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Re: 2024

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2024 11:28 pm
by jhu72
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Thu Sep 12, 2024 7:03 am Whiny little people talk about the debate: ... lf/679797/

"This morning found the former apex predator of American politics looking for some hand-holding. Donald Trump said on Fox & Friends that he is “not inclined” to do any more debates, but that if he does, he wants only the friendliest possible moderators—his suggestions were the Fox News hosts Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters, or Laura Ingraham.

Trump’s comment came during a morning spent complaining about last night’s ABC moderators and arguing that the network should lose its broadcasting license. He was trying to pick up the pieces from a shambolic performance. “Trump lost his cool over and over,” David Frum wrote in The Atlantic. “Goaded by predictable provocations, he succumbed again and again.” Kamala Harris baited him with surgical precision, triggering his insecurities while giving him full freedom to openly wallow in his delusions.

Even some of Trump’s most reliable sycophants had to recognize that the fault lay neither in the stars nor in the moderators but rather in the candidate himself. Others in the former president’s universe, though, have refused to acknowledge that truth. During the debate, the conservative activist and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk posted on X: “Did you really think they were going to give Trump a fair debate? Trump got shot on July 13th, and now a drive by shooting on September 10th.” Megyn Kelly posted: “These moderators are a disgraceful failure and this is one of the most biased, unfair debates I have ever seen. Shame on you @ABC.” Other reactions were even more hysterical. Sean Davis, a co-founder of The Federalist, suggested not only that ABC lose its license but that the moderators and network executives be charged with “criminal election fraud and interference.” “What you saw last night from ABC has never happened before in American history,” the former Trump aide Stephen Miller complained in a post on X. “We’ve always had leftwing bias from establishment corporate press. This was something else entirely: this was aggressively working to sabotage and undermine the democratic process.”

As soon as he got offstage, Trump grasped onto his supporters’ line of defense. “I thought that was my best Debate, EVER, especially since it was THREE ON ONE!” Trump wrote on Truth Social, echoing phrasing used online during the debate. Trump must be aware on some level that last night, tens of millions of voters watched a bitter, confused, and diminished elderly man fall apart in front of their eyes. At his rallies, Trump can get away with his signature lies and tantrums of grievance—and with not saying much at all about actual policy plans. In his softball interviews with fawning right-wing hosts, he can ramble and lie without fear of being challenged. At the presidential debate, though, it didn’t work. So he has decided to blame everybody but himself.

History should note that the former president spent part of the day of the debate hanging out with a notoriously bigoted conspiracy theorist and posting memes referencing a false claim about Haitian immigrants eating pets in Ohio. Even after the story of the pet-eating immigrants was debunked, Trump and his running mate, J. D. Vance, continued to push the racist idea, which led to the debate’s most memorable moment. “In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats,” Trump declared. “They’re eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what’s happening in our country.”

Actually, it’s not happening, as the debate moderator David Muir pointed out, noting that ABC had reached out to the Springfield city manager to confirm this. Trump and his supporters were incensed that the ABC moderators, who fact-checked some of Trump’s statements in the debate live, corrected this and a few of his other egregious lies—for example, pointing out that killing newborn babies is illegal, contra Trump’s claim that in some states, doctors can “execute” babies after birth.

Attacking debate moderators and the media in general is nothing new for Trump. He makes no secret of his loathing for the press and for anyone who holds him to account. Indeed, he tried to inoculate himself against a poor debate performance by pre-attacking ABC, accusing it of liberal bias. But it wasn’t the moderators or the network, or even Harris, who forced Trump to begin ranting that “they’re eating the dogs!” That was all Trump. Ever the showman, he may understand just how awful last night’s show was for him—which is why he’s pointing the finger at everyone else."

The payoff for traveling with Laura Loomer.
... whiny little bitches. :roll:

Re: 2024

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2024 11:37 pm
by PizzaSnake

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 12:27 am
by jhu72
Republican pollster Frank Lutz declared Trump's presidential campaign DEAD, today. Karl Rove hates Trump for stealing "his party" takes a victory lap after the debate. A lot of republicans (some of the cowards) are quietly celebrating, figuring they will take their victory lap when it won't be noticed. House republiCONs didn't have the votes to pass their would surely fail in the senate stop gap funding measure. More embarrassment coming for Speaker Johnson.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 2:03 am
by old salt
a fan wrote: Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:56 pm The ONLY reason illegal immigrants are a problem is that we have 2024 Republican voters who are too stupid to just give them all work visas so that they can get the legal jobs they came for in the first place.

We're not collecting payroll taxes from millions of workers because we're a nation of idiots.
FYI -- your new neighbors from Venezuela should have TPS &/or DED status, which makes them eligible for work permits. Next excuse.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 6:44 am
by Seacoaster(1)
Anyone check out Trump’s speech in Arizona yesterday?

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:43 am
by Typical Lax Dad
old salt wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 2:03 am
a fan wrote: Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:56 pm The ONLY reason illegal immigrants are a problem is that we have 2024 Republican voters who are too stupid to just give them all work visas so that they can get the legal jobs they came for in the first place.

We're not collecting payroll taxes from millions of workers because we're a nation of idiots.
FYI -- your new neighbors from Venezuela should have TPS &/or DED status, which makes them eligible for work permits. Next excuse.
Be afraid, be very afraid…. They are coming for you.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:52 am
by Seacoaster(1)

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:01 am
by Seacoaster(1)
More information (David Ignatius in the Post): ... olleagues/

"Would Kamala Harris make a good president and commander in chief? The vice president certainly strengthened her case with a deft performance in Tuesday night’s debate. To use a combat metaphor, she appeared to encircle and at times overwhelm her adversary.

​Harris was forceful in discussing America’s role in the world and her commitment to a strong, secure nation. She stole some of former president Donald Trump’s lines, calling him a “disgrace,” a weak leader and a man manipulated by the flattery of dictators.

But skillful performance as a debater isn’t the same thing as executive leadership. Baiting an opponent on television isn’t preparation for making decisions in the Situation Room. So it’s important to examine how Harris would perform on national security issues in office if she won the presidency.

To get a better sense of her potential strengths and weaknesses, I interviewed more than a half-dozen current or former officials who have observed her in the Situation Room or other sensitive national security meetings.

They all expressed versions of the same basic theme: Harris behaves like the prosecutor she was for much of her career. She’s skeptical, probing, sometimes querulous. She can be impatient and demanding. But she asks good questions. And if she’s convinced of the need, she’s not afraid to act. “She’s more hard-line than most people think,” said one retired four-star general who has briefed her many times.

One top member of her staff put it this way: “She’s always the same person, pushing for information, making sure people aren’t bulls----ing her.” Having watched her often in discussions about using military force, he concluded: “Her approach is to measure twice, cut once. But she’s not afraid to take the shot.”

Based on these and other conversations, I can offer a narrative of the “hidden Harris” as she was involved in key national security decisions during the Biden administration. My sources requested anonymity, but each detail in this account comes from someone who was with Harris when the events happened.

Harris got off to what her aides agree was a bumpy start with her intelligence briefer. During the administration’s first year, the briefer was presenting a classified personality profile of a female foreign leader Harris would be meeting. The briefer was a woman, but Harris thought some of the language she was using was gender-biased. Rather than just voicing her discomfort, Harris requested an intelligence community internal review.

The result, never previously reported, was an internal assessment by the intelligence community of whether analysts had routinely used gender-biased language in intelligence reports. The review examined several years of analytical reports, comparing how often certain words had been used about women and men. Harris was so concerned that she asked intelligence agencies to train their analysts to avoid any such bias in the future. She also requested more reporting from the intelligence community on gender issues and sexual violence around the world.

Though she is said to have been pleased by the agency’s responsiveness to her concerns, after that first year she dropped the personal, one-to-one briefing.

A spokesman for Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines declined to comment on the gender-bias review. The ODNI oversees the President’s Daily Brief and other reports to top officials, but many of them are prepared by analysts at the CIA.

The Biden team’s first big national security crisis was Afghanistan in mid-2021, and Harris played an interesting role. Philip H. Gordon, her national security adviser, agreed with the Pentagon that President Joe Biden’s plan to pull all U.S. troops from Kabul would be unwise. Biden strongly disagreed. Harris pressed the Pentagon briefers about what would happen if 2,500 U.S. troops remained, as the military wanted. Would the Taliban resume attacks on Americans — and would more U.S. troops be needed to protect the residual force? Pentagon officials conceded that additional forces might indeed be necessary.

Harris backed Biden’s decision to pull all the troops out — which led to a collapse of the Afghan government and a chaotic, bloody withdrawal. On that issue, and all other major ones, she was careful to always support Biden when he’d made his choice — as vice presidents nearly always do."

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:16 am
by MDlaxfan76
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:52 am What Pete says:
Such a good communicator...important point too.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:30 am
by njbill
I agree that he is a good communicator. Intelligent, thoughtful, and articulate. But I disagree with his opinion here. I think he is giving Trump too much credit, that is, to have had a “plan” to distract voters. At the point in the debate when Trump made the dogs and cats comment, he was flailing. He had been knocked off his game. It was something he just blurted out. If he had thought about it as part of a “plan,” he would’ve known that the comment would’ve made him the subject of ridicule. He hates being ridiculed even more than he hates discussions about crowd size. The comment also probably has led some voters to conclude he is off his rocker.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:34 am
by Seacoaster(1)
njbill wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:30 am I agree that he is a good communicator. Intelligent, thoughtful, and articulate. But I disagree with his opinion here. I think he is giving Trump too much credit, that is, to have had a “plan” to distract voters. At the point in the debate when Trump made the dogs and cats comment, he was flailing. He had been knocked off his game. It was something he just blurted out. If he had thought about it as part of a “plan,” he would’ve known that the comment would’ve made him the subject of ridicule. He hates being ridiculed even more than he hates discussions about crowd size. The comment also probably has led some voters to conclude he is off his rocker.
You might be right, Bill. But I like the fact that Pete finds a way through all the dead, sauteed, oven-roasted and barbequed domestic pets, back to the issues that Trump will not highlight.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:35 am
by Typical Lax Dad
njbill wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:30 am I agree that he is a good communicator. Intelligent, thoughtful, and articulate. But I disagree with his opinion here. I think he is giving Trump too much credit, that is, to have had a “plan” to distract voters. At the point in the debate when Trump made the dogs and cats comment, he was flailing. He had been knocked off his game. It was something he just blurted out. If he had thought about it as part of a “plan,” he would’ve known that the comment would’ve made him the subject of ridicule. He hates being ridiculed even more than he hates discussions about crowd size. The comment also probably has led some voters to conclude he is off his rocker.
I wasn’t watching the debate and only saw the part where Kamala Harris addresses the Israeli-Hamas conflict. My daughter had just told me Trump was “spiraling” so I took a look. He is completely gone. Joe Biden was aging but not delusional or just plain crazy. That guy could very well be President.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:38 am
by MDlaxfan76
njbill wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:30 am I agree that he is a good communicator. Intelligent, thoughtful, and articulate. But I disagree with his opinion here. I think he is giving Trump too much credit, that is, to have had a “plan” to distract voters. At the point in the debate when Trump made the dogs and cats comment, he was flailing. He had been knocked off his game. It was something he just blurted out. If he had thought about it as part of a “plan,” he would’ve known that the comment would’ve made him the subject of ridicule. He hates being ridiculed even more than he hates discussions about crowd size. The comment also probably has led some voters to conclude he is off his rocker.
Let's hope that voters conclude that who otherwise were considering voting for him...they should, but many are impervious.

What Pete is saying more generally is that Trump wants the media to and voters to be focused on rebutting lies and misinformation rather than making clear how disastrously he managed as President and what his policies actually are going forward. The latter would be much more damaging to his election chances, Pete is saying. So, whether each blurt is calculated or not, the choice to even entertain and then utilize garbage is a strategic one.

But I agree that Trump has no actual self control.
And I hope that voters wake up to realize that's truly dangerous.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:41 am
by njbill
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:34 am
njbill wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:30 am I agree that he is a good communicator. Intelligent, thoughtful, and articulate. But I disagree with his opinion here. I think he is giving Trump too much credit, that is, to have had a “plan” to distract voters. At the point in the debate when Trump made the dogs and cats comment, he was flailing. He had been knocked off his game. It was something he just blurted out. If he had thought about it as part of a “plan,” he would’ve known that the comment would’ve made him the subject of ridicule. He hates being ridiculed even more than he hates discussions about crowd size. The comment also probably has led some voters to conclude he is off his rocker.
You might be right, Bill. But I like the fact that Pete finds a way through all the dead, sauteed, oven-roasted and barbequed domestic pets, back to the issues that Trump will not highlight.
Agree. That was well done.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:47 am
by njbill
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:38 am
njbill wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:30 am I agree that he is a good communicator. Intelligent, thoughtful, and articulate. But I disagree with his opinion here. I think he is giving Trump too much credit, that is, to have had a “plan” to distract voters. At the point in the debate when Trump made the dogs and cats comment, he was flailing. He had been knocked off his game. It was something he just blurted out. If he had thought about it as part of a “plan,” he would’ve known that the comment would’ve made him the subject of ridicule. He hates being ridiculed even more than he hates discussions about crowd size. The comment also probably has led some voters to conclude he is off his rocker.
Let's hope that voters conclude that who otherwise were considering voting for him...they should, but many are impervious.

What Pete is saying more generally is that Trump wants the media to and voters to be focused on rebutting lies and misinformation rather than making clear how disastrously he managed as President and what his policies actually are going forward. The latter would be much more damaging to his election chances, Pete is saying. So, whether each blurt is calculated or not, the choice to even entertain and then utilize garbage is a strategic one.

But I agree that Trump has no actual self control.
And I hope that voters wake up to realize that's truly dangerous.
At times, Trump definitely does that, but I just don’t think this was one of those occasions. His comment about having begun to think about the broad outlines of a proposed concept for a plan he had told voters nine years ago he had probably falls into that category.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:55 am
by a fan
old salt wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 2:03 am
a fan wrote: Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:56 pm The ONLY reason illegal immigrants are a problem is that we have 2024 Republican voters who are too stupid to just give them all work visas so that they can get the legal jobs they came for in the first place.

We're not collecting payroll taxes from millions of workers because we're a nation of idiots.
FYI -- your new neighbors from Venezuela should have TPS &/or DED status, which makes them eligible for work permits. Next excuse.
:lol: :lol: "should have". You want to ignore reality, and substitute what Trump tells you.

Hey genius: do they ACTUALLY have paperwork to work legally, or is it just that they "should have" the legal right to work? Or is the immigration and VISA system your boy promised to fix nearly 8 years ago still broken....and it takes months or years to get legal document? Take a flying guess, Old Salt. :roll:

No one is this stupid. But maybe I'm wrong. Why don't you take the week off, and go to your boy Trump's rally, and really get your hate for 'others' flow.

Don't worry, when you vote for Trump, and Trump wins, you'll get the monopolies and tax cuts you want. Everything else you post here is just a diversion. You don't care about any of it.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:56 am
by Typical Lax Dad

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 10:06 am
by MDlaxfan76
njbill wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:47 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:38 am
njbill wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:30 am I agree that he is a good communicator. Intelligent, thoughtful, and articulate. But I disagree with his opinion here. I think he is giving Trump too much credit, that is, to have had a “plan” to distract voters. At the point in the debate when Trump made the dogs and cats comment, he was flailing. He had been knocked off his game. It was something he just blurted out. If he had thought about it as part of a “plan,” he would’ve known that the comment would’ve made him the subject of ridicule. He hates being ridiculed even more than he hates discussions about crowd size. The comment also probably has led some voters to conclude he is off his rocker.
Let's hope that voters conclude that who otherwise were considering voting for him...they should, but many are impervious.

What Pete is saying more generally is that Trump wants the media to and voters to be focused on rebutting lies and misinformation rather than making clear how disastrously he managed as President and what his policies actually are going forward. The latter would be much more damaging to his election chances, Pete is saying. So, whether each blurt is calculated or not, the choice to even entertain and then utilize garbage is a strategic one.

But I agree that Trump has no actual self control.
And I hope that voters wake up to realize that's truly dangerous.
At times, Trump definitely does that, but I just don’t think this was one of those occasions. His comment about having begun to think about the broad outlines of a proposed concept for a plan he had told voters nine years ago he had probably falls into that category.
ohh, I agree that it was impulsive, but the choice to talk about pets being eaten at all was likely part of his feral calculus, whether used in the debate itself or not...he'd heard it and had decided to play it to crowds, truth be damned. Anything to distract from serious policy issues and in the process demonize others, get those endorphins rushing, is better than actually having to explain policy.

And here's part of that calculus...a whole lot of people still think he's 'better' on some serious matters, like the economy...but he doesn't remotely have a clue and his actual record was pretty darn disastrous. So, actually discussing serious policy choices, actual well thought through plans, is way, way beyond his capacity...and he doesn't want that exposed.

That's true on virtually every "policy" area, whether international or domestic, healthcare, infrastructure, manufacturing, tariffs and taxes...he really doesn't have a clue. It's all feral anger and distraction.

Pete's calling that out.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 10:07 am
by njbill
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:56 am ... is-1952486

So here we are
Cat fight! What are the Vegas odds?

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 11:00 am
by NattyBohChamps04