hall pass is not the answer. She is supposed to be non-biased how is not what she wrote not biased? She was trying to pull levers.

The rank and file of the FBI has a chain of command. Who has oversight and is that oversight really oversight? Comey went over Lynch's head; Strozk seems to have gone over his chain of command and Brennan and Clapper - they got out of control. Many people with that clearance are embarrassed of what those two gentlemen did/have done in interviews and tweets. I bet your Thanksgiving dinner was entertaining if the subject of responsibility and clearance came up.

The working with the Russians has been debunked but waddling Nadler thinks not.

You seem to live in this land that anything Trump has done is bad. So to twist cards on afan who slammed OS as having never criticized Trump - name one thing you think Trump has done which is positive. You will not as you have a severe bias against the guy.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Trinity »

President mimics climactic sex on stage for his fans and it backfires. Karma? Yes. Respect for his office? Don’t even. And the Trumps obviously colluded with Russians no matter how many times you deny it. Roger Stone was found guilty. Go back and read Mueller knowing that. Their cover up worked. Manafort didn’t spill. Which remains very important to The Donald. And to the GOP.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

Bunch of bureaucrats with little oversight trying to alter an election - respect for their office - don't even.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:47 am Bunch of bureaucrats with little oversight trying to alter an election - respect for their office - don't even.
You don’t mind an imperial presidency?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

Mueller's report found nothing on collusion. When is someone going to speak about Fusion GPS and Steele - they seemed to have the wrong message. How about the Aussie prof in hiding. Be nice at some point to get both sides of the story out. Stone is a nutball and I can see Trump minions being stupid enough to follow him. You cannot convict stupid as much as you would like.

Appearances do not look good on either side. He will not get impeached. I have a feeling the Senate will rip this apart and Schiff will be looking very interesting. Funny that Hunter wants his financial statements closed - he may have not violated a law but like with Trump appearances are not good.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

AN Imperial Presidency is a scare tactic - there are enough checks and balances. You read it every day.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Brooklyn »

Trump is a unifier: ... st82016451


@realDonaldTrump is despised, derided, scorned, belittled, lampooned, and laughed at all around the world, by America’s friends and foes alike. In that one small sense, he has brought the world together.

It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:30 am If you are indeed a republican as you say, you must then subscribe to the loooooong standing argument that the right just keeps taking it on the chin from the left, that the right has no spine, does not fight back, is too classy to get dirty with the left, so on and so forth.=
:lol: :lol: The right is too classy?

Where do you come up with this stuff?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Trinity »

The Fusion guys (former WSJ reporters) have a book out, explaining how the caper went down. It’s not the way you think, and they’re not habitual liars like, you know, Trump, Cohen, Stone, Pence, Gates, Pompeo, Manafort, Mulvaney, Giuliani....Sondland.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Brooklyn »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:57 am ...
Between 1968 and 2020, 52 years, there will have been 32 years of GOP Presidents, 20 Dems. During that period, the GOP went from the minority in both houses of Congress (where they'd been most of the prior 30 years) to a majority in both houses, and a majority of governorships, a majority of state legislatures. And they did that without Trumpism. Indeed, most analysts believe that the 2016 election was the GOP's to lose and that the election win would have been more sweeping with a more traditional candidate, including winning the popular vote. Instead, loss by 4 million votes, squeaked out a win in EC.


The inevitable consequence of Republican party power:

- wealth gap increases dramatically.
It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 11:09 am
youthathletics wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:30 am If you are indeed a republican as you say, you must then subscribe to the loooooong standing argument that the right just keeps taking it on the chin from the left, that the right has no spine, does not fight back, is too classy to get dirty with the left, so on and so forth.=
:lol: :lol: The right is too classy?

Where do you come up with this stuff?
I was speaking about MDLAX. 😂😂
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 11:32 am
a fan wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 11:09 am
youthathletics wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:30 am If you are indeed a republican as you say, you must then subscribe to the loooooong standing argument that the right just keeps taking it on the chin from the left, that the right has no spine, does not fight back, is too classy to get dirty with the left, so on and so forth.=
:lol: :lol: The right is too classy?

Where do you come up with this stuff?
I was speaking about MDLAX. 😂😂
I'll assume that was actually a compliment, youth. :D
I did respond to the meat of your post, though, as I think you've bought into the Trumpist whine, which really doesn't reflect the reality.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:57 am TLD,
AN Imperial Presidency is a scare tactic - there are enough checks and balances. You read it every day.
So, the GOP Senate would actually remove him if the facts indeed do show that he betrayed his oath of office, obstructed justice, etc, etc?

Will that same Senate compel Trump and his Administration to provide documents under subpoena, testify under subpoena?
Or will they ignore their own oaths of office, cowed by the threat of reprisal?

Tell us, when is the line crossed when the Imperial Presidency becomes, in fact, a fascist authoritarian regime?
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