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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by old salt »

DMac wrote: As a side, every person in uniform has been impressive as well. Perfect military precision and posture, spit and polish included.
How 'bout them Aggies ! ...won't see that in Austin. .;).

The commercial tv coverage missed the missing man portion of the flyover.
Wait for it, it's at the very end.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by DMac »

Didn't realize the Aggies are the number one producer of officers behind the Academies. It's good to be a ROTC Aggie.
The General following Dubwa on the march from the hearse to the final resting place was a perfect exhibition of how it's done.
Posture, pace, eyes, arms....perfect performance of the discipline.

TV did miss the final group, why such a delay with the last four?
That's the way it's done?
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by old salt »

Here's a better video of the flyover, down the axis.
The delay before the final 4 plane formation is edited out (you can see the dark cloud ridge shift).
For 21 planes, there was a lead solo, followed at close interval by 4x4 plane diamonds, then just a couple second delay with a finger 4, with the missing man pullup.
The network pool camera missed the solo lead, then pulled away, before the finger 4 arrived.
Tough weather conditions, joining up under a low ceiling with limited visibility.
Not a GHWB CAVU flying day. Quite an evolution.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by holmes435 »

old salt wrote:Now that luster of the Bush family name has been restored & rebranded, will Jeb become a viable candidate again & re-enter the fray ? I hope so.
You were complaining in another thread that some of us had no idea why Trump was elected, and yet you say stuff like this. The populists voting for Trump and Bernie are vehemently against legacy names and "politician families" like Clinton and Bush. Drain the Swamp ring a bell? Who is more swampy than the Bush's - you've got four generations serving in government from a very rich family. At least with the Clintons it was just a husband-wife pair. This was one of the reasons I wasn't a fan of Jeb or Hillary, continuity breeds corruption and complacency among other issues.

We had a Bush or Clinton in the White house for almost all of the years from 1981-2013, and in federal government from the mid '40's onward. There are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Americans as qualified to run the country as any Bush or Clinton who haven't been president.

You may hope Jeb is a viable candidate again, and he may be a worthy candidate (I'd take him over Trump any day), but he has a lot of work ahead of him to prove himself more worthy than a number of other Republican candidates he ran against and may run against again. More importantly, he is as exciting as a cold wet noodle to Trump supporters who have taken over the Republican party.

Taking the Republican party back to normalcy is maybe one of the more patriotic things you could help with in today's America, as milquetoast as a candidate as Jeb may be. Just beware you're running up against the very people you continuously remind us that we don't understand and underestimate.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by old salt »

After 2 more years of Trump, a cold wet noodle will look good to a lot of (R) voters.
The Bush family tradition provides a welcome contrast.
He has 2 years to get re-energized. Is Jeb more milquetoast than Kasich ?

Jeb could convincingly adapt to populism. He's got the chops on education & immigration.
Anyone who wants the (R) nomination is going to have to adopt many of Trump's policies. Even HRC abandoned TPP.
Jeb's a UT grad, not an Ivy patrician. Do you think he could increase the GOP share of the Hispanic vote ?

He's a skilled enough politician & former governor that if anyone could come up with a way to help the working class,
I have more confidence in him than the (D) socialists. Jeb could convincingly feel their pain.

Despite his family name, he's not a GOP fat cat. How is Kasich or Romney better qualified than Jeb ?
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by holmes435 »

old salt wrote:After 2 more years of Trump, a cold wet noodle will look good to a lot of (R) voters.
The Bush family tradition provides a welcome contrast.
He has 2 years to get re-energized. Is Jeb more milquetoast than Kasich ?

Jeb could convincingly adapt to populism. He's got the chops on education & immigration.
Anyone who wants the (R) nomination is going to have to adopt many of Trump's policies. Even HRC abandoned TPP.
Jeb's a UT grad, not an Ivy patrician. Do you think he could increase the GOP share of the Hispanic vote ?

He's a skilled enough politician & former governor that if anyone could come up with a way to help the working class,
I have more confidence in him than the (D) socialists. Jeb could convincingly feel their pain.

Despite his family name, he's not a GOP fat cat. How is Kasich or Romney better qualified than Jeb ?
Kasich pulled himself up by his bootstraps (yes I know that's technically impossible), born to a mailman and 2nd generation immigrants searching for the American dream. Romney has the benefit of a rich family and political roots much like Bush. I don't know if I could say either Kasich or Mitt are more of less qualified than Jeb, but Kasich has certainly built himself up without the same kind of help that Mitt and Jeb had, which speaks volumes and makes him IMO much more worthy of support.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by DMac »

old salt wrote:Quite an evolution. ... hs-funeral
Tailhooks down....nice touch.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by dislaxxic »

There are a TON of skeletons in the Bush Family closet...political skeletons we're talking here. For myself, i held fire during the memorial to Poppy's life, but the patriarch himself has some very dark episodes in his past to answer for at the pearly gates...after Peter gets done wiping the tears away from all the stirring memorials...sentiments pumped larger than life by the disgrace of the utter failure we now find in charge off our country. Bush's family values are certainly something to celebrate and revere, even.

Don't make me start posting hordes of material detailing Bush political transgressions with comments like "now that the luster of the Bush name has been restored and rebranded"...that pipe dream ain't gonna happen.

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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by foreverlax »

old salt wrote:Here's a better video of the flyover, down the axis.
The delay before the final 4 plane formation is edited out (you can see the dark cloud ridge shift).
For 21 planes, there was a lead solo, followed at close interval by 4x4 plane diamonds, then just a couple second delay with a finger 4, with the missing man pullup.
The network pool camera missed the solo lead, then pulled away, before the finger 4 arrived.
Tough weather conditions, joining up under a low ceiling with limited visibility.
Not a GHWB CAVU flying day. Quite an evolution.
Give me chills!! salut1
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by dislaxxic »


"Kyl, who served in the House and the Senate for decades but retired in 2012, was chosen to replace the late John McCain on an interim basis, as a placeholder before a special election for the seat in 2020. But Kyl, who was sworn in September 5, never committed to filling out the vacancy for the next two years; from the beginning, he only committed to serve through the lame-duck session, and he is widely expected to leave after that. That means that the final senator for the next Congress has yet to be determined.

Few have paid much attention to Kyl, who is wrapping up one of the strangest and — to his critics — one of the most corrupt tenures in the modern history of the Senate. Kyl was a registered lobbyist at a powerhouse D.C. law firm, who lived and worked in Washington for five and a half years before taking a four-month gig as a senator. His only floor speeches have involved matters at least glancingly tied to his lobbying. His entire term of office seems like a calculated attempt to refresh his contacts and gain clout from the inside, only to spin back out to influence the institution. He’s supposed to represent Arizona, but increasingly it appears that he only represents K Street."

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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

holmes435 wrote:
old salt wrote:After 2 more years of Trump, a cold wet noodle will look good to a lot of (R) voters.
The Bush family tradition provides a welcome contrast.
He has 2 years to get re-energized. Is Jeb more milquetoast than Kasich ?

Jeb could convincingly adapt to populism. He's got the chops on education & immigration.
Anyone who wants the (R) nomination is going to have to adopt many of Trump's policies. Even HRC abandoned TPP.
Jeb's a UT grad, not an Ivy patrician. Do you think he could increase the GOP share of the Hispanic vote ?

He's a skilled enough politician & former governor that if anyone could come up with a way to help the working class,
I have more confidence in him than the (D) socialists. Jeb could convincingly feel their pain.

Despite his family name, he's not a GOP fat cat. How is Kasich or Romney better qualified than Jeb ?
Kasich pulled himself up by his bootstraps (yes I know that's technically impossible), born to a mailman and 2nd generation immigrants searching for the American dream. Romney has the benefit of a rich family and political roots much like Bush. I don't know if I could say either Kasich or Mitt are more of less qualified than Jeb, but Kasich has certainly built himself up without the same kind of help that Mitt and Jeb had, which speaks volumes and makes him IMO much more worthy of support.
I voted for Kasich in the primaries and would be very pleased to have him. Very qualified, and would be a unifier not a divider. Not very charismatic, but solid and empathetic. I was a strong supporter of Romney and know his track record really well, as my wife worked with him at Bain and we've followed his career. Tons of integrity, not a particularly smooth or empathetic seeming pol though. But very, very smart and knows business far better than anyone ever elected (heck of a lot more so than Trump).

Both of those guys are conservative but have proven they can govern effectively across the aisle. Jeb would be similar in that sense. I think he's not as smart as Mitt, but he's a quite smart guy. Very strong on policy, and as randy notes, could be expected to compete for Hispanic votes better than any other GOP presidential candidate has ever done.

Any of these 3 guys would restore a sense of integrity and respect for the office and for the institutions of the US. They would all restore confidence abroad.

But I think the hard core Trumpists will go nuts over any of them as they've all been highly critical of Der Leader.

None of them will be "populists" in the sense the Trumpists demand.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by dislaxxic »

Kasich’s camp slams GOP effort to head off primary vs. Trump

"Trump-aligned Republican activists in New Hampshire are quietly maneuvering to fortify his standing and avoid a potentially disruptive primary challenge in 2020.

In the most far-reaching move, Donald Trump’s allies are looking to scrap the state GOP’s tradition of remaining neutral in the primary — to clear the way for an endorsement of the president. They’re also moving to install one of their own as head of the state Republican Party."

The Deplorables are a cancer on our nation and may need to be excised by force. Force of impeachment, perhaps. It'd be painful, and it'd be WAY better if the Disgrace would just resign and slink back to "Individual 1 Tower". What are the chances of THAT happening??

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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by njbill »

Wait. I thought it was a terrible thing when the Dems allegedly rigged the 2016 primaries to favor Hillary?
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by wahoomurf »

FOX???:Congratulations to the folks at FOX news.Their morning trio asked SoS Pompeo if (1) he thought the Saudis were complicit in the execution and dismemberment of a journalist that lived in the USA and was the father of 2 American citizens.And (2) asked if the CIA was accurate and thorough in their findings re: the actions of this Saudi chap orchestrated the slaughter.

The FOX folks pressed him and demanded answers. Pompeo lied on air.To wit the CIA 's reports were "INCONCLUSIVE"" and the Saudis had been punished enough. :roll:

Kudos to the FOX reporters for letting the administration the won't get a free pass.

So in 24 hours we witnessed the POTUS behave like a petulant child AND heard the former head of the CIA and a person who is 4th in the line of Presidential succession,lie AND throw his former colleagues at the CIA,under the bus.

How and why does the Republican Leadership sit back and do nothing? :?:
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by Trinity »

New rules: even when Democrats win they lose. Wisconsin and Michigan, we’ll see you in court. Un-American doesn’t begin to describe this Party now.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Trinity wrote:New rules: even when Democrats win they lose. Wisconsin and Michigan, we’ll see you in court. Un-American doesn’t begin to describe this Party now.
It's deplorable
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by youthathletics »

Wonder how you'd all feel if your son was protecting Christopher Stevens and arrived home via Dover....doubt you'd feel the same way. The sword cuts both ways.
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by Trinity »

What does Benghazi have to do with ignoring the will of the majority? Wisconsin voted for Democrats this time. Departing gop officials thwart their will to serve whom? Which corporations?
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

youthathletics wrote:Wonder how you'd all feel if your son was protecting Christopher Stevens and arrived home via Dover....doubt you'd feel the same way. The sword cuts both ways.
How about those fellers in Niger?
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Re: The GOP, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by youthathletics »

The difference, they at least got help when they asked for it.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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